• Member Since 25th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Productive faffer

*Something profound.*


The Dragonborn. Finest warrior, grandest mage, most perfect of assassins, most thorough of thieves and most famous of heroes. He knows no equal, no challenge and no insurmountable task.

It's all the more unfortunate that he doesn't think though quite as many of his actions as he should then, as, when a new anomaly finds its way into Skyrim, he's plunged into adventures he could never have prepared for...for good, or for ill.

Chapters (6)

When your pride and joy is a country in which trade is booming, the ponies are happy and crime is all but forgotten in the mind of the public, how do you react when an unpredictable, unknown force enters your borders and proceeds to disrupt the status-quo? Crime, once forgotten, is brought to the forefront, the citizens paranoid of criminals once again...and crime drops across the board?

When all senses of balance are thrown into disarray, seeming all by a single vigilante, the only thing the ponies and royalty of Equestria can do, is wonder how a fox can cause so much trouble.

Chapters (3)

Name's Ulysses. Courier. I've done much as I've walked my road, seen many lands, crossed roads with many people, traded both bullet and philosophy alike with many more. I have followed many symbols. I've carried messages, I have learned the meaning of many more. All of this, this road I've walked, to find a nation, a history and a symbol, I could believe in. Roads have taken me far, but I always thought that you could walk no further than the end of your road. History taught me otherwise. Message in that; never underestimate the Old World, and the gifts -and curses- the land can hide. Found a new road now...not quite as lonely as the last...

Chapters (2)