Sweetie Belle laid her head on the table in the interview room in the Ponyville police station, desperately wishing that she could just go home.
The interview room was a simple thing. It was plain white with a simple table in the middle and a two way mirror on the wall opposite Sweetie Belle. That was it, there was nothing else. Sweetie Belle shifted in her seat a little as the feeling that she was both trapped and in deep trouble crept up on her. She had attacked another pony with a knife! Sure he was attacking her, but did she have to go for the knife right away? Couldn't she have just kicked him where the sun didn't shine instead? That would have certainly done it and she wouldn't be sitting on a hard metal chair in a police station.
She sighed and ran her hoof through her mane in attempt to curb her restlessness. She had been sitting here for hours! Each second of the clock that ticked by seemed like an eternity, made longer by the fact that the thought was creeping up in her mind that she would get some serious prison time for this. If she wasn't the sister of the most notorious serial killer ever then she would probably have gotten off for this. Heck, maybe her attacker would have gotten some prison time for himself. However, the fact stood that she was Rarity's sister and that made the law quite wary of her. It was almost like they expected her to turn out just like her sister.
Sweetie Belle raised her head up and gave a frustrated groan. Somepony should have been here already! She stood up from her seat and walked up to the two way mirror.
"Hello? Is anypony behind there? I've been sitting here for hours! Can somepony please just tell me how much prison time I'm getting for my self-defense attack so we can be done with it?"
"Oh come on! You guys are just being cruel now! I promise I'm not a psycho so if we can just get this meeting underway I would appreciate that! I'm actually looking forward to curling up on the bed in my cell and pulling my mediocre blanket over me as the wind chill from this cool autumn air turns me into a pony-cicle. At least then something will have been done and I can just go to bed!"
"Seriously? I don't want to be here all night! If you could just--"
"There's nopony behind there you know," said a voice to Sweetie Belle's left. The sudden appearance of this voice made Sweetie Belle jump a bit but she shook it off and turned to examine who the source was.
"Hello Sweetie Belle."
"Hello Featherweight."
Featherweight stood in front of Sweetie Belle, a small smirk etched across his face. He motioned to Sweetie Belle that she should sit back down and she dutifully complied. She really didn't look forward to the metal chair again but at least something was being done.
Featherweight sat down opposite her and cracked his neck a little bit before adjusting his tie slightly. Sweetie Belle had to admit that he didn't look half bad in his Ponyville police uniform. He had joined the force roughly three years ago. Featherweight cleared his throat and put a manila folder on the table which he opened up.
"Rough night huh?" he said as he leafed through the pages.
"I guess you could say that. I've had worse though."
"Oh I think we all know that," said Featherweight. Sweetie Belle scoffed and nodded. Featherweight found the page he was looking for and a grim expression crossed his face. He shook his head and closed the folder. "I'll be willing to bet a substantial amount of money that you've been kind of frustrated by you being ignored for four hours."
"Is that how long it's been? Funny, it seemed like it should have been longer than that."
"Well it should have been, actually," said Featherweight. "You caused quite a ruckus tonight."
"Well that moron deserved what he got," said Sweetie Belle.
"Oh no arguments there," said Featherweight. "But your actions have fired up some of your more violent detractors."
Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"What I mean is that your attack on Barley Brewer pretty much incited a lynch mob to form to come get you. That's why we haven't been here sooner; we had to quell that before it got too out of hoof."
Sweetie Belle's eyes widened in shock.
"They wanted to kill me?" she asked.
"Well I doubt that they would have intentionally gone that far but they definitely wanted to rough you up for sure."
Sweetie Belle was silent for a moment as she digested the news. Featherweight gave her a sympathetic look before he got up and sat in the chair next to her.
"Look if it's any consolation, the troops here are on your side. Trust us, we've seen the dark side of ponies before and we know that innocent ponies get hurt in situations like this. Part of our job is to assume that ponies are innocent until proven guilty and we have no reason to believe that you're anything more than a victim in all of this."
"Thanks," said Sweetie Belle blankly. "Now can you convince the rest of the world to think the same way?"
"Yeah well, we all know what the odds of that are," said Featherweight sadly. Sweetie Belle nodded and began studying the table. Featherweight put a comforting hoof on her shoulder.
"I think you could use some good news before I get to the bad," he said.
"One might assume," said Sweetie Belle.
"I thought so," said Featherweight. "To put if frankly you're going to be fine in all legal senses. Even the most biased judge would be 100% on your side in this case. He was drunk and attacked you first in your house. Yeah, he's the one in piles of trouble, not you."
Sweetie Belle exhaled a huge sigh of relief at this news and gave Featherweight a large smile.
"He's the one in trouble, huh?" she asked.
"Oh yeah, we're talking a month at least," said Featherweight.
"Good to hear that not everypony in town is against me," said Sweetie Belle.
"Yeah well like I said, we're all pulling for you here," said Featherweight. "However..."
"Oh yeah, you did say that there was bad news, huh?" said Sweetie Belle. Featherweight looked exceptionally uncomfortable.
"Uh...now don't be mad at us because this is only for your protection, but we're going to have to keep you here in custody tonight."
"What!? Why!? I didn't do anything wrong!"
"I know that and everypony around here does too, but it's more protective custody than anything."
"How do you figure?" asked Sweetie Belle angrily.
"Well..." Featherweight sighed. "Basically we have to 'punish' you for what you did. If you do some time then the townsponies who are against you will let the issue drop or at the very least, they won't string you up outside the Everfree Forest the minute you step out of here. I'm sorry to say that we can't protect you as much as we would like to if you leave tonight. I don't trust your detractors any more than they trust you."
"Are you scared of them?" asked Sweetie Belle a little mockingly. Featherweight frowned slightly.
"Oh come on, you know me better than that. We're just going to keep you here for the night to placate the mob. If they don't feel justice is served then I'm worried that they'll come at you whenever they feel we aren't watching. You have to remember that they see this as proof that you just might be like your sister."
"But I'm not!" said Sweetie Belle.
"Again, I know that," said Featherweight. "But I'm not sure what else you want me to do. I'm open to suggestions."
Sweetie Belle went back to studying the table, hardly able to make eye contact with Featherweight. Featherweight put his hoof on her shoulder once more.
"Don't worry; this won't go on any kind of record at all. We'll take good care of you while you're here. We've even got some cops staking out your house so nothing bad will happen there."
"Thanks," said Sweetie Belle blankly.
"We'll still be sure to keep an eye on you when you get out for a little while," said Featherweight. "I still don't completely trust them but I'm banking on Barley Brewer's punishment to hold them at bay."
"Right," said Sweetie Belle. Featherweight stood up and put the file he brought out in his saddlebag.
"Look, you gotta be tired so just come on and get it over with. We'll make sure that you're not miserable while you're here."
"Don't be mad at me," said Featherweight. Sweetie Belle silently shook her head but she stood up and followed Featherweight out of the interrogation room. The two walked silently towards the holding cell and Featherweight opened up the first one when they arrived. Sweetie Belle walked in and sat down on the bed. It was surprisingly comfortable and she pushed her hoof down on it to test its softness. She looked up at Featherweight who managed a small grin.
"Like I said, we're going to try to make this as easy as possible for you." Sweetie Belle nodded and laid down. Featherweight sighed quietly and shut the cell door, locking Sweetie Belle in. "It's past midnight. We'll let you out in the morning. I'll come by with a good breakfast, how does that sound?" Sweetie Belle merely grunted and pulled the warm comforter over her tired form. Featherweight watched her for a few more seconds, desperately wishing that he could make things right, before he went back to his desk.
Sweetie Belle curled up on her bed and faced the wall. Despite Featherweight's assurances, she still couldn't shake the feeling of utter betrayal. Sure she had expected to end up in this exact situation when she had been arrested, but the knowledge that she was actually innocent of any wrongdoings in the eyes of the law but because of the fear of the police she was still locked up was a little much for her. Despite the warm blanket over her, she still shivered from the draft that blew through the cell. Was this how Rarity had felt during her last night alive?
Sweetie Belle flashed back to the last time she saw her sister before her execution. She had been sitting on her bed in her own cell, completely broken and defeated. There had been very little of her sister left when she had seen her. No, the Rarity she had known was kind, loving, happy, generous, stressed...self-absorbed...obsessed with her looks...a murderer. Sweetie Belle had to fight back tears as she remembered her sister's final moments. She had sung to her just as she had when Sweetie Belle was a filly. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head. Then the embrace of death tore Rarity from the world, leaving Sweetie Belle alone. Just as she was alone now.
She wrapped the blanket tighter around her, hoping to maximize the amount of warmth it provided, but she was surprised to feel a hoof on her shoulder. Strange, she hadn't heard the cell door open.
"Sweetie Belle, I'm here," said a familiar voice, one that Sweetie Belle thought that she would never hear again. Her eyes widened and she turned around and her jaw dropped slightly.
There, standing before her with a smile on her face was Rarity. The real Rarity, the one that Sweetie Belle remembered and loved. This Rarity looked healthy and happy, her horn was where it should have been and her purple hair was perfectly styled as always. She looked as if she had never died. Sweetie Belle shot up and wrapped her hooves around her sister before burying her head in her shoulder. Rarity chuckled slightly at the display.
"Yes, I'm happy to see you too," she said. Sweetie Belle tightened her hug and she felt Rarity return it. Her sister's embrace was warm and welcoming, just as she had always remembered it.
"How are you, Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity. Sweetie Belle broke off the hug and sat back down on her bed.
"I've been better," she said. Rarity sadly nodded and sat down on the bed next to her.
"I know how you feel," she said sympathetically. "This isn't easy." Sweetie Belle shook her head.
"No it isn't," she agreed.
The duo sat in silence for a brief moment before Rarity put a hoof on Sweetie Belle's shoulder.
"I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you," she said. "I never wanted you to get hurt. I promised that I would never hurt you!"
"I know you did," said Sweetie Belle. "And I know that you truly meant it but it happened anyway."
"I would have given anything to protect you from this," said Rarity. "I would turn back time, I would go back to the day of my birth and erase myself from the world forever, I would kill the whole world, I would do anything to save you from this."
"But you can't," said Sweetie Belle. "Nopony can." Rarity sadly nodded.
"I'll understand if you hate me forever," she said. Sweetie Belle's eyes widened and she vigorously shook her head.
"I don't hate you!" she said. "I would give anything to have you back, to make things go back to the way that they were! I have never hated, or resented, or even had any bad feelings towards you at all! I just want you back."
"I don't deserve your admiration and love," said Rarity sadly. "You know what I did, you know some of the ponies that I killed."
"I do know," said Sweetie Belle. "But you're still my sister and I still love you." Rarity looked down at the floor and nodded before standing up.
"I have to go now," she said. "I'm sorry that I can't stay longer but I have to go." Sweetie Belle nodded.
"I understand, sis," she said.
"Before I go...I know you're a grown mare now but...I don't suppose you're too grown up to let your big sister tuck you in? Even if you are in a jail cell I'd still like to." Sweetie Belle smiled.
"I'd like that," she said. She laid down on her bed and Rarity used her magic to pull the blanket over Sweetie Belle. Somehow the blanket was warmer and the bed more comfortable this time. Rarity stroked Sweetie Belle's mane and kissed her softly on the forehead.
"Goodnight Sweetie Belle," she said. "I love you."
"I love you too big sis, I love you too."
* * * *
Sweetie Belle's eyes fluttered open as the daylight flooded through her cell. She looked up to see if Rarity was still there but she saw only a single beam of sunlight. It had all been a dream. Or had it? Had Rarity actually come from paradise to comfort Sweetie Belle in her hour of need? Was her sister in paradise at all?
She sat up and stretched a bit. The cell was just as cold and unforgiving in the morning as it had been when she had been put in here last night. Still, she would hopefully be out of here any minute now.
She walked up to the bars and peered out to see Featherweight sitting at a desk near the cell with a cup of coffee in one hoof and a doughnut in the other. Sweetie Belle couldn't help but smirk a bit at the stereotype.
"So it's true then, you guys do pound down the doughnuts?" she said. Featherweight looked over at her and returned the smirk.
"Well what can I say? Pinkie Pie knows how to make one heck of a good doughnut."
"I take it that's your third then?"
"Fourth," said Featherweight.
Featherweight stood up and brought the nearby box over to him and slid it through the bars to Sweetie Belle. She gratefully accepted it and flipped it open. Sure enough, four out of the six were missing.
"Pig," she jabbed humorously. Featherweight scoffed.
"I'd like to see you resist a whole box of Sugarcube Corner doughnuts sitting by your desk, calling out to you with a soft, loving voice. Sweeeetie Beeeellllle, eat us Sweetie Belle, eat us!"
"Uh-huh," said Sweetie Belle who had taken a doughnut and was in the process of trying to find where to bite into it so the custard filling wouldn't spill out the other end. She shrugged and dug in.
"What did I say, they're good aren't they?"
"It's a wonder you're not too fat to move," said Sweetie Belle. "Having said that...dang these things are awesome."
"Pinkie Pie really got better at those after her sabbatical to learn as much about baking as she could, didn't she?"
"Yeah, but that was kind of a boring year though, wasn't it?" said Sweetie Belle. Featherweight nodded before he closed a folder he was looking at and stood up.
"Ya know, I think you've done enough time, give me a minute to find my keys and I'll let you out. You just go on ahead and finish those up," said Featherweight.
Pinkie Pie doughnuts and getting out of jail, the day was looking up.
Featherweight came back after a few minutes, by which point Sweetie Belle had already finished the doughnuts, and unlocked the cell door. Sweetie Belle bounced happily out of her prison and began walking towards the station entrance. Featherweight walked beside her.
"How was your night?" he asked sympathetically. Sweetie Belle grimaced.
"It could have been worse," she said. "It was cold in there and I just...I just kind of felt like I knew what Rarity was going through the night before they...you know." Featherweight nodded and sighed.
"I hope that you aren't too mad at us. We really did just want to protect you from the mob."
"I know," said Sweetie Belle.
The duo reached the door of the station and Featherweight held it open for Sweetie Belle. The autumn air was crisp and cold and the wind stung a bit as it blew through the town. Sweetie Belle was rather looking forward to curling up in her own bed with a mug of hot cider and a good book.
"I'll see ya later, Featherweight," she said to her friend.
"Uh, one moment, Sweetie Belle," said Featherweight uncomfortably. Perplexed, she turned around and examined him.
"What now?" she asked. Featherweight descended the steps of the front of the station and walked up next to her.
"Now...please don't take this the wrong way, but I'd...I'd feel better if you got some help." Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow.
"Help? Like, help around my house? I can deal with--"
"No...I mean professional psychiatric help."
Sweetie Belle's eyes narrowed and Featherweight took a nervous step back.
"What did you say?" she asked venomously.
"It would make me feel better is all," he said nervously. "I mean...we all care about you and--"
"I'm doing fine by myself, thanks!" she said angrily.
"Oh come on, don't take me for a foal," said Featherweight. "I know it's been over ten years now but I know you still have scars!"
"Of course I do! I'll have scars forever!" said Sweetie Belle.
"I'm talking 'infected scars', so to speak," said Featherweight. "I don't think you've truly done your best to move on and I think it's affecting you!" Sweetie Belle continued to give her friend a piercing glare. He sighed. "Look, I wouldn't even bother asking if I didn't think that it was absolutely essential. I...I heard you talking in your sleep last night." Sweetie Belle dropped the glare and a surprised look replaced it.
"You did?" she said.
"Yeah," said Featherweight uncomfortably. "I heard you talking to Rarity."
Sweetie Belle looked down silently as she digested the news.
"I was?" she said. Featherweight nodded.
"You seemed really beaten up about it. You were even crying for a while there. Do you see her in your sleep very often?" said Featherweight. Sweetie Belle shook her head.
"This was the first time I think," she said. Featherweight nodded grimly.
"Now again, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm just worried. I mean, if you're seeing Rarity right after something like this then--" Sweetie Belle's eyes flashed with anger once more.
"You said you didn't think I'd turn into a psycho!" she said angrily.
"I don't!" said Featherweight, taking another step back. "I don't think you'll turn into a serial killer, I just think that if you don't at least try for some help then you'll do something major that you really regret!"
"I'll see you later," said Sweetie Belle angrily. She turned around and angrily stormed off.
"Sweetie Belle--"
* * * *
Sweetie Belle angrily stomped through town. How could he even think to say that to her? He was worried that she was going to turn into a serial killer, wasn't he!? Well she wasn't! She didn't have any open psychological scars and she wasn't going to do anything foolish! She wasn't going to turn out like Rarity in that way!
She mumbled angrily to herself as she walked back to her home. Stupid Featherweight, what did he know about her anyway?
She slowed down a bit as the memories of what Featherweight said to her returned. He told her that she had been talking to Rarity and crying in her sleep. Was it just a coincidence that that had happened right after her arrest? Rarity had been in a similar situation and she had turned into a serial killer. Now that Sweetie Belle had been forced into that situation, was she going to end up that way?
A million possibilities and questions flooded her mind, blocking out any other reasonable thoughts. Her left ear twitched slightly as she imagined herself as a serial killer. She had seen what that life was like; she had been in Rarity's basement when she had killed Scarlet Tomato.
She sighed and sat down on a nearby bench. She knew that Featherweight merely had her best interests at heart. He really did want to see her get better. He wanted her in therapy because he thought that it would help her, not because he wanted to protect the town from her supposed homicidal urges, which is why a lot of the other townsponies wanted her in therapy. She growled in frustration and ran her hoof over her mane. Why did this all have to be so darned complicated!?
She gave a deep frown, stood up, and walked in the opposite direction. Why was she doing this!? She could just go home and curl up in bed to relax after a night in prison, but why was she doing this instead!? Sometimes it was like she didn't know her own mind anymore.
Within five minutes, she reached her destination Ponyville Psychiatric Help. With another frustrated groan she walked up to the front door and pushed it open.
Hopefully this will turn out better than that time Rarity saw a therapist.
1392603 One would hope so
1392603 Wow, let us hope
you writing more?
1414791 Of course!
YAY! :o
can I request something to happen in the story, too?
1415912 like what?
The friends can't handle the grieving, so they go to therapy too. But that made them worse, and they turned to be like Rarity.
Pinkamena etc
I dunno. This randomly occured
You might want to change the wording around 'She had seen what that life was like; she had been in Rarity's basement when she had killed Scarlet Tomato.' because it could be confused between if Rarity killed her or Sweetie remembers killing her. Just sayin'.
More chapters!
1638787 I'm in the middle of a chapter.
You might want to make it a bit more clear that Sweetie Belle doesn't want to become a serial killer. She's never really been openly against it. I know it's a minor detail but it seems like she's never really had that much of a problem with the actual killings.
Never mind, I jumped the gun here.
And yes, I am pedantic about it, if only because I haven't slept this night. Why? Because you write so damn good stories you magnificent bastard. : No really, I actually cried several times during my read.
I just love how that sentence is technically completely correct.
She [Sweetie Belle] had been in Rarity's basement when she [Sweetie Belle] had killed Scarlet Tomato.
Why didn't she see a therapist right after the event? If anyone needed psychiatric therapy after the execution it would be the ten year old sister of the serial killer, especially after many in the town turned against her.
I never considered the origin of the word homicidal until just now.
1392603 Actually,She forced the therapist to talk,while she tortured her...
2418150 I think homocidal still works; homo means same, so homocide could be killing the same species.
Maybe. I could be wrong.
I could'nt help but notice that there was something between those two. Now don't get any wrong ideas, I'm not one of those lovey dovey types of guys. I'm just saying.
I think I'm out of tears.
You must mean 'at bay' my friend.
3211092 Yeah, that was the whole point of the joke....
4148238 I'm doing this thing where I ask random people random questions. Why does Fluttershy always sound stoned?
I cant believe my brother doesn't notice I'm crying but then again I'm not making a noise
oops double space
Poor Sweetiebelle, still I admire how much stronger she is than her sister. Rarity get's attacked and she brutally murdered them and continues murdering for petty reason. Sweetiebelle puts up with ridicule for 10 years and doesn't want to kill anyone despite all the motivation the town is giving her.
Again? I think there actually may be something too this. Random thing, but I'm listening to an electronic mix right now, and when Rarity showed up a song about drugs started. Something like "Finally the herbs come around"
4155024 Well...
Because she 'rocks'!
Pinkie Pie knows how to make one smile!
Is it just me, or can I see SB and Featherweight getting together? Granted, it's pretty early in the story, but they seem to have some history together.