• Published 25th Feb 2023
  • 349 Views, 4 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog: Journey Through The Decade - Kamen rider accel 2

A new destroyer has been chosen and a new adventure awaits for him and his friends as he travel the multiverse to connect and save or destroy

  • ...

Photo 2: Know You

Flash was now sitting on a chair and was talking with the two Mobians Sonic and Roll. They sat at one of the table places of the restaurant and try to get to know one another better.

"So wait, When you saved her from a boat reck a few years back. As a thank you, She kissed you and made you her soul mate." Flash took the talk a bit well.

"Yup, I wasn't prepared for that to happen to me or anything. I mean, I been having a bachelor life for a while and wanted to keep it that way for a while. But then this happens and now I'm her mate." Sonic explained to the teen."I don't have any problems with that. Just wanted to."

"Have a bit more freedom before you settle on one person." Flash said as sonic nodded.

"Gomen again sonic-kun. But it was out of instinct that it happened." Roll apologized to him again."You see, Back at my home place. Us Sakurai were gifted from our three kami's since we were born. Lord Enma, granted us the ability to bond with our mate."

"Your saying a god gave you talent to help bind with your future mate hah," Flash muttered.'Then again, The worlds are different and weird. I don't know fully on what they are.' he mentally thought.

"While yes, But it's a long story. Its in our Clans book that Kaa-san has. We keep it with us all the time since she's our village head and has to maintain peace there." Roll told

"Accepted then. So what do you like mostly?"

"Well, Back in my old days when Eggman was after me, We mostly were on battling and then chilling with friends later, We even had time and date and on when to fight again." Sonic said making Flash take back.

"Wait, What?"

"Oh, You don't know, Well Eggman over there was a evil master mind back at the days. He constantly made robots to invade our world and captured innocent mobians to turn them in to cyborg to include in his Egg army." Sonic explained seeing the teen expression as he quickly added."But, We managed to spoil his plan and save everyone in the end. Don't judge him now. He's not that bad anymore."

"True, Eggman-san was actually angry at us mobians for taking his student away from him." Roll told with a sad expression.

"So, He attack you all.. for the loss of his student." Flash said understanding this as his anger faded a bit."But, It wasn't all of your fault then, Was it."

"No it wasn't. But Eggman-san was to far down to accept this."

"Yeah, So in our final fight before the worlds combined. We stopped him and helped him finally stopping the feud. It wasn't easy as we had to go through many obstacles in the past. But we managed to do so. Eggman mind was fixed then as we helped him. The mobians weren't much excited for him to survive. But he managed to win them a few months back. That's when the Fusion happened and we were transported to earth." Sonic finished explaining

"Eggman-san then talked to the president of the nation and with the help of Tou-san we managed to make peace with them." Roll added the last part.

Flash took a moment to understand that all as his anger now faded away hearing this."So, Then you all then decided to open up a restaurant hear."

"Hai, it was my Kaa-san idea, She always wanted to open up her own shop." She excitedly told as he tail wagged."People line up a lot for her cooking."

"Her food is heaven around hear. Miss A knows how to make the sweets, But just to give you a warning." Sonic dropped his smile and came towards him in a Flash (sorry couldn't handle it) and whispered in his ear."Don't ever harm he strawberries, Please! Its a Sakurai thing and they'll hurt you bad if something does happen to them." Flash could feel the dread in his voice as he went back.

"So, Now that you got to know about us. What do you do Flash-san, Also what is a Kamen Rider that the Mister mentioned back." Roll asked him curiously on wanting to know about those being she was mentioned.

"Yeah, He told us that you already know about them. So how about you tell us then if we're all working together to save the multiverse." Sonic said.

Flash nodded but just as he was about to he saw Conquering Storm coming down stairs wearing new attire as she wore black pants with a belt around and also wore a Black jacket under it was a red T shirt and a bracelet around her arm. She didn't wore her straw hat as her hair was coom down. He thought of inviting her over since she's part of this."Hey Storm. Wanna come over hear."

"Sure," Conquering storm said as she went towards them."So what are you all talking about. Was it something important?"

"Yeah, We were gonna talk abo-"

"Actually, Kaa-san called me just now. I think she needs help with in the kitchen," Roll added quickly as she was in a hurry."We can talk later, So bye."

Flash saw her blur out as he looked confused. "That's weird. I didn't hear Miss Aphrodite-san call her or anything."

"She didn't call her." Sonic suddenly told."She just wanted to get away from her." He pointed at Conquering storm who developed a sad expression.

"Why?" Flash asked in confusion."Don't tell me this is another Sakurai thing. I mean I don't know about them but why hate you?"

"You would know when you hear my past action." She muttered as Flash heard her words.

"Well, What ever reason she has to hate you. We gotta talk about it soon. So how about just lay back and when it's time. We then try to sort this out." He suggested

"Good I idea, Beside, the world is at stake so we gotta be at our best then." Sonic agreed as Conquering storm gave a nod but was still not felling it.'You didn't know about my past, So how will you react to me when you do find out about it.'

"HOW BIG IS THIS RESTAURANT?!" Flash shouted as he went through the palace a sit looked more then hotel room then a simple restaurant. He was now sitting in the TV room with Scootaloo as he asked."Seriously, is this a Food store or a freaking hotel. I had to find the bathroom after 10 whole failed attempts."

"Tell me about it. When I first got hear, I ended up at the Bathroom. Luckily Miss Aphrodite-san was the one to get me help that time around." Scootaloo told him."But enough about that. It's good that your ok Bro."

"Yeah, You to." Flash said hugging her sister."I was so scared and thought something bad may have happened to you. When we crossed the portal and I blacked out then waking up in a void of some sort, then in the city."

Scootaloo got confused in the last part."Wait, What void?"

"Oh yeah, You remember the old man who came hear a while ago right." She nodded at that."Well, He first took me to a strange void of what so ever. I didn't know where I was or when I was. It was kinda beautiful to as I could see. There he was there standing there and was... Observing me. He told me about finding the two items and fulfilling a goal. You heard back on what he told us right."

"So, You were picked to fill his role in saving the multiverse from a great evil." Scootaloo summarized."That's... So Cool!" She exclaimed in excitement.

Flash chuckled at her sister antics but he had to be a bit forward with her."While it may be that what I got is cool and awesome but we got to remind our self that this power is way out of just for playing hero sis."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the thing is-." "Hey guys, Miss A says that dinner is ready so you guys should come down." Sonic came in a blur."Your gonna love her cooking man. It's like eating From heaven." He told them as he went off in a blur.

"Welp, Looks like we could talk after dinner then."

Dinner was quite good to be precise as they could tell. The dishes were quite a lot and with different kinds of pastries and different set of meat and non meat food. Flash can tell and fully say this is the best dish ever and Sonic didn't lie about the taste aswell.

"Man, Miss Aphrodite and Roll. This is the best katsudon I have ever tasted my whole life. I don't wanna disrespect our aunt or anything but this is the best meal ever." Flash complemented as he ate his meal.

"*Giggle* why thank you Flash, Scootaloo said the same thing to me aswell. We Sakurai are very good at making different set of dishes for others." Aphrodite told as they all enjoyed there meal."But there are some secret behind our famous dishes so it can't be told to you or anyone what so ever."

"Let me guess, If I do you'll kill me and hide my body." Flash joked a bit, But she didn't laughed or anyone else."Y-You serious?" He questioned.

"Just don't ask or anything about it and you'll live." Sonic Whispered to him as he nodded."But any way. We went off topic a bit back, We hadn't fully introduce our self to one another fully. So let's get to that shall we. I'm sonic, A little ball of super energy. In an extremely handsome package." He told in cool manner.

"I have a friend of the same ego as you. And I had to deal with her and her antics for ever cause of my little sister is a fan of her." Flash told,"It must have been hard for all of you to make him fully listen to you all without causing mayhem or anything if you turn your back around for a second."



"Thank you for understanding."

"You have no idea."

"Hai Flash-san."

"He caused way more trouble then me before."

"Hey I wasn't that bad or anything." Sonic defended but his friends gave him a dead panned look."Ok,.... Maybe a bit, But not that big."

"Really?" Everyone said minus Flash and Scootaloo.

"I know the Sakurai and for some reason hated you more then them." Conquering Storm muttered.

"That we can agree on there." Roll agreed with her."But anyway, I'm Roll Maelstrom Sakurai as you were told before and that is my little sibling Haseo. and were a Sakurai clan member. You have been told about our history on our Village as you may know our God and goddess had gifted us with our bond soul and our skills."

"Oh yeah, But still I wanna ask this that what if a non Sakurai was given the blood of the Sakurai. Will the person become a Sakurai or, will the person remain the same." Scootaloo was the one to ask.

"You know, I never thought about it like that. Does the person do turn in to a Sakurai." Eggman asked."Living with you but still hadn't thought about that for years."

"Yeah, I also wanna know." Tangle ask raising her tail as a hand.

"Yeah me to." Zane agreed.

"I just wanna eat this please." Knuckle went back to his eating... A tissue.

"Well, the one your applying that if a Sakurai blood is out in another mobian or human to make them a Sakurai, Then it could work but not that easy." Aphrodite told them.

"Yes, I checked my wife back ground history and found that the donation of blood of a Sakurai, Well the Blood has a will of its own." Sky told.

The others heard this as they all mind went blank hearing this. What the heck does he mean that the blood has a will of its own. Is it alive or something and will kill anyone of not wanted to be with."Wow, let me clarify first. What I mean is that if a blood of Sakurai is to be out in someone else's. The Sakurai needs to agree on giving the other person the blood." Skye quickly told them easing the situation.

"...oh, So it's like the sci-fi movie type sequence. Where the person is dying and the only way to save the person is to give him some of your blood so he or she can live. But the thing is that the person will be a part of your family then." Flash clarified to see the answer.

"Really? I wanna see that movie. Sounds kind of good to pay money for." Knuckle asked.

"Yes, You can guess that way. But if the Sakurai doesn't agree to the turm then the blood will be useless in the process." Skye told them as he took out a chart... From somewhere."How did he do that?" Flash asked haseo who shrugged it.

"As you can see, if the blood become one with the person, the person will start to gain the skills of a Sakurai. That will include the craving for strawberry and dropping everything and hunting down the one who caused harm to the strawberry."

"So gotta make some ground rules on that then." Flash told."I for some reason, Dread of you harming children who accedently got on the strawberry."

"It was a long time and I said I was sorry." Aphrodite whined as she looked away."Honey, I had to make full arrangements on convincing the parents to not give you a law suit for harming there child as the kid had accidentally dropped the strawberry...." Skye gave a deadpanned look to his wife. So aswell as Flash did hearing this.

"I didn't mean that bad of harm to the young boy. It was....... just in the anger."

"Did you made her sleep out side the living room." Flash asked the hedgehog." With no strawberry treats or any cooking done for two months. I may fear her but when she goes out of bound then I'm not merciful." Skye told.

"Ok, Now can we change the subject hear." Tangle said getting there attention away from Aphrodite who was sulking down."I wanna know about the hero the old man was talking about. You know the Kamen Rider ones. They sound way awesome as he told us." Tangle said with stars in her eyes.

"Ok, we can start with that. But this isn't over Miss A. As we will have ground rules hear for that." Flash told her but got back on track." But before that I didn't fully get to know you all that time remember."

"Oh yes, We forgot about that. So let's start then. I'm miyuki powers. I'm tail half sister and the oldest sibling of him. I'm also my white-kun fiance and lover kyu." Miyuki introduced to him.

"Oh nice to meet ya, And congrats then."

"Arigatou na. I'm also a part time wrestler and a coach. I know a lot about the hand to hand combat and the ways of martial arts aswell. If you like to I can help in combat."

"Huh, I can use that. I'm also a wrestling and Kung Fu fang my self. My favourite fighting style is of Bruce Lee and Ipman and the most defence one is of my favourite one Jackie Chan." Flash told making her surprise..

"Oh, I can agree on that. Bruce Lee fighting style is very much stronger and deadly on the ground. I heard he took down a thousand martial artist in the tournament of death. Where the winner takes all and power." Ellie siad getting in the conversation."But if we compare it with Ip Man style. He goes in both offence and defence. That's why he's quite unbeatable."

"I won't say unbeatable but yeah I gotta agree. Plus the pressure point skills is quite.... Deadly. We seen what it can do."

"True." Most of the one on the table agreed."But any way I'm Ellie Tsukikaze. I'm also a part time wrestler and a very good coach. And this is my idiot brother Zain." She pointed at the wolf to the side."Don't mind him, He can be a idiot a lot of times."

"Sis, You hurt me." Zain said in fake hurt toon."But, Any way. I'm Zain as you may or may not know. I'm a sword fighter and an element user. Also I was a part time cop but had to retire a bit soon on some reason."

"Nice to meet ya." Flash said putting his hand infront of him. Zain shook it aswell."I can see your a Big brother aswell, I can respect that you wanna keep her safe from some bad guys."

"I don't want to be safe, I can take care of my self you know!" Ellie shouted with anger and pouted cutely.

"I can agree, Your far more good in hand to hand combat Ellie but there are some who will play tricks to get you. You know how that happened last time didn't you." Zain reminded her as she cringed at the memory.

"Let me guess, Does it involves a sleeping dot and some smoke screen."

"Yeah, That guys wanted to get close to Ellie. But glad I was there on time and let's just say, the cops never found on what remained of the body. Or anything by any chance." Zain told in ominous toon. Scaring scaring some people.

"Hah....... I can give respect to you on that." Flash fist bump with him."As a older brother. It's our job to take care of those who sees our little siblings as a.. personal paly thing." Zain can see the aura around him.

Conquering storm leaned towards Scootaloo and whispered something."Did he killed some one before who tried to harm you."

"No.... But he did send them to the hospital and there still there cause of what Flash did you them." Scootaloo told back as Conquering Storm nodded

"But anyway, Were getting of a bit of track hear man. So next I speed things up a bit." Sonic told as he went I a blur and went to his companions."This one hear is Amy rose. She kinda of our fortune teller on the team and can cause a lot damage on someone with her hammer. Her hammer is quite different so it can smash titanium aswell. She's also very good on predicting the future."

"Thanks sonic, And yes what he said is true. So don't go messing with my crystal ball or you'll be having dents in your skull soon." She warned.

"Why am I getting a sakura feeling from you." Flash siad out loud.

"I know right, Thats what I thought back when I meet her." Ellie agreed.

"The next one is her big brother and a very good lawyer him self. White Rose. This guy can help you bail out of the jail cell in no time and with his skills." Sonic introduced.

"How long have you been keeping him out of cells?" Flash couldn't help but ask

"Let's just say I have a different phone number for him when ever sonic is in jail. It's annoying but it's a job I do." White said as he shook his hand.

"But that's why I love him." Miyuki said leaning on his shoulder.

"Huh, good for you then and I keep in mind in helping me with some in and out of trouble routine as I be dealing with it a lot. But any way who's next." Flash said.

Just as sonic was about to introduce the others Conquering storm cut them off."I know you want to know the others more but can we know about what you are and what is a Kamen Rider. I know I'm a bit pushy but we can know one another more later on our journey." She told..

"She's gotta point there boy, It's good that we know one another but we have to get to the main topic first then. Like what is a Kamen Rider and what where there origins." Eggman agreed with his past dark legion comrade."We can speed things up there."

"Yeah, I'm with them on this one." Tail agreed. Very soon everyone start to agree with them. Except for Roll as she just looked away a bit annoyed seeing her. She may be comrade with her now. But she won't agree with a Raiju that easily.

"So, You'll all are in an agreement then. Very well, But for that we gotta go some place else." Flash said confusing them but before they could ask, He took out his Deca Driver and put it on the table. The driver soon glowed a bright light blinding everyone. Soon they opened there eyes to find them self in a black void floating up.


"What is happening?! How are we Flying above" Roll asked as she tried to balance her self.

"Like I know of anything." Conquering Storm told as she was on her left side."How do you keep your self well."

"Weeeeee!!!" Tangle yelled as she flew around in space with excitement."This is awesome, It's like the Zero gravity chamber your dad made a while back."

"This is weird, I was eating back there." Knuckles said receiving a smack on the head."What was that for?!"

"For being an idot." Ellie muttered."Where in space or some sort and this is all you think of."

"This is getting kinda of weird to be precise" Whisper said as she balance her self.

"Amazing, Another possiblity that a small belt can make her travel to another void of some sort with the dark matter particles around them. This is quite a well science break if I may so ask." Eggman muttered.

"Not that much Mr Ivo, I did made a discovery of travelling through other zones a while back at home.... Hit in trouble with the zone cops but I was alright." Skye muttered remembering the last day.

"Ok, How do I balance my self hear. It's like shadow doing another Chaos control of some sorth. But way more tricky then slowing us down or so." Sonic shouted as he was holding on to the two young twin tailed foxes."How are you two holding up now."

"I'm ok Sonic onni-chan, Just a bit dizzy." Haseo told as Tail gave a thumbs up. The other mature one were ok aswell as they were balancing well.

"Okay everyone, Calm down right now." Flash called out as he was floating easily and had his sister with him to keep her from floating away."So you all may be wondering where you are. Well your all in a void right now. I thought it be more easy to show you all the history of Kamen Rider to make things more entertaining."

"That be a great idea. Honestly I should have brought some popcorn with me." Sonic muttered as suddenly tangle gave him some."Hah, thanks."

"Ok, So everyone get ready now, what I'm about to show you is the history of the past hero who saved the universe from being taken over by a threat not like anyother." Flash told them in serious toon.

"Dude, I seen way worse things then anyone hear.... That includes me walking in on Skye's little session." Sonic muttered the last part.

"What happened in the room, Stays there." Skye warned him.

"Anyway, Now on to the history lesson everyone." Flash directed there attention as the void start to shine a light blinding them as they soon looked to see they all were standing in a battle crisis. They looked around to see the buildings were destroyed."It was the year 1945. The world war ll had ended with the freedom fighter winning the war with the help of there allies and comrades. They had successfully taken on the Nazis empire and killed there leader.Adolf Hitler."

"Wait, There was a war happened hear?" Ellie asked in confusion.

"Of course idiot, what else do you see around hear. A big party that happened or anything or weren't you paying attention." Conquering Storm deadpanned at her as she gave her a glare.

"No fighting you to. This is important so pay attention." Aphrodite told them making them back down."Continue please."

"As I was saying. When the war ended the people start to make culture again and help rebuild society. But there worries weren't ended. No, Some Nazis had survived the war and fled into hiding."

"Oh Boy, That wasn't great at all wasn't it." Zain asked.

"Nope, The Nazis build a base of there own away from human eyes and used there machine to transfer there great leader mind to a machine so he can operate in command easily. With the help of there machine and scientists they were easy to do this and soon succeed in making this come to life." Flash explain as the images change to show the base of the Nazis and the statue of the leader and the scientist working on various machines." They soon made there base and called the base Sacred Hegemony Of Cycle Kindred Evolutionary Realm also know as Shocker."

"Hah, Now this is quite Shocking to hear. Am I right." Knuckles pinned at that but no one laughed."Tuff crowd am I right."

"The Shocker gang start to grow more and more around the world as they made many hidden bases and more. But the bases weren't enough. Soon they had to make soldiers to go in to battle. So what better way was to get them by kidnapping and making the humans into bionic kaijins robots." Flash told thus shocking them (no pun attended) as the image changed to show many scientists experimenting on different humans. Some screamed in pain and some were silenced soon after the experiment. The mobians and the two humans couldn't believe on what they were seeing.

"My god, this is even worse then my robonizer, I turned the mobians into robots but they had a will to see and try to either fight or be saved in the end. But this is.."

"Your kinda right there eggy, They don't even have a will of there own as they are turned into soldiers. You had an atleast tendency on giving us a chance but twse guys looked like they don't mess around." Sonic told. He looked to see his girlfriend/Mate Roll not having a good feeling as she was showing a look of shock and pain and anger. He came in and put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"But the soldiers weren't enough for them. They needed someone who could lead the soldiers into battle and being in the Victory. They needed someone who is the smartest man alive to make there goal come true." Now this got Skye, Tail and Eggman attention as they wanted to know the smartest man they say. Soon the images change into a man riding a motorcycle in a open area."Now comes, Hongo Takeshi, He's the man with the IQ of 390."

This took the nerds by surprise."Wait, That man has the IQ level of that much!" They said at the same time.

"Yup, He became a young engineer and a great scientist on the test of radio waves. He is also a teacher in the schools to show young students the miracle of science. Hongo Takeshi was the perfect man for the job. So they had captured him and changed his body in to one of a cyborg." Flash explained as they now see Takeshi being operated and changed into a cyborg as his lower body was changed in to a suite of Armor. But just then the scientist heard an alarm and we're forced to go out in the middle of the operation."But just before the mind control operation could be finished a scientist who was working with shocker was actually a father of Takeshi friend. Together they escaped from the base of operations and fled into hiding. But the shocker found out about them and send in there agents to get rid of them. Because of that Takeshi friends father was killed by there hands. But little did shocker knew. They had created there own worst Nightmare."

Now they all see Takeshi fighting with shocker grunts as he kicked and punched some back. He got in to a steady position and brought his hand in to a side position. They can gear his words clearly."RIDER.... HENSHIN!" He shouted and jumped up as the wind picked up and the belt around his buckle that had a small fan spin and covering him with a green Armor and soon he landed on the ground and was now clad in the Armor they saw before but he was wearing a grasshopper type helmet.

"There came the birth of the 1 Kamen Rider. Kamen Rider ichigo!" Flash declared.

"Awesome!" Scootaloo, Haseo, Tangle and Ellie shouted in excitement seeing this.

While the other mature one were fascinated by the technology and the Armor to change the man. Eggman had to admit, his old days of robotizing others were different but this one is quite well. Conquering Storm had saw Flash Transform before so she was less impressed by the looks but had to admit it was quite good.

"Sugoi na, That was amazing Flash-san! The way he said it and changed." Roll said in excitement as she got out of her bad mood from before."So was this the starting of The Kamen Riders!"

"Yes, But this was the start of the other era actually. It was the start of the showa era riders. After defeating the great leader of shocker with the help of his partner Kamen Rider Nigo both had put a stop to shocker plan of world domination. But soon some shocker agent survive the destruction and created a new shocker gang called Neo-shocker. But when the New enemy came. New Kamen Rider came aswell." Flash told as they all see verious Kamen Rider from the showa era fighting with the enemy.

The mobians and humans in the void were quite facanated by the fights and the back story of the riders were very sad but there goal was Nobel. Haseo and the mobians got scared when they saw the monstrous form of the mantis man and got a vibe of a apex predator but with 1000 combined. Then there was the Amazon rider. For some reason they could see the rider as an alpha in there place. He had a friendly aura around him and the place where he goes. Roll looked at ZX with a sad pity look as she can see the loss he had to gain From the shocker but he moved on to keep her memory, So he kept fighting. Skye, Tails and Eggman were fixed on X and Ichigo as two man who have knowledge way beyond others have chosen to help humanity in a kinder way aswell as helping others by there gifts. Ellie and Miyuki were crossed on Super-1 the most. The man with the deadliest martial arts skills and the one to go through hell training to reach his transformation was way beyond there wrestling skills but they do have fund on his martial arts as they two love to learn. Tangle was admiring the Skyrider the most as she also lived to fly and adventure a lot and flying around the air was her freedom of having a very great life. Whisper was more fixed on Black. He had to lost comrad and had to sacrifice his most treasure friend and brother but he learned to move on as he didn't stop to protect others. Conquering Storm was looking at one rider that caught her more interest, Zo, This rider was reminded her off some one she has know and lost someone dear to her that she wished to see again. Many were marveled by there action and adventure and were wanting to see more.

"But after the coming years the showa era had to stop and a new era was made. The Heisei era. In this era the rider use technology, magic or ancient artifacts to help stop threats that were way begins Anny reach, As you all may have seen some your self right." Flash said to them.

"You mean the green beetles, The Orphnoch things and the story monsters right?" Conquering Storm said

"Are you taking about the Great type monster which were like ashes as they turned into human?" Roll asked as she nodded."I don't wanna go to that world by any means." She simply told with serious toon...

"Agreed." Both Ellie and Miyuki nodded.

"What? Why do you" Flash was gonna ask but stopped when she saw her death glares signaling not to ask."Ok then. So yeah there those era kaijins. Some kaijins were made with science and some with magic and some where from another word what so ever. But the Kamen Rider stopped them all with a few help of some other heros."

"There's more of them!" Tangle asked excited.

"While yes they are. But that's a story for another time. But now this era. The hesiei era riders are quite strong and have a lot of power. They have defeated many stronger foes as one could imagine."

"Does it involve us, when me and knuckles had accedently caused our Zone to be destroyed by our fight." Sonic said making Flash gave him a look."What, He and I have an agreement."

"Which was you, You idiot. I told you that time to not give the emerald to the iron maiden but no, You thought you had it under control and next thing I knew I was being mind control by her on killing you." Knuckles shouted at him.

"It turned out fine, I rested the world back to normal."

"Not your world Sonic-kun. Not your world." Roll reminded him...

"I will come to that later but right now.We gotta end our tour for now." Flash called up..

"Really..." Tangle, Scootaloo and Ellie wined.. which he found cute on her.

"Yeah, But don't worry, I can give the data to the science ones over there to check on and maybe help us in the in our travel. We can use the rider gears and some more help." The three smart one got excited at that.

"That would be great, We can work on the history and the tools which the riders used in there fights and battles. Once we're able to crack the code in that we can easily be able to replicate the weapons of the Kamen Riders." Tails said as they all got back to the main living room. Tangle fell down ok the floor face first as she was floating earlier.

"I'm ok!" She muffled as her tail made a thumbs up.

"Ok, Right now we all need a bit of rest as we won't know which world we be going and what it holds. So we need to be all vigilant and rested." Zain told as he yawned."That goes for you to Roll and Ellie. You two can get a bit cranky a lot when not getting enough sleep."

"True to that." Sonic agreed as he skid towards Flash."If your wondering why, It's a Sakurai thing for Roll, If not getting enough sleep she can become doozy and is like drunk like, Well and drunk person."

Flash nodded as he then went to his sister side."Come on you, You gotta need your beauty sleep aswell. Can't go to adventure if not getting enough rest."

"I'm a big girl now! I don't need any *Yawn.*" Just then a yawn escaped her lips as she quickly covered it up."Well looks like this big girl need some rest."

"Don't worry, I can put her in her room." Aphrodite said as she grabbed her hand."Roll, Be kind and show Flash and Storm there rooms. The spare one are now done so you can put them there."

"Hai Kaa-san, come on Flash and Conquering Storm." Roll said bit had a bit of venom in her name. No one but Flash and Aphrodite picked it up. Aphrodite frowned at that but forced a smile."You all should go to your rooms aswell. Cause I believe tomorrow our journey to another zone may begin."

"Hears your room."

Conquering Storm was lead to a big room but not to big. She looked to see there were quite the supplies she needed and such, like the desk and the wardrobe and the bed which looked a bit large to fit two people. Then the bathroom which was combined with the room. She had to admit this room gave quite a living Vibe to it self and a calm one.

"This.... Is quite nice room. I can work with this." She said as she went towards it but stopped to look back at her old enemy."Um, Is there a shower hear aswell."

"It's on the right side of the living room. Of you want to taken a shower go to the girls section then. There is also a separate room for dressing up so you have your own privacy." Roll simply told in a monotone voice.

"Well thanks then. So looks like we both be working together then"

Roll stopped immediately and then looked at her in a serious gaze."Hold on just right there! I never said I'll be working with you of all people!" She told in anger. But Conquering storm didn't flinch by it."Just get your priority straight and get this in your thick skull. Just because we are now pitted as partners doesn't mean we are gonna be one. We have been in war with one another for generations and you think by this we can just shook hands and make peace. Not after what your clan did to ours!"

"Yeah, I get it, My clan killed two couples of yours in there wedding night. It was immoral and not even honourable. Because of this a stupid war had happened over a sword."

"Don't think of showing me remorse now when you should have shown it the time when your clan murdered one of our people. If you now wanna make it up then you can just stay out of our way and not cause any more trouble then. Cause when you even think on harming anyone hear. Then you'll be dead before you know it." Roll warned."So do I make my self clear then."

".... Crystal."

"Good, So you better keep it that way." Roll told as she finally left and leave her alone, Conquering storm signed as she went to the bed and lay down. Truth to be told she doesn't even care about the stupid war no more over a sword. It's just a blade that was lost for years and the clan gave a life for it of an innocent couple. For years she was told to hate the Sakurai for being a Theif but..

"Helping others even in a tuff time of good. One day they come and help you back."

Those words rang in her mind as she can remember them clearly. She put her hands on her face to cover it.

"Can I come in." Conquering Storm jolt up and looked to see Aphrodite standing there Infront of the open door and was holding a cake slice."Oh, Miss Aphrodite. Sure you can." She quickly said.

" Thank you," Aphrodite came in as she put her pate near the drawer and sat next to her on the bed."So, How are you holding up so far. I mean the room and the place."

"It's great actually,... It gives me a bit of peaceful vibes around hear. Out of all the chaos and such. It's kinda of good to atleast have a warm environment, Away from the murder and stuff." She muttered the last part but Aphrodite heard her.

"...I'm sorry."

"Excuse me?" Conquering storm was taken back by her words.

"I'm sorry I'm how my daughter acted before Infront of you... The hatred of our clan and yours was quite genetic if I can see. We Sakurai had a hate for your kind and you had for ours. It went on for generations and generations but yet we never thought of peace to begin with." Aphrodite told her as she had a kind toon in her voice.

"Which was very hard to do so... Not that my clan was even making it easier or so. You know we can't love and show affection to one another." Conquering Storm said to her with a disdain look." If our pride hadn't gotten in the way... Maybe we could have stopped this war."

Aphrodite liked to see the young raiju had a look of pure regret in her."Hm, you know. You remind me of someone at the back at my days when I was still at college years. She and I didn't get along at first. But we soon came to an agreement and became friends with one another."

"You mean like a teen drama or something where two people who don't get along with one another and soon do." Conquering Storm asked as Aphrodite gave her a look."What just cause I'm a Raiju doesn't mean I don't watch any k dramas."

"Hm, You can say that. But soon when we had to part ways we had to say goodbye. But we promised to meet one another no matter what." Aphrodite told as she gazed at the ceiling. She had a sad look on her face as storm could tell it was something not good.

"W-What happened to her?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Thats a story for another time. But for now you can rest and we can talk later then. Since your a part of this team it's wise to have a bit of of communication with one another." She told her as she rubbed her head."So, When you wake up be ok to come to breakfast then."

Then she got up and left the room leaving Conquering storm to her thoughts. She felt kindness from a Sakurai, But it didn't shock her or anything. No, it only surprise her that she get to meet another one like her. She then gazed at the cake and saw the strawberry on it. Suddenly she devoured it in hurry.',Yummy! Its so good and flavorful! The Raiju don't know what there missing as they all said it was bad. Well screw the one who said it.'

Flash meanwhile was at his desk as he was checking out the cards he has left to use." So I used about three rider powers, before they blanked out. Meaning I gotta collect the other riders power soon if I wanna stop this great evil. Wonder if it's Neo-shocker or Anyone else on that matter...." He checked the cards as he suddenly stopped on one particular card.

This one was like a bit different as it had a image of a rider he never knew off. He looked a mix of Showa and Hesiei and Rewei era combined. His helmet was like of Ichigo but was also a bit different as it was black.

*Knock* knock*

Just then the door was knocked as Flash got out of his thoughts to see who it was."Coming." He opened it to see Ellie standing there in her night pajamas. But it was kinda hard to not show off her chest as her brest were quite large. But Flash quickly looked at her to get this out of his mind."Oh Ellie, What can I do for you?"

He asked but Ellie was to busy seeing Flash chest and muscles as she forgot to wear a shirt over it. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts as her cheeks turned pink a bit."Oh, Um I was just coming to give you notice that.. Aphrodite-san gives breakfast out early in 8: 30 am. So I just wanted to let you know that to he on time there!" She quickly told him..

"Oh, Well thanks, I remember that and beside I was going to bed anyway so thanks for reminding me." Flash said as Ellie nodded quickly."No problem. So I'll be leaving then, Thanks bye!" She said before he could say anything she went ina blur." Is it me, Or is everyone hear a speedster?"

Ellie stoped in the hallway of the house as she breathed in a sign of relief.' Stupid! You needed to ask him about the other riders Not that! What is wrong with you?! Now he's gonna think I'm a weirdo or something when I ran away! GAHHHHH BAKA!"

"Ellie, What are you doing hear?" Zain came in as he went to his sister but she just went last him in a anger huff."NOTHING HAPPENED! SO LEAVE ME ALONE!" She shouted as she went away. Zain can only look there in confusion on where his sister went.'What happened to her?'

Tail and Eggman were in the lab in the house as they checked the data around the riders.

"Fascinating, To think the other humans were able to make the system capable of granting the others power to take on the likes of god them selfs. I'm more interested in the G3 system they build. As well as the rider." Eggman said.

"Wast he last comment a pun?"

"Maybe, But any way. The system used to make the suite isn't hard to combine. But our main course of problem is."

"Finding it," Tail finished his thoughts."Yeah, It was made by the humans and they had the tools to make it happen. We may have gotten the blueprints of it. But the supplies are needed to make this thing."

"I know.... Wait, What about we use use my old machines which we kept in the basement. You and the others had kept my old inventions there. Maybe we can use there parts and my Robonizer machine liquid to make this." Eggman quickly suggested.

"That.. can actually work. It's not a bad idea and we can make more metal out of the machine if I'm able to rewrite it's algorithm and the system." Tails said as he looked at the blue prints."But now we need something for the power core so it won't run out."

"I think I have a salutation." Eggman said as he pulled out a green gem from his pocket making Tails take back."I knew this would come in handy one day. So I took it out of one of my Robots. I had to hide it from sonic cause you know."

"This is brilliant! Now we can begin on the project then!" Tails excitedly said holding on to the emerald."We just gotta put the limiter on this and we be able to easily power on the machine. But that's gonna take some time."

"Well, You know what they say. 'Risks are what makes science perfect.'"

"I never heard that word."

"Cause I just made it up."

Meanwhile in a different part of a universe at a red forest area. A portal opened as a shadowy figure came through it. The Shadowy figure looked around to see the forest and the view as he could say is quite marvaolius.

"So.... This is the World of Kuuga. Well let's see what you have."

Author's Note:

Next Time: Sonic The Hedgehog: Journey Through The Decade

"So were in a world full of half human and animal people. But there are mobians aswell."

"The Other Unidentified Lifeform was spotted near the bridge."

"This is the Six Murder taht is happened."

"Looks like I found our rider."

"The ceremony is almost complete."

"I don't know who you are but I'm not gonna let you take away others smile!"

"Who the heck is that."

Photo 3: The New world/ The Worrier of Smiles.[/i]


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