• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 1,236 Views, 182 Comments

The Psychopath Interviews - The Psychopath

The Psychopath interrogates the characters of people on this site

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Fruity Feathers

(This is a redo of Nova Shino's character interviewed in the first special.)

The city of Canterlot was bustling with activity, as usual. The nobles went about their business, and carriages drove ponies from one place to another. One pony in particular, a light blue pegasus with a black jacket named Nova Shino, hummed as he walked through the streets. his brown mane with a white streak bobbed slightly in the wind, and he was simply observing the city around him.

He hummed as he walked into the marketplace, looking at the sadly expensive wares that the vendors were offering. each vendor wore a clearly forced smile. several bartered, and attempted to convince several stingy and somewhat annoying nobles to purchase something. the pegasus hummed as he walked towards one stall in particular, a simplistic fruit vendor.

The stall was nothing more than a few, carved and smoothened planks of wood assorted to look larger than it actually was. It still garnered the attention of a few passing ponies due to its contents; The contents namely being fruits and vegetables with bizarre appearances. One looked like a green apple with red stripes whereas the more expensive ones looked like Celestia or Luna, all colors included! The vendor was hidden behind an upside-down newspaper with a mug of water and a small glass right in front. Nova was going to speak to whoever the owner of this stall was when the owner in question extended a hoof to the metal container which turned inside out and fell off the counter while a glass full of water gently dropped onto the hoof’s grip.

Nova blinked slowly, staring at everything around him. when he saw what had happened when he went to speak to the owner about the new fruits, he just stood there for at least five seconds, before briefly rubbing his eyes and looking to make sure he hadn’t inhaled something on the way in. After ensuring he wasn’t on some narcotic, he turned back to the owner.

“Uh, excuse me?” He mumbled while picking up the container and setting it back on the counter.

The newspaper shook as if startled and flew away. The pony behind it tried to catch it, but failed.

“Darn. We were having a staring contest!” the pony complained. He turned towards Nova and yelled “HEY, STALLION! WHAT’RE YA DOIN’?!”

The stallion in question had an odd coloration to him. He actually looked like a country bumpkin, what with a straw pipe being in his mouth, a straw ring around his… top hat, and the blue overalls he was wearing. Although, his coat was a strange, incomprehensible mixture of pink and blue that just mixed willy-nilly all around the pony’s body. His eyes were somehow hidden by his long mane of pink, blue, and green. That being said, his mane looked worse than any piles of straw that could ever be seen drying in the farm lands.

Nova blinked again. He was at a loss for words as he stared at the pony who claimed to be having a staring contest with a newspaper. After at least 2 seconds, he shook his head and looked the pony in the eyes.

“W-well, I’m a regular customer here, and, well… this place wasn’t exactly like this yesterday… and you weren’t the one running the place. did you buy the place out or something?” He asked. He was, very briefly, considering running before something else happened.

“Did I now?” a stallion asked.

He suddenly popped up next to Nova’s right and was smiling quite widely. This pony seemed similar to the stall owner, but there was no ‘country bumpkin’ appeal to him. In fact, his mane was much shorter, and Nova could see that his pupils were pink swirls encompassing the entirety of his eyes.

Nova let out a startled yelp and shot into the air, before calming down and landing a few feet away. After making sure his heart wasn’t beating in a panic anymore, he looked between the stall owner and the new stallion, before looking at the new stallion.

“I would like some explanation’s please.” he said with a deadpan voice. “How about we start with why you two look so similar, what’s with these new fruits, and why a newspaper flew off. Oh, and sorry about interrupting the staring contest you two had going…I think.” Nova rubbed the back of his head briefly as he asked for explanations.

“Who are you talking to?” the stallion asked with worry.

The stall owner had disappeared almost immediately the moment Nova blinked, and there was nothing left but the stall itself, as well as the weird fruits.

Nova groaned and facehoofed, getting annoyed. then he looked at the weird colored stallion, dead in the eyes, and took a deep breath.

“Okay then, who are you?” he asked, trying to get some brief knowledge about what the heck was going on.

“Who is who?”

The colorful stallion was now behind one of the many boxes with a Celestia fruit on it and seemed to be fumbling through the reserves hidden behind the counter.

“Who am I or who are you? Haha! Rhyme.”

“If you wanna know, my name’s Nova. I guess it’s nice to meet you.” Nova mumbled, briefly contemplating one of the fruits.

“I am Psycho! Nice to meet you!” the stallion shouted.

He was now in front of Nova and shaking his foreleg with ferocity, causing the blue pegasus to bounce up and down against his will.

Nova quickly got his hoof out of Psycho’s grip, his hoof still shaking for a second or two.

“Jeez, are you related to Pinkie Pie or something?” He asked while rubbing his shoulder.

Psycho stuck his tongue out in disgust and created a sound following it nicely.

“Pinkie Pie is part of chaos, like Discord. So boring.” The stallion pet the Celestia fruit he was holding, then he smiled. “Not like Illogic. Illogic is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR superior, which is why I’m here!”

“Illogic?” Nova mumbled. “I think I heard about that. Hasn’ it cause all kinds of chaos for all kinds of ponies across Equestria?” he grinned, while a part of him in the back of his mind facehoofed and mumbled something along ‘we’re doomed.’


Psycho was now wearing a thick white wig and sitting behind a high podium in effigy of a judge. He was even speaking with an ancient, royal accent coupled with tongue rolling.

“You insult me, ser! I am not chaos! I am Illogic!”

“I mean no disrespect.” Nova chuckled, briefly glancing to see if the area around them had changed at all or if Psycho just randomly made a podium appear. “But from what I hear, chaos is just the opposite of order. So by all rights, anything from drinking an extra beer bottle to causing a bunch of ponies to go bonkers and do naughty things with nearby objects can be classified as chaos, but now we’re just arguing semantics.”

“Ew. That’s disgusting. Illogic does not do that. Illogic superior! Chaos inferior!” he shouted. “Illogic does not harm. I just like to prank without doing harm or touching the mind, unlike Discord. What do you know about...pbbbbbb that? What is your past, tiny pony?”

The Celestia fruit hopped atop the podium and was walking around casually as if nothing was happening. It was so tiny.

“One, I can respect pranks that don’t harm people. Two, my past is crazy, full of moving about, horrible birthdays, death, destruction, gryphons getting shot and weird powers showing up. Or as I like to call it, ‘an average day with Nova Shino’. Personally, I’d prefer to just have some hot chocolate while asking what exactly you’re up to here.” Nova chuckled as he checked the time.

“I’m here to interview you! Speaking of, you have any family?” Psycho asked.

The tiny Celestia lied down close enough to the edge to let her tiny forelegs dangle over the edge. She was staring at Nova.

“Oooooooooh!” Nova smiled, looking at the tiny Celestia and then putting one of the Luna fruits up there with her. “Well, fair enough then. What exactly am I being Interviewed for?”

“It’s a surprise!” he joked.

The stallion took off his hat and placed the entry in front of him, showing that it was cut in half, although Psycho didn’t appear through it, although he did reach into it and his foreleg appeared next to Nova with a mug full of hot chocolate.

“Thanks.” Nova said as he took the mug, sipping it gently then looking at Psycho. “Well, to answer your first question, yeah. I do have some family. Two parents; both living in this city. I have a sister, but she travels abroad a lot. She’d probably like you. The girl likes color.”

“Oh? What’s she like?” Psycho asked.

“Well, she’s a bit bubbly at times, but really kind. She likes different little knives, collects them. the amount of dinner knives she’s bragged about finding is… well, off putting. She likes the color spectrum too. Has one of those little prisms around her neck. She charts stars for a living, hence why she moves around a lot. Like I said, she’d probably like you,” Nova hummed as he sipped his drink.

A tiny Luna fruit was climbing Nova’s hind leg while he sipped his chocolate.

“Anything else? You have any ‘love interests’,” Psycho teased. He had rolled over onto his back, startling the tiny Celestia fruit somewhat.

“Honestly? No. I had a few when I was sixteen, but I just stopped dating after a while.” Nova shrugged while helping the Luna fruit up onto his back with his wing. “Why do you ask? You swing that way?” A grin snuck its way onto Nova’s face.

“Swing? I love swinging!” The stallion said as he swung randomly in the air.

The random act earned a laugh from Nova. “Okay, I’ll admit, I like you already.”

“I never found a mare who liked me, although Woona and Tia-Tia do try. I love those fillies,” he chuckled. “Where do you live?” he added.

“I think about… three minutes from here. It’s one of the big fancy houses, with the blue wing symbol on the front and the yappy chihuahua.” Nova chuckled. “And you met sun and moon butt? I used to work as a royal guard.”

The Luna fruit bopped Nova on his head when it heard his comment on Luna and Celestia.

“No. Woona and Tia-Tia. They’re quite young, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to foalsit them.”

“...You do realize Celestia and Luna, or Woona and Tia-Tia as you like to call them, are several thousand years old by now right?” Nova blinked, and ignored the bopp he got from the tiny Luna.

“Nonsense. Just yesterday I tucked Woona into bed. She’s so cute, but she doesn’t talk much or do much without her sister. Probably the reason why the Council asked for my help,” Psycho pondered.

“...Psycho, I think the Illogic thing is messing with your memory a bit,” Nova mumbled more out of concern for the stallion then anything else. “I mean, Luna tried a whole little thing a thousand years or so back, its all over the history books…”

“Pfff. I’m only twenty-two years older than them. I’m not THAT old,” the stallion chuckled.

“...I’ll just say take a look at a history book as soon as you can and move on. Any other questions you have for me?” Nova asked, grabbing a nearby chair and sitting down in it.

“Riiight...So, what’s yer tale? What’s yer offer?!” Psycho shouted with a grumpy old stallion’s voice.

“Well, I used to live up in the gryphon’s place for a while.” Nova said, leaning back. “The city was pretty nice, if crowded. I actually considered getting a few jobs there, but ultimately my parents moved us back to Equestria. Due to a series of… ‘incidents’ that happened while I was in the Gryphon Empire, I landed a job as a royal guard. Spent a few years before leaving with the money I had earned there. I mostly do odd jobs here and there nowadays.” He sipped the mug of hot chocolate he had, then sighed.

“Oooo. Sounds like fun. I have a better ‘job’ for you, though. Let’s see...What else...Do you have any powers?”

The tiny Celestia fruit laughed when the Luna fruit pulled on Nova’s lips to make him smile. Nova grabbed the Luna fruit and put her next to the Celestia fruit, then told her firmly “Stay there” before turning back to Psycho.

“Well, a couple. Apparently I’m from an ancient line of random heroes that each get their own powers. Turns out I produce a lot more natural magic then other pegasi. I can make massive gusts of wind, move insanely fast, manipulate weather from a distance, that sort of thing. Problem is my wings glow different colors when I’m using those powers, and it makes me insanely hungry really fast.” Nova shrugged and looked for a fruit that wasn’t animate.

Psycho laughed deeply and pointed a hoof at Nova with intent of teasing. “If you joined the Illogic you wouldn’t have these problems! Anything else you wish to share?”

“I have one more thing…” Nova leaned forward. “I’m what’s called an ‘author of fate.’ It’s also what runs in my family apparently. Author’s of fate apparently just… don’t show up in any prophecy book or fortune telling situation. A book could talk about the end of the world and then some random twit who’s an author of fate can walk in and fix the entire situation and the world continues as normal. I can’t tell you how many fortune teller’s I’ve freaked out or how many supposed unstoppable prophecy’s I’ve undone simply by being there. Oh, and I can do this.” With a flick of the hoof, binary of some kind, colored black and white, came out of nowhere and clumped together before fading, leaving a spear appear in Nova’s hoof. “That tends to make me tired the bigger I make the things though.” And then the spear vanished.

“Ooooo. That sounds like fun! I can do that too!”

The colorful stallion put his hoof in his hat and pulled out a huge, multi story building that he was somehow holding on one hoof. “Huh? Huh?” he smiled.

Nova just stared at the building in the crazy stallion’s hoof for at least a minute. “I would be completely terrified at this point but really I’m just impressed. Should that be worrying?”

“Should what be worrying?”

“That I’m not surprised you did something like pull a building out of your hat as casually as one would pull a rabbit out?”

“Pfff.” Psycho stuffed the building back in his hat then leaned on the podium. “You’re acting like this isn’t normal. Next I bet you’ll say these fruits aren’t normal,” he rolled his eyes.

The Celestia And Luna fruits were wearing karate outfits and were currently attacking each other with different holds. Nova gave Psycho a deadpan look, honestly unable to tell if the stallion was just that used to defying reality or if he was simply messing with the pegasus.

“...Okay then… well, I have a question I really wanna know the answer to…” Nova stood up. “What exactly is the point of this interview? And what is it you want from me?”

“The Illogic finds your powers interesting and wants to know if you’d be a good candidate for joining.”

“Oh…Really?” Nova tilted his head, curiosity apparent in his voice. “What exactly does that entail?”

“That’s for me to know and you to know later on!” Psycho’s face slightly faded dark, then he asked:”Have you hurt anypony before? Have you done some...bad things?”

Nova sighed. “...Yes. My time in the Gryphon Empire was… not exactly a peaceful trip. I hear that they tell horror stories to some of the kids over there, about how if they don’t behave the ‘Killer of the sun’ will come to get them. And a lot of those odd jobs I mentioned? Usually they’re the ‘find some kidnapped pony’ or ‘track down an evil pony who wants to hurt people.’ but I… usually have to use violence at some point. I want to help, but sometimes it seems like the world makes up for not being able to tell my fate by trying to make me the worst creature alive.” He looked genuinely saddened by this.

“Oh. I thought you actually did bad things. Court adjourned!”

The stallion smashed a carrot against the podium, and everything, including the fruits and the stall, disappeared. Psycho appeared next to Nova and handed him a fruit that looked just like him.

“Here. I grew it while you were talking about what you had done that you thought was bad,” he smiled.

Nova blinked and took the fruit gently, looking at Psycho. “...Thanks.” He smiled. “So… can I eat this?”

The tiny Nova fruit suddenly puts its forelegs to the pegasus’ mouth to prevent him from doing such unspeakable acts of depravity and barbarity, but as he asked Psycho if he could eat it, the stallion had already disappeared. Looking around, Nova noticed a pink cloud with rocket boosters in the sky, blasting away as fast as it could before popping out of existence.

Nova blinked slowly. “Huh, wonder if I can join or not.” With a shrug, he looked at the Nova fruit. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to eat you,” he mumbled while patting the fruit’s head gently.