• Member Since 25th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


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After almost a thousand years of banishment, Luna has plans. Plans for how she will avoid being banished again once she's free, plans for what she will do to the sister who banished her unjustly. But plans can change, especially when a certain newborn Unicorn enters the dreaming for the first time.
This story has been rattling around in my head for a long time now and I hope I end up doing it justice. It's mostly influenced by the early seasons of the show and older stories, with very little draw from the newer seasons. I aim to take that inspiration and weave it into something resembling a fantasy novel.
chapter one is already done and chapter two is almost there, both will be released in the next few days, after that I'm aiming for at least a chapter a week.

Chapters (3)

Twilight has always loved graphs and charts, they could be relied on to be factual and not swayed by emotions. Now that Twilight has become an Alicorn one of her most important graphs needs to be updated.

Chapters (1)

Betrayal always hurts, especially when it come form those you love and trust the most. When Anon-A miss brings Sunset’s world crashing down around her, she turns to the one pony she knows she can truly trust, only to find she’s not the only one who’s been betrayed by her friends. Plagued by betrayals old and new, Twilight and Sunset began to walk the road to recovery and as they do, they discover that while the road may be painful, it’s also almost as beautiful as the pony walking next to them.

Romance tag is for SunLight as well as some Starlight/Trixie that will occur in the final scene of most chapters as a background story.

Chapters (3)

Sunset in no stranger to awkward situations, a fact she has just been reminded of yet again. Just a SunLight comedy that popped into my head while I was working on another story.

Chapters (1)

It’s time for Princess Celestia’s last two students to come clean to their friends and mentor and admit their dating a villain. While some of this story takes place on earth, most of it will take place in Equestria. I’m going with the idea that when a form change occurs when you change realities so this story will mostly feature ponies with very little anthro. The suicide/ Self Harm tag only applies to the prologue. I don’t do sad or tragedy stories so don’t expect one just because of that tag. This description will be lengthened after the first few chapters are posted so as that it won’t be a spoiler for everything released so far.

Chapters (1)