• Member Since 7th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2017


Hey guys! I write sadfics and sadfic accessories! Oh, and I also do comedy things. Yeah. Feel free to check out my stuff! And I hope you enjoy whichever story of mine you happen to be on! ^^


Dying of Laughter · 1:58am May 22nd, 2012

For those of you on Everfree Radio... you might have heard of the question I asked DustyKatt, aka The Manliest Brony in the World. I asked him "Do you like Bananas?" I just earned my fist ever glare from a Live-Stream person! WOOOOO

Report ChaoticHarmony · 188 views ·

Updates galore! · 3:21pm May 21st, 2012

I plan to be more active than I already am. This week is going to be lacking in HW/projects. Summer is just around the corner as well. Just a quick post from my school. Thanks for stalking! Also, sad Twilight story is on da way!

Report ChaoticHarmony · 214 views ·

Well darn.... · 12:52am May 21st, 2012

I just got back from checking my Email. Turns out EqD is a no-go for my story "A Change of Heart". Sad pony is sad. Oh well, I'm not going to try and submit it again, too many errors and it would require an entire rewrite. I'd rather write a totally different story.

Report ChaoticHarmony · 250 views ·

Holy Celestia! · 4:35pm May 20th, 2012

Hello again page-stalkers! I have tears of joy right now... My first fiction EVER: A Change of Heart, has MADE IT TO THE FEATURE BOX! Sqeals like a school-filly I can't believe it!

Report ChaoticHarmony · 222 views ·

To all you page-stalkers out there! · 5:12pm May 18th, 2012

You know who you are! But seriously, I am very happy that I have people who like my stories. Even if it's a small amount of people, it still makes me happy! I'm a beginning author, A Change of Heart being my first story that I've ever written. Like... for anything! I hope that you all like my future updates and new stories. I plan to make more One-Shotters, but fear not! My longer stories take importance in my writing! I'd never leave my readers hangin! Also, if you haven't already,

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