• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 4,078 Views, 262 Comments

Newfound Neighbors - FrostTheWolf

Having a new neighbor move in next door is one thing... that is, until you realize that neighbor is a unicorn that's too smart for her own good.

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09- Surprise Reunions

Out of all the possibilities for how Brisk actually knew Gizmo, I did not think THAT was one of them.

To be fair, I did not really know what a ‘marefriend’ was at the time he said that. I mean, I had a small hunch, but my attention was more focused on the road and on the cars that were around me. Fortunately, Brisk wanted to make a stop to get some food on the way over and we happened to have found this relatively new pizza place that wasn’t that far from home. Luckily, it didn’t appear to be too busy compared to some of the other nearby establishments, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to buy some food

Yet, it was only when we walked inside that the two of us found out that Smoky’s Firegrill Pizza was a pizza parlor run by equestrians. Specifically, kirins. “Hello, welcome to Smoky’s Firegrill Pizza! I’m Smoky, what can I get started for you today?”

Personally, I was still a bit surprised and a little overwhelmed by what I walked into. I mean, not long ago, I was at a gate crossing building with numerous different species working there alongside humans. Though, I honestly did not expect to find myself in an establishment entirely run by Equestrians. That and, despite the amount of time I spent waiting for Brisk, all I really knew about this particular species was what they were called.

Brisk though seemed to be a bit more relaxed than I was, taking a quick glance at the menu before looking back to the kirin at the counter. “Can I have a medium sized pizza, please?”

As I watched the two converse, I was surprised to see how exactly ordering a pizza here worked. Unlike other places, where you just asked for a specific type and size, this one was more like making your own the way you wanted it. Even going as far as choosing what kind of cheese, sauce and toppings the customer wanted.

Though, another thing I noticed was that there was no sign of an oven anywhere. How exactly were going to cook these if-

“Alright, Wildfire, you’re up!”

At that moment, I realized that behind Smoky, there was a kirin that was sitting on the floor with two concrete sections on their left and right side and a grill above them. They look to be holding something with their magic, but I couldn’t quite tell what it was or what they were looking at-.

Wait… why am I hearing boss music? No seriously, why am I hearing actual boss music from the back of the-?

“Dear sweet Celestia, who are you-?! WHOA HEY!! Stop charging at me like that Artor- whatever your name is!!”

Before I even knew what was going on, the kirin underwent some kind of transformation as their fur immediately darkened and their mane ignited! Flames were coming off all around them as the pizza that Brisk had ordered was placed right above her, while Smoky had set a timer on the nearby counter. “So you use Nirik flames to cook the food you serve? That’s a rather ingenious idea.”

“Why thank you,” Smoky replied, “We usually have somepony take up the spot there at different shifts and have them do whatever it is that makes them angry. The natural flames actually help cook the dough faster and preserve its taste.”

… Okay, I need some clarification right now. Because if this goes on any longer, I’m going to be even more confused. “What’s a nirik?”

Both the earth pony and the kirin looked back towards me with a surprised look on their face, before smiling for a moment. “Let me guess, this is your first time meeting a kirin?” A simple nod from me was enough of an answer to have Smoky grin, “Well, simply put, if you make a kirin really angry, that kind of anger has them take on the form of a Nirik. Which is like a kirin, but on fire. So, we thought of actually using our anger in a positive and productive way. To us, our motto is ‘getting mad makes our customers glad’.”

Okay, I’m now getting some serious Monsters Inc. vibes with that slogan. Not the same as ‘We scare because we care’, but almost.

“But enough about that,” Smoky said, before looking back to me, “Are you going to place an order with your friend here? Or do you need some more time to think about it first? Not sure how long Wildfire’s going to keep it up-”

“OH, THAT’S MESSED UP!!” A flurry of flames erupted from the grill as I looked inside to see a tv screen and the red words of ‘YOU DIED’ in all capital letters.

“Yeah, she might be going at this for a while. Once you get her started with that game, she finds it very difficult to stop.”

At that point, the only option for me was to just go with the flow. “I guess I’ll have the same thing Brisk is having then.”

After about five minutes and hearing the screams of a kirin gamer in rage fighting against Knight Artorias in Dark Souls, our food was finished and brought out to the table that Brisk and I were sitting at. The earth pony was rather quick to start eating through his meal and by the time that I finished my first slice, he had already devoured half of his food. I mean, the pizza was pretty delicious, but I honestly did not expect for him to eat through it so quickly.

Though, now that we were eating, I now had the chance to ask him the question that was on my mind. “So, you said that Gizmo was your… marefriend?”

“Hmm?” Brisk immediately wiped the tomato sauce from his mouth using a napkin around his hoof, “Yeah, that’s right. Why do you ask?”

“Well, technically, that’s the first time I’ve heard that phrase,” I told him, a little bit nervous, “I don’t know that much equestrian terms or phrases, so I might need a bit of an explanation.”

For a moment, the stallion’s pupils shrank a small bit, before taking a moment to clear his throat and continue to speak, “Um… I think I remember the phrase that was used for this,” he said, before I saw him pull out a small book from his saddlebag that looked like a mini dictionary. Though, before I could ask anything, that was when Brisk replied, “Ah, that’s right. What I would say as my marefriend, you would know as my girlfriend.”

When I heard that, every previous thought that I had evaporated as I stared in disbelief. This guy was Gizmo’s boyfriend? Just how did that exactly happen? Well, there was only one way to find out I suppose.

“So, how exactly did you two… well, meet?”

“Well, that’s a bit of a long story,” he told me, “Simply put, we met when she was helping a friend of ours that the two of us knew. I asked if she needed help with her creations, she agreed and things kind of just grew from there. Hay, I’ve even helped make sure she doesn’t go overboard and blow things up… sometimes literally.”

The feeling is definitely mutual, buddy. “I see. Have the two of you gone on any dates?”

“A couple of times, if you consider what Gizmo calls ‘extended field testing’ dates,” Brisk chuckled, “Though, the two of us had been more focused on our move to Earth and trying to get things organized here first before anything else. It’s a bit of a big change for both of us, so we didn’t want to take things too fast. How is Gizzy, by the way?”

Well, aside from the stunt she pulled on her first night, I could say that the first twenty four hours or so have been rather eventful to say the least. “She’s been settling in rather nicely. My dad and I have been helping her get situated and help her out if she needs any assistance.”

The earth pony was surprised at first by my response, before giving me a warm smile, “That’s wonderful to hear. Gizmo does have a tendency to unintentionally go overboard on whatever she’s working on sometimes, so it’s nice to see that you’re helping her keep her impulses in check. For that, I’m grateful.”

Wow… that was honestly not the kind of response I was expecting. Who would’ve thought?

“Anyways, do you mind if I ask you a question this time?”

That almost had me drop the slice of pizza I was going to eat as I looked back at him. I honestly wasn’t expecting for him to ask me a question this time, but let’s see where this goes shall we? “S-sure, uh… what would you like to know?”

“Well, aside from a few things that I was told about before I arrived, I don’t really know too much about what’s in store,” he told me, “When we arrive, what’s the first thing that I should expect?”

That was probably going to take a while. Not to mention that even if I did answer his question the best I could, I had the feeling that there was going to be some kind of surprise waiting for him when we arrived-.


… Yeah, I think I’ll give this place a sizable tip.

“Brisky, you made it!! Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you’re here!!!”

Yeah, I had a feeling that something like this would happen. I had just pulled up in the driveway at my house and let Brisk out of my car. Not a moment too soon afterwards were we ambushed by Gizmo, who happened to notice Brisk while she was by her mailbox and proceeded to tackle him like a quarterback at a football game. The stallion hadn’t even gotten the chance to stand firmly on his hooves yet, so the unexpected move from his marefriend ended up knocking all of his stuff from his saddlebags everywhere.

“H-hello Gizzy.”

“Hehe!!” She said, before kissing him straight on the lips… Oh dear god, I should probably step in before they start doing what I think they’re going to do.

“Good afternoon to you as well, Gizmo,” I told her as both of the equestrians looked at me, “I’d hate to interrupt this heartfelt reunion, but you kind of knocked all of Brisk’s stuff all over the place.”

It took her about… ten seconds or so in order to realize that, before she giggled to herself, “Oops, silly me. Let me help with that,” With a quick flash of magic from her horn, she quickly collected everything that had fallen out of Brisk’s saddlebags, before proceeding to put everything back where it belonged. “There we go! Was there anything else?”

“Not really,” the stallion replied. “My saddlebag was all I honestly needed. Why?”

“When I moved in, I brought everything with me and it all went into a massive transport thingy,” Gizmo told him, “I just thought the same thing was going to happen.”

“Well, I just didn’t really think I’d need it, so I left some of the things I couldn’t bring with Swift and Azure,” Wait, who now? I haven’t heard of those names before. “So I just took what I thought I would need and came over. You had to wait for a week without me, so why make you wait any longer?”

I swear, just hearing them talk makes me think of some lines in those cheesy romantic comedies. Either that or the Big Bang Theory.

“Aww, Brisky,” Gizmo smiled as she helped the earth pony onto his hooves, before looking at me, “Thank you, Sam!” With that, the two of them were quick to head back over next door. Just as I heard my dad open the gate to the side of the house.

“There you are,” he replied, before he noticed Brisk as they were heading inside, “Oh, we got another new arrival? Who’s he?”

“That’s Brisk,” I said, “Gizmo just happens to be his marefriend.”

“What’s a marefriend?”

I let out a small sigh, before opening up the back passenger door to grab something I left back there. “Why don’t I bring you up to speed inside? I brought back some pizza if you want any.”

Author's Note:

Who else is hungry?