The threat of The Collector has been vanquished. However, the nations beyond Equestria's borders stare at the land of the dual monarchs in suspicion. Meanwhile Skitch-Sketch struggles to find purpose in her new home. Sequel to A Skitch in Time.
Scootaloo and her bat pony mother Night Crescent make for an odd couple on the streets of Ponyville, but the two couldn't love each other more. This is the story of how bat pony adopted pegasus, and the trials involved. A Skitchverse story.
When a transgender Brony in denial is turned into a mare and dragged to Equestria she is forced to deal with issues long buried. To make matters worse, whatever force caused her change has darker plans for the world. Can Equestria be saved in time?
Carrot Top likes to help ponies whenever possible, but when too many requests come in for her assistance, she looks for a solution. And the solution may cause more problems than it solves. A Lunaverse Story.