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Episode 20: Roses are…

Twilight flew down and landed in front of the flower shop. Sparkler was off seeing Sapphire Shores to the train station, which afforded her the chance to run out and get flowers that she hoped would help hold off Sparkler’s possible anger. Sweet Faust I’ve never been so nervous. She thought as she entered the store.

Inside the store, a white furred Pegasus mare with a manestyle similar to Twilight peeked her head up over the counter, and smiled when she saw who entered. “Twilight! Hey there!” She said.

“Hey Blossomforth.” Twilight responded. “I need to get some flowers.” She said.

Blossomforth smiled. “Oh, you came to the right place. What’s the occasion?” She asked.

“I need a way to keep my fiancé from getting mad at me.” Twilight responded.

Blossomforth blinked. “Wait, you mean Sparkler?” She asked. “What did you do?” She asked.

“I…kissed another as I kiss her…and that was because of an old crush that has since resurfaced and now my heart longs for two.” Twilight responded, blushing.

Blossomforth blinked, did she hear right? “Uhm, wanna run that by me again? It almost sounded like you were cheating on Sparkler.”

“I didn’t cheat on her…exactly.” Twilight responded. “It’s complicated, but. Do you know what flowers would be best here?” She asked.

“Alright, alright.” Blossomforth said. “You’ll probably want roses in yours and Sparkler’s colors.” She said. “How big a bouquet?” She asked.

“As big as it is reasonable.” Twilight responded.

“You really want to make sure Sparkler doesn’t get ticked do ya.” Blossomforth chuckled. “Alright. Coming right up.” She said.

Meanwhile, Sparkler was trotting back to the castle after seeing Sapphire Shores off. She had an extra spring in her step, still reeling from what had happened. I performed a song with Sapphire and Airwave. Eeee! She wouldn’t deny that it made her really happy to have been a part of that.

“Squawk! Hey Sparkler! Squawk!” She heard her parrot Flappy call out. She turned and saw him land on her back.

“Hey there Flappy!” Sparkler responded. “How was visiting Mina?” She asked.

“Squawk! We had a good time. Got to see a wonderbolts show. Squawk!” Flappy responded. “Squawk! But that pales in comparison to you supposedly. What’s this I hear about you doing a joint song with Airwave and Sapphire Shores? Squawk!” He asked.

Sparkler chuckled. “Long story Flappy, but the gist of it is, Sapphire wanted to do a collab with the Harmonic Medleys. Airwave joined in, and we performed our new song live on stage yesterday.” She said.

“Squawk! And you didn’t think to recall me for that? Squawk!” Flappy asked. “Squawk! You didn’t think I’d want to be here for that?! Squawk!”

Sparkler’s smile faltered when she realized that she DID forget about Flappy. “Aww crap I didn’t think to tell you. I’m sorry Flappy.” She said.

Flappy smiled at Sparkler. “Squawk! Good think I’m more happy for you than I am mad that I missed a high point in your life. Squawk!” He responded. “Squawk! I HOPE you got a recording of it though. Squawk!” He added.

Sparkler chuckled. “Twilight recorded it on her phone and we have an official SHR record.” She responded.

“Squawk! I’ll be listening to that record if you don’t mind. Squawk!” Flappy responded.

Sparkler laughed. “It’s a banger, that’s for sure.” She said.

They returned to the castle to find Flapperina, Streaker and Pecker playing with Maddy, who was very happy to see them again. “Yo chicks!” Sparkler called out.

The chicks turned to see their granny Sparky. “Squeak! Granny Sparky! Squeak!”

“Crow! Granny Sparky! Crow!” They said happily as they hugged Sparkler.

“Hey there chicks. I hear you had a good time in Canterlot.” Sparkler said.

“Crow! We saw the Wonderbolts! Crow!” Flapperina said. “Crow! It was awesome! Crow!”

“That’s good to hear.” Sparkler responded.

“Hey Sparkler. Your back.” Said a voice from behind.

Sparkler turned, and at first was happy to see Twilight…but it took all of 2 seconds to realize Twilight had gone out and gotten flowers. A big bouquet of roses in hers and Twilight’s colors. “Uh…hey Twilight.” She said. “Whatcha…whatcha got there?” She asked.

“Uhm…they’re for you.” She said, letting Sparkler take the roses in her magic, which she did. “Mind if we have that talk I eluded to the other day?” She asked.

Sparkler glanced between Twilight and the pets. “Flappy? Can you the chicks and Maddy give us a minute?” She asked.

Flappy nodded, and quickly ushered his kids and Maddy away. After a moment of the two being alone in silence, Sparkler spoke up. “I’m sure You’ve been told what getting somepony roses could mean.” She said.

“Yeah. I was told.” Twilight responded. “There’s something I need to tell you. Something that happened during the week of your reign as acting princess.” She said.

“Would that be your kiss with Moondancer?” Sparkler asked.

“Yes—YOU KNOW?!” Twilight shrieked in shock when Sparkler’s words dawned on her. Sparkler KNEW about the kiss?! “H-h-how?!” She exclaimed.

Sparkler sighed. “Moondancer saw fit to inform me of the incident at the NGOL grand opening. She wanted me to know that even though she has a crush on you, she wouldn’t get in the way of us.” She explained, setting the roses aside.

Moondancer likes me back?! Was Twilight’s first thought, one she immediately pushed aside for the moment. “I…I…I’m sorry Sparkler.” Twilight responded, being brought to the edge of tears. “I…I don’t know what came over me. I was just so excited about being returned to normal and then Cadence said my inhibitions were removed and…I’m a horrible lover.” Her voice cracked at that last bit as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sparkler approached Twilight and pulled her into a comforting hug. A hug that Twilight returned immediately. They sat there for a moment before Sparkler spoke up again. “Have your feelings for me changed at all since that kiss?” She asked.

“Absolutely not…not in the negative way at least.” Twilight responded without hesitation. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I love you. And I will always love you. I have no second thoughts of marrying you in the future.” She said.

After the obligatory forever that came with the Pinkie Promise. Sparkler responded to Twilight. “That’s all I needed to know Twi.” She said. “Am I a little upset that you hid this from me for as long as you did? Maybe a little. But I understand that it was just a heat of the moment thing.” She added. “So long as we’re still good, than it’s ok.” She said.

The fact that Sparkler was a little upset didn’t surprise Twilight, but she was relieved that Sparkler understood…for now. “T-there’s a reason I kept this from you for as long as I did.” She said.

“What’s that?” Sparkler asked.

Twilight gulped. “Long ago, I had a crush on Moondancer, but I never pursued it because of reasons. When I was turned into a baby, that crush resurfaced…and it has since stuck with me and even grew into full on feelings.” She admitted.

That took Sparkler by surprise as she pulled back. “What?” She asked.

Twilight panicked a little. “I know I just said I loved you and I stand by that. I still love you, honest!” She said quickly. “It’s just…now my heart yearns for two. You AND Moondancer.” She said. “That’s why I hid this from you at first, I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t making a bigger deal out of this than I had to.” She said.

Sparkler blinked. She did not know how to respond to that. She…she now yearns for two…Did that mean Twilight wasn’t monogamous? She had seen this before in 2022, and by the looks of it she found herself in a love triangle. “Uh…” was all she could say.

Twilight gulped. “I’d choose you over her you know.” She said. “If I do have to choose between the two of you I would choose you every single time.” She said.

That snapped Sparkler out of her shock. “Twilight, are you saying you want a three way relationship with Moondancer and me?” She asked.

Twilight sighed and nodded, ashamed that this was how this was going. Sparkler nodded. “So you’re not monogamous then. Good to know.” She said. “Twilight. In the near year that I’ve known you, you’ve made me happier than I’ve been in my whole life. You, quite literally, saved me from the abyss I put myself in. I want you to be just as happy as you’ve made me. And if having both me and Moondancer makes you happy…I don’t have any problems sharing you with her.” She said.

Twilight stared at Sparkler in disbelief. “Are…are you serious?” She asked.

Sparkler nodded. She had done a lot of thinking, and had even had the passing thought that Twilight liked Moondancer in response, and she decided she wasn’t opposed to sharing Twilight with Moondancer. “I am. The heart wants what the heart wants, and who are we to deny our hearts’ wishes?” She asked.

Twilight blinked, before she tackled Sparkler on the floor and kissed her lovingly. After a moment, she pulled back smiling. “I’m so glad you’re ok with this! I was so worried you were gonna have a magical breakdown!” She exclaimed.

Sparkler laughed. “Hey, my mental state has improved a lot so it’s gonna take a lot more to get me to magically break down.” She said.

Twilight laughed as she hugged Sparkler. “I guess you’re right.” She said.

Sparkler nodded. “So, you gonna go to her now?” She asked.

“I will, eventually, right now I just want to be with you. And bask in the fact that we’re all good.” She said.

Sparkler smiled as she wrapped Twilight up in a hug. “A princess with a harem.” She commented.

“Oh, be quiet.” Twilight responded.

“As you wish.” Sparkler responded.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Well good to hear Sparkler’s mental state has improved dramatically. Hehehe.