• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 10,426 Views, 572 Comments

Turning Point - ZachTheBrony

A God of War and Pony crossover. Oh geez...

  • ...

Chapter 7

The next day came with a painful slowness. Kratos impatiently waited for this 'Celestia' to come, but the night before, the thoughts that raced through his mind drove him to get only a measly four hours of sleep, so he was also very tired.

Kratos, deciding to sleep until his door opened, laid his head back on his pillow.

But his thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, of course.

He opened his eyes, almost excitedly, to see...

... to... TO SEE!...

... the damn nurse with the many unicorn assistants walk in.


"Good morning, Kratos." The nurse greeted.

"Not exactly 'good' if you ask me..." Kratos coughed.

The assistants looked to one another rather worriedly, but their expressions paled in comparison to the nurses'. "Why is that? Is something wrong?"

"These wrappings and bindings are too tight for my liking, and my legs feel fine. That is what is wrong." Kratos replied.

"Oh?" The nurse smirked. "It's impossible to recover that fast, Kratos. We can loosen the casts, yes, but--"

"But nothing, I demand my legs to be freed entirely." The Spartan ordered.

The nurses' smirk only grew. "Well, Kratos, if you are so confident in this..." She nodded to her assistants, who went straight to work on Kratos's casts, taking them off in a jiffy.

Kratos groaned, and finally stretched out his legs with relief. "Now, my arms..." He eyed the blades on the coat hangers for less than a second, then the bracers that supported and locked in one of his arms.

The assistants looked back to the nurse, and the nurse nodded.

The casts came off, and Kratos stretched his appendages with pleasure. Looking to the small needle hooked to his left arm, he sent his right hand for it, and pulled it out. He sat-up on the bed, a tiny trickle of blood leaking from the hole which the needle generated.

The assistants rushed to stop him- but the nurse interrupted, "No, let him try and walk."

'If it weren't for my common sense, I would wipe that smug little smirk off of her face... grrhg...' Kratos growled, and got up quicker than he expected.

He stood for twelve seconds straight, eyeing the nurse, before taking his first step forward. So far so good, he thought.

His muscles suddenly tensed as his right foot touched the ground. "G-" He almost let out a groan, but he couldn't. He was a warrior of Sparta. A broken leg would not falter him. He shoveled down the pain.

"Something wrong, Kratos?" The nurse questioned.

"Nothing." Kratos snapped. "Now, as you can see, I can walk."

"... But you only took one step." The gown-wearing unicorness said, her smirk slightly fading.

Kratos took another step.

Then another.

Then another.

Then another.

Each of them were slightly painful, but he could do it.

He walked slowly, until he was right in front of the nurse, towering over her. "I can leave now." He insisted.

"Oh no you can't. I'm not as dull as I look, Kratos."


Behind him, a magical, floating window, generated by the assistants, like an x-ray, showed his slightly intact but not fully-healed shin and ankle.

Kratos's eye twitched. He looked to the blades on the wall, and leaped towards them. The nurse and the assistants saw this, and one of them shot a paralysis beam in order to stop him, which missed entirely, hitting a wall. Grabbing the blades by the chains, he viciously tore the coat-hanger from the wall, and spun the two harbingers of death around with expert swordsmanship.

He, letting out a yell, charged at the nurse, whose face was plastered with fear. He jumped again, and just as he let go of his blades, they were in the perfect dismemberment position; her head would be ripped messily off, gore would be splattered...

... if he hadn't suddenly stopped in midair.

His blades, and even himself, were surrounded by a golden glow. Kratos growled angrily, and tried to locate the source of this treachery.

That's just what he did.

A rather large, white mare, whose horn was paired with wings, stood in the doorway. Her mane and tail matched one another, flowing freely in a non-existing breeze. She wore a crown, and gilded hoof-plates.

Kratos suddenly felt a horrid pain wrack through him, and he let out a silent yell.

The blades dropped to the ground, along with the nurse, who was now in shock. Her hooves twitched constantly, whimpers escaping her lips and tears falling from her eyes.

"Twilight... you said he was harmless." The mare scolded. Beside her, Kratos saw Twilight, who was teary-eyed in revulsion.

"C-Celestia, he... I-I..." Twilight tried to speak, but she refused to.

Kratos's heart dropped at this, and Celestia walked into the room, a little more than slightly angry with the Spartan. "How dare you..." She spoke in a low tone.

'This must be this... Celestia...' Kratos was released, landing on his feet with a grunt.

"How DARE you attempt to kill one of my subjects?" She raised her voice considerably. This wasn't like Zeus's voice, no, this wasn't like Hades. Her tone... it just made Kratos's legs shake, and his hair stand up on his neck. He controlled his legs, though.

"P-Princess, he's harmless! Please, y-you don't need to--" Twilight attempted reasoning with her, but Celestia cut her off like she was a grain of sand to her.

"Look at what he has done, Twilight." Celestia gestured to the crying nurse on the ground. "He nearly killed one of my subjects... and for what?" She glared into Kratos's very soul.

Kratos humphed, closed his eyes, crossed his arms, and looked away. "She deceived me." He admitted. Even out of his mouth that sounded absolutely stupid.

"She deceived you? That's all? You attempt to murder her just because she deceived you!?" Celestia demanded. Twilight's ears pinned back, and she shakily backed away. She knew well-enough that deceit was something Kratos hated, for his skin was ashen white due to the word.

The Spartan growled, and spoke, "Listen, you-... y-you..." He was about to crack down upon Celestia with the wrath of his tongue, but the glare he received from Twilight was... influencing him... "... y-you..."

'Damn you, Twilight!'

Celestia raised a brow. "What?"

Kratos gnashed his teeth, and sputtered out in the lowest of tones, "I'm... s-sorry..."

Her raised brow only raised more. "Pardon?"

"I said... grrrgh..." He growled at Twilight, the unicorn looking slightly remorseful...

... for less than a second.

Her glare intensified, and it burned holes into Kratos's tainted soul. 'WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!!?!' He winced, and through gritted teeth, said, "I apologize..."

"For what?" Celestia asked, a sly smirk coming across her face.

Kratos was about to snap. "For attempting to..." His eye twitched. Celestia could obviously tell that he was getting angrier every second that passed. Especially when he clenched his fist so hard that it drew blood.

"K-Kratos!" Twilight interrupted him as blood leaked between his fingers.

He snapped out of it, and shook his head, opening his hand. Blood leaked out of cuts, but he looked down at it blankly. "What... it does not hurt..."

'What manor of creature is this?' Celestia wondered, before sighing. "No need to further aggravate you, Kratos. Please, get the nurse to a chair and let her rest," She said. The unicorn assistants nodded, and took the nurse to the waiting room, shutting the door behind them. "As for you, Twilight, you may stay or leave, whatever you wish."

"I'll stay." Twilight said, smiling.

"Please, rest your aching legs, Kratos." Celestia insisted. Kratos nodded slowly, and sat on the bed. "Now, let us begin... you already know my name, I assume?"

The demigod nodded again. "Yes... Celestia."

Twilight was surprised that her mentor didn't correct him as to say, 'Princess Celestia' instead. "It is truly a pleasure to meet you."

Kratos thought, 'She must be very forgetful... either that, or she is more ignorant than Zeus...' Even thinking the name made the Spartan's heart shake with rage. What he'd give just to get a choking hold on that piece of shit's neck... "Likewise..." He said dully.

"Now, putting what recently happened behind us," Celestia began, "-Twilight had sent me a letter some time ago, explaining your arrival here. I was truly intrigued, so I finalized on meeting you in person, seeing as how you were injured. Furthermore, I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you do not mind..."

Kratos let out a sigh, and looked to Twilight for a moment. 'Respect, Kratos.' Her gaze seemed to say that to him. "... You may have your words..." He decided, closing his eyes.

"How did you get here, in the first place?" The beautiful alicorn asked.


Kratos knew he wouldn't be able to answer it completely without telling a story, but he had no choice... "I cannot answer that question..."

"Why not?"

"... you interrupted me."

"Oh, my apologies, Kratos, please go on."

"... I cannot answer it simply. The unicorn sitting beside you knows... unfortunately knows... things about me that I would have never told her." He said grimly. "How I got here is a question that I cannot answer fully... but I will try my best." He cleared his throat. "It was Zeus... I know that much... that, that... man..."

"Who is Zeus?" Celestia asked.

Kratos furrowed his brow. "Twilight, could you answer this..."

"Of course." Twilight replied with a geeky smile, looking at her mentor. "Zeus is the King of the Olympians, as far as I know. He... caused Kratos some trouble. He was how he got this." She pointed to the scar on his midsection.

Celestia's eyes widened slightly. "He killed you?"

"I've died more than once..." Kratos replied.

Nobody spoke for a moment or two, before Celestia broke the silence. "... Interesting... go on."

"Zeus betrayed me, and I had to go on a journey... a journey which my death began... I went to the Sisters of Fate, who control the very threads of fate... I slaughtered them all, and returned to the moment in time when Zeus betrayed me, but failed in killing him." Kratos explained.

"Does he still live?"

"... unfortunately." The demigod replied.

Celestia nodded, understanding what he meant. "And I assume you want vengeance, correct?"

"Mm..." He nodded. "The other Olympians are only blockages to my vengeance... I swore to myself, I would get my revenge by any means possible... but I don't think I can now..." He sighed.

"Why not?"

"Equestria... isn't my homeland." He said simply.

"You come from a land on the outskirts, I assume?" Celestia decided.

"... I'm not certain I'm a part of this world entirely." He replied. "Everything, even the way I see things... is much different... the landscape is like a rainbow." Kratos smirked.

Celestia's already-raised brow raised even further. She asked, "And what about the ponies?"

"The people...?" Kratos said, before thinking hard. "... I... am not so sure... they've done me no good, putting me in a prison of my own body." He said rather rashly.

'Just as I thought...' The princess smirked. "The ponies of Equestria have done you no wrong, Kratos, and have helped you recover. Without us, you would more than likely be dying in that same place you appeared in. We give you shelter, Kratos. We give you care that you need, and what do you do?" She asked, almost rhetorically. "... You act arrogant. You're ignorant to the nice ponies around you. They want to talk to you, want to get to know you, and you shove them away? Isn't there even a shred of kindness inside of you?"

Twilight looked worriedly at the Spartan, who was lost in thought.

What she heard next, made her eyes widen, and fill with tears.

"... I need no friends..."

Celestia, after a long silence, got up, and said almost dissapointedly, "I must go. I have duties to attend to." She left the room, leaving Kratos and Twilight alone.

Tears streaming down her face, Twilight said, "H-how could you, K-Kratos...?" She asked sadly.

Kratos's heart wrenched. Why was he... feeling this way?

He looked away, for fear he himself would join the unicorn in that... disgusting pool of emotion.

Then he heard the sobbing.

'Ggh... hold it in...' The Spartan tried his best to contain and lock away his emotion, but each second that passed, the unicorn's weeping got to him more and more. Not taking it anymore, he put a hand on Twilight's shoulder, since she was in reaching distance. "Twilight, stop." He ordered. "Please." He placed his other hand on her other shoulder. "Stop... stop..." Maybe this was a bad idea, Kratos thought, as his eyes began to slowly, slowly but surely fill up with tears.

"L-let go of me..." Twilight shoved his hands off of her, and walked away.

Kratos was hurt.

He, the former God of War, the Ghost of Sparta... a monster... a seemingly emotionless, ruthless, hateful monster... was hurt.

Once Twilight got out of the room, she shut the door.

Something inside Kratos snapped at that moment.

... his heart.

Only now, had he realized what Celestia said. Only now, had he come to understand.

Throwing his head back, Kratos gnashed his teeth furiously as he fruitlessly attempted to hold back the tears.

- - - -

Twilight wiped the tears from her face. Celestia stood in the hall, looking at her with a wink. She winked back, before suddenly, she looked like she wasn't crying at all.

"Do you think it worked?" The unicorn asked her mentor.

"... Without a doubt." Celestia smiled. "Although I normally wouldn't approve of doing something like this, it is rather unfortunate that we could not get through to him any other way. I'm glad you talked to me before we came, Twilight."

Twilight nodded. "It was my pleasure. Although..." She looked back to the door. "... I don't know if he's alright... what should I do now?" She asked.

"You wait. I doubt that he'll be the same in a week's time. Once the week is over, visit him. He will be brittle and sad,"

"... because I think he has realized the importance of friendship."

Author's Note:

This chapter was actually quite a lot of fun to write, guys! Hope you liked it. Gonna work on the next one right quick.