Le Prince et le Menteur

by CrackedInkWell

First published

Prince Blueblood has finally came out as gay, and a conpony tries to flatter his way to the top with some... mixed results.

Story inspired and proofread by Lilrq28

After years of keeping up appearances, of gaining the infamous reputation of being a catastrophe when it came to dating mares, Prince Blueblood decides to do something radical. He faces up to a press conference and finally tells the truth - he is gay. In a way, he hoped that doing so would stop having gold-digging mares that would flock to gain his attention. Perhaps even gaining some peace by coming out.

However, while some seek to use Blueblood to gain wealth and status, the prince's coming out provides a unique opportunity. One that a flattering con artist would try to take advantage of. Langue d'Argent, a good-looking charmer believes that he can play the prince's sexuality like a violin. Yet, as time goes on, this simple con might prove difficult than what Langue imagined it to be.


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“You do realize you don’t have to do this,” Blueblood said to himself in the mirror.

He wasn’t talking to anyone in particular, but he felt that something should be said nevertheless. It wasn’t often that he would talk to himself, but it was a nervous habit that he didn’t quite shake off since foalhood. Yes, nervous was the right word in this situation.

In the afternoon light, he looked over at himself once again to make sure that nothing was out of place. He made sure that he was thoroughly bathed; his mane shampooed, dried, and combed. Even his white suit was brand new, along with the royal blue silk bow-tie that he adjusted a little. Given what he was going to say to the group of reporters, and - more importantly - photographers in the press room; he had to make a good impression before announcing the news that would change his life.

He imagined if this is what performers feel before they had to go out on stage to do a difficult act. If anything, it was a gamble considering who he was and how ponies will look at him from now on. It would be like walking on a tight-rope high up with no safety net underneath, and he knew what the penalty for making a mistake would be.

“Your Highness,” blinking, the prince looked over to a hoofcolt that peeked through a curtain next to the mirror. “They’re ready for you.”

Nodding, Blueblood waved a hoof to shoo him away. Though alone for a moment, a voice in his head told him that he didn’t have to go through with it. That there was nothing where he could just call the press conference off. After all, he reasoned, Celestia knows and doesn’t mind so that should be the end of that, right?

Yet, the words from his aunt still echo in his mind. ‘I know how scary it is to put yourself in front of the whole world and take off the mask to reveal who you are. And yes, there will be some, even among the nobles that will look down on you. But as a prince, we owe our subjects a full portrait of who we are and what we stand for. If you want to tell all of Equestria, I will always be there to support you. Show them that you refuse to live in fear and paranoia, and you’ll stand your ground for making the decision that you don’t want to live a lie anymore.’

He sighed. He knew she was right. Up until now, he had been quiet for the sake of reputation and the fear of how the public would react. Once or twice he thought about sending the press away. Yet, what prevented him was the thought that regardless of what happens, Celestia would not abandon him, even if all of Canterlot would treat him differently.

Taking one last look in the mirror at his blue eyes, he parted his golden mane aside. “Come what may,” he muttered to himself as he used his magic to part the curtains and step out.

The press room was set up like an indoor amphitheater where before the podium in the middle, there are rings of seats that a good portion was filled with reporters and photographers. For a split second, Blueblood pictured himself staring the role of an ancient pegasi tragedy where before an audience, he was to end by committing ritual suicide. However, despite that voice in his head that pleaded him to flee, he walked up to the podium with years of grace in every step.

Everything became quiet when he reached the podium. He cleared his throat, “Good afternoon everypony. Before we start, I would like to ask that any comments and questions should be withheld until the end of my announcement. And… my, do I have the announcement that I… needed to make.”

He took in a deep breath as the reporters were leaning towards him in their seats. “It is no secret that the mares who lined up in hopes to earn my hoof in marriage often end up disgruntled by me. There have been times when I didn’t even know that mares were trying to flirt with me. While I shouldn’t make excuses for some who found me appalling, I would at least owe them… and to an extent, all of Equestria some explanation.”

There was a pause as he breathed in deeply, ‘Now to the point of no return…’ he thought.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, I have been hiding a secret. Something that I have kept for a long time but only until recently have I told anyone about. My Aunt Celestia knows the reason behind why I have no interest in one group of ponies and others I… fell easily for. It’s the reason why to the ladies, I’m considered a fiend while my staff and guards would consider me kind and courteous to. It’s also the reason how I could easily see past the facade of mares who tried to court me but I know they’re really after my money and privileges of the royal family.

“This is a secret that I kept to myself out of fear for the disapproval of the nobility, along with those on an international stage. If anything, I’m taking a gamble just by telling you, members of the press, of that secret that might change my life for better or worse.”

This is it,’ He breathed in again, reading himself for the onslaught.

“The truth is, I, Prince Blueblood… am a homosexual.”

The press room erupted in questions and flashing camera lights.

“Café ou thé ce matin, Monsieur? (Coffee or tea this morning, sir?)”

Looking up from a newspaper, the stallion replied, “Le café serait bien ce matin. (Coffee would be nice this morning.)” Then flipping to the next page he added, “Et vous savez qui je l'aime préparé? (And you know how I like it prepared?)”

“Fraîchement moulu. Avec une touche de gousse de vanille, quelques cuillerées de sucre et un filet de crème. (Freshly ground. With a touch of vanilla bean, a few spoonfuls of sugar, and a dash of cream.)” The Butler nodded, “Oui, je crois que je sais comment tu aimes prendre ton petit-déjeuner maintenant. (Yes, I do believe I know how you like to have your breakfast by now.)”

Waving the butler away, the stallion continues to read the newspaper at his dining room table. Before him was an article that had caught his eye; underneath a picture of Prince Blueblood who despite trying to appear serene had a look of surprise in his eye was a headline. It read:

Prince Blueblood Comes Out as Gay

Mares Say They’re Not Surprised

To the stallion reading, this may not have interested him. After all, since he and his butler had moved from Prance, he didn’t exactly care for politics that didn’t concern him. He wouldn’t care about reading gossip, even if it was a national headline. However, that subheading did make him curious enough to read about the details of this prince. Especially one where the Prince’s coming out had explained why he was famous for his infamous reputation of a string of bad dates with mares - along with why he’s still a bachelor. He read the article through, taking note of the question that it poses: now that he has come out, will he be dating stallions in the near future?

When the butler returned with a tray of freshly brewed coffee, the stallion spoke up, “Maintenant c'est intéressant. (Now that is interesting.)”

“Quel? (What?)”

“Je pense que j'ai peut-être repéré une grande opportunité. (I think I might have spotted a great opportunity.)” The unicorn held the article up to his butler.

Blinking, the butler looked between him and the picture of the prince. “Excusez-moi, Langue d'Argent, mais tu sais que ce n'est pas une jument. (Excuse me, Langue d’Argent, but you do know that is not a mare.)”

“C'est vrai, je dirais que tu as raison là-dessus. (True, I would say you are correct on that.)” Langue nodded, “Cependant, j'y ai beaucoup réfléchi. Peut-être que ce prince pourrait être l'ouverture à la haute société ici à Equestria. (However, I've been giving this a lot of thought. Perhaps, this prince might be the opening to high society here in Equestria.)”

“C'est pourquoi je suis confus. (That is why I’m confused.)” The butler said, placing the tray down on the table. “Je croyais que tu étais attiré par les juments? (I thought you were attracted to mares?)”

“Je suis. (I am.)”

“Alors pourquoi- (Then why-)”

“Car, Maximilian, (Because, Maximilian,)” Langue folded the newspaper, “Cet article déclare que le prince ne ressent rien envers le beau sexe, mais avec les hommes, cependant, il tombe facilement amoureux. (This article states that the prince feels nothing towards the fair sex, but with males, however, he falls easily in love with.)”

“Avec tout le respect que je vous dois, monsieur, vous ne laissez pas entendre que vous allez le séduire aussi, n'est-ce pas? (With all due respect, sir, you're not suggesting that you're going to seduce him too, are you?)”

“Et pourquoi pas? (And why not?)” Langue asked, lighting up his horn to pick his cup of coffee up, “C'est la raison pour laquelle vous avez un travail, que nous pouvons déménager à Equestria, et que j'ai un titre de seigneur. (It's the reason why you have a job, that we're able to move to Equestria, and that I have a title of Lord.)”

“Seulement parce que tu as trompé... combien de juments pour qu'elles te donnent de la richesse et des titres en couchant avec elles? (Only because you tricked... how many mares into giving you wealth and titles by sleeping with them?)” Maximilian deadpanned.

After taking a sip of his coffee, Langue let out a dismissive huff, “Tu donnes l'impression que je suis un briseur de maison. Ces juments minables ne méritent pas un titre sur la saleté ! Vous savez d'abord à quoi ressemblent ces monstres aristocratiques. (You're making it sound like I'm a homewrecker. Those scummy mares don't deserve a title over dirt! You know first hoof what those aristocratic monsters are like.)”

“Oui, mais- (Yes, but-)”

“En ce qui me concerne, j'ai fait ce que j'ai fait parce qu'il y avait une opportunité pour moi. Ils voulaient un étalon qui les traiterait comme des rois et tout ce que je leur demandais était de m'aider un peu. (As far as I'm concerned, I did what I did because there was an opportunity for me. They wanted a stud that would treat them like royalty and all I asked from them was to help me out a little.)” He sipped his coffee, “D'ailleurs, je vous parierais qu'il en est exactement de même avec ce Prince. Juste un gamin indigne qui cherche tellement à aimer quelqu'un qu'il n'oserait pas refuser un Seigneur qui cherche aussi un peu de gentillesse. (Besides, I would bet you that it is exactly the same with this Prince. Just an unworthy brat who is so desperate for someone to love that he wouldn't dare refuse a Lord who also seeks a little kindness.)”

Maximilian groaned, “Tout d'abord, ce n'est pas une vieille duchesse avec de l'argent dans ses poches. (First off, this isn't some old duchess with money in her pockets.)” He trotted around the table to pick up the newspaper, “Deuxièmement, je ne suis peut-être pas un expert pour sortir avec des étalons, mais je suis sûr que ce n'est pas la même chose que de balayer les juments de leurs sabots. (Secondly, I may not be an expert on dating stallions, but I'm sure it's not the same as sweeping mares off their hooves.)” He then pointed at the picture, “Et troisièmement, qu'espérez-vous gagner en escroquant un membre de la famille royale? (And third, what in the world do you expect to gain from conning a member of the royal family?)”

Langue shrugged, “Oh, à quel point cela peut-il être difficile? Séduire un étalon ne pouvait pas être si difficile. Pas avec un visage comme ça. (Oh, how hard can it be? Seducing a stallion couldn't be that difficult. Not with a face like this.)” He said, looking at his reflection on the table. Since the wood has been polished to the mirror shine, he was able to look at himself. The unicorn took note of his rose-red mane that was pulled back, his honey-yellow eyes, and the freshly cream-white coat that covered his face. Tilting his face to the side, he figured that he could shave a little around his squarish jawline. But outside of that, he didn’t see anything flawed. “Vous savez, j'ai été complimenté par des juments disant que j'avais le visage d'un ancien dieu Pegasi. Je ne peux qu'imaginer comment un étalon gay réagirait envers moi. (You know, I have been complimented by mares saying that I have the face of an ancient Pegasi god. I can only imagine how a gay stallion would react towards me.)”

“Mais vous n'avez pas répondu à ma question, monsieur. (But you haven't answered my question, sir.)” Maxamilian pointed out, “Si nous sommes aussi bien lotis que vous le dites, alors pourquoi poursuivre cela? Vous avez déjà acquis une réputation en Prance. (If we're as well off as you say we are, then why pursue this? You’ve already gained a reputation in Prance.)”

“En Prance, oui. Mais ici à Equestria, je suis inconnu. Ce qui devrait me donner un avantage. Bien sûr, j'ai pu gravir les échelons par séduction, mais imaginez toutes les avenues qui pourraient être ouvertes avec quelqu'un qui a autant de relations qu'un prince. (In Prance, yes. But here in Equestria, I'm unknown. Which should give me an advantage. Sure I was able to climb up the ranks by seduction, but just imagine all the avenues that could be open with someone that has as many connections as a prince.)” Langue took a moment to drink more of his coffee. “Naturellement, il faudrait que je travaille mon numéro. Pour autant que je sache, prétendre être un étalon gay convaincant a besoin de travail. Mais si je joue bien mes cartes... eh bien... Je m'attends à ce que votre salaire augmente. (Naturally, I would have to work on my act. For all I know, pretending to be a convincing gay stallion needs work. But if I play my cards right... well... I expect your paycheck to go up.)”

Maximilian sighed, “Si vous savez ce que vous faites, monsieur. (If you know what you’re doing, sir.)” After taking a moment to adjust his tie he asked, “Et je suppose, monsieur, que vous pouvez aussi parler la langue du prince? (And I suppose, sir, that you can speak the Prince's language as well?)”

Langue smirked, “I’m sure Blueblood will understand me pretty well. I didn’t spend all those years on Equestrian classes for nothing.”

Although his butler didn’t understand what he was saying, he simply inquired, “Y aura-t-il autre chose dont vous aurez besoin? (Will there be anything you require?)”

Thinking for a moment, Langue instructed: “Pourrais-tu sortir mes plus beaux vêtements et les mettre sur le lit? Avant de chercher un public, je dois être à mon meilleur pour faire cette bonne première impression. (Could you pull out my finest clothes and put them on the bed? Before I seek an audience, I do need to be at my best so to make that good first impression.)”

Nodding, Maximilian left the room, leaving Langue with his cup of coffee and the newspaper. He turned back to the article, to look at the picture of Blueblood. After a sip, he remarked to himself, “Attendez, je jouerai cet aristocrate comme un violon. (Just wait, I will be playing this aristocrat like a violin.)”

For Blueblood, it was all a matter of time. Not that his announcement had gotten Canterlot gossiping - he expected that. After all, he heard the rumors and theories of why every mare couldn’t stand five minutes around him. He imagined that his coming out just tossed a Molotov cocktail on top of the already raging fire in the gossip columns.

It wasn’t that he was waiting for backlash either. Besides the hoofful of letters from a few nobles that politely told him to never darken their doorway again, the rest expressed congratulations for his bravery. (Although, he questioned the legitimacy of these. Wondering if they wrote them because he was so close to his aunts, or they’re concealing their prejudice behind a wall of flattery.) On an international level, it was all silent. So far he didn’t get a word of response for his coming out but did worry if what he did might harm international relationships.

But that wasn’t what Blueblood was waiting on either.

No. The moment he told the press his secret, he knew there would be one member of the family that would see that headline and would rush to Canterlot.

Then he was made aware that Cadance and her husband were almost to the castle to visit him.

It was a visit that he wasn’t looking forward to.

At the foot of the staircase in the grand foyer, he waited. He stood in the center of a compass rose - the only defining feature of the red carpet that stretched and wound around the halls of the castle-like blood veins. Before him through an arch and a small hallway, it looked out towards the courtyard where visitors and other dignitaries entered. Since the royal couple from the Crystal Empire was coming, a good chunk of the Solar Guard lined up at attention, waiting for them.

Before he saw the crystalline carriage rolling over the draw bridge and into the courtyard, Blueblood envisioned one scenario after another. Knowing his cousin, he was trying to narrow down what he might suspect. He could almost see her waltz in, greeted him, congratulated him on coming out before she starts to play matchmaker. At best, he can see her drawing up charts of every stallion that is single she could try setting updates with without him making any objections. At worst, maybe she could volunteer her husband into something that neither of them wants to do.

Either way, he can see Cadance trying to pry into his personal life.

Finally, he heard the carriage draw up before he saw it. Though it was made out of blue crystal, it wasn’t the kind where it was see-through. The carriage looked as if it was carved from a giant block of ice, given wheels, and was pulled by half-a-dozen crystal ponies. On any other occasion, Blueblood would have appreciated the aesthetic of it all from the mirror-like doors that had a snowflake (the emblem of the Crystal Empire) to the elegant fractals of the spokes of the wheels that spun. However, just looking at it only made him groan because of what was about to happen next. The carriage stopped, a small set of stairs was placed, and the doors opened to his cousin getting out.

Here we go…’ Blueblood thought.

Despite knowing that his neon pink alicorn cousin was a full-grown mare, there have been parts of Cadance that remained stubbornly immature. Instead of having the grace of simply walking up with her head held high in a dignified, quiet manner, she bolted out of the carriage like an excitable puppy meeting someone new. She nearly tackled him in the same way, the Prince almost lost his balance from the impact.

“Bluey!” Cadence greeted him.

Blueblood frowned and came close to letting out a groan from the searing cringe that was wrapped around him. It wasn’t that he hated his cousin; to say so would be both insulting and inaccurate. After all, they did grow up together in the palace since Celestia decided to adopt her. But at the same time, Blueblood would say that he wasn’t close to her like a sibling would. Yes, she was technically family, but she was someone who despite all those years of learning about court etiquette, she wasn’t trying to hide her free-spirited roots. It irked him at public gatherings when she would spontaneously do something… uncouth. He felt embarrassed whenever Cadance does something like running up to him at full speed to constrict him in an unwanted hug in front of everyone.

So as politely as he could give regarding the circumstances, he replied with, “Hello cousin.”

“Bluey, aren’t you going to hug me back?”

He looked around with the guards giving him weird looks. “Must you always do this?”

“C’mon, you know me. I won’t let go unless you hug me back.”

Blueblood let out an annoyed snort, but he gave in and hugged Cadance back with everyone watching. He didn’t like doing something so… demeaning; so common. But he knew that it would be either this or having to drag an adult alicorn around the palace until he did give in. Fortunately the hug was short and Cadance let go.

“Hello, Blueblood,” the Prince looked over to see Cadance’s husband walking in. To Blueblood, unlike his cousin, Shining was seemed to have more dignity than his wife. After all, when he was Captain of the Guard, the prince recalled how he strives to be professional in his duties. Someone who seemed to know what he was doing around other ponies. On the one hoof, it was good to see a familiar face. But on the other… just him being here was going to make what was about to happen all the more awkward.

“Prince Shining,” Blueblood bowed his head respectively. “And Princess Cadance, welcome back to Canterlot.”

“Oh cut the formalities, Bluey,” Cadence said with a laugh in her voice, “you don’t have to behave like we’re at the Grand Galloping Galla, it’s just us.”

“Yeah,” Shining nodded, “nothing formal or anything like that. We just want to talk.”

Blueblood breathed deeply, “So… I take it you both heard about-”

“You’re coming out?” Cadence interrupted, “We came down as soon as we heard.”

“I see… shall we retire to a more private room to discuss this?”

“If you don’t mind,” Shining rubbed his belly, “Neither of us had breakfast this morning. Would you mind if we can talk about this over brunch?”

Blueblood said he didn’t mind and gave an order to be passed down to the kitchens to prepare some light snacks to be eaten in the gardens. In particular, have this brunch be set up at the Rose Gazebo where they should have some privacy. The perfect place to rip off the bandage, as it were, without anyone important eavesdropping.

Down a hallway, through a pair of doors, and into the bright green gardens, Blueblood leads the way while Cadance and Shining talked away. The Prince wasn’t paying attention to their conversation, something about an upcoming festival, taxes, or something else. For the moment, the prince followed the smooth people path through the statue garden, around the hedge maze, and towards a reflection pool where on the other side was the gazebo. For most of the year, the gazebo was a whitewashed iron frame that held up a platform that featured an outdoor table with a chair or two. But during the summer months, the rose plants that have been entangling themselves to the structure for years would bloom white roses for shade.

When they arrived, Blueblood noticed that while the chairs were set up with cushions, and a lace tablecloth was already on the table, the food hadn’t arrived. It was a disappointment for him, not because everything wasn’t fully prepared, but because they had no distractions from what was coming. So they took their seats in the shade to wait for their brunch to come by.

“So, Bluey,” Cadence began, “do you… have a secret coltfriend we don’t know about?”

Letting out a frustrated breath, Blueblood replied, “Here we go again.”


“That you do… this.” He waved a hoof towards her, “You're playing matchmaker again.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are. I just knew from the moment I opened my mouth that you would come down here and try to throw entire herds of ponies at me to see which one would stick.”

“Wait, that’s what you think this is about?” Shining asked, his eyebrow raised.

“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Blueblood pointed out, “I remembered that ever since she figured out what her special talent was, she had spent our teenage years trying to have me go out with some random mare. Regardless of whether any pairing would work or not.”

“In my defense.” Cadance raised her hooves, “I didn’t consider who you would be attracted to at the time. Honesty, until recently I had no idea that you’re gay.”

Blueblood folded his forelegs, “For a Princess of Love, you make such a lousy detective.”

“Hey, I didn’t know!”

Shining coughed loudly to get their attention, “We didn’t come down from the Empire to argue.” He turned to Blueblood. “Look, I can only assume that it probably wasn’t easy to come out for you. If I were in your horseshoes, I don’t think I would have the guts to do it. Still, we’ve come down here to say that nothing has changed between us. We will help and support you with whatever you want to do with your life. Because at the end of the day, we think that you coming out would make a world of difference for many ponies out there.”

“Prince Shining, why do I get the feeling that you didn’t just come all this way to say that?” Blueblood leaned his back against the chair, “Be honest, how shocked were you two when you heard that I came out as gay?”

They glanced at one another, although it was for a moment, it was the kind of look when asked ‘You wanna go first or should I?’ But after a beat, Shining tilted his head towards the Prince.

So Cadance admitted, “To be blunt, I felt like an idiot. For years I couldn’t figure out why you were so difficult to pair up. That no matter how well you were with someone on paper, it just never stuck. It nearly drove me batty as I couldn’t figure out where I went wrong. For a while, I thought you were asexual or something, but looking at it now, it should have been the easiest thing in the world to have figured out.”

“Personally, I kinda suspected it when I was in the guard.” Shining coughed in his hoof. “Only none of us were absolutely sure about it though. If you had any attractions to anyone, none of us were able to pick it up. Seriously, to the guards in Canterlot, your sexuality was one of those mysteries that you couldn’t just go up and ask about.”

Blueblood sighed, running his hooves through his mane. “You were right about one thing, I did try to hide it as best I could. It’s strange in a way how much of a relief it is that you don’t have to keep this basic fact about you a secret all the time. I may not have shown it, but it was emotionally draining to walk constantly on eggshells, unsure who one could trust with something like this.” Scratching the back of his head, he added with an embarrassed blush, “And it doesn’t help at all when I often find myself being infatuation easily.”

“Really?” Cadence blinked. “You fall in love easily?”

“Well, not with every stallion I ran into, of course,” Blueblood quickly added, his blush darkening. “Yet, it’s part of the reason why I chose to come out. When you’re in the closet, you get caught in a cycle of being attracted but you can’t say or do anything. Partly because you have no idea if they’re already taken, or perhaps would find you revolting. Still, it didn’t prevent me from falling in and out of crushes now and then.”

“Oh yeah,” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow and an amused smirk, “like who?”

“It’s… embarrassing to say this.”

“We won’t judge you,” Cadence said with a reassuring tone.

Maybe not,’ Blueblood thought, ‘But you’ll certainly use it to match me up with a complete stranger.’ So breathing in deeply, he told them. “For the most part, I had developed crushes on so many different ponies growing up. Not just the occasional noble or guard… (although that too) but it seemed all so random at first. For example, when I was about sixteen or seventeen, I had a crush on a pastry chef. It sounds random, I know. But at the time, he was talented, intelligent, funny, and well… perhaps it was the hormones that were talking but… he had a posterior that would make one turn red just by looking. Then there was the time when the ambassador from Saddle Arabia was visiting Equestria for a diplomatic mission. And I could not look at him in the eye because he had a face and this accent that if he talked me into going to bed with him, I wouldn’t object.”

“What about the guards?” Shining asked, “Did you have a crush on any of us?”

“It was rather hard not to,” Blueblood deadpanned. “I mean, not as often as you may think, but once in a while… it did happen.”

“Now I’m curious,” Cadence smirked, her hooves together touching her lips. “Did you ever have a crush on Shining?”

Cadance!” both stallions objected.

“I said I was curious.”

Blueblood facehoof and let out a grunt, “I will not confirm nor deny it. However, I will say that there may have been a reason why I often let him off easy when he messed up.”

Shining’s eyes went wide. “Dude, I didn’t know I was that attractive.”

“Wait,” Cadence raised a hoof, “does that explain that one time you avoided me for a week after I said that Shining was my-”

“Can we change the subject please!” Blueblood interrupted. But after taking in a calming breath, he added, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell just… Goddesses this is uncomfortable! I’m not used to even talking about stuff like this.”

“Bluey, it’s okay.” Cadence patted him on the back. “I know this can seem overwhelming, but really, we’re just curious about this side of you that until recently didn’t know existed.”

“Still…” Shining nodded, “With you having a crush easily type of thing… I kinda find that detail a little disturbing.”

“Why?” Blueblood raised an eyebrow.

“Well… In the past, you’ve dodged an entire legion of mares because somehow, you were able to see right through them. You were able to tell almost right away who were golddiggers and social climbers. However, I’m a bit worried if you would have that same standard now that you’ve come out. I mean, how do you know you won’t encounter any stallions that would try to pull what those mares in the past have done? After all, you seemed incorruptible because, in hindsight, you had no attraction to them. But how do you know when some guy comes along that he wouldn’t take advantage of you?”

For once, Blueblood didn’t have an answer for that. Shining was right that because of that lack of attraction to mares, it made it easier to see past the false flatteries, the empty smiles, and the hollowed promises of “I’ll love you forever.” In a way, he came out in hopes that he could put an end to all of that once and for all. But now Shining brought up a point that he never considered before. How would he know if the next suitor would be genuine?

How would he be certain they would tell the truth?

“I’m not saying your wrong,” Blueblood told him. “But what exactly do you want me to do about it? Just doubt everyone that so much as says hello to me?”

“Of course not.” Shining replied, “believe it or not, we didn’t come down from the Crystal Empire to tell you how to run your life.”

“If anything,” Cadence nodded, “this time I’ve decided to do something I never thought I would do.”

Blueblood raised his eyebrow. “And what’s that?”

“In the past, I kept butting into your love life, and it just left nothing behind but a trail of misery for both you and whoever I set you up for. So this time, I’m going to adopt a laissez-faire approach.”

Tilting his head, Blueblood inquired, “Maybe it’s because I’ve never taken up Prench, but does that loosely mean ‘hooves off?’”

“More like to let you be.” Cadance clarified. “Shining and I talked this over and decided that from here on out, we won’t try to pair you up with anyone. We won’t set you up on blind dates. You know what, we won’t ever pressure you into a relationship if you don’t want to.”

“So you came down from the frozen north to tell me that you’ll be leaving me alone?”

“Not quite,” Shining answered. “We won’t tell you what to do, for sure. But if you do find someone, you could turn to us for advice and such. Both of us have connections with gay stallions that have gone through several ups and downs in their lives and they know what to look out for. And we could also give in our two bits as well since we have learned a thing or two about relationships and Exes.”

“You can always write to us,” Cadence added, “or if things get really messy, complicated, or downright unpleasant; we will rush over here. So when we say that we want to offer you our support, we mean it.”

“Huh…” Blueblood blinked, “That actually sounds reasonable.”

“Of course,” Cadence leaned back in her seat, “if by chance you want to get in a relationship and have trouble finding one, I could always give some recommendations.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes. Praying for whatever deity that was listening to change the conversation before it got weird. Fortunately, someone was listening because they spotted a servant with a trolley and a silver dome rolling up to them. Yes, brunch. He almost forgot about it, the perfect distraction he was waiting for.

To Langue, he considers the act of lying as an art form in and of itself. Naturally, anyone can simply lie about anything - but it takes one of great skill, conviction, and great improvisation to come off as convincing. If anything, constructing a believable lie is like composing a piece of music. If one wrong note is played, the lie is endangered of being unmasked; yet, if one were to position all the notes at just the right time and the right place, it would be called a masterpiece.

“What is your business at Canterlot Castle?” One of the secretaries, a bored mare who sat behind a desk inquired. The unicorn was mint blue with peach eyes that peered through a pair of glasses who looked down at her desk. To the sides of her were stacks of lists, names, schedules, and a dozen inkwells. Behind her were brass tubes that had a humming sound coming from them that was labeled by rooms such as “Dining room,” “Throne Room,” “Captain of the Guard’s Office,” and so on.

“I’m here to seek an audience with one of the royals,” Langue answered.

The mare looked up, “I haven’t seen your face before.”

“Well, what can I say? I’m new to Canterlot.”

Humming, she levitated over an enormous schedule. “Are you here to see Celestia or Luna?”

“Neither madam.”

“Well… Princess Twilight wouldn’t be here until-”

“I’m not here for her either.” Langue interrupted, “I wish to speak with Prince Blueblood on a certain matter.”

“Blueblood?” The secretary blinked. “Are you sure that’s the pony you want to talk to?”

“Why? Is he busy?”

“Well not exactly,” she flipped through her schedule, “he should be finished eating lunch in a few minutes.”

“But why sound surprised?”

Using her magic, she took off her glasses to fold them. “It’s just that this is the first time anyone has asked to see the prince for an official audience. Usually, for state business, he goes to diplomates and such, but never to him.”

“Is that so?” Langue said intrigued, “C'est intéressant. (That’s interesting.)”


“I mean to say, that no one has asked to speak with the Prince directly?”

She shrugged, “Not that I know of. But if you want to see him, well… at least you don’t have to wait very long.” Flipping through the schedule, she started to jot down when she realized, “I realized I didn’t get your name. Who are you?”

“Langue d'Argent, Seigneur de nulle part.” He said, taking off his cap to her.

The secretary blinked, “Maybe my Prench is rusty, but Seigneur means Lord in Equestrian, right?”


“Okay, Lord… what was it?”

“Langue d’Argent.”

“Got it.” She scribbled the name down on a piece of paper before she stuffed it in a container to be sucked up a pipe labeled as: “Garden.” Turning around, the secretary said, “If you start heading down that hall on the right,” she pointed out. “And go straight until you reach the door that has a compass rose, that’s where you’ll meet Blueblood.”

“And where am I being sent to?”

“Blueblood’s office.”

Langue raised an eyebrow, “I thought that royalty always has their audiences in the throne room.”

“If you were talking to Celestia or Luna, yes. But Blueblood tends to run things by himself as he usually does international work, and besides, he doesn’t necessarily rank the princesses equally. Although, I don’t entirely see what you expect out of a meeting with him. But all I can say is to wish you luck with… whatever you’re trying to accomplish here.”

“Merci madame.” He tipped his cap to her before he began to head down towards the hallway he was instructed. Walking down the hall, across the checkered pattern floor of black and white marble that reflects like a mirror, going past the towering windows on one side and a series of doors on the other with the occasional oil painting or tapestry, Langue paused for a moment before a mirror to make sure he was presentable.

In his reflection, he adjusted his soft red cap that had a white plumage that stuck out from the side with a piece of sapphire to hold it in place. In his mind, it resembled closely what the old King’s Musketeers had worn centuries ago. While the hat might have been a bit much, he knew that what he had on did play a key role in his great lie. Because he knew that to get someone like the prince hooked - he would have to make a memorable first impression.

Standing back to get a good look at himself, he thought that the outfit was a touch gaudy, but it would give the impression of what he was aiming for. A white-collar shirt that had a peach-colored silk vest, a blue ribbon around his neck that held a gold Fleur de Lis, and a red overcoat on top of it. Although Langue saw all of this as a bit too flamboyant for his tastes, he hoped that it might trick Blueblood.

Continuing on, Langue soon came to the doors that the secretary had described. A large, blue compass rose; that was etched, painted, and gilded over the very wood of the doors. And, as he noticed, it was cracked open. Pushing on the doors to get a better view, he poked his head in to see a room that he had almost expected out of someone like Blueblood to have as an office.

At first glance, the room looked like something one would see from the Palace of Versailles. From the dome capped ceiling with its crystal chandelier that looks as if it was floating to the oval-shaped windows, the rococo gold pegasi that looked down from the sky blue walls; to the elaborate geometric patterns of the wooden floor, the world maps, bookshelves, and gilded desk that was flanked by two pony-size antique globes with a large window that looked out towards an intoxicating garden.

Walking inside, Langue also noticed only four large paintings were hanging up. One that showed a portrayal of Celestia and Luna’s coronation done in the baroque style, complete with clouds of heavenly beings blessing the event. One was an impressionistic painting of the countryside with Cyprus trees being reflected in a pond that looked like it was painted by Moneigh. One that showed a grove of aspen trees in the autumn that was painted in a romantic light. But the fourth, however, caught Langue’s eye.

It was a family portrait showing three ponies. Set in a garden of blooming roses, it showed the prince as a colt, sitting down on a pillow with two other domineering ponies behind him - both having a hoof on his shoulder. By the looks of the painting, it must have been painted around the time the prince had earned his cutie mark due to how young Blueblood looked. He noticed how the colt in the painting had a shorter mane, of how leaner if nearly sickly he looked, and the eyes… There was something off about it. Yes, it did show that pompous expression that he expected from a prince… but at the same time, there was a look of fear that was masked behind it. Perhaps it might have been from the two ponies behind that he assumed were his parents. On the left was a stallion that was in black with many medals on his chest (perhaps he was in the military) that had a strong body and a stern look. On the right was a mare in blue that seemed graceful yet distant. There was something… eerie about this portrait that Langue couldn’t shake off.

“I wasn’t expecting to receive an audience today,” Langue’s ears perked up when he was told that. He turned his head over to see the very prince that he came for. There in the doorway was Blueblood himself.

“Then I beg to be excused from this intrusion,” Langue took off his hat and bowed, “but I do hope that I would ask to lend an ear from His Majesty.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Langue d'Argent, Seigneur de nulle part.” He tilted his head up to look at Blueblood in the eye, “I humbly ask by Your Grace to permit me to hold a position to work on your behalf.”

Sonata No. 1 - 1st Movement: Adagio

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Blueblood was silent for a moment, tilting his head a little to the side. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“And you are quite right,” Langue held his hat over his chest. “I am new to Equestria in general, given that I have arrived from Prance.”

“Are you a new delegate?”

“Oh no, not necessarily. You see I have recently immigrated over, earned a joint citizen status but I figured that if I’m going to live here, I might as well find suitable work. I had hoped that perhaps you may have the privilege to work for you.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, walking towards his desk, he looked over Langue. Taking mental notes of this stranger from his clothing to his face. In his mind, he looked like something one would see on the illustrated cover of one of those historical romance novels. Only that there wasn’t anything fake as far as he saw it. Here in the flesh was a stallion that appeared to be flawless and elegant from the mane that he tied in the back to his cutie mark - a single deep red rose that was encompassed with a ring of vinyl thorns. Yet, from his lingering gaze at the mark, he heard Langue chuckle. “You see something that interests you, sire?”

“Oh! Uh,” Blueblood cleared his throat, trying to hide his embarrassment, “Your cutie mark, what does it mean?”

Langue looked over to his rump and smirked, “This? The rose itself is a symbol of my dedicated passion for anything I set my mind to.”

“And the ring of thorns?”

“The lengths I would go so I may protect and defend whatever - or… whoever, I’m passionate about.”

Blueblood blushed, yet turned away from looking at Langue in the eye. He took in a few calming breaths when he walked behind his desk. “So… what kind of position are you looking for? As far as I’m aware, I don’t know any that are open or in need of replacing.”

“Is that so?” Langue slowly walked over towards the desk. “Naturally, I’m not asking for much. I don’t want to be given a job without having earned it first.”

“I see, but what kind of skills do you have?”

“Let’s see… Apart from having Prench being my first language and I can speak Equestrian quite well; I am very good at being persuasive when need be. I’m good with delegating others, well organized, and adaptable. In my experience as a Lord, I had to take careful consideration with the wellbeing of those that I supervise.”

“You’re a Lord?”

“Oui Sire, at least, the kind that others turn to so that their land and domain are being looked after while they are away. You see, I was one of those that if another lord, dutchess, or what have you decides that they are called away, go on a holiday, or have to step away for official business, then I would temporarily step in until their return. But alas, despite all my efforts, I was never given any titles or land that is solely my own.”

Langue knew that this too was part of his facade. That the best way to convince another into their lie is to tell a series of half-truths. Because in a way, all those parts about his skills with delegating while looking over other nobles' lands were technically true, along with being good at it. Even if Blueblood were to look up for any such evidence in Prance, he would find that this fact does check out.

Yet, he left out how he got to that position in the first place.

Blueblood hummed in thought. “Even so, I do find it a little strange that a member of the Prench nobility has suddenly decided to come to Equestria to apply for a position from someone who takes care of international affairs.”

“If your Majesty is asking where my loyalties lie, I can assure you that I’m not working for the Prench government, considering how little they gave me to do anyway. I had come here in hopes of better opportunities, and if they may support me, then they will have my undying loyalty. If you were to support me, then it is to you that I will devote to, regardless of what you want me to be.”

“And why come to me? I don’t normally have ponies come to me with this sort of thing. Why not go speak with Celestia or Luna?”

Langue hummed thoughtfully, going around the desk. “Perhaps I could. But given what I’ve heard about you, you seemed to be the more… safer bet.”

“What have you heard about? What are you…?” Blueblood trailed off when he suddenly realized what he meant. “Does this have anything to do with-”

“You coming out? Oui. And before you ask, no, I don’t have a problem with it. If anything…” Langue ran a hoof on the desk, “We are, as you say, in the same boat.”

“O-Oh?” Blueblood backed away a little, feeling his cheeks heating up. “In what way?”

“I… let us say that there was a scandal in my country that has exposed me in a… embarrassing way. Which was a major factor in my immigrating here. To seek asylum, and maybe find someone that has some idea of the pony that I am. After all, from what I’ve read, you have kept this for years. Always hidden something so personal from everyone. It is torture, no? It is lonely when you think you’re the only one that has gone through such a thing.” Langue made sure to make his eyes a little extra wide for the next part. “Surely, Your Grace, you know what it is like, no?”

“Well, I…” Blueblood cleared his throat. “I do. And I’m sorry to hear that. I was fortunate enough to come out on my own terms. I can only imagine how humiliating it was for you.”

“Still,” Langue lowered himself to where he was looking up to the prince. “I’m not asking much. If you have something, no matter how humble, I will take it. And you don’t have to do anything with me ever again. Yet… it is rather nice to know someone that has an idea of what I have gone through.”

“My my…” Blueblood glances over to his desk. “Now that you’ve mentioned it, I… suppose I could finally open up a historian position to help organize my schedule, meetings, letters, and so forth.”

“Ah! I am grateful,” Langue bowed low. “You have my word, majesté généreuse, that I will work diligently in your service.”

“Very good,” Blueblood nodded, “so… could you come back tomorrow? I tend to do my duties between noon to six.”

“I will be here,” Langue smiled, and now, for his masterstroke, “merci beaucoup, Prince Blueblood. And I realized that I have forgotten something important.”

“And what’s that?”

“In Prance, this is how we say goodbye,” he leaned forward to where his right cheek met the Prince, this sudden action caught Blueblood off guard as he sensed that he was frozen there. Not quite a nuzzle, but their cheeks were touching, “and hello.” Softly, and delicately as possible, Langue titled his head to the side to give the prince a noticeable kiss on the cheek before doing the same on the other.

Pulling away, he smiled at how flustered from this unexpected greeting he gave. The prince’s cheeks had gone from pink to red. “So, until tomorrow, au revoir, belle majesté.” He bowed one more time, backing away from him. By the time he turned around and started walking towards the door, he knew that he had Blueblood hooked.

As for the Prince himself, his hunches slumped to the floor, stunned. It took him several minutes to process what just happened. Yet, even when he did, he still found it hard to believe it.

“Did he just…?” He raised a hoof to his cheek.

There was a small part of him that thought that maybe because he was Prench, it was just their way of greeting. Surely that must be it, right…?

Another part of himself wasn’t so sure…

“What was it like to be kissed by Shining for the first time?”

Cadence looked up from her breakfast, “Sorry? Where did this come from?”

Blueblood shifted in his seat. Even though he ordered a light breakfast of a pastry and tea, he pushed those to the side. “I’m curious is all. Just… do you recall when that happened.”

“Of course I do, but why-”

“There’s a reason but, care to share it with me?”

Cadence took a moment to sip her glass of orange juice. “Well when it happened, we started to go out. I think it was getting late and it was raining too because I remember him holding an umbrella over us. We just saw a movie that I can’t remember what it was and he walked me back to the castle. He just let me go and I was walking up the steps when he unexpectedly turned around saying something along the lines of, ‘Hey, I forgot something.’ And he kissed me right there in the rain.”

“So it just came without warning.”

She nodded, “It was unexpected but I welcomed it because I was growing to like Shining at the time. But now you’ve got me curious, what’s all of this about?”

“I was just wondering something.” Blueblood circled a small part of the table with the tip of his hoof. “Does a kiss mean something different in other places and circumstances?”

“Well, that might depend on the context.” She tilted her head to the side, “Bluey, what’s going on?”

Blueblood didn’t answer right away, he looked over to the side to make sure that they weren’t being listened to. In the sunroom, there wasn’t anything around except for the tropical plants and flowers that were in bloom. There weren’t any of the servants around, and the nearest guards were on the other side of the door into the sunroom. That, and Shining had finished up breakfast a little while ago and said he was going to the castle’s gym.

He breathed in through his nostrils. “Don’t tell anyone this because I’m not sure what to make of this myself but…” Cadence raised an eyebrow, leaning in her seat a little. “I was kissed yesterday.”

“Wait, really?” She blinked.

“It just happened and I don’t know if it means anything or it has a cultural context, but he was Pranch and-”

“Bluely, slow down.” Cadence held up her hooves. “So… what happened?”

Taking a moment to down some of his tea, Blueblood began again. He explained that a stallion that he had never seen before had asked an audience with him. He came directly to him to work for him since he recently immigrated from Prance. But then, just as he gave him a job as a historian, the stallion did something unexpected. He kissed him on both of his cheeks before he left.

“Ooh, okay that makes a little more sense.” Cadence nodded. “Bluey, have you ever been to Prance or Istally?”

Blueblood shook his head. “Not necessarily. I mean, you know I have worked on Equestria’s behalf in places like Saddle Arabia, Neighpon, Yakyakistan, and Mexicolt. But I haven’t gotten the chance to go to Prance myself - I haven’t even learned the language yet.”

“Well, I have, and I think that what you’ve just experienced is something called la bise. It’s something of the equivalent of a hug or a hoofshake when you meet someone. Traditionally, it’s a way of greeting somepony.”

“Even if…” Blueblood started to ask but his question died on his lips.


“Even if it’s from another gay stallion?”

“Wait, how did you-”

“He told me it was one of the reasons he came here. As a sort of asylum, apparently, he thought that it would be better to work with someone that has some idea of what he’s going through as well. And I won’t lie to you,” he sipped his tea, “Langue is rather handsome.” He admitted with his cheeks turning a tint of pink.

Cadence downed the rest of her glass. “You know, I can’t believe that it’s me of all ponies that is saying this but… Blueblood, I think you need to slow down here.”

“What?” He blinked.

“I mean, you just met this stallion only yesterday. You don’t really know about his intentions, what he’s like, or if he’s already in a relationship.”

“Don’t you think I already know that? But since yesterday, it’s all confusing to me what he’s trying to do. I mean… is he flirting because it’s a cultural thing or that he finds me attractive? Why is he doing this? Does he know what that kiss on the cheek means here in Equestria?”

“In other words, and please correct me if I’m interpreting this wrong - you sound bewildered from what is going on.”

“That… sounds about right, yes. And I wonder if there might be more that is going on as well.”

Cadence hummed in thought. “Bluely, have you ever heard of Occam’s razor?”

“Is that a shaving brand?”

She chuckled, “Oh no! It’s a handy rule of hoof that states that the simplest and innocent of explanations are oftentimes the most likely. I could probably rule that even if this Prench guy is also gay, he probably had flirted and kissed you on the cheeks because it’s something he’s used to from where he’s from. He probably was trying to give you the utmost respect in the best way he knows how. He probably didn’t consider how you would interpret it.”

As disappointing as that was to Blueblood, there was something in his cousin’s tone that suggests there’s more to this. “Why am I sensing a ‘but’ in that statement?”

“While I do think it might have been an innocent mistake, I’m not ruling out the possibility that he may not have found you attractive somehow. Of course, since I don’t know all the details I can’t say. But from what I’ve heard, I wouldn’t entirely rule it out either.”

“So what am I to do now? He’ll be here to work with me this afternoon.”

“Well, if I were you, I’d get to know him a little. Maybe ask about his interests, what his life in Prance was like, what was his most or least favorite foalhood memory. Just stuff like that where it would give you a better picture of what kind of pony you’re dealing with. That, and given the ambiguity of it all, maybe, for now, it’s best to keep an open mind and give him the benefit of the doubt. Who knows, maybe something would come out of it. But as Twily would put it, always do your research first.”

There wasn’t anything that Blueblood could argue against. Cadence was right in that he doesn’t know much about who Langue was, or if by chance it might grow into something deeper than an employer/employee sort or relationship. There were still so many questions that he had about this mysterious stallion that he didn't know about.

At least, not yet.

“.... Other than that,” Langue flipped over to the next page. “The Prime Minister of Trottingham is asking to arrange a meeting with you in a few weeks. It’s regarding renegotiating trade deals with Equestria. Do you want to host this meeting or turn it down?”

“I will take it up, but is it possible for him to come earlier?”

“It doesn’t say, but I could write up a response asking about it.” After closing up the folder, he said, “And I believe that is it for today. Unless there is more paperwork hidden somewhere.”

“No, that is all that needs to be taken care of.” Blueblood let out a relieved sigh, stretching at his desk.

“Ah, very good.” Langue closed up the folder. “Unless there is anything else, Your Majesty, I believe I will be returning home. There is a slow-cooked stew that I’m looking forward to.”

Blueblood hummed, “I will say that you carried yourself pretty well for your first day. Quite professional.”


“However,” Blueblood rested his hooves on the desk. “There is something that has been bugging me that, if you have the time, I would like to know.”

“Something wrong?”

“No just…” he breathed in. “Mr. Langue, I don’t know much about you. Apart from where your nationality, being a Lord, and the… reasons why you came to Equestria. That is all I know about you.”

“Ah, I see,” setting the folder down, Langue propped his upper half on the desk. “And what would His Highness wish to know?”

“Tell me about yourself.”

“For example…?”

“Well, where did you grow up, and what was your foalhood like?”

“Alright, I was born in Bordeaux.”

“Where in Prance is that?”

“Let me show you.” He turned to one of the globes near the desk, turned it so that he could show the prince his country. “It is right here,” he pointed at a spot by the sea that was in the southwestern part of Prance. “I know it is not as big as Paris or as important, but the country is usually quite lush.”

“Isn’t Bordeaux famous for its wine?”

Langue nodded, “Quite so! Some of the finest in the world. Why I remember the vineyards when I was a colt. My family has grown grapes for generations for the making of good quality wine.”

“I thought you were a Lord?”

“Well… even us Lords must justify the use of our lands, no? I knew in some areas they produce cheese while others have herds of sheep that they shear now and then to produce wool. And my family made wine.”

He paused to take a glance at the prince’s family portrait. It was a muse to help him so that the Prince would connect to him. “Yet, despite the beautiful countryside, I don’t remember it being particularly happy.”

This got Blueblood’s attention. “No?”

Shaking his head, Langue replied, “Growing up, my parents were what you may call… overprotective. Though I was bursting with life, I was a sickly child. As such, my mother forbade me to play with foals my age, and my father was overly concerned about my health. Looking back, I can tell they were doing this for my well-being, but when you live under their shadow, as something to be placed behind glass and only taken out for special occasions; one can’t help but feel resentful. So is it any wonder that the moment I had to get out - I took it.”

“Have they…” Blueblood started to say but instantly stopped himself short.


“Well, if it doesn’t cross a line. Have they tried to force you to be a certain way?”

“.... I suppose I would be lying if I said they didn’t. Why?”

Blueblood looked over to the portrait. “I have experienced something similar. Of course, not exactly like yours, but I have experienced being in control over every aspect of life.”

“In what way?”

He waved over to the painting, “My parents had everything planned out for me from the beginning. And I’m not exaggerating either, they had a schedule for me that I must follow. They had it so that they had it timed to the minute of where I was supposed to be, how long I was supposed to do it, with whom that I met. You can say that I had no say in the matter if they say that at this time that I must learn a second or third language, go to this place to learn about etiquette, speak with Auntie Celestia for five minutes - I do it. Even before their death, they had even planned my potential wedding for me. Did you know I was supposed to be married at the age of twenty-three, but they had passed away before they could arrange the marriage for me?”

Langue slowly walked around the desk. “You never had a say in anything, have you - much like I have?”

“You know, there’s something tragic about how the past haunts you in the present.”

“Oh, mon prince tragique! Even though free, you still are in chains.” By then, Langue was up close to him, “I cannot speak for what you have gone through, but I have a good idea what it is like to pretend as someone you’re not. To wear a painted smile constantly is exhausting. Yet,” he traced a hoof down the side of Blueblood’s shoulder, “être libéré être soi-même! To find another that you don’t have to keep secrets to without judgment because they experienced something similar.”

“I wish I could have something like that.”

Langue placed a hoof underneath Blueblood’s chin, lifting it up so that his eyes faced his, “And who is to say that you don’t? You have me, a humble servant to Your Majesty. I know that it is hard to carry such burdens alone - but if you allow me to carry that weight with you; I may ease your sorrows.”

Blueblood’s heartbeat so hard that he could feel it in his chest, his cheeks flustered so unexpectedly that he backed away. “F-Forgive me, I didn’t mean to get this-”

“Intimate?” Langue smirked, “If you have been alone as I have, is it so unnatural to find that you are not alone? Please, mon prince, do not be ashamed around me. At least let me teach you how to live without having it being so heavy on your mind. You don’t have to put up a façade unlike everyone else you have to interact.” He reached out to cup his cheek, “I know it is hard. I know how deeply humiliating it is to show another your deepest self and say ‘This is me, no one can change but myself, and maybe, I don’t want to!’ Let me show you how to live a life of courage and never let fear control you.”

Blueblood almost stepped back as no doubt Langue could feel the warmth from his cheek. “That… is something I can only wish I could be.”

“If you wish it, so shall it be. But for now, I must go. Hopefully, we may begin such a journey tomorrow?”

The prince blinked, “Wait, are you asking me on-”

Langue silenced him with a hoof over his lips, “Ah-ha! Not yet, but… perhaps soon. For now, let us rest on this so we know where to go from here, oui?”

“I… Well…” Blueblood nodded, “Until tomorrow?”

He smiled, “Of course,” he leaned in to kiss him on both cheeks. “Until then, au revoir.” He bowed once more before he left the office.

Alone once more, Blueblood felt his cheeks. Not because of the kisses, but to feel something on his face that was strange but… oddly welcoming. He almost thought that it was something he was incapable of, yet there it was - he could feel it.

He was smiling genuinely.

“Monsieur, voudriez-vous encore me rappeler pourquoi vous avez invité le Prince Blueblood à dîner? (Sir, would you kindly remind me again why you invited Prince Blueblood over for dinner?)” Maximilian asked, rubbing the side of his head.

Langue looked over the table like how a sculpture would at his art piece. He walked around to look at every angle to see that nothing was out of place. All the silverware was polished and placed symmetrically. The china was cleaned from dust and still shimmered, especially in candlelight. All the candles were positioned straight up and lit evenly. He also checked to see the silk tablecloth was even on all sides; as well as the centerpiece of the table - a small dome of blooming red roses was just where it needed to be.

“Jusqu'à maintenant, (Up until now,)” Langue said, “J'ai simplement été tenté par notre prince. (I’ve been merely tantalizing our prince.)” He took a moment to adjust the crystal goblet so the carved sides would line up with the other. “Pour l'instant, je l'ai accroché. Mais maintenant, je vais devoir assumer la tâche critique de le ramener. (So far, I’ve got him hooked. But now I’ll have to take the critical task to reel him in.)”

Just then, they heard the doorbell ring.

Maximilian sighed, “Dois-je laisser entrer le pauvre meunier? (Shall I allow the poor sucker inside?)”

“Par tous les moyens, s'il vous plaît. (By all means, please do.)” Langue took his seat at one end of the table while his butler went over to the front door.

Unlocking the latches, Maximilian pulled open the door to see the Prince there. Even though he had never met Blueblood in his life, he could tell right away that the prince was agitated like a teenager on his first date. From the stiff posture to the royal blue suit that had a white flower in its coat pocket, even the smell of orange leaves perfumed so heavily that the butler briefly wondered if Blueblood was really an orange tree that was just brought to life.

“Oh hello!” Blueblood adjusted his golden bowtie, “I’m expected, is Langue here?”

The butler only stared at him.

“He said that he lived here, so is he home?”

Maximilian didn’t say anything but stepped back and gestured a hoof to lend him inside. Although Blueblood wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, he did walk in and followed the butler into the house.

The prince didn’t say anything, but he was taken aback at how unusually small the house was. Even for a Lord’s, it was oddly a modest size where it had no second floor, and everything seemed a bit… simple for his tastes. Not that there wasn't anything on the walls like a piece of art here and there - there was - but the prince was somewhat unnerved how much the hallways seemed to lack sophistication.

Blueblood was shown in the dining room that was only lit by candlelight. The room bathed in an orange, amber flickering glow as if he had stepped back a few centuries ago. Yet, in the dim light was Langue who got up from his seat. “Your Majesty,” he bowed, “welcome to my humble abode.”

Humble is right…” Blueblood muttered. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting.”

“Oh no! You’re on time.” He tilted his head to the side to address his butler, “Allez à la cuisine chercher le vin et les apéritifs. (Go to the kitchen and fetch the wine and appetizers.)” He waved a hoof. Maximilian nodded and went away.

Taking a seat across from Langue, he commented, “Don’t consider me rude, but is your servant uh… mute?”

“Oh no, Maximilian simply doesn’t know Equestrian. He only speaks Prench you see.”

“I see…” Blueblood nodded and glanced around the dining room. “And your home seems a bit… barren.”

“Yes, but I would ask for your forgiveness on my part. Since immigrating to Equestria, I had to spend a good deal of bits just to move in. And some of the luxuries have to be stripped. But rest assured, dinner will still be as high quality as that in Prance.”

“My…” He looked at the table that, though simplified from what he’s used to, he realized that the china, silverware, and even the tablecloth was probably the best he had in the house. “I had no idea that you had to live like this.”

“You could blame the uh… scandal for my living arrangements. But I’m blessed to have what I got. Yet, regardless of the circumstances, it is my duty as Prench to give you the best in hospitality by the highest quality we can muster.”

Blueblood smiled. “I do appreciate you going the extra mile just for me.”

“For you? I would have done so anyway.”

Just then, Maximilian returned with a bottle of wine and a tray of appetizers. Small slices of a baguette with a goat cheese spread, pair, and hay bacon on top. The butler, after dishing and pouring out evenly to the two, excused himself to prepare for the next course.

For a while, Blueblood wasn’t sure what to say or do. Apart from nibbling on the appetizer and taking small sips of wine, he didn’t know if there was something he was supposed to do.

“Is there something wrong, Your Grace?” Langue inquired. “Have you found something displeasing with the food?”

“N-No, it’s just…” Blueblood let out a frustrated sigh, “I’m sorry, I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Langue tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

“I mean… I’ve uh… never been on a date that I wanted to go on before.”

“Wanted to go on?”

“I…” he grunted, “Well, it’s not that I haven’t been on dates before, but up until now, they’re usually arranged or someone forced it on me. Usually, I try every trick in the book to make it so bad that whoever is with me would storm off. But now…”

Langue spotted a golden opportunity. “And now, you are on a date that you want to be on, but don’t know how to conduct yourself in.”

“It’s embarrassing to admit it-”

“No no! Don’t be ashamed. It is perfectly natural for a stallion in your position. Besides,” Langue got up, “it’s rather flattering that you want me to be on a date with.”

Blueblood’s eyes widened at realizing his mistake, “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to let it slip out like-”

“Ah-ha!” Langue was in front of him. “Don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize about.” He reached a hoof over Blueblood’s shoulder. “But tell the truth, do you like me that way? To really go on a date with?”

“W-Well…” Blueblood averted his eyes, his cheeks warming up. “I-I know we just meet a few days ago… And I know it’s a little too soon to tell but-”


“It’s… It’s difficult to explain. But there’s something different about you that I can’t put a hoof on. I mean… I never had a stallion that was interested in me like this before.”

Langue dramatically gasped, “Oh chers dieu! Pauvre âme misérable! (Oh dear gods! You poor miserable soul!) Please say that isn’t true. No one?”

“I wish it wasn’t.” Blueblood embarrassingly said, “I mean, I have fallen in love with others before - but none of them felt the same way back. So… you’re the first.”

Shaking his head in disbelief, Langue hid his smile from the prince, muttering, “Je ne peux pas croire que ça va être aussi facile! (I can not believe that it’s going to be this easy!)” He turned back to face the prince. “Your Majesty, I may be a humble Lord that has fallen on hard times. I may have lost a good deal of my fortune when I was humiliated. Having to flee the country and having to restart again, I can take solace that there is one ray of happiness in all of this.” He cupped the Prince’s cheek, “Though I may have lost much, I have gained something greater.”

Blueblood took hold of Langue’s hoof, “But… you don’t have to live like this. If you want, I can get you a much bigger estate to live in, more servants, even greater wealth just-”

Langue shushed him. “Dear Prince, you are too kind, but I want to earn my way. Yes, you have indeed brought great happiness to me - I have not quite earned your heart.”


“It would mean nothing if you gave it so willingly, so immediately. No! I will not lose something so easily given only to be easily taken away. That is not the kind of love I seek.”

Blueblood felt his face had turned red. “And… what are you seeking?”

Langue leaned forward, getting closer to Blueblood’s face. “The kind where it would grow strong and tall. Where not shame or scandal would demolish it. The kind where there is little need of secrets, little need of deception, and no matter how disgusting or shameful - you are willing to share, knowing that I wouldn’t judge you harshly. The kind that you would allow me into your innermost sanctum.”

They were close now, face to face mere inches away with the prince unsure what this stallion was going to do next. He had never been talked like this before; never had he been told that he wanted to be earned to be desired by. So new this whole experience was that he was questioning if he should kiss him or not. He didn’t know if he was going to do that for him. So close to his lips…

Langue gave a peck on his nose. He pulled away with a smile. “I have a long way to go before that happens.”

From the doorway, Maximilian coughed into his hoof. Thus getting the attention of both stallions. “Donc je suppose que vous l'avez ramené? (So I assumed you have reeled him in?)”

“What did he say?” Blueblood asked.

“He said he has brought our next course.” Langue lied. “Would you like to have Maximilian bring out the phonograph to play Buch while we dine?”

Even though the two stallions sat back down in their seats and enjoyed course after course of Prench cuisine, and even when at least an hour or two had gone by; to Blueblood, everything was over too soon. He didn’t recall what he ate, but just being in the same room as Langue was (despite how clichè the words were) magical. Time had cruelly slipped by unnoticed, that by the time dessert came with a chocolate souffle, Langue got up from the table.

“That was a wonderful meal, don’t you think?”

“Mm?” Blueblood blinked, glancing down at his half-eaten dessert before him. “I… yes, it was.”

“I appreciated the company, Your Grace,” Langue smiled, “Perhaps we could do this again sometime soon?”

“Do you think I could…” Blueblood began to say but trailed off.


“I uh… I hope this isn’t too soon to ask but. Maybe, the next time around, do you think I could stay with you for the night?”

Langue blinked, “Dear Prince, I’m flattered, but that seems a bit quick for that, don’t you think?”

“I-I didn’t imply to sleep with you - at least not like that - what I mean to say-” Blueblood covered his face in embarrassment. “Goddesses dammit!

“I will assume that you innocently meant to have us linger longer than just over a meal, no? Maybe in the future, but, as I said. One step at a time.” He walked over to Blueblood to kiss him on both his cheeks. “A la prochaine, bonne nuit. (Until next time, good night.)”


“I will see you tomorrow, Prince Blueblood.”

Blueblood told him the same, getting up and exiting the house.

Langue smirked when his butler entered. Maximilian asked, “Combien de temps veux-tu continuer la mascarade? (How long do you want to continue the charade for?)”

“Pas avant d'être dans la meilleure position. (Not until we’re in the best position.)” He replied. “Maintenant que je l'ai eu là où j'ai besoin de lui, j'ai juste besoin de faire semblant un peu plus longtemps et nous serons dans la rue facile pour le reste de nos vies. (Now that I got him where I need him, I just need to pretend a little longer and we’ll be on easy street for the rest of our lives.)”

While gathering up the dishes, Maximilian said, “Pour votre bien, j'espère que vous savez quand descendre avant qu'il ne soit trop tard pour le faire. (For your sake, I hope you know when to get off before it becomes too late to do so.)”

Langue laughed, “S'il te plaît! Tu donnes l'impression que je ne sais pas ce que je fais. Je finirai par rompre, je dois juste attendre le bon moment pour le faire. (Please! You’re making it sound like I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ll break it off eventually, I just need to wait for the right moment to do so.)”

There was something familiar about this garden, but Blueblood couldn’t put a hoof on it. In every direction, it was full of color but everything from the trees swaying in the breeze, the spring, lilac-purple flowers that draped over a turquoise green bridge, even the pond full of lily pads seemed familiar. He wasn’t even sure how he got on the rowboat that was painted white with dark blue highlights at the edges.

However, what he was sure about was that he was floating alone in Langue’s caressing hooves. Although everything else was blurry, he could see him clearly. On his back, he was held by his perfect stallion with the sun overhead in the brilliantly blue sky. Langue’s head blocked the sun, almost making it look like he had a halo behind him.

“What an unfairly long day you had today,” He heard Langue say, stroking his mane consolingly.

“It has?” Blueblood blinked.

“Never given a break, never a time to just stop and enjoy the moment.” Langue glanced up for a moment to the garden. “Do you like this place? It’s my favorite place in the whole world. So peaceful, so calm, and so beautiful - like you.”

“Y-You think I’m-”

Langue squashed him, putting a free hoof to his lips. “Be still, and just enjoy the moment.”

Blueblood felt that he was paralyzed but given the look in Langue’s eye that saw desire in it - he welcomed it. Langue’s face was descending on his, getting closer and closer. Tilting his head to the side and closing his eyes.

“Langue…” Blueblood whispered, willing to surrender to the kiss that was about to come.

“If I knew you would be dreaming this, I would have brought some popcorn.”

Blueblood’s eyes sprang open wide and looked over to the third voice that unexpectedly spoke up. While he was looking upside-down, he saw Princess Luna by the bot, apparently standing on the blurry water.

“Gah!” Blueblood flung about with Langue suddenly disappearing on him. He almost tipped over if it weren’t for Luna keeping the rowboat steady. “Aunt Luna?! What are you doing here?!”

“My job, since dreams are in my domain.”

“What? I’m dreaming?” Blueblood sat up, looking around at his surroundings. “Wait… now I know why this looks familiar. This is Moneigh’s garden. I’m inside a painting.”

“Indeed.” Luna walked into the other side of the boat, facing her nephew. “So what exactly did I walk into? That stranger was about to lay a kiss on you but didn’t resist.”

“Wait, didn’t you know that I came out?”

She blinked, “Come out of what?”

“So… Celestia didn’t tell you that I’m gay?”

“Well I see that you are in a better mood, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“You mean you don’t know?”

“Blueblood, I work in Night Court, I’m pretty much the last pony in Equestria to know what’s going on.”

The prince grunted, rubbing the side of his head, “Luna, do you grasp the concept of two stallions falling in love with one another on a deep, emotional, and sexual level?”

“What are you… oh!” Luna suddenly realized, “Why yes! The Pegasi style of love. Yes, I am aware of that sort of thing. Why, there’s a reason why I only allow my guard to be such a way if they were to be my security. Of course, it took a while for me to reform the group as it was disbanded after my banishment.”

Now it was Blueblood’s turn to blink, “Wait, you mean the Lunar Guard is actually… You know what, one thing at a time! So yes, what your guards are, I’m that too.”

“Ooh…” Luna nodded in realization. “I never knew you were one yourself.” She pointed, “And that stranger was someone you have an affiliation towards, correct?”

“Something like that, yes.” He paused for a long moment, “Are you… disgusted by it?”

The Princess of the Night tilted her head in confusion, “Why would I be? My Lunar Guards are attracted to one another and are extremely loyal to me and each other. Did I not make that clear?”

“I think so, it’s just…” He let out a frustrated sigh, “All of this is confusing to me. I’ve barely known him for less than a week and already I feel something deeper than friendship. Now that I’ve officially let the world know of who I am and what I’m into - am I falling so fast because I’m desperate for love or am I being blinded by infatuation?”

“Do you know if this stranger feels the same way - or does he know?”

“Oh, he knows alright. I think he feels the same way but said we should pace ourselves. But… I don’t know, I want to express how much he means to me.”

“I see…” Luna hummed in thought. “You know, I recall there was an old custom among the Pegasi when such a thing happens.”


“You see, in the ancient days, when a stallion wishes to express something on a deep level with another, it was custom that he should bring gifts as a way to express that sort of love. It would always start with small things such as a shiny stone, or a bushel of grain. But if that love is returned, the gifts would become more valuable with each visit such as bringing a new tool, a new chalice, a jug of wine, and so on. Such courtships tend to be an expansive affair, but it is the outcome that both would love each other more than they do a mare - it would end with the presentation of something sweet like honey as it was rare in those days.”

“Do you think I should do something similar?”

“In my view, to have stallions have that sort of connection is a mark of honor. It’s the same reason why I have my guards be such because I know that if something comes, they will fight to the death for one another. If you wish to pursue this, I will see it as the most honorable thing you could do with your life. I would suggest like those from the Ancient Pegasi Empire to start small and see what happens from there. And if you need some further assistance, do not be afraid to call on me if you need something to make it happen.”

Luna got up and gracefully, she stepped off the boat and stood above the water, “I must go, there are many other dreams that need my attention. Farewell Blueblood, I wish you luck with your most noble of quests.” With that, Luna lit up her horn to rip open a portal in which she stepped through.

The next day, Langue came into Blueblood’s office at noon. As he walked through the double doors, he spotted a bouquet of roses on the desk with a card sticking out. Curious, he walked over to get a closer look at it to find that the card had his name on it.

“Maintenant, qu'est-ce que c'est? (Now, what is this?)” He asked aloud as he levitated the card over to unfold it.

Langue, I cannot thank you enough for the dinner last night. Later on today, I want to talk about raising your salary so you can move to a proper place in Canterlot. I want to do what I can to help you out.

With Love,

- Blueblood.

Looking between the note and the roses, Langue grinned. “Now that is more like it.”

Sonata No. 1 - 2nd Movement Allegro and Fuga

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“You don’t suppose this comes off as too strong, does it?”

Cadence eyed the present that was beside their table. It was another bouquet that Blueblood had the gardeners put together… or to be more accurate, still putting together. The vase - if one could call it that - was as tall as the table and wide enough for her to jump in and out of. It was made out of colorful glass that Blueblood had imported from Istally where it had elaborate patterns and an elegant wave pattern at the very mouth of it. This monster of a vase was still being filled up with not just flowers and plants, but with stuff such as curvy glass rods, fairy lights, a while orange tree, and other strange knick-knacks.

“That depends,” Cadence sipped some of her juice. “How blunt do you want me to be?”

“Is it that bad?”

“Honestly, it’s not just gaudy, but even Las Pegasus would call this over the top. That, and I don’t know how anypony would fit it in their house - let alone transport it without breaking the two-ton vase.”

Blueblood groaned. “Well… What am I supposed to do? I’m already running out of ideas on what kind of flowers to give him.”

“Maybe you should expand your horizons, and realize that stallions would accept other things than just flowers and chocolates.”

Banging on the table, Blueblood huffed, “Chocolates! Why didn’t I think of that!?”

“Bluey,” Cadence said firmly. “Look, I know you want to impress your coltfriend but-”

“Now wait a minute, Langue isn’t my… Well, at least not officially but-”

Cadence lit up her horn to clamp his mouth shut, “Don’t interrupt. I have a point.” After clearing her throat she said, “As I was saying, I know you want to impress him, but I think you seriously need to think outside the box.” Then she let go of the prince’s mouth.

“What do you mean?”

“Look at it this way. Suppose you were the one getting the gifts, what exactly do you ideally want from to show his affection?”

Blueblood blinked. “I… You know, I’ve never thought of it. I had been giving him flowers the past week because I thought that’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re trying to court somepony.”

“While the flowers are sweet, and the chocolates more so, I think you can do better than that.”


Cadence pondered this for a moment. “Well, do you know what Langue likes?”

“I… somewhat, yes.”

“Okay, what?”

“He loves food. While he has a high standard of taste, he likes the comfort food from his home country. As well as fine wine.”

“Good,” Cadence nodded, “What else?”

“Well he… likes music.”

“Everyone likes music,” Cadence deadpanned, “can you be more specific?”

“He likes to listen to Buch during work. Listens to Prench jazz to unwind. And he recently said that he puts on a record of Debussy to fall asleep to.”

“Okay, that’s better. What are his interests?”

Blueblood blinked, “Besides stallions.”

“Yes.” Cadence flatly said.

He folded his forelegs, “Well I don’t see what any of this has got to do with anything.”

“The point being is that if you want to give him gifts, do so where there has been thought put into it. And I don’t just mean an appeal to his likes, but focus on things that have significance for him. Let’s say that I gave you a gift and it turns out to be the very outfit that… what’s-his-name wore for Saturday Night Fever, would you connect with the gift?”

“Well of course not-”


“Because…” He blinked, “I have no connection with disco.”

“Exactly. The same rule of hoof should go with giving gifts to Langue. In a way, it’s why it’s so important to get to know him as a way to show that you care. So instead of this,” she waved a hoof at the giant vase, “based on what you know, what do you think would be a better gift for him?”

For a while, Blueblood didn’t answer. On the one hoof, it was humiliating for him that despite all those times when Langue would whisper those sweet nothings - he’s still a mystery to him. Of course, there were some clues as to what he’s like now and then. But that’s all he knows - clues. Yes, he knows he prefers to listen to Buch while they work, but not so much as to why. Yes, the stallion does serve up food from his country and is willing to share, but has he ever tried anything else?

On the other hoof, what little he knows about him still inspires some ideas.

“You know what?” Blueblood smirked, “There is something better.”

When Langue walked into Blueblood’s office, he had expected to see another vase that had some flowers that were elaborately arranged on top. If he’s being honest with himself, even when he was about to move to a bigger house, he wouldn’t know where exactly he would place it anyway. The dining table already has three of them, two are in the living room, one in his bedroom on a dresser, while the latest one… well, he still wasn’t sure where he was going to put the gift that was about the size of an armchair. In a way, he hoped that maybe Blueblood would at best stop with these flowery gifts or maybe swap it with something cliche like chocolates - he would prefer eating those, rather than have Maximilian cook up flower salad for the next several weeks.

What he didn’t expect when walking through those double doors was a twin pile of boxes next to the phonograph. These boxes were stacked as high as he was. Each was wrapped in a blue silk bow, and one of them had his name on it. Blueblood sat behind his desk, who looked like a foal would when presenting the perfect present that they really want whoever they got it for to open.

“What is all this?” Langue asked.

“Do you like it?” Blueblood asked with a mile-wide grin.

Curious, Langue used his magic to levitate one of the boxes over to him. He untied the ribbon and flipped it open to see rows of records. He took out one of the disks to read the label. “Goldberg Variations BWV 988…” He picked up another. “Buch’s first violin sonata… You bought me recordings of Buch?”

“I did,” the prince nodded. “All of them.”

Langue blinked. “And when you say-”

“All of them. Yes, I do mean, all. I’m giving you records of Buch’s complete work. All played from period instruments, and these are the best critically acclaimed recordings of his music. This is my gift to you.”

Langue blinked again. “So all these boxes…” he gestured a hoof at them, “they have all of Buch’s one thousand and eighty pieces.”

“It includes his more recently discovered music, along with his unfinished pieces too. So,” he leaned forward, “do you like it?”

For a long minute, Langue didn’t respond as his mouth hung open. He went from box to box, taking off the ribbons and uncovering the scores upon scores of records over every piece he knew - and many that he never heard of. But it was all there. Cantatas, preludes and fugues, concertos, solos, chamber pieces and arias. It was all there! “Incroyable! (Unbelievable!)” He whispered aloud. “Sire… is this from your collection? You didn’t bought all-”

“It is.”


“This is from my personal collection. I suppose you might have some of these records at home but these are of a higher quality.”

“.... And they’re… mine?”

Blueblood nodded.

For a while, Langue was speechless. It wasn’t that he had ever gotten gifts before from his past lovers but… this was on a new level. When he almost expected to walk in getting another vase of flowers, he couldn’t predict that Blueblood would willingly give him records from the prince’s personal collection. And he wasn’t just giving a few records to one of his favorite composers either, but the whole thing!

“Would you like to put one of them on?”

“Uh Oui, let me choose something…” After a minute or two of combing through some of the boxes, he came across a record that piqued his interest. Keyboard Concerto No 1 in D minor - BWV 1053. Then he set the record on the turntable, cranked the handle to get it to spin, and put the needle down. Out from the horn was the sound of strings that was strong, regal, confident but in a lively tone. Almost as if it was meant to be danced to. Then when the harpsichord came in like a rush of water down an empty stream, after listening to a few seconds of it he remarked above a whisper. “It’s flawless…”

“You like it!” Blueblood tapped his hooves excitedly. “I knew this would be a good gift for you.”

“This is a thoughtful gift, Your Majesty, merci.” Langue bowed.

A few minutes later while the record was still playing out the first movement, Langue had begun his work with arranging paperwork for the prince that day that Blueblood asked. “So… why Buch?”


“Not that I have anything personally against him or anything, because otherwise why would I have this in my record collection.” He waved over to the boxes. “But I am curious, what, particularly about this music that you like?”

“Oh, well…” Langue thought it over for a moment, “I found his music so logical and well order and-”

“I think you misunderstood me. I’m not asking why Buch from an academic point of view. Just yours. What is it about what we’re hearing right now that appeals to you on a personal level?”

“Well…” He blinked. “In a way, I grew up listening to Buch.”


“Mostly from my mother. You see, when I was growing up, she had aspirations of wanting to be a soloist at the piano. There were times when she would practice on it for about an hour a day, going through and dissecting scores of music books. And most of what she would practice was - of course - from Buch.”

“Was she good at it?”

Langue almost laughed, but he smiled nostalgically. “Let’s say that my Mother didn’t sing me any lullabies; she played them. I remember her telling me that when I was very little when I was upset and crying - one of the few things that soothed me was her playing the piano. There are very few, I think, that could match her gentle approach to Buch. She somehow managed to turn a prelude into the most calming, reassuring sound in the world.”

“Did you ever learn to play the piano?”

“I tried but, I’m sad to say, I do not have the talent. My hooves aren’t disciplined enough to work the intricacies of the keyboard. Though, it never prevented me from having a good ear to good performances.”

“Including other composers?”

“Well…” Langue shrugged. “As much as I have a soft spot for Buch and still do, I do not object to any music that expresses beauty. Even a hoofful of modern songs have this too. Yet, you may say that I’m an old soul when it comes to musical tastes. Be it from Lully, or SongBird - the music I like is where it gives into the sublime during work, relaxation, sleep.”

“Or love?” Blueblood asked.

Seeing this golden opportunity to woo and impress the prince, he held up an ear, taking a moment to listen to the phonograph. “If music do be the food of love, play on!” looking at Blueblood in the eye, he smirked, “Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die. That strain again! It had a dying fall: Oh, it came over my ear like the sweet south, that breathed upon a bank of violets, stealing and giving odeur!”

“.... Did you just quote Shakespur to me?”

“So what if I did? As I said, I have an ear for beauty - and an eye for it.” He winked at Blueblood.

Blueblood looked away, feeling his heart in his chest quickening. After coughing into his hoof he said, “Well, there is still much that needs to be done.”

“I know,” Langue grabbed his clipboard, “let us get to work.”

It has been a week since Cadance and Shining had to return to the Empire, yet encouraging Blueblood to keep in touch with them. And it has been a week since Langue had been gifted with a portion of the prince’s record collection. So far… Langue didn’t know what to think.

On the one hoof, it wasn’t that he was gifted by those he was scamming before. There have been plenty of times when those up-stuck mares would give him mere tokes such as flowers, chocolates, and even bits. The latter was what he was trying to get apart from some title that opened doors for him. Yet, with those gifts, they were hollow - much like their kisses and decorations of eternal love that he knew would shatter if they knew his real intent. To him, whenever any of these nobles gifted him with anything, there wasn’t much thought being put into them, thus making it so much easier when he does scam them.

But on the other hoof, that’s what made Blueblood’s latest gift so… difficult. Not that he was ungrateful for the gift, nor that he never used it - he was and he did. And he might not even feel guilty over it if the prince simply bought it for him. But the fact that irked him more than anything was that this was from the prince’s collection. And it wasn’t just a record or two of some good performances either - but every piece that Buch had ever written and done in the best, high quality playing - something that would cost Blueblood a fortune to replace, and yet, he gave to him willingly… And to top it off, he had asked him why he like the music he did… He was stuck.

In all the times he had scammed nobles by seducing them - this had never happened before. If Blueblood were, like so many others, just wanted him because of his charming good looks and his near-perfect body - that would be one thing. But the fact that he’s putting in the effort to get to know his likes and dislikes - and more importantly, why he likes or dislikes this or that - that spoke volumes.

“Caviar and cucumber, sir?”

Langue looked down at the tray he was offered, one of the light horderves that were floating around by the waiting staff. Slices of cucumber with a dab of crème fraiche, caviar and chives.

“Merci,” he took one of them to mindlessly look over the gathering that Blueblood had brought him along to. It was one of those gatherings where the elite of Canterlot came together for a charity benefit. Over what exactly, Langue wasn’t sure nor cared enough to ask what it’s about. Yet, at a home by someone named Count Ceaser, it appeared that anyone who is anyone was here. The mansion was nearly crowded with a cross-section of the wealthy, Equestrian politicians, a well-liked artist or performer or two, and nearly anyone who had any influence on the country as a whole. Since there were so many, the event was held in the ballroom that had many tall windows that looked out towards a park.

At the moment, Blueblood was speaking with one of these ponies. Fancy Pants, or at least, that’s the name that Langue heard. Blueblood said that he was the grand patron of the arts. But in truth, he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on.

But after a while of listening to the prince speaking to ponies, he didn’t care about, Blueblood finally turned to him. “How are you like this?”

“The horderves are alright, but this is not my kind of company.”

“Oh, you’re just saying that because you don’t know anyone. I have some friends here that I have known for years.”

“Is that so?”

Blueblood nodded, “It’s funny when I officially came out, I feared that I would lose all support, but now it just seems it’s stronger than ever. So perhaps I had nothing to fear anyway.”

Langue nodded, “If you say so.”

“Now… how are you so far?”

“In general?”

“Of course.”

“Well… Yesterday was busy as I got done moving to that villa you got for me. That, and I was able to hire a few more servants such as a cook, a maid, and a few hoofcolts to keep everything tidy. Overall, I say things are getting better.”

“Ah! I’m glad to hear.” Just then from the corner of the room, Blueblood spotted two ponies that were gathered with a few nobles that burst into laughter. “Oh! I haven’t introduced you to those two yet.”

“And who are they?”

“The mare on the right, the one who has a dijon yellow coat and a lavender swirl mane, that is Upper Crust. Next to her is her husband - Jet Set.”

“And which one is he?”

“He’s the gray stallion with the glasses. We used to go to boarding school together. You’ll like him, he’s quite cultured like you are.”

As they got closer to the laughing nobles, who seemed completely unaware of them in their conversation at first, Blueblood seemed to be looking forward to meeting these ponies. He went up to them, “Jet Set, Upper Crust, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

What they had expected to see was the polite, warm smiles from the other ponies that Langue had seen throughout the evening - they were instead met with frowns, even some (the stallions especially) had backed away. Even Jet Set, who Blueblood had offered a hoof to shake with, looked at it as if it was covered in mud.

“Oh… Prince Blueblood…” Jet lit his horn to take out a handkerchief to push the hoof away. “I didn’t expect you would be here.”

“Well of course I would be here.” Blueblood blinked in confusion. “It’s Count Caesars’s charity benefit, you know I wouldn’t miss it.” He looked between the two, “What’s wrong? I haven’t seen you in a long time, I thought you would like to see me.”

“Why?” Upper Crust questioned.

“Because I’m your friend.”

Jet Set sighed, “Look, I don’t want to make judgments, but it is rather awkward having you here. And look, for all we know, you’re just going through hard times with this phase.”

“Phase?” Blueblood blinked and tilted his head, narrowing his eyes, “What are you referring to?”

“Just… this,” he waved a hoof around the prince. “Frankly I just find it odd that for someone as stallionly as you could come across such a sissy.”

Now that got Langue’s attention.

“I…” Blueblood’s eyes widened, his face taken aback at what he heard. “E-Excuse me?”

“Blueblood, as a friend, I know you can be flamboyant at times, but did you have to lie to the press that you’re a stallion stuffer? I mean, I still find it hard to believe. Surely this is all just a practical joke, right? No gentlecolt in his right mind would just go out and say he’s gay. So, that’s what all of this is - just a prank.”

Langue couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and looking at Blueblood, he saw something that he had never seen before - hurt.

“But…” Blueblood looked as if he was on the edge of tears. “But I’m-”

“Oh don’t be so dramatic, we both know you’re not gay. I mean look at you, you’re a stallion-stallion, the kind that mares would line up around the block just to get a piece of you, not a colt-cuddler who gets off in some filthy back alley from a glory hole. As friends, we only associate those who are sane, normal kind of ponies. No pansies allowed, remember?”

“But Jet…” the heartbreak in the Prince’s eye was made clear as a tear ran down his cheek. “I-I’m not-”

Jet Set also saw this and blinked, “Wait, you can’t really be a fa-”

Langue slapped him. Hard. Hard enough to knock him to the ground. It was so shocking, so unexpected, that it seemed everything went quiet. Even Blueblood couldn’t believe what just happened.

“Ow!” Jet rubbed his cheek that had a noticeable red hoof-shaped mark. “What was that fo-”

“You do not talk like that before your Prince!” Langue grabbed Jet by the collar. “A gentlecolt like you pretend to be would NEVER say anything so thoughtless, so crude, and so disrespectful!”

“Who the hay are you?”

“Your problem you désolée excuse d'un stupide, bigot, inculte, indifférent, irrespectueux, venimeux, poignardant, sans cœur, lâche, arrogant, bâtard! I don’t care how influential you are, you have no excuse for saying anything like that to anyone, NONE!” He held him close, forcing him to look in the eye, “I don’t care how homophobic you are, you get back on your hooves and apologize RIGHT now!”

If anyone in that ballroom wasn’t listening to that little drama that was happening in the corner - they were now. Everything was as quiet as a graveyard from that outburst. All eyes and ears were focused on Langue - and he didn’t care. Instead, he tossed Jet at Blueblood’s hooves.

Even Blueblood, who, as offended and hurt as he was, was stunned from his burst of anger. Even though he didn’t understand half of what Langue said in Prench, there were plenty of words that vocally shouted what he could never say.

Jet got up but almost left the room as all eyes were on him. But Langue didn’t give him that chance as he grabbed him by the tail with his teeth to yank him back. Even spinning him around with a death glare. “Do not make me ask twice.

After a gulp from Jet, he faced Blueblood with a nervous bow, “My apologies, Blueblood.” Then, after neither of them said anything else, Jet and Upper Crust awkwardly made their exit.

Langue, heaving, finally noticed how everyone else was looking at him. Many were intimidated while Blueblood was in awe of what happened. Then, after taking in a few deep breaths, he backed away, “I… need some air.” He turned around to find a door.

When he walked out into the cool air, Langue was washed in deep embarrassment. ‘Why did I do that? I can’t believe I just lost it back there! You short-sighted hot-tempered idiot! Now you’ve done it! Everything is going to fall apart from this outburst. I bet Blueblood would have nothing to do with you after this! And to top it off, you made such a scene in front of the elite of Equestria - so no turning back after that fiasco!

Another deep breath and he looked to the sky. By now the sun had set, turning it into a deep purple with Luna’s stars appearing overhead. ‘What is going on? You never acted around anyone like this before. Those aristocrats you’ve secluded aren’t even worth loving but… why did you do that? Why stand up for Blueblood of all ponies? He’s just one of them… is he…?

He looked up to the moon that rose from the sky. ‘I want to say he is but… how many would go the extra mile to give up a portion of one’s prized possession to me? How many would make the effort to know why Buch is important to me - and understand it on my level? Strange how I can’t remember. No mare would treat me like this - well… not even stallions… alright, just him, but still! Blueblood… he was clearly hurt by his so-called friend and yet… What is going on? I know that the mares he dated said he didn’t have a heart but… he cried. One doesn’t cry if one doesn’t have a heart. Could it be… am I wrong about him? That he isn’t a shallow, evil sort of pony that deserves to be scammed…?

Looking over his shoulder at the party, he wondered, ‘Have I gone too far? I mean, yes I’m pretending to like him but… he doesn’t deserve this. Should I stop now, call all of this off before I make this worse?

One of the glass doors opened and Blueblood stepped out. “Are…” he sniffed, wiping a tear from his eye, “are you alright?”

“I… oui.” He nodded before turning to the prince. “Your Grace, I didn’t mean to lose my head back there, I didn’t know what came over-”

“No,” Blueblood cleared his throat, “you have nothing to apologize for.”

“But I-”

“You did something surprising for me tonight. You stood up for me when I couldn’t.” He walked over and hugged in. Whispering. “Just… thank you…

One side of Langue told him that he has to stop this now, tell him the truth and break it off while he still can. But at the same time… even if he didn’t like Blueblood that way, the prince had experienced a betrayal - an emotional slap in the face from someone he once trusted. For a moment, he wondered if breaking off with him now would make it worse. This stallion that was enveloping him isn’t the heartless beast that everyone thinks he is - just someone that is more fragile than glass. And desperately needs someone to be there with him at such a difficult moment.

Langue hugged back. “Will you be alright, Your Majesty?”

“Right now, no.” Blueblood broke the hug. “Tonight is… not a good night. So if you wish to return home you should be allowed to-”

“Would you like to come?” Langue asked. The prince was taken aback at the request. “It’s just I have a feeling that you need someone by your side for tonight until you recover.”

“Oh no, I shouldn’t impose-”

“You won’t be. Besides, I don’t think you’ve seen the villa you gifted me with. Perhaps you could stay the night with me there.” Blueblood blushed so Langue quickly added, “N-No! Nothing like that! I’m not suggesting...” He let out a frustrated huff. “I was thinking more about doing something together like watching a film on the couch or just relaxing.”

“So just… cuddling?”

“I, well…” Langue cleared his throat, “I suppose that is what I’m implying. Something innocent yet comforting.”

“Oh… for a moment there I thought that-”

“Please, Your Majesty, even we Prench have an etiquette when it comes to that sort of thing. Even a uh… courtesan have a standard to abide by before they go having sex. To be frank with you, we haven’t exactly reached that point.”

“I understand,” Blueblood nodded, his melancholic expression growing a small smile. “Yet, I would like that nonetheless. Just to be with someone from an awful night like this.”

Langue hummed in thought, “Well at least it’s not too far away…”

“May we walk there?”

“You? Walking without a palanquin! Oh mon Dieu! (Oh dear Lord!) What is the world coming to!” Langue dramatically mocked.

“Hey, I don’t use it to be carried around all the time.” Blueblood pointed out, “And besides, it’s just about a block or two away in the more secure part of Canterlot so I shouldn’t have to worry about security.”

Langue signed and agreed to walk him to his new home. He knew that things have now gotten more complicated - that even though he knew he should break it off - now wasn’t the best time to do that. A more heartless pony would have easily, during their walk, just say to Blueblood that they should see other ponies and left him right there in the streets by himself. Maybe as they passed underneath the lights of the streetlamps, he could probably say that he already has a marefriend or something.

Unfortunately, Langue was not that kind of a pony.

While he pondered his predicament, going past through mansions of the wealthy and powerful, ignoring their gardens that peaked over, or even the lamp posts that were being lit, even ignoring the soft chirping of crickets that echoed in the fresh, cool air - he was pulled out unexpectedly when Blueblood asked him a simple question:

“How did it happen?”

Langue blinked, “Pardon?”

“You said you fled to Equestria because of a scandal involving another stallion. How did it happen?”

“Well uh…” Langue hesitated, trying to think quickly to compose another lie. “I suppose you could say I was uh… tricked.”


He gulped, “Until recently, I thought myself as straight since I had been into mares as long as I can remember but…”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “But?”

“Well, one day an old… friend of mine… he had recently gotten out of a terrible divorce, you see. I recall that he was just devastated that his wife had left him. So you can imagine, Sire, how much in a chaotic mess he was in. Constantly flowing with tears and wondering where it all went wrong. But when I came, he was so desperate for even the slightest of affection that anything I did seemed like a gift from the gods. But then, when it got to the point where I had to leave him, he… well…”

“Was he clingy?”

“If you count him kissing me, then oui. I mean, it was just so… unexpected and yet… I didn’t push away. It was hard to describe but I… well, I kissed back. Then one thing led to another and you can guess where this is going, no?”

Blueblood nodded, but despite the tinge of pink on his cheeks, Langue thought for a moment he saw a glint of jealousy in his eye.

“It went on for about a month until I received something… unpleasant in the mail. It was from his wife that had taken so many pictures of me and him. Turns out, he wasn’t divorced after all, but they ran this scheme of blackmail. And if I didn’t pay, those pictures would go to the press. But I didn’t have the money and… well, you can only imagine the aftermath of that.”

“What happened?”

“Well… what your friend said about you… let’s just say he was kind compared to what I had to face. Garbage was thrown at me while I walked in the street. Passerbyers shouting insults. Any event from Prance society had dropped me out completely. And it kept happening every single day to the point where… I couldn’t take it. I had to leave.”

Blueblood suddenly stopped and, without warning, hugged him. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea.” Pulling away, he smiled at him, “I promise, that as long as you’re with me, you’ll never have to face something like that ever again.” And also without warning, he finished with a peck on the cheek.

Langue was taken completely aback, even cupping his cheek with a hoof. “Did you just…?”

The prince blinked, “Did I do something wrong?”

“No just… I didn’t... you…” While Langue struggled to find the right words, Blueblood saw something that up until that night he had never seen before - Langue blushed. When he finally spoke he said, “I didn’t think you would be this bold, sire.”

“My apologies, I didn’t know I was crossing a line.”

“All is forgiven, but uh… let’s continue, shall we?”

For a while, the two walked together. While neither said a word, there was plenty to interpret from their faces and body language. Blueblood walked next to him, closely, almost mere inches away from their shoulders rubbing up against each other. His mood from before had lighted into hope. While Langue, on the other hoof, seemed stiff and awkward walking by him, his face looked away from Blueblood, wondering if he had unintentionally made things worse.

It wasn’t long until they’ve reached Langue’s new home - which made it all the more obvious from the twin flags of Equestria and Prance saluting them at the front door. As to Blueblood’s promise - it was much larger and more refined than the previous residence. A facade of white marble being flanked by rose bushes, tall windows, and a blue roof. Passing through the front door, it leads them to a round, grand foyer in the neoclassical style of columns, a twin staircase, and a glass skylight that let in the light of the moon from above.

From the second floor, Maximilian walked out to the top of the stairs, “Monsieur? Je ne pensais pas que tu reviendrais si tôt. (Sir? I didn’t think you would come back so soon.)” The butler eyed Blueblood, “Et c'est quoi? Vous avez amené votre ami poulain avec vous? (And what’s this? You brought your colt friend with you?)”

Langue rolled his eyes, “Ce n'est pas ce que tu penses. Le Prince n'a pas été respecté et je l'ai juste amené ici pour lui remonter le moral. (It’s not what you think. The Prince was disrespected and I just brought him here to cheer him up.)”

“Oh?” The butler looked between him and Blueblood as he made his way down the staircase. “Alors, quand vous dites ‘lui remonter le moral’, cela signifie-t-il que vous voulez que je vous apporte une protection avant de vous laisser? (So when you say ‘Cheering him up’, does that mean you want me to bring you two some protection before leaving you be?)”

Quoi! (What!)”

“What did he say?” Blueblood asked.

Maximilian chuckled.

Langue let out a frustrated moan, “Non, rien de tel. (No, nothing like that.)” Then after taking in a calming breath, he said, “Cependant, je demande à apporter des bonbons dans ma chambre, ainsi que le projecteur de films et un choix de bons films. (However, I do request to bring up some sweets up to my room, along with the film projector and a choice of good movies too.)

Maximilian raised an eyebrow, and in a teasing tone, “Tu es sûr que c'est tout ce que tu veux que j'apporte? (Are you sure that’s all you want me to bring?)”

Langue snorted, but Blueblood tapped him on the shoulder, “Could you ask him to bring up some wine? I would like a drink if that’s alright.”

It wasn’t that Blueblood had never had the time to relax before. Contrary to what he let others see of him as a workaholic to maintain international relationships for Equestria, he often has a ritual of soaking in a warm bath while he puts on something tranquil on the phonograph. Perhaps snuggle up to a good book with a glass of wine or feel the warmth of the fire on cold nights. Yet… this was a new experience for him.

On a couch with plenty of padded pillows and a fleece blanket that was as fuzzy as rabbit’s fur and smooth as satin, he lay there with Langue next to him. Much to Langue’s word, they didn’t do anything except just lay there, side by side while watching an old black-and-white movie on the wall of Langue’s bedroom. Though, the prince wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on in the movie. Instead, he focused on this strange but welcoming sensation of feeling the stallion’s body warmth that covered his back and hooves entangled around him like a protective blanket.

Blueblood didn’t consider it as bad by any means but… odd. He didn’t want to admit it to Langue, but he wasn’t used to having another stallion be this intimate before. As if he was welcomed into a realm that he had read in those romance novels that were exclusive to only true lovers. Yet, this was just all so casual. In his hooves, Blueblood felt a security that he rarely experienced before. Like he was free to do or say anything and yet, know that he would still be in those caring hooves.

At the same time, despite being in such a position, Blueblood could tell that Langue seemed to be on edge. He may not have said a word about it, but remembering what he said earlier, he wondered if Langue was trying his best to be careful around him. In a way, this made the prince feel that as much as this stallion was going out of his way to make him more comfortable about who he is - it seemed that Langue was paying a price for that.



Blueblood looked over his shoulder, seeing Langue was looking at the movie being projected on the wall. “Can I ask you something?”


“Does the way you give somepony a kiss mean something different?”

Now, this got Langue’s attention. “What do you mean?”

“The way you say hello and goodbye to me,” Blueblood explained, “is that you tend to kiss both cheeks. It got me thinking about what I did back there on the street when I just kissed one side of your cheek. Did it mean something to you?”

“It uh… depends on who you ask.” Langue shifted a little. “In places like Prance or Istally, La bise is often seen as a greeting, true. But also as a sign of showing respect as well. Something to how you shake hooves.”

“I know that, but in the way you give a kiss, does doing it differently indicate a different message?”

“Well… You notice how I made sure that we had our cheeks touched for La bise first?” Blueblood nodded, “If you just went straight into only kiss someone on the cheek first… well, it’s a clear sign that someone wants to become much more uh… intimate. So when you did it I was just… taken aback is all.”

Blueblood huffed with a blush, “To be fair, you have been blatantly flirting with me. I mean, what about the time you kissed me on the nose?”

“That was just me being a tease. If anyone from Prance caught me doing that, they would say I’m being… how do you say… childish.”

“That was childish?” Blueblood raised an eyebrow.

“Well… what can I say, I am immature on some things, guilty as charged.”

“You make it sound like I don’t like that sort of thing.”

Langue blinked, “You… don’t mind?”

“As much as I appreciate ponies being mature around me when the circumstances call for it - having that burst of something foalish from time to time is… refreshing. Gives just needed life into something so mundane, if that makes sense.”

“So… you liked being teased?”

“Well - not to the point of being patronized but… you get the idea, right?”

“I suppose.”

Blueblood shifted to where his head could crane over to Langue’s face, “What about you?”


“Yes, is there something you like me to do as well?”

Langue froze, uncertain how to answer that.

Blueblood read his facial expression, “Wait… do you know how you liked to be shown affection?”

“Well, it’s not… I mean…” Langue shifted away, embarrassment on his cheeks and his ears folded back betraying him. “With mares, yes, but stallions… I’m rather… inexperienced.” For once, Langue was telling the truth.

Blueblood took hold of his hoof and held it. Langue looked between his hoof and his eyes. “What do you want me to-”

C'est bon!” Langue jerked away as if he had touched something hot. Then, he quickly added, “I-I mean… this is fine… Oh bons dieux! (Oh good gods!)” he let out a frustrated sigh, “Please, forgive me, my Prince. I know up to this point I have been making myself so confident and such but… I don’t know what I’m doing. I really do want to impress you and all I have been doing all evening is making one klutzy mistake after another.”

“Langue,” Blueblood cupped his cheek, making him look at him, “believe it or not, I’m in the same boat as well. I mean… I may have developed crushes very easily in the past, but never had anything this real before. I never had someone that I would call a coltfriend, yet… you’ve come the closest. The truth is, I’m not absolutely sure what I’m doing either.”

He nodded, “I understand, sire.”

“But all I want,” Blueblood craned his neck over to where his burning cheek touched Langue’s, “is to make you feel loved,” he kissed it before going to the other cheek, “as you have made me,” and kissed again.

Langue let out a soft laugh, gently pushing Blueblood away with his face turning red. “My Prince, how many glasses of wine have you had?”

“I hardly touched mine.” As he pulled away, he looked at Langue who averted his eyes. “What’s wrong, don’t you like me kissing you.”

“I’m more used to giving affection than receiving. It’s altogether strange. Because I don’t believe I have done anything to deserve such.”

“Nonsense, you shouldn’t be the one doing all the work. I want to give those kisses, not as a reward, but because I felt that you should get them. Although, I must say it will take a while for me to get used to the idea.”

“Well uh…” Langue yawned, “maybe, we should get some sleep? You can borrow my bed while I rest here-”

“No,” Blueblood laid his head back down, his back scooched up against Langue’s withers. “The movie’s not over, I want to stay until it finishes.”


That’s an order,” Blueblood said half-singing.

Langue sighed, “Oui, mon prince.”

From there, they lay there silent on the couch, Langue continued to watch the movie while he held Blueblood in his forelegs. Although he watched, he wasn’t paying attention as his thoughts turned to the stallion that was cozying up to him. He wondered what exactly he should do. There was a part of him that told him that maybe he should try to con somepony else, maybe he should give that new Princess or a celebrity a try. After all, Equestria must have its share of wealthy or powerful ponies that he could seduce his way into total security.

Yet, in his arms was his biggest obstacle of all. Although they weren’t technically coltfriends by any binding means, this whole situation says otherwise. The Prince was cuddled up to him in his own home - in his bedroom no less! All on a couch watching an old movie like a couple. And the way they have been talking! Yes, the whole plan originally was to get Blueblood to fall for him - but as far as Langue saw it, it probably had worked too well.

Looking around his large bedroom that was big enough to fit a house in, he knew that all of this came about because he had conned Blueblood into getting this for him. On top of his new staff of servants and luxuries, he could live out the rest of his life as a king. Yet… from what he’s seen from Blueblood, it seemed that this was all in poor taste because he was taking advantage of someone who doesn’t deserve to be conned in the first place.

Eventually, the movie had run out of film so Langue used his magic to turn the projector off.

“Now then, time for bed.” He said to Blueblood, but the prince didn’t respond. “Blueblood?”

Then he heard a soft snore.

Oh fantastic,” Langue thought, his mouth twisted into a deep frown. ‘How did I not notice him falling asleep? So what do I do now? I can’t move without disturbing him in some way. That can’t mean that I’m stuck here for the night… right?’ But as far as he saw it, there wasn’t much in his knowledge of magic nor any trick that he could do that wouldn’t stir the prince awake.

He let out a sigh, ‘This is just going to end up as a major disaster.’ He thought, ‘Eventually, he’ll figure out that I have been lying to him this whole time and he’ll more than likely have me put into prison, or executed… or worse. Yet, it’s not just breaking his lonesome heart that will make this painful, but I have been manipulating someone that isn’t as terrible as everyone else makes him out to be. The only way I can see out of this is to get him to stop seeing me - perhaps I should say that I’m quitting, or that we should just be friends and nothing more. And do it in a way where he would be the least broken up by the news. But whatever way I do it, I have got to tell him soon.’ He yawned, feeling how exhausted he was, he summoned his magic to bring out a record on the phonograph to start playing Debussy. And adjusting it on low volume, Langue shut his eyes. And as he listened to the whispering lulls of the dreamlike piano, he thought ‘Tomorrow… Tomorrow I will tell him.

Sonata No. 1 - 3rd Movement: Siciliano

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Despite having fallen asleep on a couch that didn’t have nearly enough padding to be a bed - Blueblood wasn’t bothered by it. Strange as it seemed, by the time he was regaining his senses, he never felt more recharged in his life. Even when the sun was peeking through the windows, he didn’t feel tired or all that groggy. The best way he could describe all of this was simply… tranquil. Secure in the stillness of the morning.

And he also felt… warm. Not the uncomfortable heat that smothers, but it was embracing, welcoming like a hot drink for breakfast. It didn’t take Blueblood long to find the source of this comforting warmth. There was a pair of hooves that rapped him that wasn’t his, and it belonged to a stallion that was latched onto him like how one would a fluffy pillow.

Blueblood blushed at how this scene would look to anyone that might just walk in. He imagined that if someone with a camera were to take a picture with him being the little spoon in this cuddling, the tabloids would go insane with speculations and gossip over just such an image. And not without good reason either - he had spent the night for the first time with a stallion. Yes, they may not have had sex, but being in such a position on the couch with a stallion clinging to your back is well… suggestive at best.

On the other hoof, though Blueblood may not want to admit it to himself - but he liked it. Never had he been in the hooves of someone that he looked up to in such a closely intimate way. Of course, this wasn’t dignified by any stretch of the imagination but at the same time, being this relaxed, this casual was a breath of fresh air to how those expected him to relax by. It was - dare he say it - common, and he knew it. Yet, waking up in the arms of a stallion that had been doing nothing but showing affection, it wouldn’t matter if all of Canterlot were laughing their heads off - he liked it.

Teleporting himself out from Langue’s embrace, Blueblood was free to wander about the bedroom. Taking in the details of his beloved. On the phonograph, he noticed that it was still spinning with the needle weaving around in the middle of a record. The prince switched the machine off to see what was on it - Dreaming Debussy, with a list of pieces that he knew were the composer's softer works from Clair de Lune to Rêverie. He jotted down a mental note of that. Over by the bookshelf, where he looked over Langue’s library, all the books he saw were in Prench, yet the one title he did recognize made him reared back from the implications: Mémoires de Jacques Casanova. He wondered if Langue had taken notes from that book. Then he began to take further notice of the works of art on the walls. Many of which portray couples in tender moments painted in an ethereal light and tone.

However, it was the works of art that bothered Blueblood the most about this room - not because of the paintings themselves, but from what Langue had discussed from last night. He saw these works of art not as something that this stallion liked - but more of what was missing in Langue. He saw tender embraces, of comfort in difficult times, playfulness, and a deep curiosity for the other. Something that Langue was making the effort to give, but rarely been given back.

Connecting both the art and the conversation from last night, Blueblood realized something, ‘Could it be… he’s afraid of being abandoned? Is that why he was trying so hard to impress me? But at what cost is it on him to go out of the way for me.’ He frowned, ‘But he shouldn’t sacrifice for his affections to me. No, he should be loved just as intensely as he has to me. And I will make it so! Not after all he has been through.

So resolved in this, Blueblood pulled on the servant’s bell to ring up a servant who he tells them to prepare breakfast to be brought up to the bedroom. Next, he went over to Langue’s record collection to pick out something to wake him with. He ended up choosing one with the name of Jean-Baptist Lully, set the record on the turntable, and upon activating it, gradually turned up the volume.

Langue was being stirred awake by the sound of singing violins. Golden in tone as the sunlight streamed down his face. The sound was slowly getting louder and louder until it forced him to open his eyes. “Quel? (What?)” He muttered, rubbing his eyes. Sitting up on the couch, he tried to remember why he wasn’t in his bed. Then after blinking a few times to see the prince there - he remembered.

“Prince Blueblood?” Langue sat up, “What time is it?”

“Almost six-forty-five.” Blueblood smiled, “I hope I didn’t wake you too early.”

“Not exactly but…” His ears perked up from the music playing, “Is that Lully?”

“I figured I put on something that was once used to waken the Sun King of Prance to wake someone just a vibrant.”

“What are you… Oh… C'est exact, Louis XIV. (That’s right, Louis XIV) Well I’m surprised you knew that reference.”

“What reference? Lully was the court composer for Louis XIV, and had a ceremony to wake him up every morning by playing this.”

“Regardless, I appreciate the gesture.” Getting off the couch, he asked, “So… Would the palace be concerned that you didn’t return last night and instead you slept with…” Langue blushed at what he was saying, “Well, you know what I mean.”

“Perhaps they would. But since I’m no Princess Celestia or Luna, I rather doubt it.”

“Oh… Well,” he coughed into his hoof, “should you start heading over there before we start worki-”

“I’m canceling that.”

This caught Langue off guard, “Pardon?”

“I said, we’re not working today. Because I want to take the day off.”

Langue checked his ears to make sure nothing was clogged, “Moi Prince, are you feeling alright?”

“Never better. And you know what? I’m looking forward to it.”

“Well… I…” Langue was at loss for words, “But taking a day off doing what? And more importantly, why?”

“Simple, because the fact of the matter is - I’ve been too selfish. After all the things you told me last night, I realized that you deserve so much better. And you know what? I’m going to give just that. I want to spend the whole day making you happy.”

Langue blinked again, “Are you sure you’re feeling alright? That you’re not coming down with something.”

“Well what’s wrong with calling off a day’s work - I’m sure it can wait. But for now, you got the whole day ahead so,” he sat himself down next to him, “what do you want to do?”

“.... You are being serious about this.”

“Just name it, a movie marathon, a classical concert, take a day trip out of Canterlot, just name it and we’ll do it.”

In truth, Langue didn’t know what to think. This was just so unexpected, so out of the blue that… he wasn’t sure what to respond with. After all, it wasn’t every day that a prince would just suddenly suggest playing hooky on a silver plate.

Mercifully, the servant had knocked on the door saying that they brought breakfast. “Well…” Langue stepped around Blueblood, “First we’ll take the time to have breakfast, and then we’ll figure out what we should do for the rest of the day. Does that sound reasonable?”

Blueblood agreed it was.

Langue, who went to answer the door to let the servant in, didn’t show the prince his dreadful expression. ‘This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Canterlot was one of those places where despite looking like they have very few things to offer on the outside of its shiny, polished facade; if one were to go a little deeper, they might find a few surprises. A city where despite the high architecture that displays the height of culture and order, there were plenty of areas that would be deemed unexpected if one were to turn down at the right place. Unless one knew where they were going, they wouldn’t expect to find things from a kitten cafe, to an underground art gallery, or even a skating rink that was next door to the magnificent public library.

Even Blueblood, who despite living in Canterlot for most of his life doesn’t fully know where all these little alleyways and roads go. But he knew enough - however, he knew a few out-of-the-way places that not even a good chunk of the elite knew about. For example, they don’t know that near the iconic waterfall, there is a public restroom where there’s always that one stall at the end that is “closed for repairs.” Yet, if one were to push open the door, they wouldn’t find a toilet there, but a staircase that leads downward. Following the stony stairs to the bottom, they would find the entrance of one of Canterlot’s best-kept secrets - the entrance to a natural hot spring underneath the waterfall.

Langue had no idea that such a place existed, and according to Blueblood, neither does anyone else. Yet he said that during the winter months, he would go here for a swim in the waters that say had healing properties due to the natural minerals that would stir and flow over. Nevertheless, because of how out of the way it was from public view, the prince had claimed this area for his own.

The area itself was a large cave with an enormous, gaping hole that faced the waterfall. It was the only source of light, yet it never made the inside too dark to see. For the most part, the cave looked as if it was developed naturally from the running water from above, making stalagmites that would drip down into the spring. All looked as if it were natural except for the staircase, and the wood paneling that connected the stairs to the springs. There were a few benches, a coat rack to hang clothes from, and even a few rolls of towels. The air was humid and warm from the pools of steamy spring water that poured gently over to the next pool. Langue saw three circles were elevated from the next spring with the largest facing the falls. Up close, the water was pure and clear. And to the touch, it was quite warm but not boiling.

Blueblood offered to have him go in first - with removing his clothing of course. To the prince’s credit, he did turn around and didn’t sneak a peek while Langue undressed. Once he did so and put his clothes away, he went over to the smallest pool where most of the steam was coming out. He allowed himself to slip a hoof in to get used to the water that took him for a minute or two to get used to. Letting the heat envelop his hoof, then his legs before lowering the rest in as water just overflows into the other two pools.

“It’s your turn now,” Langue said as he gave Blueblood the same courtesy by having his back turned while the prince got undressed. For the moment, he closed his eyes as he relaxed in the spring. While he waited for Blueblood, he thought about how he could break the news to him. Somehow, he had to come up with a way where he would tell Blueblood that he shouldn’t look to him for anything romantic; and at the same time, make it so that he wouldn’t be overly too upset about it. In a way, it’s why he asked the prince to go to a place like this so that when they’re both calm and relaxed, he would break it to him as gently as possible and hopefully work something out.

He heard the water overflow into the other pool, no doubt that Blueblood was lowering himself into the hot spring. Langue cracked open an eye to see he had plunged himself into the hot water, his face scrunched up for a minute.

Ah… hot…” Blueblood breathed in deeply, trying to relax at the sudden heat to his coat.

“Are you alright?” Langue asked.

“Yes just… give me a minute…” Blueblood’s eyes were shut tightly as he lowered more of himself up to the base of his neck. Yet, once he reached that point, he lifted himself a little bit out, sighing in relief. “Oh, I hate that part… But at least it’s not so bad now.”

Langue nodded, “It’s always the first minute that’s most uncomfortable. But once you’ve managed to dip the rest of yourself in, then everything else goes splendidly.”

“I know.” Blueblood moved over and plotted down next to Langue - very close to him by a few inches. “Yet, being a natural hot spring, the water should be good for your coat. In the old days, they say that such water had healing powers from the minerals in the rocks around us.”

“Is that so…” Langue looked away towards the waterfall that obscured the landscape of Equestria in front of them. For a while, the two of them fell quiet. As awkward as it was for Langue, he saw this as the opportunity to perhaps say something. “Blueblood…?”


“I uh…” He hesitated for a minute, trying to compose the right words to say to him. “What uh… what is it about me that you like?”

Blueblood got a little bit closer. “You mean besides your dashing good looks?”

“Well, I know that,” Langue laughed, “but… really, what about me do you see that you would go all this way for?”

Blueblood saw this as an opportunity as well. “If I may, I would like to show you.”

Langue raised an eyebrow, “If you’re going to try and molest me, I will get up and leave.”

“Oh no-no!” The prince raised his hooves defensively. “I swear, I’m not going to do that at all!”

Letting out a huff, Langue said, “Alright. You got me curious. What about me that you like?”

“May I?” Blueblood raised a hoof and Langue nodded. He reached over to touch his shoulder and pulled him so that they were facing each other. “For starters,” he said, using his dripping hooves to cup his face, “I like the way you hold my face like this when I feel undeserved but doing this tells me that it will be alright.” Then with one hoof, he let it rub it down the back of his shoulder blade, and with the other, to stroke his mane. “I also like the way that when you hold me like that, I can be undefensive around you. Where I do not need to put on an act of the strong stallion and just be weak without fear of you laughing at me.”

Then turning him around so that Langue’s back was against his withers, Blueblood held him while saying, “I also like it that you would whisper sweet nothings that often mean much more than nothing. Even when you talk to me in Prench where I have no idea what you’re saying, your tender tones and purring syllables are enough to warm my heart to melting point.”

Yet, in the water, he felt Langue shaking. Looking down he asked, “Are you okay.”

“S-Stop! Stop!” Langue broke away and turned to face Blueblood, his face was flustering red like his mane and had a hoof over his heart. “Oh dieux, je suis tellement désolé! (Oh gods, I’m so sorry!)” He breathed in a shaken breath.

Blueblood’s ears fell flat against his head. “I’m sorry, did I go too far?”

“I… I don’t know.” Langue sunk into the steamy water where his head was still on the surface. “It’s just… It’s so odd getting all of this. Usually, my role is to do all this, not you.” He covered his head, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

In the stillness, Blueblood moved close to Langue to hold him tightly. “Don’t say that, because I just wanted to give you as much love as you’ve shown me. I think you deserve that.”

“Maybe but… I… Moi Prince, I don’t feel I deserve this. I don’t deserve you.”

“Oh Langue,” he said stroking his mane. “I love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old.”

Langue looked up at him, “Did… Did you just quote Shakespur to me just now?”

“And why not? I thought it was the right thing to say. I may not know everything about you, but from what you displayed to me just now - spoke volumes.”


“You give love so freely and yet, you see it as something that needs to be bought, something to be earned. I have the feeling that you fear displeasing me because if I’m disappointed in you, even in the slightest, you would be shown no mercy. Am I right?”

“Your Grace, I-”

“Am I right?”

Langue hesitated before nodding.

Blueblood leaned forward to kiss his forehead. “If there is anything I’ve learned from my aunty Celestia, it applies to me as it should to you. The quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed - it blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.”

This got a chuckle out of Langue, “Another Shakespur quote?”

“Point being, I don’t know where you have to believe that your only role is to give love. But for once, why not from time to time be in a role where you’re allowed to receive it for nothing more than because I think you should be loved.”

Another shaky sigh, “It just feels so strange.”

“But you’ll know that with every touch, or hug, or maybe a kiss on the cheek - you’ll know that it’s genuine. I don’t personally know that many stallions that would want to be anywhere this intimate with me. So in heart of hearts, I hope that this would grow into something more than this. But as you said, I have a long way to go.”

Just when Blueblood was about to release him from his hug, he felt Langue’s hooves reach over around his back. “Wait, not yet…” Langue said, “may I have this moment, s'il te plaît?”

The prince nuzzled him, “Take as long as you like.”

“Merci.” As much for Langue that breaking up with Blueblood gently didn’t go according to plan, this moment was an odd one for something he didn’t address. It was downright confusing. Here he nearly broke from receiving so much affection and the stallion wasn’t judging him for it. Instead, like how an ideal mother or father would, he held him and told him that it was going to be okay. He almost expected to comfort Blueblood - not the other way around! And yet, to be on the receiving end of such tenderness, such unconditional mercy… He couldn’t be. There was no way.

He would have to break up with him soon before it boils over. Yet… maybe not today at least. He would try again some other time.

It wasn’t that Langue didn’t try to bring up the subject to break up - he tried. But given the circumstances that day at the secret hot spring, he never thought it wise to bring it up then. So he thought he would try tomorrow. But that opportunity never came so he tried the next day… and the next day… And even the day after that. Of course, he knew that one of these days he would have to tell Blueblood that they should break this off. Once or twice he thought of maybe telling him that he was seeing someone else, or perhaps saying that a relative in Prance has fallen seriously ill so he can just flee the country and never see him again.

Yet, as much as he wanted to, and just when he could have that right moment to somehow break the prince’s heart - Blueblood would unexpectedly smother him in lovely gestures from a hug to even bringing in a pianist to play out something heartbreakingly beautiful while they worked. What made all of this so difficult was that half the time, Langue was at a loss of what to do. It was one thing to try to court a sixty-year-old dutchess that loves him for his body and the pile of presents with hours of whispering sweet nothings into her ear - it was another when he was on the other side of that.

And it didn’t help that as soon as they were finished with their work, Blueblood would ask if they could relax together at Langue’s home. Not just over dinner either, but to snuggle up to watch a movie, listen to his records, or exchange compliments back and forth until they fell asleep. For Langue, the worst part wasn’t that he was allowing for any of this to happen in the first place, nor was it that he was unable to put his hoof down when he knew he should - but the simple fact was… he liked it.

“I often forget how beautiful my Auntie Luna’s creations are,” Blueblood commented.

The situation that Langue was in was a prime example of that. By the prince’s suggestion since the room of Langue’s mansion wasn’t steep, he thought it would be wonderful to climb up there to stargaze at the night sky. Of course, there was a sense of danger as they tried to get onto the room with nothing but a blanket and the open air. Yet, once they were on there, they had a view of the great canopy of the night that had millions of stars twinkling and the crescent moon lingering overhead.

“Would you believe I hadn’t done anything like this since I was a colt?” Lounge asked. He was shoulder to shoulder with the prince as they sat down, looking up to the sky.

“I never knew you did,” Blueblood commented. “Did you do it very often?”

“Well as much as I could. But my mother would catch me from time to time and would have a massive heart attack that I was on the roof at all. Even when I was young, I knew that it was dangerous but it was the best way to see the stars when you’re so high up.”

He felt Blueblood wrap a hoof around his shoulder. “You know, I wish I could have done something like that growing up.”

“How so?”

“Well… I’m not sure if I had told you about my parents, have I?”

Langue hummed, “I think you did briefly some time ago. I think it was about how controlling they were.”

“Yes, but even as a foal, I wanted to do something naughty like this. I can’t tell you how often I would daydream of doing this like drawing on the walls, being engaged in a swordfight with the tutors, ripping up the garden to find buried treasure… I could go on, but it was something I wanted to do. Because there was a sense of glee when you broke rules when your parents specifically told you not to.”

“Let me guess, your parents were strict?”

He nodded, “They made it clear that they want their world to be well ordered and they couldn’t cope with any more difficulties than they already had. At times I’m convinced they were never ready to have foals because they wanted me to grow up pretty fast. They wanted me to become the full-grown prince as soon as possible. And if I fell out of line with that…” Blueblood held up his hooves to hold them out straight. “.... They would order my hooves to be held out like so while they got out a ruler to whack my hooves with.”

Langue winced, “I’ve heard of that punishment. It’s where if you retract your hooves for any reason, they would do the whole thing over again but harder that time.”

Blueblood lowered his hooves, “When that happens, I would briefly daydream of grabbing that ruler and just canning them instead to see how they would like it.”

“Don’t tell me you were abused.”

“.... I wouldn’t go that far. Nevertheless, it is something I thought about but never acted upon. And it’s not that I hate being nice but… to break those sort of rules both spoken and unspoken is something I had found so much joy in. Things like coming out, leaving a party unexpectedly, not coming back to the palace, playing hooky around work, or just doing this… call me selfish, but I never felt more alive in doing all of this. Especially when I’m around you to do it with.”

Langue nuzzled underneath the prince’s maw. “Oh-ho! So that is why you like me so because you see me as freedom incarnate.”

“How can I not?” Blueblood planted a kiss on his forehead. “You are a joy to be around. You’re the kind of pony that I can be envious about.”

“Envious? Moi?” Langue dramatically put a hoof to his withers. “But you’re a prince, what can you be envious of?”

“Well, you’re near carefree nature for one. I would love to be as fearless as you one day. Where you could speak your mind and be with whoever without fear of repercussions of it.”

Tu n'as aucune idée… (You have no idea…)” Langue laughed nervously.

“What was that?”

“What I mean is… I’m not quite there myself. You know, still getting used to all of this and…”

“Oh, I see.” Blueblood lay on his back, gazing up at the twinkling lights. “Still, you have shown me how there is grandeur in the simplest of things.”

Langue lay next to him. “We Prench love life - that is the simple answer. We love it so much that we enjoy the moments and other small things that make one appreciate being alive. Like having a cup of soup at your favorite cafe. Take a moment to listen to a haunting melody from a singer on the street corner. Smelling the flower from a scrumptious garden. Watching the stars in their infinity while laying on the grass. Or even a kiss. That is what it means to be Prench - to pay attention to one’s senses when life is in full bloom.”

Blueblood had a half-smile, “Incredible, you even turned a simple statement of fact into poetry.”

“Hmm… I don’t know. I’m nowhere near on par with Shakespur with my Equestrian.”

This got a laugh out of the prince and amused him enough to plant a kiss on Langue’s cheek. “Maybe not, but with how you quote the bard - I think you could sing these words on stage.”

“What? Me singing Shakespur? Ah, quel scandale! (Ah, what a scandal!) Even if I did sing, I’d have my whole audience get up to leave with blood dripping from their ears!”

Blueblood stroked his mane, “Oh don’t be so hard on yourself. You are able to say it beautifully.”

“Not like you, Your Majesty.”

“How so?”

“Well… Do you know any of the bard’s sonnets?”

Blueblood shrugged, “I know a few. My tutors made me memorize them by heart.”

“Recite one.”


“To prove a point.”

Blueblood chuckled, “Oh very well. Let me see if I can recall one…” For a long moment, the prince was silent, trying to remember one of the sonnets. With a smirk, he said, “By the way, did you know that Shakespur wrote all of his sonnets addressing a stallion.”

“Why do you think I asked you to recite one to me?” Langue smiled.

“You’re right. But I do remember one.” The prince cleared his throat and recited: “A female’s face with nature’s own hoof painted / Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion; / A female’s gentle heart, but not acquainted / With shifting change as is false female’s fashion; / An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling, / Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth; / A stall’ in hue, all hues in his controlling, / Which steals stallion’s eyes and mare’s souls amazeth.” Blueblood cupped his beloved’s cheek and looked at him in the eye saying: “And for a mere mare wert thou first created, / Till nature as she wrought thee fell a-doting, / And by addition me of thee defeated / By adding one thing to my purpose nothing. / But since she pricked thee out for mere mare’s pleasure, / Mine be thy love and thy love’s use their treasure.

Now it was Langue’s turn to kiss him on the cheek, “You see! Flawless. You could bet a round of applause just for doing that.”

“Be careful,” Blueblood chuckled, “keep flattering me any further and I may recite something from Ronaio and Filliet.”

“You’re making it sound like a punishment.” Langue laughed.

“I’m warning you!”

Langue smirked, “Oh? You, are warning me? I’m afraid you have no idea who you’re dealing with. Why I used to perform as Ronaio on stage in Paris - both in Prench and the original Equestrian too.”

“Wait, you were an actor?” Blueblood sat up. “I didn’t know that… did I know that? I thought you were an aristocrat.”

“W-Well uh…” Langue thumbed, realizing his mistake, quickly adding, “I don’t bring it often because I was young and I wasn’t sure what my special talent was at the time. Still, I never forgot my lines for it.”

“Oh yeah?” Blueblood smirked. “Prove it.”

Langue sat up and took the prince’s hoof. “If I profane with my unworthiest hoof this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this, - my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stood to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” He leads forward to try to kiss his hoof.

But Blueblood pulled away and recited: “Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hoof too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this, for saints have hooves that pilgrims’ hooves do touch, / And sole to sole is holy souls’ kiss.”

Langue laughed, “Have not saints lips, and holy souls too?”

“Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.”

“O then, dear saint, let lips do what hooves do - they pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.”

Blueblood tilted his head, “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.”

Cupping Blueblood’s cheek and making him look deep into his eyes, Langue finished, “Then move not while my prayer’s effect… I take.” Leaning forward, he kissed him on the tip of his nose.

Looking away, Blueblood felt his face flushed, “That was perfect. Flawless in fact.”

“I’m more surprised that you knew all the lines for Filliet.”

“You could blame my tutors for having to read the play.” Blueblood looked over towards Canterlot Castle that loomed over the capital. He sighed, “I have a feeling that I should start returning to the castle now. My aunties would probably start getting worried about me as I didn’t expect to stay out this long. Yet, before I go, I do want to give you something.”

“What? A Moneigh?” Langue chuckled.


“What! I was only kidding!”

“No no, but something else that I think you’ve deserved to receive.” Straightening out a foreleg he tapped Langue’s shoulders. “By the power invested in me, a Prince of Equestria, I hereby dub thee, Baron Langue of Canterlot. Long may he reign.”

Langue blinked, “Did you just give me a new title?”

“And an upgrade,” Blueblood smiled warmly. “It’s a step up from a Lord if you ask me.”

“I… merci.” Langue bowed as best as he could on a slanted surface.

“For now, get some sleep, my Baron,” Blueblood told him, taking hold of his face to kiss both of his cheeks. “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow afternoon.”

“Yes… of course.” Langue nodded. “See you tomorrow. Au revoir.”

The prince chuckled. “Yes, au revoir.”

Once they got down from the roof and Blueblood kissed on his cheek to say good night, Langue went to bed feeling that all of this was getting out of control. Normally he would be the one to pull all the strings and yet here, somehow without feeling he was being manipulated - Blueblood had got him to be jerked around like a puppet. And the worst part is that he can tell that the prince was genuine with his feelings that as far as he can tell - unless he does something - it’s only going to continue to grow. While he told himself that he can get off at any time - he wondered how long and how far he was willing to go before it all flew off the rails.

Sonata No. 1 - 4th Movement: Presto

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It’s been three months. Three months since Langue had begun to court Blueblood. He should have broken this off at least a month ago. He should have started the whole cycle again; preferably with a more wealthy or powerful mare. But no, it still had not happened.

Summer was waning, and autumn was just around the corner. The daylight was getting shorter, hot days were becoming less frequent, and above all, all the trees and bushes had begun to lose their green. And by mid-August, Canterlot was gossiping behind closed doors about the Prince’s new relationship.

Even Langue wasn’t completely unaware of what the rumors were saying about him and the prince. It’s almost an open secret at this point - of how often they have been seen together, cuddled up from time to time, and speculations of what they might have done behind closed doors. Even getting his new title of Baron has raised a few eyebrows among the elite. Yet, as much as Langue wants to break up this relationship, it didn’t help much that the more influential of Canterlot could practically hear wedding bells.

As much as he wanted out, he still hadn't figured out how to break it to the prince.

“Remind me what this is about?” Langue asked.

Blueblood turned to him, “It’s to organize for the upcoming Autumn festival in the city. And Fancy Pants is the key pony that I need to delegate for the upcoming activities. Including plucking the leaves off the trees and such.”

Langue didn’t reply, his attention was towards the window of the palanquin they were riding in. Outside, the sky had turned gray and rain was coming down hard. Not quite a full-out storm, but the weather team was scheduled to give the plants in the city a good soak by the end of summer. In a way, it did reflect his current mood of melancholy.

“Are you feeling alright?” Blueblood asked.

“Quel? (What?)”

“I asked because you seem rather gray recently. Has something happened?”

“No no, everything is fine just…” he sighed, “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just I’m in a certain mood that comes and goes. I will be fine, but it will take a while.”

“Oh, I see.” Blueblood nodded, “Well, if there is anything you need me to do to make you feel better. All you have to do is ask.”

Langue inhaled, “I will… keep that in mind.”

Not too long after, they were pulled up in front of Fancy Pants’ residence. Much like the other mansions on the street, the building had six tall windows that faced the street with a white door facing the front. A two-story, royal blue-painted brick home that had window seals, steps, and roof tiles made of white marble clearly shows the level of influence this pony had on the city.

The two stallions waited for the guards outside when they placed the palanquin down and one to open the door while the other unfolded a large enough umbrella for them to step out from. Blueblood got out first before Langue who followed him up to the front door to ring the bell. A moment later, it was answered by the pony the prince was set out to meet. He was a stallion that, as far as Langue was aware, was at least a decade or two older than they were. The unicorn was in some ways typical of the Canterlot elite - a pale unicorn with a precise mane style, monocle, and a tuxedo complete with a blue vest and purple bow tie.

“Prince Blueblood,” Fancy bowed, “and Baron Langue, welcome gentlecolts.”

Unlike most of Canterlot’s tight circle of its elites, even Langue thought that he was the better type to associate with as from the few times he met, he wasn’t a self-centered narcissist.

“Please do come in,” Fancy stepped aside, “I’ve had the liberty to brew some tea to warm us up.”

While Blueblood thanked him, exchanging the usual pleasantries that the prince offers to every other pony that he does business with, the two entered inside the foyer of the mansion. Langue took a moment to glance at the interior, the decorations, and the furniture. Not because he was interested in any means, but because he had heard the dialogue from Blueblood before. He already heard all the “How do you do...” and “I heard that you...” and “That a lovely bla bla bla.” Even though he had spent a few months around the prince, he had a good idea of how these sort of meetings went.

Langue had expected that was how this particular meeting was going to go. Just another day at a rich pony’s home to delegate for something or other. Least of all, he didn’t expect to see anyone he knew.


From the staircase, a unicorn mare trotted down. “Monsieur Pants, has the prince arrived ye…” She trailed off when she saw Langue, and Langue’s eyes went wide when he saw her.

The mare had a body that was lean, model-worthy to be on a cover of a magazine. She had a flowing pink mane, and on her flank, her cutie mark showed three of her namesake - three fleur de lis.

Langue gulped.

“Why yes,” Fancy looked up at her. “The prince has just arrived and…” He trailed off as he saw that she was looking at Langue and he at her. “I say… do you two know each other?”

“We should...” Fleur frowned as she walked down to the bottom of the stairs.

Blueblood turned to Langue who looked quite uncomfortable. “Are you alright?”

“I uh…” His eyes darted, “Do you mind if I use your restroo-”

“Before you do,” Fleur walked up to him, “may I have a word with you?”

“Fleur,” Fancy asked, “Is everything alright?”

“Oui, but right now, I have some urgent business that I must take care of.” She waved a hoof, “You and the prince can start your meeting, I just want to have a word with this one in a separate room.”

“What sort of business?” Blueblood asked.

“Urgent.” She replied, dragging Langue off by the collar.

Fleur took Langue off to the other end of the mansion, in particular, to the music room where there were the only things there was a grand piano and a few chairs. She closed the door behind her and locked it. Then going up to Langue, she spoke to him in their native language.

“Je suis sur le point de perdre mon sang-froid. (I’m about to lose my temper.)” She warned him in a low voice.

Langue knew this was coming. He took a deep breath. “Je vois. Quand? (I see. When?)

“A l'heure actuelle. (Right now.)

“Je vois, mais quan- (I see, but whe-)” Fleur slapped him across the face. Hard. Hard enough for him to fall to the floor.

Looking up, Fleur stood over him with a fire in her eyes that she was just holding back - but just barely.

“C'était pour m'avoir fantôme il y a toutes ces années. (That was for ghosting me all those years ago.)” She said with an icy tone. “Les mots ne peuvent exprimer à quel point je suis furieux contre toi. (Words cannot express how infuriated I am with you.)” She narrowed her eyes. “Tu as couché avec moi pendant un mois entier et puis tu as disparu sur moi! (You slept with me for a whole month and then you vanished on me!)

“S'il vous plait, je peux vous expliquer. (Please, I can explain.)” Langue rubbed his stinging cheek.

Fleur pointed an accusing hoof at him. “Une énorme quantité de mon compte bancaire a disparu, et vous avec sans laisser de note! Tu m'as dit que tu m'aimais, et pourtant tu m'as quitté de la pire des manières? Quel genre de monstre sans cœur es-tu!? (A huge amount of my bank account disappeared, and you along with it without leaving a note! You said you loved me, and yet you left me in the worst possible way? What kind of a heartless monster are you!?)”

“Fleur, si tu veux juste- (Fleur, if you just-)” Langue was suddenly picked up by Fleur’s magic to face her.

“J'en ai assez de tes excuses! (I had enough of your excuses!)” She hissed. “Tu m'as brisé le cœur, et maintenant vous avez l'audace de montrer votre visage ici? Tu m'as laissé seul, confus et en colère sans que tu me donnes une raison pour laquelle tu t'es soudainement levé et tu t'es enfui. Je devrais te castrer ici et maintenant, fils d'a- (You broke my heart, and now you had the audacity to show your face here? You left me alone, confused and angry without you giving a reason why you suddenly up and ran. I should castrate right here and now you son of a-)

“Vous avez raison. (You’re right.)” Langue said, his ears folded flat against his head. Nodding.

Fleur blinked. And blinked again. “Excuse-moi? (Excuse me?)”

“Je veux dire que tu as le droit d'être en colère. Il n'y a aucune excuse pour ce que j'ai fait. (I mean you have every right to be angry. There’s no excuse for what I did.)” He sighed, “Je suppose que vous voulez la vérité sur pourquoi j'ai fait ce que j'ai fait? (I suppose you want the truth for why I did what I did?)” She nodded. “Je t'ai dupé, purement et simplement; et j'en suis vraiment désolé. Ce n'était pas non plus parce que tu avais beaucoup d'argent, mais parce qu'à l'époque, je pensais que tu le méritais. (I conned you, plain and simple; and I am truly sorry for that. And it wasn’t because you had a lot of money either, but because at the time, I thought you deserved it.)”

Fleur raised an eyebrow.

“Écoute, tu étais vaniteux et égocentrique sur ton apparence. J'ai donc profité de cet égoïsme par la flatterie et la séduction. (Look, you were vain and self-centered on your looks. So I took advantage of that selfishness by flattery and seduction.)”

“.... Est-ce une excuse? (Is this an apology?)” Fluer questioned and Langue nodded. “Mais venant de toi? Aux dernières nouvelles, tu as fait exactement la même chose à d'autres juments sans t'inquiéter, et maintenant tu dis que tu as... des remords? (But coming from you? Last I’ve heard, you did the exact same thing to other mares without a care, and now you say you’re… remorseful?)”

“Je sais à quoi ça ressemble, mais je jure que je dis la vérité. (I know what it sounds like, but I swear I’m telling the truth.)” Langue lit up his horn so he could be back on his four hooves. “Soyez en colère contre moi tout ce que vous voulez. Sachez au moins que ce que je vous ai fait était injuste et que cela ne devrait pas se terminer sans une raison pour laquelle j'ai fait ce que j'ai fait. (Be mad at me all you want. At least know that what I have done to you was unfair and it shouldn’t have end without a reason why I did what I did.)

“Fleur de Lis… Je suis désolé. (I’m sorry.)”

Fleur blinked, “Êtes-vous sûr d'être Langue d'Argent? Parce que l'étalon que je connaissais ne serait jamais aussi désolé. (Are you sure you’re Langue d’Argent? Because the stallion I knew would never be this apologetic.)”

“Que puis-je dire? Certains événements m'ont fait changer. Tout comme vous, je vois. (What can I say? Certain events have made me change. Much like yourself, I see.)”

She huffed, “Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici de toute façon? (What are you doing here anyway?)”

Langue laughed, “Toi en premier. (You first.)

Fleur frowned, sat on her hunches, and folded her forelegs. “J'ai immigré ici parce que je veux mettre ce que vous avez fait derrière moi. J'ai fait partie de la Garde Royale pendant un certain temps, mais dernièrement, j'ai trouvé de meilleures conditions en tant que garde du corps. (I immigrated here because I want to put what you did behind me. I was in the Royal Guard for a time, but lately, I found better conditions as a bodyguard.)”

“Garde du corps. Maintenant c'est un nouveau! (Bodyguard! Now that’s a new one!)” Langue chuckled, but looking up at Fleur who was giving him a death glare, he stopped. “Quelle? Vous n'êtes pas sérieux, n'est-ce pas? (What? You’re not serious, are you?)”

“Que puis-je dire? Après que tu aies rompu avec moi, j'avais sorti ma colère en quelque chose de plus… (What can I say? After you broke up with me, I had taken out my anger in something more…)” She almost threw a punch, stopping her hoof mere inches away from his face. Langue, wide-eyed winced back. “Constructif. (Constructive.)”

“D'accord, vous avez fait valoir votre point de vue. (Alright, you’ve made your point.)” He gently pushed Fleur’s hoof away. He added, “L'espace d'un instant, j'ai cru que tu étais devenu autre chose. (For a moment there, I thought you had become something else.)”

“Qu'est-ce que cela signifie? (What does that mean?)” She asked, her eyebrow raised.

“ Eh bien, je ne voulais pas supposer mais pendant un instant, j'ai pensé que tu étais la copine de Fancy Pants ou quelque chose comme ça. (Well, I didn’t want to assume but for a moment, I thought you were Fancy Pants’ marefriend or something.)”

Fleur rolled her eyes. “Oh, ne sois pas si grossier. Ce n'est pas parce que je suis son garde du corps que j'ai des relations avec lui. En plus, j'ai déjà quelqu'un de spécial qui est un million de fois meilleur que vous ne l'avez jamais été! (Oh don’t be so crass. Just because I’m his bodyguard doesn’t mean that I have relations with him. Besides, I already have a special someone that is a million times better than you ever were!)”

“Avec ou sans être payé? (With or without being paid?)” Langue deadpanned.

“Oh ha-ha, très drôle. (Oh ha-ha, very funny.)” Fleur said sarcastically. “Contrairement à elle, elle est loin d'être aussi inconsidérée. (Unlike her, she isn’t this thoughtlessly blunt.)”

This caught Langue completely off guard, “Désolé mais... quoi? (Sorry but… what?)”

“Ne savez-vous pas? J'ai une copine. (Don’t you know? I have a marefriend.)

“Euh... Eh bien, c'est- (Huh… Well this is-)

“Ironique? (Ironic?)” She interrupted. “Oui je suis d'accord avec toi. Deux ex se retrouvent, et cette fois ils sont en couple avec le même sexe. Je suis très conscient. (Yes, I agree with you. Two exes meet up again and this time they’re in a relationship with the same sex. I am aware.)

“Depuis combien de temps cela dure-t-il maintenant? (Now how long has this been going on?)” Langue asked.

For once, Fleur showed a look of pride. “Permettez-moi simplement de dire que cela n'a pas duré un mois comme le nôtre, mais il a duré au moins quatorze fois ce montant. (Let me just say that it didn’t last a month like ours, but it has outlasted at least fourteen times that amount.)” She paused, looking at her ex. “Maintenant que j'y pense... votre relation ne vous ressemble pas. Peu importe que vous fréquentiez Blueblood, mais que vous n'ayez pas encore rompu. (Now that I think of it… your relationship is uncharacteristic of you. Never mind that you’re dating Blueblood, but you haven’t broken up by now.)

Langue let out a frustrated grunt. “Je sais je sais! Je suis douloureusement conscient que les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. Honnêtement, je pensais que cela aurait été facile, mais il s'avère que non. (I know I know! I’m painfully aware of things not going according to plan. Honestly, I thought this would have been so easy, but it turns out to be not.)”

Fleur raised an eyebrow, “Attends... tu allais faire la même chose à Blueblood, qu'à moi ? Juste assez flirter avec lui pour... quoi? Te remettre son compte bancaire pour que tu puisses- (Wait… you were going to do to Blueblood, as you did to me? Just flirt with him enough to… what? Hand you his bank account so you can-)”

“Vous avez du mal à lâcher prise, le savez-vous? (You have a hard time letting go, do you know that?)” Langue interrupted. “Bien qu'aussi froid que cela puisse paraître... j'allais le faire... au début. (Though as cold-hearted as that sounds… I was going to do that… at first.)” He folded his forelegs. “Je pensais escroquer un prince arrogant et flamboyant mais... Il s'avère que ce n'est pas si simple parce que... il ne le mérite pas aussi remarquable que cela puisse paraître. Et le pire, c'est qu'il veut vraiment me connaître au-delà de mes apparences superficielles. Il fait l'effort de montrer qu'il a des sentiments pour moi et... je n'ai pas le cœur de le briser. (I thought I would be conning an arrogant, flamboyant prince but… Turns out, it’s not so simple because… he doesn’t deserve it as remarkable as that sounds. And the worst part is he really wants to get to know me beyond my surface-level looks. He’s making the effort to show that he has feelings for me and… I don’t have the heart to break it.)”

“Avez-vous déjà envisagé la possibilité que peut-être vous l'aimez en retour? (Have you ever considered the possibility that you might like him back?)” Flear deadpanned.

That question caught Langue off guard so much that it felt like getting slapped in the face. “E-Excuse-toi!? (E-Excuse you!?)” he asked in a panic, his face turning red.

Fleur rolled her eyes. “À ce stade, être dans le déni tout en étant dans une panique gay est tout simplement pathétique à ce stade. (At this point, you being in denial while being in a gay panic is just pathetic at this point.)”


His exe smirked, “Et juste comme ça, je repose mon cas. (And just like that, I rest my case.)” She further pointed out, “Avouons-le, c'est la plus longue relation amoureuse que vous ayez jamais eue, même si elle est basée sur un mensonge. Même si vous faites cela pour gagner quelque chose, vous auriez dû lui briser le cœur il y a un mois. Et pourtant, tu es toujours là.Peut-être que la raison pour laquelle vous n'avez pas peur de lui briser le cœur, mais vous ne voulez pas perdre le vôtre. (Let’s face it, this is the longest romantic relationship you’ve ever had, even if it’s based on a lie. Even if you’re doing this to gain something, you should have broken his heart a month ago. Maybe the reason why isn’t you’re afraid of breaking his heart, but you don’t want to lose yours.)”

Tais-toi. (Shut up.)” Langue growled.

“Ou quoi? Donc tu n'as pas à faire face à une vérité que tu ne veux pas entendre? (Or what? So you don’t have to face a truth you don’t want to hear?)”

“Mais je ne suis pas gay! (But I’m not gay!)”

“Dit l'étalon qui courtise un autre étalon, le fait souvent venir chez lui et est connu pour donner et recevoir des signes intimes d'affection. Ou même se parer les uns les autres de baisers, parce que oui, c'est quelque chose qu'un étalon hétéro ferait. (Says the stallion that has been courting another stallion, has him come over to his home often and is known for giving and receiving intimate signs of affection. Or peppering one another in kisses, because yes, that’s something a straight stallion would do.)” Fleur said sarcastically. “S'il vous plaît Langue, vous êtes si loin dans le placard que vous avez trouvé vos cadeaux Hearth's Warming. (Please Langue, you are so far in the closet you’ve found your Hearth’s Warming presents.)”

Langue stomped his hoof. “Oh bon dieu, Fleur! Je t'ai déjà fait des excuses, tu remets en question ma sexualité ne me rend pas service! Je ne sais pas si tu as remarqué, mais je veux sortir. Je veux rompre avec Blueblood mais je ne sais pas comment! (Oh good God, Fleur! I’ve already given you an apology, you questioning my sexuality isn’t doing me any favors! I don’t know if you noticed, but I want out. I want to break this off with Blueblood but I’m stuck as to how!)”

For the first time, Fleur went silent. Letting the gravity of what Langue said sink in. She turned away from him to face the window, towards the garden that was damp with rain. “Tu as vraiment changé... C'est étrange, que je rêve que tu vois enfin la lumière et que tu souffres peut-être pour en arriver là mais maintenant... Il n'y a aucune satisfaction là-dedans. (You really have changed… It’s strange, that I daydreamed of you finally seeing the light and maybe suffer to get to that state, but now… There’s no satisfaction in it.)”

“Fleur, s'il te plaît, je t'en supplie. (Fleur, please, I’m begging you.) Langue signed, “Je ne sais plus quoi faire. Je suis dans une relation avec quelqu'un dont je ne peux pas sortir sans blesser sérieusement. Vous pouvez me détester autant que vous voulez, mais s'il vous plaît, aidez-moi. (I’m at a loss of what to do. I’m in a relationship with someone that I can’t get out of without seriously hurting. You can hate me all you want, but please, help me.)”

Looking over her shoulder, Fleur stared at him - not out of hate, but she seemed… thoughtful. It wasn’t the kind where it was clear she was weighing a difficult decision; but rather, figuring out how to do it. There was a kind of glint in her eye like a demon would see an opportunity to make a Faustian deal.

“Très bien. (Very well.)” She said, a tone of confidence in her voice. “J'appellerai cela une trêve entre nous et je vous aiderai à rompre avec le prince. Mais en échange, (I will call it a truce between us, and I will assist in helping you break up with the prince, But in exchange,)” She pointed a hoof at him. “Je veux être remboursé de tout l'argent que vous avez pris. Et à moins que vous ne vouliez que j'aie un mot sur ce que vous êtes pour Blueblood, vous devez faire ce que je dis sans poser de questions. Compris? (I want to be paid back all the money you took. And unless you want me to have a word about what you are to Blueblood, you must do what I say without question. Understood?)

Langue blinked. “Tu me fais du chantage? (Are you blackmailing me?)”

Fleur frowned. “Considérant que vous m'aviez laissé dans une épave émotionnelle, presque en faillite et que vous m'avez menti pendant un bon mois - je le fais parce que je sais que vous pourriez trouver un moyen de me poignarder dans le dos. Pourtant, si vous voulez vraiment rompre avec lui, alors vous devrez faire un acte de foi et faire confiance à mes conseils. Après tout, sachant combien de juments ont essayé et échoué à sortir avec lui, je pourrais peut-être faire un scénario où il fera la même chose avec vous. En d'autres termes, convainquez-le que vous n'en valez pas la peine. (Considering that you left me in an emotional wreck, nearly bankrupt and that you lied to me for a good month - I’m doing so because I know you might find some way to stab me in the back. Yet, if you really want to break up with him, then you’ll have to take a leap of faith and trust in my advice. After all, knowing how many mares have tried and failed at dating him, perhaps I could make a scenario where he’ll do the same to you. In other words, convince him that you’re not worth it.)”

“Ah bon? (Really?)” Langue raised an eyebrow. “Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui est sorti avec lui? (Do you know anyone that has dated him?)

Fleur smirked. “Oh, je connais une source fiable. Mais quand vous et Blueblood allez à nouveau sortir ensemble, nous serons là pour vous donner quelques conseils indispensables. (Oh, I know a reliable source. But when you and Blueblood go dating again, we’ll be there to give you some much-needed advice.)”

“Cela ressemble à un con... hein… (That sounds like a con… huh…)” Langue blinked, “C'est donc ce que c'est que d'être de l'autre côté. (So that’s what it's like to be on the other side.)

“Alors…(So…)” She offered her hoof to him, “Trêve? (Truce?)”

Langue knew that this was a gigantic gamble. Even though he apologized, Fleur is still clearly upset over what he did - and for good reason. For all he knew, she might use it to sabotage his efforts to get out of his relationship. However, weighing his options, he realized that not taking up the deal would be even worse. She was his ex… What was stopping her from going to Blueblood a few rooms away to tell him the whole truth before he could explain himself? He can easily see it leading to a massive misunderstanding and the destruction of trust that he had built with Blueblood over these past few months. Regardless of what she may have him do if he took up her deal, he reasoned if Blueblood found out about him now - it would probably get him executed.

Sighing, he requested: “Juste... ne lui fais pas trop de mal. (Just… don’t hurt him too badly.)” Fleur nodded. So making his final decision, he shook her hoof.

From the door, the knob was heard jiggling and then a few knocks that followed. “Langue? Is everything alright?” It was Blueblood from behind the door.

“In a moment,” Langue called out as he went over to unlock the door, finding the prince there. “Are you finished with your meeting, sire?”

“Yes but… I heard shouting but didn’t know what was going on. Are you sure everything is okay?”

“Oui,” Langue nodded, “Everything is fine. It was just… how you say… two friends catching up.” He looked over at Fleur, glaring.

Fleur looked back innocently.

“Well… if you say so. Since we’re done, I thought I would treat you to a favorite bakery of mine. It’s not too far away from here, and they have some of the most divine cinnamon rolls. Given how cold of a day this is, I thought it would help us warm up some freshly made rolls.”

“That sounds… lovely…”

Blueblood and Langue left the music room and out of Fancy Pants’ manion. Fleur on the other hoof felt giddy over the prospects of getting back at her ex in the most beautiful way possible. She and her marefreind will give advice already - but not to break the couple up.

But to have the prince fall even deeper in love with Langue.

Oh, what sweet revenge this will be!

She smiled, just wait until Rarity hears about this.

Sonata No. 2 - 1st Movement: Grave

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Once Fancy Pants was secured and had retired at his mansion, Fleur headed home. Although the most eventful thing that happened was running into her ex, she felt that what she could go for was to relax at her home. She was looking forward to it. After all, Rarity was in Canterlot - not only was she anticipating her company, but she has quite the story to tell.

However, given what she has in mind, she knows that she can’t reveal everything in one go. Knowing Rarity, the atmosphere must be relaxed but have just enough for a tale of drama. Besides, she doesn’t want to talk about who her ex was seeing just yet. Considering what she heard about Blueblood from her marefriend… She thought it wise not to bring him up just yet.

For now, what was needed was a comfy couch, a bottle of wine, a record of Prench jazz playing in the background, and a marefriend to cuddle up to.

“.... And then Pinkie said, ‘Guacamole, are you crazy!?’”

Plus, it was good when that said marefriend is always a joy to listen to.

“I admit, that was a funny joke,” Fleur laughed, putting her glass down on a nearby table. “Oh, I can’t begin to describe how much I needed this.”

Rarity’s ears picked up. “Ooh, don’t tell me you had a bad day.” She nuzzled underneath her chin. “Did some nasty noble do something mean to my flower?”

“Non ma guimauve (No my Marshmallow).” Fleur gave a peck on the cheek. “I wouldn’t say it was anything too stressful. But something… unexpected has happened today that makes me appreciate you’re being here.”

“How bad are we talking about?

“I… ran into my ex.”

Rarity gasped, “No! You didn’t.”

“Oui. I didn’t expect to run into him either but needless to say, I took him aside to exchange some very choice words for him. And believe me, he deserved it.”

“You know,” Rarity pointed out, “I don’t think you’ve ever spoken about any ex of yours. While I have talked about mine, this is the first time I’ve ever heard you say anything about yours.”

“Well, I didn’t want to impose.”

“Oh come, darling,” Rarity levitated her glass of wine. “This is a new side that I never heard of before. Who was your ex, and what happened between you two?”

“Do you want to hear?”

“If you had some choice words in your confrontation, I would like to know what it’s about.” Rarity said, gulping down her glass.

“Very well, storytime then.” Fleur got a little closer to her marefriend, her chin resting on Rarity’s head. “Once upon a time, before I met you, became Fancy’s bodyguard, or joined the Solar Guard, and even before I came to Equestria - I had a life in Paris. If you met me back then, you wouldn’t have recognized me at all in how I was. My parents were wealthy, and I was unbelievably spoiled. I was arrogant, self-centered and vain to the point I thought the world was offered up to me on a silver platter. Not just because I was rich, but I knew I had a body and face that was to die for.

“Essentially… I wasn’t what you would call good.”

“But what happened?”

Fleur sighed, “He happened. One night I went to the theater with ponies that I once called friends. We went to go see a play… I forgot what it was, but I do remember him. He was playing the romantic lead, and rightfully so - he looked like one of those princes from a fairytale, the kind that you want to be swept off your hooves by. He was so good, that I heard mares in the audience swoon whenever he opened his mouth.

“And needless to say, I fell under his spell as well. After the performance, I sought out to meet him. His name was Langue d’Argent.” Fleur huffed, “Though, looking back, the name should have been a giveaway for what’s to come.”

“Why is that?”

“Because in Equestrian, Langue d’Argent literally translates as Silver Tounge. And oh, did he live up to the name! Not only were his looks were near perfect, his voice… The closest I could compare it is that it is as rich and decadent as melted chocolate. He had a voice that he could tell you a thousand lies and you would believe every one of them. And… that is exactly what happened. We started talking and, I thought, we hit it off because of how much he praised me.

“Shortly after, my infatuation hit me hard, and I was completely blinded by how he was exactly like the kind of stallion you would read in those cheesy romance novels. And for a month, I lived that way. We’ve gone out to dinners, gone home to snuggle, and…” Fleur trailed off, feeling her cheeks warmed up but coughed into her hoof. “The point was, he got intimate with me by just flirting my vanities back to me. That he would say that I was like a goddess, that anyone was lucky to be in my presence, that I had good tastes. I could go on but you get the idea, do you?”

Rarity nodded.

“The worst part was that he preyed on my ego. Even if I did something abhorrent, he would see it as the most wonderful and understandable thing in the world. He made me feel loved because I didn’t need to give anything back - and I didn’t. So because me being so blinded by all of this, I didn’t notice what he was actually up to. One night, after he made love to me - he took my account number to the bank and well… robbed me. The next morning, not only had Langue disappeared without a note, I later found out that I was nearly broke.”

Rarity put a hoof over her mouth, disgusted. “Darling… I’m so sorry, I never knew. That was down-right-”

“Diabolical?” Fleur finished her sentence. “Oui. It was shocking to me that such a thing happened to me. I had placed so much trust in him, let him in my home, and we slept together to find out he did this…? Oh Rarity, I was devastated. I think I spent four days crying my eyes out. I was so shocked. Then it didn’t help that my so-called ‘friends’ up and abandoned me, became the laughing stock of Paris. Because Langue didn’t bother to give me closure, or even a reason why he suddenly left and robbed me - it left me in an emotional wreck. Suddenly everything was turned upside-down and I thought my life was completely ruined. So much so, that I felt I could no longer live in Prance, that I had to build everything up again somewhere else. Which is why I came to Equestria.”

“Fleur, that’s… that’s awful! Horrific even!” Rarity turned around to hug her marefriend. “I had no idea you suffered so.”

“Now Rarity,” Fleur stroked her hair, “Storytime is not over. There’s more to it.

“So… having next to nothing, I was desperate to take any job I could find to try to rebuild what I lost. This was why I joined the Solar Guard, that, despite how unpleasant the training was, it did humble me and start thinking about others. Then later I became Fancy’s bodyguard - but at one point, Fancy had offered me to go on a date with him but… Well… At the time I was still recovering from what my ex did to me so I turned it down. Come to think of it, until I met you, it took me a very long time to trust anyone enough to become intimate.”

“You mean you didn’t try to date anyone else?”

“How could I? Back then I was so hurt that I saw past the flatteries and assumed the worst of ponies. Even when I first met you I was paranoid that you had an ulterior motive. Not because I didn’t like you, but I didn’t want to get hurt like that again.”

“Oh Fleur, you know I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Fleur kissed the top of her head. “Do you know what made me open up to you? You weren’t trying to sweep me off my hooves. What made me open up my bitter heart was that you were honest with me - and you still are. You saw past the obvious and made me not just be loved, but I wanted to love back. I cannot put into words how you took my broken heart and with great care put it back together again.”

“Still,” Rarity nuzzled her, “no wonder why you had some words with a brute like him!”

“That was not all, even before I ran into him, I heard from other mares in Prance what he was. What he really was. Langue was a con-pony who claimed himself to be a dashing aristocrat. But in reality, he started out as an actor who tricked wealthy, even powerful mares in not just sleeping with him, but giving him some titles such as Lord to him.”

“Oh that is truly diabolical,” Rarity said, disgusted. “Why if that barbarian were here, I would-”

“Sois patient s'il te plait. (Be patient, please.)” Fleur quickly said, “This is where things, I think, get interesting.”


“Well you see, when I confronted him - lashing out at what he did to me, expecting him to be this heartless monster as he was back then… only he wasn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“He apologized. Peculiar, I know but when I listened to him, especially what has been going on with him recently… I have this strong feeling that he-”

“Had a change of heart?”

Fleur hummed, “Not that, that would imply he had one from the start. No, what I get is that he grew one. I know this because he has tried to do what he did to me to someone else… only it didn’t go according to plan. He’s still in a relationship that he should have broken off a month ago… but he couldn’t do it. Langue denies it, but for once in his life, I believe he finally found someone that he genuinely loves. At the same time, who he has fallen for is deliciously ironic.”


“Let’s just say that he’s currently in a relationship with an ex of yours.”

“Really?” Rarity sat up, “Which one? I see the irony, but who is it?”

“Oh no, mon chéri, this is too good for me to spoil.”

“But why not?” Rarity pouted.

“Because I told you, you would think I was lying. But that’s not important. What is, however, is it has given me a brilliant idea. A way to get back at him in the most fitting way possible.”

“Oh Fleur, I’m surprised at you.” Her marefriend said, disapprovingly, “You’re not going to break his relationship up, are you?”

“What do you take me for? The villain? No mon chéri, that’s not what I have in mind at all. Because the thing is that he wants to get out of it, and is desperate enough to turn to me to figure out how to break it up. But,” Fleur smiled, “I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m going to have their relationship grow even stronger.”

“Wait, I’m confused,” Rarity lifted a hoof, “How would making your ex’s relationship stronger be a way of getting back at him?”

“Partly because I think it would be fitting for a heartbreaker like him, and partly because I think it would be amusing - considering who he’s dating.”

“You’ve mentioned it before, but who?”

Kissing her marefriend on the lips, Fleur said while embracing her tightly, “Oh don’t you worry about that now. Trust me when I say that it will be a welcoming surprise. But I am tired, and I would like nothing more than a little nap on my favorite pillow.”

Mmmm… Very well.” Rarity shifted, “But I would like an explanation of what you’re up to.”

“I promise,” Fleur cuddled up to her marefriend.

Langue was haunted by Fleur’s confrontation. Even though it had happened hours ago; the whole interaction was still in his mind. It was already bad enough with the current situation he got with Blueblood, but now he has to face being on the short end of being potentially blackmailed by his ex.

All and all, it was not a good day.

Blueblood noticed that since he left Fancy Pant’s mansion, Langue seemed distant. More so than usual it seemed. Throughout the day, he seemed troubled but never once explained why. If anything he hardly spoke at all. He tried to get him into a better mood - chocolates, hugs, even a kiss on the cheek - but nothing was effective.

So, the Prince decided to take on a risk and asked if it was okay if they showered together. Although Langue did show signs of hesitation, his esteem was so low that he allowed it nonetheless. However, when the water was turned on and they stepped inside, Langue thought that despite being in a situation where the prince could very easily molest him right there… he didn’t. To Blueblood’s credit, he did try his absolute best to keep a sense of decency while he cleansed him with soaps and shampoos. He didn’t once grope him or rub in a… uncomfortable place. And even if he did look behind him, he was sure that Blueblood was trying not to eye every part of him. In some ways, Langue was grateful for that.

“Did I do something wrong?” Blueblood asked.

Langue blinked. “Pardon?”

“I mean… are you mad at me? You haven’t said anything for half the day. And you haven’t been quite yourself as of late.”

Langue sighed, “No… No, it’s not you at all. I’m just…”


You being in denial while being in a gay panic is just pathetic at this point.

Langue could almost hear Fleur’s voice clearly in his head. Shaking his head, he looked over at Blueblood, whose mane was hanging straight down from the water. “Am I a good pony?” he asked.

Blueblood blinked, “Where did this come from?”

“It’s just…”

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might like him back?

He felt the prince rub his back. “I won’t judge you. After all, I’m just concerned that you seemed down like a raincloud has been hovering over you. Whatever it is, you don’t need to hide it from me.”

Maybe the reason why isn’t you’re afraid of breaking his heart, but you don’t want to lose yours.

“But it’s just a trifle,” Langue said, “nothing for you to be overly concerned about.”

“But you are. If it’s caused this much misery, maybe there’s something I could do about it. Even if it’s small.” Blueblood nuzzled him. Although the wet fur felt strange to Langue’s coat, it still makes his cheeks feel so warm. “Please, tell me.”

What kind of a heartless monster are you!?

Langue gulped, “I uh… I met Fleur de Lis a long time ago.”

“Fleur?” Blueblood tilted his head. “Fancy’s bodyguard?”

“Oui. Once upon a time, she and I were close.”

“As friends?”

“.... Oui, at least, were…

He felt Blueblood’s hooves wrapping around him into a hug. “What happened?”

“She didn’t do anything… I did. One day, without telling her or giving her a hint of what was going on… I ghosted her.”

“What…? But why?”

“It’s… I didn’t tell her that I didn’t want to be friends with her anymore. Back then she was vain, selfish, and controlling like you wouldn’t believe. After a while, our friendship soured but I put on a smiling face for her sake. But then… it got to the point where I couldn’t take it. I disappeared from her and ignored her from then until… today. I didn’t want to tell you this but… her having to pull me aside… she was angry. Very angry at me. But you know what?” He turned around to look at Blueblood. “I couldn’t blame her. She had every right to be so furious at me. Because I realized that I have been treating the ponies I considered close to as being abysmal.”


“I’m speaking the truth. You have no idea how many relationships I had - romantic, friendship, even familial where for whatever reason… they all go away. Lately, I’ve been wondering if the reason isn’t fully on them… maybe it’s me.”

“Langue, don’t-”

“And I know one day you’ll go away too… because of me.”

The shower became quiet except for the water that ran down between the stallions. Blueblood was stunned, not just because of what his beloved had said, but perhaps for the first time - Langue was crying. He may try his best to keep his composer together, he may try to give a straight face. Yet, with his back against the shower and hit wasn’t hitting his face - he saw genuine tears rolling down his cheek.

“Langue,” Blueblood said softly, “come here.” The prince did something that even though he would never do - he held his stallion in his forelegs, letting his head rest on his shoulder while he tightly held him. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”


“I don’t care what you were. What I care about is what you are now.” He used his hoof to wipe his tears. “These past few months, I have gotten to know a stallion that is complicated but has a big heart. So what if you’re flawed - even masterpieces have something wrong about them. I know you’re scared of losing me, but I don’t think you’ll do that easily. It may not look like it, but I’m made of sturdier stuff. And being sensitive doesn’t make me soft, but more aware when those I care about are not alright.

“I may not know everything about you - and perhaps I never will. But what I am concerned about isn't your past, but what you are now.” Cupping his cheek he said, “I don’t see you as a monster, even if you see so yourself. Whatever flaw you see to have, I don’t look at it as a deal-breaker; but an opportunity to grow.” He finished by kissing his forehead.

Langue sniffed, “I don’t think I deserve you.

Blueblood rubbed his back, “You’re not evil because you’re flawed. And you have my love - even when you don’t ask for it.”

You really have changed.

Langue had nothing to say back. Instead, he hugged Blueblood as a sorrowful colt would to a parent. In his despair, all he could whisper was: “Je suis désolé. (I’m sorry.)

And while Blueblood didn’t understand it - he felt that Langue meant it.

“Doesn’t it feel much better after a shower?” Blueblood asked, using his horn to dry himself with a towel.

“Given the day I had,” Langue said as he got out of the shower and summoned a towel, “that was very much needed.”

“I’m so glad you feel better, here, let me dry you.” Taking hold of the fresh towel, the prince used it to rub down his beloved from mane to tail. At one point, he wasn’t sure when he had swapped it from using his magic to his hooves - but he didn’t mind in the least. By the sound of the relieved sighs and moans, Langue didn’t seem to mind the massage he was giving.

“I swear, Blueblood,” Langue remarked, “you have magic hooves the way you do that.”

“Speaking of magic,” Blueblood grinned, wrapping the towel around Langue’s cheeks, nuzzling the back of his head. “Are you planning on pulling an all-nighter?”

Langue chuckled, “My moi Prince, I have no idea what you’re referring to.”

“Oh come on,” he kissed his cheek, “don’t be such a tease.”

“Sorry, but I have no idea,” his beloved grinned. Getting up, Langue flicked his tail in front of Blueblood’s face. “Could you give me a hint?”

Following Langue into the bedroom, the prince almost expected to see Maximilian there with a bottle of wine on a silver tray - only to find that it was empty. Not that Blueblood mind of course as his attention was squarely on Langue’s hypnotic flank. Just watching it gently sway back and forth.

Looking over his shoulder, Langue laughed playfully. “Found something you like, Bluey?”

“I don’t just like, Langy,” Blueblood blushed but smiled, “I love all of you.”

Perhaps it was the heat of the moment, but the prince felt compelled to draw near to his stallion. Every bit of him from the still damp mane to those ember-glowing eyes invited him inside the most inner sanctum of love. Their muzzles getting closer and closer.

“Have you ever kissed before, my Princy?” Langue asked, his hoof resting on the back of Blueblood’s head.

“I’ve always wanted to.” Blueblood raised his forelegs around his beloved. “Especially with you, my Prench rose.”

“Come to me, and claim your prize.” There was a look in Langue’s eye, a lusty, desiring gaze as he tilted his head and drew his lips closer to his until…

Blueblood felt his lips in a sensation that he could only describe as magical. It was soul-kissingly intimate as if one stallion were touching the very soul of another. What ecstasy, what sweet surrendering humility to be so vulnerable and yet so desired. The prince felt he was melting in his hooves as he could taste the stallion he loved so.



With every breath they regained whenever they broke away, they whispered the other’s name before diving back into that delicious kiss. So warm, so heart-pounding, and so alluring, it was as if the two were dancing in a fantasy. One with twists and turns until Blueblood let himself fall onto the bed with Langue with him.

Not only were their lips locked, but the prince felt the thrill of having Langue get to feel him. His hooves tracing, groping, and feeling his back. Lower… and lower… and low-

Then Blueblood’s ears perked up at the some of someone eating something crunchy. Blinking, he was forced to pull away from the kiss to look up to see Princess Luna in a theater seat with a bowl of popcorn.

Blueblood almost fell off the bed. “A-Auntie Luna!?” The prince was mortified, his face burning red with embarrassment. “What in Tartarus are you doing here?!”

“What does it look like,” she lifted the red and white striped bucket, “eating caramel popcorn.”

“I can see that, but what are you doing here?!”

“Well, it’s not every day that I get to have a sneak peek at a wet-dream in progress. If anything, I’m extremely curious to see where this goes.”

Blueblood grabbed hold of a pillow and flung it at Luna - he missed. “You’re such a pervert!”

“Well excuse me for having to battle fifteen different nightmares before I got here, and frankly, I could use the entertainment.”

“I… what?”

“I couldn’t resist.” Luna shrugged, “Seeing that this is your dream, I’m rather curious to see where this scenario is gonna go.”

“.... I’m dreaming?”

“You have been for the past…” Luna summoned up an alarm clock, “fifteen minutes I think. And it’s such a disappointment you stopped, just when things were about to get good.”

Blueblood threw another pillow and missed again.

“What sort of privacy don’t you understand?”

“Well, believe it or not, I personally find this fascinating.” She waved a hoof, gesturing towards the bed. “By the looks of it, this is something you want but hasn’t happened to you yet. I mean, if you honestly got laid, you wouldn’t be dreaming of this, wouldn’t you? However, at the same time, it does ring some alarm bells.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Nephew, ask yourself this - has your coltfriend ever done anything like this before?”

“Well we have fallen asleep together… only not have we kissed on the lips… or used those charming pet names… or that he touched me down-”

“Exactly. This is something you want to happen, but for whatever reason it never did.” Setting the popcorn aside, she asked, “Has something happened?”

Looking over to the other side of the bed, Blueblood found that Langue had vanished. Sighing, he said, “Indeed, there is; and I’m at a loss at what to do.”

Blueblood went on to explain to her that even though these past three months were certainly the best he had ever had - Langue has been rather distant as of late. He went on to say that he learned that his beloved was having doubts about himself, and although he did his best to comfort him, he felt that it wouldn’t be enough.

“I will commend you on one thing,” Luna commented. “You did the right thing when Langue felt vulnerable. Yet, from my impression, it sounds like your coltfriend is feeling deeply insecure about this relationship.”

“But how can he be? I love him.”

“Consider this,” she raised a hoof, “has he ever said that to you?”

“Of course he has.”


“He…” Blueblood trailed off. No matter where in his memories he searched, he found it was completely blank. In all those whispers of sweet nothings and comforts, he couldn’t recall one incident where he heard Langue say those three little words to him: I love you. “But surely, he must.”

“And it’s very possible he does, but not so secure to say those when he’s completely unsure of it.” Humming in thought, Luna remarked, “Though I’m afraid that this is beyond my expertise, I do know of someone that would give some insight on this issue.” Before Blueblood could ask who, she used her horn to cut a portal in his dream. “I’ll be right back.” She exited through, yet leaving it open enough for the prince to peer through.

This was a unique opportunity for Blueblood as he had never seen the realm that his night-time aunt had worked in over the years. What he saw was oceans of color, filled with stars that ebbed and flowed in currents that bubbled and tumbled over one another. When he looked closely he saw glimpses of the dreams of ponies and creatures that swam past him. Many held faces that he had never seen before, all blissfully unaware in their fantasies that stir around in the water-like cosmos.

“Found them!” Luna popped her head out from the glittery sea, pulling out two other ponies from its depths - Cadence who had a backward cap, grilled sunglasses, and a hoodie; and Shining in a cape, a shirt that had an “S” over it, and wearing red underwear on the outside of his costume.

Luna proceeded to fling them into Blueblood’s dream, tumbling onto the floor.

“Here you go, nephew,” Luna presented them, “some proper experts.”

“Ow,” Cadence rubbed the flank she landed on.

“What?” Shining rolled over to get back on his hooves. He noticed his wife, “Cade, why do you look like a rapper?”

“I don’t know,” she replied, “Why are you Supercolt?”

Blueblood cleared his throat, getting their attention. “Hello Cousin, Shining. If neither of you doesn’t mind, I think I would take up that support you offered a while back.”

Sonata No. 2 - 2nd Movement: Fuga

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It’s almost frightening how fast his cousin was able to get from the frozen north to Canterlot when she believes there’s an emergency. No sooner had he woken up that he had received a telegram from Cadence that she was on her way. Two hours later, she was at the palace gates.

Blueblood never expected that she would arrive so soon. He thought that she might have taken at least until the next day if she was in a hurry. Yet there she was, panting with her wings drooped to the floor. Even her coat was drenched in sweat - which meant that Cadance had flown to Canterlot as fast as her wings could carry. She nearly collapsed in exhaustion when she finally made it to the castle.

Of course, he let her recover first - to have her catch her breath and to rest her sore wings on pillows. Water and ice packs were brought in too to keep her hydrated and to relieve her cramping wings. Yes, the prince had good enough sense to make sure that Cadance was taken care of first before he expressed how absurd her actions were.

“I can’t tell which is more shocking, that you came here alone, or that you flew from the Crystal Empire.” Blueblood scolded. “Didn’t you think about coming here in say… a train or a hot air balloon? But what you did was completely irresponsible, not to mention dangerous as you came here without any guards accompanying you.”

Cadence downed the entire picture of ice water before she responded. “You needed my help.”

“Yes, but not to the point where you have to fly a marathon. Only trained pegasi could pull that off like the Wonderbolts. And you are not an athlete. You could have flown to exhaustion over the Crystal Mountains for Celestia’s sake and probably freeze up there where no one would notice you’re there.”

“I know.” She said sternly. “Bluey, I appreciate you being concerned over me. I really do. But right now, we have bigger priorities to worry about.”

“But you-”

“Blueblood,” she interrupted, “Love is my domain. I would betray my duties if I didn’t rush over when you and your coltfriend need me most.”

“Well, technically he isn’t my…” Blueblood let out a frustrated sigh. “However, I see your point. I’m the one that does need your assistance now more than ever.”

“Yes, so let’s get down to business.” Cadence brought her hooves together, “So would you explain to me in detail what has been going on? All I know is that Langue… that is his name, isn’t it?” He nodded. “Alright, so since you briefly mentioned in the dream that you need my help, I would like to know what the situation is fully so I can give you some proper advice.”

Rubbing his head, Blueblood sat on his hunches. “I don’t get what I’m doing wrong. I have followed your advice to the letter, and for a while - things were going great. I can’t begin to describe how much of a relief it is to just be myself around him. To experience the joys of the simpler things in life that I never considered before. I started to open up to him, more than any other pony, and he did the same. These past three months were going splendidly until out of nowhere… Langue wasn’t feeling like himself.”

“And you don’t know why?”

“That’s the thing,” he shook his head, “last night I did find out. And it’s because he had a past where his relationships for one reason or another just… go away. Cadence, I think he’s scared that I would someday leave him. That he feels insecure if this is ever going to work out. That, and it doesn’t help much when Luna points something out that I never noticed before.”

“What’s that?”

“Well… This is a little embarrassing to say, but despite all the dates, and those times we cuddled or whisper sweet nothings… neither of us has really called the other coltfriend. Or even said ‘I love you.’ Which makes me wonder… am I doing something wrong? As much as I shower him in affection, is he not feeling… loved?”

“Oof,” Cadence's head fell back on the chaise lounge chair. “I’m not going to lie to you, that alone is a tall order.”


“For one,” she lifted a hoof, “I don’t think it’s something you’re doing wrong per-se, but I do think it would be more on Langue’s side. Because it sounds to me that he has some unresolved anxieties from what he experienced in the past. Tell me, has he been experiencing trouble receiving intimacy from you?”

“Well…” Blueblood blinked, “Yes at first. I mean he wasn’t used to it when I did it but lately I think he was getting used to it.”

“Okay.” She nodded, “So when you say he’s been acting differently? You said that he didn’t seem like himself, so would you elaborate on that?”

“He just seems… distant. Langue lately hasn’t talked that much or isn’t as enthusiastic or charismatic as he was weeks ago. If anything, last night was the first time I’ve ever seen him cry. I don’t know if it’s depression or anxiety or what. But I feel like I should do something but I have no idea what.”

Cadence hummed in thought, “Bluey, have you considered that Langue might have a fear of intimacy?”

“What does that mean?”

“Well… I’m not sure about this. But from what you’ve described, I wonder if Langue might be afraid of getting too close to you because he might hurt you or you hurt him.”

To Blueblood, it almost sounded completely absurd. Yet, before he could object, he remembered what Langue said in the past. Of how he had romantic relationships that didn’t last long, and that he left Prance because of this discovery in his sexuality. While there was some part of him that made him doubt… it did sound plausible.

Taking a deep breath, he said, “Let us suppose that there is a grain of truth in what you’re saying. Let’s say that Langue does want to get close but he’s afraid to. Now, supposing any of what you said is remotely true - what in Equestria do I do about it?”

Humming in thought, Cadence took a minute or two to choose her next words carefully. “Bluey, when you were a colt, were you ever afraid of the dark?”

Blueblood blinked, “What does that got to do with anything?”

“There’s a reason why I’m bringing this up, so were you?”

“I uh… Well, I would be lying to say I wasn’t. It took me a long time until I didn’t need the nightlight in my room.”

“Do you also remember when Celestia found out you were afraid of the dark? Because I remember how she treated your fear of it.”

“.... I can’t remember.”

“As I recalled, your parents were thoroughly annoyed that you went to sleep with a light in your room, despite being… I want to say… eleven or twelve years old. But Celestia intervened and came in where she did something that caught everyone off guard. She didn’t belittle you for having that fear. Nor did she think it was nonsensical for having an irrational fear that something was in there with you in the dark. She came around with understanding and that even she gets worried about what might be in places she couldn’t see. Celestia knew that criticizing what you were afraid of as doing so wouldn’t do anything. She basically told you that it’s normal to be worried as she and so many other ponies share that same fear.

“What I took away from that is that it’s always better to understand others' fears, to learn where they came from. In the case of Langue, I bet his fear has a history where when he tries to get too close, someone gets hurt in some way. Where he learned how to take the lead in relationships where he could woo someone but never expected anything back. Probably was taught to be independent and brave where whatever emotions or feelings should be kept hidden. If he grew up like that, is it any wonder why he turned out the way he did? I may be speculating here, but do you get what I’m saying?”

“In other words, don’t brush his concerns off, and his worry is normal. But what am I to do with that?”

“If I were you, I’d say you need to be patient with him. Be open to whatever affections he’s comfortable with, but don’t expect him to overcome his fears in one go. Such things may take time. That, and it also is helpful for both of you to relax. I know you want him to change, but you cannot - and I can’t stress this enough - ever force him to change when he’s not ready to do so. Because we tend to forget that while change is necessary, it’s often painful when others want it done in a hurry. What I recommend for you, Bluey, is to look at the things that Langue finds relaxing, and when you’re both calmed and level-headed; then you talk about his fears. But the key is when you bring it up, don’t be hysterical or defensive. And it may take him a while to open up, to go into detail about all the ways he’s afraid of losing you. The trick isn’t to dictate what he should think or feel, but to see fully where he’s coming from.”

“And what would this accomplish?”

“With any luck, when Langue feels he’s been heard, and you guarantee you won’t take advantage of his vulnerability, only then will you two become closer than ever.”

Although Langue could easily say that how he and Blueblood dated were probably more laidback than most couples, even he thought this was a bit… unorthodox. At least, not by any extreme means but considering that a couple of days after his encounter with Fleur, Blueblood’s choice of activity did raise an eyebrow. When he let Fleur know where they were going that following Friday night, even she didn’t expect it.

Once they had gotten through with their work, Blueblood spirited Langue away towards the one place in Canterlot he didn’t think he would go. They were carried away towards a certain part of the city where buildings were old and crumbling. Some of them look as if they could topple over by a gust of wind. Langue asked the prince several times if he was sure this is where they needed to be. Yet, Blueblood insisted that he knew the way. Turning down an abandoned alley where the grim and forgotten trash paved the way, the prince suddenly stopped.

“Here we are,” he waved a hoof, “the most relaxing place in Canterlot.”

Langue eyed their destination with suspicion. They stood before a three-floor warehouse with darkened, broken windows made out of filthy gray brick and a door that was labeled clearly with the word: “Condemned.”

“Your idea of relaxation is to be at an abandoned, near-to-collapse warehouse?” Langue questioned.

“The outside appearance is merely a disguise. I admit the facade is rather… off-putting, but the inside is something to behold.” Blueblood went up to the door where he knocked on it oddly. Knock. Knock-knock. Scrape, Knock… scrape, scrape, knock. Then standing back, a small slit in the door was pulled open. Just barely big enough for somepony to see through.


“Seaweed,” Blueblood said confidently.

The slit in the door closed, and the two stallions heard a series of locks that clicked, klacked, and shifted. Langue began to wonder if Blueblood took him to someplace illegal such as a drug den or a fight club - both completely the opposite of relaxed. However, when the door swung open, they were greeted by a mare in a white robe.

“Welcome back, Prince Blueblood.” She said, stepping aside to let them in. “It’s been a while since we last saw you. Welcome.”

Following behind the prince, Langue stepped through the doorway and into a place that was the exact opposite of the dirty facade. He saw a place that was clean, luxurious, warm, inviting, and tranquil. There were purple velvet curtains that draped over a wall that held a plaque that was etched in cursive writing: Welcome to Elite Equine Spa. Looking past a marble column he looked out to an open foyer that had a waterfall with tropical plants and flowers, scented candles that perfumed the air in lavender, oranges, rosemary, and peppermint. He saw too how they were looking down at other areas that had pools, massage tables, saunas, mud baths, and other treatments where ponies were in the middle of relaxing.

Although, there weren’t that many that were doing so as most of them were keeping themselves busy in keeping the spa running. The employees - the ones in white robes - were going about changing towels, giving massages, or helping ponies in and out of certain treatments like full-body wraps.

“So what shall it be for today?” the mare, who was a dark pink unicorn, inquired. “A dip in our mud baths? The sauna? A back massage perhaps?”

“As much as I would love to have the full treatment, I’m afraid we don’t have all day. However, it would be lovely to be in the sauna for a while. Follow up with a dip in your hot baths, and then finish up with a full body massage. And he is with me.” He gestured over to Langue.

“Very good. Let me get a few things prepared and I’ll bring you in. In the meantime, would you kindly wait? This would take a few minutes.”

After thanking her, he and Langue waited by one of the lounges that looked towards the small waterfall.

“I’m quite curious, sire,” Langue began, “how did you know this place existed?”

“Well, this is off the record, but my Auntie Celestia comes here from time to time. Usually, after something utterly stressful she wants to come to a place to be pampered for a while. She later told me about it after I turned eighteen as a sort of birthday present. I thought of it as odd back then but I ended up becoming a regular here.”

“Who comes here?”

“Only the more elite of Canterlot. It’s almost a secret club without being one. A sort of trade secret among the upper ranks that just want to get away for a while to relax in its pools or melt in a sauna. They have other treatments here as well, of course, but I figured that you would prefer something more… simple.”

Langue raised an eyebrow, looking back over to the spa. “So you took me all the way out here to have a dip in a hot tub? S'il vous plaît excusez-moi, (Please excuse me,) but why not go to your hot springs instead?”

“And miss out on the sauna and a back massage where you too wouldn’t experience it? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. What kind of coltfriend would I be if I did so?”

“.... Oui…” Langue looked away, feeling his cheeks warming up. He took this moment to scan the ponies that were out and about in the spa. Hoping to see a particular face among all those who are relaxing in the pools or walking about.

For Blueblood, however, that hesitant reply was worrisome; though he didn’t show it. That melancholic answer was concerning, but it was all the more reason that they should be here. He reminded himself of what Cadance had said, that he just needs to be patient with Langue. Have him be in a relaxing environment where he doesn’t have to be afraid to be around him.

Soon enough, one of the staff came up to them to say they were ready.

Down a sloping plain on purple carpets, they walked past treatments where ponies were being pampered from the mundane to the bizarre. Langue looked on as he saw some were having their faces be covered in a lime-green paste to others dipping their hooves into pools where small fish nibbled at them. Some lay in wraps of seaweed to those who hop between icy and boiling water and back.

There were areas where it had pockets of rooms that had some kind of theme. In one room, all the walls were waterfalls that splashed around a pool where there was an island in the center with a massage table. In another room, it was lit entirely in burning candles that smelled heavily of every herb and flower Langue could name. There was another room where the only thing there were large metal tubes that he explained were sensory deprivation tanks where ponies would be floating inside a darkened tube without any light or sound.

But for the room they stopped had a glass door that was fogged up in steam. Next to it was a shower room which, they were told, that before they could come in, they would need to take a cold shower, then take a drink of water before going inside. However, before either of them could go in to go wash, Langue spotted a familiar face by one of the pools.

“Would you please excuse me, Prince Blueblood, I would like to use the toilet before joining you,” Blueblood told him to hurry so that he may join him before going into the shower room. Langue walked over to the pool where he spotted Fleur, her back resting in a corner. “Suis-je heureux de vous voir ici. (Am I glad to see you here.)”

Fleur flipped around and looked up. “Alors, comment est la date? (So, how is your date?)”

“Nous venons de commencer. Et une question de suivi, comment saviez-vous que nous serions ici? Je ne savais pas que cet endroit existait jusqu'à il y a quelques minutes. (We just got started. And a follow-up question, how did you know we were here? I didn’t know this place existed until a few minutes ago.)”

“Il ne faut pas un détective pour savoir que votre petit ami préfère le meilleur en tout, y compris le spa. En plus, j'ai pensé que tu serais ici parce que j'ai souvent vu le prince venir ici. (It doesn’t take a detective to know that your coltfriend prefers the best in everything - including the spa. Besides, I figured you would be here because I have seen the prince come here often.)”

“Darling, who are you talking to?” Langue saw a mare that swam up to them. She was a white unicorn mare who had on a dark purple swimming cap over her head - no doubt to protect her mane.

“Rarity, remembered when I talked about my ex?” Fleur asked and she nodded. “Rarity, this is Langue. Langue, this is Rarity.”

“Oh?” Rarity swam up to the edge of the pool, her eyes hardening at the sight of him. “So you are the brute that broke my flower’s heart.”

“Well hello to you too.” Langue deadpanned, turning back to his ex. “Listen, Fleur, I need your help now more than ever. I’ve got to convince him to break up with me without breaking his heart. Please tell me if you have any ideas.”

“Wait,” Rarity asked, “she said that you are dating an ex of mine, but she never said who. So who is the pony you’re trying to break up with?”

“He’s…” Langue was about to answer but he saw Blueblood walking out of the shower room with; a towel over his neck. “Over there.” He pointed.

Rarity followed the direction of his hoof and saw the stallion that opened the glass door, letting some steam out before going inside. Her jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious! You’re dating Blueblood?!”

“For over three months? Oui. I noticed.” Langue said flatly. “Look, could either of you give me anything at all so I could get him to break up with me.”

Blinking, Rarity took hold of Fleur’s hoof, “Would you please excuse us for a moment?” Pulling her aside out of earshot of Langue, Rarity whispered, “Blueblood! Seriously?”

Fleur nodded, “That our exes are dating each other, oui. Now hear me out before you say anything. I understand your grudge against someone like Blueblood - between you and me, what he did at the gala all those years ago was despicable - no way arguing that.

You think?

“Ah! However…” She leaned on her conspiratorially. “With your knowledge of your ex, I think there's an opportunity for us to get some… entertainment.


Well, Monsieur I-swear-I’m-not-in-the-closet here is trying to get out of the relationship because he’s afraid he does have feelings for him. But suppose we… ‘help’ him out a bit? Instead of advising things that would drive them apart, why not have them get closer?

Looking between her marefriend and Langue, Rarity replied, “Normally I wouldn’t get involved with such a scheme. Such a prank would be unseemly for a lady like myself…”


“.... When you mention it’s Blueblood he’s dating, all I can say is… how can I assist?

Langue watched on as the two mares whispered back and forth. He couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, yet they were looking at him a lot. Finally, they swam back to him. “You monsieur are in luck,” Fleur said, putting a hoof on the tile of the pool’s edge. “My marefriend just so happens to have dated your prince before, so knows a thing or two of how she could have your relationship end.”

“You do?” He looked at Rarity.

“Oh yes, it was horrible.” Rarity raised a dramatic hoof out of the water. “Frankly I found him to be a royal pain because of how he was.”

“Yet, you have some idea of how to get him to break up with me?”

She nodded, “Indeed I do. For example, I often noticed that whenever he opens his mouth, he tends to talk endlessly about himself. So perhaps, what you need to do is when you two get to talk, make sure you leave no room in the discussion. Talk over him, don’t give him a moment to speak, and I assure you it should annoy him enough to not be around you anymore.”

Langue smiled, “That should be easy enough. Just let me do all the talking.” With an air of confidence, he turned towards the steam room with a “Wish me luck,” to the ladies. So confident was he that he didn’t notice the sound of giggling as he left.

After a quick cold shower and a drink of water, he went towards the glass door that was completely fogged up. Upon swinging open the glass door, he was blinded by clouds of steam that billowed and swirled in his face. Stepping through the hot, muggy, thick air was almost suffocating to breathe in. Partly because of the steam itself, and partly from the smell of it. Not from the musky sweat, although it was there too, in the air there were other things that were cooking as well. A scent of tea leaves, mint, rosemary, lavender, and sage drifted and floated past his nose as if he was inside of a cooking pot. Yet, after a while, he was able to see in the steam somewhat. The room was covered in brightly colored tiles of turquoise blue and white, all set in Saddle Arabian designs and geometric shapes. He could barely see outlines and shadows of other ponies inside this overly humid room, as well as the chatter that echoed off the walls.

Almost blind, he stepped through the steam. Looking through the outlines to see if he could find the prince. He found him near the back. His back was against the tiled wall and his lap was covered with a towel. As he got close, he could see that in the light, his white coat was glossed in a sheen of sweat. His golden mane was tied back so that nothing was abstracting his vision.

“There you are,” Blueblood said, patting an empty spot with his hoof. “I was beginning to wonder if you got lost.”

Langue sat down across from him, reaching to his forehead to feel it being damp. “Il fait si chaud ici. (It’s so hot in here.)” He remarked, wiping the sweat that was already forming. “How can you breathe in here? It’s so humid that I could barely see anything.”

“You’re not used to it?”

“I’ve never been in a sauna before, and already I feel like I’m being cooked. Why would anyone come in here?”

“It’s meant to make you sweat out.”

“Oui, I can see that,” Langue wiped his brow again, “But why?”

“Well among other things, it’s good for your coat, improves metabolism, blood circulation, immune function and reduces stress. Just be patient, I promise you’ll feel better from this.”

As it was too hot to think, Langue leaned back against the walled tile where, mercifully, he found it cool to the touch. A nice contrast compared to the steamy air. Every pour from the top of his head to his hooves bleed dripping sweat that it was pointless to wipe it away. On some level, there was something disgusting about sitting in one’s sweat while being next to someone that’s doing the same thing. Then again, he was sweating so much that it was the only thing that kept him cool enough - but only just. Even the smell of the herbs helped balance out the earthy, musky scent into something on the one hoof calming and the other… distinctively masculine.

“How have you been lately?”

“Hh?” Langue looked up at Blueblood.

“I mean, are you alright?”

“Oui, of course, I am.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Pardon?” Langue tilted his head, “I thought you asked me how I am.”

“I did. But I meant how you are in general.”

“I’m fine.”

“Really? Then how come you haven’t looked at me in the why when you said that?”

Now Langue was confused, “Is this a test I’m not aware of?”

“No tests, but it’s just something I’ve noticed. It’s like you wanted to share something with me but you’re too afraid to tell me.”



“Nothing’s wrong with me.”

“I’m not saying that anything is. But, truthfully, I’ve been concerned about you.”


“What you said a few nights ago. About you afraid of losing me.”

“It’s nothing serious.”

Blueblood frowned, “You know, if you’re going to lie to me you’ll have to do better than that.”

Now, this remark took Langue completely off guard. “Q-Quoi? (W-What?)”

Taking a deep breath, Blueblood said, “Listen, Langue, I meant what I said that I wasn’t going to judge you. It’s just when you said that your past relationships from family to romantic ended up in disaster, I want to hear more of it.”

“What are you, my therapist?”

“Maybe not, but I have the strong impression that you want to have someone listen to you - and I don’t mean just to be heard - but to really be listened to. To have an ear that would be willing to study every syllable, every word of what you wanted to say.”

“But why do you want to?”

“Because you got me curious enough to make me want to know how you tick.” Blueblood scooted closer to him. “I’m listening.”

Langue blinked. All his confidence about a sheer way to have Blueblood break up with him had evaporated in the steam. The advice his ex and her marefriend gave him seemed to be counterproductive at this point. What’s the point in talking your head off to be annoying when the prince bluntly told you that he wants you to do exactly that? Not only that, but Blueblood is asking him to bring up something that he doesn’t want to bring up in general. Yet, what was for him to do? Just be silent and hope he’ll forget the subject entirely? What’s to prevent the prince from bringing this up again and again and again? Would it be better to just rip the bandaid off now so it would be the end of it?

Shifting away, partly to feel the cooler part of the wall and partly to give himself some space, he began. “Alright, but I must warn you, it’s not pretty.”

“I have an aunt that came close to plunging the world into an eternal night - try me.”

Wiping the sweat from his face, Langue began, “Remember, you asked for this.” Blueblood nodded. “Once upon a time, long before I met you, my parents and I got into a fierce argument. Before I was twenty years old, I met a mare from the town who I believed was the most beautiful in Bordeaux. However, given my social standing, my parents disapproved that I was dating - in their eyes - a peasant. But at the time I wanted to shake free from their overprotectiveness by doing something that would upset them. It worked. Maybe too well.

“So words were exchanged, and it resulted in me being cut off from the family entirely. At the time I thought good riddance. But when I moved in with my then marefriend… Let’s say she may be beautiful, but she was unbearable to live with. A month later, she was so frustrated with how useless I was that she broke up with me. Now with me being on my own, I had no choice but to go to the big city in hopes I might rebuild my life from the ground up.”

“You moved to Paris?”

Langue nodded, “It wasn’t easy, let me tell you! But once I found a niche in an acting company that did Shakespur plays, suddenly things looked like they were going up. With a Lord acting on the stage, playing the more romantic parts as you can imagine, mares fell in love with me - left, right and center. However, as I started dating again… well…” He paused to choose his next words carefully. “As much as I can woo them, and how they swoon just by saying sweet nothings - nothing clicked for some reason. For a while, I thought it was what every stallion faced when dating mares. And I was good at giving love but… I never expected them to do the same back. So as you can imagine, the relationship would fall apart at most by the end of the month, or in a few days by the least. Then the cycle would begin anew.

“For a while, I was caught in an endless loop where I would try my best to show affection but… fell empty.”

“You mean no one has ever loved you back?”

“.... There were… a few, you included of course. But when that happens… I freeze. I find it so strange when someone, anyone says they liked me back because the first ones to tell me that was a lie. My first marefriend when she broke up with me told me to my face that I was not worth loving. It hurt, oui, but such an idea is what I’m used to.”

“Do you think I would do that to you?”

Langue looked away, “I didn’t say that yo-”

“Look at me.”

He did, but for a second. “But it’s nothing to be-”

“Langue, look at me.”

“I am.”

“No, in the eye.”

Langue pulled himself back, his hooves crossed but refused to look at the prince.

Blueblood moved closer. “I’m not going to yell, and I’m not going to punish you for something you didn’t do. I understand how uncomfortable this is, but I need you to be honest with me.”

“But I a-”

“Then say it to me, look me in the eye and answer me honestly.”

Hesitating, Langue who felt like a colt being scolded by a parent looked up and stared only at Blueblood’s sapphire eyes.

“Do you really think I would do anything like what your past relationships have done?”

Langue wanted to look away. Never in his life had he felt so exposed, and to be pinned down by someone that is doing nothing to them but stare at him - waiting for an answer. He didn’t want to say anything. And this time he knew that if he lied to the prince, a subtle facial twitch would have given everything away and would shatter Blueblood’s heart. He had no choice but to answer: “Oui.”

In an act that was uncharacteristic of Blueblood, especially in a sweaty state in this balmy sauna as this, Langue bore witness to something that he didn’t think the Prince would ever do in something like this - he hugged him. Tightly. Not just hugged him but held him there as if he had gone through a shocking trauma. And Langue, who was enveloped in Blueblood’s hooves… had no idea what to do. Should he laugh? Cry? Hug back? Push him away? He wasn’t sure. For once, he told the prince the truth about himself (if partly that) and he was wrapped in unconditional acceptance.

Langue thought he heard Blueblood say something but he wasn’t sure as the next several minutes were a blur. Gone from the humid sauna, into a cold shower to wash the sweat off, and then back into heat again as they were shown into a hot tub. However, if Langue was being honest, it was more of a glorified bath.

While most of him was submerged in the bubbly water that rolled over his back and up to the surface, he was bathed in floating orange peels and flowers, along with some other things that the spa staff poured in. Plus, the hot tub was much needed for him after sharing something so intimate with the prince who held onto him. His back against his withers, Langue could feel Blueblood’s heartbeat from his back. It was altogether weird but they never pulled away.

Come to think of it, ever since they stepped in the water, Blueblood didn’t say anything. He just held him close, petting his mane back like a housecat. Yet, Langue was very much aware of what he was trying to do - the prince was trying to have him be calm as much as possible. It almost reminded him of how his mother used to calm him down when he was little, that after a good cry, she would hold him like so and stroke his head. As strange as all of this was, it was comforting in a familiar way- whether Blueblood realizes it or not.

As he sat there, Langue silently lamented how much all of this had gone wrong. He was supposed to get him to break up with him, and yet, the prince was closer to him than ever. Never had he felt more helpless and yet, even in this surrender, Blueblood was pampering him. Not out of petty per-se, but he could tell that the prince genuinely cares about him.

In his thoughts, he was snapped out of them when he felt Blueblood nuzzling underneath his chin. And while the prince still hadn’t said anything, he was making it clear of what he was trying to convey. That even if Langue believed he didn’t deserve any of this, it’s not going to stop Blueblood from showing how much he means to him. Even when he had told an uncomfortable truth that most ponies would flee from - here the prince is making it absolutely, and unmistakably crystal clear that he won’t abandon him that easily.

Then to add the cherry on top of all of this, Langue felt Blueblood kissing his neck and cheek. But these weren’t the lustful kind that Langue expected, but he peppered the underside of his chin, the side of his neck, and his cheeks as though he was kissing a bruise. Like he was trying to heal his pain in the most foalish way possible. And while countless adults would be mortified by it - Langue was not. As much as he didn’t want them - it was like receiving a gift when he needed it the most. That instead of wallowing in self-pity, here was someone who was peppering him in kisses as if to say, “It’s alright. You’ll be okay. I understand. I’m here for you.

So much compassion and love that Blueblood was showing him. In ways that could be done with the poetry of Shakespur, with the convictions of a dedicated actor to say “I love you”... All without saying a single word.

Once they dried themselves off, they were shown their last treatment for the day. It was in a small room where it resembled a greenhouse with a glass roof that let in the sunlight into a garden. It had tropical plants with small palms, bamboo, birds of paradise, even a waterfall that provided the only tranquil sound in the room. In the center of the room, there were two padded tables. Obviously meant for massages, complete with a tray that had some bottles of oils that were meant to rub somepony down with.

The staff member that showed them in told them to go ahead to lie down on the tables while they fetch the professional.

“If you don’t mind,” Blueblood said, “I want to recommend if we do this ourselves.”

“Quoi? (What?)” This got Langue’s attention.

“If it’s alright,” he asked with a half-smile and a blush, “I want to see it personally that you’re fully relaxed.”

“.... You’re not going to use this opportunity to grope me, are you?”

Blueblood huffed, “You know I have a higher standard than that.” After he dismissed the other staff member, he gestured over to one of the massage tables and instructed Langue to lay face down.

Doing what he was told, Langue climbed up on the table to stick his face through the padded hole while remarking. “J'ai l'impression que c'est le début d'un clopfic. (I feel like this is the beginning of a clopfic.)”

“What was that?” Blueblood asked.


Picking up one of the bottles, Blueblood uncorked it to pour a little bit of oil on his hooves. It felt warm to the touch so he went ahead to pour some of the contents on Langue’s back. Not a lot but just enough so that he could work with it. Setting the bottle down, Blueblood began from the top of his shoulders and slowly made circles around it.

“You could press a little harder,” Langue remarked.

Doing so, Blueblood heard a murmur from underneath. Taking this as a good sign, he circled his hooves and moved them a little lower down his back and his sides.

Then when his hoof ran over the center of his back, Langue let out a sharp gasp. Withdrawing his hooves, the prince asked, “Are you alright?”

“Oui, sorry you just found a sore spot.” He waved a hoof, “But keep going, it feels quite nice.”

Blueblood’s hooves returned to the same spot, circling around and pressing down to hear Langue underneath him give sounds of relief. “If I knew you were this good.” He heard a Langue remark. “I probably had you do this to me a long time ago. You surprisingly have magic hooves.”

Chuckling, Blueblood remarked. “Why Langue, if you want me to rub you down, you could have just asked.” He heard him moaning, “You wouldn’t have to hesitate, just give the word and I would have worked out all those nasty kinks that have been giving you this much stress.”

“What? Even during work?”

“For someone as flawless as you, anytime.” He rubbed even lower, Langue let out a happy groan, “I would stop to massage you anywhere you needed these hooves to be.” He stopped just above his flank but continued to rub in circles. “It would be a pleasure for me to feel all of you.”

Langue was between mortified and… something else. “Wait, Your Highness, you’re not saying that-”

“All you would have to do is say the word, and I would massage you anywhere.” With a smirk, Blueblood added, “And I don’t even have to use my hooves if you-”

“D'ACCORD! (OKAY!)” Langue sat up, almost leaping off the table. His face is flustering red while crossing his hind legs.

The prince blinked, “Too much?”

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“.... Flirting.”

“I can see that,” Langue waved a hoof, “but this? Did you just ask, in a public space no less, that you wanted to…” Taking in a calming breath, he sat upright. “Yotre Majesté, (Your Majesty,) can I ask you something personal?”

“Of course.”

“I mean, very personal.”

Blueblood tilted his head. “How personal is personal?”

“Just… how you say… off the record personally.” Glancing over towards the only entrance in the room, he said quietly. “Blueblood… I need you to be honest with me when I ask this, and please, don’t be alarmed at how bluntly I have to ask this.” Taking in another deep breath, he asked. “Have you ever had sex with another pony before?”

He watched Blueblood’s eyes go wide and his cheeks take on a pink tint. “Uh…”

“I will take that as a no.” Another deep breath he added, “I’m asking this not to embarrass you, but to gauge in your… experience. Or… lack thereof. And you shouldn’t be ashamed of it either, I’m very much aware that you came out a few months ago so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you have… how do I put this… little knowledge in the etiquette of such things.”

Blueblood blinked, “There’s an etiquette for that?”

“Even we Prench know that you don’t just jump into bed with someone like you would a prostitute. There are rules, both known and unspoken where you make your intentions clear without giving the impression that you’re about to… force yourself on someone.”

Gasping, Blueblood covered his mouth. “You didn’t think I was-”

“You had your hooves on me, rubbing very close to my flank, and then asked if you could provide a happy ending.”

“.... A what?”

“And just like that, you proved my point.”

“But I wasn’t trying to uh… molest you, I swear!”

“I believe you. Yet when that was said in a place where somepony could walk in, and then have that pop out of nowhere… It's unbelievably uncomfortable. Like all things, there’s a time and a place for that sort of thing. Springing that up right here, right now, in this place seems inappropriate.”

“.... So, do you want me to stop massaging you or…?”

Sighing, Langue laid back down. “You can keep going, but do not go any further than my waistline.”

Awkwardly, Blueblood resumed the back massage, going from the base of Langue’s spine to his shoulder blades. In the stillness, he continued to rub and feel over the muscle and bone, easing up the tension underneath his hooves. He kneaded and creased out the kinks until smoothed. Every so often, Langue would slip relieved moans over certain spots like right underneath his shoulders and on the side of his ribs.

“I was concerned.” Blueblood finally said.

“Again, you didn’t know what you were-”

“Not that. I mean I have been concerned about you. With you not being quite yourself, of being so distant-minded and melancholic… Perhaps I may have unintentionally put you under a good deal of stress. It’s the reason I brought you here, so I could let you know that you could always relax around me.”

“I thought I already was.”

“Well, I was more implying that you could always rely on me. That if you needed an ear to listen to; or if you just wanted to be held while having a shoulder to cry on; or even tend to your body in whatever way you see fit. Do not be embarrassed to ask me what you want me to do.”

Langue looked over his shoulder, “Being listened to and being held is one thing, but can you really see yourself doing this every other day?”

“Why not? I know I haven’t praised your physicalities enough, but maybe I should have a little more often.”

“Such as?”

“For example,” Blueblood rubbed the middle of his back. “I adore how well balanced you are when it comes to your muscles. You’re not exactly a bodybuilder like how most of the palace guards are - but you don’t let yourself go either. I could probably compare you to a Michelangelo masterpiece, where strong legs, withers, and a face that was once made of smooth marble was given flesh. To feel you, even by something so common as a massage, is to be able to feel a hard-labored work of art.”

“So I’m well sculpted, is that it?” Langue chuckled.

“That, and I can’t bear to think that you would have a strained back, a sore hoof, or a stressed mind. It is why I’m offering to have you be relieved in any and every way you need. After all, what good is it to relax your mind if I can’t do the same with the body?”

Langue looked away so that Blueblood couldn’t see the blush on his face. “But would you expect the same in return?”

“It would be nice,” Blueblood said, kissing the back of his neck. “But right now, I want to be sure that you are taken care of. So be at ease, and let me take care of the rest.”

Closing his eyes, Langue let Blueblood massage his back. In some ways, he didn’t want this to stop, but at the same time, he wasn’t so sure if he could break up with Blueblood. Given how much he clearly cared for him, even when he made it quite clear that he’s sure that the prince would leave him… it seems nothing is stopping the prince from loving him just the same - perhaps even more. On top of that, the advice from his ex has not only backfired, but he has a growing suspicion that Fleur isn’t trying to help break up - but reinforcing their relationship.

At the same time, he wondered… could it be possible to just pony up and tell the prince the truth? Of course, he still knew the enormous risk that would entail of breaking Blueblood’s heart in such a vicious way. For all he knew, at best - he could be sent into exile from Equestria altogether. At worst… Perhaps, the best way is in how he presents the truth. Underneath a mountain of sugar-coating… At the moment, he doesn’t quite know how to do it, nor is he inclined to say anything.

For now… Blueblood was relieving a sore spot.

Sonata No. 2 - 3rd Movement: Andante

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It has been a week since their trip to the spa, and throughout Equestria, much of the leaves have given way from green to golds, oranges, and reds. With colorful autumn settling in with the air getting cooler and October just around the corner, Luna was making plans for her favorite holiday of the year. In her chambers with push pinboards, each was being held together with notes and colored string, thinking methodically of what the upcoming Nightmare Night festival is going to look like. Even though it was early September, she was plotting out everything from the food, to the carnival games, and even the special effects for the haunted house attraction that, admittingly, she was trying to figure out how to tone it down a touch.

Then, just when she was deciding between a clown holding a single red balloon or an eldritch god at the end of a hallway, one of her guards came in. “Beg your pardon for the intrusion, but Prince Blueblood wishes an audience with you.”

Setting her pile of notes and pins aside, she told the guard to let her nephew in. Blueblood entered through the starry doors, taking notices of the boards and string that weaved about the room like a spider’s web.

“I’m sorry auntie Luna, I didn’t realize you were busy.”

“Tis alright, I appreciate the break away from this.”

“What is all of this for?”

“It’s for the Nightmare Night festival in Ponyville. I’m determined to make this one more glorious than last year’s. Having the fun be doubled, as it were by my own design. However, to plot out every single thing is maddening, so your timing is most appreciated.” She lit up her horn to bring out a dark purple pillow for her nephew to sit on. “Would you like anything? Tea or coffee perhaps?”

“Coffee at ten at night?”

“It helps to keep one’s mind focused and alert into the long hours. Any college student would know that. Still, could I get you anything?”

“No thank you, auntie. But I’ve come here because, well…” He took a deep breath. “Do you remember several months ago that you said that if I needed help from you, I could ask for it?”

“Oh!” Luna excitedly clopped her hooves together. “At last! It is about time that you came asking for my assistance! So, what shall it be? The perfect gift of your coltfriend’s dreams? A list of aphrodisiacs? Maybe a lifetime membership to a strip club?”

Blueblood, “Why would I… You know what, never mind.” He shook his head. “No, I didn’t come here for any of those things. Rather, this is more of a personal matter that I hope you could lend a hoof it.”

“A personal matter?” Luna tilted her head. “Isn’t Cadance still around?”

“She is, and I’ve already talked to her about it, but she said that for this to be pulled off, then I would need the ties and resources you have to make this perfect.”

“I don’t understand? Making what perfect?”

Looking over his shoulder to be absolutely sure that no one would be listening, he leaned forward and quietly said, “I’ve decided I’m going to make Langue my official royal consort.

Luna gasped happily, “Why nephew! This is indeed wonderful news!”

“Yes yes,” Blueblood tried to hush her, “I know how monumental this is - I’m very much aware of that - but please listen to me. I need your help in providing the right atmosphere to spring that question upon him. But I want this moment to be perfect, can you help me? That is,” he eyed the boards all around, “if this isn’t asking too much of you as of now.”

“Tis no burden on me, of course, I will help make this the most magical of nights! However, before we begin, I do want to ask what is the status of the relationship?”

“Well, I will say that all things considered, these past few months have been the happiest of my life.”

“And Langue?”

“Well, he is opening up to me more and more each day. He’s still getting used to me being intimate with him, but I can safely say we’ve made tremendous progress.”

“Oh good, good,” Luna nodded.

“With that said, I get this impression like he wants to tell me something really important but he doesn’t have the confidence to come out and say it. I believe, auntie, he might be wanting to ask me to be his coltfriend. Well,” Blueblood laughed, “just imagine his surprise when I ask him first.”

“Indeed.” Luna agreed, “But first thing’s first! I must know, when are you planning to ask him?”

“Friday, unless it’s too soon then I could-”

“As in this Friday?” she interrupted and he nodded. Luna hummed in thought for a moment, “While I would hope to have more time, I think this could still be pulled off. I will not promise you any miracles, but perhaps you could help me see what you have in mind and I will see what I can do.”

For nearly an hour, Blueblood sketched out a scenario of how he would ask Langue the question. He painted a scene under the stars while a full orchestra plays sweet classical music. He pictured a meal with a dance; all leading to him declaring his undying love in the best way he knows how. Yet, Luna had to ask Blueblood several questions about Langue such as what music he likes, choice in meal, and even the location of where all of this would occur. Despite being last minute for Luna, her mind was ticking and grinding away for ideas to construct the perfect moment.

Then, by looking out the window, she noticed a building among Canterlot’s skyline and the inspiration sang out to her.

Tonight was the night, Langue knew, was that he would finally pony up and tell the truth. At this point, there wasn’t much of a choice. He could either continue to lie, have Fleur blackmail him until it all blows up in his face. Or, he could set Blueblood down, and as carefully as possible, lend on that he was a con-pony that had a change of heart. He wasn’t unaware that he could easily lose his position as baron, have Canterlot have a conniption over him, and in the best case scenario - he might be banished from the country.

On that Friday night, Blueblood had treated him to dinner at a fine dining restaurant. If Langue was being honest, he wasn’t paying much attention to anything. He spent most of the time trying to figure out what in the world he was going to say to him. Of course, he waited patiently to have the opportunity for the conversation to be given room for the, “Listen Blueblood, you’re a good stallion but you shouldn’t see me anymore because I don’t want to con you anymore,” speech. Yet, it was nearly impossible as the prince was in a good mood and he didn’t exactly want to spoil it.

After they left the restaurant, they walked out into the cool autumn air. Since Blueblood hadn’t called for their palanquin, it meant that they weren’t going to go far.

“So… where are we going now?” Langue asked.

“There’s a reserved spot at the Music Hall not too far from here that I have something special in mind.”

“The Opera House? Are we going there for a concert or-”


Langue blinked. “Then… what are we doing?”

“You’ll see,” Blueblood said with an excited tone to his voice.

They walked a block towards the tall, white marble building of colossal white columns, golden pegasi statues with lyres, and capped with a stained-glass dome. Over on the sides were red banners with maple leaves that advertised the autumn ball that was going on. At first, Langue assumed that the prince was bringing him to the ball - but no! As soon as they entered through its doors, instead of going towards where the party was, Blueblood instead went for the elevator where he pressed the button towards the roof.

Langue was perplexed. What was the prince doing? Why were they going to the roof? It couldn’t be for dinner because they’ve already eaten. Maybe he wanted to go see the stars from the roof? But if that’s true, then why not do it at his home as they’ve done plenty of times in the past?

With a ding from the elevator, the doors opened up to an unexpected scene. On the flat roof near the great glass dome, it was lit up by lines of grapevines. The floor was sprinkled in maple leaves of orange, red, and yellow. As they walked out, they saw a table of desserts from sugar cookies in leaf shapes, to the pumpkin cake, the chocolate fountain, and even the tub of cinnamon ice cream that floated in a tub of ice. And turning to face the city, they got a view of Canterlot and the castle that was all aglow while overhead, the stars, and moon seemed brighter than ever. It was like stepping inside of a painting that the artist took years to craft out the stunning beauty to get just right.

Looking over to Blueblood, Langue saw that he had a wide smile. “Do you like it?”

“Did you…” Langue walked over to the dessert table at the range of treats. From candy that was in bright, autumn colors, to the chocolate souffle that was sprinkled in powdered sugar - it was all clear that this took a lot of planning. “.... Did you arrange all of this?”

“Well, to be fair, I had my auntie Luna put all of this together. Oh! And here,” Blueblood trotted over to the side of the dome where he unhooked a piece of the glass where the sound of a full orchestra played out. “Now, it’s all perfect!”

Langue paused, it didn’t take a detective to deduce what was going on around him. A highly romantic setting, expensive desserts, an orchestra, and the fact that Blueblood said that this was meant to be a “special surprise.” Not only was he seeing some major red flags, but he thought: ‘He’s going to ask me to marry him… I didn’t think I would be this good at seducing. This is a new record.

Which only makes what he has to say so much harder.

Nevertheless, at least to Langue, it was now or never.

Blueblood turned to him as the orchestra struck up the beat of a waltz. “You know,” he said, “I don’t know if I ever asked you this before but… do you know how to dance?”

“Um… so-so…”

Going up to Langue, Blueblood held up a hoof. “Would you dance with me?”

Gulping, Langue took his hoof, “If you don’t mind, why not take the lead?”

“Very well.” With both stallions getting up to their hindlegs, Langue took hold of Blueblood’s shoulder while he, his waist. At first, they swayed, finding the right rhythm to start on, and then, they began. It took a few minutes for Langue to understand the pattern, but once he figured it out, the two danced in a circle while the violins, the snare-drum, and winds swelled into a crescendo.

As they continued to dance, Blueblood spotted something in the sky. A blue cloud hovered nearby with a Luna-size pony watching overhead. Another round and the light from the dome made it clear that it was, indeed, his nightly aunt. Then another round and Blueblood noticed that she held up a sign that read: “You’re doing great, nephew!”

“What are you looking at?” Langue asked.

“Oh uh,” Blueblood cleared his throat, “I thought I saw a shooting star. Or at least, the tail-end of it. Disappointing really, I could have made a wish.”

“And what would you wish for?”

Langue felt Blueblood’s hoof around his waist constrict to where they were chest to chest, eye to eye. “That this moment would last forever.”

Taking in a deep breath, Langue had to do it now while he still could. “Moi Prince, what is all of this for?”


“Come on, you don’t just ask anyone to dance on the rooftop of a music hall with dessert, music, and the night sky just for anything.”

“Hm, true. I do have something I wanted to ask you. Something that I have given a good amount of thought into.”

Langue gulped. “And… that would be… what?”

“Well, first of all, I must inform you that you are no longer a Baron.”

They stopped dancing. “What? Moi Prince, have I upset you?”

“No no, nothing like that. You’re not in trouble. Quite the opposite, really.”

Langue blinked, “I don’t understand. If I’m no longer Baron, then why am I being stripped of my title?”

“To elevate you to a new one. Can you guess what that would be?”

“I…” Langue’s eyes shifted, “Viscount?”



Blueblood shook his head.


“Getting warmer.”

Langue blinked, “Duke?”


“.... But, Majesté, what other title are you giving me?”

“One that I’ve never given to anyone. Something that only us royals could give.” Blueblood noticed movement in Luna’s cloud, this time she scribbled on a piece of cardboard that says: “Just ask him already!

The prince saw his beloved’s eyes growing wide. “Now, wait a minute, Your Highness, is it wise to give me a new title so soon? What I mean is I don’t believe I’ve done anything to earn… whatever it is you want to give me. I’m undeserving of it.”

“Oh Langue, you may not see it, but I think you have more than earned it. I cannot describe how liberating it is to finally be myself around someone so understanding. After spending years hiding away my identity, of not being able to find someone that is on the same level as I; not to mention you opening my eyes to the simpler joys in life - you don’t give yourself enough credit.”

“Well, maybe to you. But I don’t think you would give as much praise if you knew the pony I was.”

“Then allow me to praise the pony you are now.” Blueblood’s hoof slipped away from Langue’s to caress his face. “Which is why, Langue d’Argent, I want to do something that I never asked a single soul before. Something that I never found worthy enough to ask.”

“But Moi Prince-”

“Langue, would you be my consort?”

Langue blinked, “Pardon?”

“In plain Equestrian, I’m asking you if you would be my equal - maybe not exactly prince, but for you to be my official coltfriend. Say yes, and your worries will melt away, and we can begin together on the journey to eternal bliss.” With a blush, Blueblood asked, “So, will you be my official consort?”

The music had by then finished with ponies applauding the orchestra. Yet, upon the roof, Langue froze. He saw his opportunity to get out of this relationship - yet the path to freedom was that of barbed wire. Because although he knew exactly what to say, he knew how much pain this was going to cause to someone he knew was undeserving of it. It was probably the hardest decision he has ever made in his life. When the orchestra started up another waltz, he broke away from Blueblood and made his choice.

“I… I can’t do this anymore.”


“Stop. Just… s'il te plaît, I can’t do this to you anymore.”

“But… Langue.”

“This will only end badly. Forgive me, Your Highness, but you must stop seeing me. I’m no good. I’m not everything you think I am.”

He could see it happening in Blueblood’s eyes as he was tearing up. “Langue, wait.”

“You have to let me go. Don’t ever come near me anymore. I’m sorry. But I think we should stop seeing each other. I think you’re a good stallion, Blueblood, I don’t deserve you - you need someone better than me. As much as I don’t want to say this, it has to be said. Prince Blueblood, I bid you adieu.”

That was it. He had done it. Langue had to look away as Blueblood was on the verge of crying - now he would face the fallout for his actions. Yet, he told himself, this was for the best. Hopefully, he might have gotten out of this okay, he just needs to distance himself from him so he could go home and-

“Langue, wait!” Blueblood rushed over to him.

“I said we’re done-” Langue felt his head being yanked and turned. And before he realized what was going on, Blueblood was face to face with him. No, more than that. He was very close to his face. As in, lips touching close. It took Langue to realize what was going on - Blueblood was kissing him for the first time. Not on the cheeks, not under the chin or necking him either. This was the first time that either of them had kissed.

Out of everything in the past several months since he got to know the prince - that moment was the most disturbing to Langue. Not because he found it gross, nor the fact that this sudden violation of personal space just occurred out of nowhere. Nor was it that time had slowed down to a crawl from this unexpected shock. No. It wasn’t any of those. Rather, what he found disturbing was that not only he didn’t try to fight back; not only did he surrender to the kiss; but it was the first time in his life that he ever kissed anyone and felt that this was how it was supposed to be done. A sense of being complete.

It was like he was falling through an unexpected trap door where he would gasp in shock if he could. He was tumbling, terrifyingly, into a hurricane of emotions that swirled and collided at the same time. Fear, joy, shame, liberation, dread, hope. It was experiencing every positive and negative emotion that bounced off one another. The sense that none of this should be happening and yet… that falling sensation of wanting to kiss back grew as a sweet temptation.

One that he gave in.

And when a moment of clarity came to Langue’s head, he pulled away. “Que suis-je en train de faire!? (What am I doing!?)” He shouted in terror.

For Blueblood, it came as a slap in the face - but not out of betrayal. What hit him was that in this desperate moment where he hoped that maybe Langue would change his mind - he saw in his eyes something he never thought he would see. Langue was afraid.

Langue tried to trash out from the prince’s embrace. “Let go! Let go!” Langue shrieked as if he was trying to get out of the grip of a hideous monster. And yet, moment by moment, that terror gave way to something else. Tears rolled down from Langue’s face. “I-I can’t… I-I’m not… This isn’t…”

Blueblood held him in his arms. Langue’s head crying on his shoulder. While this was certainly not the reaction he expected or hoped for. There were so many questions about what just happened that the prince didn’t know where to start. Except, just to hold him there like a foal that had lost his parents. One hoof to hold him and the other to stroke his mane. Looking up to the cloud, he could tell by the look of his aunt that even she didn’t see any of this coming.

However, Blueblood waited. He didn’t know how long as the orchestra below went from piece to piece that he lost count. He waited until Langue was calm enough to say something without bursting into tears. Yet, for this pitiful stallion, Blueblood would wait for eternity if he had to.

But eventually, Langue's sobs subsided into silence. Blueblood didn’t expect to know what he was going to say next. However, he had a feeling.

“I lied.”

Blueblood blinked. “Pardon?”

Langue pulled away so he could look the prince in the eye. “Moi Prince… I don’t exactly know where to start, but I have been lying to you for months now… and I know I don’t deserve you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Sire, I told you so many lies. Like when I told you that I’m gay… well… that is what I believed before I met you. Even with all the flatteries, I didn’t expect that… I would be…” he swallowed. “Kissing you back… I don’t know why I did it… I shouldn’t have liked it but… I-I don’t know what is going on.”

“So… you’re straight?”

“.... I don’t know anymore… I don’t know what is going on with me anymore...”

Blueblood kissed his forehead, “Believe it or not,” he said, wiping his tears. “I have been here before.”

Langue swallowed, “What are you talking about?”

“Well…” the prince took a deep breath. Lighting his horn, he took a cup from the dessert table to fill it with hot chocolate before handing it to Langue. “Storytime. Although before I say anything, you should have some of this first.”

Taking the cup, Langue sipped the rich chocolate.

“Once upon a time,” Blueblood began, “I had just reserved my cutie mark. By then I was somewhat of a late bloomer so I should have been about… eleven, twelve years old? Anyway, I was at the age where I was starting to enter puberty and I was told about the birds and the bees. You know, when a stallion has feelings for a mare, that sort of thing. On top of that, the colts at my age were trying to grow up to the macho type yet… I knew that for whatever reason… it didn’t click.

“Not just that whenever a pretty mare was pointed out to me and I had no idea what they were getting excited about, but I even wondered why I didn’t latch onto the traditional male role that I was expected to do. If anything, I was even teased and mocked for being a bit more effeminate than colts my age.

“At the time, I found the whole ordeal confusing. I was supposed to be this and not that, so how I’m not? How come when those wanted to join the guard that I found more enjoyment from gardens, paintings, or the occasional poem? How come I felt funny when a handsome stallion walked by that mare… Well, less so?

“Then when I heard about what homosexuality was… I’ve grown up thinking that it was somehow a bad thing because the colts around me said it was. As much as I tried to distance myself from it… during my teen years, I was more afraid than maybe I was. And if I say… I got aroused in the locker room for staring at someone for too long… Well, you could imagine why I never bought any of this up to my family - because it was all so frightening of what they might do if they even suspected that I was.

“That, and it didn’t help that I heard about these ghastly horror stories of how shortly a pony comes out gay that they were thrown out of their homes… or worse. Being so high up in the aristocracy, I was terrified of what might happen to me if anyone learned that I had a different taste in company. And to top it all off, I was even arranged to be married to a mare that I felt no connection for by my parents… you could only imagine how much anxiety I had.

“Then, by tragedy or by luck, my parents passed away before I could be married off. Which in hindsight saved me from a lifetime of lies and misery. But even then… It did take me along, a long time before I came to face the truth about who I was, and even longer to just say it outright. Even with all those mares that tried to date me… I didn’t dare to tell them that the real reason why I don’t want to be around them is simply that they didn’t appeal to me. Instead, I had to be horrid so they wouldn’t have any reason to see me at all.”

He put a hoof on his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “The reason why I’m telling you this is because when I said that I never felt happier, or freer in my life - that was no lie. Until I met you, I couldn’t connect with anyone on an emotional level like you have. At first, I didn’t know what to do as… you are the first stallion that has come forward saying that they were interested in me. You have taught me not to be afraid of showing someone that you care for - that you love them. Even when you said you didn’t feel attracted to me at first… are you now?”

Langue didn’t look him in the eye.

“I have been in your horseshoes, Langue. I know how scary, confusing, and anxiety-driven this all is. Trust me, I’ve been there. And if I could somehow go back and tell my younger self anything, it would be this.” He cupped his cheek and made him look in the eye. And Blueblood looked back into those teary eyes. “There is nothing wrong with you. There never has. I know you feel alone with these feelings - but you’re not. There are those out there that will welcome you as you are with open hooves. And while all of this may seem scary and threatens to swallow you whole, remember, courage isn’t about being afraid of nothing. It’s about being scared yet determined to do what is right, to be who you are, and go forward with it. You are not alone.”

Swallowing, Langue backed up a step to sip his cup. “Yet… I have lied to you. Are you not angry at me?”

“Depends, did you lie to harm me… or protect?”

“.... To harm… at first. I thought you were the snotty, uptight, uncaring aristocrat. A monster, or so I was told. I was going to take advantage of you for being such but… the unexpected happened.”

“And what was that?”

“I got to know you… and you’re not worth being harmed by ponies like me.” After blowing on his hot chocolate and downing some, he added. “But I have a feeling I have more to explain, do I?”

Humming, Blueblood replied. “We will, first thing tomorrow. But for now, I don’t think that scolding you when you are at your lowest is not the wisest idea.”

Swallowing nervously, Langue asked, “Then… what are you going to do?”

“Well first, now that we’ve broken ground, I could do this.” He thrust his head forward and planted a kiss on the lips. This time, it was more gentle. More forgiving in how tender it was. Yet, it only lasted for a moment. “Also, I was thinking… you've never been inside my chambers, have you?”

Langue raised an eyebrow, “Are you asking to do what we normally do, or-”

“Well, you said so yourself, to get to that level, it requires certain steps to get to that point. And I can safely say, we’re not there yet.” With a smirk, Blueblood added, “On the other hoof, that doesn’t mean that we couldn’t cuddle and kiss.”

“.... That is the worst pickup line I’ve ever heard.”

“It’s not a pickup line.” From the glass dome, the orchestra began a new waltz. “Still, I don’t want tonight to go to waste. While we will talk about what you said earlier; for now,” he offered him a hoof. “We haven’t finished our dance, have we?”

Looking between him and his hoof, Langue downed the rest of the hot chocolate and set it aside. There was so much that Langue could say. Yet, given the circumstances, he didn’t find one that would make any difference. So, getting on his hind hooves along with the prince, they resumed their dance.

After they danced and took some of the desserts with them, the two stallions now turned towards Canterlot Castle. For Langue, this was a new experience as he had never been inside the prince’s personal chambers before. Yet, it was almost what he expected it to be. A whole floor of the castle resembled that of the rooms of the Palace of Versailles. One of gold molding, mirrored walls, crystal chandeliers, murals on the ceiling - and even the bedroom was dripping top to bottom in baroque style embroidery, gold, and tassels.

Even the candlelight that flickered around the room, bathing in a golden glow was like being inside an old oil painting. The only thing to stand out from all of this was the phonograph that played a slow serenade of violins. All the while, even in a room that was worth Equestria’s whole treasury, he held in his hooves something more valuable.

Since their first kiss, Langue had been shocked by it. Yet, on the way to the palace, with Blueblood being this merciful towards someone like him, it was all he could think about. So when the prince showed him inside his chambers, all Langue wanted was to perhaps have him do it again.

Fortunately, he didn’t have to ask.

As soon as Blueblood kissed him on the lips again. Now taking their time to go longer and longer, it became apparent to Langue that what he experienced on the roof of the Opera House was no accident. This time, with the prince’s reassurance, the fear and shame had faded away with every kiss until it was clear that there was one thing that Langue wanted above anything else. It didn’t matter if none of this made sense or not - only that relieving pleasure of mercy itself on his lips to lick his sin clean. Where he expected wrathful retribution, here, at least for the night, he was seduced into the realm of forgiveness.

Lips and tongues danced from one maw to the other and back again, even when they tumbled onto the bed, neither skipped a beat. Hooves cradling the other, running through the other's mane and even prodding through their collars. Yet, in this dance, Blueblood pulled away to remark. “I think it’s rude to go further than this.”


“I mean, given the circumstances, I don’t want to press this further if I don’t know what I might do with you tomorrow.”

Langue’s ears folded flat against his head. “I understand. But do you wish to stop?”

“Kissing you? No. But to go further than that… I don’t think I’m ready for that yet… and maybe neither are you.”

He nodded, “Je connais. (I know.)”

“Truth be told… I don’t know where we’ll be tomorrow. And if I decide that we should separate,” the prince said, holding the back of Langue’s head. “I want to always remember how for even one night - I was able to be vulnerable to somepony. Without judgments. Without regrets. To fall asleep kissing the closest stallion that I would call my equal, a soulmate.”

Langue didn’t reply.

“I have a feeling that after all, we went through tonight, you don’t want to be left alone. For all you’ve done for me the past few months, it’s the least I could do.” Blueblood said with a kiss.

And Langue kissed back.

By the time they had fallen asleep, neither stallion was paying attention to how they got under the sheets - nor did they notice how long they shared this intimate moment until they lulled to sleep. Although neither had fully removed their clothes - for Langue this was the first time that he had been emotionally naked before someone else. That where he feared he would be shamed or mocked for being this exposed, now that he let out his biggest secret to Blueblood - all it did was to draw him closer.

By the time he fell asleep, the only fear he had was how he was going to explain everything to the prince from here on out.

Sonata No. 2 - 4th Movement: Allegro

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Behind the desk of the prince’s office, Blueblood sat in his chair. His hooves together, back hunched over as he listened to every word Langue was telling him. Across from him, Langue stood before the desk like he was summoned to appear before a judge over a crime he committed.

It was the most stressful moment of Langue’s life, and Blueblood knew it. With only him in his grand office, paying close attention to Langue’s confession. He listened in how quietly, how embarrassed he was to lay it all out to him. And even his body language, the confidence that he swoons under the day he first met was replaced by a timid stallion who acted more like a foal who was caught red hoofed in the act.

He listened to how he was never born as a Lord, and neither was his family. While they did live in Bordeaux and grew grapes to make wine - they never owned the land. He told him how he started out as an actor, usually tight-casted for romantic leads that mares swoon over. He further explained how he figured out how to con those mares for money or status just by seducing them were, he had hoped, he would have done the same with Blueblood.

“So let me see if I understand this.” The prince said, “Originally, you were going to seduce me long enough for me to get you a secure position in Equestria - especially among the Canterlot elite. And you were going to work your way up to become so wealthy and influential that you wouldn’t need me anymore, that as soon as you got everything, you would dump me.”

“.... That was the plan. This was coming from someone that thought you would be an arrogant snob. If that were the case, Prince Blueblood, I would have left you months ago.”

Blueblood shifted his seat. “But then, something happened that made you change your mind. Although I’m curious, what was it?”


“What was that turning point where you went from I’m going to scam him to… where we are now?”

Langue took a deep breath. “Do you recall when some noble had belittled you and I got angry?” He nodded. “To be honest with you, that was the first time I’ve ever seen anyone so closed-minded, so bigoted, so arrogant… Here you are, a prince, and yet, you have dished out insults because of your sexuality. What changed my mind was that I saw you cry.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “Why would that change your mind?”

“Because the heartless don’t shed tears. Since that night, I questioned if you deserved to be scammed. But the more we got to know one another and you showed my genuine affection, the more difficult it was to bring anything up because I knew it would upset you.”

Nodding, the prince said, “You do know what you’ve done is a serious felony.”

Langue’s ears folded back. “I have nothing in my defense - I’m guilty. What I’ve done to you - you didn’t deserve it. I…” he swallowed, “will accept whatever punishment you deem fit for me.”

Humming, Blueblood leaned back in his seat, “Before I say anything, I want to know one thing from you.”

“What’s that?”

“Langue, I want you to look me in the eye and choose your next words very carefully… In all the past few months since we got to know each other, do you have feelings for me?”

For a long minute, Langue didn’t say anything, yet the prince could tell that he was spending that time composing an answer for him. From his shifting eyes, he saw that Langue seemed conflicted. Should he tell the truth? Lie again? Give something in between?

“It depends,” he finally answered, “do you want the truth or with sugar?”

“What does that mean?”

“Does His Majesty wish it to be blunt or have it be sugar-coated?”

Blueblood frowned, “Truth.”

Langue took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. Not once taking his eyes off of him. “If you had asked me to be absolutely truthful on the day we first met, I would have answered ‘No’ in a heartbeat. I would even go as far to say that I’m not interested in stallions at all…”

“And now?”

“.... I’m confused. Back when we started months ago, I thought I could easily end this whenever I wanted to. Yet… for the longest time I didn’t know why… and still don’t understand… is how I wasn’t disgusted being physically near you. Why I wasn’t weirded out when we cuddled until we fell asleep. Why I didn’t push you away from all the times you pecked me on the cheeks? Why did I blush around you when I didn’t feel embarrassed? How could I stand showering together knowing that you feel attracted to me? Why, with all the mares I’ve dated, that I never felt this close to open up emotionally - something I taught myself that should be kept under lock and key? And then when you kissed me last night and I felt compelled to kiss back…”

Never once did Langue look away, and though he was trembling in his voice, apologetic in tone - what troubled Blueblood the most was that it was filled with shame.

“I know I’m attracted to mares,” he continued, “yet with you… I don’t know if you’re somehow the exception, maybe I swing both ways and never knew it, or maybe something else entirely. Whatever it is, it has left me in such doubt about who I am that… I don’t know anymore. Yet, what I do know out of all of this confusion is that trying to break up with you last night… that was the hardest, painful thing I’ve ever done. And you kissed me… I have kissed many mares in the past but… for some reason, it always felt awkward like putting two pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit together. Yet with you… it was the first time that a kiss was so intimate, so soul-touching, and yet… I felt whole. Like finding a missing piece of myself that I never knew. And it terrified me at first because I wanted more of it.”

Now everything made sense. Blueblood could see why Langue behaved the way he did over these past few months. He wasn’t just afraid of losing him - but of the possibility that he does find attractive after all. And clearly has.

The prince took a deep breath. “I have been in your horseshoes before.” He began. “You remind me so much as a teenager to the point that it’s eerie. I still remember it being a scary and confusing time when I was questioning what I am sexually. While it is, on the one hoof, upsetting that you have lied to me this whole time. To me, this isn’t what I’m most concerned about.”


Blueblood held a hoof. “What concerns and scares me, above all else, is that you’re looking at all of this with shame. To find yourself being attracted to the same sex when you’ve been taught your whole life that it should be the other way around… I have been there. It is a dark, lonely road where the thought of being outed is enough to kill you. It is a path of paranoia and denial where you have to get up and lie to yourself every single day of your life.

“Yet,” the prince added, “you have shown me another path where you can be your own, weird self - and that is okay. Where you don’t have to be scared of showing affection to another in fear of being judged harshly. It’s a road where you can be as you are, and not as you ought to be. In my life, I have been down both paths, and I’d rather go down the one you’ve pointed me towards. And I’ve seen what’s on the other end.”

Langue nodded. “This place… would there be enough room for someone like me?”

“Plenty,” Blueblood smiled, “for my Consort.”

Langue looked at him with surprise. “Quoi!? (What!?) But, Prince Blueblood… I just admitted to you that I’m a con artist! That I have been manipulating and lied-”

“And you’re attracted to me,” the prince pointed out, “do you deny that?”

“I… well… it’s just…” Langue stumbled over his words.

“As consort, you are given a clean slate. That means that whatever you have done in the past, as of today - that has been wiped off. Completely blank to me. What matters now, is that you are my royal consort. My equal in everything except in the title.” With a smirk, he added, “That only happens when we’re married.

“Now as a token of my faith in you, I will grant you full free-range in how our dates and level of intimacy shall be.”

“.... Free-range?”

“That means you will have complete control over how close we shall be. Let you handle this relationship in your own way, at your own pace.”

“.... But I don’t understand. Why give such control over to me?”

“Because, though I can safely say you have won my heart, I have yet to do the same with yours. I have almost but not quite reached that same level as you have for me. In other words, Monsieur Langue, I will have to work my way into your heart. You may set up how these future dates would go, but I have to earn your feelings.”

Langue stared at him, unmoved. Before Blueblood could ask, Langue said, “So… just like that?”

“Well I figured it would be fair for you to-”

“No, not that. You’re letting me go, just like this? I told you in detail how I intended to social climb and dig into your wealth through flattery - and yet you do this? No punishment? No stripping down of my title? No… nothing? I spent this whole morning explaining how I lied to your face, and you are just going to forgive me?”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “Were you expecting me not to? Yes, it would be easy for me to come down hard on this. If I wanted, I could have sent you to a law court for you to be thrown in with a den of lawyers to tear you to pieces. It would have taken no effort on my part to take everything I have given you away and banish you from Equestrian soil for as long as you lived.

“Yet, as easy for me to do any of those things, you are forgetting two important things.”

Langue blinked, “Which is?”

“First, up until last night, I haven’t elevated you past the status of Baron. On top of you just being my historian, doing a job that would be proven stressful to anyone else. In other words, I could take what I have given you away, only I see that I haven’t given you much in my eyes.

“Second, you are aware that I am related to an aunt who was banished to the moon for a thousand years for nearly overthrowing Celestia and intended to establish eternal night. My aunt Celestia has every reason - every right - to have Luna be executed for high treason. Yet, even when she was defeated, Celestia still found within her to forgive her, even when Equestria wasn’t so quick to do so. I see that it would be a betrayal of my family if I didn’t extend that same forgiveness for lesser offenses like yours.”

“But… why?”

Blueblood smiled, “I have told you once in that hidden hot spring, and I will repeat it here. This time, giving it to you fully and completely.” Clearing his throat, he recited. “The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed: it blesseth him that gives and him that takes. ‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown. His scepter shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; but mercy… is above this sceptered sway. It is enthroned in the hearts of kings; it is an attribute to Faust Herself; and earthly power doth then show likest her’s when mercy seasons justice.”

Getting up from his desk, he walked around it but still held eye contact with Langue. “Therefore, you, though justice be thy plea, consider this: that in the course of justice none of us should see salvation. We do pray for mercy, and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy. I have spoken thus much to mitigate the justice of thy plea, which, if thou follow, this strict court of Canter must needs give sentence against thy own self there.”

Langue was on the verge of tears. His mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to figure out what to say to all of that. However, wiping the tears from his eyes, he did remark. “Incroyable. (Unbelievable.) Rendered speechless by a Shakespur monologue.”

The prince chuckled as he embraced his consort. In this tender moment, Langue hugged back. “Merci beaucoup. (Thank you so much.)” He whispered. Yet, even at this moment where he was shown the greatest act of mercy towards him, in his mind there resided one question.

Now what?

Sonata No. 3 - 1st Movement: Adagio

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If there was anything at all that Langue had imagined in a worst-case scenario after coming clean with Blueblood, he had pictured him on a jeering headline with a picture of his flank being kicked out of the palace. After all, if any reporter had caught a whiff of this scandal, it would be the talk of Canterlot for many years to come. At the very least, even though he had the prince’s forgiveness, he didn’t expect that something like this would be kept under wraps for long.

Deep down, he knew it was only a matter of time. He didn’t know how or by whom, but he expected that maybe someone in the royal family would hear that Blueblood had not only made him his first royal consort, but he pardoned him from his dubious past. Maybe an irate Princess Cadance would come to knock down the front door, or Princess Luna would appear in a nightmare.

What he didn’t expect, however, was that the very next day of him telling the prince everything was that he was stopped at the front gate by the guards who say that Celestia wants to see him.

When Langue heard that, he came close to having a heart attack. Being banished by Blueblood was one thing. Maybe having a shipping princess come storming one’s home would be alarming. Even imagining Princess Luna with all the stirring rage of her ultra-ego is terrifying. However, when Princess Celestia is asking to have an audience when one knows what they did the day before… Langue prayed that he wouldn’t be sent to the sun.

So the guards escorted him to the one room in the palace he’s never seen before - the throne room. He felt like he was being sent into the lion’s den when he reached those massive, golden doors that held up the kingdom’s seal. He almost expected to be pushed in when he was told to enter. Gulping, he walked straight in. Past the tall stained-glass windows, and flanked by streams of water that flowed out towards the gardens, Langue saw ahead of him a tall platform that held twin thrones. On the left was a blue-backed throne that was crowned with an empty crescent moon. On the right, however, behind a golden-back throne that was topped with the mighty sun was Celestia herself. Even without the platform, she was on, compared to him, she was a giant. The alicorn, white as snow and an ethereal mane that waves in an unfelt breeze were watching him. So at the foot of the platform, he bowed.

“Votre gracieuse Majesté. (Your gracious Majesty.)” Langue dared to look up at her frown. “This is… unexpected. To what do I owe this audience?”

Celestia didn’t say anything, her frown didn’t move.

“I realize we haven’t been properly introduced. I am-”

“Langue d'Argent, yes, I’ve heard of you.” She nodded. “My nephew told me about you.”

“O-Oh?” He gulped, “What did he say?”

“Before I answer that,” Celestia’s horn lit up for a moment where she summoned a pair of reading glasses and a file in a villa envelope. “Let me explain why I haven’t interfered until now.”

Wisely, Langue kept his mouth shut.

“And let me be clear on something. When Blueblood finally - finally came out to me before the rest of Equestria. He did so because he trusted me the most. And do you know why?” Langue shook his head. “Growing up, my nephew had parents who were… how I do put this elegantly…? Heartless control freaks. And that is me being kind, by the way. I cannot stress how much those two have damaged Blueblood. They controlled every aspect of his life from what time he should get up to how to eat, and even what to say on any given occasion. Even how to use the toilet in a certain, aristocratic way! And before those two had finally, mercifully died, Blueblood often turned to me because I was a better parent than they were. Of course, there were plenty of things that I wish I could have done differently, but the point is - he trusts me. In fact, when he came out to me months ago… he could barely get the words out. He was choked with so much shame and doubt that he came this close to bursting into tears… which he did after he told me he’s gay.

“Now,” she cleared her throat as she put the reading glasses on the end of her snout and opened the file. “I do love my nephew. He may not be flawless, but he is family to me. Yet, I know that Blueblood is his own stallion and I told him that at the end of the day, it is his life and he should live it however he wants to as long as he isn’t hurting anyone. It’s why I never once interfered when you or Blue have started dating. And though I did have my doubts when he told me about you months ago, I thought it best to give him space to have him make his own decisions.

“With that said,” she closed the file. “What Blueblood told me last night has raised a few red flags for me that I have no choice but to step in at least once.”

Langue’s legs were shaking.

“I will say that telling the truth to him was the right thing to do. Even going as far as to be willing to accept whatever punishment, to take up full responsibility for… what you were intentionally going to do, is something that shouldn’t be forgotten in all of this. However, the reason why I’m summoning you here is that from what I’ve read about you... You’re known to be a serial liar. Especially in Prance.” She looked up from her glasses. “You have seduced at least forty mares who they hoofed over their bank accounts, special titles, and used them to social climb.”

“Your Majesty, if I can just-” Celestia held a hoof.

“The thing is, knowing all of that, I could easily - easily - arrest you for fraud. I could have you sent back to Prance in hoofcuffs to be turned to the authorities there. But the reason that I haven’t done any of that yet, was that Blueblood had been insistent that you have a change of heart. He tells me that you expressed remorse, that you told him that you’re paying back an ex of yours for what you’ve done. And even when first offered to be his consort, you immediately turned it down. If this is all true, I’d say that I have nothing to worry about.”

Langue’s eyebrow was raised, “But…?”

Celestia let out a heavy sigh, “Even though my nephew has given you the honor of being a consort - something that has never happened before, and knowledge of what you have done in Prance, it does raise some concern. After all, when choosing someone to be a consort, the very last thing any of us would want is to be taken advantage of. Many kingdoms in the past have been fairly scared or brought down entirely because of a weak royal who has a manipulative spouse behind the scenes that controls them like a puppet. And while Blueblood cares for you; it has certainly caught my attention.”

“Princess Celestia, I don’t want to hurt your nephew.”

“Bluey says the same thing, but I want to hear it from you. If anything, this audience is to let you know of two, very important things.”

“.... Which are…?”

“Believe it or not, I’m not asking you to stop seeing Blueblood. On the contrary, I encourage it.”

Langue blinked, “Even though I had given the prince all the reasons why he shouldn’t - you approve of this?”

“In theory, no. But in practice… I don’t know if you noticed this, but having you being around him has had a positive effect on him. He’s growing in confidence about who he is and in those times we talked, I can’t help but notice that he is becoming happier - more so than he has ever been in his life. So whatever you're doing on your end, you must be doing something right. Likewise, if what Bluey has told me is indeed true, even he’s doing something right as well. If he could take a con pony to turn over a new leaf for his sake - in other words, turn a liar into an honest pony - then I will not object in having such a relationship to blossom.”

“Why is it that I sense an exception to all you just said?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t call it an exception. Now I may approve of the relationship, but I want you to remember something. That stallion you’re courting, I believe that he does, love you. He trusts you as much as in myself or Luna - probably more so. Because he cares so much about you, that also makes him emotionally vulnerable. Completely exposed to being hurt by you.”

“Princess, are you threatening me?”

“Oh no. I don’t make threats - not even to my worst enemies. I make promises. And I’m known for keeping my promises.”

“What? If I make Blueblood cry would you send me to the sun?”

This got a laugh from Celestia. “You know, that is a common misconception. I don’t banish or turn ponies into stone just for the fun of it. Because what you need to know is that in general, I’m a forgiving mare who tries to negotiate before attacking; to find a peaceful route while leaving extreme punishment as a last resort. Concerning you… well, allow me to put this in a way that you would understand.”

Her horn glowed a bright gold, and in a flash, Langue took many steps back in fright. In the princess’s aura, was a monumental ax - bejeweled in comically big precious stones with a handle that looked like it had been carved out of a whole tree. Yet, most terrifying of all was the blade - big as a house, sharp as a guillotine blade, and decorated with etchings of broken hearts. This monster of a weapon was so tall, that the blade nearly touched the high ceiling.

“Faites mal à mon neveu, et je vous ferai souhaiter de vous bannir au soleil. Et avant de demander, oui, je l'avais utilisé une fois - sur mon ex-mari. (Hurt my nephew, and I will make you wish that I would banish you to the sun. And before you ask, yes, I had used this once - on my ex-husband.)”

As more surprising to Langue that Celestia apparently can speak Prench, it was more terrifying to him that she had the ax at all.

Looking between the mammoth blade and Celestia, he nervously smiled and said quietly: “C'est noté. (Noted.)”

With a smile, Celestia made the enormous ax of death disappear. “Wonderful! So now I got all of that out of the way, have you figured out what you and Bluey are doing for your next date?”

Langue looked on with disbelief, “Is this a normal thing for you? That you threaten ponies' lives one moment and then casually ask what their plans for dates are the next?”

“You would have done the same too if you had raised someone. But spill the tea, have you thought about it? It’s going to be adorable, I just know it is.” She added with an amused smile.

“W-Well uh…” Langue gulped, still shaken up by the mother of all jumpscares. “Truthfully, I haven’t settled on anything yet.”

“Ah, then perhaps I could help you in that, at least, just this once. Tell me, do you know where Canterlot’s opera house is?”

“Oui,” he deadpanned, “I’m very much aware. Why?”

“I know the Canterlot Philharmonic is going to be performing Beethooven’s Sixth symphony tonight at seven - Bluebloods’ favorite. I could get some box seats so you two would be given privacy.”

Langue agreed to it - not because he liked the idea per-se - but more so that it would please the mare that could summon the monstrous battle-ax.

After the sun had gone down, Langue and Blueblood were escorted towards the Opera house. In many ways, at least to Langue, the very location had some levels of irony - being that the very place that he was sure would end the relationship entirely is now going to be the place to start it up again. Even when they got out of the carriage, Langue eyed a certain corner of the opera’s dome, almost half expecting to see some traces of that fateful date still up there.

He followed Blueblood into the grand foyer that made Langue feel nostalgic. A fantastic monument of stone, the staircase resembled that of clouds where gilded muses light the way. The floor was a blue marble that he swore had specks of gold that were trapped in the rock. Around them were towering columns that lead up to the next few floors. And above was a skylight that had frescos of each of the pony tribes with musical instruments. When they got there, the foyer was crowded with ponies - most of them the elite as Langue recognized, all in their finest, talking loudly about this and that. Of course, those that have noticed Blueblood enter did part away, making a courteous bow before the prince.

Up the staircase and through a lit hallway were at the very end of it is a gate that separates the very last theater box from the rest. Langue instantly knew what it was - it was a private sort of box where rich patrons of the opera would fence off a reserved spot. Sure enough, Blueblood pulled out a key to unlock, pulled the gate aside to let himself and his consort through before closing it behind him.

Then passing through a velvet red curtain, the first thing Langue saw was that there was a table that was right up to the small balcony that looked out towards the theater. One that had a candelabra and two silver domes on each end. Next to a table was a silvery tub filled with ice and a bottle of wine. Perhaps that is why they hadn’t had dinner yet as it seems Blueblood had theirs prepared ahead of time. Looking past it, he can see the baroque opera house where the seats were being filled up. And on the mammoth of a stage was the orchestra, tuning up their instruments.

“So I am being provided a dinner and a show,” Langue remarked.

“You can thank my aunt Celestia for this. She was going to come here but decided to give her personal box seat to us for tonight. Isn’t she generous?”

“.... Oui, she is.”

“Here,” Blueblood lit his horn, unhooking some thin curtains that separated them from the theater. “That’s better, now we have all the privacy in the world and have a ringside seat to some fantastic music.”

“And this?” he pointed at the silver domes. “Opera houses don’t offer five-star meals.”

“They don’t. This came from the palace that was prepared for us. Something light but no doubt would suit your tastes. So I had brought over a Prench classic.” Lighting his horn, the prince uncovered the domes to show a bowl of thinly sliced vegetables of tomato, zucchini, yellow squash, and eggplant.

“Ratatouille? Well, given that we are about to listen to Beethooven’s pastoral symphony, it only seems fitting.”

“Here, may I?” Underneath the table, the prince pulled out a thick, fluffy pillow and presented Langue to sit on. Once doing so Blueblood pulled out his seat that he then took out the chilled wine and proceeded to uncork it and pour the white liquid between them.

Before Langue could pick up his fork, he heard the audience applauding - no doubt that the conductor had walked out on stage and was about to conduct. For a minute or two, the audience stomped their hooves until all went quiet. Langue then stabbed his fork into some of the vegetables, waiting to hear the first few notes of the symphony to begin. Then, just as he tasted the flavorful mouthful of his meal, did the symphony begin those warm, pastel notes. Almost as if both the music and the food were complementing both senses at once.

For the next several minutes, he and Blueblood dined on - all things considering, a well-crafted meal and a nice performance. The prince seemingly more so. In the candlelight of the candelabra, Blueblood seemed wistful, probably more so than usual as far as Langue had seen from him.

“Is Beethooven your favorite composer?”

“Huh?” Blueblood asked, snapping back into reality from his thoughts.

“I was asking about Beethooven, is he your favorite composer?”

“Oh, well if I’m being honest, I learned more to Horseshoepin. But much like yourself, the time of it all depends on what mood I’m in.”

“For example?”

“Well, if I’m having a rather off day, I’d put on Shashtakovich’s more melancholic pieces like his string quartets. Or if all is well and I want to end it on something sweet, I’d put on Moztrot.”

“Makes sense,” Langue nodded, “and Beethooven?”

“.... I put him on when I have no words to describe that he put it so eloquently in sound like this. Do you know that this is my favorite one he wrote?”

“No, I did not,” Langue said, trying to sound innocent. “I would have thought you would have liked his fifth or ninth symphony.”

“They are good too, don’t get me wrong. But I have more of a personal attachment with this.”

“In what way?”

For a moment, Blueblood didn’t respond, as he paused for a moment to listen to the symphony as they reached a crescendo. “You know how you have a personal attachment with Buch? Because of your mother? It’s more or less the same with me and this piece. A form of comfort music when I was growing up. Something like a… what do foals call them again…? A security blanket.”

“.... I feel there is some missing context to that.”

“Of course there is. But I suppose you would want me to explain it?”

“Why not? I could go for a tragic backstory.”

This got a laugh from Blueblood. “I wouldn’t call it tragic, but it does sum up why I feel so attached to this piece of music. You have to understand that growing up, I didn’t exactly have much of a foalhood. As soon as I was able to walk and say my first word, my parents dedicated themselves to being the perfect prince. To be worthy of the term royalty from how I walked, how I talked, how I ate, and yes, how I listened to music.”

“In other words, you were a puppet.”

“I was going to go for a marionette, but yes. But you have to understand that when you were so close to the throne - especially near Celestia herself, there were high expectations. And still is. I had to be molded into the perfect aristocrat where I wasn’t completely useless. In a way, it’s how I got my cutie mark. A compass rose where it symbolized the ability to navigate and adapt to the world. But for me to get to that, I had to be shown that there can be something different than what I expected the world to be. And this symphony played a major part in that.”


“You can thank my Aunt for that. Up until that time, all music I knew was either Baroque or Moztrot - especially Moztrot. My parents wouldn’t allow music that wasn’t created after the Age of Reason - after all, as someone who should be perfect, must therefore listen to perfect music. Not any of the common, vulgar music that came after Moztrot had died. And for a while, all I understood about what music is, what it could do was very limited. That was, until one day when Celestia agreed to look after me, she whisked me away here to hear something I never knew existed. It is in this very building where I heard Beethooven for the first time. And as a child, it was mind-blowing because I didn’t know that something so imperfect yet passion-driven could be this stunningly beautiful. So imaginative. Filled with colors that I didn’t know could exist in music. After the performance, Celestia got me a record of the sixth symphony.

“So in a way, this music was my foalhood. It opened the possibility that difference could make life more breathtaking, simply by going outside what one was familiar with.”

“So you didn’t just stop with Beethooven?”

“Of course not. Since then, my Aunt would give me records that I smuggled into my room to listen to. There I was able to hear all sorts of music from Horseshopin to The Beatles. From the rhythms of jazz to the exotic sounds of Neighpon. From a phonograph, I was given an ear to the world - and I wanted more.”

“I get the sense that Celestia did more good for you than your parents ever did.”

“At least she cared, more than I could ever say about them. She showed me that there was a world outside of a palace. That I should be afraid to like something different than what everyone else thinks I should. Without her, I probably wouldn’t have come out.”

“That is fine and good, but why is this your ‘security blanket?’”

Blueblood took a moment to pause as the orchestra was starting up the next movement. “Do you hear this? When I heard this for the first time, the second movement had done something that Moztrot couldn’t do for me - it made me feel secure. It was like going into a garden where you alone knew where it was, where you didn’t have to put up an act for anypony. Where you don’t have to worry about making sure your back is sitting up straight or that your clothes are spotless. Where all the mind-numbing talk, talk, talk of the adults was replaced by the gentle flow of water, the chirping of birds, and the waving, swaying branches of the trees. It is a place that I know doesn’t exist - except for here, in this movement.”

While the Prince spoke, Langue was struck - not just by the music but how Blueblood put it so poetically. Although he didn’t care much for Beethooven, when he listened to what it meant for the prince, he could picture that garden in his mind. He could hear from the strings that gentle stream that babbled and the wind instruments that serenaded in the swaying trees. For a moment, he could see a young Blueblood in this imaginary garden. Alone but happy to play as a foal should.

“It sounds like you never had much freedom.”

“Well… I’ve only known two freedoms in my life. Art,” Blueblood reached out his hoof to touch Langue’s, “... and you.”

Langue could feel his cheeks becoming warm, feeling the prince’s hoof being rubbed up against his. “Freedom? Me?”

“In a way, being around you makes me feel like that foal who listened to this symphony for the first time. Unabashed and new, different but alluring. Though you proclaim to be flawed, it is nevertheless beautiful to just hear you talk.”

“So, you like me for my accent?” Langue chuckled.

“Don’t underestimate yourself on that. Every time you open your mouth, there is a lyrical flow like a professional violinist would play Moztrot’s concertos. Even times when you slip into your native Prench, your voice smoothly rounds every symbol, every word into a song that only Horseshoepin could create on a rainy night.”

“.... Are you sure you’re Blueblood and not a poetic changeling that is trying to get me to like you?”

Blueblood chuckled, “It would almost be funny if that were true. Just seduce you long enough until I get you into a cocoon to be dragged off to my underground dungeon so I could feed on your love for years and years.”

“Oh no, how would I ever escape the Changeling that will continuously suck me off… Oh mon Dieu. (Oh dear God.)” Langue hid his face, completely embarrassed that such a crude joke slipped out.

Blueblood tried to hold back his laughter - though blunt as it was. His hoof to his lips as his shoulders shook. And as much as he tried to suppress a laugh, especially one so loud that the whole theater could hear him, some of it did come out as a chuckle. “I’m sorry,” Blueblood apologized. “I’m not mocking you. That surprised me to hear you say that.”

“I’m very much aware of how that came out,” Langue said, now that the orchestra finished the second movement and was moving onto the more jovial third with the strings stirring up a festive mood among the theater.

Taking Langue’s hooves into his, Blueblood told him, “You see, normally if anyone else told that same joke to me, I would have been offended. Yet from you, it’s like I’m a young teenager again. Someone who gets a kick out of something naughty is the funniest thing in the world. I don’t know how else to put this, but around you, it’s like I’m given a second chance at being a younger self that I never got the chance to experience.”

“Feeling like a teenager again, huh?” Langue smiled, amused at the thought of it. “Come to think of it… after this symphony, do you care what else the orchestra plays?”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “Not really, given that we haven’t finished dinner yet either. Why?”

“If it’s not too much to ask, but after we finish eating and the symphony concludes, would you mind slipping away to my home?”

“What for?”

“Well, let’s say that you’ve inspired me in how poetic you are tonight that I want to capitalize it on something that’s also near and dear to my heart.”

Blueblood promised he would.

From there, the two sat there to finish up their dinner while the orchestra went through the festival-like third movement from the dancing strings, the stormy thunderous percussion of the fourth, and finally finished with the graceful, forgiving fifth movement that swoons over the wind and brass instruments. At the last, concluding notes, the audience applauded the orchestra, thus giving Blueblood and Langue their que to make their getaway. After blowing out the candles, the prince held onto Langue before lighting up his horn to cast a teleportation spell to be whisked away into his consort’s bedroom.

Once they appeared in Langue’s room, the prince asked, “So what is it you wanted to show me?”

Going over to his record collection, Langue quickly took out an album from the very back. “You say that Beethooven’s pastoral symphony was your personal favorite. And you explained what it meant to you. Well, as I said, you’ve inspired me to show you what I loved above all else.”

Going over to the phonograph, he cranked the handle, placed the record on the turntable, and placed the needle down before flipping the switch. Out from the horn, the sound of a piano playing slow, gentle chords flowed out.

Blueblood tilted his head. “I think I know this one… it’s Satie’s, isn’t it?”

Langue nodded, “His gymnopédies and other pieces. The first few movements are his most famous, and I love every note of it.”

“Really? I thought you would have gone with Debussy or Horseshoepin.”

“Yes, I love their works too, but this one holds a special place in my heart as you did with Beethooven.”

“Why is that?”

“Oh! Comment vais-je compter les chemins? (How shall I count the ways?) It is like… huh, much like you now I think of it.”

“Is that so?” Blueblood went up to him. “Why?”

Langue took hold of his shoulders. “Listen… Do you hear how effortlessly elegant it is? How patient is each chord, each note it is? For it doesn’t care to be stunning because… it knows it is flawless, just how it is. Each delicate touch of the pianist paints a different mood that is deep yet honest. It doesn’t try to dazzle you with a flurry of notes like snow in a blizzard, nor sparkle flashing fireworks - but just this… Direct notes of white, gold, and blue that shimmer and reflect like the sea at sunrise. The notes waltz together, not in a grand, stately way that tries to impress everyone at once - but at their own pace where all that effort is towards each other. It is moving because it allows it to become deeply in touch with every vibrating emotional string that lets it be. Not even the stars could reflect on such a mirrored surface as this because it doesn’t mean to give a perfect reflection of its love, but an impression that feels real.”

Blueblood didn’t know how to reply to something like this - because this went beyond just flirting. It was poetry without rhyme or meter. As improvised sounding as the recording itself, and yet hearing it was enough to make one dream.

“Even so,” Langue added, “there is one disadvantage that an impression lacks.”

“And what is that?”

“It is untouchable, an ideal in the mind. The things dreams are made of and yet,” he raised his hoof to cup Blueblood’s cheek. “What I’m feeling now isn’t a dream - but tangible. It is music that I could feel, that has a pulse, and more alive than any I’ve encountered. So real,” Langue drew close, one hoof over the prince’s back and the other on his face. They were wither to wither now, their faces mere inches apart. “So real, that has allowed me to do this.”

Blueblood wasn’t expecting Langue to kiss him - then again, he wasn’t complaining. Yet, this time it was different. Unlike the previous nights, he wasn’t the one to initiate it. Langue had closed his eyes, tilted his head, and felt their lips connect. At the same time, it felt that Langue was kissing it with a gentleness that one would hold a fragile, important artifact. Yet, the prince could feel that his consort was taking his time in this bliss while the impressionistic chords in the background blended together.

It didn’t matter if this took all night - or eternity - because Blueblood felt that Langue had taken his first step down the path that he took.

Pulling apart, Blueblood smiled as he felt his heart pick up excitedly. “That was beautiful.”

“Only the best for royalty, no?”

“Heh, it always astonishes me with how you can turn the simple act of a kiss into a performance.”

“Well, you can’t half-heartedly kiss, it would seem disingenuous.”

“Oh, I agree,” Blueblood kissed his cheek. “And I want you to be happy enough where you could be inspired to say something so poetic to me, Langy.”

Langue raised an eyebrow, “Langy?”

“Yes… I like the sound of it. Langy.”

“It sounds like an Istallion pasta.”

“Quite delicious-sounding too! I’d like my Langy with a glass of wine.”

Langue laughed, “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

“Why? Do you want me to, Langy?”

“I… Well… I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad. At least, not out in public.”

“But don’t you want me to pepper you with kisses and call you Langy while the Canterlot elite gawk at us?”

“I don’t think we’re at that stage of the relationship to discuss fetishes.”

Blueblood burst out laughing. And a moment later, despite the blunt joke, Langue laughed too.

“By Celestia,” Blueblood said after calming down from laughing so hard. “I’m glad that you’re my consort, Langy.”

“Listen, if you’re going to keep calling me something so embarrassing, then it’s only fair that from now on, I call you Blu-Blue.”

“.... No, Bluey would be better.”

“Oh no! You don’t get to decide what pet name I get to call you,” Langue stuck his tongue out.

“Well if you call me that, then I’ll have to call you Lang-Lang.”

“Bo Bo.”

“La La.”

As much as the other stallion tries to be serious, they laughed at how childish they were. Until they slept in each other’s arms, they spent the night laughing. Not by mocking but from the joyous appreciation that regardless of how absurd all of this was, they would still be there for each other. That they’ve rechristened their relationship in laughter.

Sonata No. 3 - 2nd Movement: Fuga

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Nightmare Night had come and gone, with November settling in as the air got colder, the trees lost more of its leaves, Langue was at the tail end of paying off his debt.

Despite Blueblood insisting that he could reach into his coffers, Langue insisted that it was something that he alone needed to do. Paying back Fleur for what he stole. However, since he did tell the prince the truth, he could at least be at ease that his Ex didn’t have any leverage to blackmail him.

On Monday mornings since he ran into her, they would meet at the Copper Pot Cafe, always sitting across from one another with a piece of pastry and a cup of coffee. Langue came by with an envelope filled with a certain amount of bits. Before he told the prince the truth, things were tense yet, was willing to stay for advice about how to possibly break up with Blueblood. However, even when he told her that the prince knew everything and she had no sway over him except for the debt, the conversation had changed.

“.... Before I knew it,” Langue said between bites of a croissant, “he was peppering me with kisses.”

“And you kissed back?” Fleur asked with an amused smile. Her Ex looked away with a frown, “Oh don’t be like that, you did, have you?”

“Why would you care? You despise me.”

“Hurt, oui, but despise…? That seems too strong of a word. Believe it or not, I don’t hate you.”

“That’s because you will have my debt in full by next week.”

“Well, that too. But strangely, I have been where you’re at right now? As in, the sudden realization you’re attracted to the same sex.”

“Which reminds me,” Langue picked up his cup of coffee. “How is your marefriend?”

“First, she’s in Ponyville for the time being. And second, don’t change the subject.”

“I wasn’t.”

Fleur raised an eyebrow, “What I’m saying is that I have been in your horseshoes before. I didn’t expect much when I encountered Rarity at first, even when she acted all weirdly around me. But when it became clear that not only was I attracted to her but how… arousing it all was, I panicked. I get what it’s like to have what you thought you knew about yourself to be turned upside down and given a good shake. Yet, as scary as it all might seem to you, nothing about any of this is a bad thing. It never was.”

“You’re starting to sound like Blueblood.”

“Maybe you should listen.”

Langue tilted his head in confusion, “First you agreed to help me break up with him and now you want me to get together?”

“What can I say?” She shrugged and stuck her tongue out, “I ship it.”

Langue groaned.

“Before you storm off,” Fleur raised a hoof, “would you at least answer one question for me?”

“As much as I don’t want to.”

His Ex leaned forward, “Why is loving Blueblood a bad thing?”

“Huh?” He blinked.

“Think about this, if you see this as a bad thing, then explain why. Give one solid reason why you shouldn’t be in a relationship with him. Go ahead, try.”

He snorted, “Alright! I will. It’s because… he… just that…” As much as Langue tried to find the words, to find a good enough reason - his mind came out as blank. He wasn’t scamming him anymore. Being straight was obliterated the moment the prince kissed him and turned who he thought he was upside down. That, and the prince had made a genuine effort to get to know him, his likes, his past, his dreams, fears, insecurities… The more he tried to find what was wrong, the more difficult it became. He struggled to find even one reason, one thing to prove his Ex wrong, only…

“You got nothing, have you?” Fleur asked with an amused smile.

Langue huffed, “Tais-toi. (Shut up.)”

“Don’t be ashamed, embrace it! Trust me, it would do you wonders when you are being honest with yourself and the whole world.”

“You think it’s easy for a pony like me to do?”

“Well that’s because you lack practice,” Fleur shot back. Glancing at the clock, she remarked, “Say… isn’t it time for you to go work for your coltfriend?”

Getting up from his seat, he marched out of the cafe, muttering, “Dieux, je vous déteste parfois… (Gods, I hate you sometimes…)”

This was a new one.

Even for Langue.

Once their work was done for the day, the prince whisked him off for their date. Where they ended up going wasn’t what he had expected. Perhaps a fine dining restaurant or a scenic location to cuddle alone. Maybe head over to that secret hot spring for a dip or go to his home to watch a film. But this was entirely new.

For this date, the prince took him to the shopping district of Canterlot. A place known as Cloth Square, a place where the latest fashion is on full display behind windows of glass. From Hoity Toity to Prim Hemline, Photo Finish to Trenderhoof, anything that had to do with fashion, this particular street square had the latest designs, latest trends of clothing straight off from the runways and up for sale. If anypony managed to open up a shop there, it was a clear sign of the enormous success they had, and an influence on Canterlot society as a whole.

“Forgive my ignorance,” Langue said as they got off the palanquin, “but… why here?”

“Well if you want the finest in clothes, there is no place in the world that could compare.”

Langue rolled his eyes, “Parisiens et Vénitiens seraient violemment en désaccord. (Parisians and Venetians would violently disagree.) But why have our date here?”

“Truthfully? I want to see if I could gain an opinion from you of what you think works for you. To see what would look and feel great on you.”

“Huh…” Langue looked about at the street they were on at the variety of shops that displayed everything for Mares and Stallions from suits and dresses to swimwear, and everything in between.


“Well no just… Usually, when I buy my clothes I never have a second opinion as I trust my eyes on what suits me. But this is… I don’t know the right words for it to be honest.”

“Oh, always buy your clothing alone. I see. But I think this would be good for you to see what’s in fashion here in Equestria. Who knows, maybe you might find something you would like.”

“I thought you always got your clothes from tailors, do you?”

“On occasion, but to stay in good graces with the Canterlot Elite, it’s always best to get some of their works from the best.”

“Very well,” Langue sighed, “Where do you tend to go?”

“I’m glad you asked, while these shops certainly have their strengths and specialties in what they do, there is a place that I can always rely on for having high-quality clothes for the right occasions.”

“That being…?”

“This one.” Blueblood raised a hoof to gesture to the sign nearby. A brick, white-painted building with a sign that swings over the door. It had a pony in black with golden lines over it as if in a sketch to draw out an elaborate dress. Above was the name: Gold Lining. Langue looked to the window where it displayed two mannequins of a mare and a stallion. The mare had on a dress that was flaming in colors of bright orange and red with a hat that looked like it was stitched together with autumn leaves. The other mannequin is a suit with a black dress shirt, purple tie, and a royal blue suit. It was certainly different, Langue admitted to himself, but Blueblood showed this off as if presenting the new foal in town to the local candy shop.

Going past the glass door outlined in polished brass, Langue saw several types of clothes of every size, shape, and description. From horseshoes to hats, silks to wool, he saw rows of clothing on coat hangers and well-dressed mannequins that stood on top of podiums and tables that went up not just two floors, but even the basement level as he saw another level of clothes.

“What do you think?” Blueblood asked.

“This… is quite a lot to take in.” Language looked this way and that, “So many varieties in one location. I’m not sure where to start.”

“If I were you, I would dress for comfort, but not let style be sacrificed either. Think of these clothes as putting on a personality.”

“For example?”

Blueblood lit his horn to take a wool-knit sweater. “Take this, for instance, a sweater with a turtleneck, black in color with a Helm pattern woven in suggests that this pony is formal but reserved. Where one prefers to keep to himself but not sociable.” He then chose out a white, thin shirt. “This is the kind you would wear in a tropical climate where it says that you are laid back and easy going. Someone who goes with the flow. Or this one,” he pulled down a satin blue blouse. “Anyone wearing this would say that they’re flamboyant and don't care what you think, they’re gonna strut around in it.”

“You’ve made your point.” Langue hummed in thought, looking over at the wide range of choices before gravitating towards the basement floor of the shop. Blueblood followed along towards the suit coats, weaving through the entire rainbow spectrum, designs, and patterns. Eventually, the prince asked him what he was looking for. “That is what I’m trying to figure out. Something that isn’t conservative but not loud. Different but not a strain on the eye. Where I could walk outside and not be embarrassed about wearing it. And something that I can look at a glance and say, ‘Qu'est-ce que tu sais, c'est moi! (What do you know, that’s me!)’ Perhaps something like…”

He paused where there was a row of shelves that had a breast piece that consisted of two black fabrics that made it look like the lapel and collar of a suit, a white flux shirt with gold buttons, and a blue bowtie. Langue undid the back of this collar to put it around his neck and adjusted it where it fits snuggly. “How do I look?”

This managed to get a giggle out of the prince, “Like me if I had red hair. It’s actually adorable.”

Langue gasped, “Adorable! Me! Oh no, no! This would never do,” he undid the collar to put it back.

“Is there anything wrong with being adorable?”

“Of course not, if you’re five. No! It must be something that says, ‘I’m handsome. Sexy even.’ Perhaps like…” Returning to the suits, he went towards a red one that had gold buttons, black velvet around the cuffs, and a shoulder board that was decked in gold tassels. “What about this one?”

Amused, Blueblood answered, “You remind me of a rock star.”

“Too bad I don’t know how to play an electric guitar then.”

“That… and it seems too flashy, for you.”

Humming in thought, Langue removed the coat. “Do you suppose something simplified might work?”

“It could, and I would pick out a complementary color from your red mane.”

Langue ran a hoof to his mane and pulled it a little to see the strands of that rosy tone. “Complementary…? What is the opposite of red?”


With a thoughtful look, Langue went over to the other end of the shop where the green suits were. All hanging in one place in a ring. Going around where every so often he would pull on a sleeve to examine the fabric. Blueblood watched him trying to select and narrow down the coats until, unexpectedly, he stopped at one.

It was a bright green color, like grass in the spring while having thin white lines that stripped the suit vertically. Putting it on, Langue buttoned it up to face a nearby mirror. “Now this… is interesting.” He mused over. In the mirror, it was somewhere between elegant but it popped. He could move around comfortably enough but highlighted his physique from the broad shoulders to subtle muscle curvature of his withers, even at the lower end where it cuts just an inch above his flank. In the mirror, the suit personified power yet embraced in its uniqueness.

“What do you think?” Blueblood asked him.

Humming in thought, he answered, “Good… but something is missing from this.”

Eyeing a rack that had several kinds of hats, Langue searched for something that might fit this new look. Eventually, he found what he was looking for. A fedora, which was a few shades darker from his suit had a black band around it. Putting it on, he turned to Blueblood. “What do you think? Better?”

Blueblood tilted his head in amusement, “You know what you remind me of? Like one of those detectives from a film noir.”

Langue looked at the mirror again. “Now that you mention it… I look like the one actor from a movie poster I saw… ‘Murder at Midnight,’ where it showed him in heavy shadow with a smoking cigarette in his lip. Strangely… this is not a bad look.”

The prince smirked, “What about this that you like?”

For a moment, Langue was unsure what Blueblood meant. Tilting his head, he took a moment to ponder over that question. “Une telle chose à demander. (Such a thing to ask.) I suppose… It’s difficult to explain or pinpoint what I like about it. Perhaps it’s the color or how well fit this suit is, but when I look at what I have on… It is like looking at someone else that knows what he wants… and what he wants is the finest of life to offer. To live as big as life itself.”

“Is it something you would like to have?”

“Do you like this?”

“I think you look magnificent.” Blueblood kissed him on the cheek. “It’s all yours.”

Taking off the fedora, Langue inquired, “What about you? It wouldn’t seem entirely fair that we came out here just for you to get clothes for me.” Then after a moment of pause, he added, “Now that I think about it… what about you?”


“You say that clothes give a personality, a character. Is there anything here that brings out something you wanted to be?”

A thoughtful look came across the prince’s face. “Now that is a thought. But since you asked and it’s only just us alone… I suppose I could.” Eyeing at the changing booths and over at a few clothes on the hanging racks. “Could you… wait for me?”

Curious to see where this was going, Langue said that he would. He watched the prince going about from cloth hanger to cloth hanger, picking out a rainbow of possibilities that he wondered what he was doing. Minutes later, the prince retreated to one of the changing rooms, leaving Langue alone to wait. Wander about and wait, curious to see what the prince is trying to fit himself into.

He walked past the kaleidoscope of clothing from silk to cotton, wool, and satin, picturing in his mind’s eye the possibilities of what Blueblood might be trying on. Normally he wouldn’t give this much thought regarding clothes, but the idea the prince had given him about how clothes give a certain character. The question of course was what would he go for?

A wide range of guesses ranged from the simple to the extravagant. Only he couldn’t figure out what it would be, given Blueblood’s personality. Would he go for something simplistic? Perhaps he might go for something more extravagant? Would he go something that is the opposite of him; or dive deeply into something even more over the top? Would he go for something unexpected like a cowpony outfit?

No. That would be ridiculous but… funny to see.

“Oh, Langy! Where are you?” He heard the Prince calling out.

Weaving through the rows of coat hangers and mannequins, Langue made his way back towards the changing rooms. When he did find the prince, at first he thought it might have been a misplaced mannequin because of what he had on. However, when he realized that it was Blueblood, for a split moment he thought that maybe this must have been a joke.

Blueblood had on an outfit that was dominated by pink. Neon bright, hot pink from head to tail. The best that Langue could comprehend was that the clothes tangoed between masculine and feminine - with the latter taking the lead. On his head, he had on a silk top hat with a boa feather protruding from the side. Underneath it, his eyelids were painted in metallic pink mascara (where the makeup came from, Langue had no idea). He had on a blouse with floral lace at the cuffs and the neckline. Over it was a vest that had a flowery pattern that was topped with a coat that would have belonged in the court of Louis XIV - complete with golden buttons on the cuffs and the helm that was left open.

“What do you think?” Blueblood asked.

Langue, wide-eyed, looked up and down at him. “That… depends. How honest do you want me to be?”

“You don’t like it?”

“I never said that just… perplexed.”

Blueblood frowned, “Because of my choice in color?”

“That, and… where did you get mascara from?”

“I have a small makeup kit - I don’t always use it but I keep it around just in case.”

Langue didn’t say anything - even if he could respond, he wasn’t sure if there was anything he could put into words.

“What do you think I want to say with these clothes?” the prince asked.

“.... That you… want to be a mare?”

For a moment, he thought that Blueblood might roll his eyes, but instead, he got a laugh. “No, though I can see why you may think that. It’s me embracing a softer side of me.”

“Effeminate?” Langue blinked, “Forgive my ignorance but I thought you preferred more on the masculine side of things.”

“I never said I wasn’t. But what I want to convey with something like this is that I am not afraid of showing off a side that is decadent but elegant in its femininity.”

“.... Veuillez m'excuser, (Please pardon me,) but I’m confused. You… don’t want to be a mare but at the same time… want to?”

“Oh! I see where you’re confused.” He said, adjusting the bright pink vest. “I do indeed identify myself as a male who is attracted to stallions - there is no doubt about it. At the same time, however, there are some aspects about mares that I have admired.”

“Such as?”

“Their elegance, for one. Their time and dedication of taking hours each day to perfect their best qualities about themselves from their manes to the shape of their bodies, even their faces to be beautiful in their own way. Growing up around mares such as Celestia had on gowns that make themselves into walking works of art. Yes, the suits have their appeal for me, don’t get me wrong. But at the same time… there is something about how they dress that I find more expressive from every stitch, every curl, and every dab of makeup that could command an entire room.”

Langue tilted his head, “It sounds like you considered cross-dressing before.”

Blueblood looked around the shop to make sure no one was listening, “Full disclosure… I have tried it once when I was young. Merely out of curiosity when I was a colt to know what having a dress on would be like. And between you and me… I don’t know how mares do it without tripping at every step. Still, the more elaborate aspects had appealed to me ever since.”

Circling around the prince in pink, Langue remarked, “If I’m being blunt, I’d say you look like a cross from a courtier from the Age of Enlightenment, and a drag queen.”

Blueblood looked in a mirror and smiled. “Perhaps… I would put this on for special occasions. What that might be, I’m not sure. But at the same time, there are so many variations I could play with. More to experiment with to my heart’s content.” After a beat, he nodded, “I’m buying this too.”

“Sérieusement? (Seriously?)”

“Along with several others in various colors.” Blueblood reentered the dressing room, “Allow me to change, and then we’ll go ahead to the cash register to get these.”

The prince closed the door behind him, leaving Langue out with his thoughts. Yes, this certainly was not what he expected of the prince. But on the other hoof… he should’ve somewhat had from the start. Then again, it has been made clear that this was something that Blueblood was withholding for a long time and has trusted him enough to show this side of him.

Then again, as Langue reasoned with himself, the clothes themselves aren’t all that bad, if it weren’t for the color, he probably wouldn’t guess that the prince had an effeminate side. At the same time, however, if he didn’t know any better, he probably might have mistaken him for a mare. The kind he would’ve seduced back in Prance.

Sonata No. 3 - 3rd Movement: Largo

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As helpful as his butler was, Langue noticed that Maximilian had changed somewhat. Especially ever since he finally came clean to Blueblood but he’s still his consort. Not that Maximilian suddenly and unexpectedly became cold and cruel (though Langue almost wished he did). Rather, nearly every day since then, his butler relished in the fact that he was right. So… annoyingly right.

It usually starts in the morning at breakfast. As soon as the butler places down the silver tray, he asks the same question - as blunt as can be where Langue convinced himself that Maxamillian must have rehearsed it a thousand times without bursting out laughing. When he first heard him asked that question, it was shocking - offensive even where he could easily fire him on the spot. Yet… he couldn’t do it because he knew what he was asking… and he hated him for being this casually confrontational about it - despite how much of an oxymoron it is.

Every morning, as soon as he pours a cup of coffee into his cup, Maximilian with a joking smile would ask him at point blank range: “​​Allez-vous le renverser ce soir ou allez-vous attendre inhabituellement jusqu'à votre nuit de noces pour cela? (Are you going to buck him tonight or are you going to uncharacteristically wait until your wedding night for that?)”

Langue groaned at that gridding question as he rolled his eyes. “D'accord, je comprends déjà. Tu avais raison. Maintenant, voudriez-vous arrêter de demander ça? (Alright, I get it already. You were right. Now would you kindly stop asking that?)”

“Vous n'avez jamais dit s'il vous plaît. (You never said please.)” Maxamilian chuckled. “De plus, comme je m'occupe de la lessive, il serait bon de savoir à l'avance si je dois me procurer un certain savon pour nettoyer les taches dans les draps. (Besides, since I do take care of the laundry, it would be nice to know ahead of time when I should get a certain soap to clean out the stains in the sheets.)” After setting the cup down, he then dished out the cream and sugar. “Oh, ne me regarde pas comme ça, avec le visage du prince qui suce le tien, ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que vous ne franchissiez un palier. (Oh don’t look at me like that, with the prince’s face sucking yours, it’s only a matter of time before you two go one step above that.)”

Frowning, Langue placed an elbow on the table and a hoof under his chin. “Tu sais, je devrais te virer pour harcèlement sexuel pour me demander ça tous les matins. (You know, I should fire you for sexual harassment for asking me that every morning.)

“Pouvez-vous me blâmer? (Can you blame me?)” Maximilian shrugged, “Avouons-le, vous vous rapprochez depuis que vous lui avez enfin dit la vérité. Le Prince surtout. Je m'attends presque à ce qu'il te propose le mariage d'un jour à l'autre. (Let’s face it, you two have been getting closer ever since you finally told him the truth. The Prince especially. I almost expect him to propose marriage to you any day now.)”

The worst part of having your servant be right is that you can’t give anything to rebuttal with. Langue, as skilled as he was at convincing others, has lately found it more difficult to make an argument. Even when the said argument was painfully true.

“Je ne voulais pas que ça devienne si compliqué. (I didn’t mean for this to get so complicated.)” Langue remarked, taking a sip of his piping hot coffee. “D'abord, la réalisation que je pourrais avoir un côté gay dont je n'avais jamais entendu parler. Alors Blueblood me pardonne. Et maintenant, il essaie de me gagner. (First, the realization that I might have a gay side that I never knew about. Then Blueblood forgives me. And now he’s trying to win me over.)

“Eh bien, parfois c'est comme ça. (Well, sometimes it is like that.)” His butler remarked. “Cela me rappelle un proverbe : l'amour est comme la guerre, facile à commencer, difficile à terminer... et impossible à oublier. (It reminds me of a proverb: Love is like war, easy to start, difficult to finish… and impossible to forget.)”

“Dans mon cas, c'est littéral. (In my case, its literal.)”

“Ce n'est peut-être pas à moi de donner ça, (It maybe not my place to give this,)” Maximilian commented, “Dans mon expérience d'être un majordome pour quelques-uns dans ma vie, j'ai appris que le changement est douloureux. Mais rien n'est aussi douloureux que de rester coincé dans un endroit auquel vous n'appartenez pas. (In my experience as a butler to a few in my lifetime, I’ve learned that change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.)”

After cleaning up a little, the butler excused himself to leave his employer alone with his breakfast.

And every day, though the conversation has varied, it has become increasingly clear that despite how turbulent this role-reversal was - perhaps it might be necessary nonetheless. Blueblood’s kisses were growing on him, and he knew that it would only be a matter of time before the prince would want to take that next, major step. And every day as autumn was inching closer towards winter, there was a part of him that was looking forward to that day if… or when it happens.

In some ways, Langue was thankful that things took a more easy-going turn. Nothing too crazy, just a relaxing, tension-relieving dip in the secret hot spring. Letting the hot mineral water gently boil whatever aches away and let them flow out to the waterfall outside.

Outside the air turned colder. Which was expected, being November where frost crept further in every morning. By now the leaves were mostly gone and Canterlot was already making preparations. Not just for winter where snow could fall any day now, but for Hearths Warming as well. It was still warm enough for ponies to still put up the strings of eclectic lights without freezing their hooves off, but it was still too soon to turn any of them on.

Still, while the chaos of getting ready for the next big holiday was going about like an early blizzard, below the two stallions were just taking their sweet time. While outside the air feels so bitingly cold, the cavern had clouds of steam. Every so often, they would feel the puff of icy air that would make the springs not too humid, and not too hot. It is that just right mix of summer warm water with wintery air. All the while, a phonograph near the entrance where their clothes were hung up. The horn sang out the slow movement of a Moztrot keyboard concerto. Its delicate notes reverberate off the cavern walls like an empty theater.

“I can’t tell you how welcoming it is to get all those negotiations settled,” Blueblood remarked. Langue tilted his head to the side where the prince was next to him. A noticeable change from being across the tub to where they were comfortably sided by side. Blueblood rested his back against the bubbling crater, letting his mane hang down and his gaze pointed upwards. Though Langue never said anything, he had noticed for the first time how that golden mane seemed to be getting a bit longer. Perhaps it was his imagination or the way the water flowed, but he could have sworn that the prince hadn’t trimmed it for the past few months.

“And here I thought you liked the Saddle Arabian ambassadors. Didn’t you say they were more flexible and easygoing when it comes to trade and the like?”

“They are. But then they insisted that I stay around longer because they had a new blend of tea they wanted me to try. Then they kept talking and talking, then they wanted to know how Celestia was doing, and they talked some more. Even though I have given them some strong hints that I have someplace to be - ugh! I was afraid I wouldn’t have time for you because they took forever.”

A thought came to Langue, “Cela me rappelle. (That reminds me.) How is the royal family?”

“Which one? Mine or Cousin Cadance’s?”


Blueblood shifted somewhat where it made ripples in the cauldron of a bath they were in where the prince faced him. “I think you have met my Auntie Celestia, have you?”

Despite being in very warm water, Langue shivered. “Once.”

“Well, I don’t know if you know this, but she is impressed by you. Considering that you came clean, she often says that I have managed to make an honest stallion out of you. Perhaps I might try out reforming villains and roughens but… I see that as Princess Twilight’s jurisdiction.”

“I see… And Luna?”

“To be honest, she has thought of our relationship in more or less her guards are - as a tremendous honor to have a strong stallion willing to defend me. Which reminds me. She wants me to tell you if you keep it up, you might enter into knighthood.”

“Moi? Un chevalier? (Me? A knight?) Would I really be a knight or would you use that as… Comment appelles-tu cela? (What do you call it?) Roleplay?”

This got a laugh out of Blueblood, “It would be funny if that was the case. I can almost see it now. Me the prince in distress, and you, the knight in shining, polished armor would come to my rescue.”

“Would said fantasy require you in a dress?”

“I haven’t thought of it but it is giving me some ideas.”

If it weren’t for the previous date, Langue may have raised an eyebrow at that. Sometimes he couldn’t be sure if the prince was joking or being serious. “And your cousin?”

“Cadence? Well, to put it lightly, when I told her that you were a con-pony… let’s say she nearly came close to laying siege to your mansion.”

“.... Was she that upset?”

“That is an understatement. When I told her that you came clean and why - I almost thought she burst into flames.”

Nearly a Month ago…

“Cousin! Think of what you’re doing!” Blueblood gripped at Cadence's hind leg for dear life. Trying desperately to slow her down to talk some sense into her.

“He’s dead! Worse than dead!” Cadence declared with a flaming sword in her aura. “That two-faced coltfriend of yours is not going to have lied to your face for the whole summer, manipulate your feelings like a puppet and get away with it!”

“But Cadence!”

“That little sociopath needs to pay! When I get my hooves on that silver-tongued gold digger, I will personally transform him into a gelding, and then I’ll toss his balls into the sea!”

“Cadence, no!”

“Cadence yes!”

“I forbid you to hurt my consort!”

“Hurt him? Oh no, I was thinking along the lines of mutilating him beyond recognition.”

“I command you to stop!”

“You can’t command an irate princess of love that her cousin has been emotionally manipulated! He will know what the cost is to play your heart like a violin by having the Crystal Empire laying siege to his fortress of lies! I will have his heart on a silver platter where I will roast on an open fire!”

“I’m not letting you!”

“I will have my vengeance!”

“.... Thankfully Celestia came by and she was able to calm her down.”

“.... Chers dieux! (Dear gods!) She was about to castrate me?”

“It took a lot of convincing, but she did change her mind. I haven’t heard anything from her or her husband since then, but I’m sure she’ll mellow out by Hearths Warming.”

Langue slumped further into the water where his head was visible. “Well… I should be thankful for keeping an irate Princess of Love from me.”

“Speaking of Hearths Warming, I suppose I should let you know ahead of time that the whole family will be getting together - and they want to meet you.”

“Even Cadence that wants my head on a plate?”

“She won’t. I’ll be sure to have Auntie Celestia remind her to play nice.”

“That, or I could come in in a suit of armor in case she decides to mull me to death.”

Blueblood chuckled, “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of her, Langy.”

“Considering that I had plenty of mares that would prefer me to be tied to the stake and be set ablaze, I think I have the right to be cautious.”

“Trust me, once she has cooled off, she will be as sweet as a kindergarten teacher. Also… I don’t think you’ve met her husband, have you?”

“Shining Armor? I’ve heard of him but never met him. All I knew about him was from the royal wedding some years back - the one that nearly ended in disaster.”

The prince gave an uncomfortable laugh. “Understatement of the century! An invasion by the Changelings almost led us to war. Everything turned out alright in the end but still.”

A thought came to Langue. “So where were you when it happened? The papers all mentioned your cousin, her spouse, Celestia, and the Elements… but I don’t recall you.”

“To be fair, I was out of the country at the time. I was in Shanghay on a diplomatic agreement that I couldn’t get out of. I couldn’t have been at the wedding if I wanted to.”

“That also reminds me, with your experience of being a diplomat that got to travel the world, where have you gone to?”

“On top of Saddle Arabia and Shanghay, I have been to Yakyakistan, Zebrabwe, the Griffish Isles, Trotsylvania (that was a weird one), Istally, and Shire Lanka.”

“But never Prance?”

Blueblood shook his head. “I had planned to see it one day, but never got the chance. I’ve learned several languages, taken painstaking research of other cultures, studied world history and the Equinities… yet you would be surprised of how much of the world I still haven’t seen.” Then, after a pause, he asked, “What’s it like?”


“Prance. Speaking to someone who was born over there, how do you describe it to someone that has never set a hoof there.”

“That’s like an alien asking you to describe Equis. So while I could answer it, be aware that I’m speaking from my point of view.” Blueblood said he understood. “It’s funny when you are outside of your own country can you notice the difference. For example, in Prance, there is a sense that you are connected to a lot of things. That everything is within walking distance from where you live to the point you feel you are in a community. Where you know the names of the baker who makes your favorite pastry, or the mare down the street that always waters her plants at a certain time before practicing an aria for an opera. We keep ourselves busy too, but we don’t lose track of what’s good in life. Yes, we Prance are very much aware of how disgustingly awful life could be to the point of suicide. Yet… to fall in despair is the easy route where anyone could do it. We take the extra effort to find simple joys. The same way we value fleeting things like flowers or foalhood because they don’t last forever, yet, they are undoubtedly beautiful. We are a rich country, but even the poorest among us take the extra effort to enjoy life.”

Blueblood nodded, “And please don’t think of me overgeneralizing, but is that where the Prench stereotype of valuing love highly comes from?”

“We’re not world-famous for no reason.” Langue laughed. “Even the old kings had entire Hermes… Alright, that’s not quite true, but it might as well be.”

“Personally that seems unnecessary - if chaotic to have so many lovers to juggle all at once.”

“To be fair, it takes practice and skill.”

“Speaking from experience, are we?”

Langue opened his mouth but nothing came out from it.

“Wait, did you date multiple mares at once?”

“Normally I tend to go with one at a time but… I would be lying if I said that I didn’t date a few mares at the same time - that only happened once and it didn’t last long.”

“How many?”


“Were you able to…” Blueblood circled a hoof in the air, “You know.”

“At one point, and through complicated events, I was technically dating three all at once - a pair of twins and an actress. However, it quickly fell apart when all three of them realized that I had gone out and slept with all of them. They each responded accordingly with a firm slap across the face.”

Blueblood leaned his head back and let out a breath in the chilly air. “Is it weird that I envy you in that aspect?”


“Just… being able to date with whoever you wanted. And before you say anything, yes, I am aware that you used it to trick ponies but still, that fact you could do it at all speaks volumes.”

“I take it that royals are not allowed to date?”

Blueblood hummed in thought, “It’s… complicated. You have to understand that while we can date whoever, we’re doing so in the public eye. Even we are not excluded from this fact.”

“Well, that’s just gossip Blu-Blue.” Langue chuckled.

“More than that, in a way, such a thing can paint a portrait to the public about who you are.”

“.... I don’t follow.”

“For example, take my Aunts. Luna hasn’t taken up anyone in who-knows-how-long. And Celestia had married once before but… let’s say it didn’t go so well.”

“What happened?” He asked, remembering the enormous battle ax that the sun princess claimed to decapitate her Ex-husband with.

“Once upon a time, what was supposed to be a match made in Heaven had turned sour. She had married a prince who at first was charming, sweet, yet practical when it came to political affairs. But as time went on, she found him distant, cold, and secretly was plotting a coup to overthrow her and place himself on the Equestrian throne. He was caught red-hoofed, tried, and found guilty of high treason. So, you can only imagine how irate and humiliated she was.”

“.... Oui, I could only imagine…”

“Then there’s Cadance, who is in a unique position where she doesn’t have centuries of influence or the like to have high expectations on her. To any outsider, her marriage with Shining Armor looks just like your ideal fairy tale romance - complete with an evil queen.”

“Are they?”

“I wouldn’t consider their relationship flawless, but they genuinely love each other and they do try to make it work. Let’s see… Princess Twilight is at the moment a wild card so who knows what’s going to happen when it comes to her relationship - that is, if she has one.”

“And us?”

Blueblood scootched closer, his arm around his consort. “As far as I can gauge, the public sees me as someone who is trying to figure out a new identity since I came out. I suppose in some respects, they’re half right. And you… well, I may influence how you’re framed to the public.”

“I’m not hated, am I?”

“Not exactly, I had it so that you are more of the… prodigal son kind of thing. Someone who had a mysterious, shady past and has come to turn over a new leaf.”

“.... You mean, everyone knows about us?”

“Only since I declared you to be my consort. Why, is that a problem?”

Langue frowned, “Only this is the first time I’ve heard of this. You didn’t ask me to go public.”

“Again, that can’t be helped. As a prince, your relationships - especially official ones - are in the public eye. And again, the good news is that for the most part, they see you in a positive light.”

“But that still doesn’t-”

“-It’s the law that if a royal has a consort that it should be made public. I couldn’t keep this a secret if I wanted to.”

Langue fell silent for a long while as the record from the phonograph had finished. Finally, he said, “I can’t overstate how new this is for me. Not just dating a stallion but being so open about it.”

“I know.”

“It’s going to take me some time to get used to the idea.”

“I know.” Blueblood kissed his neck, just below the jawbone. “But everything will be fine. You will be fine. To Tartarus with fearing the future and come embrace the joys of the present.”

“Chers Dieux, (Dear Gods,) Blu-Blue I swear that you’re turning into a therapist with every time I interact with you.”

“Is it wrong to tend to the mental health of my consort, Langy?”

“I wouldn’t surprise any day now you would want to attend to my other needs.”

“For example?”

“Physical, but it is a leap for me. Kissing you is one thing but I don’t know if…”

“Says the stallion that was convinced was so straight that he enjoyed my simple kisses.” The prince pecked him on the cheek. “Although… there is something I do want to ask, speaking as Prench yourself.”

“That being?”

“Have you ever heard of a Prench Kiss?”

Langue laughed, “Ah oui. Le baiser de l'âme comme j'aime l'appeler. (Ah yes. Soul kissing as I like to call it.)”

“Whatever it is you said, can you show me?”

Having to shift where he sat, Langue faced the prince. “Have you ever kissed anyone in a way that has touched their soul?” Blueblood raised an eyebrow. With a chuckle and a blush on his cheek, Langue reached his dripping hoof behind Blueblood’s head. “Allow me to show how we Prance kiss.”

It was the kind of moment where time had lost meaning where both stallions closed their eyes and felt one another’s lips. Blueblood felt lips and a probing tongue that wanted to be let in. In surrender, or as an open invitation, his lips parted for Langue to explore his mouth. Personal and intimate failed to describe how it felt. One breath left him and entered back, his soul even was caressed and felt like one would with a newborn kitten. The most sensitive part of what it is to be him was touched and handled like the most prized treasure in the world.

And the greatest part of all, it didn’t stop with just him. After a moment where they pulled away for air, Blueblood returned the favor. Even without seeing, he could feel how much Langue trusted him when he parted his lips to let his tongue explore and dance with his. Getting a sense that even when he took the reigns, his consort found pleasure and relief in him.

What felt like they were at it for a thousand years, the stallions parted lips moments later. Panting for air, they opened their eyes to see how much joy it brought to the other. Blueblood’s cheeks were flustered while Langue had a goofy smile.

“Sacre bleu Blueblood!” Langue laughed, “Are you sure you didn’t do this before?”

“Maybe I’m a natural.” The prince said, licking his lips. “You want to do it again?”

“One moment,” Using his magic, Langue cranked the phonograph again and set the needle back to the beginning of the record. A moment later, the brass horn rang out a singing set of violins. “Once more, moi prince, but with vigor.”

“Very well,” Blueblood kissed the tip of his nose. “If this overwhelms you, don’t hesitate to say something.” And with that, he engaged with a deep kiss.

For Langue, it would be very, very easy to give in to lust. It would be easy being alone in a secret cave to go further than a deep, passionate kiss. Even as their bodies were up against one another while the cauldron hot water bubbled around them. But at some point, Langue would have to stop because he didn’t want to do it here, and especially not now. It was in some ways a little too soon.

There would be plenty of time for that sort of opportunity.

Sonata No. 3 - 4th Movement: Allegro Assai

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“Do you ever feel homesick?”

Langue turned to Blueblood “Pardon?”

“I mean, have you ever missed being in your country?”

The question was almost enough to make him laugh - not because Blueblood had asked that, but the circumstances of where he did. While the snow was creeping into the city where it would dust a good helping over Canterlot, Blueblood had booked them for their latest date. A place on Restaurant Row. It was known as Petit Versailles - Little Versailles, a Prench restaurant that is rumored to have a waiting list that was so long, ponies would have to book at least a year in advance just to get in. Langue privately joked that there is one great perk in having a Prince of Equestria to be your coltfriend - you can get in anything. No matter how restrictive, exclusive, or difficult - Blueblood somehow always finds a way in. Even when the place they want to go in seems so packed full - there’s always a table for them.

The same goes for the restaurant they’re in. Being a hot spot for Canterlot’s elite, it is little wonder why it’s next to impossible to get into. Yet, as soon as they walked past the door and the maitre’d spotted the prince, they were immediately led right in - no questions asked. They were guided through a few rooms that reminded Langue of the salons in Paris. High ceilings capped with a chandelier, there was gold molding on each corner of the rooms, walls covered in antique paintings of the old Prench aristocracy, and tables neatly arranged complete with fine china. Langue thought that the lit candles at each table were a nice touch as they gave the atmosphere an old fashion sort of feel.

Within moments it seemed, they were seated by a table where they were given their menus while the candles were lit. Langue flipped open the menu with a critical eye, making sure that this isn’t some poorly imitation of what he knows. Yet, looking through he had to admit, whoever owns the restaurant has certainly done their research or probably was from the country. From the appetizers to the selection of wines, it was all direct from Prance - even down to the cheeses. So after they chose their choice of wine, Langue ordered a plate of Gratin Dauphinois (which he had to explain to Blueblood that is a scallop potatoes in cream, and gruyère cheese), while the prince a marmitako.

It was at this point that the prince had asked him that question.

After a small sip of a glass of red wine, Langue replied, “I suppose there are a few things that I miss. The countryside that once had inspired van Gogh, Paris, and even some of the food that you can’t get in Equestria. But outside of that…? I think I’m going to miss springtime over there.”

“Why spring?”

“Oh, where do I start? Especially in Paris. There is a place where there is an entire boulevard that has these hundred-year-old cherry trees that… I think they were a gift from Neighpon that when they’re in bloom, it is the loveliest place in the world. You could see couples walking underneath the trees whispering sweet nothings. And the first pickings of the spring harvest are to die for. Even onions are sweet as candy. And on a day after the rain falls, even the air is rejuvenating than mountain air.”

“So I take it you miss it?”

Langue chuckled, “There will be times where I will miss my country, but I’m not unaware of the great things that Equestria has.”

“Such as?”

“Well, you’re in it.”

Blueblood couldn’t help but smile, a hoof to suppress a giggle. “Can’t argue with that.”

“Though, Hearth’s Warming is going to be an odd one for me. Considering who is expected to come.”

“Still afraid of Cadance?”

He nodded, “Last you’ve heard, is she still upset?”

“She wrote that she has calmed down a good deal but told me that I should still be careful around you.”

“In other words, she still doesn’t trust me.”

“She just needs time. Everyone else is looking forward to meeting you.”

“And I have no idea what to give any of them… What do you give when your aunts have everything?”

“Easy - a cheesecake for Celestia and a brand new highly rated video game for Luna.”

“Princess Luna is a gamer?” Langue blinked, “Well that I didn’t know.”

“It took her a while to figure out how the controllers and such worked, but once she learned how she was hooked. In her downtime, you can hear her using the Canterlot Voice on a poor player that just happened to be near her.”

At this point, a waiter came up to deliver their meals.

While they began to eat, Blueblood suddenly paused, leaning over to the side. He spotted something, and, turning his head, Langue saw why. Over across the room, a waiter was showing Fancy Pants, Fleur, and Rarity to a table. As soon as he saw Rarity, Blueblood did his best to hid his face behind a napkin.

“What?” Langue asked.

“She’s here.”


“Do you see the unicorn mare behind you, the one with the wavy purple mane and the sparkly black dress?”

Langue looked over his shoulder again to see all three ponies have sat down. “What about her?”

“That is Rarity, and… let’s just say that when we first met, I got a good earful from Auntie Celestia from the biggest mistake in my entire life.”


He nervously glanced over at the other table. “In my defense… I had no idea she was a national hero. Much less did I know she wanted to date me and well… Let’s say that at the end she got mad when I used her as a shield from a flying cake.”

Langue raised an eyebrow, “To be fair, that was uncivil of you.”

“You don’t have to tell me, Auntie Celestia was so upset that I came this close to being banished. Since then I made the effort to try to avoid her at every turn.” He glanced over asking, “What is she doing here?”

“By the looks of it… I’d say that she may know my Ex.”

Blueblood blinked, “Come again?”

“Remember a few months ago when Fleur took me aside?” He nodded, “To put a very long and complicated short - once upon a time in Prance, she was my marefriend, I broke up with her in the worst way I knew how she moved here and she’s now in a relationship. And you wouldn’t believe in a million years who she is in a relationship with.”

The prince looked between him and the trio of ponies that were happily chatting away at the table. “Fleur is… I thought she’s dating Fancy.”

“Believe me, moi Prince, the irony has not been lost on me.”

“Wait, what’s going on?”

Both stallions turned to see Rarity had stepped aside to knell to Fleur. Although they couldn’t hear it, they knew the moment that Rarity had pulled out a ring did they realized what was happening. Fleur, completely surprised, her hoof covered her mouth and her eyes wide as her marefriend had popped the question. And it didn’t take a detective to know what she answered with, because Rarity hugged her as some of the tables applauded.

Stunned, Blueblood turned to his coltfriend, “Now that’s just icing on the irony cake.”

Parle-moi de ça. (Tell me about it.)” Langue muttered. “I inclined that they were close but I didn’t realize it was this close.”

Even when the restaurant had calmed down, the two stallions sat in silence for a while. Both were unsure what to do next. They couldn’t exactly leave since their meals should be coming out any minute now and they didn’t want this date to go to waste. But then again, this was an enormously awkward situation, that they were in the same room where their exes have just gotten engaged.

Then when their food did arrive, things got even more awkward when Fleur spotted Langue. She excused herself from the table and went towards theirs. “Your Majesté, Langue, I didn’t realize you would be here tonight.”

Taking in a deep breath, Langue turned around in his seat, “Bonjour Fleur… you look well. How is everything?”

“Things are going splendidly, and I don’t know if you saw, but I was given an unexpected surprise.”

“We saw,” Blueblood nodded, “I suppose a congratulation is in order.”

“Thank you kindly, Prince Blueblood. I just knew that it was only a matter of time for us to get engaged, though I didn’t realize that my Rarity would make the first move. Oui, this is the happiest night of my life so far.”

“Still,” Langue held up his glass to toast her, “here’s to hoping that your upcoming marriage would work out between you two.” He downed his drink.

“That reminds me,” Fleur asked with a smirk. “How are things between you and your coltfriend.”

After a gulp, Langue narrowed his eyes. “I know what you are trying to do.”


“You’re going to rub it in my face how you were oh-so-right before chastising me for me being a stubborn idiot for not seeing it.”

“I never implied anything of the sort. And please, don’t project your insecurities onto other ponies, it’s not polite.”

“I’m not insecu-”

“Ne racontez pas ces bêtises par moi. (Don’t run that nonsense by me.)” Fleur interrupted, switching to her native tongue. “Je ne sais pas si tu l'as remarqué, mais personne dans tout Equestria n'a de problème à ce que tu sortes avec un étalon. À ce stade, votre relation avec le prince est comme un secret de polichinelle - personne n'en parle parce que tout le monde le sait. N'importe quel poney avec un cerveau peut voir que vous êtes si loin dans le placard que vous avez trouvé vos cadeaux Hearth's Warming. Je vous suggère de faire ce que j'ai fait il y a des années : admettez simplement que c'est à part de vous que ça ne s'en va pas et qu'il n'y a pas de honte à être comme ça. Pour le dire franchement, ça va, tu peux sortir maintenant. Si vous voulez avoir une relation avec un étalon, allez-y ! Ce n'est pas Blueblood ici, ou Equestria, ou même une bonne partie de l'élite qui a un problème à ce que vous ayez un côté gay - c'est vous. (I don’t know if you noticed, but no one in all of Equestria has a problem with you dating a stallion. At this point, your relationship with the prince is like an open secret - no one talks about it because everyone knows about it. Anypony with a brain can see that you are so far in the closet you’ve found your Hearth’s Warming presents. I suggest that you do what I have done years ago: just admit to yourself that this is apart of you that isn’t going away and there’s no shame in being this way. To put it bluntly, it’s alright, you can come out now. If you want to have a relationship with a stallion - go for it! It’s not Blueblood, or Equestria, or a good chunk of the elite that has a problem with you having a gay side - it’s you.)”

There was a long, awkward pause between them. It was only until Blueblood spoke up to break the silence. “So… what did she say?”

“All I said,” Fleur answered, “Is that for your sake and his, he should grown-up. Adieu, Your Majesté, Langue.” With that, Fleur returned to her table, to her fiance.

Needless to say, dinner was an awkward one. Especially when Blueblood could clearly see that whatever Fleur said to Langue, it had made a profound effect on him. It made him distant, like a part of him has gone off somewhere on an epic journey while leaving the rest with him. From the restaurant table to his consort’s home, Langue barely spoke, hardly seemed to engage with the prince.

So when they entered Langue’s bedroom, Blueblood nuzzled his neck. “A treasury for your thoughts, Langy?”

At least this did get a laugh from his consort. “Isn’t the expression supposed to be a penny for your thoughts?”

“It is, but given how distant you were, I’m willing to pay that much to know what’s going through your head.”

“My, whoever knew my thoughts were worth that much.” Langue chuckled. “It’s almost comic that out of everyone in the world who would be an expert of your flaws and the most vocal would be your Ex.”

“Why? What did she say?”

“In a nutshell? She basically said that of all the problems I got, is that it doesn’t make sense anymore to keep what we have a secret. That I should just face the reality that I… enjoy being around you.”

Blueblood kissed the base of his neck. “All I want is for you to get comfortable with the idea of loving me openly.”

“It’s still a mental obstacle that one of these days I should learn to get over it. To get used to not just the idea of holding your hoof or kissing you for all the world to see - but doing it. I want to get to the point where I could look in a mirror and say to myself the most uncomfortable truth and believe it.”

“Which is?”

“Je suis attiré par les étalons et j'adore Prince Blu-”

“Equestrian, Langy.” He said, kissing his neck.

Gulping with eyes turned away, he said quietly. “I am… attracted to… stallions and I love…”

This got Blueblood’s full attention when he heard his consort trail off. “What was that?”

Langue looked as if he was caught - not telling another lie, but a well-hidden truth that wasn’t meant to be shown. Only this time, he can’t hide it. The prince had heard it. “You… You already know.”

“Langy, I want to hear it.” He put the tip of his hoof on his nose. “Out loud, from these lips.”

Pawing at the carpet, Langue’s ears folded back. “Is… Is this what it was like for you?”


“.... Coming out.”

“Uh? What do you… oh…” Blueblood blinked. “I think I see where you’re going with this.” Guiding him towards a couch, he bid his consort to sit down next to him. His hoof stroking his. “Before you say anything, I just want you to know that… I get it. It’s the hardest thing in the world to do - admit to the world and yourself what is the most difficult thing to put into words. As such, I promise that I will not be upset, I will not criticize you unfairly, and I will not think any different than before. So,” he gestured a hoof, “take your time. The floor is all yours.”

He felt pale as if all the blood within him was draining away. Though he knew that there was absolutely no reason why he feels a certain sense of doom, the fact was that he did. Somehow, admitting to Blueblood that he had lied was easier compared to this. But there was no way of getting around it. No sugar coating. No white lies. No changing the subject. Just the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Only what he has to say, Langue felt, could change everything for the absolute best or absolute worst.

“Votre Majesté,” Langue gulped. “I… I think I… I’m…”

Blueblood rubbed a hoof along his back. “It’s alright… you’re alright…”

He couldn’t look at Blueblood. “I think I’m… bisexual.”

The prince nodded.

“And I… I think I…” He felt himself trembling. Why was he trembling? There shouldn’t be anything to make him this scared. His hooves feel cold. And he felt something in his throat that clogged up his words. He took in several deep breaths. His heart was pounding in his chest, like someone desperate enough to escape from a collapsing building. Was he having a panic attack? Even his breath trembled from the sense of doom. “I…” He closed his eyes and put his hooves over his face. A large part of him really doesn’t want to say it. Not when the Prince can see him in such a pathetic state.

Blueblood didn’t say anything but continued to rub his back.

“Prince… moi prince… I think I… Is it wrong to say that I think I have… I might actually… I… think I… love… you…”

It was clumsy. Embarrassing. Nearly on the verge of tears. And so vulnerable like a naked newborn pushed out into the world.

But he did it.

He said it.

Without any manipulation, charm, or prose, he spoke the truth.

It felt like confessing to a murder.

When Langue’s mouth escaped a sob, Blueblood embraced him tightly. As much as he wanted to be overjoyed that his hopes and dreams of having a stallion as handsome as Langue say those words, he knew what Langue was feeling right now. Because in a way, he knew what it was like to be in that position. What anyone in such a state would need.

He didn’t say anything, didn’t move try to move him, or change the subject. Blueblood just held his crying consort in his arms to allow him to let his shame out. To let all that repressed feelings pour from his face, and soak his shoulder. Right now, the very last thing Langue should be was alone.

Blueblood wondered if this was what must have been like for Celestia when he came out to her. Knowing that someone you care about is drowning in utter shame that you can’t reach out to them. And yet, even with not saying a word, just the presence of that loved one while going through such a difficult time made all the difference in the world for Blueblood - he hoped it would be the same for Langue as well.

So he waited until Langue could be at the point where his stormy emotions settled down. When every drop that came from his eyes had their say. Only when he was sure that Langue was ready to listen did he speak.

“You are braver than you think,” Blueblood kissed his forehead. “You don’t have to hide anymore. I can see you now, and you’re still the most precious thing in the world. I love you, Langy. Never let anyone, including yourself, for shaming who you love.”

“Blueblood?” Langue, with straying tears in his eyes, planted a kiss on his lips. A deep one where he found comfort in the prince’s soul. “S'il te plaît… (Please…) don’t leave me alone tonight."

“I’m not planning to.” Blueblood kissed back.

In a ballet without music, the stallions began to dance the lover’s waltz. Without so much as rehearsed, they began a dance known to those deep in a passion that is old as desire itself. Lips close together, tounges tangoed from one maw to the other and back. Finding solace in the other stallion, they nearly tumbled across the floor of the bedroom. Each one wanting to get closer to the other, caught in the ebb and flow of desire that was new. They wanted to feel one another, even under the other’s clothes that were undone and left forgotten on the floor. And when they tripped over by the bed with a yelp where they snapped out of it.

Being on top of Langue did Blueblood realized the effect he was having on his consort, looking down, he blushed. “O-Oh! Wow uh…” For a moment of uncertainty, he asked, “Langy, do you really want-”

A sudden kiss answered that question.

All Langue could think as Blueblood too succumbed:

Je suis libre aujourd'hui; libre demain ; et libre pour toujours.

I am free today; free tomorrow, and free forevermore.

In all, Blueblood never foresaw any of this - not that he was complaining. If he was told that after an awkward dinner date he would not only have his consort finally say he loves him back but would at long last lose his virginity to him - he would have suspected Luna was involved. But no, the pervy night princess never once showed up.

He lost complete track of time as well by the time he came down from their glorious afterglow. Langue was in his arms recovering from his ecstasy while being sure that the sheets and blankets were completely ruined.

“Are you… alright?” Blueblood asked him.

“I will be just…” Langue let out a deep groan. “Goddess, I had no idea you had it in you.”

“But really, are you sure you’re alright? I didn’t hurt you at all did I?”

“I may have to take it easy for a while but otherwise… I wish I’d done this ages ago.”

“And we made a mess.”

“So I noticed.” Langue chuckled, “I’m gonna have quite the earful from Maximilian in the morning for making such a mess - but I can safely say that it was worth it.”

Blueblood kissed him. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“Well let me rest my flank, that should be plenty.” Langue kissed him back. “Though I have to ask, is this a one-time thing, or are we going to do this often?”

“Tempting, but I prefer it if it was earned. Like a special occasion sort of thing.” Then a thought came to him. “Speaking of which, there is something I wanted to ask you about.”


“Well, before I say anything, I’m not asking this because we should right away, but I want to know your overall thoughts on the subject.”

“That being?”

“.... Marriage.”

Langue sat up a little. “Is this over what happened earlier with our exes?”

“Inspired by, but I want to know from you.”

Humming in thought, his consort replied, “In general?” The prince nodded. “For years I always thought that with so many mares after me, I didn’t see any need for a commitment like that. I’ve often seen it as a gamble.”


“In my experience in Prance, marriage is a gamble. Everypony goes in hoping that it would last a lifetime but we know that sometimes they blow up before two years is up. As such, one has to make absolute certainty that the pony they’re getting engaged to won’t come to regret living with them. For me, I didn’t think I would get married because I never found a mare that made me say ‘Oui! That is the mare that I want to be my wife.’”

“Gee, I wonder why.” Blueblood chucked. “Speaking as someone who almost got married once, marriage was seen as a political tool from my parents. A way to get one step closer to the throne. However, having come out as gay, I want to be that if I do ever want to get married, I want to do so with the stallion that I trust the most. Where after some years of getting to know both my attractive and challenging sides would he willingly call me his husband.” He touched the tip of his beloved’s nose. “While I can see you as such, I’m not entirely ready for that yet.”

“Neither am I.” Langue nodded. “Someday, whenever that is, I want to marry you knowing that regardless of what happens, you’ll still be the stallion that I could be vulnerable with. But at the moment, I don’t think I’m ready for something like that just yet.”

“To be fair, even if you were, it would still take plenty of time to iron out the details. At least several months. Paperwork to be filled out, settling on living arrangements, new servants to hire, I can go on but even without the wedding, there would still be plenty to consider and carry out if we were to become married. It took my aunty months just to get Shining Armor ready for that transition before he could marry Cadance.”

“Even so, that bids the question: what do we do until then?”

It was a good question. Blueblood and Langue were silent as they pondered over that. After several minutes, the prince turned his attention to the room itself where a thought popped in his head. “I don’t think I’ve asked you this,” he said, “but do you ever get homesick?”


“Prance I mean. Do you ever miss it?”

“.... That’s strange, I could have sworn you asked me that before.”

“Have I?”

“I think… Oui, you did back at the restaurant.”

“Oh… well, if given the chance to go back, would you?”

Langue laid his head on the pillow. “What is there to say… it’s my home country. I left because my reputation over there was constricting my options. It’s partly the reason why I immigrated to Equestria in the first place. The only direct connection I have is through my butler, and that is because he only speaks Prench. Even so, I know I am speaking as someone who was born there.” He caressed a hoof along Blueblood’s face. “While I will miss many things about my country, as long as you are here, I’m home.”

“Oooh, Langy,” Blueblood kissed his consort.

“You were out late last night,” Celestia pointed out.

It was hard to hide that fact since Blueblood came back to the castle. He was noticeably tired with bags under his eyes as though he had stayed up long past the night with little sleep. Yet, even as Celestia noticed, her nephew wasn’t miserable. By the time they had their brunch in the sunroom, he seemed content but happier than usual.

“I didn’t mean to keep anypony waiting,” he replied, sipping on his cup of tea that had some extra sugar. Hoping that it would keep him alert for a bit. “But recently, things have gotten significantly better between Langy and me.”

“What happened?”

He smiled, “Well… let’s say that Langy finally came around to say that he’s in love with me.”

“Oh Bluey, that’s wonderful news.” Celestia smiled. “Offical consort and official coltfriend, Blueblood, I’m so proud of you. Tell me, is he going to be here for Hearth’s Warming?”

“I want to bring him… I’m just considered with Cadance.”

Celestia waved a hoof, “Oh don’t you mind her. She just needs some time to calm down, I’d bet that by the time Hearth’s Warming comes around, she would be practically welcoming Langue into the family.”

“But Auntie, we’re not getting married yet.”

“I know, but you understand the sentiment.” She put her cup to her lips and asked before taking a drink from it. “So tell me, what did you and your coltfriend do last night?”

“Last night? Well we went to have a nice dinner at the Petit Versailles, after that we went to his home where we-”

Before Blueblood could finish, Princess Luna thrush the double doors with a bang and declared. “Langue is a bottom! You owe me a thousand bits sister!

Celestia spat out her tea.

Interlude - Adagio

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December 12

Dear Diary,

To tell you the truth, this is a first for me. Owning a diary I mean. I never really thought about putting how my day is going into words outside of Prench class. No, this is the first time that I will have a little black book to write all to myself. However, I think even for a book, it’s best we get acquainted, no?

So, to start with, my name is Hubert Desjardins… Yes, I know it might seem a little odd for a stallion to start writing in diaries as though this was centuries ago. A time when it was perfectly acceptable for stallions in powdered wigs and pounds of makeup to write their thoughts in a dainty diary instead of a book. I would probably call you Journal but… I like the idea of calling you Diary.

But back to me. Currently, I am nineteen years old, and going to Uni for the past year. My! I can’t express how exhausting it all is with studying and the… well, one thing at a time…

I guess that before I could start rambling about my day, it’s best to give you a proper introduction. I was born in Bordeaux, Prance. And currently, I’ve been lucky enough to get into Sorbonne University here in Paris. I could describe myself as dedicated to my studies, and twice so with the current job I got about a month ago. My likes are that I enjoy my job as a bartender in the evenings; having a good laugh with friends, and I like to experiment with clothing.

Well… Perhaps I should make something clear, Diary. I am a stallion, that is true. And I still in many ways see myself as such. However, I do tend towards being more… liberal with my choice of clothing. Of course, I am interested to see what the latest in stallion fashion - being and Paris. But sometimes I want to get a little creative with how I mix and match. Of course, I don’t do this often myself but as a… once in a while sort of thing.

Also, I like… Ah, now we’re getting to the reason why I chose to start writing this diary.

So, allow me to explain how my day was yesterday.

After I woke up and went through my daily routine, picked up a quick breakfast at a bakery I like, and went through my first class of the day. A mind-numbing history class, to be honest. Now, when it comes to my studies, I consider myself as an average sort of student. Not a complete failure nor a genius either. So far the classes I’ve attended resulted in passing with okay grades. But to be fair it’s mostly due to me being a klutz - usually forgetting when a certain assignment is due and such. But overall, I do try what I can on some days… I wonder if I would be able to graduate at this rate.

Once the first class gets out we have some time for a lunch break. Walking out, I came across one of my friends in the hall. My… How to describe Lully? Perhaps overly, she is one of those popular sorts that is mostly due to her looks. The kind where many stallions would turn their heads once or twice whenever she passes by. Someone who I can easily see on a runway somewhere in the latest fashion with cameras taking her picture in every direction. Thankfully, Lully isn’t the kind who is all beauty and no heart. She’s a good friend that doesn’t mind me being around her.

It’s funny in a way, how all of this started that I can recall every word when I walked out of that classroom door.

“Hubert! How was class?”

“Nearly came close to sticking a sharpen pencil in my neck to end it all,” I said to her, jokingly jabbing a dulled pen in my neck and sticking my tongue out. “Thank Celestia you’re here, do you want to have lunch together?”

She said she would and we started to head towards the food court over by the next building.

“So, how have you been doing lately?” She asked me.

“Oh trying to keep things together, you know? Things have been going crazy this year.”

“Such as?”

“Like… You remember when I told you about one of my cousins?”

“Which one, the con artist?”

“Yes! That’s the one. The guy that seduces mares before taking their money or titles or what have you?”

“What about him?”

“Oh… I guess I haven’t told you. Nopony can find him. Except it’s clear that he’s fled the country.”

“Is he in trouble?”

“Can’t say,” I shrugged, “My family tried to get the police to see what happened, and the latest thing they found was that he apparently planned on immigrating to Equestria where he brought his butler along.”

“You don’t think he’s gonna try to con ponies over there, do you?”

“Who knows? Nopony can get a hold of him so there's no telling what he's been up to. It’s a real disappointment, cousin Lanuge was a fun pony to be around. Especially around the holidays. He always had the best presents to give. It’s sad that we probably won’t ever see him again.”

“Don’t you think he might come back to Prance?”

“With him? Who knows, my family often calls him a wild card. Because you have no idea what he’s gonna do next.”

We talked a little by changing the subject to… Well, I can’t remember. But what I do is that when we walked into the building, and were just about to pass the restrooms…

I saw my crush.

Sigh… It’s times like this I honestly wish I was somewhat of a poet. A good one at that. Where I could spend hours and hours in perfectly rhyming verses of that perfectly crafted, heaven-sent creation! I would call my crush an angel but that would not give it any justice.

The first thing that I always notice without fail is the mane. That dark, long mane that flows down like waterfalls. A spotlessly white blouse with the most delicate black skirt that just illustrates the perfectly round form that would make all the gods and goddesses of love look on with absolute envy. From the well-balanced makeup that just captures femininity in the most essential terms to the tail that sways with every step, such a creature would be studied by the greatest artists for decades and never get close to that utter perfection.

That said perfection, noticeable to me and Lully, is the same pony that walked directly to the colt’s restroom.

And before you ask, Diary, no, this was no joke or mistake. Because we already knew the reason.

Despite all appearances that I have tried to describe, Ludivine is a stallion. Someone who is known for crossdressing.

So… I think by now you want an explanation, no?

I know that there is a sense of unbelievable irony, coming from a stallion that could be best described as effeminate. But… you must understand that until about a year ago, for the longest time I honestly thought I was straight as an arrow. This might seem odd from the outside because many ponies, even my family would take one look at my speech, my mannerisms, and such and conclude that I’m gay. But the truth is more… more complicated than that.

I mean, I have dated mares in the past. Much to the amazement of those who just met me. And I had on and off relationships with mares that I never regretted having. But even so, perhaps it’s because I’m more flamboyant that mares see me as the safer gentlecolt to be around. Even to be friends with ponies such as Lully. However, that changed when I first laid eyes on Ludivine. Star-struck in science class where most of the time I barely paid any attention. Just focused on someone who seemed so flawless that I thought clumsy guys like me would never get in such good graces as that.

Well… dear diary, you could only imagine how confusing everything got when I found out that the bombshell wasn’t a she at all… This year, I’ve been undergoing a private crisis of sorts. I know Ludivine is a stallion. He said so himself that he sees himself as a stallion that simply crossdresses. And it… may or may not have revolutionized the idea of how I approach clothing but still!


Everything is unbelievably confusing. Up until last year, I was sure that I’m straight. But ever since Ludivine came into my life, I’ve spent countless sleepless nights wondering. Even knowing full well that Ludivine is a stallion, it has bothered me as to why this is a… (how should I put this…?) a turn on. Maybe it’s because of the flawless appearance of what I ideally want in a mare or whatever it is, it never stopped me from fantasizing about us on a date or…

Ha! See how scattered-brain I am, huh Diary? Just get me started and I could ramble on and on…

But focus!

Anyway, when I saw Ludivine, I made one critical mistake. A small one but it didn’t go unnoticed by Lully or Ludivine. Much like how a little colt would react, I hid behind Lully.

She looked over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

Shh! Act natural!” I… somewhat whispered. Or at least, I thought I was whispering.

Though I tried to hide, Ludivine paused for a moment before entering the restroom. Great Gods above! I must have looked like an idiot. To mortified or embarrassed (but both) to say or do anything, all I want was to shrink down to the size of a dust mite and perhaps be squished for good measure! Besides, Ludivine let out a giggle before going into the restroom!

Stepping aside, Lully turned around, “Should I get you a therapist?”


“It’s just… how come whenever Ludivine is nearby you suddenly act like a four-year-old that stolen the last slice of cake from his mother?”

“No reason,” I said, perhaps a little too quickly.

She smirked, almost laughing. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you got it bad.”

“Got what?”

“You know, a crush.”

“N-No I don’t!”

Her smirk turned into a grin. “Oh, this is too precious. No, it’s… it’s downright adorable in so many ways.”

I huffed, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Ah! A double negative, I wish I had a camera with me.”

In that moment of panic, I blurted out, “Y-You have photos of Ludivine!?”

“Ha! And that sounds like a confession to me. In fact, that double negative has led to proof positive!”

“No I-what!?”

“There there,” she patted me on the head. “My little femcolt is all growing up.” She teased.

I waved her hoof off me. “Look, nothing is going on. None what-so-ever!”

“Oh really?” She teased, then unexpectedly she leaned over to the side, “Hello Ladivine! Are you free to come to our dorm tonight?”

I think I went as white as the snow outside.

“Tonight? Well, that depends,” Said Ladivine, whose voice is the kind that is high enough to be confused for a mare’s. Even the tones, cadences, and regal-like way of speaking have a magical sound as though she could part the clouds to bring about sunshine simply by asking it to. “I have a shift later on in the day but by around eight I should be open. Oh, and hello Hubert.”

I shuttered. Gods! How does he do that?!

Lully blinked, looking between us. “Wait, you two already know each other?”

“We work in the same place, he’s the bartender.” He patted my shoulder. “That reminds me, are you working tonight?”

Neveriously, I nodded.

That part was indeed true, which makes this all the more awkward for me.

It just occurred to me that I left out the details about where I work. I’m indeed a bartender, but to both pay for my tuition (along with everything else), the place I work with has a somewhat higher paycheck because of what it is. To be perfectly frank. I work at the bar in a cabaret. And like most cabarets in the city, ours has a gimmick that makes it stand out. That being for the customer’s amusement, most of the waiting staff crossdress. It’s where the mares are dressed as stallions, and stallions mares. It probably wouldn’t surprise you, Diary, to learn that four months after I saw him that he got the job on the waiting staff.

Anyway, hours later, once the last class for the day was done and out of the way, I was preparing for work. As I mentioned with the cabaret, I too have to abide by a dress code. So on certain days, I would put on a get-up that I can best describe as half-and-half. By that I mean from the waist up, I put on a black suit and bowtie. From the waist down, however, I would put on a neon-bright, hot pink dress that just barely covers my flanks. I could go into detail about how I felt with the uniform for the first time but… it’s already getting late and I want to write out what’s been on my mind.

Because after I got dressed and headed over to work with a heavy coat (it was snowing then) guess who I happened to run into?

Yes! You guessed it! Ladivine himself!

Not merely a block or so away from the cabaret, I heard him call out. “Hubert? Hubert, how are you?” He asked welcomingly.

I tried to brace myself for the worst. “Oh uh… g-good evening.”

“Are you doing alright? In general, I mean.”

“Well uh… you know just… getting by.”

After a thoughtful hum, he said, “My, Lully isn’t kidding, you are unusually shy.”

“She told you what!”

“No need to shout, I’m not deaf.” He chuckled. “But in all honesty, it’s a little hard not to notice. I didn’t think of it earlier but you know what, I can’t help but see that you’ve actively been trying to avoid me ever since I started working.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it…” I said meekly.

“I just want to know, how come?” Then after a beat, he added, “And before you say anything, I don’t take you as a bigot. No offense to you, but you’re the least threatening pony I know yet, you avoid me like I’ve offended you or something.”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong!”

“You’re shouting again.”

I blinked, “Am I…?”

“I swear you’re as nervous as a colt on a date for the first time.” He laughed but I hid my face in hopes he wouldn’t see the blush. “Still… you are aware that I’m a stallion, right?”

I nodded. “Yes, I know.”


“.... I don’t know if this is rude of me to ask this. However, do you see yourself as a stallion or more as a mare?”

“Ah,” He nodded, “Well, just know that I’m only speaking for myself, alright? Good. Personally, I’m a stallion. I still see myself as a stallion and I always will. But the clothes and make-up I put on… it gives me a side of me that I can feel whole in. If that makes sense.”

“.... Elaborate please?”

“Simply put, what I wear is what I see as a form of self-expression. Like how you would see ponies with tattoos or piercings, mane-styles, and choice of clothing… I could go on, but in some way, at least for me, it’s something like that. An extension of myself that wants to be… well…” he blushes, “pretty. I know it’s not the most stallion thing to do but you know what? It’s me.”

Never in my life had I thought that when I come across someone that seems to be on another level - they can be relatable.

All I could say was, “That… makes a lot of sense. I mean when I started, I was hesitant about the uniform,” I pointed to the skirt. “But now, not only I’m used to it, but I’m liking it more and more. Making me wonder if there are some things that mares know that we don’t.”

“Oh! I know, right!” He laughed. “And you didn’t hear this from me, but from what I’ve heard, that outfit is gorgeous on you.”

I nearly tripped at that complement. “Y-You think so?”

“Coming from someone that crossdresses, you’re mighty fine in that!”

“Thank you.”

“But you know what would be better?”


“Stop for a second and look at me,” I did and Ladivine examined my face. “I would recommend a little makeup. Not a lot, but now that I think of it… some pink over the eyelids and a bit of lipgloss… strawberry red would do wonders for your adorable complexion.”

“I don’t… know how to use makeup.”

“It’s not that hard once you’re shown how. After that, it just takes some practice. If you want, I could show you how it’s done.”

“I’ll… think about it.”

We continued walking towards the cabaret, side by side. At first, we didn’t say much after that until just as we were going down the street, out of nowhere Ladivine asks at point-blank, “Can I ask you a personal question?”


“Do you have a crush on somepony?”

For a moment I nearly panicked. Did he know? “What! I… No, I’m not… why do you ask?”

“Oh nothing, just when I was talking to Lully earlier, she mentioned something about you might be having a crush on somepony at work. She didn’t go into detail about who it was. But I was saying to myself, maybe that’s why you seem so jittery and nervous. Because somepony’s caught your eye.”

“I never said I… well no it’s just I’m always like this. A klutzy stallion that is awkward now and then.”

I heard him giggle, “Of course, whatever you tell yourself.”

“It’s the truth!”

“Sure it is.”

While we approached, the neon sign of the cabaret had lit up, in that bright blue light, I couldn’t help but see how his face looked. Perhaps it might have been the makeup or the mane that had a lock that graced his forehead, but for a moment, he looked like the femme fatale from an old black-and-white film noir. A face that balances grace with the seductive lure that could send anyone to their deaths just by saying the wrong thing. Almost like a tiger, elegant but could be fierce at any moment which makes them all the more beautiful.

But this wasn’t meant to last. Because after all, we still have a job to do.

Going around to the back entrance, we separated to get ourselves checked in and ready for our shift. I went over to the bar near the back while he went up to the waiters for some small talk about what to expect for the evening.

I don’t think I’ve described the cabaret I work in outside of the unique dress code. While there are plenty of clubs that are far older than ours like the famous Moulin Rouge with the iconic red windmill on top that is rumored to have given birth to the Can-Can dance; ours is distinct for a few reasons. For starters, outside the guests would be greeted by the moving neon sign of a mare blowing kisses that gives the name: The Blue Kiss. Inside, guests are treated to a dining area that surrounds a stage where there’s a different act going on every night. The interior is done out in the style of art nouveau with its curvy stage that glows milky white, globe-like blue lights that hang down from the ceiling, and bright pink tables that also glow. The bar is the same away too. Only the rack of bottles has a white wall that illuminates the back of me and a curvy long table that I serve customers at.

For a while in the first couple of hours, things had carried on as normal. The guests would drift in and would either be gravitated over towards the round tables around the stage or to the bar. The ones that end up at my domain start to order for this and that, and I set to work crafting their drinks out of the catalog of recipes in my head. Meticulously like an artist on a canvas, I set the glasses down and poured out just the right liquors and tonics. A stir here, a shake there, a dash of lime over the glass, a touch of salt on the rim there, I eyed each glass and shot as though I were making mini masterpieces before gently pushing them towards the guest, telling them to enjoy.

But now and then, I would look up from what I’m doing to see how Ladivine was doing. Like much of the waiting staff, he would go up to each guest warmly to welcome them to the cabaret and guide them to a table before asking if he could get them anything with a flirtatious wink. Even though he has been working for the past six months, he has gotten everything down from getting each guest to their table with a glide in his stride to the graceful way he carries everything on a tray with only a hoof and no magic whatsoever. Perhaps it might be his earth pony side, but I swear he could carry a whole house with a hoof and move about as flawless as a ballet dancer.

Compared to him, I was barely able to keep up. When things get busy and the guests flood the bar, my elegant preparations turn into a circus act where I have to juggle between making drinks, and praying that I don’t screw up at any part. At times I have no idea how Ladivine does it, even when the other staff just barely manages to keep up, he somehow is one step ahead of them, even picking up the slack for some of them.

For a while, things were going normally. I was trying to focus on my work in hopes to distract myself from what happened earlier. And for about an hour or so, it seemed to be working that I have nearly forgotten all about it. But not completely. Eventually, I had to take some downtime to rest a little before finishing my shift.

At the Blue Kiss, there is a small little space for us where we go to catch our breath. Pass the double doors, across the kitchen, then take a right to a spiraling staircase, it would lead to the top floor where it opens up to an apartment-sized space that I believed used to be a sunroom at one point. There isn’t much up there say for a carpet, a heater, and a couch for most of the year. But since it’s December, there’s a miniature Hearths Warming tree in the corner that’s decorated with paper ornaments. While it can get chilly up there, especially when the walls and ceiling are made of glass that’s mostly covered in snow and frost, it does, I admit, give a grand view of Paris. Where you can see some of the Arc of Triumph or Notre Dame, and the Eyefoal Tower all dressed up in lights.

I went up there in hopes to catch my breath, and maybe give my hooves a rest before going back to work. Part of me was hoping I’d be up there alone for some peace and quiet. That was until Ludivine came up from the staircase.

After a beat when he saw me, he remarked, “Tonight’s is getting crazy, no?”

“My hooves hurt.”

He giggled, “I can imagine, with you doing all those acrobats with all those bottles can’t be easy. I swear you’re giving out more entertainment than the entertainers on stage.” Going across the ancient carpet, he sat down next to me. “Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you do it.”

“Oh, it’s… not that hard. Just flip a bottle here, a dash of lime there, and then toss some glitter in the air when they’re not looking.” This got Ladivine to laugh. “Really, I wish I had your stamina.”

“My endurance is from years of carrying everyone’s expectations on my shoulders.”

“You’re good at it.” In hindsight, I suppose this was the moment when I decided to take a risk. “You can carry a whole mountain and make it effortless and graceful.”

“Try doing it all in heels.” He smirked. “It’s not a matter of doing it gracefully, but stepping up to doing something you don’t want to do.”

“You don’t like doing this?”

“I never said that. Just that I swear some of the waiters are kinda expecting me to do everything sometimes. But I’ve learned a long time ago that to be strong is knowing that you can do hard things.”

Ah, so spake the muse.

“Like… telling someone they’re beautiful?” I asked.

“Ooh! Being more adventurous I see.” Ladivine said with an amused smile. “I’d say it’s a good start, but you know what would be more so?”


“Ask them what they’re into. Their interests. After all, if you’re just going with saying to someone they’re beautiful, they’ll wonder if you’re testing them for something.” Then after a beat, he asked, “Are you testing me, Hubert?”

“W-What! No, I didn’t mean like… well maybe I… It’s like I…” I cannot express how mortifying it is to not just stumble in front of your crush, but trip and tumble down the side of a cliff of embarrassment in full view of them.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn't figured out that I have a crush on him, surely he would have at that point. Me trying to make a comeback over my attempt at flirting and failing miserably at it. It must have been clear that he had put the pieces together on that couch where he realized what I have been trying to say.

“Good Celestia, this is adorable,” Ladivine said, his hoof under my chin to make me look at his face that was smiling at me from ear to ear. “You know, I appreciate the honesty. Oh yes, I can tell that there’s no bull crap coming from you. It’s refreshing that for once someone is trying their hardest to get to my level.”

“You mean it?”

He looked me in the eye. “Most stallions I come across are either weirded out at worst or fetishize me at best. With you, however… It’s purer than that. More straightforward that you don’t just like me because of how I look and judge me off from there. It’s a breath of fresh air.”

Then, right before I could ask something else, he put a hoof to my lips. “Before you do anything else. Don’t even try it on me,” He smiled playfully, “because anyone that tries to outfit this flirting queen is going to lose.” With a wink, he got up, saying that he’ll need to get back to work.

It was at that moment, that after his touch on my lips that I was compelled to write, to keep a diary. Even though I’m still young with all sorts of challenges and changes that would come my way, I want to preserve this day in some way. I wanted to look back years later and recall the shocking thrill of having someone that I’m falling for touch me for the first time. I don’t know if what I want to pursue is hopeless, but I want to immortalize this day as the happiest by far when my crush came down from the heavens and talked to me.

It’s getting late, yet there’s so much more I want to talk about. Here’s hoping that whatever I have with Ladivine might grow into something special.

December 14

Dear Diary,

I think things have taken a turn. Not for the worst, not the best either just…

Well, let me start over.

For the most part the past few days, things have been the same as before with the exception that I haven’t run into Ladivine. Not on university grounds and not at work. That all changed today when after all our classes were done that I found Lully by the dormitory entrance.

“Hubert, there you are, can I ask you to do a favor for me?”

“Favor?” I was confused, Lully rarely asked me to do anything for her.

“You see, I’m in a bit of a bind. I really want to go out for dinner, but there’s nopony here to watch over our dorms.”

In case you don’t know, Diary, here at the university’s dorm rooms, we have a weirdly specific rule - that there must be at least one pony there to look after the rooms for… security reasons, I think? Honestly, I think it’s a pretty dumb and contrive rule that nopony ever thought of changing.

Sighing, I asked her when does she expect to be back.

“I’m not sure, since I don’t know how crowded it’ll be but maybe a couple of hours.”

“A couple of hours?”

“It’s a long walk, and there might be a waiting time. So, could you? You’re not working tonight, are you?”

“Not really.”

“So will you?”

With a reluctant sigh, I told her that I would. She thanked me and went off to who-knows-where.

So after putting some of my things away back in my room, I headed over to the mare’s dorm where I found that it wasn’t completely unoccupied. There sitting on the couch reading a textbook was Ladivine. He looked up at me with the same surprise as I had.

“Hubert? What are you doing here?”

“I was gonna ask you the same. Lully told me that her dorms needed to be looked after.”

“That’s exactly what she told me.” There was a still moment when we both realized the same thing, “Lully set this up on purpose, didn’t she?”

“Somehow I should have seen this coming a mile away. I’m sorry to bother you.” Before I could leave, he reached out a hoof.

“Hey wait, would you mind staying? Things were getting quite dull around here.”

“Really? You want-”

“At least to keep me company until she gets back.”

Eyeing the phonograph, I asked if he wouldn’t mind if I put something on. Ladivine told me he wouldn’t mind, and being unfamiliar with the record collection and realizing I have no idea what kind of music he’d like, I chose something at random and hoped for the best. I didn’t even look at the cover when I pulled out the record and put the needle on. Out from it was a slow jazzy sound with a mare’s voice that I’m sure never heard of.

With the music playing, I sit across from him, trying to avoid eye contact out of sheer awkwardness.

“Do you know how long she will be out for?”

That snapped my attention back, “Who?”

“Lully. She said something about going to dinner, so how long do you think she’ll be?”

“No idea. I don’t keep track of what she does. Maybe she’ll be out for an hour or so.”

We both fell into awkward silence right after, with nothing but the record singing something I didn’t understand. For minutes we sat, Ladivine continued reading his textbook, and I plopped there like a pillow on the couch. On the one hoof, I felt like an idiot that I should at least start up a conversation but I was at a loss as to where to start. But then again, even though we did nothing, it was amazing in its own way. It’s hard to describe, but even though I didn’t do or say anything, there was a sort of privilege to be near someone like him.

Finally, Ladivine spoke up, “You know you don’t have to be here if you don’t want to.” He said, getting my attention. “If you have something that you needed to do, you can. I’m capable of holding down the fort.”

“No it’s alright, I don’t mind.”

After a thoughtful hum, I heard him close the book. “I know this is a change in subject, but do you have something you want to ask me?”

“Huh?” I looked at him.

“You seemed that you have something on your mind but didn’t know how to get it out.”

“Can I?”

“What do you think I’m gonna do? Bite? Whatever it is, I’ve heard them all so you don’t have to worry about bothering me.”

“If you’re sure.” He told me that I can go ahead. “So… have there been any colts that have flirted with you?”

“You wouldn’t believe how often that happens.” He laughed. “Since by appearance I make a convincing mare, you wouldn’t believe how many of the guests at the cabaret try to chat me up. And I’m not just talking about how many eyed my flank either. I’ve collected mountains of notes of if I ever wanted a good time, go here and here. But for those that do come up to me to have a drink with, I had to turn them down. Usually, it’s the voice that really catches them off guard, but even on occasion of those that don’t mind, I still turn down because I wasn’t interested in them anyway.”

That I didn’t expect. Thinking back to last night when he out flirted me, I could only reply with: “Oh… Sorry if I make any assumptions but… I didn’t know you’re straight.”

“I didn’t say I was. Rather it’s a bit more complicated than that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the stallions that chatted me up all - except for you - have one thing in common.”

“That being…?”

“They are completely shallow. It’s something you can tell with their tone of voice and how they look at you that all they see as… and excuse me for saying this - a piece of ass. Meaning that they hoped to get me to be rutted by them in some cheap hotel room somewhere like a hooker. But when you do it, I can see right away that isn’t that.”

I couldn’t say anything. It was like he was Sherlock Hooves that was on the verge of picking me apart.

“I know I didn’t make it clear to you last night, but when you try to flirt, it was refreshing. Do you know why?”

How was I supposed to know!? I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that because not only did it turn out that he liked me when I flirted, but my brain couldn’t comprehend it. I knew my attempt was amateurish at best but I couldn’t figure out what made my failed attempt to impress and get ‘em to like me back that he did like.

Fortunately, Ladivine answered for me, “It’s because that you were more honest than any of them. When you did it, it was clear that you not only didn’t know what you were doing, but you were putting in the effort to get me to feel like an actual pony. On top of that, you seemed like the kind of guy that has a fun personality once you get to know them. Like where you want to befriend someone first before asking them out on a date. And really, that is refreshing.”

“But… I thought I did it badly. Worse than that.”

“No, badly is when you come right up to me and ask if I wanted to give you a BJ. Yours is more the puppy kind of love where it’s more innocent, I-want-to-be-with-you kind. And that’s something that doesn’t come around that often.”

“I see…” I rubbed my cheeks. “I just… want to get to know you better is all. How you get to be so gorgeous and such. Like the whole makeup thing.”

“Well that’s not that hard once you…” Ladivine looked at me for a moment with an idea forming in his head. “Do you want me to show you?”

I blinked. “What? Now?”

“Why not? Nopony’s here so I… Hang on a second.” He reached down under the couch to pull out a purse where he opened it to lay out a makeup kit. “It’s one of those things that you have to have somepony show you how it’s done. But once you know the basics, the rest you can mix and match until you find something that you can look in a mirror and say, ‘Yes! That is me!’”

“Wait, what are you going to do to me?”

“With a face like yours… I’d say you don’t need a lot. Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to make you out as a clown. But first things first, let me clean your face up before I could do anything.” Pulling out a container that had wipes soaked in a disinfectant, he rubbed it around my forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose, mouth, and under my chin.

“Why clean me up?” I asked rather stupidly.

“To clean off oils, dirt, and such. This is to permit smearing and gives a blank canvas to work from.”

“You’re talking as if you’re about to make a painting.”

“In a way, I am. But instead of applying paints on a flat surface, I’m doing it on one that is more three-dimensional and alive. And like any good painting, I will be applying some layers on that face of yours.”

As it turns out, putting on makeup was a bit more complicated than I thought. After he made sure my face was clean, he applied moisturizer, a liquid he called a primer, and from there using various brushes and powders he proceeded to paint my face. It was like having an artist paint me into being the way he maliciously, carefully, and thoughtfully touched up areas on my face. With a pencil, he made small strokes along with my eyebrows, and eyelashes, and then brushed hot pink over my eyelids. Every now and then he stopped to step back from his work, making me wonder what exactly he was doing to me.

“How do I look?” I asked him while he stepped back to examine me.

“You’re almost there… Not too far off.”

“What more is there to be done?”

“The lips… I’m thinking through what shade I should go with.” Humming thoughtfully, he said, “I don’t want to make it too dark. But nothing too light like pink either. A nice shade of red to be bright but make it stand out… Ah! I got it.” Going through the makeup kit, he pulled out a tube, “Strawberry should do nicely.”

He instructed me about curving my lips while he applied the wax-like tube over and to suck my lips in a little to spread them evenly. Finally, applying gloss, he stepped back.

“There… Now it’s finished. I must say I may have not done much, but this is a masterpiece.”

“You were at it for a long while.”

“Not really, this is simplified but… really you don’t need much.”

“You mean you could have added more?”

“I could but that would be overkill.” Taking up a mirror, he held it up to show my reflection. “But what do you think?”

Few things in life have ever taken my breath away, and when I saw the end result of Ladivine’s artistry, it was a surprise. My face seemed flawless and yet, stylized from the shiny pink eyelids and the strawberry red lips. The rest of the face, whatever blemishes I had was painted away and what stared back was someone that lives in a world of glamor.

“Do you like it?”

“I look like one of those punk rock stars from the eighties.” I said, “All that’s missing is a big fluffy wig and a guitar.”

“It suits you quite well. That mascara is just the cherry on top.”

After turning my face this way and that in the mirror, I asked, “Is this what you go through every day? It must take forever to do this to your face.”

“In some ways, it does. But I think it’s worth it.” Putting the mirror and the makeup kit away, he added, “It’s amazing how even a little color could add so much to something so mundane, no? I personally do it because it elevates a dull face like mine to a more interesting character.”

“Maybe for Hearths Warming I should get one of those kits to see what I could do with it.”

“You should! I find that applying makeup to yourself is a great skill to learn. As it teaches you to slow down and really pay attention to detail.”

For the first time, Diary, I began to truly understand a new perspective about Ladivine. To be as gorgeous as this, how much time did it take for him? How early does he have to get up to craft his face to make it just so, on top of choosing the right outfit to make everything seem so flawless? I could imagine that it may have taken hours, perhaps days in advance to plan out every brush stroke, every dab of cream to the face to make it look as though an artist had painted you. And yet, that is exactly what Ladivine does daily to his own face. Not just his face, his mane, his clothes.

Who knew that beauty needed so much work?

From there? Well, we didn’t say much after that. Returning to my studies I couldn’t help but feel different with the makeup on. I never considered how… fragile it was. Many times I have been tempted to scratch an itch but fear that it might blemish the masterwork that Ladivine had spent on. How disrespectful would it be to tamper such art on my face when the artist was right next to me. Ladivine seemed so happy with the result of his creation.

I don’t remember much about how long we stayed like that, nor of what we talked about afterward. But late in the evening and Lully still hasn’t returned, Ladivine let out a yawn and asked, “Do you mind if I sleep with you here?”

That caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure if the makeup covered up the blush from what I thought he was asking. But being so thrown off so badly that I just sat there dumbfounded.

He clarified. “It’s just I’m getting tired so would you mind if I just shut my eyes for a while?”

I confess to you, Diary, I came close to asking him if he wants to share a bed with me. But I was so flustered that I couldn’t get the words out.

Yawning again, he placed his head on my shoulder, “So cuddly,” I heard him muttered, “like a nice firm pillow.”

It’s rare that I would get such a level of intimacy as this. Ladivine barely knows me and now, his gorgeous head is using my shoulder to sleep on. For a long, long while, I had no idea how to react. Should I wake him? Get up? Do nothing? And more importantly, will this be something to expect from him from now on, or is he that tired? A part of me strongly hopes it would be the former.

“You can just leave me here on the couch,” Ladivine added. “You can always go back to your dorm room, I just needed the rest.”

And that was true. Easily I could just leave my crush there. But on the other hoof, I realize, would I ever get such an opportunity ever again? Closing the textbook, I rested my head on his and held him there. Even when drifting off to sleep, it was such a pleasure, a joy even to have someone this gorgeous be near me.

Partita No. 1 - 1st Movement: Allamanda

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Of all the things that Langue had expected ever since he started dating Blueblood, he never expected to have himself feel so… liberated. It was the only word that came close. It was as though he had been carrying heavy weight for so long he didn’t notice he had it until it was removed. After he came out to Blueblood, both his sexuality and his attraction to him, it was like he had died the night he slept with the prince and was reborn again the next day.

There wasn’t much of a point in keeping it a secret when Canterlot had suspected when the first snow fell from the sky. By then, everyone knew about it. The royal family knew. The nobility and elite of Canterlot knew. His butler wouldn’t shut up about it.

Blueblood loves him.

He loves Blueblood.

And he’s not ashamed of doing so.

With the first snow of winter that started to dust the city, Langue felt warm whenever the Prince was by him. They saw the city was being decorated in lights with wreaths of pine and holly put up here and there. In the air, while the snow came down, the sound of carols and the scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, peppermint, and pine perfumed the air. Despite the bitter cold being felt with the wind and sharp snow being swirled through the streets - for them, they couldn’t be any warmer.

It had taken a while still for Langue to show his affections for the prince openly. Even after the incident, it had taken much to ignore the stares of passersby when they are out in public. Yet, over the passing weeks, he got used to holding his hoof, linking tails, and even stealing a kiss or two where anyone could see. It was, in a way, almost like walking out naked and overcome knowing he was being stared at. Yet, the more they did so, the more Langue could relax and enjoy being in the company of his prince charming.

With the big holiday about a week away, the two went on a date for a stroll in one of Canterlot’s parks. One where the pond had frozen over enough for ponies to ice skate on attracted crowds and vendors underneath the colorful lights.

“I think you’ll love how we do Hearth’s Warming,” Blueblood told Langue between sips of peppermint hot chocolate. “My Aunts always go all out during this time of year.”

Sitting side by side on a park bench, Langue adjusted the white scarf that was wrapped around his chilly neck. It had been so cold lately that he had to put on two layers of clothing - one that had a hood with a soft, wholly inside casing, and the other a black trench coat. For the Prince, Langue secretly joked that he looked like he had stolen one of Saddle Clause’s clothes. Head to hoof in blue felt with white furry cuffs around his hooves, neck, and midsection.

“Don’t they have to go all out?” Langue questioned, “Being that Hearth’s Warming is a major day on the Equestrian calendar, are they obligated to do so anyway?”

The prince hummed thoughtfully, “There is a degree of truth in that. However, they genuinely love the holiday itself. They put into huge efforts in terms of spectacle, of the Hearth’s Warming pageant they commission every year, even figuring out what kind of gift to give out. I guess that even after all that has happened, the holiday has for them the happiest of memories. If you can get either one to start, they would fill you with stories and antidotes of Hearth’s Warmings gone by.”

Langue raised an eyebrow, “Par exemple? (For example?)”

“Take for instance the gingerbread town story.”

“Don’t you mean gingerbread house?”

“No,” Blueblood shook his head. “Couple hundred years ago, my Auntie Celestia had learned how to make gingerbread houses from a chief of hers. She would tell you that once she understood the basics, it captured her imagination in thinking of the various ways of what she could do it. She went into a baking frenzy where she baked up sheets upon sheets upon sheets of gingerbread. And I’m talking about them being the size of entire walls! She ordered in a literal ton of powdered sugar and every candy known to exist before she started her construction. You see, she didn’t want to make a miniature house as everyone else does.”

“What did she do with all that then?”

“She picked out a then empty plot of land here and Canterlot, where, on Hearth's Warming Eve, she lead a construction crew to erect an entire block that was entirely made of candy. She built a restaurant, a post office, a barber shop, a toy store, a bakery, and dozens of houses - essentially, a small town that was completely edible. It is said she put up windows made out of sugar, hard floors made out of blocks of peppermint, chimneys made of chocolate, and frosting used as mortar to hold together the gingerbread brinks. And none of these were hollow either, everything in these buildings was edible too. From marzipan cushions to clocks made out of cake, to the candles that were used at the time were mostly made of white chocolate.”

Langue’s jaw hangs open. “Sacre bleu, just thinking about it is give me diabetes.”

“But there was a practical reason why she did so. In a way, the candy town was a gift to the poor at the time. Essentially, a big feast for them in the most fantastical way possible. It is said that it took a total of twelve days for the entire gingerbread town to be eaten up.”

“A remarkable display of generosity on Celestia’s part. What about Princess Luna?”

“For her, if you asked what her favorite memory from Hearth’s Warming was, she would probably point to the time when she had constructed a fortress made out of blocks of ice and snow. It was said that it would have been worthy of holding off entire armies if it were made out of stone. But once it was complete, Auntie Luna would declare war on Celestia and they would bring their guards in to have a snowball fight. Celestia would pelt the fort using catapults that were filled with snow while Luna would counter it by having snowballs be flown over and then dropped on them. Of course, neither side would get hurt, but the way my aunts would tell it, they make it sound as though they have gone through a fierce war.”

For a long minute, Langue stared at Blueblood before gulping his hot chocolate. “Now that I think of it, I don’t know who, out of your entire family I should be more intimidated by: Celestia, Luna, or Cadence.”

“Don’t forget Twilight.”


“She’s technically family, given that my cousin had married Shining Armor who’s Twilight’s brother.”

“And does she want my head on a plate or does she not know about us?”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow. “Langy, you do know that they’re not upset with you.”

“Oui, I know. At least for Celestia and Luna, they haven’t come to my home with a battle-ax for my head… yet. Princess Cadance on the other hoof, I’m not too sure about. You told me that she was pretty upset when she found out that I tried to scam you from the start.”

The prince put a hoof around his consort. “Langy, are you worried about the upcoming Hearth’s Warming party?”

“.... Is it that obvious?”

Hugging Langue, the prince told him, “They won’t do anything to you. Even if Cadance does hold a grudge against you, I’m not going to stand by and let you get hurt. I’ll be sure that you will be welcomed there as though you are part of the family.”

Breaking the hug, Langue stands up from the bench. “Family… will be something that is unknown territory for me. Going to a family gathering where I wouldn’t be the black sheep.”

Getting up, Blueblood follows Langue as they started to stroll down a shoveled path. “I don’t think I’ve asked this enough, but do you have a family?”

“In Prance, the only family I got are disappointed uncles, sneering aunts, and some cousins that have a somewhat higher opinion of me. During this time of year, I tend to get presents for them because they wouldn’t think I had an ulterior motive. Speaking of which, I have no clue what to get for anyone in your family.”

“If it helps, I suggest Celestia would want something more thrillseeking.”


“This is off the record, but when no one is looking, she loves doing things like bungee jumping off over an airship, or race down a hill in a gocart, or even climbing up Mt. Canter without flying or teleporting to the top.”

Langue blinked, “Juste au moment où vous pensez connaître quelqu'un… (Just when you think you know someone…)” After a cough, he asked, “What about Princess Luna?”

“Fortunately she’s easier because she has gained an interest in culture. I don’t blame her for being gone for a thousand years. She’s a fanatic to anything theatrical.”

“At least I have a few ideas for her.” Langue nodded, “And… Candance?”

Blueblood hummed. “Honestly she’s a little trickier when it comes to gifts. But knowing her, she has a fetish when it comes to romance novels?”

This got a raised eyebrow from his coltfriend, “With or without the clop?”

“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised. And as for Twilight, she is overly obsessed with books about any subject.”

“I see… and you? What would you like for Hearth’s Warming?”

Blueblood chuckled, “Maybe you wrapped in a bow under the tree.”

Langue, unsure if the prince was joking or not gave a low whistle. “Je ne savais pas que tu avais un côté pervers. (I didn’t know you had a kinky side.)”

“What was that?”


Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “One of these days, I need to learn Prench so I can know what you’re saying some of the time.”

For Langue, Hearth’s Warming wasn’t the joyful holiday that most ponies tend to make it out to be. From his experience, it’s a day where you’re expected to bring gifts to those that wish you were rotting away in a prison cell through their wintery glares over dinner. A time when cheerful carols are replaced by arguments. And the “goodwill towards all” is an absolute joke when in the end he is wished that he would get arrested by New Year’s Day.

He hoped, for once, things might be different.

Before Hearth’s Warming Eve, Langue had given his butler a couple of days off. He did this mainly so he wouldn’t hear anything about him being right about him and the Prince. Still, he did express that he would like to celebrate it alone - doing what, Langue didn’t know nor cared about.

Up to the big day, he took the time to go around Canterlot to find gifts for the royal family, putting in the extra effort in hopes that he would make a good impression on them. Even going as far as to figure out what to get for Prince Shining Armor. After all, the last thing he wanted was to have a few irate princesses demanding his head on a plate.

Then came the big day. On Hearth’s Warming Eve, a palenque arrived with a request for his presence at the castle. Making sure he was in his best, in a green suit and tie in a white dress shirt before stepping out. Then after having the wrapped gifts loaded up, he was taken through the streets toward the palace.

The castle he had been to nearly countless times has now taken a more festive appearance. From the red ribbons that wrapped around the white columns like candy canes to the pair of enormous evergreen wreaths that hung just outside of the drawbridge, everything about it was uplifted to the fantastical. Then when he was escorted inside, he found the interior to be as though it was a physical personification of the holiday itself. Almost no detail was overlooked. From the glass ornaments that hung on the chandeliers, to the streams of evergreen and holly that roped around every wall, even the smell of pine and gingerbread perfumed the halls.

Out of the windows, he saw ponies leaving the Great Hall where they held the annual Hearth’s Warming pageant. While Langue thought it was a shame that he had to have missed it, there was a reason - so that he could avoid the crowds and go straight to the party immediately afterward. A few times he tried looking over towards the windows of the great hall to see if he could catch a glimpse of the royal family but it looked like they had already left.

Eventually, he was shown to the Sun Room, past the rows of guards on high alert, and he stepped into the most exclusive Hearth’s Warming Eve party in the world. The small family gathering of all of Canterlot Royalty in one place. Around the room underneath the partly snow-covered glass ceiling and walls that show the falling snow were garlands of Hearth’s Warming flowers in bloom and holly. There were decorated trees around the walls to make it as though they were in a clearing of a well-dressed forest. The ornaments that hung from the trees showed a tri-color of red, blue, and gold. He saw tables that had a dinner and sweets that looked like it was taken directly from a fantasy. He saw hills of pies, a tower of sugar, a fountain running hot chocolate, a village of gingerbread, a forest of fruit, and a lake of sparkling eggnog. On another table were presents piled tall, wrapped in rainbows of paper and steams of ribbons.

And then, there was the family itself. All together in one room. Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight; along with the Princes Shining Armor and Blueblood. When he walked in, he was caught off guard because he didn’t expect any of them to be without their usual crows and jewelry. Instead of being in formal attire that the public would see, here they were relaxed in ugly Hearth’s Warming sweaters, red stockings with fluffy white furry trim, or even in their pajamas. He didn’t expect to see Blueblood of all ponies be in his night gound - a white felt robe trimmed with a pink outline.

“Langy, there you are!” Blueblood greeted him warmly.

“Bluey…” Langue looked up and down at him, “I can’t help but feel that I’m overdressed. What is going on?”

“Oh!” the prince facehoofed, “Oh, I knew I was forgetting something. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but with Hearth’s Warming Eve, the family has a tradition where after we’re through with public events we slip into something both casual and ridiculous.” Looking down at the sleeve of his robe, he added, “Believe me, compared to my aunts and cousin, I’m the conservative one.”

“Still… I feel rather foolish coming here like this.”

“Oh, you’ll be fine. Are those our presents? You can leave them there, the servants will place them on the table. Please, come in, they’re excited to meet you.”

Blueblood lead him first over to where Celestia and Luna were - over by the hot chocolate fountain. In some way, it is funny to see the princesses in something so corny. Celestia, horn aglow to scoop a ladle full of chocolate, while wearing a large red sweater that would make Hoity Toity faint. One that had amaturely stitched stars and small blinking colored lights. Luna was in a dark green sweater that had white snowflakes and a snowmare on the side.

“Guess who just arrived,” Blueblood said, catching their attention.

Langue made a respectful bow, “Réchauffement d'un joyeux foyer et bonne année. (A Merry Hearth’s Warming and a Happy New Year.)”

“Langue, Happy Hearth’s Warming,” Celestia greeted him warmly. “I hope you don’t mind the outfits, but it’s not often we get to do so when the public isn’t looking.”

“Your family secret is safe with me. And how are Your Majesties?”

“Doing quite well.” Luna said, using her magic to offer a cup, “Would you like anything, Langue? We have plenty of nearly everything to go around.”

“Perhaps later.”

“Oh come, tis a time for merriment and feasting. By all means, enjoy yourself - and your coltfriend.” That made Luna giggle happily, “Ah, it is good that you two are together at long last.”

Langue tilted his head, “Is that so? Strange as I’m sure this is the first time we’ve met face to face, Princess Luna.”

“My nephew has told us all about you.” Luna wrapped a hoof around Blueblood’s shoulder. “I think this is good for him to have a consort of his very own. One that would provide him with all the sexy fun times for many years to come!”

“Auntie!” Blueblood pushed away, embarrassed, “Please, not out loud.”

“But it’s the truth, is it not?” She turned to Langue, “Truth be told, I was getting worried about my nephew’s well-being for a while. Even after he came out, I was tempted to possibly give him a harem for his birthday - but it seems there might not be a need.”

Langue blinked, “C'est encore une chose? (That’s still a thing?)”

Celestia groaned, “No, it’s not anymore. I have explained to Luna several times that I’ve dismantled the harem centuries ago. There is no need for that anymore.”

Luna huffed, “A great loss, I say. To have all those stallions be demoted to guard duty.”

“It’s practical.”

“We can control the celestial bodies above us, sister. Not to mention that we can live forever, how are having guards around us at all times practical?”

Langue coughed loudly into his hoof to get their attention. “Regardless, I am grateful for the invitation to this little party. Until recently, I never knew that the royal family has a private Hearth’s Warming Eve celebration.”

“It’s meant for family only.” Celestia sipped on her cup of hot chocolate. “Given how busy our schedules are, this is one of the few days of the entire year where we can all be together without any outside pressure. At least here, we can celebrate the holiday without keeping up appearances or smiling for the paparazzi. Here we can be ourselves while indulging in a fantastic feast. I mean just look at this, the chiefs have outdone themselves this year.”

“Do you consider me as family?”

“And why not? With you and Bluey getting so close as of late, and that you tend to come to the palace so often, we feel that you’re already making yourself one of the family.”

“Which reminds me,” Luna turned back to her nephew, “let us know when the wedding will be.”

Wedding!” Blueblood and Langue were unanimously taken aback.

“Oh come, you two are practically in bed every other night and you barely leave the other’s side. It’s only a matter of time until one of you proposes. And when you do, I will take it upon myself to plan out the details of the wedding as such that would be worthy of the Night!”

“Luna,” Celestia interjected, “May I kindly remind you that they have known one another for about half a year, and they’re an official couple for less than that?”

The Princess of the Night raised her snout and huffed, “It’s better to be prepared. Besides, we don’t know when they want to get married, so it’s best to plan it out beforehoof.”

As the two diarchies continued to banter back and forth, Langue leaned over to Blueblood to ask harshly, “Is this a normal conversation between the princesses?

I would be lying if I said that this wasn’t a daily occurrence,” Blueblood whispered back.

“Anyway!” Celestia turned back to them, “We are glad that you’ll be spending the holiday with us. If anything, we have prepared a few gifts for you, Langue.”

Langue blinked, “You have presents for me?”

“You will receive them later,” Luna interjected. “And we do hope that you would appreciate what we have in store.”

“.... Should I be concerned?”

“Oh no,” Celestia shook her head, “We’ve put in a good deal of thought into it, and I’m sure you’ll love them. But for now, you should go meet Twilight, as well as Cadance and her husband. They’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

Je parie qu'ils le sont. (I bet they are.)” Langue muttered.

Nearby was the one pony that Langue was not looking forward to - Princess Cadance, along with her husband. They were over by the presents table, each putting an ear against a box to give it a shake.

“This one sounds blocky,” Shining raddled a reflective green box. He was in a black turtle-neck sweater, yet covered in glitter to resemble snow. On his withers was a stitched patch of a red nose reindeer with boxing gloves. “I’d bet this one is from Twilight. Maybe another book.”

Cadance was rattling a box close to her head. She had on a Saddle Clause cap on her head and a sweater that was an eyesore to look at. An orange sweater that had tiny tree ornaments dangling about, with the biggest one being a patch that was stitched awkwardly on her side that says “#1 Trophy Wife.” She hummed while analyzing the sound, “Either it’s an expensive perfume or a Mare Dinesty vase.”

Blueblood cleared his throat to get their attention, “Cousin, cousin-in-law, I’d like you to meet my consort - Langue.”

“How do you do?” Langue nodded and offered a hoof to shake.

Shining shook his hoof while his wife looked on, darkly.

“You’re Blueblood’s coltfriend, right?” Shining asked.

“Oui, I am.”

“You know, I think this is the first time we’ve ever seen you face to face. We’ve heard quite a bit about you over the past couple of months.”

“Oh… So you are up to date with uh…” Langue awkwardly coughed in his hoof. “Needless to say, things have unexpectedly changed.”

Blueblood nudged Cadance’s shoulder, “Aren’t you going to say something?”

Taking in a deep breath, Cadance held out her hoof and gave a “Hello.” The way she said it was frosty, cold as the snow outside. Langue cautiously took her hoof and placed a kiss on it. It was clear from Cadance that she didn’t want him here at all. He can see it in her eyes that had nothing but disdain for being anywhere near her.

An experience that Langue felt all too familiar with.

“So…” Blueblood said to break the silence, “how are things in the Crystal Empire?”

“Oh, same old, same old,” Shining answered. “We’ve been doing what we can to open up trade and tourism to other countries and it’s been a headache, but you know how that goes.”

“Understandable, I suppose. You know I was catching up with the Yakyakistanian ambassador the other day and…”

Soon the two princes talked about their antidotes to having to deal with other countries. Yet, Langue didn’t pay any attention as soon as they started talking. His main focus was on the princess who had turned around, trying to ignore his very existence. She went on to shake the boxes to listen to them for a couple of minutes. While Langue might have expected this from his family, he found it degrading to have the Princess of Love of all ponies give him the cold shoulder.

“Pourquoi me détestes-tu?”

“Huh?” Cadance finally looked over her shoulder.

“I asked, why do you hate me?” This got a raised eyebrow from the princess. “Last I’ve checked, this is the first time we’ve truly met, and yet you hold a grudge against me when I’ve done nothing towards you. You hold complete contempt against me over… what exactly?”

“Don’t you already know?”

“You’d find that I’m the world’s worst mind reader without my crystal ball. So it’s going to be tricky to use the non-existent psychic powers that I have.”

Cadance raised an eyebrow, “That sarcasm is so thick you could probably cut it with a knife.”

“I had to make my point across somehow. But if I had to make a guess - it has more to do with Blueblood, no?”

She didn’t say anything.

“To be honest, your cousin had surprised me.”


“Well… the thing you must know about me is that, yes, I am… was… a conpony. Where I would use my good looks and charms to seduce mares into giving me their titles - or their bank accounts, whichever came first. Yet, when I do it, I had to be sure that the ones that I was scamming deserved it.”

“Deserved it?”

“Tell me, have you ever met any mares that think of themselves as the center of the universe? They are so selfish and narcissistic that if they think you’re not worth their time they throw you away as though you are a piece of trash?”

“.... I can think of a few.”

“I may have scammed mares left and right, but I never go after those that were vulnerable, or just good in general.”

“I didn’t think a conponies have a conscious.”

“Even we have morals, believe it or not. When I moved to Equestria, I thought your cousin would be easy pickings. Recently came out as gay, falls in love easily, and is known for being a royal pain - surely, I thought, this would be the easiest job in the world. But as amazing as it would seem - Prince Heartless, has a heart after all.”

“So if you thought he shouldn’t be scammed, why didn’t you try to break up with him?”

“Oh, believe me, Princess, the thought did occur to me. Many times I tried to break it off gently, and many times I couldn’t bring myself to do it. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why. But I slowly came to realize the truth that I didn’t want to face for months - the prince has grown on me. I have grown an attraction to him. While I don’t consider myself gay - even still - I don’t have the heart to break up with him. He loves me, and… I love him back.”

Cadance frowned but didn’t say anything at first. Eventually, after a pause, she said, “I understood that.”

“So why are you upset with me?”

“Because you manipulated him. Speaking not as the Princess of Love, but as a family member - my husband had been manipulated before. He was controlled by Crysalis that foalnapped me, and nearly came this close to marrying him on our wedding day. While things did turn out well, it still was painful to go through. I don’t want anypony to go through what Shining and I had. Blueblood, when he came out, I was afraid that someone would manipulate his emotions into doing something he didn’t want to. So imagine what it was like when I found out that’s exactly what happened.”

“I don’t need to imagine. It may surprise you to learn that even someone like me has a conscious. It wasn’t that I was unaware of what I was doing - any manipulator would tell you that they know what they were doing - but where I take issue with you is the why I was doing it. In particular, even after it was clear to me that Blueblood didn’t deserve to be scammed.”

“You keep saying that over and over, so what was that turning point for you? And more importantly, why didn’t you tell the truth earlier?”

Langue frowned, “Allow me to answer that in reverse. Yes, I had lied to him, but the reason why I didn’t say anything until months later was that for once… he didn’t see me as… how you say… arm candy. Of course, he complimented on my looks - every mare I was in a relationship has but… he did something no other has. He wanted to get to know me, wanted to know what my interests, passions, hopes, dreams, and at times frustration were. For once he put me in the center of attention - I wasn’t prepared for that. I wasn’t prepared to be heard, nor being taken seriously, and yet… In hindsight, I lied because I didn’t want it to stop.”

For once, Cadance’s critical look soften, “And what was the moment that changed your mind?”

Looking over at his shoulder to where Blueblood was still in deep conversation with Shining, Langue answered, “Can I ask you two personal questions?” She told him to go ahead, “Have you ever been in a situation where someone was treating your husband unfairly - just because of who he is?”

“The only time that ever happened was back in High School - long before he had joined the Guard.”

“And have you ever encountered someone that was bluntly homophobic, and spouting their… unenlightenment to someone that wasn’t straight?”

Cadence was quiet for a minute, “Only once. When my husband and I had stepped up to run the Crystal Empire, I had the then captain of the guard - who I will not repeat his name - came into court with a complaint. He told me that he was concerned about recruiting homosexuals into the guard since not only would it weaken security, but he didn’t want…” Her expression soured, as though she had tasted something disgusting in her mouth as she repeated quietly, “didn’t want any stallion-stuffing fags to molest the guard.” She shook her head, “I was not happy when I heard that.”

“What did you do?”

“I fired him on the spot. He is banned from being able to join the guard, nor serve anywhere within the empire. Of course, he was shocked that I would dismiss him as Captian of the Guard, wondering what exactly he has done wrong. But after all that, there were a hoofful of privates that had come up to me, thanking me for taking their side.”

“Then you would know exactly how I felt when… When Blueblood faced something similar. One of the elites of Canterlot was being unbearably arrogant about his sexuality to his face. Seeing him be so degraded, so hurt, that I snapped back them saying that is not how one speaks to a prince.”

“.... You stood up for him?”

“Oui. And I have no regrets for doing so either.”

Cadence didn’t what to say, but it did leave her with little doubt of one thing - Langue, despite everything, had changed. And the key to doing so was that he had fallen in love with Blueblood. “I think I believe you.” She said, “Just… don’t hurt him. Whatever you do, don’t hurt him.”

“I’m not planning to.”

By then, Blueblood and Shining had wrapped up their conversation and the Prince wanted to introduce him to the last member of the family.

“What did you and Cadance talk about?” Blueblood asked him.

“Something productive. But I think we’ve worked things out.”

“That’s good to hear.” The Prince then guided him over towards a small table where neat piles of cloth, buttons, thread, needles, scissors, stuffing, and an open book were next to Twilight. Princess Twilight Sparkle. And next to her was a creature that Langue had never seen before - a baby dragon who was holding up an armful of dolls of nearly half a dozen ponies including the princesses. “Princess Twilight, do you have a moment?”

She held up a hoof, “One moment…” In her aura was a doll of Shining Armor where she looked between it and the open book. She check and double-checked before sticking a needle to sew a button for the doll’s eyes. It took a few moments to weave through between the cloth and the holes in the button before tightening it, tying a knot, and snipping the thread. “There we go.” Handing the doll over to the dragon she turned around.

“Princess Twilight, I’d like to introduce you to my consort, Langue.”

“You mean your coltfriend?” Twilight asked, “And you don’t have to call me Princess, Blueblood.” She reached out to shake Langue’s hoof. “I’m Princess Twilight, how do you do?”

Langue raised an eyebrow but accepted the hoofshake. “Forgive me for being so blunt, Princess, but you are not what I expended you to be.”

“Just Twilight and I understand since I haven’t been a princess for too long. And I don’t want any special treatment either, I’m a pony, just like you.”

Blinking, unsure how to reply to that, he looked over to the baby dragon, “And who is this?”

“I’m Spike, nice to meet ya,” he said, “I would shake your hoof, but my claws are full at the moment.”

“That reminds me,” Blueblood turned to Twilight, “What are you doing anyway?”

“A family tradition,” she replied, using her magic to compare samples of the white fabric against his coat, “Every year we would make Hearth’s Warming dolls to be put on the mantle. I’ve made everyone’s except for you two. But it shouldn’t take long. Let me make your doll first and then I’ll make your coltfriend’s.”

Coltfriend, as much as Langue had come to terms with that word, it was still strange to hear it from someone else.

While Twilight was cutting and stitching fabric together, Langue spoke up, “Forgive my ignorance, but I don’t think I know much about you.”

“To be fair, I don’t know too much about you either.”

“You mean you’ve never heard of me?”

“Outside of press headlines and letters from my brother and Celestia… not really.” She shrugged. “However, given all the things that have been happening to me and my friends, I haven’t had the time to pay attention to current events all that much.”

“I see. Well, would you tell me a little of who you are?”

“Certainly. I was Celestia’s magical protege growing up until I moved to Ponyville where she sent me there to learn about Friendship. There I met five of my best friends who we unintentionally became the Elements of Harmony (long story). After a while, Celestia deemed me to be ready to ascend from a unicorn into an alicorn, and thus, the Princess you see know. Later on, the Golden Oaks Library, my home, had gotten destroyed in a battle but now I’m currently living in a crystal castle in town.”

Langue blinked, “That’s… quite something.”

“Trust me, she’s scratching the surface.” Spike said, “Among other things like becoming national heroes after defeating Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and recently Starlight Glimmer. So yeah, she may be modest right now, but she and her friends are a pretty big deal.”

Humming, Langue remarked, “La pudeur ne fait jamais rage, ne murmure jamais, ne fait jamais la moue quand elle est maltraitée.”

Spike tilted his head, “Sorry, what was that?”

“He said, ‘Modesty never rages, never murmurs, never pouts when it is ill-treated,’” Twilight answeres, surprising Langue, “A quote by Rich Steel, not a well-known playwright but I’m impressed.”

Langue blinked, “Vous parlez prench? (You speak Prench?)”

“Honestly, I’m much better at reading Prench than I am speaking the language. I learned it when I was eleven where I could read and write it, and even know what somepony is saying when they speak it - but I can’t pronounce a lot of the words. Weird, I know, but unlike other languages, Prench hasn’t clicked with me fully.”

“But how did you know that was a quote from Rich Steel?”

“Twilight is the bookworm,” Blueblood explained, “she has the remarkable ability to remember every book she has ever read, and she has consumed entire libraries in her hunt for knowing everything.”

“Nevertheless, her intelligence is remarkable.”

“Aww, thank you for the compliment,” Twilight said, putting in the stuff of the newly created doll before sealing it up. “And here’s your Hearth’s Warming doll, Blueblood.” She held up the stitched creation that had a gleaming mane of yarn, bright blue button eyes, and even a cutie mark made up of small pieces of fabrics stitched on its flank. “What do you think?”

“C'est adorable. (It’s adorable.)” Langue cooed, taking the doll into his aura. “You have quite the talent, Princess. You’re able to capture the more lovable parts of Bluey.”

“May I see?” Blueblood took the doll himself to examine it. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever had something like this before. To have something in my image that is so… malleable. I’m almost tempted to possibly give my little me some clothes to put on.”

“I’m afraid I don’t do well at making miniature clothes,” Twilight said, “However, I have a friend that could do that. If you want, I could commission her to make a few. Though it is amusing that you want to dress your doll up.”

“Well, it isn’t every day that I get to have one of these.” Blueblood huffed before handing the doll over to Spike.

“Now I just need to do your coltfriend’s and I should be done.” Twilight levitated some cloth and a few balls of yarn to compare Langue’s coat and mane to find ones that closely matched his. Once she decided on which cloth to use, she immediately set to work.

A thought came to the prince, “I’ve been meaning to ask, don’t you spend time with your parents this time of year?”

“Shining and I have already gone over earlier today,” She said, beginning to cut shapes. “However, I will be spending the day tomorrow with them. There’s a lot to catch up on anyway.”

Langue raised an eyebrow, “You don’t get to spend time with your family much?”

“Outside of Spike, not really.”

“We usually see them once in a while,” Spike informed. “Usually things like birthdays, holidays, and stuff like that. However, not as much as a couple of years ago. But you know how it is, right? You get involved with a bunch of stuff so you had little time to visit.”

“You make it sound as though you are on good terms with them.” Langue pointed out.

“Well, we are,” Spike raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t yours?”

Langue frowned, “My family… My family and I haven’t been civil per-se. Back when I lived in Prance when we meet up there was always the sense that they would rather have me arrested than be anywhere near them. Though to be fair, I was a conpony of sorts so… I suppose it evens out.”

This got Twilight’s attention, “Was? You mean you reformed?”

“In a sense. You can thank Bluey here for changing my life - literally. It was an incident where a scam of mine had backfired in such… unexpected ways.”

For a moment, Twilight didn’t say anything to this as she concentrated on stitching the pieces together. But a thought did come to her, “Langue, do you mind if I asked you a personal question?”

“Not at all.”

“I know it’s not my place to ask this, but have you told your family that you’ve changed?”

“.... I haven’t even spoken to them for over a year, Princess. I doubt they would ever want or care to know that I’ve turned over a new leaf.”

“But even so, maybe one of these days you should at least reach out to them. Even if they don’t want anything to do with you, at least you can say to yourself that you’ve made the effort.” Twilight went silent as she finished stuffing the doll and sewing it up. “And here’s yours. Do you like it?”

This time Blueblood took the doll in his aura, “What a handsome creation, do you think we can keep these?”

“After tonight, you can.” Twilight then began to clean up, closing the book and putting the cloth, yarn, and threads away. “For now, I can see there’s a sugar cookie with my name on it. So why not you two enjoy yourselves? We’ll be putting these dolls on the mantel in the castle library later tonight before going to bed.”

Before Blueblood handed the doll over to Spike, he placed a kiss on its tiny muzzle.

Now having met everyone in the Royal Family, Langue could now spend much-needed quality time with his coltfriend.