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Episode 17: Make your Mark Pt 1

“Too bad you didn’t get called to come with us Sparkler.” Twilight said at the train station on a bright Sunny morning in Ponyville.

Sparkler chuckled. The Cutie Map had called Twilight, and Starlight, on a friendship mission. “Yeah well, I think the map realized the overall mistake it made when it sent me to Saddle Arabia when it surely saw that Brad moved here a week later. And correctly deduced that I was less than pleased with it.” She responded, making the three mares chuckle.

“It’s scared of you now.” Starlight joked. “Terrified you’ll mangle it if it ticks you off again.”

“I just might.” Sparkler joked. The three mares laughed some more. “Seriously though, I totally would go with you anyway to Califoalnia, but Airwave and I need to record songs today for his new Album.” She explained. Her excitement about that prospect causing her to Crystalize.

Starlight laughed when Sparkler took Crystal form. “Ok now I can confirm once and for all that makes you happy.” She said.

Twilight chuckled at that as Sparkler rolled her eyes. Just as the princess jokes started, so did the jokes that now they could tell instantly if Sparkler was really happy. “Ha ha. Hilarious Starlight.” She said. “But ya know what? I’m actually glad that cursed crown activated my apparent crystalling power. So is Twilight. For reasons I can’t get into because this story isn’t tagged for it.” She told them.

Twilight blushed like mad while Starlight laughed. “Oh, I see.” She said.

At that moment, the whistle blew from the train, a final call before it went off. Twilight took the chance to usher Starlight inside. “Welp, that’s our cue to get out of here.” She said, shooting Sparkler a ‘You’re lucky I love you’ look. One that Sparkler chuckled at. With finally goodbyes and a sweet goodbye kiss, followed by the promise to call every day, Sparkler watched as the train departed, carrying her lover and Starlight away. Once the train was out of sight, Sparkler left the train station back into Ponyville, with Flash catching up to her once she left the station.

“So, Spike’s off in the dragon lands showing Gabby where his origin place, Flappy and his kids are in Canterlot visiting Mina. And with Twilight and Starlight on a friendship mission, that makes it just the two of us at the castle.” Flash commented.

“Yep.” Sparkler responded. “Huh. The last time a house I lived in was that empty was before Melody came into my life.” She said.

“And now you have 11 kids about to marry the Princess of Friendship and have BEEN a princess for a week.” Flash said.

“Speaking of, Flash you know you don’t have to follow me around everywhere right?” Sparkler asked. “You coulda just stayed back at the castle.”

“Technically you’ve been elevated in status now as an abdicated princess. Even though you were only an acting princess. That makes you more of a target for a certain group of ponies who set that monster on you.” Flash explained. “So you could say I’m keeping the guard up.”

Sparkler laughed. “Ok, I will admit you’re making sense.” She told Flash.

“Yo! Sparkler! Flash!” Called out a familiar voice.

Flash and Sparkler turned to see Derpy trotting towards them with her mail cart. Sparkler smiled. “Hey Derpy. What’s up?” She asked.

“Nothing much. You?” Derpy asked.

“Nothing out of the ordinary.” Flash responded.

“Cool. Anywho, since you’re here I don’t need to go all the way to the castle. Got some mail for the both of you.” Derpy said. She reached into her bag and pulled out two letters, one for each of them. “Here ya go.” She said.

“Thanks Derpy.” Sparkler and Flash responded as they took the letters.

“See ya around guys.” Derpy said happily before she trotted off.

With her gone, Sparkler and Flash looked at their mail. Flash saw it was from the castle. “Hm, letter from the castle.” He commented as he opened the letter and read it, his eyes widened and he got a big grin. “Finally!” He exclaimed.

“What is it?” Sparkler asked, curious.

“Got an order to report to Canterlot next week. Flash is getting a much needed armaments upgrade baby!” He said, clearly excited.

Sparkler chuckled as she opened her envelope. “You talked to Celestia after that monster knocked you out?” Sparkler asked.

“Before she even left.” Flash responded. “

Sparkler chuckled as she looked through her own letter, while the both of them started walking back to the castle. The Letter was from Star Sound.

Dear Sparkler,

I hope this letter finds you well. And if not, I do hope that I can put a smile on your face today.

Originally I would have come in pony to talk to you about this but something came up last minute. If the Harmonic Medleys are available and interested, I have been talking to some big names in the industry about possibly setting up collaborations with your band. Big names such as Sapphire Shores. She was particularly enthusiastic about the idea.

At the reading of Sapphire Shores’ enthusiasm, Sparkler’s jaw dropped. “Sapphire Shores?!“ She exclaimed. “The biggest star in the pop genre of music wants to collab with the Harmonic Medleys?!”

“Whoa.” Flash responded. “For real?”

Sparkler kept on reading the letter.

I realize that this is all coming out of the blue and I never actually talked to you first, but your incursions into the musical world, both through your work with Airwave and your own projects, it’s clear that you have real, solid potential. Think about this opportunity, I look forward to hearing your reply.

Keep on rocking,
Star Sound

Sparkler reread the letter twice, but still couldn’t believe it. “Holy horsecrap.” She said. “Flash did I read this right?”

Flash glanced over the letter. “Yep. You did.” He said.

At that moment, Sparkler stopped and stood stock still and stiff, before her right leg twitched and her left wing flapped once before folding back in. “My Sparkler sense is tingling.” She said. “Something musically impressive is going down.”

Flash laughed. He knew what Sparkler was talking about. “Sparkler sense eh? That’s what you’re calling it?” He asked.

Sparkler nodded. It came as an absolute shock to her when it first happened, but along with her crystalizing power, the crown also activated some sort of Pinkie Sense level power that enabled her to locate something near her that was musically impressive. An ability that came to light when she was near Sweetie Belle that one time at the park, when the Unicorn Filly had been singing. “I’m honestly not sure if putting that crown on me was a mistake or not. Because it gave me something to have in common with Pinkie, something I’d rather not have in common with her.” She said, shivering. “But since I have it, let’s check it out.” She said.

So she and Flash took off in a gallop to where her newfound sense was leading, and they quickly began to hear music from the distance. They turned a corner and saw a crowd of ponies gathered, and they were clearly encouraging something.

After glancing at each other, Sparkler and Flash joined the crowd and managed to wiggle there way through to see what was going on, and when they got to see it, their jaws hit the deck in absolute shock.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

The title is NOT inspired by the G5 show. It was inspire by a song.

Speaking of, sounds like Sparkler and her band are gonna take off big time now.😅