• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 1,340 Views, 59 Comments

EYE Of The STORM - Art Inspired

The story revolves around an alternate universe character known as "Steam" who visits Eque

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EYE of the STORM


One must firstly be acquainted with the beginning, and know it well enough to understand this story is about Steam Punk, or Steam for short. His tale stretches long, too long to sum up into the story, so just the mere basics will be covered. The man who stands on the balcony of the high flying, blimp-like plane has been in search of the most precious thing in his world; His true love. His universe, a barren place for fiends and demons alike would probably most accurately be described as desolate of any humanoid characters. The sky is his home, for the ground is uninhabitable, and utterly ruined beyond repair. This man, or thing, whatever one wishes to call him floats in his blimp searching for his love. Over five hundred years of seeking out the sky has proven a waist of his time. All he knows is a letter that came to him from her pet dragon said these words.

The green light has engulfed my ship. Avoid it at all costs.

The light, which he dubbed the EYE of the STORM has been located by many others like him, but few ever try to investigate what it truly is.

As Steam stands on the balcony, looking through the telescope in search of this luminescence of green, seeing nothing but clouds and a rainbow or two, his luck shows itself before him. Shining brightly, he knows his journey is almost over. Despite numerous warnings about how this phenomenon is highly dangerous and unexplainable, he knows his life has little meaning behind it as the light is what holds all the answers of his love.

Closing the instrument used to magnify sight, he turns and slowly walks towards the dragon, his pet. As he pets the creature, it purrs silently. He checks his calculations carefully, marking the latitude and longitude of his destination, his eyes looking through the ghostly white goggles he wore. Returning to the wheel of the ship, he turns it and feels the direction shift along.

Returning once again to the inside, he picks up a highly flammable and destructive chemical. It is the essence of the extracted feedback that his love collected from the light, and was able to send to him using her dragon just before the green light swallowed her. He measures it with his hands, and tosses it into the furnace. As he does, he grabs all the records and documentation of the light he has collected and unenthusiastically throws it in as well. as he stands, staring at the jade colored inferno, he knows there will be no need for such things where he is going.

Finally, his one single memento of his lost soul mate, a box containing her love for him, juiced out and formed into a single picture that shined brightly at him laid in his hands. He pondered burning this, but couldn’t bring himself to do so. This was the one thing he had left to keep the memory of her image fresh in his mind, but there was no need for it now. He exited the shelter slowly, his white scarf with little holes in it at the ends blowing freely. He approached the end of the railing and reluctantly dropped it down to the far away ground. His line of vision fell upon the upcoming storm, and a small drop of liquid fell upon the glass of his goggles. Hearing far off thunder, he prepared himself for the tough challenge he faced.

Thunder surged all around the ship as he struggled to maintain course. As he swung the wheel violently to try and keep the ship steady, water whipped his being and forced his hands to stay steady through the rain. His dragon watched curiously as to what he was doing, but never exited the safety of the inside.

The powerful winds blew out the final light of the ship, and everything was dark for a while. As the beat and barely awake Steam Punk Mechanic lifted his overworked head to see his thought to be final resting place, his hands slid coyly on the wheel he rested upon. The storm was fierce, but not as much as his will to fight through the raging winds.

As he stepped back and held his heavy head, he looked down to see the key of the dragon’s chain. Finally, with no need for such a pet, he released her, granting the majestic creature her freedom. As her wings extended, shivers could be felt on Steam’s back, for he knew this was the final farewell he would have with the kind fiend. Flying away, he wondered where she would go, but figured this was irrelevant as he had a date with destiny, and if he were to be late, he might not ever be able to get his ultimate chance in life again. As he looked onward into its radiance, he saw the light blinking, signaling him time was short.

He tied the wheel, and fastened it with rope, then grabbed the throttle and pushed all the way down. The speed tracer was placed on full, and his moment of ultimate judgment was finally at hand. The ship churned and cranked into high gear, and as he stood on the balcony for the last time, snow ascended upwards from the clouds his ship glided on.

Entering the throne chamber, he sat and turned his chair around to face away from the final destination he was sure to greet at any moment. Watching the world he lived in pass by the rear windows, Steam now felt fully ready to enter his doom. This would be the final voyage his life would ever bear witness to.

His ship crashed right into the phenomenon, and as green shimmers turned into rainbow lightning, he watched the world he once inhabited wither away, and just like that, the black nothingness morphed into clear, sunny skies. He stood, realizing he was still alive and ran to the balcony. Just before he fell to his death, he saw most of his ship was ripped to shreds. The balcony was destroyed and the ship was headed for what appeared to be a palace. Dumbfounded at what was happening, he frantically did all he could to try and stop the ship from crash landing in the royal structure, but just before the collision, he felt the entirety of the destroyed mechanism stop abruptly. As it slowly floated down and rested on the soft grass of the Canterlot plains, he saw an alicorn fly down. Her lush, rainbow like mane waived freely, and her regalia shimmered in the sun’s shine. As she trotted up to him while he exited the machinery, she introduced herself.

“Hello, I am Princess Celestia.”

The man looked around as he didn’t have a form of communication. The princess smiled and summoned a collar. As it wrapped around his neck, he grew curious as to what its purpose was. It forced out static sounds and soon, he heard his mental voice asking “What is this thing?”

It was scratchy, and low vocalic, but it was a voice, never the less.