• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 3,679 Views, 146 Comments

Chimichangas and Cupcakes - Awesomedude17

Deadpool gets stuck in Equestria, what will happen? The hell if I know.

  • ...

Princess Horsey!

Chimichangas and Cupcakes
By Awesomedude17

Wade and Pinkie were walking through Canterlot. The ponies took one look at Deadpool and gasped at what he was. Some decided to talk to him.

"What is with that horrid outfit?"

"Don't dis my costume toots. It may be spandex, but I'll be damned if you say it's ugly!

"Toots! You are incredibly uncouth!"

"And I am sexy! Ugh, girl look at that body! I'm sexy and I know it!"

As the ponies were shocked as Wade stripped to his underwear and mask, some royal guards came to the scene.

"Halt! You are..."

"Screw the police!" Wade suddenly had his full costume on and teleported via his teleporter belt with his new best friend to a rooftop. Pinkie looked at Wade before speaking.

"Now that was just plain rude."

"Can you forgive my sexiness, they were just jealous."

"I was talking about how you handled that situation. You going to need to learn some manners before we meet the princess."

"Manners?" Wade then broke out laughing. "Manners! HA HA HA! HOHA HA HA AH! Manners! Manners... whooo... ha ha. You serious?"


Wade deadpanned and looked to the heavens.

"Oh flex."

Princess Celestia had just received a letter from her faithful student and decided to read it.

"Hmm, uh huh. Oh my. Hmm, this does require my attention."

Celestia looked out to Canterlot and decided to look for this 'human.' Twilight's description of the creature does seem to be rather different, but she would have to...

"Found him." Celestia took flight and went to the insane merc.

"And I say that banana is also my banana!"

"Even I don't know."

"Because you ain't the sexiness that is... DEADPOOL!"

We're back!

And we brought brain bleach for later.

Cool, where's Doom's credit card?

"Who continues to defile Doom's credit record? Very well then, I shall cancel my card." Doctor Doom then called Visa to cancel his credit card.

Probably canceling it.


"Hey, look!"

Deadpool saw some kind of flying horsey fly towards the duo. Pinkie immediately recognized who it was.

"Princess Celestia!"

"Oh, I though it was a flying horsey thingy... thing."

"No, she's only like the most important pony, in the history of ponykind!"

My God, she is bright.

Living flashlight that is important. Seems legit, really does.

"Okay then, time to get sexy!"

"No time, she's landing."

Princess Celestia landed in front of the merc, who was just picking his nose, with his mask on somehow.

"Hello, my name is Princess Celestia, who are you?"

"Wade Wilson, but you can call me Deadpool, Sexiest Man Alive!" Deadpool somehow summoned a boombox and played 'I'm Sexy and I Know it' while striping down to his underwear and mask, again.

"Ohh, Girl look at dat body! Ohh, Girl look at dat body! Ohh, Girl look at dat body! UH HU, I work out!"

Celestia looked at Pinkie Pie, who just smiled nervously.

"Relax, Deadpool here is just suffering from a mental breakdown after..."

"Nah, I'm always this crazy, and I chose to go to another universe. Now where was I? Oh yeah! Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH!"

Celestia widened her eyes, but simply shook her head. "Regardless, you need to come with me."

"Because I'm sexy?"

"No, because you're a never before seen creature."

Doesn't that make us endangered?

Only if another comes here.

Oh, okay, I was confused for a minute there.

Like Doom after we spent about 10K?

"Yes, thank you." Doom hung up. "HA! Doom would like to see the man who stole Doom's credit card try again."

Okay, maybe we should stop that running gag thing.

Like the alt universe where you call me a cultured dick?

That will never stop.

My ass that'll keep on going on like that.

"Whoa author, why you dethreading my story here?"

'Cause I'm the freakin' author, TRICK!

"Bird flipping powers, activate!"


"Why are you doing that?" Celestia asked.

"I'm flipping off the author, what does it look like I'm doing?"

"Flipping off the sky."

Wade raised an eyebrow, which was hidden under his mask and saw nothing when he looked back. In that instant, he got his costume back on and teleported next the princess.

"Tell you what, we talk, and then we have third lunch. Deal?" Wade held out his hand. Celestia understood and put her hoof in Wade's palm and they shook.

"Yay, we're gonna have so much fun!" Pinkie said.

"Hell yeah."

Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were rushing to Canterlot Castle after taking another train to Canterlot. They soon approached Canterlot Gardens and saw something they had never thought they see.

"OP OP, OPOP, OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE!" Wade danced Gangnam Style in front of the two princesses, Celestia looking amused and Luna laughing her flank off.

"Wha..." Twilight was really confused.

"Ahh Twilight, my faithful student, have you met Wade Wilson yet?"


"I..." Twilight got a BSOD from what she saw.

Error, data could not be processed...

"Another perfect chapter, my good boy!"

Yep, let's see what the pic of the chapter is.

"I feel pretty."

"HA HA! That's awesome."

Yeah, yeah.

"Hey author."


"When are you gonna finish that Dethklok fanfic?"

Oh... umm...


"Finish it!"

Fine, I'll work on that, after school semester finishes.


But for right now...

"Laughing my ass off. Oh crap! My ass fell off!"

"Get the glue!"

Oh damn.