• Member Since 25th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


a swine

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After weeks of searching, Rarity had just about accepted that Opalescence was gone for good.

Until one night, her feline companion returns.

And she's not quite the same as when she left.

The feline monstrosity you see in the background of the cover art comes from here:

Chapters (1)

'Sweetie Belle, you've been acting strange all week. I'm worried about you.'

'Don't be. I'm brand new.'

Sequel: The Changing of Sweet Apple Acres

(This story is set in Season 3)

The product of hours of lurking around DeviantArt.

Link to the beautiful yet oddly disturbing cover art by montag451: https://batjorge.deviantart.com/art/Arcimboldo-XLIII-738870312

Chapters (1)

Glacial Stone has been suffering from alcoholism for many years.

All he wishes is that he could forget. Forget all about his painful past, leave behind his mistakes and his regrets.

Alas, he can't, so instead, he drinks.


Inspired by Between the Bars by Elliot Smith.

Cover art: http://www.deviantart.com/art/alcohol-66380694 props to the artist for his awesome work!

Chapters (1)

Abuse. Suffering. Loss.

Three words that Sunshine Bloom knows all too well. She had been at the mercy of the first word for many year by the hooves of her father.

The second, suffering, she had known for almost all of her life, if it wasn't a terrible life at school, her abuse at home ensured her attachment to the word.

The third she knew perhaps best of all, her mother and brother had both been murdered, by none other than her father. Recently however, a new word has presented itself to her. Brought unto her by her own insanity.



Couldn't have done this without Stealthypenguin, the most glorious penguin bastard out there.

Chapters (2)