• Published 9th Nov 2012
  • 11,432 Views, 231 Comments

To Love a Mare - Mayhem Darkshadow

What starts off as a simple sleep over for Twilight and Equestria's Princess of the Night turns into an adventure filled with love, romance, lies, trials, friendship, and forgiveness. Though many ponies will question what happens they remain str

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Strange Occurrences

Written by: Mayhem Darkshadow
Edited by: psychohooves


Chapter 6: Strange Occurrences

Celestia walked up the stairs of the east part of the castle towards Luna's room. It was already twelve in the afternoon, and her sister and Twilight had not crawled out of bed yet. They must have been up later than she had anticipated. She wanted to surprise them with a lovely breakfast, like her own belated Hearts and Hooves Day celebration with her two favorite ponies in all of Equestria; however, since they were still sleeping, she figured they must have had one crazy night.

Hopefully they didn't do anything too outrageous, Celestia thought to herself as she climbed the final few stairs.

The door to her sisters bedroom was shut but not locked. Celestia gave a quiet little knock and then, when nopony answered, entered the room quietly. The curtains on the windows and surrounding Luna's bed were still shut. Celestia used her magic to opened the blinds, with complete knowledge that the curtains around the bed were enchanted to block out light. When the light flooded the room she was able to get a good idea of what happened the night before. Both of their dresses were laying on the ground along with some more scandalous items. There were also multiple empty wine bottles, some of which were Celestia's favorite and exclusive vintages. There was also a certain overpowering aroma: A mixture of sweat and other things. Celestia was pretty sure she knew what had happened.

Oh well it was bound to happen at some point, she sighed, The best I can do is be supportive and not scold them for raiding my wine collection.

Celestia shook her head slightly and then slowly open the curtains that were around the bed. A smile grew on her face when she saw the two of them. Twilight was cuddled up tightly against her sister, and Luna had her arms and wings wrapped around her student.

Aren't they just adorable? she thought with a smile.

However, the both of them smelled as if they had ran a marathon last night. This only caused Celestia to snicker lightly. She moved in closely and nuzzled them both on the cheeks softly.

"Wake up sleepy heads," she whispered quietly into their ears, "You're both missing out on a wonderful day."

At first there was no response, but finally Luna and Twilight began to stir. The both of them slowly rose out of bed, yawning and stretching their legs.

"Good morning my dears," chimed Celestia as they began to become more aware, "Or...I guess I should be saying good afternoon."

Luna and Twilight finally opened their eyes and were able to get a good look at their surroundings. After a fair amount of silence Twilight finally spoke up.

"Did...did we do what I think we did last night...?"

Luna took another second to look around at her room. There was absolutely nothing that didn't scream yes surrounding them.

"Yes my love I think we did."

Both of them immediately turned to Celestia and opened their mouths, but she stopped them before they could speak.

"You both don't need to apologize for anything. I'm not even the slightest bit angry with you. I wouldn't even say I'm angry that you drank some of my vintage wines. The point I'm trying to make is that you did something that showed you two really do love each other dearly and have further cemented the bond you have together."

This little speech was something Celestia had been waiting years to say to either Twilight or Luna; however, Twilight had been so shy, and Luna of course had her thousand year absence. Celestia never imagined that she would be giving the speech to them together. She was so overcome with emotions she pulled them both into a huge embrace and even shed a few tears silently. Luna and Twilight looked at each other and shrugged slightly. It was very unlike Celestia to behave in such a matter. The older princess finally let them go after making sure it didn't look like she had cried a little.

"Well," she started, "You both managed to sleep through breakfast, but lunch hasn't been prepared yet. I want the both of you to take a bath and then come downstairs."

Celestia turned and headed for the door. As soon as she put a hoof out the door she got it caught on a trip wire. She managed to pull her head back into the room just in time to see something impale itself in the wall at the end of the corridor.

"Is something wrong sister?" Luna asked curiously.

Celestia didn't move her head from where it was and tried to keep calm and collected. However, on the inside she was panicking.

"Oh nothing. Just a thought crossing my mind," she replied calmly.

She exited the room and shut the door. She turned and looked at the object impaled in the wall. It was one of the flag poles the guards carried. She glanced around the hallway and realized it was empty. This disturbed her quite a bit. Luna's guards were not at their posts like they were supposed to be.

I must have missed that wire when I walked into the room. Something about this isn't quite right.


As Celestia shut the door Twilight turned to Luna.

"She was acting very weird wasn't she?" asked Twilight curiously.

"She was. I can't quite figure out why though," responded Luna, just as confused.

Since they couldn't seem to piece anything together about what just happened they just decided to take a bath. They both walked together into the bathroom and Luna started the water. Twilight walked into the closet looking for towels when something fell from the ceiling and smacked her on the back of the head, knocking her to the floor. Luna heard the commotion and ran into the closet. Twilight was still on the floor clutching her head. She had been hit by Luna's chest plate.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" asked Luna as she tried to look at Twilight's head.

Twilight moved her hoof and Luna was glad to see that she wasn't bleeding. But she did have a nice welt. Luna kissed it softly and then helped Twilight up off the ground. Luna could not help but wonder though. How had Twilight managed to get hit by her chest regalia? Someone had obviously been going through her stuff and she was going to find out who.


After a quick bath, Luna and Twilight prepared for the day and then made their way downstairs. Twilight was still rubbing the back of her head. Luna gave it another kiss as they walked down the stairs to the main floor.

"What just happened was very strange," mentioned Twilight halfway down the stairs.

Luna nodded in agreement. The regalia had somehow been tied to the ceiling and fell when Twilight entered the closet.

They were about halfway down the stairs when Twilight slipped on one of the steps and lost her balance. Luna managed to catch her and put her back on her feet. They looked down at the step she had slipped on. It was coated with grease.

"You okay dear?" panicked Luna.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," responded Twilight quickly.

They both carefully stepped over the greased step and continued to the dining hall. They found Celestia waiting for them.

"Is something wrong my little ponies?"

Luna and Twilight sat down and then explained the situation to Celestia.

"I think something is going on sister," said Luna after they finished.

"Something is going on indeed," said Celestia, "This morning I was almost hit by a flag pole. So either the guards are playing a very very dangerous prank or something more serious is going on.

Twilight and Luna looked at each other with worried faces. Considering that the guards would never play a prank on any of them, it could only mean that someone was out to get them. But who would do this?


(Earlier in the Week)

Scarface and his gang of ponies walked into the backroom of Canterlot's seediest bar. Scarface and his gang specialized in...well the only word for it was mayhem. Lately business had been slow, but they had finally gotten a contract. When they entered the room there was a pony wearing a cloak and hood covering his face.

"Thank you for coming gentlemen," said the mysterious pony.

Scarface sat down while his gang stood around him.

"So, you wish to contract some controlled chaos?" asked Scarface curiously.

The pony remained silent.

"You wish to contract controlled chaos?" repeated Scarface.

"Yes, yes I do," responded the pony.

Scarface smiled. "I assume you have the proper funds."

The pony nodded and pushed a small bag of bits towards Scarface. "The down payment for your services. I'll give you the rest once the job is complete."

Scarface's horn glowed with magic, and a knife came out from under the table. The knife sliced the bag open, and gold fell out onto the table. Scarface and his gang smiled.

"What is it that we can do for you my friend?" asked Scarface politely.

The pony sat forward. "I wish for you to scare Princess Luna."

Some of Scarface’s cronies muttered among themselves. Scarface shushed them and then turned back to their customer.

"This is a tall order sir," a stoic Scarface responded, "That will take a lot of work. Are there any specific requests?"

The pony sat back in his chair and then sat forward again. "I do not want you to harm Princess Luna; just scare her enough so she'll leave her marefriend. However..."

Nightlight pulled off the hood and revealed his face to the gang of criminals. "My daughter Twilight is her marefriend. I don't mind if you scare her too, but if you harm her at all I will not pay."


The following two weeks did not go over well for either Twilight or Luna. Weird little accidents kept happening to both of them. The most disturbing part was that they didn't happen all the time. One thing would happen only but nothing else afterwards, giving them a false sense of security, only to be caught off guard later. Luna spent a lot of time trying to figure out the meaning of these attacks. Twilight spent a lot of time cowering in the library. A lot of the "accidents" that kept happening had actually caused bodily harm to her. Both Spike and her friends had noticed this and tried to cheer her up, but it didn't work. She didn't want to leave the safety and comfort of the library, which she had kept locked 24/7 since the accidents started happening.


Twilight sat up in her room reading a book on transportation spells. She kept glancing around nervously. Spike was out at Rarity's because he had gotten fed up with Twilight's paranoid behavior. The whole library was quiet and for once Twilight felt slightly safe. It had been a weird two weeks but she felt that it was all behind her and Luna. Twilight let out a slightly happy sigh and then heard sounds coming from downstairs. She slammed her book shut and then jumped. Her heart began to race rapidly. Somepony was in her house. She got up cautiously from her bed and crept out of her room. Walking over to the balcony and looked downstairs. She didn't see anyone.

"Hello, is somepony in here? The library is closed," called Twilight.

No response. Twilight let out a sigh. She really was over reacting. Twilight laughed a little bit, and her stomach responded with a loud growl.

Snack time I guess.

Twilight took a step towards the stairs, and her hoof caught something. She tripped, fell down the stairs, and crashed into the wall. She closed her eyes in pain and then looked up towards the top of the stairs. She was able to catch the faint outline of a strand of wire. Twilight cried out and let some tears pour from her eyes. She crawled over to her desk and scrawled out a quick note.


Another accident happened today. I'm really scared. Please come get me.

Love, Twilight

Twilight rolled up the letter and then sent it to Luna. The response was immediate. Luna said she was on her way and that she would bring her back to the castle. This was comforting for Twilight, but she was still freaking out. She crawled over to the couch and let some for tears fall. Something was going on and she didn't like it at all.


Celestia trotted through the castle towards the library. Luna had informed her that Twilight had gotten hurt from another occurrence and she was bringing her back to the castle. The occurrences were still going on at the castle too but Celestia, with the help of Shining Armor, had increased security tenfold. Luna's guards posted outside the door let her in. Twilight and Luna were sitting on the couch. Twilight was holding a cup of tea, which was shaking badly. Luna had a hoof around wrapped around Twilight. Celestia sat down and rubbed a hoof through her mane.

"Are you okay my little pony?" Celestia asked her student softly.

Twilight nodded and sipped her tea nervously. She was an absolute wreck. Celestia gave her a comforting kiss on the forehead and then got up from her seat.

"I'm going to go increase security some more and I'll also let Twilight's family know she is here," announced Celestia, "Keep her safe Luna."

Luna nodded and snuggled closer to Twilight. She nibbled on Twilight's ear, which caused Twilight to crack a smile and laugh. Celestia smiled and left them alone.

It was time to get to the bottom of this.


Scarface walked into the back room of the same bar he met Nightlight in two weeks ago. Nightlight was there, waiting for him.

"Updates?" asked Nightlight with a frown.

Scarface sat down in the chair opposite Nightlight and smiled. "It's going well. Both Princess Luna and your daughter are quite spooked."

Nightlight remained stoic, but inside he was quite satisfied. He hoped they would end their relationship soon.

Scarface's smile stayed on his face as he reached into his bag and pulled out a tape. He put it on the table and slid it to Nightlight.

"A video of what we have done so far and the reactions," explained Scarface.

Nightlight took the tape. "Good. I've wanted to know how much progress was being made. Once they finally separate I will pay you the money."

Scarface's smile fell. Nightlight was one of those kinds of customers. They were going to have to ramp up their activities so they could end it quickly.


Celestia sat in the throne room thinking about everything that had happened over the past few weeks. Other than the first time she set off a trap none of the other ones seemed to be for her. In fact they were all for Luna and Twilight. Someone really was out for them. There was a knock on the door and two of her Solar Guards entered the room.

"Anything?" Celestia asked them almost impatiently.

"Yes your Majesty. We managed to find over two dozen hidden cameras around the castle and Twilight Sparkle's house in Ponyville.”

Celestia frowned. "Were you able to trace them to the source?"

The guards shook their heads and Celestia sighed. This whole ordeal was slowly turning into a nightmare.

"Please go and find out who sells these cameras. Question them and figure out who bought these. Please make haste," commanded a very serious Celestia.

The guards saluted and ran out of the room. Celestia fell back into her chair and let out a grunt.

What an utter mess this is becoming. I should go check on Twilight and Luna .


Scarface sat in the chair behind his desk counting up the gold they had been paid. It was enough for them to get by until they got the rest of the payment. There was a knock on the door and his technology expert came in.

"What is it?" snapped Scarface.

"Umm...the guards managed to find the cameras. They are on their way to the store we bought them from," said the pony nervously.

Scarface slammed his hooves on the desk and got up. "Guess we need to go pay our security friend a visit."


Nightlight sat in his dark office holding the video tape the hired thugs had given him. He had some reluctance to watch it but he knew that Scarface and his gang always did what they were asked to do.

"I have nothing to worry about they wouldn't step out of bounds if it meant not getting paid. Besides...I'm only doing what's best for my little girl," said Nightlight to himself.

He took a deep breath, pushed the tape into the VCR, and pressed play.


Scarface sat on top of the pony that provided them with their surveillance equipment. He held a knife to that pony's throat while three of his men held the pony down.

"Please!! You don't have to do this!" pleaded the pony, "I won't tell them who I sold the cameras to I swear. Please I have a family."

Scarface was not a pony of the kind hearted nature and held a grimacing smile on his face.

"Sorry, you've been a very helpful provider my friend. But we can't have any loose ends that will get us exposed."


Princess Celestia's Solar Guards galloped down Canterlot's main street towards Dave's In-Home Security. It was right around closing time, but they prayed the place would still be open. They traced the cameras back to this shop and were now hoping the owner could tell them who had purchased them. They galloped up to the door, which was still unlocked, and went inside. The lights were still on but the whole building was dead quiet.

"Something isn't right," mentioned one of the guards to the other.

They walked through the main building looking for any signs of life. Nopony seemed to be there. Then they came across the door to the office and noticed it was slightly ajar. They opened it and were appalled by what they found.

"One of us needs to run back to the castle and report to the Princess immediately. This situation just got a hell of a lot more complicated."

Lying on the ground was the owner of the store. He had a huge gash right across his throat and blood was still seeping out of it. The most troubling part about this was what was most noticeable. The gash was still fresh.


Nightlight sat quietly in his study watching the video tape. Tears were pouring down his face and onto the floor. This video was the most heart breaking thing he had ever watched in his life.

Twilight sat cuddled up next to Luna crying her eyes out. Luna was doing her best to comfort her saddened lover.

"Shh its okay Twilight it’s okay. Nopony is going to hurt you or me. We are safe here at the castle."

The words didn't help at all, and Twilight continued to bawl. Luna rubbed a hoof through her mane and kissed away some of the tears.

"I'm so scared right now Luna. It's obvious whoever is doing this is out to get us. But why would anybody ever do something so cruel?"

Luna did not answer but instead began to cry a bit herself.

"I don't know sweetheart I don't know. I'm worried too. I haven't been able to sleep for days now."

The two of them put their heads together and continued to cry their eyes out.

Nightlight shut off the video and put his face into his hooves. His heart was aching right now. What he hoped would have been a way to help those two only turned out to be a means of bringing fear and pain.

How could I have done this to Luna and Twilight? How could I have been so blinded by rage and wrongdoing that I would stoop so low and cause this? My blindness and inability to understand has cost me my family life.

Nightlight sniffed and wiped some tears from his eyes. He would never be able to forgive himself for what he had caused. He then went into his desk and pulled out a quill and parchment.

I need to make this right.

Author's Note:

So sorry if you maybe saw this earlier. I had to delete it and re-post it because of some technical difficulties (a follower said he received no notification that a new chapter had been posted). Anyway I know this one is a bit different than normal but trust new it leads into what is coming. As usual if you see a notable mistake let me know. Enjoy.

Update 4/9/2013- Okay guys I've been giving this a lot of thought ever since I posted this chapter. I realize I could have done a much better job then I actually did. Therefore my plan in the future (just don't have the time right now) is to revise this and try and break it up into two parts. I plan to leave the original up and add the other two after it. When I wrote this I was under a lot of stress and that may have affected my writing. I'll post a blog about it later.

Update 5/16/2013- So I'm still giving thought as to how to go about fixing this. The plan is still to break this into multiple parts but I may just change how this all goes about so as to maybe kill off potential confusion. Anyway rewriting this chapter is very low on my list of things to do.