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Episode 5: Only The Start



The citizens of Ponyville saw flyers with this message on it all over town, and many were confused. Before, the meeting was optional…now it wasn’t. So near 4:00PM, ponies were filing into Town Hall. Absolutely nopony failed to notice Sparkler up on the stage with Mayor Mare. Especially her Saddle Arabian friends.

“Whoa. Check out Princess Sparkler.” Hanzal commented.

“Ok, Celestia and Luna are teenagers, Sparkler’s a princess…and a Crystal pony? And apparently princess of…something.” Mark said. “What is going on around here?”

“Maybe Sparkler’ll tell us?” Nova asked.

Soon, Mayor Mare cleared her throat to address the crowd. “Good afternoon everypony! Thank you all for coming. I understand that you have questions as to why this was turned into a mandatory meeting. Well, due to extraordinary circumstances, Equestria is under new temporary rulership and preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration are now being led by this new ruler.” She announced.

Everypony started muttering to themselves while Sparkler stepped up. “Hey there Everypony. Uh, I’ve been named Acting Princess until the true rulers of Equestria are able to rule again.” She announced. “Rest assured this is only temporary and I’m sure everything will be back to normal soon.” She said.

At that moment, everypony heard giggling booming from the microphone on the podium. They turned their attention to it and saw what the crowd recognized as Twilight…but she was small.

Sparkler, after blinking in shock. Lit her horn and pulled Twilight away from the expensive equipment. “Twilight no! That’s not for babies!” She exclaimed as she took Twilight in her hooves. “I thought I told you to stay out of sight.” She said.

Twilight put on a sad, apologetic face, and Sparkler’s own expression softened. She shook her head and glanced up to see the crowd staring at them. Sparkler had wanted to keep it under wraps as much as possible but…she really couldn’t hide what was in plain sight. “Yeah uh…long story short, the Elements of Harmony are foals, and every other monarch in Equestria are…underaged and not currently in a state to rule…hence why I’m wearing the crown.” She explained. “And stuck in Crystal Form apparently.”

The crowd stayed silent, not really sure what to make of that. Mayor Mare decided to get the meeting back on track. “Ahem. So uh…with the team leaders out of commission, we’ll need new ones to help coordinate the preparations.” She said.

And so the meeting went on as normal…aside from the occasional Twilight playing with the mic. After the meeting, the ponies filed out. Soon, Sparkler, Raven, Baby Twilight, and Spike remained. “Ok.” Sparkler said. “What’s next on either list?” She asked who were essentially her royal advisors.

Raven answered. “Just one more thing today…oh…” She stopped when she read the name of Sparkler’s next appointment. “Uhm…a meeting with the pony heading the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot…Prince Blueblood.”

Spike blinked. “Blueblood? If I remember right he was among the rioters from that trial a while back.” He said.

Sparkler froze when she heard that. “Aw crud.” She said. She immediately was not looking forward to this.

“The sooner we get back to the castle, the sooner we can get this over with.” Raven responded.

Sparkler took a deep breath before nodding. “I swear if he starts lamenting me I’m kicking him out.” She said. It wasn’t lost on her that the Ex Nobles lamented her refusal to wear a crown. And now there was a chance for them to go on and on about how it shouldn’t have taken an extraordinary circumstance to get a crown on her head.

So the four left Town Hall, and didn’t even get ten feet before Sparkler’s name was called. “Oi! Princess Sparkler.” Sparkler noticed her Saddle Arabian friends catch up to them

“So, you’ll never be a princess eh?” Asked Brad.

“And have you seen yourself? You realize that means you could very well be from the Crystal Empire right?” Nova asked.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that. You look good.” Hanzal complimented.

“How exactly did Celestia and Luna get regressed to teenagers? I saw them heading to Sugarcube corner the other day.” Mark asked.

Amber and Candy were going to say something, but something inside Sparkler snapped. “Alright everypony quiet!” She cried out.

That shut everypony right up. Sparkler glanced around and saw the shocked expressions on their faces. She sighed when she realized what she just did. “I’m sorry guys. I didn’t mean to yell. I’m just under a lot of stress right now.” She apologized. “And it isn’t helping that You just called me Princess Sparkler. Please, PLEASE do not do that again. That is literally the last thing I need right now.” She pleaded.

“As you wish Sparkler.” Mark responded. “But as an officer of the Ponyville Police Department I do need to know what happened to the princesses.”

“In short, Princess Flurry Heart sneezed, and the resulting magic regressed everypony who can be trusted with the task of ruling the nation to a point where they cannot do so.” Sparkler responded. “Well, everypony except one.”

“Yikes. Talk about unlucky.” Candy responded.

“Yeah. And you know the worst part? It’s not the duties surprisingly, but the fact that apparently this crown is cursed and it unveiled a massive clue to my origins, and I can’t do a darn thing about it because I’m stuck here ruling Equestria!” Sparkler exclaimed. “Ugh! Darn it it’s not even one day yet and I already feel like wallowing in a pool of anxiety.”

“Aww! You need a hug!” Candy said as she pulled Sparkler into a comforting hug, which their friends joined in. “It’ll be alright Sparkler. You’re not alone.” She said.

“Yeah! If you need help just holler!” Amber added.

Sparkler nodded. She was grateful not all her friends were regressed into less than helpful kids. “Thanks guys.” She said.

“Celestia! Get back here! I told you no more sweets!” Exclaimed Night Mare from the distance.

The gang turned their heads to see Night Mare, Teen Celestia, and Teen Luna. And Celestia was trying to get away. “But I haven’t finished sampling all the sweets yet!” Celestia complained.

“I don’t care!” Night Mare growled. “I told you we needed to go home!”

“I don’t want to.” Celestia responded.

Sparkler groaned as she parted from the hug. “For Faust’s sake.” She lit her horn and popped away.

She popped back in in front of Celestia, cutting off her path. “Celestia! Turn back around and go back to the castle!” She said. “I’m sure you had ENOUGH sweets today.” She said.

“No. You’re not my mom.” Celestia responded.

Sparkler rolled her eyes. She knew what she had to do. But she couldn’t believe she was about to say it. “I may not be your mom but I AM Acting Princess. And as Acting Princess I ORDER you to go back to the castle!” She growled.

“And what if I say no?” Celestia asked slyly.

“Then she has grounds to take disciplinary action against you for defying orders.” Mark responded as he approached. “Equestrian Law 43 subsection 45. Any individual who defies a perfectly reasonable and just order from the highest authority in the land will face disciplinary action. Up to and including a week in the dungeon.” Mark said. “Now, I’m sure the Acting Princess doesn’t want to put you away for a week. But I doubt she’ll be as patient as she normally is.” Mark told Celestia.”

Celestia rolled her eyes…before turning around and walking to the castle. Sparkler stared at Mark. “I didn’t know that law.” She said.

“Because it doesn’t exist.” Mark responded. “But then again, Princess Celestia is only a pony. I doubt she remembers every single law in the Equestrian constitution. Especially in her current state.”

“I never thought I’d see the day a police officer would lie to a princess.” Night Mare commented after gesturing Luna to follow Celestia. “Nice thinking.”

“It’s my duty to assist the ruling body of Equestria should they need it.” Mark responded.

“Thanks Mark. I don’t have the mental capacity to have a prolonged argument with teenagers. Not when I’m surely about to have one with an Ex Noble.” Sparkler responded.

“Pardon?” Mark asked.

“Yeah. I have to meet with an Ex Noble. One who previously lamented my choice to not be a princess.” Sparkler explained.

That was all Mark needed to hear. “I’ll call Nosey and River and we’ll get to the castle as soon as possible.” He said.

“I doubt that’s necessary.” Raven responded.

“We’re dealing with ponies who hate Sparkler’s guts. I highly doubt they’ll care about the law over their desire to get rid of her.” Mark responded.

“I’m not even gonna argue that. Just don’t step in unless I need you.” Sparkler responded.

Back at the Castle, Blueblood paced back and forth in the throne room of the Castle of Friendship. He had gotten word the princess wanted to have their meeting here in Ponyville, and he didn’t like it one bit. Where the hay is she? The sooner we have our meeting the sooner I can get out of this backwater town.

As if on cue to his thoughts, the doors opened and Flash and Raven entered. “Ahem. Presenting her Acting Royal Highness, Princess Sparkling Medley.” Flash said, stepping aside and revealing Sparkler in all her shining glory.

She didn’t even take 5 steps into the room before Blueblood started. “YOU!” He growled.

“Yes.” Sparkler responded. “It’s me. Twilight and all the other princesses are unavailable right now and they named me Acting Princess in their—“

“No!” Blueblood growled. “You had your chance and you dishonored yourself and all the Alicorns with your refusal to wear a crown. You can’t just change your mind!” He exclaimed.

Sparkler sighed. She correctly predicted this reaction. “Celestia herself asked me to do—“

“She would not dare!” Blueblood cut Sparkler off again. “Where is she!” He growled.

“Blueblood. Calm yourself.” Flash warned. “Don’t forget who’s in charge here.”

“It’s not this imposter. I can tell you that much!” Blueblood responded. “I will not accept this ruffian as a princess. Not now, not ever!”

“Then GO!“ Sparkler growled at Blueblood. “Go! Get out! I am not gonna sit here and take your crap when I have better things to do!”

“Oh I will. And I’m taking the crown with me!” Blueblood growled as he reached for the crown to take it from Sparkler.

Sparkler lit her horn and threw Blueblood back. “NO!” She growled. “There is a reason I was named Acting Princess over you! Because I was the only one Celestia trusted. If she wanted you to have the crown you would’ve had it by now. But no. You don’t have the crown. Now either get back to the reason for this meeting or GET OUT!” She shouted the last two words in the RCV.

Blueblood scrambled to his hooves, before huffing and storming out. “I will see to it that the main Summer Sun Celebration is held in Canterlot where it SHOULD. Not here in this backwater town!” He growled as he left.

Sparkler took a deep breath while Raven was scribbling down on a parchment. Once she was finished she rolled it up and hoofed it to Spike. “Spike send this to Chief Quill in Canterlot.” She said.

“What did you just write?” Sparkler asked.

“A direct order from Royalty telling Quill to lock down everything essential to Equestria’s stability. Financial and otherwise.” Raven responded. “Now if the Ex Nobles still want a Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot, it’ll have to be from their own pockets.” She explained.

“You seemed quick to do that before Sparkler even said anything.” Flash responded.

“I know Blueblood. And I am certain he will try to ruin the country just to make you look bad.” Raven told Sparkler.

Sparkler blinked, before she genuinely, surely smiled for the first time that day. “I wasn’t sure I was gonna like you Raven.” She admitted. “But you just made me smile for the first time today.”

Raven smiled back at Sparkler. “Just doing what I can to help the monarch of Equestria.” She said.

Sparkler nodded, and glanced up at the crown. “If he was the last thing today can I take this off now?” She asked.

“Go ahead.” Raven responded.

Sparkler immediately took off the crown, and just like that, she decrystalized and returned to her normal look. “Ah, much better.” She said. “Now, let’s go get something to eat and HOPEFULLY get our friends back to their normal selves.”

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Yeah. Sparkler's already losing her patience.

Least Blueblood didn't bother her too much.