• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,367 Views, 125 Comments

Fiends of Manehatten - Skrive Flip

Everything is Well For Cheerilee untill she is called upon a task to defend the Ponies of Manehatten

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Rude Interruption

The dark streets of Manehatten were as active as always, even in the middle of the night. Streetlamps illuminated the paths of the pedestrian ponies who were out and enjoying the night. There were no clouds tonight, and Luna had really put a lot of work into the beauty of her stars.

Everything was just like any other night. Until she entered the street.

The earth pony was beautifully green-coated and had a long streaked blonde mane that would turn the eyes of many a stallion on its own. However, that was not why everypony was turning their attention to her now. It was because of the blood.

She was bleeding heavily from her throat, almost as if a bite had been taken out of it. She was staggering into the street, her breath a mixture between gurgling and panting as she struggled to get the necessary oxygen to keep her systems functioning. A pair of stallions noticed the bleeding mare and quickly rushed to her side.

“Miss! Are you all right?! Should we call a doctor?” one of them asked, making the mare turn towards him. She stared with strangely relaxed eyes for a few more moments, one could almost say she was relieved, giving the stallion time to see she had actually very pretty emerald coloured eyes. Her expression changed to surprise and fear as she saw somepony in the alley she had just left. They had a pearly white coat and a grin smeared with blood, revealing fangs.
The bloody mare’s eyes grew three sizes.

“Fiend!” she screamed, pointing her hoof towards the alley, before collapsing onto the street. One of the stallions rushed to pick up the injured mare, while the other turned to see where she had been pointing at. There was nothing, just an empty alleyway.

The stallion shook his head and helped his friend to pick up the poor mare, and the two headed for the hospital, making their way through the crowd of ponies that had gathered in the meantime, seeing so much blood around.

Unbeknownst to them, the same white coated creature that had been in the alley was now watching from the rooftops. Its grin returned, and a sinister chuckle escaped it.

“So… The poor little mare escaped… Interesting… This is going to be… fun

And with that, It was gone.

~~~~~ Coltenhagen, Denmare, Northern Equestria ~~~~~

“Ok everypony, for the next class I want you to prepare a small presentation of your favorite game, but try to stretch it beyond how to play it. I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

The class all nodded in unison to their teacher before a roar of cheers and glee escaped the classroom. To be fair, most foals was gleeful when the class was over, no matter how great a teacher was. This was a tiny truth every teacher had to realize.

Left behind in the classroom, the teacher was still by her desk, looking over her things, making sure she had what she needed to take home in her saddlebags.

She was lavender colored, and many a stallion might add, a beautiful mare with large emerald eyes that seemed to say hello all by themselves. Her mane was striped between a light and slightly darker pink all very well falling together with the unity of her coat.

She was Miss Cheerilee. Teacher extraordinaire.

But there was something more to her. Something she didn’t show to anyone she cared for. In fact, if you saw it, it was most likely in your last few seconds of living. It was a secret she was willing to kill to keep.

A secret, only one who would take a deep and long look at her teeth, would maybe begin to realize.

The sound of a hoof knocking on the side of the door made Miss Cheerilee snap out of her mental checklisting and turn, noticing a blue coated earth pony mare.

“Miss Cheerilee? The principal would like to see you,” the visitor said with a smile.

“Oh, thanks Typo.” Cheerilee returned the smile and nodded before picking up her saddlebags and heading for the door. She put on a bit of a teasing smile. “By the way, aren’t you missing something?”

Typo looked confused for a moment until Cheerilee pointed a hoof up towards her mane. Typo reached upwards and felt nothing. Confused, she said, “What? There is nothing there?”

Cheerilee just looked upon Typo with a smile, waiting patiently for the slightly slow mare to connect the dots. And much like an overdramatic actor, it lit up for the blue mare in a great gasp. “MY GLASSES!”

“Bingo” Cheerilee said, before trotting past her friend with a smile. “I think you better find them before you get back to your desk.” She said with a small chuckle. Typo smiled sheepishly.

“I better do that! Thanks for mentioning it Cheerilee! No wonder why I mistook an eight for a five…” the blue mare mused before speeding off in the opposite direction Cheerilee was headed.

Cheerilee shook her head, but smiled. Oh, how wonderful some of these ponies were. She had not lived here for long, and yet all of them were acting as if she was a part of the community, even as far as to respect her privacy. She had seen a lot of Equestria, but Coltenhagen was a bit special. There was this silent unity among everypony, and yet they all knew when to give somepony her space.
Perhaps it was an effect of being so far up north or perhaps Cheerilee just felt like this because she was so far off from everything. She didn’t have to worry about anything. Well, almost.

She reached the Principal’s office and entered to find the Principal behind his desk with lots of files in front of him. He was an elderly unicorn with a short white mane. His coat was also graying a bit on the edges, though he was still proud to be able to have kept his core deep green. A pair of tiny spectacles were hanging upon his nose, making him look almost like an old psychiatrist.

As Cheerilee closed the door behind her, the Principal´s attention turned to her and a smile came upon his muzzle.

“Ah, Miss Cheerilee! Good you came.”

He said as he dropped the file he had in his hooves at the moment. Cheerilee smiled and bowed her head a moment. “I always come when you call, Principal Hoofton.”

The elderly Principal smiled and grinned. “Oh Miss Cheerilee, simply Hoofton will do. You have after all been working with the school for several months now. You´re almost part of the family now.”

Cheerilee lifted her head and smiled in return. “Of course Hooftoon, only if you call me Cheerilee though.”

The two shared a small laugh, before Hoofton got off his chair and walked around the desk. “I really want to thank you for all your hard work with the children here. Coltenhagen Foals can at times be a tad rebellious when things get boring, but you were able to handle them.”

“Oh, no need to thank me, Hoofton,” Cheerilee said, waving dismissively, as if to stop him, however he continued.

“Which is why I thought I would grant your Request of a Leave of Absence,” said with a smile.

This made Cheerilee freeze a moment. Leave of Absence? She had not requested any sort of thing. She was happy with her work, and her weekends actually had gotten boring lately. She didn’t need to get even more free time.

But a sadder, darker part of Cheerilee´s mind that knew what this was about. A dark cloud made the light bend so that Cheerilee´s eyes were covered and masked the silent sadness as she realized it was time to leave again.

Hoofton got quite annoyed and turned to open the window. “Who was that pegasus who placed that cloud!? The schedule said clear sky today!”

Quickly a brown coated pegasus came flying by and caught the cloud, yelling back, “SORRY!”

Hoofton huffed a moment before looking back and shrugging his shoulders slightly. “The Denmarian Weather Patrol never seems to get things right… Oh well. I hope they won’t mess up on your vacation at least.”

Cheerilee had put on a smiling face again and nodded. “Thank you Hoofton… I just need some time for some recreation,” she lied, before turning for the door.

“I will be back before you know it,” Cheerilee said, trying to sound encouraging. If she wasn’t such a practiced liar, then she would not have convinced anyone.

Hoofton smiled. “Of course! I will be looking forward to it Cheerilee… perhaps I can serve you a cup of tea once you get back!”

Cheerilee gave him a last smile and left the room, closing the door behind her. She didn’t want to run into anypony else today. She just wanted to go home. Or to be more precise., she HAD to go home…


Cheerilee’s apartment was on the roof top. Not many would call a ‘penthouse apartment’ but merely the apartment that was on top of the roof. It had a view over the city, but the city was not impressive. It was full. Lots of ponies living in apartments and houses on top of the others. Of course there were impressive things to see, but they weren’t really to be seen from an apartment window, Like the Chifold Tower In Prance, or the Memorials in Stalliongrad.

The inside of the apartment was dark, as Cheerilee had not bothered to turn on the lights as she came in. The interior was just as unimpressive as the view, the furniture not really used to its full potential, seeing as Cheerilee´s daily life was not as normal as many other ponies´.

Sadly, Cheerilee did not have the time or the will to actually clean up right now, because there were much bigger trees to buck. She immediately headed for her office room, a place that she told her infrequent guests held her most private items. Everypony respected that, and did not question why she had both a normal lock and a padlock on the door.

She had fished her keys out of the icebox (Yes, the icebox… who would look for them there?) and unlocked both locks to her room, before getting inside and locking the door from there. She took one deep, yet fake breath before exhaling all the air from her lungs, not really needing any of it. It was here in this private room that she didn’t have to put on a facade of normality for anypony.

She turned around to look around her messy office room. There were several newspaper clippings and files of old unsolved cases that the newspapers of Equestria wrote about.

Sadly, for her, they weren’t unsolved at all. They described violence and bloodshed, murder and destruction. The papers described it as violence among small gangs, one-on-one encounters, insanity, or sometimes simply had no explanation.

Anyhow, Cheerilee had more important things to do than to reminisce about the past, so she walked over to her desk. She opened up one of the compartments and pulled out a small hoof mirror. To the causal observer this would be just a normal mirror, nothing of importance.

She placed the mirror upon the desk and stared upon it. “Cheerilee reporting for duty…”

The mirror lit up, magical energy surging through the air and confirming the caller. Finally once the confirmation was complete and the connection was established, a face appeared in the mirror. It was not Cheerilee´s face, but rather that of a very famous alicorn. Her mane was blue and shining as the starlit night, her eyes beautiful like the moon, yet her demeanor as hard and powerful as the darkness the night brought along. It was Princess Luna.

“Ah, Cheerilee… we are glad that you decided to-“

“With all due respect your Majesty, booking me a vacation without my consent was very low…” Cheerilee spoke, a small amount of spite in her voice, her eyes clearly telling Luna how she felt.

Luna sighed a moment.

“Thou must realize that we do only pull upon your expertise when we deem it absolutely necessary. We hope we did not interrupt in anything important?” She asked.

‘Only my as-close-to-normal-life as I can get’ she wanted to say, but ended up just shaking her head. Her life in Coltenhagen had gone undisturbed for a few months. Cheerilee had known she wasn’t retired from Luna’s service, but was nice to dream for a while.

“No… you weren’t Interrupting…” she lied. The Princess caught on however.

“We apologize… but we need our vampire on this.” She spoke, her voice calm, yet sincere.

Cheerilee felt what was almost a stroke of pain go through her chest. Why ,it was lovely to be the designated vampire of an undercover agency. Just lovely my flank.

Yes, that was what Cheerilee was. A vampire, an undead creature doomed to lurk the earth, seeking out the blood of the living for sustenance. She had been so for several years now, and it was not pleasant.

“What is the problem?” she asked, simply wanting to be briefed quickly. If she was going to have to put her teaching on hold for a little while, then she might as well get started.

Luna noticed the vampire teacher´s annoyance. “A mare was found last night in the streets of Manehatten. She and her husband had been missing for several weeks before she just appeared out of an alleyway, with blood running down her neck and marks of abuse upon her body.”

“Was she bitten?” Cheerilee asked for reassurance. She had been changed after a single bite. If the victim was as well, this would make the situation much more troubling.

Luna nodded after a moment. “She was, however we have an expert on the scene at the moment, and we believe it might not be a problem.”

“Not a problem? But if she was bitten, that means there is a rogue vampire on the loose, and he possibly has created more,” said Cheerilee, her eyes a bit more firm than before.

“That is the thing… we know the situation, but we want you to investigate further. If our fears are grounded, then it might not be enough to just send a few of Canterlot´s elite to take care of it… That is why we need YOU to go to Manehatten,” Luna explained.

Her calm demeanor didn’t change, even when Cheerilee argued back. “You still haven’t addressed the issue, Princess.”

“You will be briefed about the specifics once you get there, we already have sent out a specialist. He will be acting as your cover and your guide once you get to Manehatten.” Luna continued, not seemingly going to meet Cheerilee in debate at any point, which did infuriate the teacher a bit.

“Wait, I cant have somepony along for my missions! Secondly, when am I supposed to be In Manehatten?!” She asked, both confused and frustrated. Her consternation only grew as the Princess replied.

“In about 12 hours. Your carriage will be picking you up within the hour. Pack yourself light, you will have a place to sleep once you get there, and it will be a long carriage ride.” Luna spoke, one would have to be daft not to realize that she was heading towards the end of the conversation.

“Wait, but I-“ Cheerilee was not able to say more before the magic faded from the mirror, which was its way of terminating the conversation. Cheerilee gave out a roar of frustration but stopped herself from bucking at the walls, not wanting to explain to the neighbors as to how she broke through solid concrete.

“Sometimes… I hate you Princess…” Cheerilee said with a deep sigh, before sullenly leaving the room to begin packing her things.

This is part of the Vampire Cheerilee Series