• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 8,953 Views, 319 Comments

Queen of Blades - Salacar

Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, is sent to Equestria by the Xel'Naga artifact following her defeat.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

Queen of Blades

Chapter Eleven

Canterlot Castle was in chaos, no sooner had the Royal Vault alarms sounded before the guard and every administrative servant had been put into motion. It had only been a week since something similar had happened in the Elements’ Vault, and nopony was particularly thrilled at the prospect of another impossible intrusion.

The Royal Vault had long been one of the most secure installations inside the Castle, a multitude of wards and reinforced stones making entrance without proper authorization all but impossible. Even the two elder princesses would be hard pressed to breach the vault through force alone.

Those same two princesses were already heading towards the disturbance, exuding a calm and collected air even while surrounded by bewildered and panicked ponies. It was a true testament to the seriousness of the situation that the mere sight of their rulers did not calm the various servants flitting through the hallways. In reality they were as troubled as their subjects, though none but themselves would have been capable of picking that up through their stoney exteriors.

Though they remained as calm as could be, the royal sisters still hurried towards the treasury. “Sister, We do not recall the current state of relations with the various Diamond Dog tribes. Is it possible one hath decided to risk our wrath for immediate gain?” inquired Luna as they hurried past a pair of open doors to avoid getting dragged into a panic meeting.

Rounding the final corner, their journey came to a halt as they encountered a large group of ponies outside the vault’s entrance. A squad of royal guards and several accountants were anxiously watching as the Royal Treasurer, an aging unicorn stallion with a beige coat and amber mane, unlocked the last of the Vault’s seals.

“I do not believe so,” Celestia answered, her voice low as to avoid disturbing the nearby ponies. “No tribe would risk this, no matter how desperate they might be. Of all the tribes, only the Garmr have fallen on hard times, yet they’re already negotiating for mining rights near some of our northern quarries.” The solar alicorn shook her head, looking to the assembled ponies with worry. “It just doesn’t make sense that the Diamond Dogs would do something like this.”

Not a moment later, the sound of several multi-ton tumblers sliding into place reverberated through the massive, metal door, causing every guardspony present to tense their muscles.

Luna cast a glance to her older sister. “We pray you are correct, big sister.”

No sooner had the great, vault door swung open before the guards rushed in, their movements a well-coordinated effort as they took up positions on the inside. The diarchs stepped forward, coming to a stop next to the clearly troubled Treasurer.

“Gold Note?” Celestia prompted, softly commanding his attention and making him turn to face them. “How does it look?”

“I can’t be certain, princess,” he said as he gave a slight bow of his body, then turned to trot towards the vault opening. The alicorn pair followed closely behind. “I’ve only received the same alarm that you have. Though I did manage to open the vault with little trouble, so the enchantments haven’t been dispelled at least.”

“Clear!” the voice of a guard rang out from inside. The trio swiftly made their way through the open passage and into the vault proper, each of them taken aback by what awaited them.

The large stone chamber, lit by magical torches and outfitted with numerous shelves, still held the majority of its items. In fact, other than several large holes in the floor and a few broken shelves, the vault looked the same as it always did. Already the guards were combing through the vault, examining the entry points and running magical scans on any intact countermeasures.

Gold Note wasted no time, quickly grabbing hold of one of two scrolls from a nearby table. With a flourish of magic he undid the seal, spreading it out on the floor and scanning its contents.

While they waited for the unicorn to finish, Luna beckoned one of the guards closer. “Sergeant, what is your assessment?”

“Princess,” the unicorn guard said as he saluted. “The holes are roughly Diamond Dog sized, but from what we’ve been able to gather they weren’t dug with claws. All knowledge we have on Diamond Dog digging also indicates that the holes were dug far quicker than any Dog would’ve been able to manage. We should’ve been able to catch them in the act at the very least.”

“Indeed, perhaps there is an unknown force at work here.” Luna nodded in thought, glancing to where Gold Note and Princess Celestia were busy examining the inventory scroll. “Get an investigation unit in here, sergeant. We expect a report within the next four hours.”

“Understood, your highness.” The guard saluted before turning back to the assembled guards. “Look lively, colts. We’re getting this place combed, make preparations.”

With a last nod of confirmation, the night princess turned around and walked the short distance to her sister. She couldn’t help but notice the disbelieving look on the Treasurer’s face.

“This simply can’t be right, your highness. How in Tartarus does something like this happen?” Gold Note asked numbly, looking up from the scroll to look at Celestia.

“I can’t be sure, Gold Note. But we’ll get to the bottom of this.” Celestia turned her head as Luna approached, then gestured towards the inventory scroll. “Luna, take a look at this.”

“Hmm? Oh, the inventory scroll. Magically enchanted to list every object of value present in this chamber, correct?” she inquired, receiving a nod in return from her sister. “Fascinating tool - would have made administrative work quite a bit easier a thousand years ago.”

Luna quickly glanced down the list, her eyes narrowing as she understood the Treasurer’s bafflement. “That certainly is odd. Did anything else of value get taken?”

“No.” The Treasurer shook his head, bringing up another scroll for the princess to see. “If you look at the outtake scroll and compare it to the intake, we’ve lost maybe twenty actual bits, and nothing consisting of any valuable metals, yet we have no gems left. Even the rare crystals have been removed.”

Luna hummed thoughtfully, lifting a golden tiara from the floor with her magic. It had clear indents where gems were supposed to have been, yet they were empty. “Sister, isn’t the Element of Generosity skilled in gem locating magic?”

“She is.” Celestia nodded in confirmation. “And I see where you’re going with this, I’ll get started on a letter immediately. Also, if my thoughts are correct, I believe that my faithful student might have experience that could prove useful in this situation.”


“... Luna and I eagerly await your arrival. Princess Celestia.”

Twilight finished her dictation of the letter, folding it nicely as she allowed time for the Princess’ words to register with her friends. Rarity however, since about halfway through, had been donning the largest grin Twilight had seen on her since the wedding invitation.

“Moi!?” Rarity exclaimed in excitement. “The Princess asked for me, personally!?”

While the almost hysteric unicorn was busy being lost in a fit of giggles and squeals, a certain chromatic pegasus was more concerned about the rest of the letter.

“Who in the hay would break into Canterlot Castle? They’d have to be insane, no offence,” she added with a glance towards Kerrigan, who didn’t dignify the insinuation with any response. “To even consider trying something like that! I’m gonna show those thieves what’s for!”

“Uhm, Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke up from the back, though she still hid behind her mane despite her initiative. “The Princess only asked for you and Rarity, right?”

“Well, yes,” the studious unicorn replied with a slight pause. “But the invitation extends to the rest of you as well, that’s what she said in the letter after all.”

“Well... I’m not sure I’d be much help, and I still need to take care of all my animal friends...” Her slightly quivering eyes spoke of her reluctance to voice her next suggestion. “Do you think, that maybe, I could stay at home? I mean, if that’s okay with you that is.”

“I’m with Fluttershy on this one,” Applejack spoke up before Twilight could respond. “I still got my work on the farm, and I don’t think I’d be much help with that thievery stuff anyhow. I’d rather stay in Ponyville if that’s all the same to you.”

The lavender unicorn looked between her two friends with an understanding smile, nodding her head at their reasoning. “You’re right, I’m sure the princess will understand.” She quickly looked to the last remaining member of their group. “What about you Pinkie Pie, are you coming along?”

“Sorry Twilight,” the pink pony said with a sad smile. “I’ve got to foalsit for the Cakes tomorrow, and I’m opening the bakery this week too.”

“That’s okay, Pinkie.” Twilight said with a reassuring nod. “Between the four of us I’m sure we’ll be able to figure it out.”

“Four of us?” Spike spoke up in excitement. “Am I coming too, Twilight?”

Twilight giggled lightly, poking Spike’s head with a hoof. “No silly, I need you to take care of the library while I’m gone.” She then pointed to Kerrigan. “She is.”

This statement caught the rest of the ponies by surprise, Rainbow Dash and Rarity speaking up as one in their shock while the Queen of Blades just looked on with furrowed brows.

“She is!?”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are,” Twilight said with a smile, obviously finding nothing wrong with that suggestion. “It’s the most logical course of action. We’re already going to Canterlot, so we might as well bring Queen Kerrigan along with us to meet the princess.”

“Twilight, darling,” Rarity started with a hoof raised in question. “Do you truly believe it’s a good idea to bring her along, considering how crazy Canterlot must be at this point? I don’t think adding more confusion to the entire thing is the best course of action.”

Rainbow Dash nodded along in the air, hooves crossed in front of her. “Yeah, I’m with Rares on this one. That’s just asking for more trouble. I’m sure Kerrigan wouldn’t wanna get caught up in some investigation anyway, what with her already having been part of a break-in already.”

“I don’t mind.”

“See? Kerrigan knows wh-... what!?” The pegasus did a double take at the disturbingly calm alien, eyes wide in surprise. “What do you mean ‘you don’t mind’!? You’d be like a prime suspect if you just showed up now!”

“Exactly what I said,” the Queen of Blades replied, making a dismissive wave with a hand. “Even if I didn’t come along, Twilight Sparkle would still have to tell the princesses about me. It’d be better if I were there myself to avoid any misconceptions about my intentions, or possible involvement in this crime.” A far too sly smile spread across her lips. “Besides, I’m sure I could be of some assistance. That is what allies do for each other after all, correct?”

This evoked another smile from Twilight. “Very thoughtful, thank you Queen Kerrigan. I’m sure the princess would appreciate any help you could offer.”

“Oh! Oh!” the squeaky voice of Sweetie Belle suddenly exclaimed, her tiredness having seemingly disappeared at the newest development. “Can we come too?” It didn’t take more than that to coax the other two Crusaders into beaming adorably along with their unicorn friend.

Rarity, however, simply pinned the three with a deadpan look. “Absolutely not, what gave you that ridiculous idea? You’re far too young to get involved with this sort of thing.” Even the combined power of their disappointed ‘aww’s’ failed to change her mind. “However, I was going to ask Applejack if perhaps she could look after you while I’m gone, so maaaaaybe?” She left the question hanging in the air, looking to Applejack with a raised eyebrow.

The mare blinked a couple of times, finally catching on. “Shoot, Rares, course I’d be happy to look after little Sweetie Belle. I guess we could make a sleepover out of it?”

All thoughts about going to Canterlot swiftly disappeared in a chorus of excited ‘yay’s from the three, the fillies having soon decided that Scootaloo should sleep over as well. Soon their attention fell away from their surroundings entirely, already making plans for the various activities they’d be undertaking. Applejack suddenly looking like she regretted making the suggestion in the first place.

A light cough from Rarity brought the adult ponies’ attention back on her. She glanced up at the much larger alien with slightly narrowed eyes. “Be that as it may, how exactly were you planning on accompanying us all the way to Canterlot? I don’t mean to be insulting, darling, but you aren’t exactly...” She paused for a few moments to swirl her hoof around. “...dainty.”

“Hmm, that’s a good point, Rarity,” Twilight said, stroking the bottom of her chin with a hoof. “You’re likely to cause at least some degree of panic on a train, and we’d likely need to use the princess’ own sky carriage to carry you.”

The Queen of Blades held a neutral expression, glancing between the three ponies who were coming along. “That won’t be a problem, Twilight Sparkle. I’ll be able to take us there immediately— a simple feat with my power.”

It took a moment for the Queen’s words to sink in, Twilight having gone silent as she processed what the alien entity had just said. Rarity and Applejack looked doubtful. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie could hardly contain their giggling at the ludicrous statement, and Fluttershy just hid even further behind her friends.

Twilight quickly sent the laughing pair a glare as she recovered, though she herself looked no more convinced when she turned back to look at the Queen. Said Queen did not seem amused at having her capabilities doubted so obviously.

“Sorry about those two, it’s just that... well, teleporting that far, and with passengers— I doubt even Princess Celestia could do so with little trouble.” She quickly threw up her hooves as the Queen of Blades’ red eyes met hers. “Not that I don’t believe you! It’s just, okay, maybe I don’t.”

Whatever the unicorn thought her words would evoke from the Queen of Blades, the sly smirk she received was not one of them.

“I suppose I didn’t make myself clear enough earlier. Perhaps a demonstration would help clarify exactly what level of power I wield.”

Her eyes closed for just a moment, in her blindness missing the look Rainbow and Rarity sent each other as she delved into the well of psionic power. Stolen memories from an old librarian, decades of time spent wandering Canterlot Castle, it all flowed to the front of her mind as she pictured a destination.

The Queen of Blades' eyes snapped open, a yellow flash in their depths accompanying the surge of energy she conjured. She didn’t hear the ponies’ exclamations of surprise as space warped around them, reality straining under her effort as she released the power she had been shaping. In the next moment, they were gone, a fading glow of dark purple energy left in their wake.


It had taken a few hours, but eventually Canterlot Castle’s inhabitants had calmed down enough to not crash into one another in the halls. The entire mess had left the ponies tired and spent however, especially the numerous guards who had been trying to keep peace and order.

Therefore, it was a satisfied bunch of guards who could finally return to their sentry duties, no longer having to run around and subdue the more panicked members of the castle staff. The throne room was one of the more desirable places to be following the chaos, namely because the princesses weren’t present, thus there was a lack of supervision.

A dozen or so guards were on duty, happily chatting amongst themselves as they attempted to regain some measure of energy after a very tiring day. Fate however, had other plans.

The vibrating floors and pillars were the first signs that something was about to go horribly wrong, and before the guards could even have started to begrudge their career choice, the entire chamber was washed in purple light. A moment later, three ponies and an alien monstrosity were deposited on the white marble floor.

Twilight Sparkle gazed around as she shook her head, already contemplating the implications of what had just happened. Rarity was too stunned to even stand, and the Queen of Blades was looking around the room with her arms crossed and a smirk adorning her lips.

Rainbow Dash, amidst the chaotic scramble of yelling guards, simply looked at the first trio of spears being pointed her way. Then, she said the words that were on the mind of every tired pony who had heard the clamor inside the throne room.

“...oh buck me.”

Author's Note:

Well, here we are at long last!

Once again a very big thank you to Breath of Plagues for his help with this chapter, this guy is seriously awesome. Also, I can wholeheartedly recommend you read his story Black Box if you're looking for an awesome Dark fic, it's really unique. And I'm not normally one for the more grimdarky stuff.