• Published 9th Feb 2024
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Source Code - Nugget27

Source Code, once an indie game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.

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Don't. Hurt. My. Celly.

So I may have been a little quick with my… experience with being in the caverns with Cadance. It was mostly because… I wasn’t exactly happy by the end of that last week. I did a… decent job at hiding it at least. It all started when I was initially put into place by Thorax, who seemed more scared about fucking up his job, and pissing off his leader in the process, than actually wanting to kidnap me. Seriously, this kid legitimately looked like a soldier going to war for the first time after getting out of bootcamp. Luckily for Thorax, he gently set me down on the ground next to Cadance.

“I didn’t drop you too hard, did I, Mr. Code? I know you ponies have fur and flesh, and are nowhere near as resilient as the average changeling drone is when it comes to blunt force.” Thorax asked.

When I wipe out this dude’s race, I’ll leave him alive, I guess.

“I’m fine, thank you. Wish you could let me and Cadance,” I gestured to Cadance, who looked so scruffy and tired that I’m surprised that she isn’t screaming at the top of her lungs. "Leave, but I get why."

“Well… alright. Can I get you two anything, besides taking you out of here. Queen Chrysalis will murder me if she finds out I ruined her plans… She already shut down my idea of making friends with everypony in Canterlot for food.”

“Mmm, nah.” I waved. “See ya around, Thorax.” The changeling did a salute, which was admittedly kinda cute for something that just helped with kidnapping me, but I could tell he wasn’t exactly… happy about that. The part about harming ponies. Luckily, I had a solid belief in the fact that I was going to be out of here in a week tops. “Can you get us some food?”

“I can get you guys some hayburgers… I’ll be back.” With that, he was off.

“Source, why aren’t you concerned about us being stuck in a cavern?” Cadance asked. “Those bugs could be messing with our finances!”

“Python and Python Plus have two very different feels when used.” I hummed. “Oh yeah, my horn’s blocked.”

“Source?” Cadance asked.

“Oh no, when I get out of here, I am going to hunt the fucker that initiated this plan and beat the shit out of them. I will force them into peace with Equestria, or break their neck in seven different places while I feed them their own ass. I’m just trying to remain calm and collected so that I don’t swear like a sailor like I did the last time I’ve been through some possibly world ending bullshit.” I smiled slightly. “Besides, I know for a fact that Button knows something is up; he knows how Python feels and how different it is from Python Plus; he can use a few of Python Plus spells, which he built into his own little magic system… That bitch.”

“Uh… Source? You know we should try getting out, right?”

“That bitch stopped me from buying my colt ice for surprising me like that!”

“Uh… What?”

“Button made his own offshoot of Python for his own use. He did what I did. I was gonna spoil the shit out of him!”

“But… Wouldn’t Button be in immediate danger?” Cadance asked. “He’ll be next to Queen Chrysalis the whole time.”

“Nah, he’ll figure it out.”


“What the buck are you singing, kid?” Chrysalis, in the form of Source Code asked. “It sounds wrong… And stupid.”

“Dad, it’s the Rocky Road to Dublin. Are you getting old? Or is your memory failing you?” Button looked mildly concerned. His Dad taught him that song, and it had been one of his favorites ever since. Even though Source said there was supposed to be an instrumental to go along with it, but never could recreate it due to zero ability to actually play an instrument or read sheet music. In other words, Source not knowing it probably meant somepony found out how to impersonate his father…

And do a bad job at it.

“No, I just never heard that song before.” Button raised an eyebrow before deciding to speak in his father’s native tongue.

“Cé is féidir fíor-fhisic na n-uile ní foighneach a insint, Agus céachta don diabhal, cramp, colic agus spleen. Beidh a fhios agat é is dóigh liom má ghlacann tú deoch mhór. Le do bhéal go bruach crúiscín poteen.” Source Code tilted his head and just looked more confused.

“What did you just say? Are you choking on your own spit, you little idiot?”

For sure, that wasn’t his dad; Source wouldn’t dare call Button that under any circumstances.

Button cocked his head. “Okay Dad, I’m going to go ahead and go say goodbye to Apple Bloom before I go.”

“A little crush we have, hmm?” The Fake One asked.

“Uh, yeah.” Button started walking down the street, away from the fake Source as fast as he could without causing a scene. First, Source sounds like a griffin; griffins have a distinct accent, and so does Source. They sound very different. Then not knowing a song he himself sang? Or using ‘Sweet Celestia?’ It was like somepony foalnapped his Dad as a last minute change to her plans and didn’t know how to imitate his Dad. Also, his Dad burnt out while using Python… not Python Plus.

Without hesitation, Button decided to follow a contingency plan Source had planned out for him at some point. Head to Sweet Apple Acres, ask Apple Jack, who would be willing to house Button if something happened to Source, to stay for a while. He didn’t tell Celestia or Luna, as according to Source, those two tended to forget about a lot of world-ending threats from thousands of years ago. In other words, as much as his father said he loved his mother and aunt, said father deemed them to be just a little not competent at dealing with national threats.

Besides, maybe Source would get out in a week, and beat the buck out of the fake Source Code by the end of the week?

Chrysalis, in the form of Source blinked. She did some minor studying of the alicorn before she had captured him with a changeling enchanted cloud, and… that foal should be all over her, showering her with love and affection! Source Code and Button Mash were two peas in a pod, judging from just how much Source tolerated some of the weird stuff Button did, such as the foal hanging off of his father’s muzzle. Somehow Button seemed… Where did he go? Button just disappeared as soon as he rounded the corner.

She failed to notice a little blip of DragonFire flying across the sky towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“What the buck?” Chrysalis tilted her head. “Buck. There went my leverage on Source… Here’s hoping that foal doesn’t tell anypony that his father went missing. There should be no way; no way Button can use DragonFire, like he would anyways. It seems like a stupid spell. Why waste magic on that when you have wings?” Chrysalis smiled. “Or take a royal train carriage.” Chrysalis went to do exactly that…

“Pretending to be Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is way easier than this. What the buck is… a Light Shield?”

I woke a day after I had first arrived in the caverns. I will admit, I was not expecting Thorax to be… brushing Cadance’s mane and tail. He was doing it with such focus and intensity that it was a little scary. And a little cute; he had a task at hand and he wanted to complete it. Cadance herself was sitting there, eating a hayburger and some fries. There was a bag from hayburgers with a full on meal in it.

“Good morning, Uncle Source,” Cadance waved at me.

“...You calling me ‘uncle’ feels wrong,” I noted. “Physically, you’re older than I am.”

“I know. However, it is somewhat endearing…” Cadance purred. “This changeling is awesome, by the way. He returned right when I woke up and noticed how awful I looked.” I thought Cadance looked fine even if she didn’t look how she normally did; a well groomed princess. “When we find a way out, I’m keeping this changeling; I will adopt him, by the way. He’s only fifteen years old.” Huh.

Why the fuck is a teenager being used to keep two alicorns imprisoned? That’s asking for the kid to get murdered if it were anypony that wasn’t Cadance, who literally cannot hate anything, or me, who wasn’t that concerned about my own well-being.

“Sorry that your food didn’t stay warm; I don’t know any warming spells. I didn’t get ice in your drink so it may not be cold. I just didn’t want your drink to get too watery.” Thorax’s ears flattened against his head. “Even I get a little lost down here and I have a map. It took me half of the day yesterday to bring you in here, and then it took even longer to get out and get you two some food.”

“I still don’t get how you’re so polite when your leader’s a bitch.” I had to stop myself from officially adopting Thorax; Cadance already had the forms on standby, apparently.

“I’m… not exactly a fan of hurting anyone. Sure, ponies may provide a steady source of love, but that’s no reason to hurt anyone. You two didn’t deserve to get captured; you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. So I figured I might as well treat you two well even if I cannot let you out; the Queen would actually kill me if I did.”

“Say, why are my wings bound up and horn demagicked, but Cadance’s aren’t?” I asked. If Celestia were here, she’d get on my ass for using ‘demagicked’ as a phrase.

“From reports, every drone in the Hive believes you to be one of the best fighters in all of Equestria. You have a solid track record of just… pushing through fights with ease. From what we’ve heard, you beat one of the strongest unicorns in Equestria rather easily. On top of you suddenly appearing, and your seemingly broken up magic system, Queen Chrysalis said she couldn’t risk you breaking out and trying to save your own wedding. Because of that, she made sure you couldn’t use magic in any way shape or form.” Thorax inclined his head. “Sorry. Is the rope on your wings too tight?” He asked. “I can adjust that, but can’t do much about the ring on your horn; Queen’s Orders.”

“Nah. Thanks for asking at least.” I took a bite of my still surprisingly warm hayburger. “Thanks again, Thorax.”

So the days started turning into weeks, me and Cadance had very, very quickly ran out of things to talk about. At first, we were talking about what we’d do when we got out. Such as Cadance going back to planning her wedding, to me teaching my students, and trying to get back into working out with the guard. After that, she noted that I kept some bits on me at all times, in the Cutie Mark Butt Pocket™.

“Why do you carry bits everywhere?”

“In case Button wants a candy bar or something. We’re always together, so being able to spoil my kid at a moment’s notice is worth having some bits on me…” I hummed. “I know I was testing an experiment with magic and bits, but I can’t remember what. Maybe it was a money dupe that Celly promptly told me was illegal.” After that, we remained snuggled up together because it was kinda chilly down here in the caverns of Mount Canterlot. And we sat in silence; Cadance was worried about Shining Armor, and I was wondering what that experiment with the bit was, because it wasn’t infinite money, that’s very illegal.

“So Shining Armor was successfully married to a random drone and nopony found out so far. The actual ceremony is to happen soon.” Thorax had informed us, after mixing things up and getting Hayley’s, the shittier version of Hayburgers Al’Round. I was fucking sick of hayburgers after eating them everyday. So was Cadance.

“...Nopony’s found out that we’ve been swapped out for changelings?”

“...Sadly. You ponies do not pay attention to small details, or very big ones in Source’s case; The Queen kinda sucks at acting.”

I started channeling magic through the bit. “Oh. That’s what I was trying to do. Hey Thorax, if you close your eyes, and act like you were soundly defeated, you won’t get in trouble. Especially since Cadance is gonna adopt you.” Now is the time to mention that Cadance, since she can literally make love, has been feeding our changeling friend and earning his trust and loyalty, Thorax was just happy to have some love and motherly affection for once. Thorax let out a fake death squeal before flopping over near a rock. Sp I lied about us being in the caverns for two months. Because apparently the invasion of Canterlot was meant to happen after Shining Armor got married-

Twilight got teleported down here. She’s on the other side of a wall. I can feel her presence.

She blasted right through said wall and pinned us both down while I was still channeling magic through the bit. “Tell me you both are real!”

“...what?” I asked.


“Oh right, we got replaced by evil changelings. Oi Twilight, remember when we first met and you got mad at me for being late. Know what I called Celly?”

“Uh… Sun Butt… huh. After you two started seriously dating, you haven’t been using that as much. The other you has been calling her that a lot more.” She pointed at Cadance. “What about you?” she asked.

“Sunshine, Sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Cadance quickly stood up and smiled at Twilight. “It’s me, Cadance!”

“Oh…” Twilight turned back to me, and watched as I used the bit to remove the rope from my wings and the ring from my horn. “Source, what the buck?”


“Source, you used a bit, a bucking bit… as a wand?”


“When we get out, I am going to force you to teach me how you figured out how to do that.” That was my sign to run for the hills when this is all over. She looked over at the ‘dead’ Thorax. “Was that your warden?”

“Yeah.” Thorax took the time to ‘magic’ a knife in the side of his head. “Killed him to death.” Thorax’s tongue stuck out and I started laughing. “Ah no. He was, but Cadance literally wants to adopt that specific changeling. He’s frankly adorable, and we’re telling him to play dead so he doesn’t get in trouble with the Queen.” Thorax stood up, saluted Cadance, and flopped back over, his hindleg twitched a little as he played dead with the expertise of a dog.


Queen Chrysalis hates potatoes. As it turned out, the pony she was pretending to be was a bucking idiot. He liked the cheapest whisky on the market, instead of the finest wines that Celestia had to offer, liked potatoes, and ate and drank an unearthly amount of these things. To save time, Chrysalis suggested to Celestia that they plan both weddings out, and have them a week apart from each other… On top of that, Celestia was giving her weird looks at every turn. She got a letter from an undisclosed source and had been giving her a weird look since. Then when she read Source Code’s diary to make sure she was doing everything right…

Chrysalis whispered one night. “When did this guy develop two spell systems?” She read over a third spell system that had only one spell in it, a Levitation spell that looked unreasonably hard to perform.

“Source,” Celestia had asked once during the last month. Specifically the same day that Chrysalis had taken Source Code’s place. “Where is Button?” This was after receiving the letter from an undisclosed source. Button, despite not being told to, had sent a letter warning the Princess that Chrysalis is not as it seemed.

“Uh… He wanted to have a month-long sleepover with his friends in Ponyville?” Celestia immediately caught the hesitation and timidness in Source’s voice. That was not a common thing for her lover. “Why do you ask, Sun Butt?”

Source had not called Celestia ‘Sun Butt’ in months. He actively tried not to, actually.

“And he didn’t tell us beforehoof? That sounds unlike Button.” Celestia shrugged. “Well, I’m sure he’ll behave himself, seeing as his friends are in Canterlot right now.” Button was staying in the same room as aforementioned fillies were, in Canterlot, who were going to both weddings as flower fillies. “Well, I shall get back to helping to plan our wedding. You keep doing your thing; I’m sure you’ll love the concessions and drinks.” Celestia waved a hoof and smiled. That fool couldn’t even tell the difference between herself and her lover! Chrysalis grinned; this was going to be an easy double takeover of Equestria!

After she found out that half of the food was potatoes, she swapped back to pretending to be Princess Cadance. She hated potatoes more than she hated apples. The drone she had acted as Cadance previously was stuck on ‘Source Code’ duty. After that, nopony suspected a thing, Well, save for a purple little nuisance that might’ve watched her zap Shining Armor with a mind control spell or two. Princess Luna was suspicious of Chrysalis the moment she showed up as Source; she had asked Source about cheese sticks.

What the fuck are cheese sticks?

Well, that’s the drone’s problem… As it turned out, four drones had to replace Source for various reasons.

Princess Celestia provided too much love for the first one, and killed it from lovebetes.

The second had too much whisky and died.

The third was allergic to potatoes and ran off before promptly keeling over.

The fourth one was the only one that could stomach some whisky and liked potatoes… He got challenged to a drinking competition by Luna and had drank fourteen pints of beer the night before the wedding. He was hungover and somehow not dead… yet. He was going to be soon, though. Luna’s methods, since she believed there to only be a few changelings, was to whittle down on the changelings that were taking the appearance of her soon-to-be-brother-in-law’s place by killing them with alcohol.

Aside from four losses, noling was lost just yet.

“Bucking Celestia on a Stick…” Chrysalis whispered as she prepared for the actual wedding between herself and Shining Armor. It has been a long month, and stressful, despite her only pretending to be Source Code for a day. Meh, from reading the diary, Source Code was an idiot that couldn’t really do much with magic. For some reason, January was completely devoid of logs in the journal, which probably meant that Source was too stupid to remember that he had a diary.

“At least this day is going to be perfect.”

Cadance started singing. I don’t know why, but I didn’t exactly feel like hearing her sing. It was a good song, but she stopped singing every other verse for some reason. Something about harmony magic. Plus finding a way out of this cavern was taking too long. So! I remembered that I had mixed dark magic into DragonFire once and burned the ground, so I’m gonna try and do that again. As my horn lit, I felt the darkness taking hold of me… and started flowing around me rather than through me. Whatever the buck was happening didn’t matter; I needed to get out of here.

Nevermind, Cadance and Twilight found the way out. The bridesmaids for Cadance’s wedding tried stopping us, so I DragonFired past them. We lost way too much time by me not remembering I could DragonFire my way through concrete with dark magic until now. I wasn’t wasting any more time. Cadance followed me as best as she could with her wings, as Twilight followed us both with DragonFire. As soon as I slammed into the ground outside of the ballroom where the wedding was being held, Cadance and Twilight had caught up to me.

“Wait!” Twilight shouted as she slammed through the doors.

Everyone was understandably confused. There were two of me, and two Cadances… Oh, my doppelganger looked like he dared to drink more than a pint of beer without being Irish. Or an Alicorn. Poor guy. Shining Armor was definitely being mind controlled, judging from the blank expression on his face that was usually never, ever present on his face. Shining Armor was a dingus, but he was bucking smart when he needed to be. Rather, when he wanted to be. I was starting to get a little angry, so much so that I didn’t even flinch when the green explosion of changeling magic blasted a hole through the ceiling.

My doppelganger had keeled over already.

“Oi.” I said calmly. “You wanna catch these hands, oh Queen of the Changelings?”

“Source, don’t,” Twilight hissed. “She’s fueled up on so much love; I doubt you can win against her even with all of your fancy tricks.”

“She is right, my dear Source,” Celestia walked past me. We shared a quick kiss before she fully charged forward and she and the changeling Queen started dueling with their horns at first, trying to gorge each other. I wasn’t having any of that tonight.

“Celly, fuck off.” I said calmly after forcefully moving Celestia behind me. I was not going to have my Celly fucking gutted by a horn or blasted with a spell. I could hear the barrier over Canterlot shatter. “Go defend the city. I’ve got this.” My horn lit. “I’m pissed, I’m hungry, and it’s been a hot minute since I’ve had some whisky.” I DragonFired a bottle from my stache and took a sip. “Okay, that’s one thing checked off, but I’m still pissed.” I chugged the whole bottle. “I’ve got a bitch to beat the shit out of.”

Celly would’ve listened.May be she would’ve been stubborn and tried to fight Chrysalis. Maybe she would’ve responded in some way shape or form, had she not immediately got blasted by a green, very strong telekinetic blast. I yelped and my surprise and shock slowly turned into hatred and anger as I watched the love of my life fly into a nearby pillar, cracking the thing… Celly’s wings were broken. Her wings weren’t supposed to bend like that. I stared at the scene, watching Celestia try to get up and failing to do so, but… Oh you bitch. You fucking bitch. Twilight and Cadance immediately started getting everypony to run.

“Oi, you fuckin’ twat,” I said stepping forward. “You can do what you want to me, I don’t give a shit.” I started smiling, a serene little smile. “You’re lucky you didn’t hurt my kid. I swear to fucking god, if you did, there would be zero chance of you surviving what I’m gonna do to you. Luckily you only hurt the love of my life after imprisoning me. So.” My wings flared and my horn lit. “My name is Source Code, you overgrown bug. I will let you feel my animosity.” I turned a thankful glance over to everypony that was trying to make sure Celly was still breathing. She still was alive; I could feel her magic even if she was knocked out.

“Oh please, what can you expect to do to me? I just beat Princess Celestia-” I slammed into Chrysalis and took us out into the city. I was punching her in the face as hard as I could. I had buffed myself up with strength enchants, durability enchants, and stamina enchants the moment I was in the air. Chrysalis slammed into the ground as soon as I landed. I wasn’t using my wings; I was too shit of a flier to be able to do such a thing. I was using DragonFire on my legs while I was in the air, and using the Skywalker spell to keep me from being engulfed in flames like a normal DragonFire would if I were traveling with it.

Chrysalis’s face was covered in burns, bruises, and her nose was definitely broken.

“Ready to give up just yet?” I ignored all the changelings surrounding me. “If any of y’all interrupt this fight and get your head chopped off, that’s on you.” They all blinked, before running off. They didn't want to catch these hands. Good on them.

“...W-what?” Chrysalis stared at me in horror. “You had no magic a moment ago! How did you get away from your guard?!” She shouted.

“The how isn’t important here. What matters is you hurt my Celly and you plan on hurting all of ponykind so you can get a leg up in the world.” My horn lit and immediately plowed through any defenses that Chrysalis had. “You do not mess with a man that has something to live for and little regard for his own well being. You do not trifle with an apex predator, Queen Chrysalis. You do not fuck with humanity.” Chrysalis slammed into a nearby building, or would’ve if I didn’t grab her tail and body slam her into the ground.

“You’re… using dark magic.” She wheezed, trying to get air back into her lungs after I just knocked all of said air out. “What… are you?”

“A stallion. A stallion with the brain of a predator.” I said calmly. “The moment you hurt somepony I loved was the moment you done fucked up. Now, you want to keep catching these hands? Because I’m willing to let you surrender; Celly would want that. Luna would too. And frankly, as much as I would like to kill you, I also don’t want more blood on my hooves, or want to see anyone else get killed.” Chrysalis is lucky that I still have some form of morals left in my heart.

“T-there is no way I can win, is there?” Chrysalis asked.

“Mmm. That depends.” Chrysalis sucker punched me with a spell of some sort. I think it was a Telekinetic Blast or some stupid shit. It didn't matter though; I always run a Light Shield. The Light Shield ate that up and redirected it into space. I happily watched as I watched any simblance of hope left her eyes as the rest of her face drooped. If she wasn't such a cunt, I'd feel sorry for her and cheer her up. “Nice shot, lass.” I laughed darkly. “Give up.”

“...what the buck?” Chrysalis… I smell hormones coming off her. Meh. I hit her with a Stun and started dragging her ass back to the castle. Weirdly, before I stunned her, she was giving me the same look Celly gave me before we started dating. Meh, she was probably just out of it, after getting her shit rocked for a solid ten minutes straight.

Snowdrop was not as forgiving as I was when it came to the safety of Celly, apparently. She and Luna were woken up as soon as word had spread that Celly got defeated in one on one combat, sometime before I dragged Chrysalis’s sorry ass up to the castle. Luna was a bit more restrained; she only glared at Chrysalis. Snowdrop… started trampling on Chrysalis’s body. She steer clear of the head; it was already fucked up. Chrysalis just whimpered and yelped, since I hit her with so many stun spells on the way to the castle that she couldn’t move. So Snowdrop was screaming profanities that I haven’t even heard of, in her more ancient tongue, while beating the shit out of the changeling queen.

“How fucking dare thou hurt Auntie Celestia?” smack. “I shall ensure that thou wot pain for days!” crack. Snowdrop just cracked the changeling’s carapace. Christ, Snowdrop hits hard apparently. I slowly turned to Luna, who was just idly watching her adopted daughter unleash all of her anguish, in the form of an ass beating, onto a changeling queen that just had all of my anguish dumped onto her in the form of an ass beating.

It was beautiful because Solar, I think he was supposed to be off duty today, was walking past us. I could tell he wanted to ask Snowdrop out after watching do what she was doing. It certainly helped that he was mostly focusing on her flanks.

“Luna, can you take care of this? I know Celly’s in the infirmary and I know she broke a wing at a minimum.”

“I can. Just go check on your fiance, Source. Cadance is doing the same for Shining. He stopped being mind controlled shortly after you blasted the Queen out of the castle.” She nodded. “I can see why.” Tale stormed out of the castle and started helping Snowdrop beat the shit out of Chrysalis. “I will keep these two from killing the good queen. I believe you believe that negotiations can be made?”

“Yep. Well, Celly would. So I did my best to not spill blood in this realm in any way that’s fatal. Chrysalis will definitely need a doctor, by the way.”

“She can wait. Canterlot hospital was overrun by ponies that got a little injured during the invasion… before all the changelings fled when their Queen was beaten into dust. And the Castle offered its infirmary up to anypony who couldn’t get into the hospital. So Chrysalis may wait; I will hit her with minor healing spells, and toss her in the dungeons until she can be treated. She will be in good health by the time we negotiate with her.”

Good enough for me.

I quickly found Celestia in the infirmary. She was laying on the floor on a cushion that was usually in one of her private lounge rooms; it would’ve taken two hospital beds to house a pony of her size. She was conscious at least. “You alright, Celly?”

“I am fine,” Celly insisted. “I’m a little hurt, but it’s nothing I’ve not fought through before.”

“You are getting a week off of any Princessy stuff, or until you recover. Now, tell me what’s broken.”

“My left wing, and my left legs.”

“Eeyup. You take a week off, or I will pout at you.”

“...Fine. Will you wear a made-up outfit so that I may have something pleasant to look at while I have the week off?”

“I thought I was pleasant enough!” I chuckled. “But yeah, I’ll get the male, prench maid outfit out of the closet for you, Celly. I would snuggle up with you… but I don’t wanna risk hurting you more.”

“You can let me use you as a pillow.” I nodded. “By the way, the wedding between Cadance and Shining Armor still will happen, even if Luna will be the one taking the role of marriage officiant in my stead… and taking over the country for the next week as well. Snowdrop wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I decided to do day court once this next week, or did anything more than lightly reading, relaxing, and eating food.”

“I would also like to apologize for not immediately trying to find you and Cadance as soon as I realized something was amiss. I wouldn’t have noticed Cadance; Chrysalis almost perfectly acted as Cadance did during wedding planning, but almost entirely didn’t act like you. For starters, Button was nowhere near her, and she was… very unwilling to cuddle. With how much you adore cuddling with me, that's the moment she opted to sleep on the couch instead of with me.”

“But magical signatures…”

“My own signature usually is all I can feel. It overrides all but Luna or Twilight’s signatures. Yours is usually rather muted because you cannot naturally access all your magic…” She kissed me on the cheek. “Still, I needed to keep Queen Chrysalis distracted; if she found out that Button was in the castle, she would’ve used him as leverage, so I had to distract her… I think. I know four changelings took over pretending to be you for her. I don’t know where they went.”

“Meh. I would be angrier, but I’m also glad that this was over quickly. I didn’t even have to kill Chrysalis!” I cheered.

“I suppose we can work out peace negotiations. I would be remiss if I had to send somepony, that I used to date, to Tartarus after all.”

“...And she turned down cuddling with you?”

“She did, surprisingly.”

“But you being a living, heated pillow’s one of your best traits!”

“I’m aware; you and Button almost vehemently refused to wake up if you both were using me as a pillow during the night. Which is almost everyday, assuming you actually want to sleep in for once, young stallion.”

“Hey, you’re the one that is injured. I should be the one telling you to relax, young lady.”

“...Don’t you spin this upon me. You tried taking on a changeling overloaded with love. If I didn’t get hurt, you would’ve been killed!”

“And I didn’t. I broke her fucking nose mid air,” I grinned. “And my Light Shield more or less told her how much she had fucked up.”

“...I wish I could’ve seen it. It would’ve been rather sexy to watch you be angry.” With that, I grabbed a crystal after we sent somepony off to grab our son. “Our wedding is getting postponed, Celly, I hope you know that.”

“I know. You wouldn’t want me anything other than perfect when we marry.”

“...Maybe I just don’t want you limping in my wedding. I really hate seeing you get hurt, as it turns out. I used my hatred of seeing you hurt to beat Chrysalis up.”

“I really need to have you teach me some of your tricks; there is so much you’ve not shown anypony. Twilight sent me a letter telling me about how you manage to you at a minimum, two spells at once all the time. A diagnostic spell, along with Light Shield, and then a third whenever you actually use magic.”

“I will. It’s been a while since we’ve had… a tutoring session, Celly. I’m still your student, after all.”

“If i were not injured, I thought you’d be asking to do some bedroom activities.”

“No, I do still think I’ve got stuff to learn from you. Plus it would just be an excuse to cuddle a bunch next week; constant tutelage and constant snuggles. Along with me being your maid… You're gonna wear a suit to our wedding?”

“I may, I may not. Sometimes I do like dressing up in a lovely dress, but I also remembered how cute you looked when you saw me in my suit at the Gala.” We were both interrupted by Button climbing on the cushion and gently walking over to us; he could immediately tell that Celly was injured. He saw me, sniffed me and said:

“Stick to the cratur?”

“The best thing in nature for sinking your sorrows and raising your joys!”

“Oh, what botheration! No dose in the nation.”

“Can give consolation like poitin, me boys!” Me and Button started laughing; Celly harmonized with us, as best as she could while the three of us were keeping it down. We were still in the infirmary, after all. I hugged my kid, I was more than happy to know that he wasn’t hurt in any way shape or form.

“Yup. That’s Dad.” Button snuggled up to me. “Did you beat up your doppelganger?”

“I did. Wanna watch?’ I lifted my crystal. Button eagerly nodded, and soon, we were watching the ‘Slap the Shit out of Chrysalis’ battle that happened moments ago.

Author's Note:

to be clear, Celestia and Button, even Luna immediately knew something was up with Source. They just couldn't, because one of them is a literal child, do anything. One was distracted with wedding preperations while Luna was doing something. just nothing actually productive.

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