It’s been three months. Three months since Langue had begun to court Blueblood. He should have broken this off at least a month ago. He should have started the whole cycle again; preferably with a more wealthy or powerful mare. But no, it still had not happened.
Summer was waning, and autumn was just around the corner. The daylight was getting shorter, hot days were becoming less frequent, and above all, all the trees and bushes had begun to lose their green. And by mid-August, Canterlot was gossiping behind closed doors about the Prince’s new relationship.
Even Langue wasn’t completely unaware of what the rumors were saying about him and the prince. It’s almost an open secret at this point - of how often they have been seen together, cuddled up from time to time, and speculations of what they might have done behind closed doors. Even getting his new title of Baron has raised a few eyebrows among the elite. Yet, as much as Langue wants to break up this relationship, it didn’t help much that the more influential of Canterlot could practically hear wedding bells.
As much as he wanted out, he still hadn't figured out how to break it to the prince.
“Remind me what this is about?” Langue asked.
Blueblood turned to him, “It’s to organize for the upcoming Autumn festival in the city. And Fancy Pants is the key pony that I need to delegate for the upcoming activities. Including plucking the leaves off the trees and such.”
Langue didn’t reply, his attention was towards the window of the palanquin they were riding in. Outside, the sky had turned gray and rain was coming down hard. Not quite a full-out storm, but the weather team was scheduled to give the plants in the city a good soak by the end of summer. In a way, it did reflect his current mood of melancholy.
“Are you feeling alright?” Blueblood asked.
“Quel? (What?)”
“I asked because you seem rather gray recently. Has something happened?”
“No no, everything is fine just…” he sighed, “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just I’m in a certain mood that comes and goes. I will be fine, but it will take a while.”
“Oh, I see.” Blueblood nodded, “Well, if there is anything you need me to do to make you feel better. All you have to do is ask.”
Langue inhaled, “I will… keep that in mind.”
Not too long after, they were pulled up in front of Fancy Pants’ residence. Much like the other mansions on the street, the building had six tall windows that faced the street with a white door facing the front. A two-story, royal blue-painted brick home that had window seals, steps, and roof tiles made of white marble clearly shows the level of influence this pony had on the city.
The two stallions waited for the guards outside when they placed the palanquin down and one to open the door while the other unfolded a large enough umbrella for them to step out from. Blueblood got out first before Langue who followed him up to the front door to ring the bell. A moment later, it was answered by the pony the prince was set out to meet. He was a stallion that, as far as Langue was aware, was at least a decade or two older than they were. The unicorn was in some ways typical of the Canterlot elite - a pale unicorn with a precise mane style, monocle, and a tuxedo complete with a blue vest and purple bow tie.
“Prince Blueblood,” Fancy bowed, “and Baron Langue, welcome gentlecolts.”
Unlike most of Canterlot’s tight circle of its elites, even Langue thought that he was the better type to associate with as from the few times he met, he wasn’t a self-centered narcissist.
“Please do come in,” Fancy stepped aside, “I’ve had the liberty to brew some tea to warm us up.”
While Blueblood thanked him, exchanging the usual pleasantries that the prince offers to every other pony that he does business with, the two entered inside the foyer of the mansion. Langue took a moment to glance at the interior, the decorations, and the furniture. Not because he was interested in any means, but because he had heard the dialogue from Blueblood before. He already heard all the “How do you do...” and “I heard that you...” and “That a lovely bla bla bla.” Even though he had spent a few months around the prince, he had a good idea of how these sort of meetings went.
Langue had expected that was how this particular meeting was going to go. Just another day at a rich pony’s home to delegate for something or other. Least of all, he didn’t expect to see anyone he knew.
From the staircase, a unicorn mare trotted down. “Monsieur Pants, has the prince arrived ye…” She trailed off when she saw Langue, and Langue’s eyes went wide when he saw her.
The mare had a body that was lean, model-worthy to be on a cover of a magazine. She had a flowing pink mane, and on her flank, her cutie mark showed three of her namesake - three fleur de lis.
Langue gulped.
“Why yes,” Fancy looked up at her. “The prince has just arrived and…” He trailed off as he saw that she was looking at Langue and he at her. “I say… do you two know each other?”
“We should...” Fleur frowned as she walked down to the bottom of the stairs.
Blueblood turned to Langue who looked quite uncomfortable. “Are you alright?”
“I uh…” His eyes darted, “Do you mind if I use your restroo-”
“Before you do,” Fleur walked up to him, “may I have a word with you?”
“Fleur,” Fancy asked, “Is everything alright?”
“Oui, but right now, I have some urgent business that I must take care of.” She waved a hoof, “You and the prince can start your meeting, I just want to have a word with this one in a separate room.”
“What sort of business?” Blueblood asked.
“Urgent.” She replied, dragging Langue off by the collar.
Fleur took Langue off to the other end of the mansion, in particular, to the music room where there were the only things there was a grand piano and a few chairs. She closed the door behind her and locked it. Then going up to Langue, she spoke to him in their native language.
“Je suis sur le point de perdre mon sang-froid. (I’m about to lose my temper.)” She warned him in a low voice.
Langue knew this was coming. He took a deep breath. “Je vois. Quand? (I see. When?)
“A l'heure actuelle. (Right now.)
“Je vois, mais quan- (I see, but whe-)” Fleur slapped him across the face. Hard. Hard enough for him to fall to the floor.
Looking up, Fleur stood over him with a fire in her eyes that she was just holding back - but just barely.
“C'était pour m'avoir fantôme il y a toutes ces années. (That was for ghosting me all those years ago.)” She said with an icy tone. “Les mots ne peuvent exprimer à quel point je suis furieux contre toi. (Words cannot express how infuriated I am with you.)” She narrowed her eyes. “Tu as couché avec moi pendant un mois entier et puis tu as disparu sur moi! (You slept with me for a whole month and then you vanished on me!)
“S'il vous plait, je peux vous expliquer. (Please, I can explain.)” Langue rubbed his stinging cheek.
Fleur pointed an accusing hoof at him. “Une énorme quantité de mon compte bancaire a disparu, et vous avec sans laisser de note! Tu m'as dit que tu m'aimais, et pourtant tu m'as quitté de la pire des manières? Quel genre de monstre sans cœur es-tu!? (A huge amount of my bank account disappeared, and you along with it without leaving a note! You said you loved me, and yet you left me in the worst possible way? What kind of a heartless monster are you!?)”
“Fleur, si tu veux juste- (Fleur, if you just-)” Langue was suddenly picked up by Fleur’s magic to face her.
“J'en ai assez de tes excuses! (I had enough of your excuses!)” She hissed. “Tu m'as brisé le cœur, et maintenant vous avez l'audace de montrer votre visage ici? Tu m'as laissé seul, confus et en colère sans que tu me donnes une raison pour laquelle tu t'es soudainement levé et tu t'es enfui. Je devrais te castrer ici et maintenant, fils d'a- (You broke my heart, and now you had the audacity to show your face here? You left me alone, confused and angry without you giving a reason why you suddenly up and ran. I should castrate right here and now you son of a-)”
“Vous avez raison. (You’re right.)” Langue said, his ears folded flat against his head. Nodding.
Fleur blinked. And blinked again. “Excuse-moi? (Excuse me?)”
“Je veux dire que tu as le droit d'être en colère. Il n'y a aucune excuse pour ce que j'ai fait. (I mean you have every right to be angry. There’s no excuse for what I did.)” He sighed, “Je suppose que vous voulez la vérité sur pourquoi j'ai fait ce que j'ai fait? (I suppose you want the truth for why I did what I did?)” She nodded. “Je t'ai dupé, purement et simplement; et j'en suis vraiment désolé. Ce n'était pas non plus parce que tu avais beaucoup d'argent, mais parce qu'à l'époque, je pensais que tu le méritais. (I conned you, plain and simple; and I am truly sorry for that. And it wasn’t because you had a lot of money either, but because at the time, I thought you deserved it.)”
Fleur raised an eyebrow.
“Écoute, tu étais vaniteux et égocentrique sur ton apparence. J'ai donc profité de cet égoïsme par la flatterie et la séduction. (Look, you were vain and self-centered on your looks. So I took advantage of that selfishness by flattery and seduction.)”
“.... Est-ce une excuse? (Is this an apology?)” Fluer questioned and Langue nodded. “Mais venant de toi? Aux dernières nouvelles, tu as fait exactement la même chose à d'autres juments sans t'inquiéter, et maintenant tu dis que tu as... des remords? (But coming from you? Last I’ve heard, you did the exact same thing to other mares without a care, and now you say you’re… remorseful?)”
“Je sais à quoi ça ressemble, mais je jure que je dis la vérité. (I know what it sounds like, but I swear I’m telling the truth.)” Langue lit up his horn so he could be back on his four hooves. “Soyez en colère contre moi tout ce que vous voulez. Sachez au moins que ce que je vous ai fait était injuste et que cela ne devrait pas se terminer sans une raison pour laquelle j'ai fait ce que j'ai fait. (Be mad at me all you want. At least know that what I have done to you was unfair and it shouldn’t have end without a reason why I did what I did.)
“Fleur de Lis… Je suis désolé. (I’m sorry.)”
Fleur blinked, “Êtes-vous sûr d'être Langue d'Argent? Parce que l'étalon que je connaissais ne serait jamais aussi désolé. (Are you sure you’re Langue d’Argent? Because the stallion I knew would never be this apologetic.)”
“Que puis-je dire? Certains événements m'ont fait changer. Tout comme vous, je vois. (What can I say? Certain events have made me change. Much like yourself, I see.)”
She huffed, “Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici de toute façon? (What are you doing here anyway?)”
Langue laughed, “Toi en premier. (You first.)”
Fleur frowned, sat on her hunches, and folded her forelegs. “J'ai immigré ici parce que je veux mettre ce que vous avez fait derrière moi. J'ai fait partie de la Garde Royale pendant un certain temps, mais dernièrement, j'ai trouvé de meilleures conditions en tant que garde du corps. (I immigrated here because I want to put what you did behind me. I was in the Royal Guard for a time, but lately, I found better conditions as a bodyguard.)”
“Garde du corps. Maintenant c'est un nouveau! (Bodyguard! Now that’s a new one!)” Langue chuckled, but looking up at Fleur who was giving him a death glare, he stopped. “Quelle? Vous n'êtes pas sérieux, n'est-ce pas? (What? You’re not serious, are you?)”
“Que puis-je dire? Après que tu aies rompu avec moi, j'avais sorti ma colère en quelque chose de plus… (What can I say? After you broke up with me, I had taken out my anger in something more…)” She almost threw a punch, stopping her hoof mere inches away from his face. Langue, wide-eyed winced back. “Constructif. (Constructive.)”
“D'accord, vous avez fait valoir votre point de vue. (Alright, you’ve made your point.)” He gently pushed Fleur’s hoof away. He added, “L'espace d'un instant, j'ai cru que tu étais devenu autre chose. (For a moment there, I thought you had become something else.)”
“Qu'est-ce que cela signifie? (What does that mean?)” She asked, her eyebrow raised.
“ Eh bien, je ne voulais pas supposer mais pendant un instant, j'ai pensé que tu étais la copine de Fancy Pants ou quelque chose comme ça. (Well, I didn’t want to assume but for a moment, I thought you were Fancy Pants’ marefriend or something.)”
Fleur rolled her eyes. “Oh, ne sois pas si grossier. Ce n'est pas parce que je suis son garde du corps que j'ai des relations avec lui. En plus, j'ai déjà quelqu'un de spécial qui est un million de fois meilleur que vous ne l'avez jamais été! (Oh don’t be so crass. Just because I’m his bodyguard doesn’t mean that I have relations with him. Besides, I already have a special someone that is a million times better than you ever were!)”
“Avec ou sans être payé? (With or without being paid?)” Langue deadpanned.
“Oh ha-ha, très drôle. (Oh ha-ha, very funny.)” Fleur said sarcastically. “Contrairement à elle, elle est loin d'être aussi inconsidérée. (Unlike her, she isn’t this thoughtlessly blunt.)”
This caught Langue completely off guard, “Désolé mais... quoi? (Sorry but… what?)”
“Ne savez-vous pas? J'ai une copine. (Don’t you know? I have a marefriend.)”
“Euh... Eh bien, c'est- (Huh… Well this is-)”
“Ironique? (Ironic?)” She interrupted. “Oui je suis d'accord avec toi. Deux ex se retrouvent, et cette fois ils sont en couple avec le même sexe. Je suis très conscient. (Yes, I agree with you. Two exes meet up again and this time they’re in a relationship with the same sex. I am aware.)”
“Depuis combien de temps cela dure-t-il maintenant? (Now how long has this been going on?)” Langue asked.
For once, Fleur showed a look of pride. “Permettez-moi simplement de dire que cela n'a pas duré un mois comme le nôtre, mais il a duré au moins quatorze fois ce montant. (Let me just say that it didn’t last a month like ours, but it has outlasted at least fourteen times that amount.)” She paused, looking at her ex. “Maintenant que j'y pense... votre relation ne vous ressemble pas. Peu importe que vous fréquentiez Blueblood, mais que vous n'ayez pas encore rompu. (Now that I think of it… your relationship is uncharacteristic of you. Never mind that you’re dating Blueblood, but you haven’t broken up by now.)
Langue let out a frustrated grunt. “Je sais je sais! Je suis douloureusement conscient que les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. Honnêtement, je pensais que cela aurait été facile, mais il s'avère que non. (I know I know! I’m painfully aware of things not going according to plan. Honestly, I thought this would have been so easy, but it turns out to be not.)”
Fleur raised an eyebrow, “Attends... tu allais faire la même chose à Blueblood, qu'à moi ? Juste assez flirter avec lui pour... quoi? Te remettre son compte bancaire pour que tu puisses- (Wait… you were going to do to Blueblood, as you did to me? Just flirt with him enough to… what? Hand you his bank account so you can-)”
“Vous avez du mal à lâcher prise, le savez-vous? (You have a hard time letting go, do you know that?)” Langue interrupted. “Bien qu'aussi froid que cela puisse paraître... j'allais le faire... au début. (Though as cold-hearted as that sounds… I was going to do that… at first.)” He folded his forelegs. “Je pensais escroquer un prince arrogant et flamboyant mais... Il s'avère que ce n'est pas si simple parce que... il ne le mérite pas aussi remarquable que cela puisse paraître. Et le pire, c'est qu'il veut vraiment me connaître au-delà de mes apparences superficielles. Il fait l'effort de montrer qu'il a des sentiments pour moi et... je n'ai pas le cœur de le briser. (I thought I would be conning an arrogant, flamboyant prince but… Turns out, it’s not so simple because… he doesn’t deserve it as remarkable as that sounds. And the worst part is he really wants to get to know me beyond my surface-level looks. He’s making the effort to show that he has feelings for me and… I don’t have the heart to break it.)”
“Avez-vous déjà envisagé la possibilité que peut-être vous l'aimez en retour? (Have you ever considered the possibility that you might like him back?)” Flear deadpanned.
That question caught Langue off guard so much that it felt like getting slapped in the face. “E-Excuse-toi!? (E-Excuse you!?)” he asked in a panic, his face turning red.
Fleur rolled her eyes. “À ce stade, être dans le déni tout en étant dans une panique gay est tout simplement pathétique à ce stade. (At this point, you being in denial while being in a gay panic is just pathetic at this point.)”
His exe smirked, “Et juste comme ça, je repose mon cas. (And just like that, I rest my case.)” She further pointed out, “Avouons-le, c'est la plus longue relation amoureuse que vous ayez jamais eue, même si elle est basée sur un mensonge. Même si vous faites cela pour gagner quelque chose, vous auriez dû lui briser le cœur il y a un mois. Et pourtant, tu es toujours là.Peut-être que la raison pour laquelle vous n'avez pas peur de lui briser le cœur, mais vous ne voulez pas perdre le vôtre. (Let’s face it, this is the longest romantic relationship you’ve ever had, even if it’s based on a lie. Even if you’re doing this to gain something, you should have broken his heart a month ago. Maybe the reason why isn’t you’re afraid of breaking his heart, but you don’t want to lose yours.)”
“Tais-toi. (Shut up.)” Langue growled.
“Ou quoi? Donc tu n'as pas à faire face à une vérité que tu ne veux pas entendre? (Or what? So you don’t have to face a truth you don’t want to hear?)”
“Mais je ne suis pas gay! (But I’m not gay!)”
“Dit l'étalon qui courtise un autre étalon, le fait souvent venir chez lui et est connu pour donner et recevoir des signes intimes d'affection. Ou même se parer les uns les autres de baisers, parce que oui, c'est quelque chose qu'un étalon hétéro ferait. (Says the stallion that has been courting another stallion, has him come over to his home often and is known for giving and receiving intimate signs of affection. Or peppering one another in kisses, because yes, that’s something a straight stallion would do.)” Fleur said sarcastically. “S'il vous plaît Langue, vous êtes si loin dans le placard que vous avez trouvé vos cadeaux Hearth's Warming. (Please Langue, you are so far in the closet you’ve found your Hearth’s Warming presents.)”
Langue stomped his hoof. “Oh bon dieu, Fleur! Je t'ai déjà fait des excuses, tu remets en question ma sexualité ne me rend pas service! Je ne sais pas si tu as remarqué, mais je veux sortir. Je veux rompre avec Blueblood mais je ne sais pas comment! (Oh good God, Fleur! I’ve already given you an apology, you questioning my sexuality isn’t doing me any favors! I don’t know if you noticed, but I want out. I want to break this off with Blueblood but I’m stuck as to how!)”
For the first time, Fleur went silent. Letting the gravity of what Langue said sink in. She turned away from him to face the window, towards the garden that was damp with rain. “Tu as vraiment changé... C'est étrange, que je rêve que tu vois enfin la lumière et que tu souffres peut-être pour en arriver là mais maintenant... Il n'y a aucune satisfaction là-dedans. (You really have changed… It’s strange, that I daydreamed of you finally seeing the light and maybe suffer to get to that state, but now… There’s no satisfaction in it.)”
“Fleur, s'il te plaît, je t'en supplie. (Fleur, please, I’m begging you.) Langue signed, “Je ne sais plus quoi faire. Je suis dans une relation avec quelqu'un dont je ne peux pas sortir sans blesser sérieusement. Vous pouvez me détester autant que vous voulez, mais s'il vous plaît, aidez-moi. (I’m at a loss of what to do. I’m in a relationship with someone that I can’t get out of without seriously hurting. You can hate me all you want, but please, help me.)”
Looking over her shoulder, Fleur stared at him - not out of hate, but she seemed… thoughtful. It wasn’t the kind where it was clear she was weighing a difficult decision; but rather, figuring out how to do it. There was a kind of glint in her eye like a demon would see an opportunity to make a Faustian deal.
“Très bien. (Very well.)” She said, a tone of confidence in her voice. “J'appellerai cela une trêve entre nous et je vous aiderai à rompre avec le prince. Mais en échange, (I will call it a truce between us, and I will assist in helping you break up with the prince, But in exchange,)” She pointed a hoof at him. “Je veux être remboursé de tout l'argent que vous avez pris. Et à moins que vous ne vouliez que j'aie un mot sur ce que vous êtes pour Blueblood, vous devez faire ce que je dis sans poser de questions. Compris? (I want to be paid back all the money you took. And unless you want me to have a word about what you are to Blueblood, you must do what I say without question. Understood?)”
Langue blinked. “Tu me fais du chantage? (Are you blackmailing me?)”
Fleur frowned. “Considérant que vous m'aviez laissé dans une épave émotionnelle, presque en faillite et que vous m'avez menti pendant un bon mois - je le fais parce que je sais que vous pourriez trouver un moyen de me poignarder dans le dos. Pourtant, si vous voulez vraiment rompre avec lui, alors vous devrez faire un acte de foi et faire confiance à mes conseils. Après tout, sachant combien de juments ont essayé et échoué à sortir avec lui, je pourrais peut-être faire un scénario où il fera la même chose avec vous. En d'autres termes, convainquez-le que vous n'en valez pas la peine. (Considering that you left me in an emotional wreck, nearly bankrupt and that you lied to me for a good month - I’m doing so because I know you might find some way to stab me in the back. Yet, if you really want to break up with him, then you’ll have to take a leap of faith and trust in my advice. After all, knowing how many mares have tried and failed at dating him, perhaps I could make a scenario where he’ll do the same to you. In other words, convince him that you’re not worth it.)”
“Ah bon? (Really?)” Langue raised an eyebrow. “Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui est sorti avec lui? (Do you know anyone that has dated him?)
Fleur smirked. “Oh, je connais une source fiable. Mais quand vous et Blueblood allez à nouveau sortir ensemble, nous serons là pour vous donner quelques conseils indispensables. (Oh, I know a reliable source. But when you and Blueblood go dating again, we’ll be there to give you some much-needed advice.)”
“Cela ressemble à un con... hein… (That sounds like a con… huh…)” Langue blinked, “C'est donc ce que c'est que d'être de l'autre côté. (So that’s what it's like to be on the other side.)”
“Alors…(So…)” She offered her hoof to him, “Trêve? (Truce?)”
Langue knew that this was a gigantic gamble. Even though he apologized, Fleur is still clearly upset over what he did - and for good reason. For all he knew, she might use it to sabotage his efforts to get out of his relationship. However, weighing his options, he realized that not taking up the deal would be even worse. She was his ex… What was stopping her from going to Blueblood a few rooms away to tell him the whole truth before he could explain himself? He can easily see it leading to a massive misunderstanding and the destruction of trust that he had built with Blueblood over these past few months. Regardless of what she may have him do if he took up her deal, he reasoned if Blueblood found out about him now - it would probably get him executed.
Sighing, he requested: “Juste... ne lui fais pas trop de mal. (Just… don’t hurt him too badly.)” Fleur nodded. So making his final decision, he shook her hoof.
From the door, the knob was heard jiggling and then a few knocks that followed. “Langue? Is everything alright?” It was Blueblood from behind the door.
“In a moment,” Langue called out as he went over to unlock the door, finding the prince there. “Are you finished with your meeting, sire?”
“Yes but… I heard shouting but didn’t know what was going on. Are you sure everything is okay?”
“Oui,” Langue nodded, “Everything is fine. It was just… how you say… two friends catching up.” He looked over at Fleur, glaring.
Fleur looked back innocently.
“Well… if you say so. Since we’re done, I thought I would treat you to a favorite bakery of mine. It’s not too far away from here, and they have some of the most divine cinnamon rolls. Given how cold of a day this is, I thought it would help us warm up some freshly made rolls.”
“That sounds… lovely…”
Blueblood and Langue left the music room and out of Fancy Pants’ manion. Fleur on the other hoof felt giddy over the prospects of getting back at her ex in the most beautiful way possible. She and her marefreind will give advice already - but not to break the couple up.
But to have the prince fall even deeper in love with Langue.
Oh, what sweet revenge this will be!
She smiled, just wait until Rarity hears about this.
Um... I'm sorry, what I meant to ask is why so many of your stories have m/m romance and not f/f or f/m.
Well, before you read this, do keep in mind this what I'm about to say only reflects on me and no one else. I'm sure there are writers on this site that probably have different reasons why they write m/m romances that are unrelated to my own. However, since you've asked politely, I will do my best to give you a straight answer from my point of view. And be warned, I'm about to get personal here.
The thing is that speaking as a gay man living in Idaho... I've come to the conclusion a long time ago that no one insane enough would love me back. So by the time I came across this site and came across stories that deal with m/m romances... while some were alright at the time, I wasn't satisfied. I was looking for the kind of stories that most f/f and f/m had - character depth and intrigue that I would read. Something that I could attach to since I don't have a romantic relationship in real life. So, one day I rolled up my sleeves and decided that if you wanted to see something - you'd do it yourself. Through my writing, I began to dream of the kind of relationship that I can only dream about. And since no one is paying me to write these stories, I wrote every story on here simply because I want to. And while I have written a few f/f and f/m romances here and there, I tend to lean towards m/m because I latch onto them for personal reasons.
And I know what you're thinking, if I'm free to write whatever I want, how come I don't go with the more popular ships with f/f or f/m? Because compared to those other stories, there aren't that many m/m ships. If no one else was going to write out these sorts of stories, then I would. And whenever I post these stories, I don't do it out of the expectation that it would be popular or liked right away - if anything I noticed that people would downvote a story that has m/m, regardless if it's good or not. And yet, because I tend to write these stories for myself that I share with everyone on this site, I will continue to write them even if they have no possibility of being viewed.