“Do you ever feel homesick?”
Langue turned to Blueblood “Pardon?”
“I mean, have you ever missed being in your country?”
The question was almost enough to make him laugh - not because Blueblood had asked that, but the circumstances of where he did. While the snow was creeping into the city where it would dust a good helping over Canterlot, Blueblood had booked them for their latest date. A place on Restaurant Row. It was known as Petit Versailles - Little Versailles, a Prench restaurant that is rumored to have a waiting list that was so long, ponies would have to book at least a year in advance just to get in. Langue privately joked that there is one great perk in having a Prince of Equestria to be your coltfriend - you can get in anything. No matter how restrictive, exclusive, or difficult - Blueblood somehow always finds a way in. Even when the place they want to go in seems so packed full - there’s always a table for them.
The same goes for the restaurant they’re in. Being a hot spot for Canterlot’s elite, it is little wonder why it’s next to impossible to get into. Yet, as soon as they walked past the door and the maitre’d spotted the prince, they were immediately led right in - no questions asked. They were guided through a few rooms that reminded Langue of the salons in Paris. High ceilings capped with a chandelier, there was gold molding on each corner of the rooms, walls covered in antique paintings of the old Prench aristocracy, and tables neatly arranged complete with fine china. Langue thought that the lit candles at each table were a nice touch as they gave the atmosphere an old fashion sort of feel.
Within moments it seemed, they were seated by a table where they were given their menus while the candles were lit. Langue flipped open the menu with a critical eye, making sure that this isn’t some poorly imitation of what he knows. Yet, looking through he had to admit, whoever owns the restaurant has certainly done their research or probably was from the country. From the appetizers to the selection of wines, it was all direct from Prance - even down to the cheeses. So after they chose their choice of wine, Langue ordered a plate of Gratin Dauphinois (which he had to explain to Blueblood that is a scallop potatoes in cream, and gruyère cheese), while the prince a marmitako.
It was at this point that the prince had asked him that question.
After a small sip of a glass of red wine, Langue replied, “I suppose there are a few things that I miss. The countryside that once had inspired van Gogh, Paris, and even some of the food that you can’t get in Equestria. But outside of that…? I think I’m going to miss springtime over there.”
“Why spring?”
“Oh, where do I start? Especially in Paris. There is a place where there is an entire boulevard that has these hundred-year-old cherry trees that… I think they were a gift from Neighpon that when they’re in bloom, it is the loveliest place in the world. You could see couples walking underneath the trees whispering sweet nothings. And the first pickings of the spring harvest are to die for. Even onions are sweet as candy. And on a day after the rain falls, even the air is rejuvenating than mountain air.”
“So I take it you miss it?”
Langue chuckled, “There will be times where I will miss my country, but I’m not unaware of the great things that Equestria has.”
“Such as?”
“Well, you’re in it.”
Blueblood couldn’t help but smile, a hoof to suppress a giggle. “Can’t argue with that.”
“Though, Hearth’s Warming is going to be an odd one for me. Considering who is expected to come.”
“Still afraid of Cadance?”
He nodded, “Last you’ve heard, is she still upset?”
“She wrote that she has calmed down a good deal but told me that I should still be careful around you.”
“In other words, she still doesn’t trust me.”
“She just needs time. Everyone else is looking forward to meeting you.”
“And I have no idea what to give any of them… What do you give when your aunts have everything?”
“Easy - a cheesecake for Celestia and a brand new highly rated video game for Luna.”
“Princess Luna is a gamer?” Langue blinked, “Well that I didn’t know.”
“It took her a while to figure out how the controllers and such worked, but once she learned how she was hooked. In her downtime, you can hear her using the Canterlot Voice on a poor player that just happened to be near her.”
At this point, a waiter came up to deliver their meals.
While they began to eat, Blueblood suddenly paused, leaning over to the side. He spotted something, and, turning his head, Langue saw why. Over across the room, a waiter was showing Fancy Pants, Fleur, and Rarity to a table. As soon as he saw Rarity, Blueblood did his best to hid his face behind a napkin.
“What?” Langue asked.
“She’s here.”
“Do you see the unicorn mare behind you, the one with the wavy purple mane and the sparkly black dress?”
Langue looked over his shoulder again to see all three ponies have sat down. “What about her?”
“That is Rarity, and… let’s just say that when we first met, I got a good earful from Auntie Celestia from the biggest mistake in my entire life.”
He nervously glanced over at the other table. “In my defense… I had no idea she was a national hero. Much less did I know she wanted to date me and well… Let’s say that at the end she got mad when I used her as a shield from a flying cake.”
Langue raised an eyebrow, “To be fair, that was uncivil of you.”
“You don’t have to tell me, Auntie Celestia was so upset that I came this close to being banished. Since then I made the effort to try to avoid her at every turn.” He glanced over asking, “What is she doing here?”
“By the looks of it… I’d say that she may know my Ex.”
Blueblood blinked, “Come again?”
“Remember a few months ago when Fleur took me aside?” He nodded, “To put a very long and complicated short - once upon a time in Prance, she was my marefriend, I broke up with her in the worst way I knew how she moved here and she’s now in a relationship. And you wouldn’t believe in a million years who she is in a relationship with.”
The prince looked between him and the trio of ponies that were happily chatting away at the table. “Fleur is… I thought she’s dating Fancy.”
“Believe me, moi Prince, the irony has not been lost on me.”
“Wait, what’s going on?”
Both stallions turned to see Rarity had stepped aside to knell to Fleur. Although they couldn’t hear it, they knew the moment that Rarity had pulled out a ring did they realized what was happening. Fleur, completely surprised, her hoof covered her mouth and her eyes wide as her marefriend had popped the question. And it didn’t take a detective to know what she answered with, because Rarity hugged her as some of the tables applauded.
Stunned, Blueblood turned to his coltfriend, “Now that’s just icing on the irony cake.”
“Parle-moi de ça. (Tell me about it.)” Langue muttered. “I inclined that they were close but I didn’t realize it was this close.”
Even when the restaurant had calmed down, the two stallions sat in silence for a while. Both were unsure what to do next. They couldn’t exactly leave since their meals should be coming out any minute now and they didn’t want this date to go to waste. But then again, this was an enormously awkward situation, that they were in the same room where their exes have just gotten engaged.
Then when their food did arrive, things got even more awkward when Fleur spotted Langue. She excused herself from the table and went towards theirs. “Your Majesté, Langue, I didn’t realize you would be here tonight.”
Taking in a deep breath, Langue turned around in his seat, “Bonjour Fleur… you look well. How is everything?”
“Things are going splendidly, and I don’t know if you saw, but I was given an unexpected surprise.”
“We saw,” Blueblood nodded, “I suppose a congratulation is in order.”
“Thank you kindly, Prince Blueblood. I just knew that it was only a matter of time for us to get engaged, though I didn’t realize that my Rarity would make the first move. Oui, this is the happiest night of my life so far.”
“Still,” Langue held up his glass to toast her, “here’s to hoping that your upcoming marriage would work out between you two.” He downed his drink.
“That reminds me,” Fleur asked with a smirk. “How are things between you and your coltfriend.”
After a gulp, Langue narrowed his eyes. “I know what you are trying to do.”
“You’re going to rub it in my face how you were oh-so-right before chastising me for me being a stubborn idiot for not seeing it.”
“I never implied anything of the sort. And please, don’t project your insecurities onto other ponies, it’s not polite.”
“I’m not insecu-”
“Ne racontez pas ces bêtises par moi. (Don’t run that nonsense by me.)” Fleur interrupted, switching to her native tongue. “Je ne sais pas si tu l'as remarqué, mais personne dans tout Equestria n'a de problème à ce que tu sortes avec un étalon. À ce stade, votre relation avec le prince est comme un secret de polichinelle - personne n'en parle parce que tout le monde le sait. N'importe quel poney avec un cerveau peut voir que vous êtes si loin dans le placard que vous avez trouvé vos cadeaux Hearth's Warming. Je vous suggère de faire ce que j'ai fait il y a des années : admettez simplement que c'est à part de vous que ça ne s'en va pas et qu'il n'y a pas de honte à être comme ça. Pour le dire franchement, ça va, tu peux sortir maintenant. Si vous voulez avoir une relation avec un étalon, allez-y ! Ce n'est pas Blueblood ici, ou Equestria, ou même une bonne partie de l'élite qui a un problème à ce que vous ayez un côté gay - c'est vous. (I don’t know if you noticed, but no one in all of Equestria has a problem with you dating a stallion. At this point, your relationship with the prince is like an open secret - no one talks about it because everyone knows about it. Anypony with a brain can see that you are so far in the closet you’ve found your Hearth’s Warming presents. I suggest that you do what I have done years ago: just admit to yourself that this is apart of you that isn’t going away and there’s no shame in being this way. To put it bluntly, it’s alright, you can come out now. If you want to have a relationship with a stallion - go for it! It’s not Blueblood, or Equestria, or a good chunk of the elite that has a problem with you having a gay side - it’s you.)”
There was a long, awkward pause between them. It was only until Blueblood spoke up to break the silence. “So… what did she say?”
“All I said,” Fleur answered, “Is that for your sake and his, he should grown-up. Adieu, Your Majesté, Langue.” With that, Fleur returned to her table, to her fiance.
Needless to say, dinner was an awkward one. Especially when Blueblood could clearly see that whatever Fleur said to Langue, it had made a profound effect on him. It made him distant, like a part of him has gone off somewhere on an epic journey while leaving the rest with him. From the restaurant table to his consort’s home, Langue barely spoke, hardly seemed to engage with the prince.
So when they entered Langue’s bedroom, Blueblood nuzzled his neck. “A treasury for your thoughts, Langy?”
At least this did get a laugh from his consort. “Isn’t the expression supposed to be a penny for your thoughts?”
“It is, but given how distant you were, I’m willing to pay that much to know what’s going through your head.”
“My, whoever knew my thoughts were worth that much.” Langue chuckled. “It’s almost comic that out of everyone in the world who would be an expert of your flaws and the most vocal would be your Ex.”
“Why? What did she say?”
“In a nutshell? She basically said that of all the problems I got, is that it doesn’t make sense anymore to keep what we have a secret. That I should just face the reality that I… enjoy being around you.”
Blueblood kissed the base of his neck. “All I want is for you to get comfortable with the idea of loving me openly.”
“It’s still a mental obstacle that one of these days I should learn to get over it. To get used to not just the idea of holding your hoof or kissing you for all the world to see - but doing it. I want to get to the point where I could look in a mirror and say to myself the most uncomfortable truth and believe it.”
“Which is?”
“Je suis attiré par les étalons et j'adore Prince Blu-”
“Equestrian, Langy.” He said, kissing his neck.
Gulping with eyes turned away, he said quietly. “I am… attracted to… stallions and I love…”
This got Blueblood’s full attention when he heard his consort trail off. “What was that?”
Langue looked as if he was caught - not telling another lie, but a well-hidden truth that wasn’t meant to be shown. Only this time, he can’t hide it. The prince had heard it. “You… You already know.”
“Langy, I want to hear it.” He put the tip of his hoof on his nose. “Out loud, from these lips.”
Pawing at the carpet, Langue’s ears folded back. “Is… Is this what it was like for you?”
“.... Coming out.”
“Uh? What do you… oh…” Blueblood blinked. “I think I see where you’re going with this.” Guiding him towards a couch, he bid his consort to sit down next to him. His hoof stroking his. “Before you say anything, I just want you to know that… I get it. It’s the hardest thing in the world to do - admit to the world and yourself what is the most difficult thing to put into words. As such, I promise that I will not be upset, I will not criticize you unfairly, and I will not think any different than before. So,” he gestured a hoof, “take your time. The floor is all yours.”
He felt pale as if all the blood within him was draining away. Though he knew that there was absolutely no reason why he feels a certain sense of doom, the fact was that he did. Somehow, admitting to Blueblood that he had lied was easier compared to this. But there was no way of getting around it. No sugar coating. No white lies. No changing the subject. Just the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Only what he has to say, Langue felt, could change everything for the absolute best or absolute worst.
“Votre Majesté,” Langue gulped. “I… I think I… I’m…”
Blueblood rubbed a hoof along his back. “It’s alright… you’re alright…”
He couldn’t look at Blueblood. “I think I’m… bisexual.”
The prince nodded.
“And I… I think I…” He felt himself trembling. Why was he trembling? There shouldn’t be anything to make him this scared. His hooves feel cold. And he felt something in his throat that clogged up his words. He took in several deep breaths. His heart was pounding in his chest, like someone desperate enough to escape from a collapsing building. Was he having a panic attack? Even his breath trembled from the sense of doom. “I…” He closed his eyes and put his hooves over his face. A large part of him really doesn’t want to say it. Not when the Prince can see him in such a pathetic state.
Blueblood didn’t say anything but continued to rub his back.
“Prince… moi prince… I think I… Is it wrong to say that I think I have… I might actually… I… think I… love… you…”
It was clumsy. Embarrassing. Nearly on the verge of tears. And so vulnerable like a naked newborn pushed out into the world.
But he did it.
He said it.
Without any manipulation, charm, or prose, he spoke the truth.
It felt like confessing to a murder.
When Langue’s mouth escaped a sob, Blueblood embraced him tightly. As much as he wanted to be overjoyed that his hopes and dreams of having a stallion as handsome as Langue say those words, he knew what Langue was feeling right now. Because in a way, he knew what it was like to be in that position. What anyone in such a state would need.
He didn’t say anything, didn’t move try to move him, or change the subject. Blueblood just held his crying consort in his arms to allow him to let his shame out. To let all that repressed feelings pour from his face, and soak his shoulder. Right now, the very last thing Langue should be was alone.
Blueblood wondered if this was what must have been like for Celestia when he came out to her. Knowing that someone you care about is drowning in utter shame that you can’t reach out to them. And yet, even with not saying a word, just the presence of that loved one while going through such a difficult time made all the difference in the world for Blueblood - he hoped it would be the same for Langue as well.
So he waited until Langue could be at the point where his stormy emotions settled down. When every drop that came from his eyes had their say. Only when he was sure that Langue was ready to listen did he speak.
“You are braver than you think,” Blueblood kissed his forehead. “You don’t have to hide anymore. I can see you now, and you’re still the most precious thing in the world. I love you, Langy. Never let anyone, including yourself, for shaming who you love.”
“Blueblood?” Langue, with straying tears in his eyes, planted a kiss on his lips. A deep one where he found comfort in the prince’s soul. “S'il te plaît… (Please…) don’t leave me alone tonight."
“I’m not planning to.” Blueblood kissed back.
In a ballet without music, the stallions began to dance the lover’s waltz. Without so much as rehearsed, they began a dance known to those deep in a passion that is old as desire itself. Lips close together, tounges tangoed from one maw to the other and back. Finding solace in the other stallion, they nearly tumbled across the floor of the bedroom. Each one wanting to get closer to the other, caught in the ebb and flow of desire that was new. They wanted to feel one another, even under the other’s clothes that were undone and left forgotten on the floor. And when they tripped over by the bed with a yelp where they snapped out of it.
Being on top of Langue did Blueblood realized the effect he was having on his consort, looking down, he blushed. “O-Oh! Wow uh…” For a moment of uncertainty, he asked, “Langy, do you really want-”
A sudden kiss answered that question.
All Langue could think as Blueblood too succumbed:
Je suis libre aujourd'hui; libre demain ; et libre pour toujours.
I am free today; free tomorrow, and free forevermore.
In all, Blueblood never foresaw any of this - not that he was complaining. If he was told that after an awkward dinner date he would not only have his consort finally say he loves him back but would at long last lose his virginity to him - he would have suspected Luna was involved. But no, the pervy night princess never once showed up.
He lost complete track of time as well by the time he came down from their glorious afterglow. Langue was in his arms recovering from his ecstasy while being sure that the sheets and blankets were completely ruined.
“Are you… alright?” Blueblood asked him.
“I will be just…” Langue let out a deep groan. “Goddess, I had no idea you had it in you.”
“But really, are you sure you’re alright? I didn’t hurt you at all did I?”
“I may have to take it easy for a while but otherwise… I wish I’d done this ages ago.”
“And we made a mess.”
“So I noticed.” Langue chuckled, “I’m gonna have quite the earful from Maximilian in the morning for making such a mess - but I can safely say that it was worth it.”
Blueblood kissed him. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“Well let me rest my flank, that should be plenty.” Langue kissed him back. “Though I have to ask, is this a one-time thing, or are we going to do this often?”
“Tempting, but I prefer it if it was earned. Like a special occasion sort of thing.” Then a thought came to him. “Speaking of which, there is something I wanted to ask you about.”
“Well, before I say anything, I’m not asking this because we should right away, but I want to know your overall thoughts on the subject.”
“That being?”
“.... Marriage.”
Langue sat up a little. “Is this over what happened earlier with our exes?”
“Inspired by, but I want to know from you.”
Humming in thought, his consort replied, “In general?” The prince nodded. “For years I always thought that with so many mares after me, I didn’t see any need for a commitment like that. I’ve often seen it as a gamble.”
“In my experience in Prance, marriage is a gamble. Everypony goes in hoping that it would last a lifetime but we know that sometimes they blow up before two years is up. As such, one has to make absolute certainty that the pony they’re getting engaged to won’t come to regret living with them. For me, I didn’t think I would get married because I never found a mare that made me say ‘Oui! That is the mare that I want to be my wife.’”
“Gee, I wonder why.” Blueblood chucked. “Speaking as someone who almost got married once, marriage was seen as a political tool from my parents. A way to get one step closer to the throne. However, having come out as gay, I want to be that if I do ever want to get married, I want to do so with the stallion that I trust the most. Where after some years of getting to know both my attractive and challenging sides would he willingly call me his husband.” He touched the tip of his beloved’s nose. “While I can see you as such, I’m not entirely ready for that yet.”
“Neither am I.” Langue nodded. “Someday, whenever that is, I want to marry you knowing that regardless of what happens, you’ll still be the stallion that I could be vulnerable with. But at the moment, I don’t think I’m ready for something like that just yet.”
“To be fair, even if you were, it would still take plenty of time to iron out the details. At least several months. Paperwork to be filled out, settling on living arrangements, new servants to hire, I can go on but even without the wedding, there would still be plenty to consider and carry out if we were to become married. It took my aunty months just to get Shining Armor ready for that transition before he could marry Cadance.”
“Even so, that bids the question: what do we do until then?”
It was a good question. Blueblood and Langue were silent as they pondered over that. After several minutes, the prince turned his attention to the room itself where a thought popped in his head. “I don’t think I’ve asked you this,” he said, “but do you ever get homesick?”
“Prance I mean. Do you ever miss it?”
“.... That’s strange, I could have sworn you asked me that before.”
“Have I?”
“I think… Oui, you did back at the restaurant.”
“Oh… well, if given the chance to go back, would you?”
Langue laid his head on the pillow. “What is there to say… it’s my home country. I left because my reputation over there was constricting my options. It’s partly the reason why I immigrated to Equestria in the first place. The only direct connection I have is through my butler, and that is because he only speaks Prench. Even so, I know I am speaking as someone who was born there.” He caressed a hoof along Blueblood’s face. “While I will miss many things about my country, as long as you are here, I’m home.”
“Oooh, Langy,” Blueblood kissed his consort.
“You were out late last night,” Celestia pointed out.
It was hard to hide that fact since Blueblood came back to the castle. He was noticeably tired with bags under his eyes as though he had stayed up long past the night with little sleep. Yet, even as Celestia noticed, her nephew wasn’t miserable. By the time they had their brunch in the sunroom, he seemed content but happier than usual.
“I didn’t mean to keep anypony waiting,” he replied, sipping on his cup of tea that had some extra sugar. Hoping that it would keep him alert for a bit. “But recently, things have gotten significantly better between Langy and me.”
“What happened?”
He smiled, “Well… let’s say that Langy finally came around to say that he’s in love with me.”
“Oh Bluey, that’s wonderful news.” Celestia smiled. “Offical consort and official coltfriend, Blueblood, I’m so proud of you. Tell me, is he going to be here for Hearth’s Warming?”
“I want to bring him… I’m just considered with Cadance.”
Celestia waved a hoof, “Oh don’t you mind her. She just needs some time to calm down, I’d bet that by the time Hearth’s Warming comes around, she would be practically welcoming Langue into the family.”
“But Auntie, we’re not getting married yet.”
“I know, but you understand the sentiment.” She put her cup to her lips and asked before taking a drink from it. “So tell me, what did you and your coltfriend do last night?”
“Last night? Well we went to have a nice dinner at the Petit Versailles, after that we went to his home where we-”
Before Blueblood could finish, Princess Luna thrush the double doors with a bang and declared. “Langue is a bottom! You owe me a thousand bits sister!”
Celestia spat out her tea.
Bwah ha ha!
Oh, lord, Luna's a Voyeur! Of COURSE they had a bet about it...
Thanks for the scene, it was just the right mix of tender, romantic, and hot, but that made me choke on my own spit.
Just got to find a way to stand back up...
Thanks for this wonderful story!
Your welcome! And we're not even done with this.
An amazing way to end an amazing chapter.
Omg this has to be the best chapter. The progress on their relationship, and langue finally saying the L word to blueblodd. Ah yes this is why I love story like this.
Of course the best line the in the story. I can't wait for the next chapter
This chapter made me laugh, cry, and do a spit take near the end. I haven’t waited on the edge if my seat for chapters to a story in a long time. Bravo, and I can’t wait for more