• Published 26th Aug 2021
  • 1,086 Views, 33 Comments

Le Prince et le Menteur - CrackedInkWell

Prince Blueblood has finally came out as gay, and a conpony tries to flatter his way to the top with some... mixed results.

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Interlude - Adagio

Author's Note:

Before reading, I want to say that yes, I am aware that it has been a while since a chapter of this story has been posted. But don't worry, I am dedicated to finishing this story.

As to this particular chapter, I know at first glance it may seem to be a completely different story entirely. With new characters, setting, and even format in telling the story. But rest assured, this will come back later. For now, enjoy the interlude.

December 12

Dear Diary,

To tell you the truth, this is a first for me. Owning a diary I mean. I never really thought about putting how my day is going into words outside of Prench class. No, this is the first time that I will have a little black book to write all to myself. However, I think even for a book, it’s best we get acquainted, no?

So, to start with, my name is Hubert Desjardins… Yes, I know it might seem a little odd for a stallion to start writing in diaries as though this was centuries ago. A time when it was perfectly acceptable for stallions in powdered wigs and pounds of makeup to write their thoughts in a dainty diary instead of a book. I would probably call you Journal but… I like the idea of calling you Diary.

But back to me. Currently, I am nineteen years old, and going to Uni for the past year. My! I can’t express how exhausting it all is with studying and the… well, one thing at a time…

I guess that before I could start rambling about my day, it’s best to give you a proper introduction. I was born in Bordeaux, Prance. And currently, I’ve been lucky enough to get into Sorbonne University here in Paris. I could describe myself as dedicated to my studies, and twice so with the current job I got about a month ago. My likes are that I enjoy my job as a bartender in the evenings; having a good laugh with friends, and I like to experiment with clothing.

Well… Perhaps I should make something clear, Diary. I am a stallion, that is true. And I still in many ways see myself as such. However, I do tend towards being more… liberal with my choice of clothing. Of course, I am interested to see what the latest in stallion fashion - being and Paris. But sometimes I want to get a little creative with how I mix and match. Of course, I don’t do this often myself but as a… once in a while sort of thing.

Also, I like… Ah, now we’re getting to the reason why I chose to start writing this diary.

So, allow me to explain how my day was yesterday.

After I woke up and went through my daily routine, picked up a quick breakfast at a bakery I like, and went through my first class of the day. A mind-numbing history class, to be honest. Now, when it comes to my studies, I consider myself as an average sort of student. Not a complete failure nor a genius either. So far the classes I’ve attended resulted in passing with okay grades. But to be fair it’s mostly due to me being a klutz - usually forgetting when a certain assignment is due and such. But overall, I do try what I can on some days… I wonder if I would be able to graduate at this rate.

Once the first class gets out we have some time for a lunch break. Walking out, I came across one of my friends in the hall. My… How to describe Lully? Perhaps overly, she is one of those popular sorts that is mostly due to her looks. The kind where many stallions would turn their heads once or twice whenever she passes by. Someone who I can easily see on a runway somewhere in the latest fashion with cameras taking her picture in every direction. Thankfully, Lully isn’t the kind who is all beauty and no heart. She’s a good friend that doesn’t mind me being around her.

It’s funny in a way, how all of this started that I can recall every word when I walked out of that classroom door.

“Hubert! How was class?”

“Nearly came close to sticking a sharpen pencil in my neck to end it all,” I said to her, jokingly jabbing a dulled pen in my neck and sticking my tongue out. “Thank Celestia you’re here, do you want to have lunch together?”

She said she would and we started to head towards the food court over by the next building.

“So, how have you been doing lately?” She asked me.

“Oh trying to keep things together, you know? Things have been going crazy this year.”

“Such as?”

“Like… You remember when I told you about one of my cousins?”

“Which one, the con artist?”

“Yes! That’s the one. The guy that seduces mares before taking their money or titles or what have you?”

“What about him?”

“Oh… I guess I haven’t told you. Nopony can find him. Except it’s clear that he’s fled the country.”

“Is he in trouble?”

“Can’t say,” I shrugged, “My family tried to get the police to see what happened, and the latest thing they found was that he apparently planned on immigrating to Equestria where he brought his butler along.”

“You don’t think he’s gonna try to con ponies over there, do you?”

“Who knows? Nopony can get a hold of him so there's no telling what he's been up to. It’s a real disappointment, cousin Lanuge was a fun pony to be around. Especially around the holidays. He always had the best presents to give. It’s sad that we probably won’t ever see him again.”

“Don’t you think he might come back to Prance?”

“With him? Who knows, my family often calls him a wild card. Because you have no idea what he’s gonna do next.”

We talked a little by changing the subject to… Well, I can’t remember. But what I do is that when we walked into the building, and were just about to pass the restrooms…

I saw my crush.

Sigh… It’s times like this I honestly wish I was somewhat of a poet. A good one at that. Where I could spend hours and hours in perfectly rhyming verses of that perfectly crafted, heaven-sent creation! I would call my crush an angel but that would not give it any justice.

The first thing that I always notice without fail is the mane. That dark, long mane that flows down like waterfalls. A spotlessly white blouse with the most delicate black skirt that just illustrates the perfectly round form that would make all the gods and goddesses of love look on with absolute envy. From the well-balanced makeup that just captures femininity in the most essential terms to the tail that sways with every step, such a creature would be studied by the greatest artists for decades and never get close to that utter perfection.

That said perfection, noticeable to me and Lully, is the same pony that walked directly to the colt’s restroom.

And before you ask, Diary, no, this was no joke or mistake. Because we already knew the reason.

Despite all appearances that I have tried to describe, Ludivine is a stallion. Someone who is known for crossdressing.

So… I think by now you want an explanation, no?

I know that there is a sense of unbelievable irony, coming from a stallion that could be best described as effeminate. But… you must understand that until about a year ago, for the longest time I honestly thought I was straight as an arrow. This might seem odd from the outside because many ponies, even my family would take one look at my speech, my mannerisms, and such and conclude that I’m gay. But the truth is more… more complicated than that.

I mean, I have dated mares in the past. Much to the amazement of those who just met me. And I had on and off relationships with mares that I never regretted having. But even so, perhaps it’s because I’m more flamboyant that mares see me as the safer gentlecolt to be around. Even to be friends with ponies such as Lully. However, that changed when I first laid eyes on Ludivine. Star-struck in science class where most of the time I barely paid any attention. Just focused on someone who seemed so flawless that I thought clumsy guys like me would never get in such good graces as that.

Well… dear diary, you could only imagine how confusing everything got when I found out that the bombshell wasn’t a she at all… This year, I’ve been undergoing a private crisis of sorts. I know Ludivine is a stallion. He said so himself that he sees himself as a stallion that simply crossdresses. And it… may or may not have revolutionized the idea of how I approach clothing but still!


Everything is unbelievably confusing. Up until last year, I was sure that I’m straight. But ever since Ludivine came into my life, I’ve spent countless sleepless nights wondering. Even knowing full well that Ludivine is a stallion, it has bothered me as to why this is a… (how should I put this…?) a turn on. Maybe it’s because of the flawless appearance of what I ideally want in a mare or whatever it is, it never stopped me from fantasizing about us on a date or…

Ha! See how scattered-brain I am, huh Diary? Just get me started and I could ramble on and on…

But focus!

Anyway, when I saw Ludivine, I made one critical mistake. A small one but it didn’t go unnoticed by Lully or Ludivine. Much like how a little colt would react, I hid behind Lully.

She looked over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

Shh! Act natural!” I… somewhat whispered. Or at least, I thought I was whispering.

Though I tried to hide, Ludivine paused for a moment before entering the restroom. Great Gods above! I must have looked like an idiot. To mortified or embarrassed (but both) to say or do anything, all I want was to shrink down to the size of a dust mite and perhaps be squished for good measure! Besides, Ludivine let out a giggle before going into the restroom!

Stepping aside, Lully turned around, “Should I get you a therapist?”


“It’s just… how come whenever Ludivine is nearby you suddenly act like a four-year-old that stolen the last slice of cake from his mother?”

“No reason,” I said, perhaps a little too quickly.

She smirked, almost laughing. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you got it bad.”

“Got what?”

“You know, a crush.”

“N-No I don’t!”

Her smirk turned into a grin. “Oh, this is too precious. No, it’s… it’s downright adorable in so many ways.”

I huffed, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Ah! A double negative, I wish I had a camera with me.”

In that moment of panic, I blurted out, “Y-You have photos of Ludivine!?”

“Ha! And that sounds like a confession to me. In fact, that double negative has led to proof positive!”

“No I-what!?”

“There there,” she patted me on the head. “My little femcolt is all growing up.” She teased.

I waved her hoof off me. “Look, nothing is going on. None what-so-ever!”

“Oh really?” She teased, then unexpectedly she leaned over to the side, “Hello Ladivine! Are you free to come to our dorm tonight?”

I think I went as white as the snow outside.

“Tonight? Well, that depends,” Said Ladivine, whose voice is the kind that is high enough to be confused for a mare’s. Even the tones, cadences, and regal-like way of speaking have a magical sound as though she could part the clouds to bring about sunshine simply by asking it to. “I have a shift later on in the day but by around eight I should be open. Oh, and hello Hubert.”

I shuttered. Gods! How does he do that?!

Lully blinked, looking between us. “Wait, you two already know each other?”

“We work in the same place, he’s the bartender.” He patted my shoulder. “That reminds me, are you working tonight?”

Neveriously, I nodded.

That part was indeed true, which makes this all the more awkward for me.

It just occurred to me that I left out the details about where I work. I’m indeed a bartender, but to both pay for my tuition (along with everything else), the place I work with has a somewhat higher paycheck because of what it is. To be perfectly frank. I work at the bar in a cabaret. And like most cabarets in the city, ours has a gimmick that makes it stand out. That being for the customer’s amusement, most of the waiting staff crossdress. It’s where the mares are dressed as stallions, and stallions mares. It probably wouldn’t surprise you, Diary, to learn that four months after I saw him that he got the job on the waiting staff.

Anyway, hours later, once the last class for the day was done and out of the way, I was preparing for work. As I mentioned with the cabaret, I too have to abide by a dress code. So on certain days, I would put on a get-up that I can best describe as half-and-half. By that I mean from the waist up, I put on a black suit and bowtie. From the waist down, however, I would put on a neon-bright, hot pink dress that just barely covers my flanks. I could go into detail about how I felt with the uniform for the first time but… it’s already getting late and I want to write out what’s been on my mind.

Because after I got dressed and headed over to work with a heavy coat (it was snowing then) guess who I happened to run into?

Yes! You guessed it! Ladivine himself!

Not merely a block or so away from the cabaret, I heard him call out. “Hubert? Hubert, how are you?” He asked welcomingly.

I tried to brace myself for the worst. “Oh uh… g-good evening.”

“Are you doing alright? In general, I mean.”

“Well uh… you know just… getting by.”

After a thoughtful hum, he said, “My, Lully isn’t kidding, you are unusually shy.”

“She told you what!”

“No need to shout, I’m not deaf.” He chuckled. “But in all honesty, it’s a little hard not to notice. I didn’t think of it earlier but you know what, I can’t help but see that you’ve actively been trying to avoid me ever since I started working.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it…” I said meekly.

“I just want to know, how come?” Then after a beat, he added, “And before you say anything, I don’t take you as a bigot. No offense to you, but you’re the least threatening pony I know yet, you avoid me like I’ve offended you or something.”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong!”

“You’re shouting again.”

I blinked, “Am I…?”

“I swear you’re as nervous as a colt on a date for the first time.” He laughed but I hid my face in hopes he wouldn’t see the blush. “Still… you are aware that I’m a stallion, right?”

I nodded. “Yes, I know.”


“.... I don’t know if this is rude of me to ask this. However, do you see yourself as a stallion or more as a mare?”

“Ah,” He nodded, “Well, just know that I’m only speaking for myself, alright? Good. Personally, I’m a stallion. I still see myself as a stallion and I always will. But the clothes and make-up I put on… it gives me a side of me that I can feel whole in. If that makes sense.”

“.... Elaborate please?”

“Simply put, what I wear is what I see as a form of self-expression. Like how you would see ponies with tattoos or piercings, mane-styles, and choice of clothing… I could go on, but in some way, at least for me, it’s something like that. An extension of myself that wants to be… well…” he blushes, “pretty. I know it’s not the most stallion thing to do but you know what? It’s me.”

Never in my life had I thought that when I come across someone that seems to be on another level - they can be relatable.

All I could say was, “That… makes a lot of sense. I mean when I started, I was hesitant about the uniform,” I pointed to the skirt. “But now, not only I’m used to it, but I’m liking it more and more. Making me wonder if there are some things that mares know that we don’t.”

“Oh! I know, right!” He laughed. “And you didn’t hear this from me, but from what I’ve heard, that outfit is gorgeous on you.”

I nearly tripped at that complement. “Y-You think so?”

“Coming from someone that crossdresses, you’re mighty fine in that!”

“Thank you.”

“But you know what would be better?”


“Stop for a second and look at me,” I did and Ladivine examined my face. “I would recommend a little makeup. Not a lot, but now that I think of it… some pink over the eyelids and a bit of lipgloss… strawberry red would do wonders for your adorable complexion.”

“I don’t… know how to use makeup.”

“It’s not that hard once you’re shown how. After that, it just takes some practice. If you want, I could show you how it’s done.”

“I’ll… think about it.”

We continued walking towards the cabaret, side by side. At first, we didn’t say much after that until just as we were going down the street, out of nowhere Ladivine asks at point-blank, “Can I ask you a personal question?”


“Do you have a crush on somepony?”

For a moment I nearly panicked. Did he know? “What! I… No, I’m not… why do you ask?”

“Oh nothing, just when I was talking to Lully earlier, she mentioned something about you might be having a crush on somepony at work. She didn’t go into detail about who it was. But I was saying to myself, maybe that’s why you seem so jittery and nervous. Because somepony’s caught your eye.”

“I never said I… well no it’s just I’m always like this. A klutzy stallion that is awkward now and then.”

I heard him giggle, “Of course, whatever you tell yourself.”

“It’s the truth!”

“Sure it is.”

While we approached, the neon sign of the cabaret had lit up, in that bright blue light, I couldn’t help but see how his face looked. Perhaps it might have been the makeup or the mane that had a lock that graced his forehead, but for a moment, he looked like the femme fatale from an old black-and-white film noir. A face that balances grace with the seductive lure that could send anyone to their deaths just by saying the wrong thing. Almost like a tiger, elegant but could be fierce at any moment which makes them all the more beautiful.

But this wasn’t meant to last. Because after all, we still have a job to do.

Going around to the back entrance, we separated to get ourselves checked in and ready for our shift. I went over to the bar near the back while he went up to the waiters for some small talk about what to expect for the evening.

I don’t think I’ve described the cabaret I work in outside of the unique dress code. While there are plenty of clubs that are far older than ours like the famous Moulin Rouge with the iconic red windmill on top that is rumored to have given birth to the Can-Can dance; ours is distinct for a few reasons. For starters, outside the guests would be greeted by the moving neon sign of a mare blowing kisses that gives the name: The Blue Kiss. Inside, guests are treated to a dining area that surrounds a stage where there’s a different act going on every night. The interior is done out in the style of art nouveau with its curvy stage that glows milky white, globe-like blue lights that hang down from the ceiling, and bright pink tables that also glow. The bar is the same away too. Only the rack of bottles has a white wall that illuminates the back of me and a curvy long table that I serve customers at.

For a while in the first couple of hours, things had carried on as normal. The guests would drift in and would either be gravitated over towards the round tables around the stage or to the bar. The ones that end up at my domain start to order for this and that, and I set to work crafting their drinks out of the catalog of recipes in my head. Meticulously like an artist on a canvas, I set the glasses down and poured out just the right liquors and tonics. A stir here, a shake there, a dash of lime over the glass, a touch of salt on the rim there, I eyed each glass and shot as though I were making mini masterpieces before gently pushing them towards the guest, telling them to enjoy.

But now and then, I would look up from what I’m doing to see how Ladivine was doing. Like much of the waiting staff, he would go up to each guest warmly to welcome them to the cabaret and guide them to a table before asking if he could get them anything with a flirtatious wink. Even though he has been working for the past six months, he has gotten everything down from getting each guest to their table with a glide in his stride to the graceful way he carries everything on a tray with only a hoof and no magic whatsoever. Perhaps it might be his earth pony side, but I swear he could carry a whole house with a hoof and move about as flawless as a ballet dancer.

Compared to him, I was barely able to keep up. When things get busy and the guests flood the bar, my elegant preparations turn into a circus act where I have to juggle between making drinks, and praying that I don’t screw up at any part. At times I have no idea how Ladivine does it, even when the other staff just barely manages to keep up, he somehow is one step ahead of them, even picking up the slack for some of them.

For a while, things were going normally. I was trying to focus on my work in hopes to distract myself from what happened earlier. And for about an hour or so, it seemed to be working that I have nearly forgotten all about it. But not completely. Eventually, I had to take some downtime to rest a little before finishing my shift.

At the Blue Kiss, there is a small little space for us where we go to catch our breath. Pass the double doors, across the kitchen, then take a right to a spiraling staircase, it would lead to the top floor where it opens up to an apartment-sized space that I believed used to be a sunroom at one point. There isn’t much up there say for a carpet, a heater, and a couch for most of the year. But since it’s December, there’s a miniature Hearths Warming tree in the corner that’s decorated with paper ornaments. While it can get chilly up there, especially when the walls and ceiling are made of glass that’s mostly covered in snow and frost, it does, I admit, give a grand view of Paris. Where you can see some of the Arc of Triumph or Notre Dame, and the Eyefoal Tower all dressed up in lights.

I went up there in hopes to catch my breath, and maybe give my hooves a rest before going back to work. Part of me was hoping I’d be up there alone for some peace and quiet. That was until Ludivine came up from the staircase.

After a beat when he saw me, he remarked, “Tonight’s is getting crazy, no?”

“My hooves hurt.”

He giggled, “I can imagine, with you doing all those acrobats with all those bottles can’t be easy. I swear you’re giving out more entertainment than the entertainers on stage.” Going across the ancient carpet, he sat down next to me. “Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you do it.”

“Oh, it’s… not that hard. Just flip a bottle here, a dash of lime there, and then toss some glitter in the air when they’re not looking.” This got Ladivine to laugh. “Really, I wish I had your stamina.”

“My endurance is from years of carrying everyone’s expectations on my shoulders.”

“You’re good at it.” In hindsight, I suppose this was the moment when I decided to take a risk. “You can carry a whole mountain and make it effortless and graceful.”

“Try doing it all in heels.” He smirked. “It’s not a matter of doing it gracefully, but stepping up to doing something you don’t want to do.”

“You don’t like doing this?”

“I never said that. Just that I swear some of the waiters are kinda expecting me to do everything sometimes. But I’ve learned a long time ago that to be strong is knowing that you can do hard things.”

Ah, so spake the muse.

“Like… telling someone they’re beautiful?” I asked.

“Ooh! Being more adventurous I see.” Ladivine said with an amused smile. “I’d say it’s a good start, but you know what would be more so?”


“Ask them what they’re into. Their interests. After all, if you’re just going with saying to someone they’re beautiful, they’ll wonder if you’re testing them for something.” Then after a beat, he asked, “Are you testing me, Hubert?”

“W-What! No, I didn’t mean like… well maybe I… It’s like I…” I cannot express how mortifying it is to not just stumble in front of your crush, but trip and tumble down the side of a cliff of embarrassment in full view of them.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn't figured out that I have a crush on him, surely he would have at that point. Me trying to make a comeback over my attempt at flirting and failing miserably at it. It must have been clear that he had put the pieces together on that couch where he realized what I have been trying to say.

“Good Celestia, this is adorable,” Ladivine said, his hoof under my chin to make me look at his face that was smiling at me from ear to ear. “You know, I appreciate the honesty. Oh yes, I can tell that there’s no bull crap coming from you. It’s refreshing that for once someone is trying their hardest to get to my level.”

“You mean it?”

He looked me in the eye. “Most stallions I come across are either weirded out at worst or fetishize me at best. With you, however… It’s purer than that. More straightforward that you don’t just like me because of how I look and judge me off from there. It’s a breath of fresh air.”

Then, right before I could ask something else, he put a hoof to my lips. “Before you do anything else. Don’t even try it on me,” He smiled playfully, “because anyone that tries to outfit this flirting queen is going to lose.” With a wink, he got up, saying that he’ll need to get back to work.

It was at that moment, that after his touch on my lips that I was compelled to write, to keep a diary. Even though I’m still young with all sorts of challenges and changes that would come my way, I want to preserve this day in some way. I wanted to look back years later and recall the shocking thrill of having someone that I’m falling for touch me for the first time. I don’t know if what I want to pursue is hopeless, but I want to immortalize this day as the happiest by far when my crush came down from the heavens and talked to me.

It’s getting late, yet there’s so much more I want to talk about. Here’s hoping that whatever I have with Ladivine might grow into something special.

December 14

Dear Diary,

I think things have taken a turn. Not for the worst, not the best either just…

Well, let me start over.

For the most part the past few days, things have been the same as before with the exception that I haven’t run into Ladivine. Not on university grounds and not at work. That all changed today when after all our classes were done that I found Lully by the dormitory entrance.

“Hubert, there you are, can I ask you to do a favor for me?”

“Favor?” I was confused, Lully rarely asked me to do anything for her.

“You see, I’m in a bit of a bind. I really want to go out for dinner, but there’s nopony here to watch over our dorms.”

In case you don’t know, Diary, here at the university’s dorm rooms, we have a weirdly specific rule - that there must be at least one pony there to look after the rooms for… security reasons, I think? Honestly, I think it’s a pretty dumb and contrive rule that nopony ever thought of changing.

Sighing, I asked her when does she expect to be back.

“I’m not sure, since I don’t know how crowded it’ll be but maybe a couple of hours.”

“A couple of hours?”

“It’s a long walk, and there might be a waiting time. So, could you? You’re not working tonight, are you?”

“Not really.”

“So will you?”

With a reluctant sigh, I told her that I would. She thanked me and went off to who-knows-where.

So after putting some of my things away back in my room, I headed over to the mare’s dorm where I found that it wasn’t completely unoccupied. There sitting on the couch reading a textbook was Ladivine. He looked up at me with the same surprise as I had.

“Hubert? What are you doing here?”

“I was gonna ask you the same. Lully told me that her dorms needed to be looked after.”

“That’s exactly what she told me.” There was a still moment when we both realized the same thing, “Lully set this up on purpose, didn’t she?”

“Somehow I should have seen this coming a mile away. I’m sorry to bother you.” Before I could leave, he reached out a hoof.

“Hey wait, would you mind staying? Things were getting quite dull around here.”

“Really? You want-”

“At least to keep me company until she gets back.”

Eyeing the phonograph, I asked if he wouldn’t mind if I put something on. Ladivine told me he wouldn’t mind, and being unfamiliar with the record collection and realizing I have no idea what kind of music he’d like, I chose something at random and hoped for the best. I didn’t even look at the cover when I pulled out the record and put the needle on. Out from it was a slow jazzy sound with a mare’s voice that I’m sure never heard of.

With the music playing, I sit across from him, trying to avoid eye contact out of sheer awkwardness.

“Do you know how long she will be out for?”

That snapped my attention back, “Who?”

“Lully. She said something about going to dinner, so how long do you think she’ll be?”

“No idea. I don’t keep track of what she does. Maybe she’ll be out for an hour or so.”

We both fell into awkward silence right after, with nothing but the record singing something I didn’t understand. For minutes we sat, Ladivine continued reading his textbook, and I plopped there like a pillow on the couch. On the one hoof, I felt like an idiot that I should at least start up a conversation but I was at a loss as to where to start. But then again, even though we did nothing, it was amazing in its own way. It’s hard to describe, but even though I didn’t do or say anything, there was a sort of privilege to be near someone like him.

Finally, Ladivine spoke up, “You know you don’t have to be here if you don’t want to.” He said, getting my attention. “If you have something that you needed to do, you can. I’m capable of holding down the fort.”

“No it’s alright, I don’t mind.”

After a thoughtful hum, I heard him close the book. “I know this is a change in subject, but do you have something you want to ask me?”

“Huh?” I looked at him.

“You seemed that you have something on your mind but didn’t know how to get it out.”

“Can I?”

“What do you think I’m gonna do? Bite? Whatever it is, I’ve heard them all so you don’t have to worry about bothering me.”

“If you’re sure.” He told me that I can go ahead. “So… have there been any colts that have flirted with you?”

“You wouldn’t believe how often that happens.” He laughed. “Since by appearance I make a convincing mare, you wouldn’t believe how many of the guests at the cabaret try to chat me up. And I’m not just talking about how many eyed my flank either. I’ve collected mountains of notes of if I ever wanted a good time, go here and here. But for those that do come up to me to have a drink with, I had to turn them down. Usually, it’s the voice that really catches them off guard, but even on occasion of those that don’t mind, I still turn down because I wasn’t interested in them anyway.”

That I didn’t expect. Thinking back to last night when he out flirted me, I could only reply with: “Oh… Sorry if I make any assumptions but… I didn’t know you’re straight.”

“I didn’t say I was. Rather it’s a bit more complicated than that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the stallions that chatted me up all - except for you - have one thing in common.”

“That being…?”

“They are completely shallow. It’s something you can tell with their tone of voice and how they look at you that all they see as… and excuse me for saying this - a piece of ass. Meaning that they hoped to get me to be rutted by them in some cheap hotel room somewhere like a hooker. But when you do it, I can see right away that isn’t that.”

I couldn’t say anything. It was like he was Sherlock Hooves that was on the verge of picking me apart.

“I know I didn’t make it clear to you last night, but when you try to flirt, it was refreshing. Do you know why?”

How was I supposed to know!? I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that because not only did it turn out that he liked me when I flirted, but my brain couldn’t comprehend it. I knew my attempt was amateurish at best but I couldn’t figure out what made my failed attempt to impress and get ‘em to like me back that he did like.

Fortunately, Ladivine answered for me, “It’s because that you were more honest than any of them. When you did it, it was clear that you not only didn’t know what you were doing, but you were putting in the effort to get me to feel like an actual pony. On top of that, you seemed like the kind of guy that has a fun personality once you get to know them. Like where you want to befriend someone first before asking them out on a date. And really, that is refreshing.”

“But… I thought I did it badly. Worse than that.”

“No, badly is when you come right up to me and ask if I wanted to give you a BJ. Yours is more the puppy kind of love where it’s more innocent, I-want-to-be-with-you kind. And that’s something that doesn’t come around that often.”

“I see…” I rubbed my cheeks. “I just… want to get to know you better is all. How you get to be so gorgeous and such. Like the whole makeup thing.”

“Well that’s not that hard once you…” Ladivine looked at me for a moment with an idea forming in his head. “Do you want me to show you?”

I blinked. “What? Now?”

“Why not? Nopony’s here so I… Hang on a second.” He reached down under the couch to pull out a purse where he opened it to lay out a makeup kit. “It’s one of those things that you have to have somepony show you how it’s done. But once you know the basics, the rest you can mix and match until you find something that you can look in a mirror and say, ‘Yes! That is me!’”

“Wait, what are you going to do to me?”

“With a face like yours… I’d say you don’t need a lot. Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to make you out as a clown. But first things first, let me clean your face up before I could do anything.” Pulling out a container that had wipes soaked in a disinfectant, he rubbed it around my forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose, mouth, and under my chin.

“Why clean me up?” I asked rather stupidly.

“To clean off oils, dirt, and such. This is to permit smearing and gives a blank canvas to work from.”

“You’re talking as if you’re about to make a painting.”

“In a way, I am. But instead of applying paints on a flat surface, I’m doing it on one that is more three-dimensional and alive. And like any good painting, I will be applying some layers on that face of yours.”

As it turns out, putting on makeup was a bit more complicated than I thought. After he made sure my face was clean, he applied moisturizer, a liquid he called a primer, and from there using various brushes and powders he proceeded to paint my face. It was like having an artist paint me into being the way he maliciously, carefully, and thoughtfully touched up areas on my face. With a pencil, he made small strokes along with my eyebrows, and eyelashes, and then brushed hot pink over my eyelids. Every now and then he stopped to step back from his work, making me wonder what exactly he was doing to me.

“How do I look?” I asked him while he stepped back to examine me.

“You’re almost there… Not too far off.”

“What more is there to be done?”

“The lips… I’m thinking through what shade I should go with.” Humming thoughtfully, he said, “I don’t want to make it too dark. But nothing too light like pink either. A nice shade of red to be bright but make it stand out… Ah! I got it.” Going through the makeup kit, he pulled out a tube, “Strawberry should do nicely.”

He instructed me about curving my lips while he applied the wax-like tube over and to suck my lips in a little to spread them evenly. Finally, applying gloss, he stepped back.

“There… Now it’s finished. I must say I may have not done much, but this is a masterpiece.”

“You were at it for a long while.”

“Not really, this is simplified but… really you don’t need much.”

“You mean you could have added more?”

“I could but that would be overkill.” Taking up a mirror, he held it up to show my reflection. “But what do you think?”

Few things in life have ever taken my breath away, and when I saw the end result of Ladivine’s artistry, it was a surprise. My face seemed flawless and yet, stylized from the shiny pink eyelids and the strawberry red lips. The rest of the face, whatever blemishes I had was painted away and what stared back was someone that lives in a world of glamor.

“Do you like it?”

“I look like one of those punk rock stars from the eighties.” I said, “All that’s missing is a big fluffy wig and a guitar.”

“It suits you quite well. That mascara is just the cherry on top.”

After turning my face this way and that in the mirror, I asked, “Is this what you go through every day? It must take forever to do this to your face.”

“In some ways, it does. But I think it’s worth it.” Putting the mirror and the makeup kit away, he added, “It’s amazing how even a little color could add so much to something so mundane, no? I personally do it because it elevates a dull face like mine to a more interesting character.”

“Maybe for Hearths Warming I should get one of those kits to see what I could do with it.”

“You should! I find that applying makeup to yourself is a great skill to learn. As it teaches you to slow down and really pay attention to detail.”

For the first time, Diary, I began to truly understand a new perspective about Ladivine. To be as gorgeous as this, how much time did it take for him? How early does he have to get up to craft his face to make it just so, on top of choosing the right outfit to make everything seem so flawless? I could imagine that it may have taken hours, perhaps days in advance to plan out every brush stroke, every dab of cream to the face to make it look as though an artist had painted you. And yet, that is exactly what Ladivine does daily to his own face. Not just his face, his mane, his clothes.

Who knew that beauty needed so much work?

From there? Well, we didn’t say much after that. Returning to my studies I couldn’t help but feel different with the makeup on. I never considered how… fragile it was. Many times I have been tempted to scratch an itch but fear that it might blemish the masterwork that Ladivine had spent on. How disrespectful would it be to tamper such art on my face when the artist was right next to me. Ladivine seemed so happy with the result of his creation.

I don’t remember much about how long we stayed like that, nor of what we talked about afterward. But late in the evening and Lully still hasn’t returned, Ladivine let out a yawn and asked, “Do you mind if I sleep with you here?”

That caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure if the makeup covered up the blush from what I thought he was asking. But being so thrown off so badly that I just sat there dumbfounded.

He clarified. “It’s just I’m getting tired so would you mind if I just shut my eyes for a while?”

I confess to you, Diary, I came close to asking him if he wants to share a bed with me. But I was so flustered that I couldn’t get the words out.

Yawning again, he placed his head on my shoulder, “So cuddly,” I heard him muttered, “like a nice firm pillow.”

It’s rare that I would get such a level of intimacy as this. Ladivine barely knows me and now, his gorgeous head is using my shoulder to sleep on. For a long, long while, I had no idea how to react. Should I wake him? Get up? Do nothing? And more importantly, will this be something to expect from him from now on, or is he that tired? A part of me strongly hopes it would be the former.

“You can just leave me here on the couch,” Ladivine added. “You can always go back to your dorm room, I just needed the rest.”

And that was true. Easily I could just leave my crush there. But on the other hoof, I realize, would I ever get such an opportunity ever again? Closing the textbook, I rested my head on his and held him there. Even when drifting off to sleep, it was such a pleasure, a joy even to have someone this gorgeous be near me.