• Member Since 18th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen May 11th


Brony for over three years, and a FimFiction member for close to two years.


whats this? an important post? · 10:12pm Dec 14th, 2020

hey guys, merry christmas. How y'all doing? So, on to the reason i'm posting. It concerns a writer on this site by the name of An Intricate Disguise. If any of you follow him, you likely know what this is about. On saturday, he posted a blog that basically announced his return to writing, as well as saying he needs some financial help, and badly so. I personally don't have cash to spare myself, but i figured that getting the word out would help. There is a link to a patreon- like site in his

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for sure. Memorial was a great one. still one of my favorites.

Thanks for favoriting!

I will, thanks!

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