• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,914 Views, 61 Comments

Discordia: Turn on the Lights. - overlord-flinx

You ever hear of a get out of jail free card? Well... What if there was something like that, only it protected you from the law for a whole day? And... What if that was given to the worst possible person anyone could find?

  • ...

Act 1: Morning In Ponyville... Why are we singing?

Take out a bucket of popcorn and pull up a seat... The show's about to begin.

'Ow do you know?

Because in about two minutes, the sun will be up.


Yes... And, looking down at Ponyville now, I see a nice little collection of ponies for a striking chorus to start our show.

'Ow do they know what song ta' sing?

The spell I put on everyone naturally taps into their inner thoughts and feelings, projecting them to everyone else to sing in a fine -non copy-written- song.

Oh... Than who sings the main lines?

Oh-ho-ho, Pippy... Important character status.


You'll know when you're--SHOW TIME!

Though sunrise hadn't yet risen to Ponyville, the dusk hue of budding morning gave a scant light to the steadily growing town life in the streets of Ponyville. Young colts and fillies darting around to get a few minutes of fun in before class; traders doing some early business; and just the common pony going out for a brisk run in the dew of the starting morning. For awhile, all seemed quiet and peaceful in this little village. Made all the more tranquil by the shimmer of the sun coming over the hill and casting rays of light through the cracks in the alleyways of the city and the open streets. Seeing the light of morning coming upon them, the ponies of Ponyville had a feeling this April first would be--April first?

From the library in the core of Ponyville stepped Twilight Sparkle into the starting morning. The spring air graced to her coat and she let out a satisfied sigh. When she looked around, seeing the sunlight starting to touch against the busy ponies of the morning, she brought a smile onto herself and took her first step into the morning light as well.

In Song?
Original: Bonjuor - Beauty and the Beast
Performed: Twilight Sparkle and the Townsponies

Ponyville, such stable village,
Not a day seems all too long,
Ponyville, with its little ponies--wait a sec; why am I in--?

Twilight looked around herself, eyeing the other ponies down as they did the same to her. One pony opened their mouth to say something, but instead...

In song?

Then another from behind a stand...

In song?

A batch of ponies covered their mouths with swift hooves, trying to stop themselves. However, three little fillies weren't so quick to covering up...

In song?

In song?

In song?

No pony made a move... Except Twilight as she glanced around and narrowed her eyes. "Alright... spontaneous singing... It's April First..." It didn't take a genius to piece together what was going on. And, regretfully, Twilight couldn't stop herself from voicing her conclusion out-loud.

Here goes that trickster's games as always.
With his usual fun and lousy shtick.
Year by year, the same. With only one to blame,
For the horror on this innocent, quaint little town.

With every word she sang, she tried to piece her mind together to figure out why she was singing now and not when she was in her house. It was only a guess, but she took her first thought and sprang for the nearest house she could get into; Sugar Cube Corner. When she clacked her hooves to the wood inside, she opened her mouth slowly and let out a slow 'ahhh'. With no real rise or lower to it than what she wanted, she smiled. "Alright... So it has to do with staying inside a house or something related to that..." Twilight muttered to herself.

As she caught her mind and absorbed who's house she jumped into for safety, Twilight felt herself lose a little tension. "Well... Discord never goes on for more than a day with this. So, I may as well get comfortable here," She spoke to herself again, "If anything, being stuck in a bakery isn't the worst--"

However, as she calmed herself, she noticed the lights in the kitchen were on along with constant thumping as if something was being thrown against the ground in there. Twilight peaked over the counter to try and get a better look, groaning with bubbling rage as she looked at the sight.

Deliver This
Original: Deliver Us - Prince of Egypt
Performed: Pinkie Pie and the Twins


A barrel slammed against the floor of the kitchen as two little ponies looked off from the side with giddy little claps with their hooves.


A sack followed the barrel and made a puff of white clouds go into the air.


A package in a square flopped on top of the sack before it, putting more puffs to the air.


When another sack landed to the collection that was gathering, the two baby ponies giggled more and gave pointing hooves to Pinkie Pie. "FASTER!" They cheered her on.

Lard... ta' cook...

Sugar... and pour...

Yeast... you'll raise up...


Watching Pinkie tirelessly work every ingredient she was gathering, Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake giggled even more and bounced on the counter. "FASTER!"

With the stir of the whisk as my mixer,
And a dash of some salt in the bowl,
Celestia, my-oh-my,
I shall not tell a lie:
This taste great,
Now to the crate;

Pinkie Pie flipped a bunch of pastries and other assorted makings from the kitchen into delivery crates before pushing them all one at a time to the backdoor.

Deliver this,
For them all,
Deliver this,
Big and small,
Checked them all, not an order missed,
Deliver this,
Thirty minutes or less,
Deliver this, to start the new list.

Laying her head against the counter, Twilight Sparkle groaned in her defeat. "Alright... So it's not about staying inside..."