Top 5
No Longer Lost Scootaloo finds a new lease on a life she's struggling to survive. 41,505 words · 1,352 · 18
Friendship Contract A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen. 159,830 words · 1,256 · 60
Forbidden Fruit After catching wind of a mystical tree of life, Applejack sets off in search of it. 42,052 words · 508 · 22
Cry for Eternity After Celestia's death, Twilight must take on a role she is woefully underprepared for. 180,388 words · 2,693 · 106
best crossovers
Friendship Contract A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen. 159,830 words · 1,256 · 60
Ponies One Half Thanks to a teleportation accident, Twilight and her friends are stuck in another universe, not only that but the first thing that happens to them is that they get cursed. And that's least weird thing that happens to them. 61,807 words · 232 · 22
Order from Chaos A handful of pages recount a remarkable journey to Equestria by someone who sought only a little peace. 10,416 words · 1,004 · 18
Better Living Through Science and Ponies Not all is well in Equestria when a failing portal gun brings Aperture Science to the land of ponies 39,979 words · 3,474 · 68
best Shipping
A Bluebird's Song Rainbow Dash is struggling against her own past. Is it time for her rising star to fall? 205,887 words · 1,917 · 60
Vinyl and Octavia: University Days Vinyl Scratch and Octavia go to university. 71,075 words · 8,087 · 129
The Blueblood Chronicles Blueblood just wants to be left alone. prince-chasing mares and high society have other plans. 44,425 words · 1,291 · 16
Unintended Applejack and Twilight discover that there's more to each other than what meets the eye. 79,130 words · 656 · 23
best Adventure
Within and Without Luna takes the Elements of Harmony on a journey in more ways than one. 154,174 words · 1,368 · 25
Forbidden Fruit After catching wind of a mystical tree of life, Applejack sets off in search of it. 42,052 words · 508 · 22
Pony Age: Origins The Ponyspawn have invaded Equestria, and it is up to the newest addition to the Grey Wardens, Twilight Sparkle, to find the means to drive them back! With her friends and allies at her side, can Twilight win before Equestria is devoured? 397,953 words · 831 · 36
My(stara's) Little Ponies: Friendship is Adventuring The Mane Six. Typical D&D Adventurer Hijinx. As told by an adventurer rescued by them. 561,401 words · 395 · 11