• Published 9th Nov 2012
  • 11,432 Views, 231 Comments

To Love a Mare - Mayhem Darkshadow

What starts off as a simple sleep over for Twilight and Equestria's Princess of the Night turns into an adventure filled with love, romance, lies, trials, friendship, and forgiveness. Though many ponies will question what happens they remain str

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The Apology

Written by: Mayhem Darkshadow
Edited by: psychohooves and Avatar of Shadow

Chapter 7: The Apology

Nightlight approached the front gates of the castle casually; a few beads of sweat were running down his face. He was extremely nervous about what he was about to do, due to the possibility of two dramatically different outcomes. He could either fix what he had caused or could face even greater problems than before. He walked up slowly to the front gate and Princess Celestia's Solar Guards.

"You are not allowed on castle grounds Nightlight Sparkle," explained one of the guards as he approached them.

Nightlight frowned. "On whose orders?"

The guards both returned the frown.

"By order of your son, Captain Shining Armor," stated one of the guards.

Nightlight figured his son would have taken action after the damage he caused to Twilight. He let out a huge sigh and pulled a letter out of his saddle bag.

"That's understandable so I won't argue, but since I can't do it in person, will you please give this letter to my daughter, Twilight Sparkle?"

The two guards looked at each other and then nodded.

"We can do that I suppose," they responded.

Nightlight thanked them and left. His hopes were high now, and he prayed for a good outcome as he made his way home.


There was a knock on the library door, causing Luna and Twilight to look up from the book they were reading. There hadn't been any "accidents" in a few days, so they were both starting to relax a bit.

"Enter!" shouted Luna at the door.

One of Celestia's guards entered the room carrying a scroll in his mouth. He walked over to the couch and gave Twilight the letter.

"A message," explained the guard when he saw Twilight's confused look.

"From who?" asked Twilight curiously.

"Your father.”

The guard left the room leaving Twilight and Luna alone again. Twilight had a look of utter confusion on her face, while Luna had a look of absolute disgust. Twilight broke the seal and opened the letter. Luna gave her a look.

"You aren't actually going to read that, are you love?" she asked Twilight.

Twilight looked up at her. "I think I should, and you should too. It's addressed to both of us."

Luna grimaced and moved closer to Twilight so she could read along.

Dear Twilight and Luna,

I do hope that this letter does reach the both of you and is not rejected. I have been giving a lot of thought to the mistakes I made when I first learned about your relationship. How I reacted was inexcusable to say the least. I want to apologize for that and more. However, I won’t give out a list of what I’m sorry for. Instead I have a request for both of you. Could you both, or just Twilight if Luna doesn't want to come, meet me in the Canterlot park around twelve so that I can apologize in person. If you do not wish to come by I understand, and it will be the last you hear from me. If you do come by it would make me very happy.


Nightlight Sparkle

Twilight and Luna read the letter twice before rolling it up. Twilight could tell her father really meant what he had written; unfortunately, Luna didn't seem to be convinced.

"You're not thinking of going are you sweetheart?" questioned Luna.

Twilight nodded her head. "Of course I am."

Luna looked at Twilight with a very serious face. "But think of all he did. Think of all the pain he caused you and, to an extent, us."

Twilight's face fell. Luna had a good point. But she also knew that they couldn’t just ignore her father’s wishes. After all, he was her father.

"Luna, I can tell when my father is being sincere. If you look closely at the letter there are tear stains on it. I think his heart may finally be in the right place.”

Twilight put her hoof on Luna's cheek. She curled her lower lip and gave Luna her best puppy dog eyes.

"Pwease come with me Woona?" pleaded Twilight in her best baby voice.

Luna smiled and gave Twilight a kiss.

"Oh you know I can't say no to you my sweet little filly.”


Nightlight sat on a bench in Canterlot Park. He pulled out his pocket watch. It was two minutes to twelve.

I suppose they aren't showing up. I guess I'll make my leave.

Nightlight got up from his seat when he saw two ponies walking his way. He sat back down and took a deep breath. This was going to be one of the hardest things he'd ever done in his life.

Twilight and Luna sat down on the bench across from Nightlight's. Twilight's face showed little emotion, and Luna's showed unhappiness.

"Thank you for coming," said Nightlight quietly.

"We were surprised to get your letter father. We were both surprised to hear that you wanted to apologize," said Twilight.

Nightlight took a huge breath and looked Twilight and Luna in the eyes.

"Yes I do. I've had a lot of time to think about what I did. I realized that I've hurt both of you. I shouldn't have reacted how I did. I should have supported the both of you from the start. I will understand if you don't want to forgive me but I am praying that you will."

Twilight turned to Luna. Neither of them said anything. They just looked in each other’s eyes. Luna knew that Twilight wanted to forgive him but that's because he was her father. Luna wasn't sure how she felt about the matter. She could tell without a doubt he was being sincere. She also didn't have to probe his mind with magic to know that he really wanted their forgiveness. Still everything he did outweighed the current situation. Luna shook her head and Twilight glared at her.

"Give us a second to talk about this," Twilight told her father.

Luna and Twilight got from their seat and walked away from Nightlight. When they felt they were far enough away from him they began to argue.

"Why can't we forgive him Luna?" asked Twilight coldly.

"Think of everything he did Twilight. Forget for a moment that he's your father and think about it. I watched you cry for two weeks straight. He's playing the father card with hopes that you'll bend to that and forgive him. He doesn't deserve forgiveness. At least he doesn't right now," snapped Luna in a serious tone.

Twilight was taken aback. Luna had never snapped at her. Some tears started to fall from Twilight's eyes and she turned away from Luna.

"I just want what's best for us Twilight," explained Luna sweetly, "If that means maybe not having your father around then it is what it is."

Twilight sniffed and wiped some tears from her eyes. She knew Luna was right, but she couldn't imagine a life without her father. After not saying anything for a few seconds Twilight turned around.

"You're right. He doesn't deserve it right now. Maybe after he has had some more time to think about everything," she told Luna quietly.

Luna wrapped a hoof around Twilight and nuzzled her cheek. "Be strong. I'll do the talking if you'd like."

Twilight nodded and they walked back over to Nightlight.

"Mr. Sparkle," Luna started, "You are being sincere and your heart has finally moved to the right place. However, in light of everything that you did we cannot forgive you. Not right now at least. Maybe some time in the future, but not now."

Nightlight felt the vein in his forehead pulse. "Are you just saying that Luna, or are you both being serious?"

Twilight wiped some more tears from her eyes and spoke up in Luna's defense.

"That is from both of us Daddy. While I may have not felt like that at the beginning of this apology I realized that Luna was right. We can't just forgive you after everything you did. Just know that you are still my father, and I will love you no matter what," sobbed Twilight.

Twilight couldn’t take anymore, got up from her seat, and teleported. She didn't want a whole park full of ponies see her break down. Luna, after giving Nightlight a nod out of politeness, trotted off to where she figured Twilight disappeared to, the Castle. Nightlight just sat there. He was trying to figure out where he may have gone wrong. He figured Twilight would have been the most likely of everypony to forgive him right away. Giving a small sigh he got up from his seat and exited the park. His plan was not going how he had hoped.


Nightlight walked up the steps of his son and daughter in-laws house. He knew that both Cadance and Shining Armor were home. While he hadn't really hurt them as much as Twilight and Luna he still was seeking their forgiveness for how he acted. Nightlight knocked on the door and waited. Cadance answered it. When she saw who it was Cadance’s smile fell to a frown. Nightlight had never seen Cadance frown once.

"Would you like something before I shut the door on you," snarled Cadance.

Nightlight cleared his throat. "I came to apologize to you and Shining."

Cadance's expression didn't change. She wasn't sure if she wanted to believe her father in-law or not.

"I suppose you can come in if you want," said Cadance rudely.

Nightlight followed his daughter in-law inside. Cadance didn't say a word and left him in the living room while she went into the kitchen. She came back with Shining Armor. Shining looked like he was ready to throw his father out even though he hadn't said anything yet.

"What do you want before I toss you out of my house?" growled Shining Armor.

"I came here to apologize to both of you for what I've done," explained Nightlight sincerely.

Shining Armor continued to frown. Cadance's frown disappeared, but she remained stoic.

"I think you should be apologizing to Twilight and Luna, not Cadance and I," said Shining Armor.

"I already did. They did not forgive me but they at least considered it could possibly be done in the future," shot back Nightlight.

Shining Armor's frown fell even further. Cadance remained as she was.

"After all you did to them I'm not surprised in the least to hear they didn't forgive you. The fact that they are considering it is shocking," snarled Shining Armor.

Nightlight didn't say a word. This apology was starting to head south.

"So you’re asking for our forgiveness then?" questioned Shining Armor.

Nightlight nodded.

"Why in the name of the coldest circle of hell should we do that? Look what you've done to this family Dad. You managed to ruin it out of plain stupidity! Forgiveness is the last thing you deserve! I'm glad to see that you at least feel bad about it all but you should have realized this the moment you disowned Twilight, not almost three months later! Be happy that Twilight and Luna are at least considering forgiving because as far as I'm concerned you are no longer a father to me!"

Shining Armor got up from his seat and stormed off to his office. Cadance let out a sigh and addressed Nightlight.

"I think you should go," she told him.

Nightlight, shocked from what his son had just said, got up and left the house. He didn't feel like trying to do anymore. Right now all he wanted to do was crawl in bed.


The last portion of Nightlight's steadily failing plan was to ask Velvet for forgiveness. Although he knew she wouldn't forgive him either, he at least wanted to try. He was hoping that getting forgiveness from Twilight and Luna as well as Shining and Cadance would act as leverage when convincing her. He didn't have that leverage, and that made things much more difficult. Still he had planned to butter her up with lunch at her favorite restaurant before even asking the question. In order to actually get her to show up he wrote her a fake letter. He made it look as if a close family friend was going to be in Canterlot for the day and wanted to know if Velvet would like to grab some lunch and catch up. Nightlight already reserved a table under the false name and made sure it was not in a position where Velvet would be able to see him from the front door. His plans were all set up, yet the possibility of failure was close to one-hundred percent.


Nightlight sat inside Daisy and Rose's Cafe waiting for Velvet to show up. He had gotten a table that was near the back and obscured by booths. Much to his luck it was also a very busy day. It felt like ponies were going in and out every minute. He pulled out his watch.

She should be here any minute, he thought.

Sure enough as soon as he put his watch away Velvet walked around the corner. As soon as she saw him her face turned red and her smile fell to a frown. Luckily for Nightlight she didn't make a scene. In fact she walked over and sat down at the table. He could tell she was about ready to burst and made sure he crafted his speech the right way.

"Is this some kind of joke Nightlight?" snarled Velvet, "I thought I was meeting Pantheon here for lunch."

Nightlight took a deep breath and went into explanation.

"I had to lure you here under false pretenses. If you had known it was me asking you to come here you would have ignored that letter."

Velvet furrowed her brow. Why did Nightlight have to be such a crafty pony?

"So why did you want to see me?" asked Velvet coldly.

Nightlight looked Velvet in the eyes. She was growing more agitated, so he had to be very careful with his choice of words.

"I wanted to apologize. No. I wanted to beg for your forgiveness Velvet. I've had a lot of time to think about what I have done to our family. I was wrong in every single way. I shouldn't have lashed out like I did," said Nightlight quietly and carefully.

Velvet opened her mouth and looked as if she was going to blow her top. Luckily for Nightlight the waitress brought his order to them and just in time.

Velvet shut her mouth and looked at the plate that had been put in front of her. Placed on the plate was a dandelion and spinach sandwich and a small cup of celery and carrot soup. It was her favorite meal in all of Equestria. Her frown disappeared, and she looked at Nightlight.

"You really are trying to work this in your favor aren't you?" she asked him.

Nightlight's only response was that he hadn't forgotten about his family. He said that they would at least eat and then Velvet could decide what she wanted to do. Velvet thought this was actually kind of sweet for him to say, though she refused to show it. Nightlight worried about whether or not his plan was working as the two ponies ate silently. Velvet's mood had changed since her arrival; however, that didn't signify anything in his mind. Velvet could be happy on the outside and still furious on the inside. Once they finished eating they continued to talk. Nightlight started.

"Before you decide anything I just want to say something. I know you are furious at me for how I acted. I would be too. Whether you forgive me or not, I want you to move back into the house. I'll let you decide whether you want me to stay or not."

Velvet looked at him. She was starting to wonder if he really had changed.

"There is one thing I don't understand. Why did you act like that in the first place? All this wouldn't have happened if you would have just given Twilight your support!"

Night knew she was going to ask this. He himself had given that question a lot of thought.

"I have thought about this a lot. I think it is simply due to how I was taught ever since I was a young colt," responded Nightlight.

Velvet looked at him, unconvinced with his response.

"Explain," she said.

Nightlight leaned back in his chair.

"Just think about my upbringing. You've met my parents. They are some of the most conservative ponies in all of Equestria. I'm sure if they ever found out about Twilight and Luna, they would freak out. They raised me to believe in conservative ways. Just think about the first time they met you. You made my mother pass out."

Velvet remembered that day well. Nightlight's parents reactions were quiet scary. There was a lot of yelling and fighting. She remembered that they didn't speak for months.

"But I still don't understand. You defended me in that situation but you didn't defend your own daughter and give her your support? That doesn't make any sense," Velvet told him.

Nightlight sighed. "I know it doesn't, but trust me. From the moment I was born my parents raised me under their conservative ideas. I guess some of them must have stuck. I realize now that they are all wrong."

He really is manning up for his mistakes, Velvet thought to herself.

"Have you apologized to anybody else?"

Nightlight nodded his head. "I have already apologized to Twilight and Luna as well as Shining and Cadance. Twilight and Luna said they wouldn't forgive me now but maybe in the future. Cadance never really gave me an answer but I'll assume it's a no. As for Shining...well let's just say I don't think I'm a father to him anymore."

Velvet wasn't in the least bit shocked that nopony forgave him. She was glad nopony did because he didn't deserve it at all.

"Nightlight Sparkle, you really hurt me and your family with how you reacted. You on your own managed to ruin our bonds and maybe even our marriage. But you are being very brave by apologizing to me in person as well as the rest of your family. That being put aside I will say that you will not be getting my forgiveness, nor do I accept your apology. You need to learn that what you did was wrong and you need to learn it the hard way. I was going to tell you this later but now seems to be the best time. I have been seeing a lawyer for the past month. We have been working on some documents together. We've been working on divorce papers for you and me."

Nightlight felt his whole world crash around him. This whole plan had just taken a turn for the worse.

"Velvet...you...you can't be serious," stammered Nightlight.

Velvet nodded her head. Her eyes were sparkling with tears. "I'm sorry Nightlight but it is what it is. You don't deserve to be a member of this family after what you did. I'm making sure that. The restraining orders are being signed by a judge next week. The divorce papers are still being worked on. I will call you when they are done."

Velvet got up from the table. It was all too much for her. She turned around and began to leave. Before going though she made two more statements.

"Please be out of the house by Monday," she told him, "Also don't think that I'm doing this because I hate you. I don't hate you one bit. That doesn't mean I still love you. You ruined that after what you said to your daughter. Just know that I'm proud of you for apologizing to all of us. That at least shows you feel remorse for your sins. Maybe in time this will all correct itself but things will never be the same and you know that."

Velvet trotted off and Nightlight could see stains on the floor from her tears. There was nothing else he could do. Everything he had hoped would have happened disappeared in that instant. Wiping away a few tears he paid for the meal and left the cafe. His plan was a bust and he was unsure what he was going to do now. Still it had one more part and he figured this one would at least go over without problems. That of course was pay Scarface for his services.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long everyone. I had this done back at the beginning of April but I rewrote it because I felt I did a really bad job. Anyway this one should be much better I put a lot of effort into making this chapter stand out from previous ones. If you see any mistakes that were missed let me know so I can fix them. Hope everyone enjoyed Nightlight getting what he deserved.

Update 5/28/13: Okay guys Nightlight is not going to commit suicide. While I hate spoilers I should explain he is talking about clearing up everything with Scarface and his gang.

Update: Okay guys I fixed the ending so hopefully it doesn't sound like Nightlight is going to commit suicide.