• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 5,573 Views, 74 Comments

Return To The Haven - Sweet Tale

Jason and Celestia spend another day together, along with an extra visitor.

  • ...

Chapter 2

A brisk wind blew through the living room as the staredown continued. I hadn't gathered the balls to say anything as my package was in full view...in front of a goddess.

I raised my arm and motioned to behind the Princess to where a clothes airer was stood. "Um...towels are over there...if you excuse me..." I slowly walked past the shining white alicorn, refusing to look her in the eye out of sheer embarrassment. Picking up a rather large towel, I quickly wrapped it around my waist and secured it tight. Taking a deep breath, I turned back around to see Celestia still showing that smile of hers.

"You need not to feel embarrassed dear Jason. To be fair, I didn't exactly give you any warning." Celestia offered.

"Well um...I shouldn't have been parading in the nude, singing terribly." I replied with a chuckle. I stared into those huge purple eyes and slowly approached her. Standing in front of her, I raised my hand and put it on her side, feeling the wonderful plushness of her fur. "It's good to see you again."

She replied with a bigger smile before opening her wings, putting them around me and pulling me close. "It is good to see you again as well." Releasing me, she then bowed her head slightly. "I apologise for the long wait. Six months is a long time but my royal duties restrained me from visiting."

"Hey, don't worry about it. You told me that the ponies are trying to recover from the changeling invasion. How is it going by the way?" I ask.

"Better now. When I returned, the number of visitors doubled but they were calm. Now though, everything is back to normal and the event seems to have been forgotten by most." She glanced over to my mantlepiece, where a variety of pictures were situated. "Is this your wife...Sarah, I think?"

"Yeah, that's her." The picture was of us on our wedding day. "Seems so long ago now. Two years ago next week actually." I placed my hand on the photo. "What a day that was..."

Celestia quickly placed the photo back down and turned her gaze to all over my living room. "Is she here? Your wife?" she asks with worry.

"Nah. She's gone to visit her parents in Scotland. I'm home alone until Sunday morning." I looked down to see I was still in a towel. "Um...give me a few minutes. I'm just gonna go and get dressed." Celestia nodded and I quickly retreated to my bedroom. I threw on a blue football shirt (NOT GOING TO SAY WHICH TEAM I SUPPORT) and some tracksuit bottoms before returning to the living room. Celestia was standing there, waiting. "You can sit down you know." I joked.

She did so and sat on the sofa. I sat down in my armchair and sighed contently. "So why didn't you go to visit your in-laws?" Celestia asked.

"Many reasons. Many...many reasons." I leant forward and brought my hands together. "Her Mum likes to complain about everything that she sees. Seriously...anything. Her Dad's a nice guy but he's not really a sociable man."


"But I tell ya who is sociable." I said, pointing to my stomach. "Are you hungry? I would have stocked up if I was certain you were coming so I've got the bare minimum."

"A meal would be splendid. Do you have anything that would suit a pony?"

"Well I...hold on." I went to the fridge and rummaged through it. Some chicken breasts, some ham, a bit of cheese in a bottle...oh wait, that's milk...or what's left of it.. Fantastic. I poked my head from around the corner. "Err...not really." I glanced at the kitchen counter and noticed a solution. "We'll order something instead."

I planted myself next to Celestia and opened up a menu for her. "Do you like spicy food?" She nodded. "Well, I'll introduce you to Indian cuisine. Have a look through that and try and find something that appeases you. Just err...stay away from the meat." I said sheepishly.

Celestia went through the menu, asking what certain words meant. I hadn't a clue. Certain one's like 'aloo' and 'paneer' were easy as I had them before. But stuff like 'Ceylon' and 'Pathia'? No chance. "This sounds good. Dopiaza - a blend of various spices, garnished with plenty of onion and a dash of lemon."

"I've had that before, that's a good one." I picked up the phone. "Can you read out that number on the front for me?"

"That was delightful."

"Yeah, it was pretty good."

Two empty plates and plenty of empty containers later, me and Celestia were stuffed. Although, bloated would be the correct term. Curry, rice, bhaji, naan bread...but it was soooo good. Before and during the meal, we discussed how our lives had gone after our initial visit. I told her about work and how much I was hating it now. I mentioned something I had done soon after she visited the first time. Knowing where my great-grandfather was buried, I visited him and talked for a while. I thanked him for giving the world something amazing to see.

When I asked about Celestia's life, she didn't have much to say. The ponies were going back to their normal lives, more defenses were being put up around the city and she talked about her sister. That's right, Princess Luna. Hearing many stories about Luna's antics and shenanigans was quite funny to hear. Especially about the helium drink - I nearly bust a gut laughing about it!

After I tidied up the mess we made, we both returned to the sofa and let our food go down. "So...what do you wanna do now?" I asked.

Celestia shook her hoof. "It's not my decision, it is yours. I am happy either way."

We eventually decided on watching a movie. Something friendly. Something that everyone could watch. We discussed what types of films there were before I figured out the perfect one. My most favourite animated film - The Iron Giant. I slipped the DVD into the player and turned on the TV.

"So, what is this film about?" Celestia asked.

"It's set in the late 1950's, during the Cold War. A giant robot crashes on Earth and this little kid befriends him. I won't say anymore because it might..." A light from the drive caught my attention. I went to the window and peeked out of the curtain. "Huh...a car's pulling up. Strange - I'm not expecting anyone."

"Do you recognise the car?" Celestia asked.

"No...no it's...wait...it's a taxi. Hang on, someone's getting out." A woman exited the taxi. A woman I know VERY well. "It's Sarah! She's come back!" I shouted in panic.

"I thought you said that she was gone for the weekend." Celestia retorted.

"I did! She's...she's got her bags as well!" I closed the curtain and looked at Celestia. "You've gotta go, now! You can't let her see you!"

"Jason, please. From what you've told me about your wife, she seems like a wonderful person. I think one more human knowing about me won't hurt."

"Not this woman! She's a gossiper! She'll spill the secret faster than it takes Rainbow Dash to think about flying!" I replied.

The sound of her bags wheeling across the path was getting louder.


Keys were jingling.


The key entered the lock.

"SHE'S LIKE RARITY!" I shouted in whisper.

Celestia's eyes widened and she bolted upright. Her horn immediately cast ablaze and my vision was lost in a blinding flash of light.

Sarah entered her home, dragging her heavy bags in behind her. "Jason honey, I'm back! There were problems on the railway so I couldn't get there. Jason?" She dumped her bags on the floor and looked at the scene in front of her. TV on, DVD playing and no husband to be seen. "Jason! What did I say about leaving the TV on when you're not using it?"

She searched every room but Jason was nowhere to be seen. "Now where the hell have you--"



A blinding flash of light eminated from the centre of the living room. A distinct buzzing noise sounded and pulsed as the light grew brighter and brighter. Then, as quickly as it started, the light and buzzing ceased. Sarah regained her vision and looked where the light once was...and froze.

There, standing in the middle of her living room, was a creature. A tall creature on four legs. The creature looked around at it's surroundings and smelt the air. Then, it spoke.

"Celestia, I'm here!"

Author's Note:

Yeah, it's a short chapter! WHAT OF IT?!

That was too mean, let me try again...

*ahem* Hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter - I did this in about 90 minutes. New chapter to be up next week or closer...