• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 549 Views, 5 Comments

Change of scenery - Unlikely hero

This is what Hayley gets for helping homeless people. Waking up with her friend Phoebe next to her in some kind of creepy forest. Except when Hayley and Phoebe wake up their not exactly their selves anymore.....

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Are you kidding me?

I looked into the the white mare'e eyes, they were sparking with hope. like legit sparkling! It was actually kinda starting to freak me out. Anyways a sparkly tear dripped from her sparkly eye and soaked into her coat. Let me just state that the next thing I did was totally uncalled for. I opened my mouth and I let out a gigantic laugh. It started out small but then it grew to hysterical laughter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Its just, you would think that I land here in this magical pony land full of sunshine and rainbows, and this freaking rainbow pony that I meet while I'm sleeping meets me in a whole freaking kingdom of unicorns just to say she is our mom!" I couldn't stop, it was just too rich.

Phoebe tried laughing along with me but it kind just looked like she wanted to cry. When I finally stopped my laughing I took a moment to look at this confused Mare.

"It may be hard to comprehend but you fillies are my daughters." She said calmly

"But we are humans not ponies." Phoebe whispered.

"I know it may be hard to understand and I promise someday I will tell you what happened, just not tonight."

"This actually makes zero sense." I muttered

The white mare placed her hoof under my chin and looked down at me. "Years will pass and I will eventually share the tale with you. The tale of a foolish mare who sent away everypony who loved her."

"Wait you cant expect us to stay here!" I said very angry

The mare gave me a hurt look.

"You WILL stay her. Sadly no pony must know you are my alicorn children." she chided.

Phoebe and I exchanged puzzled glances.

"You shall refer to me as Princess, or Princess Celestia." She said firmly

"Look lad- I mean 'Princess' what do expect us to do all day, just sit in your castle and look pretty? I demanded.

Celestia frowned "This is the hard part of tonight, you and Phoebe must choose separate paths."

Phoebe looked over at me sadly "What does that mean?"

"It means you must choose the life of either a Unicorn, a Pegasus, or an earth pony." Celestia smiled

Phoebe looked puzzled "Whats an earth pony?"

"Why an earth pony my darling is a pony without need of a horn or wings. They simply live life on the ground normally with just their hooves and love for nature." Celestia smiled.

Being an earth pony sounded suckish, very suckish. This whole question was a no brainer, pegasus of course!

I looked at Celestia "I choose my wings."

"Ah the path of a Pegasus an honorable choice, but I'm afraid that means that you cannot stay here in Canterlot. You shall go to a City far away that goes by the name of Cloudsdale. There you shall join flight camp and maybe even discover who you are."

I looked up at Celestia sadly but stepped back.

"I-I want to be a pegasus too, like Hayley!" Phoebe yelled.

"I'm afraid you cannot." Celestia smiled warmly "You shall stay here and learn the joys of becoming a unicorn. I just recruited a new unicorn about your age. I'm sure you will get along with her smoothly."

Phoebe broke down into sobs.

"Dont worry my child, you two shall cross paths again someday, I promise." Celestia said.

Phoebe embraced Celestia and cried in her hooves.

"But I do have something fun for you two." She said happily

"You do?" Phoebe sniffed

Celestia nodded "Your names wont sound very normal to my subjects, so I'm going to let you choose new ones."

I sat down and thought about this.

Make it something cool Hayley like... Hayley the magic rainbow ninja of invisibility!

"My name will be Melody!" I smiled.

Wait a second... MELODY thats so lame! Why did I say that?

"How about Starstruck-for me of course." Phoebe asked politely

"I rather enjoy the sound of that name aloud." said Celestia cuddling Phoebe's pink body.

I was starting to really hate Celestia. What a bitch.

"It is time for the spell to be performed. You will both still be Alicorns, but I will make your horns or wings invisible." Celestia explained.

Phoebe walked over to me and looked me in the eye she reached down and grabbed my hoof.

"You will always be my best friend, Phoebe." I whispered.

I grasped her hoof. Maybe if I grab hard enough she wont leave me.

A tear fell into her wild blonde mane.

"We are ready Princess." Phoebe sniffed.

Celestia closed her eyes but when she opened them they were glowing and surging with power.

"It must be done."

A bright light shown from her horn and I felt myself becoming very lightheaded.

Phoebe looked over at me "Remember me." Was all that escaped her lips.

And with a poof I was gone.

When I opened my eyes again I was in a sort of cloud room.

Something's missing...

I reached up to feel my horn but it wasnt there!

"I'm a pegasus!" I screamed happily.

I dont think I was so happy in my entire life.

I looked around the peculiar cloud room and stood up very fast.

On the other side off the room there was a circular mirror.

Then it hit me, I dont actually know what I look like.

I picked up my wobbly legs, and walked myself to the mirror.

I gasped at my refection.

A little filly was staring back, my face was round with two huge purple eyes in the center and a few freckles across the bridge of my snout. My mane was well-styled with pale pink side-swept bangs and the length reached my shoulders. On my back was a small set of pale wings. I stared at them and thought

I'm beautiful

My admiring was cut short by the sound of children's laughter and a mean chant,"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly." they jeered.

That cant be good.

I zipped outside to see the commotion to find a small yellow filly who was sobbing into her hooves while the other foals were laughing at her!

I flew over to the filly's side and gave the crowd a stare.

"How could you do this to her? She didn't do anything to you! So why dont you just leave her alone or else you can answer to me!" I screamed.

A larger brown colt with hair covering his eyes stepped forward.
"Why are you defending Cluttershy she's a loser!" he chortled

"Your the loser! Making fun of this nice filly! Now get lost before I make you!" I growled.

The big colt stepped forward "And if I don't?" He smiled

A squeaky voice from behind me came in "Of else I'll teach you a lesson Billy!"
I turned around to find a tiny blue filly with a wild rainbow mane.

"Listen Rainbow-Crash I don't have time for this!" Billy snarled.

"Just leave." Rainbow got up in his face
Billy looked over at Rainbow and spit at her hooves."You disgust me Rainbow and as for you whoever you are-"

"Melody." I replied

"Smellody you just made the wrong enemy. Lets go boys." Billy and his cronies flew off.

Rainbow let out a big raspberry "And stay away!" She paused for a moment to look at the crowd. "You guys leave too!"

The crowd muttered angrily but eventually flew away.

She looked over at me "Im Rainbow Dash, Thanks for helping Fluttershy."

Fluttershy stood up and looked down at me (She was tall for a filly) with her her watery eyes

"Thank you, I'm Fluttershy." she said meekly

"Its nice to meet you Fluttershy, I'm Melody." I said proudly

I just remembered isnt she the one who likes animals? I know how to get on her good side

"Fluttershy, did you know I used to live next door to a zoo" I said smoothly

She cocked her head at me "Ive never been to a zoo. That sounds awfully scary." she said sadly

My jaw dropped but I thought! Wait....

I looked at her yellow flank, It was blank!

I couldnt believe it, I was on the show before the show!

"Ugghh can we get going guys? Class is about to start and this is turning into a real snooze fest!" Rainbow complained.

I narrowed my eyes at her and smiled "Race you guys to class."

Rainbow smiled happily "Melody, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship!"

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