• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,488 Views, 123 Comments

Things Rainbow Dash Doesn't Like - PresentPerfect

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Pinkie Pie sighed. It had been such a good day until that phone call.

Now all she could think about was her poor mother, lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to all the tubes and magical machines keeping her alive, while her father and sister watched on helplessly. And there was no way for her to join them, either. Worse, there might not be a way until it was too late, and that was what had Pinkie in the corner now, her mane flat, tears straining at the corners of her eyes.

It wasn't like her to be so down. Not like this. Maybe it was understandable, given the circumstances, but that didn't make her feel any better. She just wished that she didn't feel so alone, so helpless. She needed a friend to talk to, yet she was so consumed by her own worry and sadness that she couldn't even get herself to move to the door.

Gummy sat nearby, blinking impassively. He wasn't the kind of friend she needed right now, but she couldn't blame him. He was just an alligator, after all. He didn't have to worry about things like family getting hurt, or not having any friends nearby, or death, or...

The tears came. Her hooves scraped against the floor as she pressed herself back into the corner as far as she could, curled up, and cried. Loud sobs bubbled up her throat as if trying to tear it open. She cried until her chest hurt, her eyes were red and stinging from the salt, and her nose leaked snot into her mouth. The world blurred into a black void around her.

She was startled, then, by a loud crash and the sound of glass hitting the floor. Raising her head, she had barely enough time to register more than one color in her field of vision before she was swept off the floor and into a bear hug five feet off the ground.

"Wh... Rainbow Dash?" The words were difficult to say; her voice came out in a croak. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't like when Pinkie should be sad," Rainbow whispered into her ear.

Here, at last, was the friend she had been looking for, and just when she needed her, too. Collateral damage aside. Pinkie gazed into Rainbow's eyes and a different sort of tear welled in her own.

"I'm so happy I think I'm going to start crying again," Pinkie whispered.

"Nop," Rainbow said, and kissed her softly.

Pinkie was so surprised that her mane and tail popped back into poofiness. She'd had no idea Rainbow felt this way about her. She let herself melt into Rainbow's embrace, kissing back softly, her tongue entwining with Rainbow's.

Rainbow floated her over to the bed, then deposited her gently atop it. Pinkie tried to speak.

"Rainbow, I don't understand. What..."

Dash pressed a hoof to Pinkie's lips softly.

"No tears now," she said, "only dreams," and kissed Pinkie again, laying on top of her.

They kissed and hugged and made out, and then started rubbing on each other and licking and nibbling, which made Pinkie very not sad indeed, and then they started doing X-rated things that I can't tell you about here, so just imagine that that was what they were doing, okay?


Oh my god.

You just imagined horses doing that?

You sick bastard.