• Member Since 17th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 23rd, 2017


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Total Words: 123,178
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(Original Idea by Darth Wedgius)
One day in mid-summer, Rainbow Dash decides to accompany Rarity to Canterlot for a small errand. They find things have changed in Canterlot since Twilight's coronation. During a stop to a bank, they encounter a group of diamond dogs. To protect her friend, Dash takes a stand...her last stand.

Chapters (1)

Around ten years have passed since the final events of Tamed. A lone Pegasus, Fyreburst, meets with a mysterious contact about the whereabouts of a pony he lost many years ago. In his search, he meets up with a retired celebrity who quickly grows attached to his cause. The two search for answers as fate itself becomes their greatest friend...and their fiercest enemy.

DISCLAIMER: This is a sequel to Tamed so not having read it beforehand may leave some confusion concerning character behavior and plot elements. I would recommend reading the first story before continuing with this one.

Editor: Vertorm

Chapters (8)

It was like every other day when Rainbow Dash receives a strange offering to travel and stay at the city of Las Pegasus. It's the offer of her dreams, but things are not always as they seem.

She meets Gyspy Wings, a pegasus with an strange but amazing talent for flying that could surpass even Rainbow's, but plagued by the past and her "curse", Gypsy turns out to be more than just a meek little pegasus. Their time together spells disaster and forever changes both of their lives as they face some of the toughest challenges.

Chapters (3)

A harsh storm brings Rainbow into Twilight's home. However, she soon discovers something about her friend that will cause a downward spiral in their relationship, many bruises, and broken bones as they attempt to right the wrongs fate has bestowed them.

The two find themselves closer than ever as they experience the world in a way they'd never expect. Will they survive?

Read the sequel here: Tamed II - As Time Went On

Chapters (16)