• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 13,280 Views, 473 Comments

The Flower Blooms Twice - Tatsurou

An indeterminate injury leads a Crusader to discover a secret about herself, one that will change her world forever...or not.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Apple Bloom could feel something just at the edge of her awareness, a quiet hum that was both disturbing and comforting at the same time. She could still feel all those minds that had assaulted hers, but they were held at a distance, seven minds holding them back, and one holding back the seven. Only the one mind now had the direct link to hers, and the quiet hum came from that thought. Apple Bloom slowly stirred. Blinking, she opened her eyes.

"Ah, you awaken, my Queen," a voice said near her, the one she recognized as High General Coin.

Apple Bloom pushed herself into a sitting position. "Yer what now?"

Coin blinked. "My Queen. You were victorious in the crown challenge against Chrysalis. As you are of Changeling royal blood, you are now Queen."

Apple Bloom was quite confused. "Wait...I'm what now?"

Coin sighed. "How much do you know about Changelings?"

Apple Bloom shrugged her shoulders. "I know how to change form. I think I'm getting a handle on the magic. And I still can't fly."

"I meant our culture, history, and such things."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "Nothin'."

Coin sighed. "We'll discuss it later then. You are still not fully recovered from expending so much magic so quickly at such a young age. Your body is not yet developed enough to handle such strain." He sat back. "If you have any more immediate questions, I will try to answer them while you are conscious."

Apple Bloom thought for a time. "I...killed Chrysalis, didn't I?"

Coin shook his head. "Her power is broken, she can no longer walk, fly, cast spells, or change form...but she still lives."

Apple Bloom stared at him. "HOW?"

"Because you did not wish for her death." Coin tapped his horn. "The combat magic of a Changeling is bound very tightly with our desires. Despite the power of the spell, she was not slain, because you did not desire her blood on your hooves." He thought for a time. "To put it in terms of that game ponies play with dice, you chose to do non-lethal damage."

Apple Bloom blinked. "I don't get it."

Coin sighed again. "Never mind." He shook his head. "Any more questions?"

"Umm...I remember hearing that you were assaulting several cities..."

Coin nodded. "Every settlement in Equestria is currently under siege."

"Is...is that still going on?"

Coin frowned. "No. We are holding position, awaiting your orders."

She blinked. "Mah orders?"

Coin nodded. "You are the queen. It is up to you where we go from here."

"So if I were to say stop the war and withdraw?"

Coin frowned again. "Then we would do so without hesitation."

Apple Bloom looked at him. "There's somethin' you ain't telling me."

Coin sighed. "My Queen-"

"Apple Bloom." As Coin stared at her in shock, she continued. "My name is Apple Bloom. I may be Queen, but I ain't really ready. I don't want that power going to my head, or lose myself to it. So you call me by name, so I remember who I still am, alright? That's an order."

Coin blinked, then chuckled. "As you command, Apple Bloom. As I was saying, this invasion is our last chance of survival. If we pull back completely, we will also have to withdraw our supply station in the Crystal Empire. Before the week is out, we will all be dying of starvation."

Apple Bloom stared in shock. "It's really that desperate? Then why did Chrysalis order the attack?"

"She was blinded by her desire for vengeance against Celestia and Twilight."

Apple Bloom blinked. "Why did she want vengeance against Celestia?"

Coin hesitated, then answered. "When Chrysalis was young, she fell for a mortal pegasus. But he chose to woo Celestia."

Apple Bloom stared. "Really? That's it? Chrysalis plunged two kingdoms into a bloody war that could have destroyed everyone...because she was jilted?"

Coin sighed. "She was never what you would call 'stable'."

"Oh." Apple Bloom thought for a time. "You said you'd stopped the offensive. Is anyone attacking you?"

"No." Coin listened for a time. "In every settlement, the populace seems to be waiting to see why we stopped. We have remained holding positions for the past 36 hours while you slept."

Apple Bloom's eyes bugged out. "I've been out of it for a day and a half? Applejack must be going crazy." She looked around at the tent like enclosure she was in. "Why isn't she in here?"

Coin hesitated. "We have been preventing anyone from approaching you while you were vulnerable. The one called Applejack is...detained outside."

Apple Bloom snarled. "If you've hurt my sister, I swear I'll-"

"She is unharmed," Coin hastened to assure her. "She is just bound with our silk. We will release her immediately, if you wish."

Apple Bloom glowered at him. "I wish it."

There was the sound of something snapping from outside, and then Applejack charged into the tent. "Apple Bloom!" she gasped out in relief, scooping her little sister into a tight hug. "You're okay. You're okay..." She glowered at Coin. "Why the hay wouldn't you let me near my own sister?"

"We were only protecting our Queen," Coin replied.

Applejack blinked, confused. "But...but you've got Chrysalis locked up in a cage, practically on display."

Apple Bloom managed to speak up as she held onto Applejack. "He means me, sis."

"Say what now?" Applejack asked in surprise. At the confirming nod from Coin, Applejack chuckled. "Well how about that. My baby sister, Queen of the Changelings."

"Ah'm not a baby..." Apple Bloom complained, but she could feel herself beginning to slip back towards unconsciousness.

Coin spoke up. "She needs rest and tender loving care right now. There is still some damage to her system from excessive thaumic discharge."

"Ah don't need you telling me how to tend to mah little sister," Applejack replied. "I've only been doing it since we found her in the cabbage patch 12 years back."

Coin nodded. "I am only concerned for her, as you are."

Apple Bloom suddenly spoke up. "Coin? How long...can you maintain position as you are now?"

Coin listened to the hive once more. "We can last a week. No more."

Apple Bloom thought for a time. "I think I've got an idea, but it'll need to wait till I'm fully recovered. Can you hold out that long?"

Coin nodded. "It should only take a couple of days. As you recover, I can also answer any questions you have regarding the swarm and how it works. However, know that it all derives from this: the Queen's will is absolute."

Apple Bloom nodded. "This should work, then..." she mumbled as she drifted off.


Cadance stood beside her husband, Shining Armor, staring down at the assembled Changeling forces in fear. They had sprung up without warning, quickly overpowering the as yet still untrained Crystal Guard. Given that half the guard had been replaced, it wasn't that difficult. They had rapidly seized control of the City, and had claimed most of the palace. Then, as Cadance and Shining Armor cowered with the Crystal Heart behind his last shield spell...the swarm had stopped. They had waited, watching the still mass of black, chitinous bodies, and then the entire swarm had turned towards the south and bowed. They had then stood back up and resumed combat positions...and hadn't moved a muscle since. That was nearly four days ago. Thankfully, the Changelings hadn't assaulted the kitchens, and a path from kitchen to throne room was left open, so neither fledgling ruler was in any danger of starvation.

Cadance turned to Shining Armor. "What do you think it all means?" she asked, confused and more than a little afraid.

Shining Armor shook his head. "I don't know, Cady. I'm as confused about this as you are." He blinked as he saw one of the Changelings walking towards them. "Get behind me, Cadance!" he said, raising his shield.

Cadance cowered behind Shining Armor, having exhausted her own magic trying to energize the Crystal Heart as a weapon over the past few days. It hadn't been successful.

The Changeling stopped in front of the barrier. It stared at Shining and Cadance for a time, then cleared its throat. "Mi Amore Cadenza, the Queen requests your presence in Ponyville for a matter of diplomatic urgency. She gives her word that you will not be harmed on your journey, and that none of your subjects will come to harm in the interim."

Shining growled deep in his throat. "If you think I'm going to let your Queen anywhere near Cady after what she pulled last time-"

The Changeling gave Shining a long suffering look. "You may attend if you deem it necessary. Princess Twilight will also be in attendance."

"What!" Shining leapt forward. "If you've hurt Twiley, I swear I'll-"

"Shiney!" Cadance snapped, bringing him out of his rage. "We aren't in any position to threaten. All we can do is what's been asked, and hope we can find a way to fix this."

Shining Armor slowly calmed down. "Alright," he said. "But how exactly do you expect us to get all the way to Ponyville? The train?"

The Changeling shook its head. "We will provide your transportation." A green portal opened, revealing Ponyville. "Simply step through."

Glancing at each other uneasily, Cadance and Shining Armor stepped through to Ponyville, where they were guided to a large pavilion. A Changeling bigger than any they had seen except Chrysalis stepped towards them. "I am High General Coin. You will await the Queen's pleasure within," he said, gesturing into the pavilion. With no other choice available to them, they stepped inside.


Celestia and Luna stood side by side on the balcony, staring down at the Changeling invasion force. Chrysalis' assault had been much more effective this time, as she had been able to replace a good portion of the Royal Guard by slipping her agents into the castle via the crystal caverns. That rat warren was still mostly unmapped, and there were so many entrances and exits, and the Guard only knew of half of them at most. As such, half the castle was already under Changeling control. It didn't help that no one had noticed that Prince Blueblood had been replaced, and had spent a good portion of the invasion ordering what guards that weren't Changelings into hopeless ambushes. However, the same halt to the assault that had happened in the Crystal Empire had happened here, leaving both Princesses confused. Celestia, however, was frightened enough that she would have lashed out at the unmoving Changelings had Luna not stopped her, with the point that a renewal of hostilities would likely doom the city.

As Celestia glowered down at the Changelings, she glanced over and noticed Luna's attire. "Luna! Why are you in your pajamas?"

Luna blinked up at Celestia sleepily. "Because I took a nap."

"But...but why would you wear your pajamas to sleep outside?"

"I didn't," Luna said bluntly. "I slept in my room."

Celestia blinked in disbelief. "But...but that section of the palace is under Changeling control! How did you get in?"

"I asked nicely."

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "W-what?"

Luna rolled her eyes. "The Changelings didn't attack me when I approached them. I mentioned I was tired, and asked if they could let me go back to my room for a nap on my bed. After a bit, one of them nodded and cleared a path for me." She levitated up a well filled breakfast tray. "When I asked to visit the kitchens for some food, they were just as accommodating."

"Luna!" Celestia gasped in shock. "That food could be poisoned, or enchanted, or have mind altering substances inside them! And they might have done something to you while you slept!"

Luna stared at her older sister through flat eyes. "Tia, neither any spells directed at me whilst sleeping nor enchantments or contaminants in the food would have passed the wards on my room."

Celestia stared at Luna, blinking. "Wards?"

Luna tilted her head. "You...did know I placed numerous protective wards upon my room well before I became Nightmare Moon, and that those wards are still in effect, and that I recently reenergized them, yes?"

Dumbly, Celestia shook her head.

Luna sighed. "Well, I did. It's why I was unaware of the Changeling invasion during Cadance' wedding. One of the wards blocks all sound when active." She flushed a bit. "I activate it when sleeping, and I slept through that invasion." She shook her head. "At any rate, when I carried the food tray through the wards, any contaminants - magical or otherwise - would have been purged." She held out the tray. "You need to eat something, Tia. At least have some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." She smiled warmly. "They're just like you used to make me."

Managing a smile, Celestia seized one of the sandwiches in her magic. "Thanks you, Luna." She takes a bite of the sandwich. "Mmm! I begin to understand why you always asked me for these."

Luna let off a quiet laugh. Then she froze. "Sister! One of them approaches."

A Changeling flew up to the balcony. "Princesses Celestia and Luna, the Queen requests your presence in Ponyville for a matter of diplomatic importance."

Luna gasped. "Chrysalis has taken Ponyville," she whispered, beginning to feel sick. Her friends, was there any hope for them?

Celestia, however, did her best to stay firm. "What diplomatic matter, exactly?"

The Changeling stared at her. "I am not at liberty to say. I am merely here to tell you that your presence is requested in Ponyville."

"What guarantee have we that you won't enslave the city while we're gone?" Celestia asked. Not that they were really in a position to do that anyway, short of destroying the city themselves.

"You have the word of the Queen that you shall come to no harm until the matter is resolved, and that no hostile actions will be taken on our part in the meantime." The Changeling stared at her unblinking.

Celestia glowered at the Changeling, not liking his excessively calm demeanor, as if he held all the cards. "And if we refuse?" she replied, rage barely contained in her voice.

The Changeling shrugged. "Then we will raze this mountain to rubble and sow the land with salt," he replied, as if it didn't matter to him one way or another.

Luna gasped aloud. Celestia stared. "You...you wouldn't!" Celestia gasped out.

The Changeling did not respond.

Celestia hung her head in defeat. "Alright. We will come."

A portal opened before the princesses. Understanding the silent directive, they stepped through, walking straight into the pavilion. Luna gasped as she saw the other occupants. "Twilight Sparkle! Cadance! Shining Armor! Are you all well?"

"Umm, well," Shining began, not looking his best.

"Everything's going to be just fine," Twilight assured everyone. "Trust me."

Celestia stared at Twilight, afraid her faithful student had fallen under the domination of Changeling mind control. Sighing, she sat down at the table, gesturing for Luna to join her.

High General Coin stepped forward. "Representing the Crystal Empire, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Royal Consort Shining Armor."

"Royal Consort?" Shining Armor grumbled. "Couldn't they at least call me Captain if not Prince?"

Coin continued as if he hadn't heard. "Representing Equestria is Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight Sparkle." He stepped back, bowing to a curtain at the back of the tent. "Representing the Changeling Swarm..."

The curtain flew open, revealing three ponies in matching home stitched capes bearing the symbol of the CMC. Apple Bloom, in her Changeling form, stood in the center, also wearing the - distinctly oversized for her body - formal Changeling Crown. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood on either side of her as the three posed and shouted out, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS DIPLOMATS, YAY!"