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Episode 16: A scaly arrival

“Well my lovely Fluttershy! It’s been fun. But I must return to my realm for a nice chaotic recharge.” Discord told his marefriend Fluttershy. Whom he had spent the day with, because of course.

“Aww. But I wanted to snuggle my favorite draconegus tonight.” Fluttershy whined, clearly disappointed that he couldn’t stay the night.

“Oh I know my fluffy love.” Discord responded as he hugged Fluttershy. “But alas, I cannot remain in this realm forever without risking losing my magic. That stone prison really messed with me…although I do see now that I…MAY have deserved it.” He relented.

“At least you’re good now. I like you better on our side rather than the villain’s side.” Fluttershy said, snuggling up to Discord.

Discord nodded. “Yeah. Me too.” He said. After a moment, he let go of Fluttershy. “Right, I shall see you soon my precious Animal Lover!” He said as he snapped his fingers and popped away.

Fluttershy sighed and smiled. “One of these days Fluttershy, one of these days.” She told herself as she trotted into the kitchen to start feeding her animal tenants…or not. Because her ears picked up a faint sound coming from her front door. Almost like, pawing? Curious, she walked to the front door and opened it, she looked all around, and when she looked down, gasped. In front of her was a…she believed it was a…ok she couldn’t figure out what it was but it had horns, and it looked like it was built like a purple lizard. The creature was looking at Fluttershy with almost pleading eyes.

After coming out of her shock, Fluttershy lowered her head to be eye level with the creature. “Aww. What’s wrong little one?” She asked. “Are you lost?”

The creature shook its head as its tummy rumbled. An indication it was hungry. “Oh, you’re hungry.” Fluttershy responded. The creature nodded and Fluttershy smiled. “Alright. Come on in.” She said, letting the creature inside.

The creature gave out a weak roar in gratitude as it hopped into the cottage. Fluttershy led it to the kitchen. “What do you eat?” Fluttershy asked the creature.

The creature roared in response. Fluttershy, who normally spoke all creature’s languages, was shocked to find she could not understand her new friend’s language. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Fluttershy asked.

The creature roared again. Fluttershy listened extra carefully this time, and she confirmed that she could not speak whatever language this creature was speaking. “I…I’m sorry, I can’t understand you.” She told the creature. Thinking of another solution, she opened up her cabinets to reveal the food inside. “Can you show me what you eat?” She asked the creature.

The creature nodded, and proceeded to hop onto Fluttershy’s back to see what was inside the cabinet. After a moment of searching, the creature pointed to a bottle of hot sauce. Fluttershy smiled. “You eat hot sauce?” She asked.

The creature nodded in response. Fluttershy proceeded to get out the hot sauce and opened the bottle. “Here you go.” She said, handing the creature the bottle. “Careful, it’s hot.”

The creature nodded and proceeded to down the whole bottle of hot sauce, like it was nothing.

Fluttershy watched in disbelief as the bottle emptied completely. Once done, the creature put down the bottle, and let out a burp. Fluttershy blinked, making a mental note to herself to stock up on Hot Sauce, if it was all this creature ate. The creature meanwhile smiled at Fluttershy and nuzzled her. Clearly grateful for the meal. Fluttershy giggled. “Are you in need of a home little one?” She asked.

The next day, it was the day of the weekly pet playdate. While Twilight and the girls all talked on a picnic blanket, waiting for Fluttershy, Flappy and his three kids were watching Maddy chase around a terrified Opal. Maddy was more trying to play with Opal, but Opal wasn’t having it. Flappy laughed. “Squawk! Maddy Medley. Best addition to the family since Melody. And you three of course. Squawk!” He said.

“Squeak! Why do dogs and cats hate each other generally? Squeak!” Pecker asked.

“Crow! Yeah. I don’t get it. Crow!” Flapperina said.

Flappy shrugged. “Squawk! I honestly have no idea. Squawk!” He said. “Squawk! But hey, ever since Maddy came along Opal hasn’t given us any trouble. So I sure as heck ain’t complaining. Squawk!” He explained.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was going a million miles a minute talking about potential wedding plans with Sparkler and Twilight. “We could have the both of you walking down the aisle to the song Marry You, your kids could be ring bearers and flower foals, We could have Ice Sculptures depicting all your best moments together, OOH THIS IS SO EXCITING!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Sparkler and Twilight couldn’t help but laugh hearing Pinkie’s mouth flying off to the races. After careful consideration, they had decided to let Pinkie Pie be the primary wedding planner. Something Pinkie Pie readily agreed to, revealing preliminary ideas that she had pre thought up. So far Pinkie had not suggested anything outlandish for the wedding, but they did already tell her that they wanted the event in Ponyville, and that they just wanted their friends and family there. Two stipulations Pinkie had gladly accepted.

“Ooh! Sparkler! Twilight! What do you two say to a wonderbolts salute? Like what we did with Sparkler’s birthday. Dashie can probably convince them a second time!” Pinkie suggested. “Imagine them drawing your combined Cutie Marks in the sky!”

Rainbow perked up at that suggestion. “Yeah. I’m sure I can convince them to do it. After all, it’s for one of Equestria’s greatest heroes, and a former acting princess, with a fan club.” She added, smirking at Sparkler.

Sparkler laughed. It took all of two minutes for the jokes to start about her short reign as acting princess. And she caught a glimpse of that fan club that one colt told her about. Which only added to the jokes. “I always thought that IF I were to get a fan club, it would be because of my music career.” She commented.

“Fate likes to throw curveballs at us darling.” Rarity responded.

“Totally.” Sparkler agreed.

“I’m so sorry I’m late everypony!” Everypony heard Fluttershy saying. They turned to see Fluttershy land on the ground in front of them.

Applejack smiled at Fluttershy. “Well about time y’all got here. What kept ya Sugarcube?” She asked.

“I had to run to the store and get a lot of Hot Sauce for a new tenant at my cottage.” Fluttershy responded as she sat on the picnic blanket with her friends.

“Does your new tenant only eat hot sauce?” Rainbow asked, confused.

Fluttershy shrugged. “Not sure, but he did only point to the hot sauce last night. Ron? Would you like to come out and say hi?” She asked as she turned her head to look behind her.

Everypony watched as a little purple lizard-like creature poked its head out from behind Fluttershy’s head, and after a second’s hesitation, the creature hopped off her back and into the middle of the circle of mares, and then waved at them, smiling nervously.

Rarity smiled. “Aww. What an adorable little fella.” She said.

“This is Ron. I’m not entirely sure what he is but he looks like a purple lizard.” Fluttershy explained.

“Well whatever he is, he’s cute.” Sparkler responded.

Off in the distance, Clear-Cut just spied the creature through his magnivision, and his eyes just retracted back into its sockets after they bulged out in surprise. “Space blast.” He said.

“What?” Fletcher, who was hiding with Clear Cut in the bushes, said.

Clear-Cut handed Fletcher binoculars and pointed towards the group, Fletcher looked through the binoculars, and saw the new creature. “Hm. Looks like Fluttershy has a new friend.”

“No!” Clear-Cut hissed. “That is not a new friend. That is a threat that must be eliminated.” He said.

Fletcher looked at the creature again, and then back at Clear-Cut, confused. “Cut, what’s the matter with you? The creature looks harmless.” He said.

“Harmless? Have you forgotten what I told you? That monster is of the same class as that monster that attacked during the week of Sparkler’s reign, and from so long ago that forced Sparkler to Saddle Arabia in the first place!” Clear-Cut hissed.

“I think you might be overreacting pal.” Fletcher responded. “I’m not seeing anything dangerous. Or at the very least nothing that Sparkler can’t handle on her own.”

“You say that now. But just wait.” Clear-Cut said. “I don’t know what that little menace is planning, but it’s nothing good.” He insisted.

Fletcher rolled his eyes. “Ok. Yeah. Can we get back to watching for ACTUAL threats now?” He asked. “Such as that darkness you said draws near?”

Clear-Cut groveled a bit. “Mark my words. That little menace is evil. I know it.” He said.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Looks like Clear Cut may have some beef with Ron. I wonder what that could be?😏