• Member Since 17th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen Jul 15th, 2023


If I'm not here you can find me in gaming or other social medias

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  • 178 weeks
    Update #1

    Hey everyone sorry for the late updates of the recent story that I'm writing. It's hard to find inspiration right now, even after reading a lot sometimes I wanna write a new mini SciSet story, but sadly I have to finish this story first before I can start with another story I have alot of ideas even drew some myself on my DeviantArt page, even got some inspired ones when looking at IZjian79 sketches on Instagram. So on I'll finish writing this story first then move on to the other this story

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    1 comments · 172 views

Update #1 · 4:07am Feb 22nd, 2021

Hey everyone sorry for the late updates of the recent story that I'm writing. It's hard to find inspiration right now, even after reading a lot sometimes I wanna write a new mini SciSet story, but sadly I have to finish this story first before I can start with another story I have alot of ideas even drew some myself on my DeviantArt page, even got some inspired ones when looking at IZjian79 sketches on Instagram. So on I'll finish writing this story first then move on to the other this story

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Report JCPCB · 172 views ·