• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 548 Views, 5 Comments

Change of scenery - Unlikely hero

This is what Hayley gets for helping homeless people. Waking up with her friend Phoebe next to her in some kind of creepy forest. Except when Hayley and Phoebe wake up their not exactly their selves anymore.....

  • ...

Say what?

I dont recall much of that night, but I do remember the conversation Phoebe and I shared when we stepped out of the movie theater.

"Hayley." Phoebe said seriously


"Do you think I have a chance with Taylor Laughtner?" She asked

I stared at my friend awkwardly and she looked back with her bright, curious eyes awaiting my answer. "Pheebs you dont want me to answer that."

Phoebe stuck her tongue out at me. "Meanie!"

We walked on. I remember we were shuffling along the sidewalk when we happened to come upon a huddled figure up against a wall.

He raised his old, worn, leathery hand up to eye level with me. "Food." His gruff voice whispered.

I remember looking down at this poor, shadow of a man and seeing the pain and tragedy in his eyes. I saw a man who desperately needed to be noticed. Phoebe nervously motioned for us to go and tapped her foot quickly.

"Hayley if we dont get back before 10 my mom is going to kill me." she whispered urgently

"Phoebe its not gonna take an hour to give to the homeless!" I hissed

I reached into my handbag to grab the Hershey bar I had saved from the theater. I picked up the snack and handed it down to the poor lost soul.

The figure reached his leathery hand through the air and grabbed my wrist.

"Mister you um missed the uh candy bar." Phoebe managed

I saw this to be an act of gratitude and allowed him to grab my wrist willingly. But when I tried to pull away from the shadow he would not let go.

"Geez mister, you've got an iron grip in all but I think its time for you to let go now!" I squeaked

The man smiled deviously showing his few black teeth.

"Okay dude your really starting to freak me out let go of her!" Phoebe shouted

This comment was hilarious to the man and he howled with laugher.

Phoebe grabbed onto my back to help pull him off but soon found a problem.

"Umm Hayley.....?" Phoebe squeaked

"Listen Pheebs Im sorta in the middle of something!" I mustered out

"I Cant let go of your back!" she cried


The mans laughter became louder with each statement.

My wrist became hot.... NO BURNING! "OWWW please let me go! Your hurting me!" I squealed.

Phoebe began to cry out "My hands are gonna burn off!" She sobbed

"That just so happens to be the point Phoebe darling!" The man seemed to sing with laughter

I jerked my head up at him, fatigued and hot. "W-wait how do you-" I couldn't finish the sentence. I smacked against the ground dragging Phoebe with me.

The last thing I could remember is seeing the man's eyes. Big taunting eyes yellow eyes with strange little red pupils. The danced and spun wildly in different directions as he hysterically laughed.

"Thats odd..." Was all I could muster before my whole world went black.

I awoke to the sound of my friend's whining "Aww my leg." I heard Phoebe mumble

"Pheebs shut up... Its like five in the morning." I Whined, "Just go ask your mom for an Asprin or something."

I opened my eyes and automatically saw large, looming trees.

Cool, but I dont remember waking up in a forest I thought

My head and my back was all I could think about. They ached like really badly.

And on top of that I couldnt feel my fingers!

"Yeah Pheebs, I could use an Asprin too." I groaned. Phoebe squeaked in reply

I reached up to rub my eyes with my hands "So how did we get here anyw-" I stopped to look at my hands. The problem is, there weren't any. To pale and dare I say shiny white nubs stood in there place.

This cant be happening
I screamed as loud as I could muster causing Phoebe to jump up. "Wha-whats wrong?"

"What have you done with Phoebe?" I said shakily.

"Har har har Hayley this is hilari-" She stopped and looked at me.

She screamed. "I know my hands are gone!" I whined waving them around wildly.

"N-not only that but your kinda sorta a-a." She stopped talking mid sentence.

"I'll tell you what you are if you tell me what I am, because I am certainly not what I used to be." She whispered

I nodded and at the same time we screamed "Your some cute somewhat creepy unicorn pegasus thing with huge eyes!"

We both covered our hooves over our mouths. I gasped and heaved in breaths quickly.

I reached my hand... I mean hoof to the top of my head and felt a strange lump. No not a lump... A HORN!

And on my back was a set of feathery wings fluttered softly in the breeze.

"IM A PONY!" I screamed hysterically.

Phoebe threw herself to the ground in a fit. "But I don't wanna be a pony!" she sobbed.

Her face was pink. PINK!

Sparks flew from her pink horn as she cryed hysterically.


Drama queen.... wait a second I know this. My sister watches this show. Could we be in.... oh whats the name of that rainbow pony land again? Oh I know EQUESTRIA

"HAYLEY WHAT HAPPENED?!" the alicorn threw herself at my hooves with her blonde mane blowing in her eyes.

"I dont know but I think it may have something to do with that hobo last night."

"How do we know it was last night? For all we know it could have been years ago when we watched Breaking Dawn part 2!! For all we know our families could be dead!!! She rambled.

Gosh we were tiny. I think we were only fillies.

"YOU ARNT LISTENING TO ME!" she shrieked

"Umm I think we should just calm down and try to think of a way out of think scary forrest." I said calmly


I looked at her and gave a firm nod.

"Fair enough..."

Damn... I must be freaking adorable for her to listen to me

"Okay so what I was thinking was that maybe we could use our tiny wings to fly out of here." I said

Phoebe looked at me strangely. Obviously she needed an instruction.

"It cant be too hard.. right?" I giggled

Focus Hayley it cant be any hard than Track with Coach Phil I convinced myself.

I concentrated really hard an focused on only my wings.

They soon began to flutter and my white hooves were lifted from the ground.

A Huge grin spread across my face as I lifted higher. I was free.

It was at that moment when I fell smack on my face.

"HAYLEY!" Phoebe screamed

I looked up dizzily "I-I am fine. But did ya see me? Did you see me fly?"

I shook off the pain and stood up. Again I fluttered my wings softly and my body flew from the ground. I zipped up aand over to Phoebe who was climbing a tree. "Now you try!" I laughed

She smiled brightly and zipped her wings quickly. She too rose from the tree but then fell back to the ground landing on her face.

I flew back down to Phoebe who now had a bloody nose.

"Flying stinks! Just carry me on your back." she whimpered giving me this look of pure innocence.

"Carry you?" I managed " I can barely carry myself without nearly breaking my face...snout... Whatever!"

I don't know how it was possible, but she widened her eyes even bigger. "PLEEEEAASSSEEEE!"

'Fine."I groaned giving into her cuteness. I knew I would soon regret this.

She happily jumped on my back and buried her horn into my neck.

"JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled in pain. "This is what I mean! Your gonna kill both of us!"

"Oops sorry." she said sheepishly.

My wings fluttered anxiously and soon enough we were lifted from the ground. I slowly but surly moved upward, away from the grassy ground. We flew above the tree's into the sky it was a great feeling up until the point when phoebe slipped of my back and began to plummet toward the ground.

"CATCH M-" she was cut off by the sound of herself clunking against a cloud.

I watched in awe as Phoebe danced on the cloud without falling to her doom.

I too stepped onto the cloud. "How are we not falling?"

"Who cares!" Phoebe laughed

"Okay lets take a break." I said quietly.

We sat on the cloud for a while and finally agreed that we kind of liked our new bodies.

Phoebe actually learned how to produce fireworks from her tiny pink horn when I could barley even make a spark.

We both eventually fell asleep on the fluffy cloud and something strange happened.

I was in a castle and a larger mare, with multicolored hair was in the room with me.

She looked over at me and said "Come to mommy."

A look of pain spread across her face as I backed away "Your not my mommy."

A single tear fell from her face "Come my child, please."

I so desperately wanted to caress the mare and be entwined in her hooves, but with each step I took she grew further away until she was just a dot in the distance.

My eyes shot open and I sat up.

Phoebe sat next to me in a deep peaceful slumber smiling gently.

My chest heaved up and down as I desperately looked around for the mare.

All I saw was a castle... My castle on a hillside in the distance.

"I need to get there." I muttered

"Hmmm." Phoebe awoke from her sleep slowly.

"Pheebs I dont know why but I feel like the only way to get home is to go there." I said with hope.

"Can I sleep on the way there?" she grumbled.

"Of course Pheebs." I chuckled.

I loaded Phoebe onto my back and actually threw myself off the cloud.

I spread my wings out and caught the wind with my feathers. I am a badass. I hope I can keep the wings

It felt like hours until we finally reached the castle. We flew on and on, well I did at least. Phoebe slept peacefully as I nearly dropped her to her death every two seconds.

Phoebe had awoken as we flew to a balcony on the side of the castle.

"Hayley what if we get in trouble?" Phoebe asked nervously.

"Trust me we won't." I muttered

Since I no longed had hands. I couldnt turn the doorknob.

"Dammit! How are we supposed to get in with hands?" I said very angry

Phoebe said nothing, but rather bent over and opened the door by turning the knob with her mouth.

"Thats nasty." I muttered

Phoebe stuck her tongue out at me. "It opened the door didn't it?"

I rolled my eyes at her. The floor practically shook as we walked in. Please don't have anyone in here

Just my luck the large white mare from my dreams was sitting at a cherry wood desk her face was warmly smiling at us.

Phoebe leaned over to my ear "She's staring into my soul."

The mare laughed happily as she gazed at us "Ive been expecting you, my children."