• Member Since 7th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2017


Hey guys! I write sadfics and sadfic accessories! Oh, and I also do comedy things. Yeah. Feel free to check out my stuff! And I hope you enjoy whichever story of mine you happen to be on! ^^


<Professional> New Tagging System? · 3:06am Dec 3rd, 2013

Well, I can finally inform those who had favorited A Change of Heart, my first story written (Like, ever.) that it now has a rewrite in progress!

That's right A Change of Heart fans! Here's a link to the new story! Tempered by Flame!

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<Personal/Professional> Updates on Stuff · 2:06am Nov 17th, 2013

First and foremost, let me just start by saying that I've updated Tempered By Flame, my newest story, again just as promised in the story's despcription! Go ahead and go check it out if you feel like it!

(It's basically a much better version of A Change of Heart, my first story evar. So if you liked that then go check out the rewrite!)

Also, I know I've not put out a blog post recently.

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<Personal> Tales from an Engineering Student · 4:48am Nov 11th, 2013

Tales from an Engineering Major at University of Texas in Arlington

Okay, so I miss my group advising sessions, so I go to one on one advising to know what I need on my schedule. Lady says "Well, we're trying a new program this year where engineering students will have auto-assigned classes."

I'm thinking that sounds fine, so whatever. I get her to also change my major to Electrical Engineering like it was SUPPOSED to be but they never changed it after Orientation.

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Report ChaoticHarmony · 271 views ·

<Personal> New Problems Arise! · 8:42am Nov 7th, 2013

Well, let me start by saying that issues that were the cause of the last blog I posted are resolved now! And yes, in a good kind of way!

So now with the good news aside, let me give the bad news!

My computer is royally screwed. And no, not the kind involving no plotlines and a story of fun between the princess and a badly written OC.. It's the kind that makes computer people wince.


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<Personal> There's a Special Kind of Dead · 11:48pm Nov 5th, 2013

There's a special kind of dead
Yes that's right, death.
A special kind of dead
For when you feel empty inside.



A special kind of death exists in this world,
for those not wicked nor pure.
No it exists for those who seek to love
and for those who toss that love aside.

I'm that kind of dead inside.
Yes that's right, death.
A special kind of dead



For I am empty inside.

Report ChaoticHarmony · 353 views ·

<Professional> New Long-fiction is coming out soon! · 12:46am Nov 3rd, 2013


It's out!
Go read it here!

Report ChaoticHarmony · 378 views ·

<Promotional> Go Read This Story! · 2:52am Oct 30th, 2013

So if you're wondering WHY you should read this story like I'm telling you to, it's because this author cares a LOT about it. In his newest update, he made a song to go with the chapter before publishing it.

Seriously, a whole song for a chapter. That takes some dedication!

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Report ChaoticHarmony · 281 views ·

<Promotional> EqD Contest Finalist! · 11:08pm Oct 22nd, 2013

Look at the 5th story on there!

>tfw looking at EqD at 4am and seeing this...

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<Professional> New Story Out! · 6:17pm Oct 14th, 2013

Hey guys! I've finally written something new!

I know... about time.

Well, here's a link for you all to go follow!
Red, if at all Possible

If you're wondering what it's all about, it's a vampony Octavia story with a good amount of noir feel to it, it's a little dark but nothing too grim, so go ahead and give it a read!

Report ChaoticHarmony · 288 views ·

<Promotional> Art Stream For Someone · 3:35pm Oct 10th, 2013



Now that I have your attention, please don't skip past this post in your feed! This is something very important!

James Corck (and his family!), mod of Ask Movie Slate<Warning, is a little dark themed> and the artist behind the "Best Pony" logos

(Logos like this one~!)

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Report ChaoticHarmony · 290 views ·