• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 3,941 Views, 116 Comments

Fluffy Ponies - Lavaman

Fluffeh Pones be fluffin' it up in yo biz.

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A Fluffy Springtime

It's almost been five months since you got both of the little fluff balls. They've been extremely well behaved; not pooping and peeing anywhere but the litter box, not being a whiny ass, or dying by running into the side of a wall at a whopping two miles per hour.

In the back of your head, you know spring in coming up, which means the possibility of mating. You've taken extra precautions to make sure never to say 'baby' around them, or watch Babies! on FluffTV. You don't want to take care of anything else but yourself and your two ponies, and that's all you need. Sadly, your wish won't be fulfilled.

You are sitting on the couch, happily watching some TV, while your ponies are in front of you hugging, laughing, and playing. As usual, there's not a single thing on TV, until you come upon FluffTV. It's a documentary on fluffy ponies, and right now they're talking about how they were created, so you assume it just started.

The documentary is pretty interesting, and very well detailed. While you know a good chunk of fluffy facts and information, your not a fluffologist in any way shape or form. Then it happens right out of the blue; they begin to talk about the forbidden knowledge, as you've been calling it. Babies. "Fluffy ponies usually mate in the spring, although it isn't unusual for them to mate prematurely. Of course, as a result of mating, a pair of ponies can produce a litter of about two to eight babies." He spoke the forbidden knowledge.

You look over to Yam, hoping she didn't hear. She heard every single word, right from the start. Her eyes grow bigger, and soon she is jumping up and down, yelling to the top of her puny lungs "WAM WAN BABBEHS! WAM WAN BABBEHS! CWEST BE DADDEH WIF WAM AN WE MAK BABBEHS!" Crest is doing the same thing, and is equally, if not more, excited about babies than Yam.

You can't stop it, the clock has already been set in motion. They're going to have offspring, and you couldn't bare to sell their children. It would break their little hearts, and they'd never forgive you even if they had more children. You know mares in breeding farms are usually messed up for at least a few months, and you couldn't stand a crying, miserable fluffy pony. You just decide to let it happen.

In less than a blink of an eye, it is spring. You are relaxing on your porch, reading Sports Illustrated with a glass of iced tea. Your ponies are romping around, and occasionally eating weeds. These things are multipurpose, you found out. You keep reading.

You reach the end of the magazine, reading every word available. You're tired from all that reading. You scan the yard for your ponies. They're gone. You get up, and begin to look around for them while occasionally calling their names. You know they couldn't have gone far, they're enclosed in a backyard and guarded by a tall, wooden fence.

After a short while of searching, you see a bush that is rustling. Their is a sound of *pomf pomf pomf* and *enf enf enf* emanating from it. You know these sounds. These are the telltale sounds of fluffies mating. Right when you walk up to the bush, the noises stop, and both your fluffy ponies walk out, breathing heavily and with large grins on their faces. "Cwest wuv *gasp* Wam." Oh God. Yam doesn't say anything; she just nods in agreement.

They soon get up, and pretend nothing happened. They look up at you and say "Daddeh, Wam nee nummies. Wam haf tummy owwies." You pick the both of them up and say "Okay, let's get you two procreating puffballs some spaghetti." They light up at the word. Why not? It's shitty canned stuff anyway. You were never a good cook.

They happily munch their food while you research runts, as you want to be prepared for the worst, and you don't know much about undeveloped foals. You find an article on Fluffypedia, the encyclopedia for fluffies made by fluffologists. It reads:

Fluffy Foals

A fluffy can have a litter of about two to eight foals. Pregnancy lasts two and a half to three weeks. During the second week of-

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know this stuff. You scroll down and find a section on runts.

Runts are foals that were undeveloped in the womb. They never live longer than a few hours, as they need milk filled with vitamins. In the wild, they never live, but it is possible to keep one alive for at least a year if domesticated. A runt gives off a certain smell that triggers a nerve in the brain of the mare, causing it to reject the foal as a 'stupid baby' This can also be aided if one were to use a special spray that reverses the effects. Runts usually a born with missing limbs or body parts, making their chance of survival even harder. While most runts are born without limbs, there have been cases of them being born without organs.

You read every single word of that wall of text. Really, whoever wrote this doesn't know what the 'tab' and 'enter' buttons are. By the time you finish, your ponies have already moved on to playing with their toys. You surf the web for anything else of interest.

One Week Later

One week after mating, and Yam is already noticeably larger. It is harder for her to walk, but Crest is helping her in any way he can manage.

Also, you got a surprise promotion from Ian. The promotion is great, because not only do you get ten more dollars per hour, but you are now able to work at home on your computer. While you are no longer a manager of lowly office workers, you are the Treasurer of the Fluffy Chow Inc., Brooksdale Office. Brooksdale is your home town, so you manage the money for the office.

You have been feeding Yam a special food mix you got at the pet store, which is beneficial to the development of her unborn foals. She doesn't like it as much as her regular spaghetti flavored chow, but she has deemed it edible. She is also making 'bad poopies' more often, because it is harder for her to climb inside the litter box, which means more cleaning.

Currently, you are working on your computer while munching on a sandwich. For no apparent reason, Yam and Crest walk into your office. You turn around in your office chair. "What is it, guys?" you ask. "Noffin, Daddeh. Wam an Cwest jus wan be wif u." Bawww. You turn back around and continue working.

Yam is happily singing to her belly and Crest. It's a tad bit annoying, but you soon tune her out. "Wam wuv babbehs. Babbehs wuv Wam. Cwest wuv babbehs. Babbehs wuv Cwest. Wam is bestest mummeh. Cwest is bestest daddeh. Daddeh is bestest daddeh." Bawww again. If they do anymore of this, your heart may melt from all the cuteness. You continue your work while they keep singing, playing, and doing other activities that keep fluffies entertained for hours on end.

Two Weeks Later

Reaching the second week after mating, and Yam is double her original size. She has become so big to where she needs help to go poop, pee, and eat. This means you have to physically hold her over the trash can and give her a little squeeze so she makes 'good poopies'. You keep her in your room at night, just in case she needs something or has a surprise labor. She is needing your constant attention, and Crest does anything he can do to help out.

You decided to read up on pregnancy on Fluffpedia, as you only know how long it lasts. The best, and most important in your opinion, fact that you found was that labor is indicated when a fluffy says she has to make 'big poopies'.

You're getting excited as it gets closer to the day where Yam will give birth. Even though you didn't want extra mouths to feed in the first place, your mind is going crazy at the thought of your fluffy family expanding. You can only imagine what Yam and Crest are going through.

Three Weeks Later

Three weeks after mating; almost a month after the incident. Yam is about the size of a beach ball now, and really needs help when doing bodily functions. Crest is beside her 24/7, which means you had to pull an extra bed into your room, as well as the litter box.

You are not-so-happily working on your computer, mindless crunching numbers for what feels like infinity. You've been doing this for about four hours straight, and you think you'll take a break for a bit. Right when you save, you hear Yam scream for you. "Daddeh! Hewp! Wam nee mak big poopies!" She's going into labor.

Luckily, you're prepared. You set up a small pen in the safe room, which is lined with blankets. It has enough room for Yam to move about, as well as her foals, and is tall enough for her to get out of but not her foals if needed.

You sprint downstairs to the living room, which is where you left the two to play. You pick up Yam, who by now is noticeably heavier, but light enough to carry with ease. Crest is right at your heels, because he is aware of what's going on, unlike Yam. "Daddeh, why Wam huwt?" She looks at you with a look of worry in her eyes. "It'll be okay, Yam. You're having your babies." You place her in the pen, and she is extremely excited now. Crest has finally caught up with you.

"Crest, are you ready to be a dad?" He nods his head, and jumps up in excitement. He then gets all serious looking, and puffs out his chest fluff. "Cwest be bestest daddeh evar!" You grab the towel you placed by the pen to catch the foals. Yam begins to show signs of pain, and liquid begins to come out. The special towels you got at the pet store soak that stuff up with ease, luckily.

Now, Yam begins to strain, as if she has major constipation. Here comes the babies. She squeezes extremely hard, and soon, you see the head of a foal through her fluff. Then, its front legs. Finally, you catch a small earth fluffy foal with completely tan fluff, even its mane is tan. It begins to chirp like a baby squirrel, as that's the sound baby fluffies make. You do a shitty job of cleaning it, and leave the rest for Yam, and place the foal by her head. She licks it up, and says "Nu taste pwetty." You then place it at one of her teats to suckle.

Yam begins to strain yet again. You prepare yourself for the next foal. This one is a unicorn, with a white coat and a curly purple mane. You recognize it from one of the millions of My Little Pony posters everywhere, as one of the characters from the show. You believe her name is Rarity, and you remember that fluffy ponies that are characters from the show act exactly like them. You wonder what she'll be like. You repeat the process with this foal as you did the first.

The third foal begins to come along. It's an entirely white pegasus. You do the process yet again. Now for the forth foal. It pops out, but is noticeably smaller than the rest, and is missing a leg. It's a runt, you're sure of it. It's too bad, because its a pretty light pink coated earthie with a purple mane. You decide to see if Yam wants it anyway. She sniffs it, and she curls her nose. She then blows a raspberry at it. "Stoopid babbeh! Nu smeww pwetty! Daddeh, tak stoopid babbeh way!"

You sigh. You forgot to get that special spray they talked about in the article at the pet store. You also don't have anything to help the baby, like a bottle and special runt formula. You leave it outside the box, and decide on what you'll do with it after this. It begins to chirp for a mother that isn't there. A mother that doesn't want to take care of it. You feel extremely bad about it.

Yam strains again, and by now she has taken her normal size yet again, as all the fluids are out of her. This foal isn't a runt, luckily. It's another pegasus, with a very light purple coat and a blue and white mane. You repeat the process, then wait a while to make sure Yam doesn't poop out anymore babies. She doesn't.

Now, to deal with that runt. You would drive down to the pet store, but you don't want to leave Yam in a time like this for an extended period of time. You look down for the foal to pick it up, but it's gone. You see Crest, and he has it in his mouth. He spits it out, and says "Dum babbeh! Yu bad fo fwuffies! Go way!" It chirps some more, and shivers. It's cold, because its not snuggled up in its mother's fluff.

Then a thought strikes you out of the blue. You remember there's an old fluffy lady down the street. Yup, every since fluffies came, crazy old cat ladies died out and were replaced with crazy old fluffy ladies. Anywho, you pick up the cold, chirping runt, and put on your jacket and boots. You run outside, keeping the runt close to you in hopes of keeping it warm.

Arriving at the old lady's house, the same stench at the fluffy adoption center hits your nostrils, from all the fluffy shit and piss everywhere. You ring the door bell, and a sweet old lady in a night gown, large glasses and slippers answers the door. "How can I help you, sonny? Oh my! Is that a poor runt you have there? Need me to take him off your hands?" The runt chirps a bit more. "Yes, ma'am. My fluffy recently had babies, and I just don't have the materials or time to take care of a runt." She holds out her hands, and you deposit the runt in her hands. "Feel free to stop by anytime. It gets quite lonely here, even with fluffies." Poor old lady. You wave goodbye to her, and run back to your house to attend to Yam and her babies.