• Member Since 16th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen June 25th


A college student and brony who loves writing fiction.

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  • 230 weeks
    Yet another delay

    My draft on this chapter was finished, but when I read it again and again, it didn't contain the same power and evocative nature that my previous chapters contained. I was deeply concerned about this, so today I talked to some other fanfiction authors that I were friends with, and I've come to the conclusion that I was writing this in an entirely wrong way. So wrong, in fact, that I think I will have to take another week to rewrite this entire chapter once more. Again, I am really sorry for

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    4 comments · 206 views
  • 231 weeks
    Sorry about the later upload

    To all my wonderful readers:
    I am truly sorry to inform you that this chapter will be uploaded approximately a day later than schedule, because of the delays caused by the poll that I only was able to decide on tuesday. College is starting soon here in Korea and there are tons of things to prepare as well...ㅠㅠ Excuses aside, I will try to make this chapter a little longer to make up for you guys. So stay tuned!

    0 comments · 166 views
  • 231 weeks
    Shall Cadance live or die?

    Alright, my fellow readers, I have come to a bit of a stalemate. I don't know whether it's better to continue on the story on my original draft or should I change it?
    The original: Deviates from canon when Chrysalis wins the battle of Canterlot, when Shining Armor and Cadance's love spell fails to activate
    A random idea I just had last night: As you can infer from the title, deviates from something much.. more... sinister.

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    6 comments · 241 views

Yet another delay · 12:08pm Feb 22nd, 2020

My draft on this chapter was finished, but when I read it again and again, it didn't contain the same power and evocative nature that my previous chapters contained. I was deeply concerned about this, so today I talked to some other fanfiction authors that I were friends with, and I've come to the conclusion that I was writing this in an entirely wrong way. So wrong, in fact, that I think I will have to take another week to rewrite this entire chapter once more. Again, I am really sorry for

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Comments ( 3 )
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Sorry guys, I really stated I was going to upload another one of Instead of A Princess, You Shall Have A Queen on wednesday(Korean time) but this chapter is getting a bit too long. It's probably 2 or 3 times as long as the others... so I think I'll be uploading on thursday or friday(Korean time)... once again I'm really sorry...

Comment posted by Seahorn deleted Dec 17th, 2019
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