• Published 25th Feb 2023
  • 348 Views, 4 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog: Journey Through The Decade - Kamen rider accel 2

A new destroyer has been chosen and a new adventure awaits for him and his friends as he travel the multiverse to connect and save or destroy

  • ...

Photo 1: Decade

Conquering storm opened her eyes to see she's in a dessert field and looks around. She was at her place sleeping but now woke up hear. She didn't know what to do.

The next thing she knew she heard a sound. It went 'Vroom' as she looked to see a figure ride in on a motorcycle that was mostly silver with black and gold on the headlight portion. The person riding it was what appeared to be a man, clad in a black body suit with red armor over his chest and shoulders and a helmet that had a bug theme with a silver mouthplate shaped liked mandibles, two large red eyes, and a golden Y-like crest separating his eyes before going into two pointed horns above his head. The man ducked an explosion before he revved the throttle handle of the bike before it shot forward lifting up off the front wheel and running down the ground.

As the explosion cleared a figure walked out, a tall figure. It was a large mechanical walker machine themed after a motorcycle the one driving it being a man in a black and yellow armor with an X design to his suit. As the machine stomped forward an army or trooper in black and bronze armor with large silver colored dome visors all charged forward. More and more explosions and energy missiles hit the ground sending several of these trooper flying off into the air and letting them fall to the ground painfully.

The Walker stopped as the driver hit a button, making its two arms raise up and begin to fire missiles from its silos that broke off into a barrage of smaller explosives.

As the smoke from these missiles dissipated, two dragons flew from the smoke, both were long and serpentine with metal armor all over behind Eastern Dragons, one was bright red and the other pitch black. Both began to unleash powerful flames of matching color to their bodies while beams began to fire at them the first one to go down being the red dragon before a beam hit the head of the black dragon, making it fall into the side of a mountain and explode violently.

"What the..... What the heck is happening" she asked her self not sure what's going on.

Out of the smoke rode another figure. He was clad in black and red armor and a helmet themed after a Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle and blue colored compound eyes as a visor, he rode a bike that had one wheel in the back and two in the front but also had a large beetle horn like ram in the front. The Bike lifted up off its front wheels as its horns blocked a beam before it rode forward faster. Behind him came in two more motorcycles; one red and gold, the other blue and white. On the red and gold bike was a warrior clad in black and gold armor with silver accents and a slight dragon theme while the other wore techi blue armor that covered him all over with large red eyes.

These riders rode past storm as she regained her balance. Watching as they all rode off towards a threat. Her concentration was then broken again as storm heard the loud roar of yet another dragon. She looked off into the sky as a swarm of flying troopers obscured the sky and leading them were three riders. Two had a beetle theme with one being blue with a single horn and the other dark red with two horns. The blue one had two long wings made of metal while the red had a series of peacock like feathers that kept him in the air. In-between them was a white and purple rider with a jetpack.

But behind them was a floating castle that had a dragon head poking out the front, stubby legs and wings and a tail. It roared and fired purple flames of magic from its jaw as two warriors rode the beast. One was an all red suited figure with a chinese style sword in his hand as behind him on a clock tower portion of the castle was another figure who had gothic armor that was black with a silver vest like armor and bat wings shoulders and blood red armor and a bat themed helmet with large yellow eyes. The dragon continued to fly forward unleashing more blasts of flames, as more energy missiles flew at it, one even hitting the white armored figure with the jetpack, knocking him out of the sky.

The dragon roared before its head was hit with another blast knocking it, out of the air. The beast slowly fell to the ground roaring in pain as it caught fire and soon crashed into a large stone wall, destroying it. The two warriors that were on its back landed next to the girl before they both charged down the field to the threat all these forces were fighting.

From the crumbling mountain wall, a large Green Ape seemingly made of a mechanic plate crushed the rest of the stone, making a path as another man rode its head. He was clad in an all purple body armor that seemed like a second skin with a silver belt and chest straps and a leather loincloth. His head was a purple screen with red marks along the side and silver horns. He twirled around two red drum stick with demon heads on the top. He gave a shout of advancement as the ape moved forward. From behind, more bike riding warriors drove in with foot advancing warriors right behind them, all of them with various forms of armor with bug themes to them mostly running through smoke and debris from even more explosions.

These warriors ran past the young mobian, ignoring her presence and choosing to just attack their target. More and more blasts sent the troops flying and landing to the ground with a thud and left unmoving. As more explosions occurred, the sounds of a train whistle caught storm's attention as two train tracks formed in the air with two trains following. The First one was a green bull-themed Train with a green armored figure riding the top before he pressed a gun into the back of a mechanic minotaur that opened to reveal a payload of weaponry.


A white bullet train came in from behind before it looped up higher over the green one as it curved down. The green figure pulled the trigger, unleashing a payload of missiles and lasers, while the white bullet train revealed its own cache of weapons it unloaded on its target. However, snaking and curving Magenta shots flew through the air, blocking and destroying all the blasts and missiles before hitting the green train and destroying the Mechanic Minotaur and sending the armored figure flying off from the train and to his doom. The white train charged forward, shooting more, but it too soon fell to more magenta energy shots that caused it to crash to the ground, causing an even larger explosion.

More blasts and debris hit the ground around the armored fighters causing more and more explosions that sent their bodies flying through the air. They all screamed in pain as explosion after explosion sent them soaring through the air and falling to the hard ground.

Storm could only just watch it happen in shock. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak. She just watched as explosion after explosion, body after body, the army of armored warriors was slowly whittled down in numbers. More explosions went off as energy artillery hit the ground, causing larger and larger fiery explosions. Even the riders on bikes were eventually sent flying from their mounts as their rides were either destroyed or knocked off their balance. Eventually, even the large green ape and its master where hit by a blast, knocking them off a mountain side and crashing into the lake, splashing water into the air.

The sky was nearly blotted out by the smoke and dust of the explosions, making everything look darker. The purplette looked around at the slew of bodies unmoving, essentially just lifeless armors now, strewn out across the apocalyptic battlefield. The bikes that were in the area soon began to spark until they soon exploded violently in a large ring of fire around the girl, making her cry in surprise.

Conquering storm slowly looked up as flames and smoke covered the area, the armored warriors now all but lifeless. She looked up at a pile of wreckage made from the two trains and the mechanical remains of the red dragon from before, making her send another prayer to the fallen dragon and whoever was in the trains. The red dragon's head was used as a shield from the explosion, evident by it being tossed to the side to reveal a figure floating in the air with a magenta glow, his body and armor darkened by the smoke and his own glow. The most she could make out were black bars on his head with two large horns like a crown and green compound eyes, she then tailed her vision down his body to his belt that was white and hexagonal in shape. It had two levers on the side, with three gems on each one, and the white center section had a red window with what looked like a barcode inside, and a ring of symbols and a green gem at the top. And engraved just above this white part was a metal stip and engraved in it was a word…


In a city of Tokyo there are people going on there on business but it not just people but mobians aswell.

Yes the human and mobians are living together in a peace. We see a group of kids human and mobians playing in the park together and there are mobians who are going to work with humans.

On the street are also filled with humans and mobians talking with each other freely. We now see a orange fur raiju walking down the street not paying much to her surrounding much. Her name is Conquering storm. Once was a raiju clan leader and member of the dark legion. Is now a wonderer in this new world.

It happened one day. She was at her throne that time when suddenly there was a huge light that blinded her. Then she woke up in unknown world where she sees overland people living. She was confused at first and soon after a few days it was announced that the mobians and humans will live peacefully with each other. She didn't know what to anymore. There was no dark legion to fallow, there is no raiju clans to rule and no eggman. She has nothing else to do but wonder around. She's has atleast some gold from her clan to purchase for food and shelter but she won't have it soon. But her thoughts were on a different part today. The dream she had last night.

'who were those armor worrier, and why were they fighting one guy' her thoughts were soon stopped by hearing a voice of one person.

"Excuse me have you seen this anywhere"

"Sorry no"

"Ok, a mam have you seen this anywhere"

"No "

"Dang it where could this be" she looked at the direction of the voice and saw a teen boy wearing a black hoodie with a lightning shield amblem design on his left arm. And blue pants with jogger shows. He had orange skin and blue eyes. When he came to her she thought she would juts ignore him but soon stopped when he asked her.

"Excuse me have you seen this anywhere"
She was about to say no but stopped when she saw what was in his phone. A photo of a belt buckle and a card holder the same one she saw in her dream.

"Where did you take this" she asked him.

"I'm looking for this actually someone told me to get it. It's really important have you seen it some where." The teen asked having his hopes up. But soon dropped when she shook her head.

"Sadly no, I did see them but it well you won't believe me but I saw it in a dream." She answered the teen looked at her but still kinda believe her.

"Well ok" he told surprising her.

"Let me guess, you think I'm crazy and Im just saying this to get attention." She muttered waiting for him to agree.

"Actually, I believe you." She looked at him surprised. Trying to see any lie but didn't feel any.

"Your lying right."

"No, actually I have experience many things and can say your telling the truth." Flash then knelt down." So where did you see this. Please can you tell me."

Conquering Storm was taken back by this boys words. He actually believe her and want to know more about it. If she would have told someone else. He would have called her crazy. But this guy he actually believe her is a surprise.


It stopped as they both heard a growl and looked to see it can came from flash stomach. He blushed in embarrassment as he looked away awkwardly. Conquering Storm looked at him as he wanted to get some answers and maybe she could get some from him.

"Listen hey" she called out stopping the teen. "You didn't eat anything I can say and your lost hear." He was gonna reply but she cut him off" don't, listen how about this I will treat you to a meal and you can tell me about the belt you're looking for."

The teen was surprised " really you'll do that, but I'm just some stranger."

"Don't worry much I mostly still have a lit of money and I wanna find out more about that belt. So it's like this you'll help me I help you. It's a win-win for both of us."

The teen thought about it and had no other option beside he was hungry so he nodded.

"Great. But wait I didn't caught your name" she asked.

"Flash, Flash sentry" he said.

"Conquering storm" she told him. As they both start to walk away." So sentry I haven't seen you around hear. Are you new hear."

"Oh ah yeah actually. I just a traveler and let just say I travel from place to place a lot."

"So do you have any family" she asked him but soon saw his sad expression. She soon figured out why" oh are they"

"No well kinda." Flash said " my mom and dad passed away when I was little and I lived with my aunt then."

"Oh I'm sorry" she now felt a little guilty" so any siblings"

"I have a little sister but she's Missing" he told her

"Wait missing" she was shocked to hear this." Shouldn't you tell the police about her."

"I did but they say there still finding her and so am I" she didn't see the half lie he told while it's true that she's missing but she isn't hear to look. As they were going they didn't hear or see the mirrors on the street and windows were moving but flash did hear the sound. He stopped and so did storm cause both of them can hear it. They look around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. But still felt unease, they didn't see a red dragon armor worrier standing in the mirror looking at them and soon he left.

"You heard that" flash asked storm who nodded.

"What's that sound and where is it coming from?" She said looking around.

Suddenly there was a big wind that started to appear in the area causing all the others to be confused on what's happening.

"What the what's going on?" Storm said in confusion flash had no clue but had a worried expression on his face. And his gut was telling him danger was coming so was storms instinct telling her that there is danger coming.

"KYAH!" Suddenly, someone screamed out loud. Whether it was a woman or a man who screamed didn't matter as people started pointing up to the sky. Following them, storm and Flash looked up and gasped at what they saw.

A huge, silver wall hung over the entire city, its surface rippling like water. All over city , the people all looked up in utter confusion as to what they were looking at. Even those away from the city could see what was happening.

" What the heck, there monsters!" Conquering storm shouted as flash was also surprised by this.

The monsters themselves came in all shapes and sizes. What looked like dragonflies and stingrays flew through the air fighting Fortune. Down on the ground, the monsters became more diverse as there were some that looked like humanoid animals like lizards, wolves, beetles, and moles. The stranger ones were the ones that were completely gray all over while contrasting to that were others that looked like they were constructed from stained glass. Others looked like corrupted fairy tale creatures found in books and movies.

"We gonna run now" flash said as he grabbed her hand and ran for safety. The monsters start to rampage and attack people an mobians. Some were lucky but some weren't.

As both of them were running suddenly the same wall appear where they were and swallowed them transporting them to another location

Both flash and Conquering storm found them self in some sort of school ground. They both looked around and found them self in some school area.

"Where are we now?" Storm said in confusion but flash recognize this place.

"Wait I know this place, this is crystal prep school." Flash recognizing the school." But where is everyone, I can say for sure today isn't a holiday today."

"Maybe they all left after they saw the monster attack." Conquering storm guessed.

But they didn't have time to think as they saw a man approaching them.

"So you people are humans and mobians" the man asked looking at them, they got confused when he said that but felt a killing aura from him. He soon changed as marking appeared on his face and he suddenly changed in to a starfish type creature. Both were shocked.

"Orphnoch" flash recognize the creature.

"You know this thing" storm now afraid.

"Yes and no, but we gonna run now" he should and again they made a break as the starfish orphnoch chases them. Both ran fast as they could .

Suddenly, another Aurora Curtain spawned before passing through them, transporting them to a new area before they could react. Naturally, they were very miffed.

"Oh come on!" Flash exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "Great, now where are?"

Looking around, he and storm seemed to be on the roof of a building, giving them an adequate view of his surroundings. It appeared they was transported to another city and naturally, they had no clue what it was called as he could not spot any signs that could tell him where he was. Of course, it wasn't like they were looking in the first place as something else had caught there attention.

"Are those book pages?" Storm wondered out loud as parts of the city looked to be standing on what appeared to be pages of a giant book, cutting off a section of the city which was further cut off by the wall of light rising from the edge of the book, acting like a barrier. Past the said barrier was a completely different world altogether.

A vast plain of magical nature stretched over the horizon accompanied by towering mountains in the distance as well as what appeared to be a giant tree about the same height as the mountains themselves. But from there was when things got stranger as floating up into the air were rocks and boulders as if gravity had no hold on them. Not only that, but rainbow-colored bubbles floated around everywhere as an honest-to-god blimp floated through the air along with—

"Is that a goddam dragon?" Flash wondered out loud as he and storm blankly watched the winged lizard fly over his head. Blinking a few more times, he and storm looked back at there surroundings, slowly realizing where he possibly was.

"Is this...Wonder World?" He didn't know why but he knew it.

"Where?" She asked him

"Whoa!" They cried out in surprise as the roof entrance next to him was suddenly blasted. Turning around, they were met with strange anamorphic monsters. It wasn't anything they hadn't seen all day, but they did take notice of the books that were sticking to either their chests or stomachs.

"Those books...the Megido?" Flash said, identifying the monsters before him.

Again storm was surprised by this how does he know them.


"And that's our cue to leave." Kicking down the busted door, both ran down as the Megido's gave chase. Luckily for them, they all tried to fit through the door and as a result got stuck, giving the two the head start they needed as both practically jumped down the steps.

"Damn, this is crazy!" Flash commented to himself as he reached the bottom floor and practically crashed through the doors as they stumbled outside. "All these random drops, this can't be Tsukasa's doing. Which means..."


"Whoever's behind all this really wants me dead," Flash said

"Wait What?!" Conquering Storm but he took off running again as both ran again for there lives as another Aurora Curtain came and took them both out of there. Both were now transported to another location. This one was a city which flash recognize.

"This is, this is Canterlot city my home town" she looked at him.

"This is where you live."

"Yeah but, it's not mine" he said confusing her.

"What do you mean not yours?" She asked in confusion. Just as he was about to answer her another Aurora Curtain came between them blocking them from each other. Both were surprised by this, flash started to bang on the wall trying to go through it.

"What's happening now?" Conquering storm said in confusion soon flash stopped hitting and saw something shocking standing beside storm. She fallow her gaze and soon was shocked to see her standing there smiling.

"What the heck?! Who is this?" She said backing away from the other her.

"Storm run from her now, get away from her." Flash told her desperately trying hard to get through the wall to help her. He knows what that thing is.

"Why?" She asked in confusion soon got her answer by the other her changing and taking form of an alien green bug. "Ok that thing is creepy" she muttered.

"Storm get far away as you can now." She was gonna do that but suddenly got hit by a blur. She fall back with a grunt. She looked up and saw three blur moving faster then light.

"Shit it's them" Flash said.

"What the heck are they?!"

"Worms, there alien life forms that can take the form of any one and when they molt they can move in a speed of god." He said shocking her.

"So there even faster then sonic" she said in shock as the blurs stopped to reveal the bugs. She was now in danger and soon start to move back but there was wreckage blocking her path as the worms got closer. She thought this will be her end.


Off to the side, Storm heard some rubble falling down. Despite her better judgment to not take the Worms outside out of her sight, she looked to see what had fallen and found a hole in the corner. However, what was inside the hole caught her eye and as she looked closer, her eyes widened.

"Eh? That's..." Crawling over to the hole in the wall, the Raiju reached in and took out two items that were very familiar to her. After all, she had been dreaming about them for the past week.

"Storm! Storm!" Flash called out to the Mobian,he banged his fists against the wall separating them. In anger, he delivered a punch to it, but as expected, it did nothing much to his frustration. "Dammit! Is there nothing I can do!?"


"Storm!" Kneeling down so he was closer to the mobian, he was about to ask her to hang in there when she held up the items she had found. "That's-!"

"I found them," Storm groaned out as she held up the item from her dreams and the thing they had been looking for: The DecaDriver along with the Ride Booker. They were covered in dust and slightly corroded but they were undoubtedly the items the two had been looking for.

She raised the two items and pushed them through the Aurora Curtain where they slid through easily as if it wasn't even there. With shaking hands, Flash grabbed them and pulled them over to his side where the Curtain seemed to have restored them to peak condition, getting rid of all the dust sticking to them and everything.

Three more bug monsters blurred into the spots next to the Mosquito one. One a beetle, the other some kind of spider, and the third a cricket. Each of them looked at the Mobian before them, each of them growling...in one of their voice for each of them. Each of them raised a weapon-themed limb or just their clawed fingers and walked towards them.

"Storm get back!" Flash ordered as he put the buckle on over his stomach and a silver belt shot around his body and tightened. The book then flipped open, revealing a sliding card slot with a card already inserted and an extra card in the cover. The card depicted a magenta armored figure with words reading: 'KAMEN RIDER DECADE.'

Seeing this card seemed to ignite an instinct within Flash mind as the bug monsters advanced on the four. He pulled the two handles on the side of the buckle that had three gems each, colored in red, green and blue each. All six lit up as he slid the handles, twisting the center of the buckle-a white square that had a circle of nine symbols with the green gem at the top-and now pointing to the left as the buckle twisted so a slot pointed up now.

He then pulled the card out and held it up before flipping it around to reveal a symbol on the back of the card resembling a barcode with two holes, making it look like a face.

"Henshin!" Flash shouted as he slid the card into the slot of his buckle so the barcode/face symbol appeared in its little window. He then pushed the two handles in, resetting the buckle to normal.

Nine images of armor formed around Flash in a circle with him completing it. As these images formed, the belt suddenly spoke in a deep voice.


At that, the 'armors' slammed into Flash, the force of this cracking the veil in front of him. He was now clad in a suit of armor, the armor was just plain white and black in color. It covered most of his body in a plated style, but was designed to allow him full movement. The armor also had grooves down his legs, along his shoulders, elbows, and across his chest in a sideways X over his heart.

Several magenta bars shot out of the belt, floating in the air before slamming into his helmet that had green eyes. As the bars melded into his helmet, magenta light shone down his sides and painted his suit a third color. The sides of his legs, waist, and arms were now magenta with black grooves and stripes separating the center of his armor's colors. The inside of his legs were now white and his abdomen was black with padding over his abdominals, making the appearance of muscles, the inside of his arms were also white from his triceps down. His gauntlets were a mix of black and white with black large bars/grooves over his elbows and white bracelets. His black armored gloves slowly opened revealing the exoskeleton design inside his gloves, and fingers, and his black armored boots ground into the dirt making him look even more intimidating and at the same time heroic. His Magenta shoulder armor stood out as it also made the white X on his chest plate more dynamic.

Flash new helmet flashed with Magenta color as his green eyes glared at everyone, the bars forming a barcode like pattern on his mask. His face was magenta with a black brace around the back of his head and side along with a silver strap under his chin. The black bars stuck out of the top of his helmet forming a series of horns that mimicked a crown. A yellow light formed in the center most bar and lit up brightly. This new figure was dynamic and despite his coloring seemed more imposing than any other presence those present have ever met.

"Flash...?" Conquering storm nervously called out to the newly transformed teen. This form in front of her...it perfectly matched the one from her dreams.



"It's Kamen Rider Decade when I'm like this," Flash said, walking over the remains of the Aurora Curtain he had just destroyed. "But something tells me you already knew that, didn't you?"

Conquering storm could only dumbly nod as she couldn't help but be intimidated by the Rider before her. Bit by bit, she was remembering more of her dream as she continued staring at Flash new form. As the memories of destruction played out within her head, a thought occurred to Conquering storm.

'My dreams...could they have been about him?'

She was snapped out of her thoughts when the Worms Flash had knocked over finally got back up. Turning to the magenta-colored Rider, they growled at him before they used their hyper-speed to run away.

"Buzzing pests!" He said, about to give chase but stopped and turned to her. "Wait here. I'll take care of this."

She nodded before Flash ran off to deal with the Worms. However, just as he left, she quickly followed after him as something told her she needed to watch what was about to happen.

Kicking away a Salis Worm, Decade faced the others who were still running around at high speeds, a blur to the normal human eye. In their rampage, they broke up ruined structures and sent them flying toward him. The Rider wasn't the least bit intimidated as he took out a card from his Ride Booker, this one depicting a masked man styled after a red rhino beetle. The words 'MASKED RIDER KABUTO' identified who the figure was and at the corner was probably the man's symbol, depicting a beetle with the words 'ZECT' going through it. Flipping it over, Haru inserted the card into his Driver.


At that, hexagonal patterns formed up his armor as it changed. He now wore a black, leather-like combat armor with red beetle wing-themed chest armor and shoulder pads. Silver armor pieces formed over his arms and legs while his helmet was now red with a silver mouthplate and a large blue optic visor. A red horn rose up and attached to his chin and locked into place on his helmet, forming a rhinoceros beetle-theme as his optic visor was split into two light blue compound eyes.

D-Kabuto backhanded a piece of stone the bug monsters tossed at him. He then pulled out another card and slotted it into his buckle.


At that, D-Kabuto ran forward and became a blur to the others. In slowed down time, the bug monsters turned to see D-Kabuto as he charged at them. He pulled out his book and unfolded the black part as it became a handle. A black section unfolded twice and a blade slid out of the extension, becoming a sword. D-Kabuto sliced down any debris the Bug Kaijin tossed at him. He ran past all of them, slashing them as he did, with his sword cutting into the exoskeletal hide and making sparks fly from the impact.

As D-Kabuto sliced all four while running past them, he turned back on his feet and ran at them, slashing them all again. He then pulled out a second weapon; a short dagger weapon called a Kunai that had a red guard themed after his horn. He held the orange blade and slashed into one of the bug monsters before stabbing his sword into the second. D-Kabuto then ran past them, pulling his weapons with him as he slashed the last two.

In normal time storm could see decade running faster then a blue hedgehog she knows and slashed them in high speed. Soon each one exploded leaving nothing. He changed back to original form.

"Heh that was easy" Decade said. Soon the card shot out of his holder and it turn blank white. He was surprised by this.

"Flash" he saw storm running to him.

"I thought I told you to stay back." Decade said.

"Sorry just got a Little worried and I wanted to see how you did." Conquering storm told him.

"Well as you can see I took care of them. So for now- shit"


Skidding across the ground, Decade cushioned storm with his body as he held her close in his arms. Once they came to a stop, the two got back up and saw the Megido that had been chasing them earlier.

"Great this guy again. Get back I got this."Flash said, pushing the mobian girl behind him before reaching into his Ride Booker and taking out a card depicting another masked figure, this one having flaming yellow eyes and an X across its face. It also had what seemed to be a blade embedded in the middle, acting as a horn. The words 'KAMEN RIDER SABER' were displayed under it followed by the usual 'KAMEN RIDE.' In the corner, its symbol looked to be two flaming swords crossing to form an X over a third blade in the middle.

"Against the Megido, this guy's the best choice," Flash said, throwing the card perfectly into his belt with a flick of his wrist before closing the Driver.


"Whoa!" Conquering storm cried out in surprise for a giant red book suddenly fell from the sky and landed right behind Flash. The title read 'Brave Dragon' and on the front was the image of a fire-breathing red dragon. The book then opened up as the dragon from the front cover emerged from within, roaring loudly as it flew around before going down and coiling around Decade, hiding his form from sight. Through the gaps, one could make out Decade entire body bursting into flames.


As if waiting for the belt to finish speaking, the dragon uncoiled itself, flying away along with the book as the flames surrounding Decade form burst, revealing his new form.

The bodysuit was now white down the middle and black on the left and right sides with a red line separating the two colors of the suit. Armored boots and protective plates covered the legs while a black gaunt and shoulder pad protected the left arm. The right side of the arm, however, was completely different as the entirety of it was flaming red straight down to the fingertips. Over the right leg hung what looked to be half of a waist cloak as over the shoulder was a guard in the shape of a dragon's head. Covering the head was a black helmet with its face divided by three colors due to the cross-like visor. To match each side's respective colors, the left of the helmet was black while the right side was red. The upper middle part was white like the middle of the suit as a sword-like horn was situated right in the middle of the helmet, matching the figure on the card.

"I'm gonna give you guys one warning, not that you'll probably listen," Flash said, addressing the Megido monsters as he drew his Ride Booker, transforming it into its sword form again. "You come at me...and I'll destroy all of you."

For reasons Storm could not explain, a shiver went down her spine once she heard the words Flash spoke. The events of her dream resurfaced once again as the form of Decade standing above all his defeated enemies stood out to her, making her look at Flash with slight fear and worry. As for the Megido monsters, as decade expected, his warning flew over their heads as they all charged at the Rider who shrugged his shoulders before meeting them halfway.

Moving like the wind, decade ran past the charging Megido, slashing at them as he passed. Probably due to his new form, flames erupted from the blade, burning the Megido as they were struck. The Piranha Megido was the first to recover, turning around to strike the Rider with his own blade, but Decade was faster, turning around and deflecting the Megido's attack before giving it another slash across its chest. The hands attached to the Golem's head let go before they flew over to Decade in order to punch him. They never made it as Decade simply struck them down with his flaming sword. The other Megido tried to attack together, but blocked both their attacks, pushed them back, and sent them reeling with one sword swing.

With all the Megido dealt with, Decade opened the Ride Booker and took out a new card. Unlike the previous ones before, this card was golden instead of magenta and on it was Saber's symbol displayed in gold. The words 'KAMEN RIDER SABER' was seen under it followed by 'FINAL ATTACK RIDE' under that. With all the Megido practically lined up in front of him, Haru saw no better chance than this one.


Inserting the card and closing the Driver, Decade held up his sword as flames erupted from it. Raising his sword up above his head, he then swung it down, launching a slash of fire that traveled along the ground, striking all four Megido at once. They all screamed, flailing about as their bodies burned before they all exploded one by one, leaving nothing behind.

"And that's how this story ends," Decade commented, standing back up before his Driver opened and ejected the Saber card which he quickly caught. Like before, his form returned to normal as the card soon became grayed out. Knowing this would happen, Flash didn't complain this time as he simply returned the card back into the Ride Booker before walking over to Conquering storm.

"Flash, that was amazing!" Storm said, complimenting the Rider. "You dealt with them like they were nothing! And the way you changed forms"

Returning the Ride Booker back into its Book form again. "I'm pretty sure that was the last of them, for now. If we stick around here then more are bound to show up."

"What do we do then?" Storm asked as she had no idea where they could go considering how they got here.

Before Decade could answer, another Aurora Curtain suddenly appeared before them. The two quickly assumed battle stances, thinking they were about to be transported again when...


There was a light from within the silver wall until whatever it was broke through the Curtain, literally as the dimensional wall shattered into pieces, revealing what had come through.

"This is..." Decade began, instantly recognizing what came through.

"A bike?" Conquering storm said, looking confused.

Indeed, what had come through the Aurora Curtain was in fact a motorbike, specifically a Honda DN-01 motorcycle. What made storm confused, however, was that the bike was slightly modified, bearing a Decade-like motif to it. The bike was mostly black and white with bars that resembled the ones on Decade's helmet, outlined and colored with magenta to complete the look.

"The Machine Decader," Decade said, identifying the machine.

"You know what this is?" Conquering storm asked as the Rider walked over to the bike.

"It's Kamen Rider Decade's personal bike," Flash said, running his hands over the vehicle. "And considering I just inherited the title, that makes this thing my personal bike."

"Well we can see that but can you now I don't know get us out of hear." She asked Just as they were gonna go there was a note on the bike. Flash checked it and saw.

Go to ANIMAL HEART CAFE the gate way to your journey is in there.

Flash looked at the note and soon decided.

"Looks like we're going to a cafe" he told her which confused her.

"Why?" There in a world crisis's and he wants to go to a cafe.

"Cause the person who the tile I inherited has given me a location to where we need to go and something tells me that place is the key" he told her.

She was about to ask him but couldn't as another Aurora Curtain came and soon transported them to a new location. They both looked around and soon saw that they were at the cafe they were looking for.

"Huh, well that was easy" Decade muttered.

"Well we should go in and see where to find the key your saying." Conquering storm said as flash de-henshin and soon both went to the cafe.

As they opened the door, the door bell rang and soon both entered the cafe. They saw the decorations the chairs were made out of wood and had animal wooden heads, and the store had jungle type decorations. It really gave storm a taste of her home. Suddenly a shuriken came flying at them flash caught both from hitting them.

"Who's there?"flash demanded.

"That's our line" said a voice as a mobian hedgehog fox came out of her hiding spot. She had long yellow hair strapped back.

Soon other mobians and one man came in the view. There was a blue hedgehog with a sword had long blue quills to his back, a brown wolf furry mobian holding a sword. A yellow twin tailed fur fox holding a blaster, a human size mobian fox wearing a kimko and had nine tails had ice in her hands as she was ready to freeze them. A white lemur girl with a big tail shaped In a fist. A wolf mobian wearing a mask and aiming her blaster at them. A red echidna with bandages over his hands had his fist ready. A orange fur bagger mobian with black markings had her boomerang ready and the human who looks like an upside down edd wearing googles over his head and a big mastash under his nose he was also holding a blaster.

"Who are you, identity your self or else your get eliminated" the wolf mobian demanded holding his sword at them.

"Really GI joes refarance." Flash said not scared but still raised his hands up storm aswell.

"Hey that's a classic" he got annoyed.

"Who are you. Are you like the green bug thing or the people who change into some monsters with glass or lines." The pink hedgehog asked coming into view holding a big hammer.

"No where not, I took care of them. Well some of them." Flash told them.

"You did?" The blue hedgehog asked in surprise toon" we couldn't even dent some except for the green bug until its skin melted and came a new bug and it was even faster then me without making a sonic boom. "

"Well it's kinda hard to explain but I have an armor that can be used against them."

"It's true he was wearing a pink." But he cut her off.

"It's not pink it's MAGENTA! " He yelled for some reason and blinked.

"Sorry, sorry" conquering storm apologized. But the mobian hedge fox looked at her in anger.

"You!!" She shouted to storm in a venom toon. The others turn to her so did storm but when she looked at her she was only seeing her with a blank expression not even scared.

"Oh, a Sakura clan member." Storm muttered "well sorry sister but we can't fight right now, there's a world crisis out there" she pointed out.

" Oh yes we can fight you raiju skum, you think you can take this as an excuse to not show what your clan did." She told her in anger.

"Wow roll calm down she's got a point still. There's a crisis out there. And we can't fight them." The blue hedgehog told roll.

"Yeah listen I don't know what happened between you and her but given now we're in trouble and the person who gave me the armor said I need to be hear, he told me that this cafe is the key to saving the world from this crisis's." He told them as they were surprised but a little on guard.

"Who told you that?" Said the bagger.

"Well let's just say the person who gave me the power really didn't gave me a choice what so ever and took me away from my home place and now I'm given a responsibility to save the multiverse from a crisis which I didn't even want to but need to now cause I have been selected for this and cat refuse even if I want to or else I will cause the hold lives of not just mine or my people but the lives of everyone in the multiverse." He told them in stressed toon. The others heard this and we're surprised and shocked by this they didn't feel any lie coming from him nether did Conquering storm and she was also surprised the boy she meet has a task up in his hand.

"Ok maybe we can talk now" the human said. The others nodded but soon the cafe kitchen door open and came out four other individuals one was a human size mobian fox, other was a mobian hedgehog with long quills down to his feet on his back. A white furry wolf mobian a young mobian fox with twin tails and nigh- dark fur but the most surprised one was a human girl who flash knew.

"Scootaloo" he said as the teen girl was surprised to see her brother.

"Flash" she yelled and soon ran and gave him a hug " I'm so glade your ok"

He returned the hug the others then lowered there weapons when they saw the girl recognize the boy.

"So his your brother which you told" Roll asked the girl which she nodded.

"Scootaloo how did you got hear?" He asked her sister after letting go of the hug.

"Well after we were taken. I was suddenly woken up hear and this is where I meet the others. Flash meet miss Aphrodite" pointing at the Mobian fox. The others introduce them self aswell.

"Hello I'm roll maelstrom sakurai"


"Tail's powers"

"Miyuki powers"








"Skye maelstorm powers"

"Haseo maelstrom sakurai"


"And I'm Ivo Robotnick but you can call me eggman" said the human man

"Well thank you for looking out for my sister" flash told them.

"It's no problem but what do you mean this is the key to save the world." Aphrodite asked the teen.

"I could answer that." A voice spoke making the others get on guard again but sonic and knuckles jumped up na d hunger each other in fright but then looked at each then quickly let go of each other and stood well.

Then soon a orb came in the room and soon glowed up making the others cover there eyes. Soon the light died down and the others saw an old man who flash recognized.

"You, your the man who gave me the belt."Flash accused making the others look at him

"That I did. Sorry about that but I had to get you to have my title. Oh I didn't introduce my self. Kadoya Tsukasa the original Kamen rider." He introduced him self.

"Kamen rider?" The others asked who didn't know.

"That's right. I think you mobians and human don't know about them do you." They nodded.

"I believe that they would be know as heroes." Skye spoke up."The name gives me the thing saying that they are heroes who have mostly gone in to battle and war to help humanity and save it countless time and even, I may say Gods am I right." He told.

"Well, looks like I meet another genius in this multiverse."

"I don't like to brag but I may say I have seen this before." Skye extended a hand."Skye Maelstorm sakurai. By family name but Skye Maelstorm powers. I genius who have a high IQ."

"Ahem" Tails fake cough.

"Your second best kid." Skye said making him narrow his eyes.

"Great another Sento." Tsukasa muttered.

"Ok back at tracks. Why did you pick me." Flash demanded.

"Oh right. The reason why is, The multiverse is in danger and is a brick of collapsing. There is another type of darkness that is causing the world's to collapse and corrupt." He told shocking them.

"Wait. What kind of danger is this." Sonic asked." Is it.'Oh it's not that tuff I can take it.' or 'Im dead and I should start over over.' or ' Me and my big mouth'"

"The last one." Tsukasa said." The Rider enemies are also somehow entering the other worlds."

"Wait rider enemies?" Tangle asked.

"You'll find that out with him." He pointed at Flash.

"Hey, I still need to find out why you picked me." Flash demanded.

"The reason why is cause my powers picked you." He told confusing him"My powers have a mind of there own. So they picked you cause you have the heart of helping those in need even if they don't want to appreciate you."

Flash was taken back by this."I can actually agree." He heard Aphrodite," your sister told us many thing about you and your personality. I can say you have the heart to help others in need and even if you were told down or brought down by those who thought to hurt you. You still stood up and always helped them" she smiled at him.

"That's why your perfect. I know it's argent
But I need your help. Your the only hope left to save the multiverse." Flash looked at him and then thought about it.

"Ok, I'm in then." He agreed." But how are we gonna do this. You know travel the multiverse."

"Yeah, are you gonna cast some magic to help us travel." Tangle asked excited.

"I will," Tsukasa smirked. He raised his hand and suddenly release a waved of energy. Then soon he felt a bit unease but ok." Now done."

"Um what did you do?" Sonic asked.

"Don't worry you'll figure out later. But I'll be going now so I'll see you soon later." Tsukasa said.

"Wait!" Flash tried to ask but he left."Dang it."

"What does he mean meet us soon." Sonic asked.

"And how do we travel?" Roll asked

"I think I know." Haseo told as he liked about the window seeing something the others saw what he's seeing and we're shocked to see that the world has stopped literally. Everything had stopped like some sort of picture.

"Well this is new." Flash muttered.

"Seen this before. Just surprised to see that in real life." Sonic muttered.

Flash looked at that all as he got back and suddenly tripped on a wire. He looked to see the thing he trip and see the wire soon lose and the thing it was holding which soon reveal to be a pig poster sheet that came down and reveal to be an image of Flash rider symbol on it. Soon the cafe scenery start to as there came some sort of disorder image like the curtain from before.

"Wow! What's happening?!" Tangle asked.

"It's like from before with the curtains that toon us to different places." Conquering Storm said.

"I think this is what he meant." Flash said.

"Wait so we're gonna have to travel the multiverse" sonic asked

"Yeah sorry to drag you along in this." He told the others.

"Dude you didn't drag us hear. We would have helped you no matter what in this even if you didn't need to ask, we will tag along anyway" sonic said.

"That's right we will"

"We did save the world many many time so we now get to save the multiverse so cool."

"I think I can help aswell I was evil before but I changed so I can help. And it's seem like you young man can use some help instead of being alone."

"More adventures for us, I'm in"

"I'm also in this Kyu"

Everyone agreed and then looked at conquering storm who saw there looks. She then signs and made her choice.

" I don't have any place to go and there is no place safe. So I will tag along. Beside you saved my life before so I gonna Thank you for that." She said surprising others but flash smiled.

"Thanks that means a lot." He smiled at her as she just looked away " but don't get the wrong idea, I'm just doing this as a favour ok" she quickly answerd no one saw her face hiding a blush except for roll and Aphrodite who them smirked.

"Well, looks like we're in for a adventure of a life time." Flash told as he liked back at the image of the poster. This is the start of the journey.

Author's Note:

Sonic The Hedgehog: Journey Through The Decade

"I never got to know you all well." Flash asked

"What is you past?" Conquering Storm asked.

"The sakurai and raijus were at war with one another since a decade." Aphrodite told

"So what the heck is a Kamen rider? Are they heroes?!" Tangle asked excited.

"You don't need to suffer alone." Flash said.

Photo 2: A History lesson/ Trying to know you Better.