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Episode 13: Possible futures

Baby Sparkler sat there, crossing her forelegs and pouting. After being woken up by Twilight’s frustrated groan, she quickly discovered she had regressed back into a Foal, a BABY foal, suffice to say, she was in a sour mood.

Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Starlight stood around the table, Celestia scanning Sparkler.

“So…she just…was like this where you woke up?” Starlight asked Twilight.

“That’s exactly it.” Twilight responded. “I woke up and there was little baby Sparkler.”

Sparkler glared at Twilight when she said that. Luna couldn’t help but chuckle. “Apparently she didn’t like being called that.” She said.

“Oh don’t worry Sparkler.” Starlight said. “We’ll get you back to normal. A simple age spell—“

“That won’t work.” Celestia cut Starlight off as she finished her scan.

Starlight and Twilight Blinked. “What?” They asked in unison.

“No age spell will work to get Sparkler back to normal.” Celestia responded. “This is a very unique situation.”

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“If you recall, Sparkler is a Crystal Pony. As evidenced by my crown’s magic.” Celestia explained.

“Yeah. That was a massive clue.” Twilight responded. “How does that figure into this?”

“A Crystal Form takes energy to maintain.” Celestia responded. “And it’s not meant to be held for long periods of time.” She said.

Starlight blinked. “Wait, don’t tell me. Your crown forced her to keep her Crystal form for WAY longer than it was meant to in a single session and now her body needs to recover the energy lost.” She said.

“Exactly.” Celestia responded. “And no amount of age spells will speed it up.”

Twilight facehooved when she realized that. “Oh for the love of…how long will she be like this?” She asked.

“She should be back to normal as late as tomorrow. So long as she doesn’t Crystalize anymore or use magic.” Celestia responded.

“So we actually DON’T want her to be happy.” Luna said.

Starlight let out a groan. “Hasn’t Sparkler earned a break after this week? Why did this have to happen?”

“Because Flurry Heart had a runny nose.” Luna responded.

Sparkler listened, and made it clear she didn’t like what she heard by bursting into a temper tantrum. Screaming, crying, wailing and flailing around.

Twilight flinched and lit her horn, taking little Sparkler in her forelegs and trying to soothe her. “Hey, hey, it’s ok Sparky, there’s no need to cry.” She said, rocking her tiny fiancée. “Shhh. Shhh.”

Sparkler heard her fiancée’s words, and looked up at her all teary eyed. Seeing Twilight’s reassuring smile reduced her cries to mere whimpers. Twilight smiled as she continued to soothe the distraught little one. “It’s gonna be ok Sparky. You’ll be back to normal soon. Just remain calm.” She said.

Sparkler heard her words, and her whimpering ceased and a smile returned to her face. After a final sniffle, she nuzzled Twilight’s chest. Everypony around them breathed a sigh of relief. Starlight nodded. “Ok so if there’s no way to speed up the process, breakfast everypony?” She asked.

Everypony heard Sparkler’s tummy growl, and she blushed. Everypony chuckled and proceeded to the kitchen where everypony else was already eating.

Soon, Twilight, Starlight, and Flash were seeing everypony out. Now that all the visits were done. Fleur and Fancy, alongside Celestia, Luna, and Night Mare, went back to Canterlot, Cadence and Flurry Heart were due to go back to the Crystal Empire, , and Shining Armor was planning to take the kids to Summer Camp, the kids were all excited to go. “We are going to Little Hooves! We are going to Little Hooves! They all sing songed.

Twilight chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll have a great time over there.” She said. “But PLEASE. Stay safe.” She said. “Listen to Uncle Shining, and keep your phones on you at all times.” She told the kids.

“Don’t worry Twily, they’ll be safe at Camp Little Hooves.” He said.

“It’s their first time away from home without us.” Twilight deadpanned. “I think I can be forgiven for being worried.”

“Right. Anyway, alright kids, time to go.” Shining said.

The kids smiled and hugged their mother. “See ya mommy Twi!” They said.

“See you in two months and three weeks.” Twilight responded, hugging each of the kids.

Sparkler, who had been resting on Twilight’s back, poked her head from behind and giggled, waving at her kids. The kids smiled and waved back. “Bye mom! Hope to see you back to normal tomorrow when we video call!” Melody responded.

Everypony chuckled as the kids proceeded out the door. Shining smiled and waved goodbye, before being pulled in by Twilight to whisper into his ear. “Anything happens to them, Sparkler and I will be less than pleased.” Twilight warned.

“Twilight, relax. I deal with Flurry every day. And besides, I can handle a bunch of kids. Otherwise I wouldn’t have accepted the job as camp director.” Shining winked.

Sparkler narrowed her eyes at Shining while Twilight did the same. “Seriously Shining, do not let anything happen to them that isn’t on the Little Hooves brochure.” She said.

“Sure thing Twily.” Shining responded. Twilight let him go and he left. The door to the castle closed.

Starlight spoke after a moment. “And for the first time in your relationship.” She said to Sparkler and Twilight. “You two are without children to care for.” She said.

“Squawk! If only Sparkler wasn’t a FOAL today. Squawk!” Flappy, who had been watching the whole time, commented.

“Yeah.” Twilight said. “Sparkler and I had planned to go help Moondancer fix up the New Golden Oaks Library today…but I guess that’s not happening.”

Sparkler coughed to get Twilight’s attention. Twilight glanced behind at Sparkler, and saw her smiling and nodding. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What? You want to go to the Library?” She asked.

Sparkler nodded. She didn’t want Twilight to have to give up any plans she didn’t need to. Twilight smiled. “Alright. We’ll go to the Library.” She said. “But don’t try sparking or anything.” She told her.

Sparkler nodded, smiling. Flappy, smirked. “Squawk! I’ll go get Mr. Sing Song. Squawk!” He said.

“Mr who?” Starlight asked.

“Squawk! Mr. Sing Song. Her foalhood doll. Squawk!” Flappy responded.

“Ooh! Like Twilight’s doll Mr. Smartypants!” Spike responded.

“Ok I think that’s the end of that conversation.” Twilight said quickly, while blushing.

Sparkler giggled. Twilight flinched. “No, no, don't laugh please.” She said. “I never have, and never will again ask you to do this but please don’t be too happy. You could Crystalize and we DON’T want that.” She explained.

Sparkler snickered, before calming down. She wrapped her forelegs around Twilight’s neck. Twilight sighed when she didn’t Crystalize. “Faust I SO want to head right to the Crystal Empire and figure out where you came from once and for all but something tells me that’s a horrible idea right now.” She said.

“Maybe next week Twilight.” Flash responded.

Meanwhile, at the New Golden Oaks Library, what’s left of it anyway, Moondancer was organizing books by shelf and storing them on what tables were still intact. “Thank FAUST no books were lost the other day.” She commented. She smiled as her mind wandered to the previous day and the absolute beat down Sparkler gave the treacherous Blueblood. “Yes. His wealth should certainly help fund the repairs, and cover Library expenses for years to come.”

At that moment, her horn tingled, signaling a horn pulse incoming.

Cadence: Moondancer, it’s Cadence, got a moment to talk?

Moondancer’s eyes widened. A princess just horn pulsed her asking if she could talk. Moondancer lit her horn and pulsed back.

Moondancer: O-Of course Princess Cadence. What did you want to talk about?

Cadence: I’d like to talk to you about what happened when Twilight was restored to her proper age.

Moondancer’s heart sank as her mind raced. She’s the Princess of Love, of COURSE she could sense my crush on her sister-in-law! taking a deep breath. She pulsed a response.

Moondancer: I know what’s implied here, and I promise I won’t get in the way of Sparkler’s and Twilight’s relationship. Yes, I still have a crush on Twilight but Sparkler got to her first fair and square, and I am not one to steal special someponies.

Cadence: Good to know. But I actually wanted to ask you to make sure Twilight doesn’t break Sparkler’s heart by cheating on her. I root for what the heart wants. And if Twilight’s heart longs for you instead of Sparkler, that’s what her heart wants. But Sparkler has been through too much crap to be heartbroken by a deceptive love triangle.

Moondancer was a bit stunned. …I don’t even know how to respond to that.

Cadence: So if Twilight reaches out and extends her heart to you, make sure she’s at the very least planning to break up with Sparkler before any date. I’d rather her not be a cheater.

Moondancer blinked in pure confusion before her brain caught up with her. Coming up with a response, she horn pulsed back.

Moondancer: Cadence? Why would Twilight ever reach out to me romantically? She’s engaged to Sparkler. D-Does Twilight have a crush on me?

Moondancer didn’t know if Cadence would answer, but she figured she’d asked. I mean, it’s not like it would be a secret at this point. She’s happy with Sparkler. And besides, Twilight would never have a crush on me anyway. Sparkler offers her more than I ever— Moondancer was brought out of her thoughts by a Horn Pulse.

Cadence: She did, long ago, and if what I’ve been sensing this past week from her is any indication, that crush never left, and has actually resurfaced.

…you have GOT to be kidding me. Moondancer honestly didn’t know how she felt at that moment. Excitement? Anger? Confusion? Perplexed definitely. Cadence sent another Horn Pulse in the meantime.

Cadence: I do not know what is going to happen in the near future, but at least you now know you had a chance…and maybe you still do. Twilight’s Monogamy was never brought up. And Sparkler’s never talked about it. So who knows.

Moondancer blinked as the horn pulses came to an end. Did Cadence just imply the possibility of a three way relationship? It was something Moondancer never considered…but now that she thought about it, she wouldn’t mind two lovers. “Hmm…I wonder…” She idly said as she got out a notebook and started writing down a title.

“Research into possible three way relationship. Section one, Sparkker’s interests.”

She smiled. “Well this is going to be interesting.” She commented. She didn’t know whether she’d fall for Sparkler or not, but she knew the best case scenario would be if all three of them were mutually interested in each—

“Wait…does she know about the kiss?!” Moondancer realized something, Sparkler might not know what happened. She gulped, now extremely worried what Sparkler’s reaction would be if she ever found out.

Right then, she noticed from her peripheral vision that Twilight had arrived. She smiled. “Twilight! Hi. How’s it–” Moondancer stopped when she saw something on Twilight’s back. A clearer glance revealed a baby Sparkler. Moodnacer blinked, before shaking her head. “Not even going to ask.” She said. Deciding to ignore it.

“Probably for the best.” Twilight responded.

Moondancer nodded, and she and Twilight began cleaning up the library. Sparkler being occupied with Mr. Sing Song.

Later that evening, It was well after dinner and Twilight was reading to Sparkler in the Castle Library, about a few minutes into that session, Sparkler began to glow bright. Twilight squinted her eyes so as to not go blind. A few seconds later, the glowing dimmed and Twilight opened her eyes to see that her fiance was back to normal

“Sparkler! You’re finally back to normal!” She exclaimed excitedly.

Sparkler smiled as she examined herself. She then looked up. “Alright universe, If you have ANYTHING else planned, do it now before we officially write this off as DONE.” She called out.

Sparkler and Twilight looked around and waited for something to happen, but nothing did. After a few moments, Sparkler nodded. “Ok, we’re good.” She said.

Twilight beamed and wrapped Sparkler up in a hug. “FINALLY! We can put this thing to rest.” She said, relieved it was over.

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. Now we can just have a fun summer.” She said. “You and me, having fun in Ponyville.”

“Forget Ponyville.” Twilight responded. “Now that you’re back to normal we can go to the Crystal Empire and once and for all solve the mystery of who you really are and where you come from!” She exclaimed excitedly.

Sparkler bit her lip. Twilight saw it and raised an eyebrow. “Sparkler? Aren’t you excited?” She asked.

Sparkler sighed. “Actually...I think I’ve moved on from the need to know where I came from.” She said.

Twilight blinked. “Pardon?” She asked, not understanding.

“Twilight, My desire to find out where I came from and why I’m an Alicorn stemmed mainly from me being alone most of my life. I had thought that if others like me existed, then I wouldn’t feel so alone anymore, and that I’d finally belong.” Sparkler explained. “But when I moved to Ponyville and met you. And eventually ended up being engaged to you, those desires were filled. Thanks to you, the kids, and Ponyviile, I found a place where I can belong. I'm not alone, and most importantly, I’m happy.” She said.

Twilight nodded, understanding where Sparkler was coming from. But still. “But Sparkler, we’re SO CLOSE. This is our first real clue since we found out you were adopted.” She said. “Don’t you want to find out?”

“I still do, but I don’t see the need anymore to make a special trip to do it.” Sparkler responded. “If we were going to the Crystal Empire for other reasons, sure. But the sole reason? Seems like more trouble than it’s worth.” She admitted.

After looking at Sparkler, Twilight relented. She could see Sparkler’s logic. “Alright, We’ll put it on hold.” She said. “We have time because we’re immortal.”

Sparkler nodded. “Exactly.” She said. “Now, wanna get back to reading?”

Twilight nodded, and they got back to reading, cuddling up against each other on the couch.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Ooh. Now the door is open for a possible three-way relationship. :)

Also, make no mistake, we WILL learn of Sparkler's origins eventually. Lol.

THX FOR READING! And also be on the look out for Season three's sister story about the kids' adventure at Camp Little Hooves!