• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,814 Views, 54 Comments

How I met The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Little Spike Drake moves from Ponyville to Canterlot City where he makes new friends with some special girls

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Modeling with Rarity and Star Gazing with Twilight

At Rarity's home one morning, Spike was in the girl's room that was designed like a fashion studio. Scattered on the floor were various types of fabrics, and sewing materials all around.

Rarity was hard at work on something as she was standing before Spike making some adjustments, “Rarity, how much longer?” he asked in complaint.

“Now-now, Spike. You mustn’t rush art. After all perfection takes time.” Rarity answered.

“More like forever,” Spike groaned, before noticing the girl smiling at him, “What?”

“I'm sorry, darling, but you just look so adorable pouting like that.” Rarity gushed.

Spike gave her a dry look, “Nice you're enjoying this.”

Rarity made one last touch, “And there we go. Finished!”

She turned Spike around to look in a mirror and saw the outfit he was modeling for Rarity. He was dressed in a tuxedo suit with a purple dress shirt and red bow tie. Spike looked himself over and couldn't help but find himself looking good.

“What do you think?” Rarity inquired.

“Well, it sure looks neat. I feel so fancy in this. Although the bow tie just doesn't say 'me'.” Spike answered honestly.

“Nonsense, Spike, it's the new you.” Rarity insisted.

“The new me?” Spike wondered.

“Yes. You are starting fresh both in town and at school. So you must look your absolute best for a good first impression. After all school will be starting soon.”

“Don't remind me.” he grumbled.

Rarity seeing Spike dismal knew what it meant, “I know it's sad summer's coming to an end, but that's how it is. Believe me I wish it would stay summer that way I'd have more time to work on my outfits and costumes.”

“Then would you ever leave your room at all?” Spike questioned.

“Of course I would. It's just sometimes my work takes a lot of concentration and time to make sure they're perfect. But I still know better than to coop myself up in my room with nothing but work.” Rarity admitted.

“Yeah, as much as reading comics in my room all day sounds like a dream, my parents wouldn't let me. And they're right,” Spike agreed, “There's just so much going on out there you shouldn't let it pass you by.”

Rarity smiled, “So young and yet you sound so wise.”

'I have my moments.” Spike confessed.

“You sure do.” Rarity agreed, as she looked at Spike and raised her brows mischievously at Spike.

“Rarity, why're you looking at me like that?” Spike asked sounding nervous.

Rarity leaned closer before grabbing Spike and pulling him into a big embrace, “Oh, my little Spikey-Wikey!” she started to kiss Spike's cheek multiple times while keeping him close.

Spike struggled to get out of the fashion girls grip, but was unsuccessful, “Rarity, please!” Spike pleaded, as she kept on kissing his cheek.

The door to the room opened, and stepping in was Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle, “Rarity, mom says...” she stopped to see her sister hugging the newest neighborhood boy with her lips to his cheek, while Spike looked embarrassed and yet blushed, “I'll come back later.” she left the room and closed the door.

“Sweetie Belle, wait!” Spike called, but knew she was already gone. With the younger sister gone, the eldest once again resumed kissing Spike's cheek much to his annoyance and enjoyment.

That night at Twilight's home. While the twos parents were downstairs talking, their kids were out on Twilight's bedroom balcony looking through a telescope to see all the constellations.

“And that's the big dipper right there.” Twilight pointed out.

“Wow.” Spike gasped in awe.

“And there's Orion.” Twilight continued to point out the constellations.

“This is so incredible.” Spike continued to express his astonishment.

“It sure is.” Twilight agreed, as they looked up at the stars together.

“You ever wonder what's really out there, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Like what else is out there beyond the stars? Beyond the solar system. Beyond the galaxy.”

Twilight raised a brow, “Spike, are you trying to convince me aliens exist?”

“Maybe?” he shrugged.

Twilight sighed, “Spike, the probability of life on other planets are incredibly slim, borderline impossible.”

Spike gave her a dry look, “So you don't believe there's a slight chance we're really not alone in the universe?”

“Well, I...”

“Believe me, you get your knowledge from your books, and while some of my knowledge comes from comics they do have some truth to them. Like if a planet has water or even flora and fauna then there is a chance other planets have a chance of sustaining life.” the boy explained.

“That may be, but I've studied our solar system and concluded the planets in it aren't habitable.” Twilight noted.

“True, but remember there can always be other planets out there past our galaxy in their own solar systems with their own suns and moons. And who knows, maybe life on other planets are just as evolved as we are.” Spike countered.

“If there are I'd sure love to see what scientific advancements they have ahead of us.” Twilight admitted.

“It's fun to think about.” Spike said resting his head on his hand.

“Yeah, but remember in science class it's best you be practical and not talk about aliens when you learn about planets and space.”

“Fine-fine.” Spike sighed.

Twilight scooted closer and wrapped an arm around Spike, “All that aside, Spike. I'm glad we can share the last few days of summer together.”

“Me too, Twilight. Me too.” Spike agreed, as he laid his head onto Twilight's shoulder.

Later on, the door to Twilight's roomed opened up, as their parents stepped in, “Twilight.” Velvet spoke.

“Spike?” Elsa asked.

The ladies looked over and gasped, “Geki, Night Light. Look.” Velvet whispered.

The dads walked over and looked in and saw both Twilight and Spike fast asleep with Twilight leaning against a wall, and Spike laying his head in her lap.

“Well, I'll be.” Geki smiled.

“They look so cute together.” Night Light smiled as well.

“It's nice to see how our kids getting along so well since they met.” Velvet told the three.

Elsa nodded, “Yes. Spike really needed some friends since we moved here. Twilight and her friends were just the right girls for it.”

Geki gently picked Spike up making sure not to wake him, “We'll see you all around.” he told the Sparkles as he and Elsa took off with their sleeping boy.

Night Light and Velvet smiled, as they picked their daughter up and placed her on her bed. They quietly slipped out of the room leaving Twilight to sleep who had only one thing on her mind. That being Spike.