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Episode 3: Plan of Action

The sun lit up Equestria as it rose into the sky. On the balcony of the Castle of Friendship, Starlight smiled as she used the device Celestia gave Sparkler the previous day. “Yeah. I can already tell this isn’t gonna be a quick fix. Considering Sparkler couldn’t age Celestia back to her right age I don’t think the others will be so easily reverted either.” She said as she trotted back into the castle and into the kitchen.

Slowly but surely, the castle’s occupants started trickling into the kitchen for breakfast. The Medley foal herd brought in the baby Mane 6, Shining and Cadence brought Flurry. Finally, the last pony not there was Sparkler. Fleur and Fancypants looked around, and Fancypants sighed. “I was hoping that yesterday’s incident was just a dream.” He said.

“Nope.” Crystal responded. “It happened. And now we have a real problem on our hooves.” She said as she sat Rarity in a high chair Starlight made.

“We’re sorry everypony.” Cadence said.

“Yeah. It’s our bad.” Shining added.

“Eh, we’ve seen stranger things.” Flash Sentry responded. “This is like, another Tuesday here in Ponyville.”

“Hey…guys?” Asked Sparkler. Everypony turned to see Sparkler standing there, with a baby Twilight on her back. “Can anypony explain why Twilight is a foal? And why I found this.” She held up Celestia’s crown in her magic. “On the nightstand?” She asked.

“Squawk! Don’t you remember what happened last night? Squawk!” Flappy asked.

“The Sextuplets’ birthday party?” Sparkler responded. “After that it’s a blur. I had a weird dream last night though. Flurry sneezed, turned a bunch of ponies into foals and teenagers, and I had to assume the throne of Equestria.” Sparkler chuckled at that as she went over to make herself a mug of coffee. Clearly not realizing that it wasn’t a dream when she set Celestia’s crown and Twilight on the table…or rather tried to, because Twilight just clung to her. Sparkler gave up after a sec and just let her hug her from behind.

Everypony watched her make coffee. Lightning pulled out his phone. “Mom, that wasn’t a dream.” He said.

Sparkler laughed. “Oh don’t be silly Lightning. There is no way in the world I’d ever agree to take the throne of Equestria. I’m just assuming whatever happened last night happened after you guys went to bed.” She said.

Lightning levitated his phone over to Sparkler. “Watch this.” He said. “Not edited, it’s what really happened.” He added.

Sparkler played the video that Lightning had, and she watched the events of yesterday. Starting with Flurry sneezing, and everything else that happened afterwards, ending with Sparkler fainting.

Sparkler blinked when the video ended. And she took a look around again, and saw that except for Celestia and Luna, who had yet to show up for breakfast, the mane 6 and Shining and Cadence were regressed. “You have to be kidding me.” She said. “No, no this is just a prank dream. Haha, Ok Luna you got me. You can change the dream to something less pranky now…please–Youch!” Sparkler yelped as her mane was pulled back by a tiny Rainbow Dash, who laughed and flew around the kitchen. “Rainbow Dash!“ Sparkler growled. “That hurt! And no flying in the kitchen you’ll hurt…your…self…” Sparkler stopped as she realized what she was doing, and that it hurt, the age-old indicator that it was reality and not a dream. “Oh…” She said as the reality of the situation at long last reached her.

“Yeah. I sent the decree to Raven and she sent a reply saying she’ll be on the first train to Ponyville today.” Spike responded.

Sparkler stared at the crown, and then at the regressed ponies. “Where’re Celestia and Luna?” She asked.

“Last I saw them they were in their rooms.” Night Mare responded. “I’ll go check on them.” She said as she dashed off.

Sparkler whirled her head around and saw Twilight on her back. She lit her horn and placed Twilight on the table. “Let’s try this again. Starlight, help me out here.” She said.

Starlight nodded and she and Sparkler lit their horns. They aimed at baby Twilight and blasted her with an age spell. The resulting smoke enveloped Twilight entirely. Everypony watched as the smoke cleared, and much to everypony’s annoyance, it did nothing. Everypony let out a groan.

“Squeak! Wow. Flurry’s definitely OP. Squeak!” Pecker said.

“Alright, let’s eat breakfast and then let’s all head to the throne room to talk about what the heck we’re going to do.” Sparkler said.

Out in the streets of Ponyville, Raven Inkwell galloped away from the train station headed right for the Castle of Friendship. Behind her were a squad of guards. Raven was panicking as she carried saddlebags full of papers and documents and all sorts of other things. “Just as we’re a week from the Summer Sun Celebration.” She commented. “What even happened?”

She and the guards soon reached the castle and she knocked on the door. After a second, it opened to reveal Spike the dragon. “Raven. Good.” He said as he let her and the guards in.

“I came as soon as I could. What happened Spike?” Raven asked.

“It’s more believable if you see, but to put it simply, Flurry Heart is OP.” Spike responded.

Meanwhile, in the throne room, Sparkler had activated the map and that seemed to keep the Mane Foal six occupied while the ponies who could comprehend what was going on talked about what to do. Celestia meanwhile groaned. “Ugh. Is this gonna take much longer? Luna and I want to go out and have some fun.” She complained.

“Yeah. Because I SO want to hang out in the sun all day.” Luna responded sarcastically.

“Oh come on Lulu. It’ll be fun!” Celestia responded.

Everypony else glanced at the two teenage princesses, before Fancypants cleared his throat. “Well, I think it’s safe to say that we need to find a way to fix this as soon as possible. Preferably before the Summer Sun Celebration.” He said.

“The Summer what now?” Sparkler asked.

“The Summer Sun Celebration. Remember?” Starlight asked. “The main Celebration is happening in Ponyville this year.”

Sparkler nodded. She had been told that. Her eyes widened as she realized that with Twilight and Celestia out of commission, the task of prepping for the Celebration fell to her. “…Oh Faust what am I going to do?” She asked.

At that moment, the doors swung open and Spike and Raven rushed in. Raven skidded to a halt and nodded. “Raven Inkwell, assistant to Princess Celestia. I came as soon as I…” Raven trailed off when she saw the situation.

The Elements of Harmony were foals.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were kids.

And Celestia and Luna were teenagers.

Raven blinked, connecting the dots as to what happened. “Yep. Yeah that should do it for having a legit reason for naming Sparkling Medley acting Princess.” She said.

Sparkler nodded. “Hello Raven. Thank you for coming so quickly.” She said.

“It’s my job to assist the princess in her duties.” Raven responded.

Celestia nodded as she took Luna’s hoof in her own. “Ok if we’re done here Luna and I have things to do.” She said as she pulled Luna away. Leaving the room before anypony could stop them.

Sparkler watched them go and sighed. “Night Mare?” She asked.

“I’ll go keep an eye on them.” Night Mare responded as she left to follow the two princesses.

Sparkler turned to the others. “Starlight I’d appreciate it if you worked to reverse the spell.” She said.

Starlight nodded. “I’ll get somepony to help.” She said. Leaving immediately.

“Fleur, Fancy, Shining, Cadence, would you four mind watching the kids and the Mane 6?” Sparkler asked.

“Aww! We wanted to help you with your new Royal duties!” Sparkler’s kids all whined.

“If I end up needing you, I’ll be sure to call. But for now, I need you to help keep the foal Mane 6 out of trouble.” Sparkler responded. “It’s an important job.”

The kids all perked up at that. “Ok!” They responded. Fancypants and Fleur ushered the others out of the room, although Twilight refused to go, clinging to Sparkler. She looked up at Sparkler with pleading eyes, as if begging her to let her stay.

Cadence saw this and smiled. “Twily. Wanna come read with us?” She asked.

“We’ll read your favorite book.” Shining said.

Much to everypony’s surprise, Twilight shook her head and stayed clinging to Sparkler. Sparkler, after getting over her shock that Twilight Sparkle rejected reading a book, sighed. “Alright fine. You can stay Twily.” She said.

Twilight smiled widely and climbed onto Sparkler’s back, burying her muzzle in her mane and giggling.

Everypony else left and then there was Raven, Spike, Sparkler, and Flash.

Raven lit her horn and spilled the contents of her saddlebag all over the table. “Right. So I brought everything on the docket for the next week for Princesses Celestia and Luna.” She said.

“And I have Twilight’s schedule.” Spike said as he held up a scroll.

Sparkler took a deep breath and nodded. “Ok, let’s take this one day at a time, and Raven, if it’s possible, try to limit the amount of travel Between here and wherever Celestia and Luna are going.” She said.

Raven nodded as she took a quill and parchment in her magic. “I can reschedule all of Celestia’s and Luna’s appointments this week to take place here no problem.” She said. “Uh, ya might wanna get that crown on.” She added.

Sparkler looked at Celestia’s crown, which rested on Twilight’s throne. “Do I have to?” She asked.

“Twilight might be able to get away with not wearing her crown, but I’m afraid the ruling monarch of Equestria has no choice. Even if it’s only temporary.” Raven responded.

Sparkler sighed in response and lit her horn. She took the crown and plunked it onto her head. “Alright fine. But I swear to Faust if any of my friends bow, I’m ditching this—“ Sparkler was cut off when the crown glowed, and a wave of magic washed over her. After a moment, the crown dimmed and everything seemed normal. Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “The hay was that all—Raven? Spike? What’s up with you two?” She asked Raven and Spike, who’s jaws were on the floor.

Spike gulped, before he grabbed a mirror out of frame and pulled it in front of Sparkler. “I think this might be a clue.” He said simply.

Sparkler took one look at herself in the mirror, and she held it together for three seconds before she screamed.


Raven and Spike nodded. Sparkler looked at herself again. “No, no, not now. This is certainly a clue and I DON’T want it right now.” She panicked.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Yep. Now this clue is gonna drive Sparkler crazy until she relinquishes the throne.

And if it wasn't bad enough, the most important event of the season is a week away.

Yeah Sparkler's gonna have her work cut out for her. Ehehe.