• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 8,263 Views, 378 Comments

Melting Snow - Storm butt

Life isn't interesting for Caramel, as nothing interesting ever happens. Friends were rare. By that he means rarely a reality. He had adjusted to this routine and reached a somewhat comfortable spot in life. Then along came Big Macintosh.

  • ...


Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.
"What's the point of growing old if you can't be childish?”
Melting Snow
Chapter 5: Childish

"Ya sure ya don't want me ta keep the hall light on tonight?" Big Macintosh asked, raising his brow as he gently pushed the covers under Apple Bloom's body, tucking her in under her favorite crimson blanket.

As he leaned over to tuck in her other half, he could hear the wooden floors creak under his bare hooves. He began brushing back his sisters red hair, using his other hoof to gently untangle her pink bow from her mane. "Ya know ah sleep like a rock, ah can't turn them on after Ah'm in my room."

"Ah'm sure." Apple Bloom replied with a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Ah ain't a baby anymore ya know, even if Ah don't have a cutie mark yet."

She quietly turned over, her cheek pushing up against her face as she lay on her side. "Besides, I only need that old light on when Ah have nightmares."

The red steed let out a silent chuckle under his breath.

"Gotcha." He replied, leaning down to press his lips against his sister’s forehead. "'Night Sugar Cube." He said, brushing back Apple Bloom's mane one last time.

"Night Mac." Apple Bloom replied through a yawn. She closed her fiery orange eyes slowly as she let her muscles relax, pushing her face further into her soft pillow.

Big Macintosh smiled softly as he started turning away from his sister. He began walking quietly towards the door as he himself began to carry out a silent yawn. When he reached the door, he turned around, softly shutting the door behind him. When he heard it click, he let himself breathe once more, his smile quickly turning back into his blank expression.

"No hall light tonight?" A voice coming from the bottom of the stairs caused Big Mac to turn his head in the direction of the sound. He began shaking his head back and forth as he saw the blond mane of Applejack bob up and down in the darkness as she came trotting up the stairway.

"That's a change, maybe now I can sleep in the dark. Ya know if I close my door Winona just comes and scratches on it till Ah get up, Granny'll chew me out again if that happens." Applejack began chuckling. "That mutt is the biggest baby I've ever seen."

Big Macintosh shrugged his upper legs, his face twisting into a small frown.

"Guess she's just growin' up." He mumbled to himself. He placed one hoof on his right leg, looking downward at the wooden floorboards underneath him.

"All little girls do." Applejack chuckled. "Apple Bloom is just tryin' to be brave and strong like her big sis is all." The orange mare displayed a smirk to her brother, nodding her head as if she had accomplished something important.

The red steed rolled his eyes. "If Ah remember right, that same big sis had nightmares every other night fer a month 'bout monsters under her bed when she was Apple Bloom's age."

He spoke this with a little more emotion than usual, staring at his sister out of the corner of his eye. Even in the darkness, Big Macintosh was able to make out the sudden tint of red on his sister's face. He smiled briefly before turning his back to her.

"Ah'm tired, ah think ah need ta hit the hay." He mumbled, thinking aloud as he began trotting his hooves forward.

"W-Wait!" Applejack stuttered out, trotting up beside her brother. "Ah came up here ta ask ya somethin'. Why were ya so late home today? AB said that ya stopped ta talk ta a pony, but he was somebody she never saw before."

"Do ya really need ta know everythin' about me?" The steed chuckled, half serious as he opened his mouth to reply. "Yer too nosy..." He added the last bit under his breath with a smile.

"Ah just..." Big Macintosh briefly halted his hoofsteps, taking a moment to think up a good way to put it. "Ah saw a friend, he needed my help with somethin' so ah decided ta give him a hoof." He nodded his head, deciding that was close enough to the truth.

"Friend...?" Applejack asked in curiosity. "Ya mean... that stallion from a few weeks ago?"

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said.

"What was so important that ya had ta send Apple Bloom home ta help him with?" The orange mare asked. Her tone wasn't as judgmental as Big Macintosh expected, simply curious. Her eyes seemed to be boring into her brother's side with a need for answers.

"Yer awfully nosy 'bout my affairs." The steed replied, closing his eyes as he put a hoof to his doorknob.

"We talk about the same things ya and yer friends do, when we'll talk again, how the other's been..." He turned the doorknob, stepping inside his room.

"Goodnight Applejack." He said, reaching out a hoof to pat his sister on the head, a hint of teasing in his voice as he closed the door.

The steed didn't bother hiding the small smirk plastered on his face as he heard a quick sigh of irritation on the other side of his door followed by a quick trotting of hooves to the other end of the hall. Big Macintosh sighed, his smile vanishing yet again.

The red earth pony turned to his room, trotting over to his bed. He stared at the bed for several moments, eyes turning to his pillow where a small, tattered pony doll lay. He reached out his hoof to grab the doll, lifting it in front of him. He quietly slid onto the bed and squirmed under the blanket, now using both hooves to hold the old doll in front of his eyes.

The moonlight coming down through the window cast a dim light on his bed, giving him some light to see with as he fiddled with the doll for a few moments. As he put the doll by his bottom legs his mind began drifting back to Caramel. He thought about Caramel's disease, what it meant. He thought about just how worried Caramel was that he would become nothing but another chore for the red stallion.

The red steed shifted under the blanket to lie down on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He used a free hoof to bring Smarty Pants up to his side, tucking the doll in between his ribs and his leg. His mind finally drifted to Caramel having to ride on his back.

At the thought of this Big Macintosh could feel the fur stand up on his mane. He turned to his side, concealing his blush against his white pillow. He knew he couldn't tell Applejack about it... about his day away from home. Not only was it personal to one of the parties involved, but it seemed oddly embarrassing in retrospect. Big Mac frowned into his pillow, wondering why his heart was pounding so fast at the memory of earlier.

It was the first night in quite some time the steed had trouble falling asleep.


You really can be right idiot, you know that?"

Caramel could feel his throat suddenly tighten at the sound of those words, his blue pencil digging deep into the paper on his lap. His teeth began grinding on the thermometer lodged in his mouth. He couldn't bring himself to look over to his side, knowing Sage's eyes would be stabbing him with their blades of disappointment.

The tan earth pony shifted uncomfortably under the covers blanketing his lower half. As he attempted to swallow a lump in his throat, he briefly wondered if he was able to apologize without his voice babbling out nonsensical stuttering. Instead he chose to look at the blank walls of his room, beginning to realize just how cold and bare they seemed, blending in well with the climate outside,

Caramel glanced down at the thermometer in his mouth, watching it begin to glow in a dim light of yellow before it was pulled from his mouth with a tad more force than his brother usually gave him. He dared to look over, watching Sage use his magic to lift his glasses, squinting at the tiny device that told him just how sick the earth pony was.

"A hundred and one..." Sage quietly mumbled, his face transforming into a frown. "Well... I suppose that's better than last week..." He paused, his voice struggling to find some light in this situation. "But you're usually smarter about this kind of thing, especially after last week!" Sage snapped, his voice filled with concern and borderline anger.

"I-I..." Caramel could feel his voice begin to stutter, tears forming behind his eyes that he quickly blinked away. He wasn't used to this mood Sage currently had, it was doing nothing but enforcing the fact that he was an idiot. "I-I'm s-sorry..."

An apology was the best Caramel could manage at this point in time as he sunk into his bed, now clutching the small book to his chest. He felt like a child being scolded by a parent for doing something he should have known better than to do.

Sage let out a long winded sigh of frustration. "I wake up to you coughing a lung out, and a fever hot enough to fry eggs, you’d better feel sorry...And don’t you give me those puppy eyes. If you were thinking straight, then maybe you could have seen him today. Why would you go way out there when you could barely walk?"

"Big Mac said the same thing..." Caramel muttered softly into the pillow his head was now resting against.

The unicorn gave his brother a confused look before pressing a hoof to his forehead. It took a moment, but a smile was soon put onto his face as he began shaking his head. "I think your friend has more common sense than you." A snicker of annoyance came from his lips as his smile faded faster than it appeared.

Caramel looked downward, his own frown appearing. "It wasn't supposed to last so long." He admitted, sinking his face into the pillow's comfort. "I just wanted to say I was sorry."

Sage was silent for a few moments before he reached out his hoof, brushing Caramel's mane. "You have a great friend if he wanted to go to coffee when you looked like you did." He joked, only half serious. He leaned forward to give the colt a nuzzle, then taking a sniff, leaned back, his muzzle puckered in mock disgust

"You haven't bathed in days Mel... starting to get a little ripe there kiddo."

The earth pony could feel a blush appear on his cheeks as he glanced towards the window, staring at the midday sun high in the sky. He slowly pulled the book from his chest, feeling safe to begin his mindless scribbling once more. "He didn't mention that..." He grumbled.

Sage smirked quickly, staring at Caramel's book. "Finished that one yet?" He asked, attempting to glance at the page that his brother was hiding from him. "I'll leave early, grab you a new one on the way to work." He said, chuckling as his brother shielded the page by bringing it closer to his body.

"Oh... right..." Caramel murmured. "It's Tuesday... you work night tonight." He shook his head back and forth to shake off the confusion. "Sorry, day's kind of get all mixed up when you're sick."

Sage nodded. "I can tell... and yeah, working real late. I won't be back before midnight... you okay with fixing yourself something to eat? I can make you something before I head out..."

"No, we have some fruit left, I'll just eat that. I don't really feel all that hungry anywa-"

Caramel's sentence was prematurely cut off as his ears perked up, hearing a knock on the door not far from his room. His mind quickly raced through a number of questions of who could be knocking at the door. He looked up and to his open door, staring into the living room. Sage's own confusion was clear as he glanced in the same direction.

"Who the hay is that?" Caramel mumbled. "We don't normally get visitors... right?"

"Maybe it's just a sales pony." Sage shrugged, stretching his legs. "Idiots, it's the middle of winter, why are you going door to door? I'll shoo them away, you just rest."

"O-Okay..." Caramel responded, slowly setting his book down. "I'll... hold the fort?" He questioned.

"You do that, Cara." Sage snorted at his brother as he began to trot out of the room, shaking his head with a stupid smile plastered on his face.

The unicorn could hear the floorboards creak and moan under his hooves as he heard yet another knock at the door. He quickly resisted the urge to snap at the one behind the door to be patient, however he had already reached the door before the thought crossed his mind.

He took a brief moment to take a deep breath, wiping the smile off of his face as he turned the knob, pulling the door towards his body just as the third set of knocks came crashing against the door. The one outside sure was noisy...

Sage swung the door open, feeling a breeze from the outside world slap against his face. He took the time to blink a few times, briefly confused to why he was standing in front of a solid red wall. It was only as the wall moved back did it occur to the unicorn that it couldn't possibly be a wall, but a pony.

The unicorn cocked his head upward. Standing before him was a rather big stallion... one bigger than he had ever seen. He briefly wasn't able to find words, still taking in just how large the other one was. He cocked his brow, wondering why a stallion like this was at his door?

"Car... No... Yer...?" The stallion spoke with a hint of brief confusion, the thick southern accent snapping Sage out of his dazed state.

"Y-Yes?" Sage asked, stepping back a bit, unsure if he should be wary of the other or not. He looked around the stallion, wondering if he really was just here to sell something. However on closer inspection, not a single item was with the stallion aside from his red and black scarf.

Sage could have sworn he had seen that scarf before.

"Yer Sage, right?" The red steed inquired. His face displayed no emotion... to be honest it seemed strange, even his eyes were a blank slate.

"Yes…" Sage slowly nodded. "Do... I... know you?" The unicorn's head quickly shuffled through a great deal of ponies he had met in the past. He was positive he had never met someone like this, for those blank eyes and stature would have stuck with him.

"Nope." The steed replied, shaking his head. He stared blankly for a good ten incredibly awkward seconds before speaking up once more. "Ah'm Big Macintosh... yer brother is a friend of mine."

"Big... Macintosh?" Sage asked, looking up and down the other once again. Well the big part was certainly correct... however Sage would have never pictured the other looking so... emotionless. From the way Caramel talked about a kind and older stallion, Sage would have guessed Big Macintosh to be a little more open about his feelings. "Y-Yeah... Caramel's talked about you."

"Is he here?"

Sage paused briefly before answering. "He is." The unicorn replied, beginning to move to the side. "Would you... like to come in and see him?" He quickly realized that the other wanted nothing more than to see his friend. He seemed safe at the very least, not particularly dangerous.

"Yes please." Big Macintosh nodded, accepting the invitation and stepping inside.

"His... room is that way." Sage said, pointing with his hoof to a doorway right on the wall of the living room. He watched as

Big Macintosh nodded, stepping forward after a brief glance around the room. The floorboards seemed to creak extra loud with the large stallion now walking on them.

Sage followed as Big Macintosh walked into the bedroom, staying two strides behind the much bigger pony.

"Big Mac?" Caramel's voice spoke up around the time Sage trotted in behind the other. He could see Caramel's eyes simply light up at the sight of his friend, forcing his body to sit up.

"Hey Cara." Sage looked over to Big Macintosh as he spoke, shocked to see the smile on the other's face. "Thought I'd stop by."

Sage suddenly jumped, looking outside the window at Celestia's sun. "Uh... if I'm gonna get the thing we need, I need to go to work now." He quickly spat out, adjusting his glasses.

"It's fine." Big Macintosh answered, turning back to Sage with another poker face. "Ah won't stay long, just wanted ta see if he was fine. Mind if I stay a little while longer."

"H-He's fine!" Caramel piped up. "Big Mac is alright, I promise!" With the tone of voice his brother had, Caramel really did sound like a small child asking for a friend to visit.

Sage blinked his eyes a moment, and then gave a nod of his head.


Nothing was wrong with Big Macintosh that he could see at the moment, there really was no reason to say no.

"I guess you are my age, no reason to need my permission for friends to stay for a while..." His voice sounded as if he were trying to convince himself.

Big Macintosh nodded thanks with a small smile towards Sage before walking over to beside the bed, sitting down with such height that he might as well have been standing. The tan unicorn took one last look behind him, seeing the smile on Caramel's face as he began chatting with Big Macintosh. Sage let a sigh pass his lips as he began to turn, trotting out of the room.


"So... yer brother usually leaves ya alone all day?"

Caramel briefly paused, a small log of firewood clutched in his hoof. He took a deep breath through his scarf, feeling the yarn tickle his muzzle as he bobbed his head up and down. The winter winds were whipping at his body, however he was rather grateful for his own portable wall blocking most of the damage from his side.

"Usually." The stallion answered, placing the small log on his back. "He has the kind of job that you really can't skip. It isn't like he works part time or anything."

"So ya have ta take care of yerself when ya get sick?" Big Macintosh asked, grabbing another log underneath the tarp that hid the dry firewood.

The tan stallion shrugged. Shifting uncomfortably in the snow, his face still warm with illness. "He still has to take care of me... He leaves me with food in my room and a bucket to vomit in, and when he can he'll sometimes come home during lunch and make sure I'm able to get something down. But he probably won't do that tonight, he wouldn't let you visit if I was half as sick as I usually am."

His words were slightly muffled behind the green and white scarf concealing a good portion of his face. He looked downward, kicking up a small patch of snow that happened to be under his hoof.

"Speakin' of which... ya think we can head in now? Ah don't wanna be responsible if ya get worse off fer somethin' I coulda done on my own in two trips." Big Macintosh asked, frowning as he looked up to the snowflakes still falling from the pitch black sky.

Caramel looked at the firewood both on his and Big Macintosh's back. Put together they had about four large logs and five small ones. That had to at last long enough if they only used a couple logs at a time.

"I guess that's enough." The earth pony answered, beginning to turn around as he nodded towards the house that it was alright to leave. "And no way was I letting you do my chore. What kind of guest has to do the grunt work in somebody else's house by themselves?"

Big Macintosh chuckled, quickly catching up to walk side by side with the other stallion, their hooves crunching the snow as they followed their previous pathway back to the house. The falling snow that only continued to pick up was already well on it's way of covering their tracks.

As they reached the doorway to the home, Big Macintosh reached out his hoof to turn the doorknob, moving aside so

Caramel could go in first, his lips in a smile directed at the other.

Caramel smiled back, grateful he could hide his blush behind both his scarf and his illness as he stepped inside, shaking the snow off his hooves before he had the chance to get the floorboards soaking wet.

"Just put the wood by the fireplace!" Caramel called behind him as he trotted forward.

Big Macintosh walked forward, mimicking the other's motions to get the snow off his hooves before letting the door slide shut behind him. He followed Caramel closely, coming into the living room. The steed paused briefly, taking a moment to look around the room. It was nice, similar to the one at his home. There was a couch directly in front of the fireplace no more than ten feet away, a fluffy white rug on the floor taking up most of the living room space.

"You can set it here." Caramel said, pointing his hoof to a small pile he had already set up with his own logs.

Big Macintosh nodded, trotting over and complying with the other's task as Caramel began setting up the fireplace. He set up two of the larger logs on bottom, putting two of the smaller ones on top.

The stallion briefly paused, letting out a sigh of frustration as he lowered his head. "We don't have anything to start it with..." He muttered to himself.

"Hey, Mac? I think I left a newspaper in my room from this morning, I'm done reading it, can you go get it so I can start this fire? Maybe then we can warm up a little."

"Eeyup." The red steed replied, nodding his head as he turned to trot back to Caramel's room, his hooves abandoning the soft rug.

As the steed walked into Caramel's room, he took a quick look around the barren walls. He started trotting once more as he spotted a folded up newspaper on the bedside table next to Caramel's messy bed. He was about to grab the newspaper before he felt his hoof step on something. He looked down, removing his large hoof to reveal an oddly familiar looking book on the floor. He blinked at it, thinking that it must have gotten knocked off the bed and forgotten about when Caramel had hopped out earlier.

He used his hoof to swiftly scoop up the book, which was lying wide open on the ground. As he brought it closer to his face he quickly realized why it looked familiar. He could remember Applejack, Apple Bloom, even himself at one point, having a book similar to the one in his hoof. The image looked to be something like a royal guard in his shining suit of golden armor. Big Macintosh's face formed into a look of confusion as he stared at the black imprinted lines underneath the colors already scribbled onto the coloring book.

The stallion lifted up a brow, realizing the image was only half-finished, as if he had been forced to stop mid-way through the coloring process. What coloring there was didn't look neat at all, it had several patches missing on the cartoonish stallion's grey coat, the golden armor not even half finished yet. He stared at the stallion in the image for a few moments, the guard's cartoon smile gleaming at him. He didn't bother looking through the rest of the pages. He simply folded the book shut and grabbed the newspaper, quickening his pace as he jogged out of the room.

"Find it?" Caramel asked, not even halfway though those two words before a newspaper was thrust into his hooves.
He nodded a thanks to the red steed as he began tearing the paper and balling it up, placing them in different sections of the soon to be fire. Big Macintosh stared at Caramel for a few moments, setting his hindquarters down on the carpet. He watched the other stallion slowly tear up the newspaper before grabbing a matchbox next to the fireplace.


"Hmm?" Caramel replied, fiddling with a match in his hooves for a few moments before striking it against the side of the box with no luck of lighting it.

"Why do ya..." The steed paused, wondering how he should word this. "Why do ya have a colorin' book in yer room?"

Caramel struck the side of the match box as those words left Big Macintosh's mouth. The match burst into a short-lived flame, the tan stallion not making a move to throw it into the fire as it quickly burned out. His cheeks began to clearly redden up past the point of blaming it on the weather or even his illness.

"A-A w-what?" The stallion might have intended to say it as if he had no idea about the matter; however his voice and body actions gave away his lie.

"Ah found it on yer floor, it was wide open, must have fallen off that there bed of yers."

Caramel looked like he was biting his lip, still holding the now black match in his hoof. He looked downward, the blush now spreading to his ears.

"Sorry if Ah embarrassed ya," Big Mac quickly spat out, leaning forward as he saw the clear worry on his friend's face. "Ah was just curious, ya don't have ta tell me."

The tan stallion shook his head. "N-No it's fine... you just caught me off guard." He chuckled dryly. "It's nothing b-bad though, but y-yeah it's embarrassing..."

Big Macintosh nodded, showing he understood.

Caramel sighed, throwing the burnt out match toward the fireplace. "It's mostly just something... therapeutic."

He took out another match, striking flame on the first swish, leaning forward to place it against the paper ball. As it caught flames the tan pony's blue eyes watched as it spread to another piece of paper, soon catching on the wood.

"You know… something to keep my mind off of... things." He frowned as he watched the flames.

"I used to have mild panic attacks when we first found out about my Immunodeficiency. I can't stand anything like shots, or hospitals, or even medicine... it was all a little over whelming to have it all shoved at me at once, especially all those shots the first day..."

The earth pony took a deep breath, rubbing his hoof up and down his upper leg. "I had to have a few yesterday too... I thought I was gonna cry." He admitted, smiling as if it were funny.

"That makes sense." Big Macintosh spoke up. "I hated goin' ta the hospital just ta get my bandages off a while back. Can't imagine havin' ta go so often."

Caramel used his hoof to push back his brown mane from his eyes. "Yeah... I hate being in a place like that... I like it better when Sage can just diagnose me here. It's awful when I have to go to work with him; it sometimes takes half the day before he can even look at me. I have to just sit there and watch ponies who are sick or have broken bones... sometimes they even cry, I don't usually know what for though."

The red steed nodded, turning his own gaze away from Caramel and towards the bright, fiery flames.

"What 'bout the colorin' book?"

Caramel licked his now dry lips. "It's just something I can do without thinking too hard... I like it a lot better when I get ones for little foals, there aren't many little details I have to fill in, and I can focus on one thing at a time."

The stallion scooted back from the flames, getting down on his chest, placing hooves under his chin for a pillow.

"But ponies always look at me like there's something... wrong with me. They think I'm dumb and don't know my age. But whenever I get the tiniest bit nervous it takes my mind off of things for a while... sometimes a long time if I color slowly."
Caramel closed his eyes, breathing out heavily. "I don't get nervous anymore... but I feel like I'm a stupid colt in return."

"That doesn't make any sense..." Big Macintosh mumbled, loud enough for Caramel to hear. "Everypony has at least one or two things that comfort them, childish or not." He shook his head back and forth in disappointment. "Ah don't see why they suddenly judge ya fer bein' open 'bout it."

Caramel glanced over to Big Macintosh. "I don't see everybody having something like that... Sage is like a rock sometimes... but how about you?"

"Uh..." The steed paused. He looked to his side, away from Caramel. He could feel a blush come onto his cheeks. Once again, he was grateful to be given red fur instead of white. "N-Nothin'..."

"You said everypony." Caramel near whined, now sitting up. "C'mon, I won't laugh, you didn't laugh at mine!" His voice wasn't prying by any means, simply curious and nosy. It reminded Big Mac of his sister.

Big Mac bit the inside of his lip. "I-It's just... a doll..." He mumbled.


"Y-Yeah... A doll, a cute one with button eyes and long ears and knit fur..." The steed worked up enough courage to face into the fire again, Caramel looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Hmm... I would have never guessed you'd have something like that." Caramel said with a chuckle. "It's... a little... I don't know, cute?"

Big Macintosh only blushed deeper at that statement. He couldn't pinpoint a reason however, only that it did indeed embarrass him knowing Caramel thought he was "cute".

"L-Look, it's just nice ta sleep with somethin' now and again..." Big Mac paused, getting flustered with the situation at hoof. "A-And besides, e-every-"

"I get it." Caramel cut the other off. "Everypony has something that comforts them. I wasn't making fun of you."

Big Macintosh nodded, regaining himself and letting his face go blank once more.

"It's gettin' a little late..." Big Macintosh mumbled, trying to change the subject. "When do ya think that Ah should get goin’? Ah'm happy ta stay as long as ya want."

Caramel looked over to the stallion. "If you don't mind... can you stay a little longer? I like talking to you... it isn't as quiet around here. And besides, Sage won't be back till midnight, we have plenty of time." He chuckled.

"D-Do you mind sitting next to me?" The stallion asked, turning to hide his sudden embarrassment at what he was asking.

"The fire's a lot warmer where I'm sitting than from over there."

"Alright." Big Macintosh replied, scooting his body over as he how on his chest to lay down, a good five inches between the two as they sat in front of the warm fire.

"Yer right... this is warmer." Big Macintosh mumbled, letting his muscles relax.

"I like laying here a lot; it doesn't get as comfy here as it does on the couch..." The stallion mumbled, looking over at the other.

He blinked a few times before taking a deep breath, wondering what he had to lose as he took a chance, scooting his body over until he was pressing his body against the other very lightly. The other's side was almost like a brick wall in the sunlight, very warm and yet rock solid.

Big Macintosh jumped, turning his head to look down at Caramel, who was hiding his face under his mane. He could feel his throat tighten as his face flushed. "Y-yeah... mighty comfy here..."

Caramel hid his smile under his hooves as he strengthened the amount of pressure he was putting against Big Mac by a tiny amount, only enough so that his cheek was pressed to the other's upper leg. He was so very happy that the other didn't push him away.

"What do ya wanna talk about?"