• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 5,588 Views, 268 Comments

Blue Skies - WinterTwister

Blue Skies, third and last story of the skies trilogy

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Chapter 5

Spike slowly opened his eyes to a bright ray of light that shone through the window. He quickly used his claw to block it's intruding light. He shifted his field of vision beside him and saw the mare of his life, he couldn't help but let out a giddy smile, waking up to such a sight cloaked in sunlight from under his claw. He carefully got out of bed and grabbed his hat from the bedpost, setting it on his head in the style Applejack wore hers. Strangely enough, he had fallen in love with the hat. He had always wanted one, but Twilight never let him have one. Now he had a very special hat that belonged to his girlfriend's father.

He began to wonder what Applejack's father looked like, and why he has never seen the stallion, but now wasn't the time to ask about family that she had never been comfortable bringing up before. Maybe in the future he might ask Applejack about her dad.

By now the Apple family had been used to seeing Spike around their home, and they all knew well and good that Spike was one hay of a cook. They welcome his expert culinary skills with open hooves, and he was happy to do so. He climbed down the stairs and made way for the kitchen to make Applejack and her family breakfast. He entered the kitchen and pulled out the usual supplies, a cutting board, a sharp knife, and a few ingredients.

Spike started to make the Apple family's favorite, his apple turnovers. He enjoyed making them the most, it was worth seeing Big Macintosh drool over them like a young colt staring at candy when he set them down on the table.

Spike was losing awareness of the house around him, and didn't notice the young filly walk in.

Apple Bloom saw Spike working steadily on cooking, and she admired the drake as much as she always had. Ever since she planned the snowball strike with Scootaloo on Applejack in the orchard during the week of Hearths Warming Eve, she saw that the event had made them grown increasingly closer. She had tried to hide her jealousy, but it sometimes slipped out when she saw Applejack go to meet Spike somewhere off of the farm with sarcasm. She knew liking Spike as much as she could was wrong, but back before his time with Applejack and growth spurt they were good friends, and she had always wanted them to be more than friends. She walked up next to Spike and set her hooves up on the counter, "Mornin' Spike!"

Spike snapped out of his concentration while he was cutting up an apple vertically in top speed. The knife slipped and hit the top of his hand, luckily his draconic skin deflected it like nothing. He looked beside him, "Morning Apple Bloom, need help with anything?"

"Na... Ah just wanted ta watch ya' cook..." She said as she switched her eye contact to the counter top where he was cutting up apples.

"Well... alright, just don't surprise me again like that," he chuckled, "I don't want to break your sharpest knife with my hand." Spike returned to cutting up the apples.

A short time passed as Spike was finishing preparing the breakfast, and Apple Bloom spoke again, "So... how're things with ma sister?" She said, with a light tone of resentment in her voice.

Spike didn't stop, but answered, "Things are great... I really like your sister a lot."

"Really? So thers no problems with ya two?" She tried to press, hoping that the answer she knew would come out wouldn't.

"Nope. I really love Applejack, and do you want to hear a secret? You have to promise not to tell anypony." He said, now stopping to look around frantically.

Apple Bloom's hopes died away as she heard that Spike was set on her sister, but answered, "Whut is it?"

Spike leaned down close to her and whispered, "I want to marry Applejack... but I'm trying to think of how to propose to her." He smiled and regained his composure to continue cooking, "Remember, don't tell anypony."

Apple Bloom dropped her head, there was no hope for her.

Hoof steps could be heard close by, and Applejack walked in the kitchen, "Mornin' Bloom!" she trotted up to Spike and they shared a quick kiss.

She saw her sister and the drake kiss, and she felt dizzy, "Ah... Ah'm gunna go fer a walk..." She began to mope out of the kitchen.

Applejack saw her sister act in such a morbid state and curiously asked, "Anythin' wrong Apple Bloom?"

"Yea... everythin's fine. Ah just really need ta go think 'bout sum stuff..." She left the kitchen, and then walked out of the front door.

Applejack looked out after her little sister, she was starting to become a grown mare now. Maybe tha's whats botherin' her? She thought as she saw the red tail disappear behind a closed door as she watched from the kitchen.

Apple Bloom walked into town, she finally looked up from the ground and saw that Ponyville was very active today. She wasn't quite aware where she was walking, but the town seemed like a good place to forget about Spike.

There were times that she and Spike had spent some good time together as friends, Spike had offered helping the crusaders in getting their cutie marks. He had also helped her out of pinches like forgetting a lesson in Cherilee's classroom where Spike would be able to teach her the lesson she forgot. She had grown fond of Spike quickly, but sometimes someone just doesn't like you back... Maybe it's better if were jus' friends... She began to think while taking a deep breath.

She lifted her head up, strangely she felt a little better, but couldn't quite shake the feeling of jealousy quite yet.

The Apple family and Spike were all sitting down to breakfast, nothing out of the ordinary other than Apple Bloom's absence and that Big Macintosh looked like he got into a fight with a lawn mower.

Applejack had noticed this as soon as he had walked in and poured his morning coffee before sitting down, and now she was beyond curious.

"Big Mac? What happened to yer mane?" She asked, now finished with her breakfast.

He yawned and looked over at his sister, "Just Hayseed an his.... Actually, ah don't wanna talk 'bout it..." He looked around the room, Granny Smith was already sawing logs in her rocking chair at the end of the table, but didn't see his little sister. "Where's Bloom? Ah haven't seen 'er this mornin'."

Applejack shrugged at the question, "She jus walked outa the house this mornin', Ah don't know why."

Apple Bloom was still walking around town, she thought of her friends, the other crusaders. Scootaloo went to Clouds dale to see Rainbow Dash finish her training as a Wonderbolt, and Sweetie Belle went with Rarity to Canterlot to go visit their grandmother.

She continued to think of where she could go to stay for awhile, but almost ran into another pony and stopped in her tracks.

The pony had also stopped, "S-sorry... I need to watch where I'm going."

Apple Bloom noticed the grey colt that sat behind her in class, "Truffles?"

He rubbed his head and nodded, "Yeah..."

She saw the look on his face, it said that there was more bothering him other than almost bumping into her, "Looks like ya've had a rough day so far... It might help ta talk 'bout it..." She offered.

He could tell by the sound of her voice that she was being genuine, and was in the same boat as him. "I suppose it couldn't hurt..."

He shuffled his hooves and slowly started, "... I just found out Diamond Tiara just used me to get control of votes for class president. So I'm not doing so great... there is a bright side though, I don't have to be bossed around anymore." He looked at her, attempting a joke with a frown turning into a hesitant smile.

Apple Bloom rubbed the back of her head, "Well... Ah'm down because ah found out that someone ah really wanted to..." She searched to find the word, "Be a bit of a friend to, doesn't really want me back. But ah guess that's alrigh, ah'm already over it." She stopped rubbing her head, now with the thought off of her chest out loud to someone, she felt better and a smile began to creep up to her face.

Truffles stopped shuffling his hooves and looked at Apple Bloom, "... Would you like to come over? I made some cookies earlier." He offered.

Apple Bloom looked back at him, and she had never really spent any time with Truffles before, but she considered them acquaintances. "Sure, tha sounds pretty good actually." She replied, feeling her stomach yearn for something to eat, she skipped breakfast in her earlier stage of gloom.

The two walked off deeper into Ponyville to head to his house.

All of the Apple family had finished their breakfast, and Granny Smith was still enjoying the luxery of her rocking chair at the head of the table, but Big Mac was more than happy enough to clean her plate.

Applejack pulled back out of her chair and got to her feet, Spike did the same.

Big Macintosh was already heading out of the dining room, "See ya'll later." He said farewell, today was his day to work solo in the orchards.

Applejack looked at the drake, and she quickly became nervous, "S-spike?"

"Yes, Aj?"

"Ah... Ah want ta know if ya... want to go fer a walk in the orchards..." She asked, strangely becoming soft and lowering her head slightly to were her hat covered her eyes.

He noticed her change in behavior, and wondered why, so he just agreed. "Yeah sure Aj, that sounds really nice..."

Apple Bloom and Truffles were walking up to a building that she thought was familiar.

The building has been in Ponyville for awhile, owned by a stallion Apple bloom had talked to a few times, Horte Cuisine. She also knew the restaurant was named, Acheter de la nourriture ici. She could never pronounce it right, but she heard it really meant something funny.

"... and I said fezzes are cool and soon everypony will be wearing them, and wouldn't you know, I was right." Truffles finished his story as he opened the door to the restaurant.

"So that's why everypony was wearin' fezzes that one year?" She asked, strangely interested

Truffles nodded as he walked inside and she followed him.

It wasn't very active, but she had guessed that beforehand because its not lunch time yet.

He lead her past the restaurant portion of the building, and it was also a home where he lived in.

They entered Truffle's kitchen and Apple Bloom sat down on a stool next to a table as he went to get the snacks he promised her.

He quickly returned with a plate of cookies, and set them down on the table and sat down on another stool nearby. He took a cookie and bit it, then gestured towards the plate for her to take some.

She politely took one up and hesitantly bit it, and her eyes widened, "Celestia these'r good cookies..." She quickly finished her cookie and grabbed another.

Truffles smiled and took pride that his friend enjoyed them, "They're my own recipe, my dad taught me how to cook." He said before finishing his cookie.

A stallion entered the kitchen, with a stuck up expression past his wispy mustache and looked at Truffles, it was Horte Cuisine. "Truffles, c'est presque l'heure de votre quart de travail." (Truffles, it is almost time for your shift.)

Truffles stood up to reply to his father, "D-Désolé papa, j'invitais juste mon amie pour des cookies que j'ai préparés.
" (S-sorry dad, I was just treating my friend to some cookies I made.)

Horte smiled, "Tu me rend fier, mon fils." (You make me very proud son.) He turned to take a quick glance at Apple bloom who was eating cookies while listening to them speak, and then turned to face Truffles again. "Je n'avais pas réalisé que mon petit Truffles avait tellement grandi, et avec une petite-amie en plus." (I didn't realize my little Truffles has grown so much, and with a girlfriend at that.) He smirked.

Truffles began to blush and quickly replied, "C-ce n'est pas comme ça!" (I-it's not like that!)

His father let out a chuckle and performed a quick bow to Apple Bloom and then leaving the kitchen.

Apple Bloom swallowed a mouthful of cookie, "So what did'e say?"

Truffles loved his father, and he loved his job. He turned to face Apple bloom , "He told me I have to go to work soon..." He saw that she really did like the cookies and thought it was his chance to do something nice, "You can take some cookies home if you want." He offered, not willing to tell her the rest.

Apple Bloom nodded yes, and he started to wrap some cookies up for her, "I didn't know ya spoke fancy."

He laughed, "It's not fancy, it's French, but my dad came from Mareseille to open a restaurant here...." He handed her a wrapped bag of cookies and grew nervous, "I-i'll see you later?"

She took the bag and nodded, "Yeah, on Saturday Ah'm off th' farm... maybe then?" She asked brightly.

Truffles lit up, "That sounds perfect... see you then?"

"Y'know it." She put the bag between her teeth and waved good bye to him.

He waved back and disappeared into the back to get ready for work.

She left the building as ponies started to file in, and she headed straight for home.

Applejack and Spike were walking along the path, side by side and surrounded with apple trees in the orchard. They both could smell the fragrance of apples a long with the spring air.

Spike was looking over at Applejack every few seconds, she seemed to have something on her mind and was often drifting off in thought. After a few minutes of their stroll he finally spoke up, "Applejack, are you alright?"

She looked at Spike and sighed, "Spike... can we sit down?"

He nodded and followed her to an apple tree off the path. They both sat down and Applejack grabbed his claws, "S-spike... Ah really need ta ask ya somethin'..."

Spike sat up straight and leaned forward, "Anything."

Applejack took another deep breath and looked down, mumbling something, but quickly looked back up, "Spike... Ah know it's not supposed ta go like this but... I really like...love ya Spike, and I wanted to ask ya..." Her eyes grew softer, but not willing to tear up, "Ah know you dragons live a lot longer then us ponies... but Ah wanted to know if you would spend a bit of it... with me?"

Spike stared at her, speechless, Is she beating me to the trigger? was his first thought. He opened his mouth to speak, but it quickly closed again because of the loss of words. He didn't know what to feel, it was all to alien to him.

Applejack looked at Spike as he remained silent, she quickly grew uncomfortable and started to regret asking, fearing that she may have asked something she shouldn't have.

Spike could only look into her eyes, and he saw that she started to feel hurt. He forced himself to speak, "A-applejack..." He gently squeezed her hooves, "Of course I want to marry you, so I can be with you always, until the end..."

She quickly grew a smile and pulled him into a hug, sniffling, "Thank ya Spike..." and she rested her head on his shoulders, their hats knocking each other off.

Spike was staring right at the ground, remembering the night he got his growth spurt and became a virtue dragon, becoming tied to Applejack. He spoke softly, "Applejack... I need to tell you something too."

She pulled back from the hug, and sat on her haunches to listen to Spike.

"You know my growth spurt? Well... it's not normal... You see, my species branches off into other species, and I became what Twilight called me... a virtue dragon, meaning my life is tied with yours, so I won't live a second longer than you." He said clearly and quietly.

Now it was her turn to stare blankly at him, mouth agape. But she started to smile with a tear rolling out of her eye. She wiped her muzzle with one hoof, and with the other playfully hit Spike in the arm.

Spike got to his feet and put out a hand to his new fiancee and helped her get up.

He spoke up, and looked at the Blue Skies above them, "We should celebrate tonight, I can invite Twilight and my parents." He looked back down to earth at Applejack she had his hat and handed it to him.

"Tha' sounds great Spike..."

They both exited the orchard, now regarding each other much more.

Later that night Spike and Applejack invited Twilight, Soarin, Starlight, and Orion to enjoy a dinner at the French restaurant in town. Soarin' had also invited his father, Clip, he told Spike ahead of time that his father was actually a good guy.

They were all seated at a round table in the center of the restaurant and ordered, Horte had left the table a sample bottle of their new wine before he disappeared into the packed restaurant.

A young grey colt had also came by to set down a trey of glasses, and a pitcher of water before disappearing after his father.

Everyone but Twilight had taken a glass of wine, she didn't want a repeat of last time, so she just had some water.

Spike stood up to make his announcement, the one which Twilight had sensed before-hoof, he was like a brother to her, and she could tell what was on his mind.

He cleared his throat, "Everypony, Applejack and I have an announcement to make," He held Applejack's hooves as he stood up next to her and cleared his throat. "We're getting married!" He said happily, then bending down and planting a kiss on her cheek.

Twilight was the first to react, "Congratulations!" She took a moment to stare at her brother and his girlfriend, she knew they would be happy together.

The rest of the table erupted into cheers, all besides Clip.

When the cheering died down, Clip remained confused and he spoke up abruptly, "Can dragons and ponies even get married?" He looked at Applejack in hopes of an answer.

Applejack looked at the stallion, and quickly grew angry sending him a death stare that clearly said, 'problem?'.

Warning flares were thrown up in his mind, and he quickly backed off with a sheepish smile and raised his glass, "Let's toast to the beautiful happy new couple!" He had hoped it would extinguish any fires he might have already started with the powerful farm mare and her dragon fiance.

Everypony and dragon at the circular table raised their glasses to a quick toast.

"To happy endings!" He exclaimed, followed by a barrage of clinking from the glasses.

Correct Translation on the French parts from: Blueprince
Awesome Co-Writer: Thewaffler (Go read his stuff to, its hilarious and has action stories)