• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Mar 27th, 2023


Hello there, everypony! My name is GamerBrony, everypony's favorite videomaking (and storywriting) pony!

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Blog Posts

  • 157 weeks
    Retiring from Writing Fanfiction, This Account Now an Archive

    Hey, everyone! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything on this page, but as of late, I’ve noticed myself distancing away from the Brony fandom and moving on to other interests. This is why I have decided to retire from writing fanfiction. It’s been a fun ride but as of late, I haven’t really had any interest in writing anything. No new ideas for stories or anything. Before anyone asks, I will not delete any of the stories I have up. I will keep this account running as an archive so

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  • 218 weeks
    Drama Kids Season 2

    Hello there! Nick here with the latest in Drama Kids updates! Season 1 had concluded not too long ago, so now it's time we shift into season 2, which will premiere sometime in mid to late September (I have a few stories that will come before the season). This season will introduce my OC, Brony T. Pony (who has already been featured in a few of my fics), to the series as a main character/actor.

    Now, here are some ideas I have for the first few episodes:

    Episode 1: The New Actor

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  • 222 weeks
    Next Few Stories to be Deviantart-Exclusive

    Hello everyone,

    Over the summer, I will be writing a series of stories on Brony and Gallus's summer vacation adventures. Since these stories are not really MLP related, they will be uploaded to Deviantart as Deviantart-exclusives. The next Fimfiction story will probably be uploaded in August or September and will be, once again, another Gallus story.

    Here's a link to my Deviantart page. The first story will be posted in May.


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  • 224 weeks
    Drama Kids Season 1

    Sorry for the inactivity in regards to new Drama Kids episodes. If you're wondering, no, the show is not ending, I just had life stuff get in the way (including other projects that I've been wanting to do). The first season was supposed to have 13 episodes, but I think I'm just gonna drop it down to 6. These final two episodes will be:

    Episode 5: Jack and the Beanstalk

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  • 225 weeks
    Clarification on the Last Blog Post

    Just making this to clarify something about my last blog post (which is now deleted). That post was an April Fool's joke. I don't think that Gallus is a bully and I still love him with all my heart. Sorry for the confusion. And to those who really think that he's a hostile bully, wake up!

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Retiring from Writing Fanfiction, This Account Now an Archive · 4:22am Jul 20th, 2021

Hey, everyone! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything on this page, but as of late, I’ve noticed myself distancing away from the Brony fandom and moving on to other interests. This is why I have decided to retire from writing fanfiction. It’s been a fun ride but as of late, I haven’t really had any interest in writing anything. No new ideas for stories or anything. Before anyone asks, I will not delete any of the stories I have up. I will keep this account running as an archive so

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Report TheGamerBrony · 203 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
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Exactly like borba I feel like he doesn't like zootopia and he just using them for a memes making them out of characters

I see. Personally, I'm okay with those who don't like characters I like but when they tarnish their characters to reflect their hatred on said character, that's what gets on my nerves. Gallus is totally out of character in Semillon's fic imo.

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