• Published 30th Mar 2020
  • 1,534 Views, 460 Comments

Marshmallow Dreams - Halira

Rebecca Riddle seems to be your typical human-turned-pegasus in a world of both humans and ponies, but she has a secret double life, and there is nothing typical about her other life.

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Chapter 66: An Unexpected Lead in Walgreens

Walgreens, a haven for college students throughout Skytree; great for making snack runs at unusual hours. Open twenty-four hours and full of a little bit of everything for inflated prices that make you go why am I paying twenty-five dollars for a bottle of shampoo I could buy at Walmart for eight? Then you remember; Walmart is across town, and Walgreens is right there. We had arrived, and it was time to get snacks. The marshmallow needs her munchies.

"Okay," Maggie said as she locked the car. "Try not to take too long. I don't want to be late for breakfast at the cafeteria."

"And Meadow will worry if we are still gone when she gets up," Sunflower added on.

Ashley grunted. "Meadow can call us if she is worried, and we'll tell her we're fine. She can hover and be protective—not in a bodyguard way, but she can be placated easily enough."

"Cancel out all the Dreamwarden talk while we're in the store," Nightscape scolded. "You're going to get us funny looks, or worse, people who actually ask questions."

We filed in through the automatic doors onto the grey carpet within. The rug just inside the doors was water-stained from people tracking their soaking wet hooves and shoes into the store, although it looked like at least one big bottle of something must have busted open on the spot at some point in the past. The store wasn't that old, so it didn't have that old musty drugstore smell. The first thing anyone noticed after coming into the store was an island checkout next to a regular checkout, which looked like it was just a dumping ground for extra bags and unopened cases of merchandise. There was a makeup counter just beyond that, which seemed to be serving the same purpose of being just a place to dump things. Then there were the aisles of goods, with signs on the ends of each identifying what was within each section.

There was also a big red sign saying that flying was strictly for getting goods off shelves, not for transversing the store, and that any winged pony that flew over the shelves would be asked to leave—which was pretty standard. It didn't bother me because I knew that could only lead to me knocking things over, but I had heard pegasi complain it was discrimination before.

Music started to play on the store radio, an altered version of the This is Halloween song, called This is Skytree. Fall had arrived, and with it, the long Halloween season of Skytree.

"Never heard of a place going so all out for Halloween until I got to this city," Ashley muttered. "Halloween is still months away, but they are already starting."

"Comes with having the Warden of Fear living in the city," Nightscape said. "How many cities can boast that they have their own Queen of Nightmares? Whether you are celebrating Halloween or Nightmare Night, she's the perfect icon for it."

"She doesn't seem like she should be," I said. "She scares so easily."

Nightscape looked around, and I saw her looking at Halloween decorations that were now on sale. "Not so much on that night. She is in command of the situation and therefore feels secure. Haven't you ever been out to town hall for the big sing-a-long they do there where the mayor declares her ceremonial Queen of the City for the night?"

I shook my head. "Never have. You'd think I would, but that event is always so crowded that my parents never want to go."

Nightscape chuckled. "They roll her up to town hall in a dark limo, watch her ascend the stairs of town hall as they sing her praises. She flares her wings and acts suitably scary, makes a speech, and rings in the festivities. Some trick or treaters will be brought in to give her candy offerings. She ends up donating all the candy she receives to kids who are stuck home, sick in bed."

"Aww, that's nice of her," Sunflower said with a smile.

Maggie scowled. "It's nothing but a PR move to try to make her seem like a fun holiday character, like Santa, rather than the monster she really is."

Well, our talk in the car hadn't gotten Maggie over her grudge. I hadn't expected it to, but it was a little disheartening that she was still making a point to call Dreamwardens monsters—and not the fun holiday ones.

I grabbed a shopping cart, which was pony-sized, but was one of those you had to prop your forehooves upon and balance walking on two legs with. It wasn't challenging, but it was always annoying. Ponies just weren't built to be doing that much walking on two legs, me even less so. Still, if you were in a store getting more than one thing, you probably needed a cart.

Maggie grabbed her own cart. "I'm going to go get some drinks I can put in my little fridge—Gatorade and maybe a half-gallon of milk. I'm also going to check on some regular food, like cereal and ramen noodles."

Ashley and Sunflower headed off in another direction. "Getting some stuff for Sunflower's bandages and some sleep aid," Ashley announced.

Nightscape started wandering off too. "I'm going to go check personal lubricants. Robby and I used the last of ours the other night."

I didn't need to know about that last one, but Nightscape took joy in making others uncomfortable.

That left me to get snacks by myself. I was okay with this; no one could complain I wasn't getting something healthy.

It didn't take long to find the candy aisle and start browsing some goodies. I started loading up—gummy worms, mini-muffins, mini-cookies, Lindor chocolates, two different types of trail mix, Jolly Ranchers.

"Hurry up and pick something out, Méng."

My ears perked at the voice the next aisle over. I knew that voice. I also recognized the name that was said. What was she doing here? It was enough to make me get nosey and nosey enough to stop picking out snacks.

I walked over to the next section and saw Sunset Blessing in her human form, wearing blue jeans, a t-shirt, and a purse. Her arms were crossed, and she was watching as Méng looked over a bunch of electronic chords. He grabbed a packaged chord skillfully with a single hoof, read over the packaging, then put it back on the shelf before looking over all the selections again.

"What was wrong with that one?" Sunset Blessing asked him.

"I didn't like the data transfer rate," Méng replied and picked up another to start reading.

Sunset Blessing sighed. "We are at Walgreens; I don't expect you are going to find the top quality stuff here. I will get you to a Best Buy or something as soon as I can. Just pick something out that will tide you over for a day."

"If it isn't good enough, my stuff will lag," Méng said with a whine.

"Fine," Sunset Blessing groaned. "Just try to be quick. I don't like leaving your brothers by themselves."

"Shadow Dancer is there. You could have sent him with me," Méng reminded her.

"Just hurry up, Méng."

His posture slouched. "Yes, Auntie."

I stepped closer. "Hello?"

They both jumped at my voice and looked over at me. Both quickly relaxed after seeing who it was. Méng returned to browsing, and Sunset Blessing stepped closer to me.

"Miss Riddle, nice to see you again," Sunset Blessing said with a smile. She looked at my cart. "Early morning snack run? I might buy some beef jerky for myself before I go. It's one of the few snacks my colts won't try to snatch while I'm not looking."

My ears flattened. "You eat meat? I thought that you'd be vegetarian."

She laughed. "I'm only vegetarian at home. Charlotte, that's me, is an omnivore when out and about. There's nothing wrong with meat if your digestive tract can handle it. One of the benefits of being human is expanded meal options."

I blinked. "Isn't Charlotte the name of one of your grandfoals?"

"Who do you think she is named after?" Sunset Blessing said with a smile. She dropped her smile and looked at Méng again. "What's taking so long?"

"I told you. I'm trying to find the best one," Méng replied.

Sunset sighed as she looked back at me. "He is such an electronics geek. Nine years old and already knows how to take a computer apart and put it back together. I'm proud of him for being so talented, but he gets so picky about even the simplest pieces of hardware and even wires. He misplaced some chord, and we are here getting him something so his stuff will work. He is so much handier with his hooves than any adult pony I know. I don't know how he can do all that tinkering with just his hooves."

Méng giggled. "You are such a Foundie, Auntie."

"Hey! Respect the elder generation," Sunset Blessing fussed. "We laid the groundwork for your comfortable life."

"You are still a Foundie with four back hooves," Méng said with another giggle.

"Hey! Be nice to the Founding Gen," I scolded him.

He stuck his tongue out at me. "You're just saying that because you're a Foundie too."

"I'm New Era Gen; thank you very much, you Beta," I replied. It was like the Foundation Gen, and Beta Gen forgot my whole generation existed. Each of them just lumped us with the others, either Founding or Beta, even though we were our own thing.

Sunset Blessing sighed again. "Back in the day, we used to complain about Boomers and Millennials; this isn't anything new."

Méng looked at her in confusion. "What are Boomers and that other thing?"

"Two different generations that all get wrapped up together with even more generations to make the Foundation Gen. No one seems to remember anymore that Foundation used to be made up of about four different generations," she replied.

"Who are you talking to, Marshmallow?"

I turned to see Nightscape, who was quickly joined by the others.

I wasn't sure. "Oh, she's—"

"Charlotte Newman," Sunset Blessing announced. She stepped past me and looked at the others one at a time. "And let me see, Sunflower Smiles, Margaret Smith, Ashley Santos, and Nightscape soon-to-be Middleton. How nice to meet you all."

Ashley immediately widened her stance. "How do you know our names. Did Rebecca tell you?"

I shook my head in denial.

Sunset Blessing smirked. "It's my job to pay attention and keep an ear to the ground, even if I don't report back to my superior everything that I hear. Not everything I hear are things she needs to know. I also keep informed of who comes and goes from Phobia's house. Nightscape, you're, of course, a frequent visitor, but the rest of you are all very recent. People don't visit that place for no reason."

"I don't trust you. We aren't telling you anything about the reasons," Ashley said, gritting her teeth.

Sunset Blessing chuckled. "Let me make some guesses then, shall I? Margaret or I guess you go by Maggie, correct? You have been a long-time friend to Rebecca, and Rebecca has an important secret. Maybe she shared that secret with you?"

Maggie took a step back.

Sunset Blessing nodded. "I thought so. Let's see; Sunflower Smiles recently visited Phobia with Ashley Santos. Was seen leaving looking very distraught and with a heavily bandaged leg that wasn't bandaged when you arrived. Recently got a full scholarship to a local art school despite a less than an exemplary educational record. I'm not calling you stupid, but you got a far better scholarship than students with far better records. It makes me wonder why. Could it be that you have the same secret as Miss Riddle? It would make sense."

Sunflower gulped, and Ashley stepped defensively in front of her.

Sunset's smile got wider. "I think I'm batting a thousand. I already know Rebecca's big secret; therefore, I know yours as well. It's fascinating seeing you two together. Are the other three nearby? I know Blanche Laurent and Yolanda Day share a bathroom with Miss Smith here, and they recently traveled together to Phobia's house as well."

"I didn't know their names or that they visited Phobia Remedy's house," Maggie said. "We don't hang out."

The smile dropped from Sunset Blessing's face. "You didn't? Pity. That means I gave away some information that I didn't need to give out—my fault for getting too cocky and overconfident. Information is one of the most valuable things in the world. I like to control what I give out."

I built up a little courage while she was talking. "We could use some information. What do you know about the doll?"

Now she was frowning. "That Phobia should just destroy it. However, I did recently get an unconfirmed report of it appearing somewhere. I just informed Phobia about it last night."

"Where?" I asked. "We just saw it a little while ago in our dorm building."

Sunset seemed like she was considering whether to answer. "Moses was possibly seen with it, but if you want to see him, you'll either need a court order or Phobia to take you along for a visit. I believe she is visiting him today. She usually visits him for an hour or so on Sundays. It's one of the few trips outside the house she takes like clockwork. I warn you, even if she says you can tag along, no one willingly goes to see Moses except her. Seeing Moses is always an unpleasant experience."

Sunflower cringed. "Why is that?"

"I don't want to spoil the surprise," Sunset Blessing said with a smirk. "Do you want to see him? You aren't in any physical danger from him, but you need to be brave. Cowards who visit him don't do so well."

I looked at Sunflower. "Up to you. I want to get answers, but I know you get nervous."

She licked her lips. "I'll do it. I need to learn to be brave."

"This is an excellent opportunity to test how brave you can be. Most people who visit him run away screaming," Sunset Blessing said. She then reached into her purse and pulled out a cell phone. "Give me a moment to make some calls. I need to call Phobia, and I need to call Rebecca's foalsitting job."

"How the hell do you know so much?" Nightscape demanded.

Sunset Blessing shrugged. "Rebecca has my permission to explain it to you when you are all in private. I trust you can all keep secrets. Consider knowing my secret my way of paying you back for knowing yours. Now hush, I need to complete these calls. Are you almost done, Méng?"

"Yes, Auntie," Méng replied as he tucked his selection under a wing.

Nightscape's eyes went wide. "Méng? Auntie? Holy shit! You're—"

Sunset moved with incredible speed for a middle-aged woman and put a finger up to Nightscape's mouth. "In private, please." The line must have picked up. "Hello? Phobia? Two of your candidates want to meet Moses when you visit him today."

What she said about Moses seemed ominous. What were we getting ourselves into?

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