• Member Since 1st Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Dec 25th, 2023


Always watching everypony and keeping record of her or his misconduct!

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Found 7 stories in 23ms

Total Words: 13,540
Estimated Reading: 54 minutes


When Princess Fluttershy drops her magic wand into a pond outside her castle, a tortoise gives it back to her, but only on the condition that she adopt him. Fluttershy is very good with animals, but can she keep her promise to one?

Cast of characters:

  • Fluttershy as the Princess
  • Mrs. Shy as the Queen
  • Mr. Shy as the King
  • Spike as the Tortoise and the Prince
Chapters (1)

This is a substantial rewrite of a story that I had published previously on FIMFiction.

Chapters (10)

Note: GhostRider1996 requested this story; therefore, it is his, not mine.
Rainbow Dash has to break her promise to Scootaloo to teach the filly a new skateboarding trick. The reason? The mare is on lifeguard duty at a swimming tournament in Canterlot! Can Rainbow’s broken promise be fixed?

Chapters (3)

Note: GhostRider1996 requested this story; therefore, it is his, not mine.
This story is a rewrite of Twilight Time (episode 415 of the canon). Chapter 1 thereof focuses on Apple Bloom; chapter 2, Scootaloo; and chapter 3, Sweetie Belle.

Chapters (3)

Equestria’s analog of Easter—Spring Sacrament Day—is about to begin. Fluttershy finds a mysterious egg on her property, leading her on an exciting egg hunt. Meanwhile, in Ponyville proper, Spike and the rest of the Mane Six try their hardest to perform the ever-sacred Spring Sacrament ritual to the letter, only to fail for lack of a very crucial object—an egg!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Pottyshy

CONTENT WARNING: This story contains diaper changing scenes, which is why I rated this story Teen.
No longer afraid to give up her diaper, Fluttershy goes to the potty every day. Now, her only obstacle is her shyness; she must try and try again to speak up in order to be excused to go to the potty.

Chapters (2)

CONTENT WARNING: This story contains diaper changing scenes, which is why I rated this story Teen.
Poor, timid Fluttershy is afraid to give up her diaper in favor of learning to use the potty. The rest of the Mane Six tease her for her fear while Princess Celestia supports her in a kind and loving manner. This story is one source of inspiration for this one.

Chapters (2)