• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2021


An assembly of mediocre fics from a mediocre reviewer on ponychan as well as the place to go to if you want a mediocre review of smut.

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Found 3 stories in 9ms

Total Words: 10,616
Estimated Reading: 42 minutes


A tragic accident leaves a young filly dying in the Everfree Forest, but the intervention of Everfree magic saves her and an unlikely companion. However a fortunate intervention does not come without a price, as Roseluck is about to learn...

Chapters (1)

Sapphire Shores returns to Rarity's boutique to thank her for the most comfortable, fashionable stage wear she's every had. While there, she overhears Sweetie Belle singing, and decides her voice is sensational . Logically, she offers Sweetie a recording deal. Sweetie accepts, and moves to Canterlot to learn the art of being a pop starlet, with all the ups and downs it brings.

Chapters (1)

After a failed spell Trixie finds herself in Twilight's body and vice versa. Their efforts now compose of returning things back the way they were, while learning more about each others lives. Will they be able to return to their own bodies?

Chapters (1)