• Member Since 26th Jan, 2015
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Light Verse


So I decided I want to make a story · 9:54pm Aug 3rd, 2020

This story has things that I personally love about most of the ones I have read. It will be a Displaced OC who is basically me. Named High Times, he is a cannabis enthusiast, smokes everyday he can, and tries to relax. But this story will not be all sunshine and rainbows, sometimes it will, but there will be serious, very serious talks, ones of suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and self-hate. In a way it will be a personal journey of mine, of who I am, want to be, and overall my favorite

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Heyyyyy, always here to brighten someone's day. You deserve it, awesome possum! 😇💖

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪

If you ever need anything, I'm always around. 🤓

Thank you, I really needed that. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the follow :3

What interested you in following me? :3

Thanks for following!

2228436 Welp I'm gonna go back to reading see ya.

2228395 Meh... My terrible spelling is one of the many reasons of my lazyness.
But thanks for the correction.:pinkiehappy: Appreciate it.

2228204 Why not? (Whats the fun in making sence)(WHY ARE THERE NO Discord Emoticons?!?!?)

Ermm..... why the random follow...?

2224077 True dat, btw you actualy have it better than me, cuz I said I will make some stories I haven't in the slightest even started on an idea except on that it should be Displaced

2224145 Your welcome!:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the watch.

2224071 thank you. I'll try to make them more often then once a month. Lazyitus is a grade A b**ch.

2223978 Your welcome:pinkiehappy:, and good luck with the storys.

Thx for the follow bro.

2119185 yes and it was awesome

Thanks for the watch, I'll assume it was because I did something profound and thought-provoking.

  • Viewing 100 - 119 of 119
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