• Published 30th Mar 2020
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Marshmallow Dreams - Halira

Rebecca Riddle seems to be your typical human-turned-pegasus in a world of both humans and ponies, but she has a secret double life, and there is nothing typical about her other life.

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Chapter 114: Marriage And Parenting

Maggie slammed her fist against her steering wheel, making me jump in my seat.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" she demanded.

"That I wanted to hang out with my best friend," I helpfully responded.

Maggie turned the car. "One of the people who hold your future in their hooves asked you to show up at your earliest convenience. Why didn't you head straight over there?"

"She said the earliest convenience, it wasn't convenient."

"I'm not going to be the reason you don't win this thing. That is not going on my conscience," Maggie said fiercely.

"You're speeding. You might want to slow down," I said as I watched the scenery whip by.

"You're already running extremely late!"

"Um, she didn't set a time, so I can't be late. Slow down, you might get in an accident. Plus the people in the old town are strict about following rules, so they'd ticket you for sure," I replied worriedly.

"There's no police in Riverview Old Town to give me a ticket. They police themselves," Maggie said, but she did decrease the car's speed. Maybe the self-policing citizens were enough to give her pause. It was early evening, and the night ponies were out.

"I thought you didn't like Dreamwardens and don't like Phobia Remedy in particular," I said as we entered the old neighborhoods. All the houses here predated the Cataclysm, and many predated ETS.

She grunted. "I don't like them, but you could be a nicer one, and this is something that should be important to you. You're my friend, my best and oldest friend, and I'm looking out for you."

"Aww! That's sweet of you, but this isn't necessary. She said at my earliest convenience, and Phobia Remedy never lies. She wasn't telling me to rush over to her. I've got a whole week before they make a decision."

I lurched forward as she suddenly tapped the brakes, but she didn't come to a full stop. She took a deep breath.

"What do you mean a week?" she asked. "I thought this was being decided in November. That's still weeks away."

"Psychic Calm is moving up his retirement. He just suffered a major loss and it made him more eager to leave," I explained.

"Why didn't you mention that first when you were telling me about your trip?" Maggie asked in exasperation.

I shrugged, or at least tried to, I hated seat harnesses. "It didn't seem that important compared to everything else. I mean, I had an adventure with two big monsters, a chaos god, a manticore, ancient ruins, dark magic, and me getting injured. That seemed way more interesting."

"That was interesting, but this is more important," she stressed. "Anyway, we're almost there. I'll wait in the car while you go in. I don't want to go in there again, and it's probably stuff I'm not allowed to hear anyway."

My ears folded. "I don't know how long this is going to take. For all we know, you could be sitting out in the car for hours."

"I can catch up on writing my fanfics while I wait. I have that one where Riker and Worf are fighting over Dianna, but end up hooking up instead that has been on hiatus since I started classes."

"That plot is so overdone," I said. "You should focus on that one with La Forge and O'Brien. That one is more creative. Nobody does that ship."

"Maybe," Maggie said as she pulled up in front of Phobia Remedy's house. "Anyway, we're-"


Phobia Remedy's son, Nightmare Moon, landed right on the hood of Maggie's car engine. Not really landed; more like got hurtled down and smashed into it on his side.

"What the fuck!!" Maggie yelled.

Moon wasn't on the hood for long, he rolled off and took to the air as if he hadn't just crashed hard into a huge hunk of plastic. There was a dent in Maggie's engine hood. He wasn't fully grown, but he was a big colt– as tall as me despite not being full grown and the bowling ball to my beach ball. It was like a shetland pony had hit the car.

"Someone is going to pay for-" Maggie started to yell, but Arachne went hurtling straight in front of the window, barely missing the car, as if she'd been flung by some giant. A second later, her sister followed in the same fashion. Both managed to right themselves in the air before they could crash into the road and started gaining rapid altitude.

"I don't think this is a good time to visit," I said as I waited for yet another night pony to be used as a projectile in our direction.

"Pause the match!" I heard Tempest yell.

Maggie looked livid as she stared at the damage to her vehicle. "Somebody is paying for that! I hope it can still drive!"

Tempest Shadow walked up next to Maggie's window as Maggie lowered it. "My apologies," Tempest said. "The foals and I were having our weekly sparring session, the three of them at once against me. Most regular visitors know to avoid coming at this hour on this day since the sessions can get a bit intense. I still should have been paying more attention to bystanders. The fault is mine, I will pay for any damages."

"Is Moonie okay?" I asked worriedly as I looked at the dent. "He crashed pretty hard."

Tempest glanced backward for a moment before returning her gaze to me. "Moon, like you, knows how to crash without seriously injuring himself, but I will still be giving him an examination. I'm sure he was as caught off guard about the car being here as I was."

"That was a sparring session?!" Maggie asked in disbelief. "They're teens! You can't be doing that to them!"

Tempest frowned down at Maggie. "They may be teens, but they are among the most accomplished and dangerous fighters of their tribe, perhaps already the most dangerous. I should know, I trained them. At this point, keeping them at bay during a session involves me having to devote my entire focus to them and fighting with my full capability. I may soon have to start fighting them one-on-one. They have become too formidable as a team for me to pull my punches or kicks, and these night pony mares make inadequate sparring partners for any of the three."

"You hear that? Tempest can't take us all on!" a filly shouted.

"We're too much for her!" a different filly cackled. It was hard to tell which was Charlotte and which was Arachne.

Tempest turned to look at the source of the voices. "Where is your brother? Was he injured?"

The pair flew over and landed on the front of Maggie's car, much to my friend's dismay, but they ignored Maggie shaking her fist angrily at them.

"Little brother got a boo-boo, and he has all the mares fighting to kiss it and make it all better," Arachne said with a giggle.

Charlotte nodded with a big grin on her face. "Moonie has them bandaging up his side, telling him how brave he was, and feeding him strawberries by hoof. Oh, poor pathetic little Moonie got an ouchie! He needs to be doted on by all the prettiest mares!"

Tempest sighed. "I guess it is a minor injury. Good." She then looked at me. "You're expected. I will be making calls for the others to come now. Phobia anticipated that you would drag your hooves getting here and that we would set this meeting by your schedule."

"See! What I tell you!" Maggie shouted in triumph. She then went back to scowling and pointed to the front of her car. "And what about that?"

"Get off there, fillies. You know better," Tempest said, shooing them away. The twins hopped off the car onto the ground. "Crystal is normally the mechanic around here, but she is indisposed. I think there is at least one mechanic among the other mares. I will have them look at it and they can determine the costs to repair it and whether it will give you any trouble driving home. I expect that it is only cosmetic damage, but I don't know much about cars. I get paid a large salary but have few costs of living, I can afford to pay whatever the cost of repair is, or buy you a new car if it comes down to that. I could offer that now if it would make it easier to resolve this."

Maggie blinked. "A new car? As in, new-new car, not a used one?"

"Yes, I would not have you getting a car that could come with potential problems," Tempest said.

"You can afford that? Just buy a new car straight off the lot in full? How much money do you have laying around?" Maggie asked in bewilderment.

Tempest rubbed her chin. "I'm not sure of the exact figure. A few million dollars, but I couldn't say the total. I rarely check it or do much spending."

Maggie leaned back in her seat. "I'm in school for the wrong thing."

"Um…I don't think you can do Tempest's job. I don't think you'd want to," I said. "Crystal just came back in a wheelchair, and Psychic Calm's bodyguard came back in a coffin. Heck, Tempest was just fighting the three most dangerous night ponies at once. Her job is paid well because it is dangerous."

"I believe the term the OMMR uses is hazard pay," Tempest confirmed.

"I wasn't serious, I was just surprised," Maggie said. "Go to your meeting thing. Tall dark and loaded and I are going to talk cars"

I pulled at my harness. "Um, can you help me with this?"

Maggie sighed and helped unfasten me. "You and car harnesses."

"They aren't made for ponies who like food," I said as I was released.

I got out of the car and walked towards the house. The twins were in a shoving and name-calling match on the ground beside Tempest's feet, but laughing as they did it. I wondered if I would do that if I had a sibling. Jordan and Jackie seemed to do that on a lesser scale. I wasn't sure whether Jess and Robby did the same thing. The Dreamwardens certainly did it to each other, constantly, and they considered themselves siblings, even though there was no blood relation. I was pretty sure I could throw down with them.

Moon was on the porch, and he was surrounded by older mares who were practically crooning to him. That was kinda creepy. He was thirteen. Sure, he was as big as a full-grown stallion, but anyone looking at him could tell he was still a colt. His proportions were all coltish, even if they were bigger than normal. He had a bandage on his side and they really were feeding him strawberries. I wondered what his mother thought about this.

Robby was standing at the door, giving Moon the stink eye. At least one person in the family didn't think well about the thirteen-year-old getting treated with such open affection by a bunch of grown mares.

"Go on in. I made a call to Nightscape and she's taking care of the rest," Robby said, as he stepped away from the door. He turned towards the mares and spread his wings wide before hissing. They all gave him a dirty look as he lowered his wings. "Can any of you spell pedophile? I can, and I'm willing to write it out to a nice police officer if they ask me to, along with some names."

The group of them backed away from Moon, but they seemed reluctant. Moon didn't seem happy about his admirers leaving him. I guess this was the life of a celebrity kid. He didn't have tons of money, but he had looks and a famous mom, grandma, and aunt. If I ever had foals, they'd at least be spared the celebrity status if I became Dreamwarden and kept my identity secret. They probably wouldn't need the brutal self-defense classes either.

Phobia Remedy was laying on one of the couches. "Good, you're here." She lifted her head and called out the open door. "Robby, chase everyone off the porch and keep them away, and tell my son he and I are going to talk later. Inform Tempest which ones you observed with my son."

Robby chuckled. "With pleasure." Well, at least Phobia Remedy wasn't ignoring what went on with her son.

I glanced around the room as he shut the door. Everything was pretty much the same as the last time I was here, except for the glass case. It was still there, but the only thing in it was a raggedy dress, not the full doll.

"I gave the doll to Moses, as promised. Arachne was the one who knitted the new dress. I'm not that skilled with a needle and thread. Ponies born as Ponies tend to be so much more dexterous with their hooves, and my daughter is almost as good a seamstress as a fighter," Phobia Remedy explained. "Moses is quite the special foal. I have my eye on him, much as Yinyu did you. We can't help scouting our potential replacements years in advance."

That took me by surprise. "He's going to be your replacement?"

"He's a candidate, just like you were a candidate," Phobia clarified "He has an early preference from me, as he has abilities that can coincide with what I stand for, understanding fear. He is still young, and there is no telling how he will develop. Maybe he will remain a viable candidate, or maybe he won't, but it doesn't hurt to monitor his progress in the coming years. If I can ever get him out of the prison they call a medical installation."

"Oh," I replied. "So, what's up? Declaring me the winner?"

"No," Phobia Remedy replied. "Make yourself comfortable. We're waiting on Jonathan, Ashley, Yolanda, and Sunflower. I know they will come as soon as possible when I make the request, but you would take your time. This wasn't urgent, so I decided to see how long it would take. I honestly didn't think you would come until at least Sunday. This was much more prompt than I expected."

"You were testing me on how fast I would respond?" I asked. "Um, you should know, I was going to wait a few more hours, but Maggie found out you asked me to come over, and she practically shoved me in her car."

"Still faster than I expected, and honesty has value," she said. "Make yourself comfortable. I expect them to be quick."

"Okay," I replied. I made my way over to another couch across from her and climbed onto it. "I have a question."

"What is it?"

"How did a thin pony like you give birth to a giant like Moon?" I asked with full sincerity.

She stared at me for a few seconds before answering. "He was a bit of a runt when he was younger. Both his sisters were larger than him, and he was very timid. His growth spurt started a little over a year ago when he got his mark. I think you heard, but it has been very hard keeping the mares away from him. I have made it clear none of them are to make any sexual advances on him, at least until he is of age, but it is hard to stop them from fawning all over him. Even if he wasn't my son and all that entails, he is going to be a very attractive stallion. His sisters and his godbrother keep extra eyes on him for me. If I end up a grandmother before he reaches eighteen, I won't be shocked– angry, yes, but not shocked. I try to explain to him this attention is not healthy, and I don't have the same issues with his sisters, but it is hard to get him to listen when he feels like he is getting nothing but positive attention from mares. If it weren't for the fact it would put my family in additional danger and gravely insult much of the night pony tribe, I would banish all these mares from the house."

I looked around. "Where's your wife? Shouldn't she be helping give talks to your foals?"

Phobia sighed. "She is currently attending a charity event in my place. She frequently does that since I tend to avoid public spaces, but ignoring all these people requesting me as a guest would insult a lot of people, so she steps in for me. She devotes more of her time to my son and daughters than me. However, she and I have some disagreements about Moon. While she will certainly chase those mares off, she is not so keen to chase off the fillies. She feels very strongly about trying to ensure the future of the night pony tribe. A big part of that future revolves around our numbers. In particular, she feels stallions have a duty and obligation to mate, and she favors them mating with multiple mares. That means she is pleased when multiple fillies are fawning over my son. It is a point of contention between us, but our marriage agreement said that she has the ultimate authority involving family and household matters. I rule the dream realm and she rules the roost."

I blinked. "I thought they all just did what you ordered. You walk into a room, and everybody just freezes. You said you were going to talk to your son."

Phobia nodded. "I am still the Warden of Fear, and even my family takes note of that when I come into the room. Rosetta may be able to overrule anything I say or do with our foals, but that doesn't mean I'm uninvolved. She can't be expected to give every lecture and deal with every issue. Parenting is a team effort, even if one parent gets to make the final decisions. In regards to most issues involving our foals, we agree, and Rosetta will be displeased just as much about what was going on the porch as I was. Those are grown mares. My son is barely a teen."

"Well, I'm glad you two agree about that. I hope there aren't too many fights," I said.

She shrugged. "We argue about some things in private, but it rarely becomes too heated. She does listen to my concerns if we disagree, and typically we resolve a compromise. When no compromise can be reached, our roles in the family are defined, and I accept her decisions. I know you are dating now. If anything were to advance to marriage, I recommend that you take the time before you get married to discuss parenting, household budget, how work impacts the family, and decide who gets the final say if there is a disagreement you can't come to a compromise on. When such disagreements happen, and they will, even in the best marriages, someone has to make a final choice on what to do and the other has to accept it. Define those roles before you get married. If you do get this job, know that any future spouse has to make a lot of sacrifices for your sake. They need the freedom to define boundaries and feel like they have active control over something, otherwise, they will feel like a prisoner to your job and become unhappy. No matter how much you love each other, a marriage can't survive if your spouse feels helpless and trapped."

Before I could sit and consider how that would go with me and Russell, should we advance that far, the front door opened, and Robby let in a huffing and puffing Sunflower.

"Ah! Miss Smiles, you are as prompt as I expected," Phobia said. She smiled at me. "See? I tell you to do something, and you take your time. I tell her to do something, and she flies so hard to get here she is out of breath. Please, take a seat, Sunflower. Take time to relax and catch your breath. I assume the others will be joining us shortly."

Sunflower practically crawled across the floor to the same couch I was on and climbed up beside me.

"Ashley and Yolanda are coming," Sunflower said between breaths. "Yolanda is giving Ashley a ride. I wanted to get here as fast as possible, so I flew ahead."

Phobia nodded. "So we see. I appreciate your zeal, but it was unwarranted. We must still wait for the others. Getting here faster served no benefit if we still have to wait, and it wore you out. I advise you to consider such details in the future. Those who rush make mistakes, and they tend to be more stressed and exhausted."

My ears perked up. "Wait, so I was right to take my time getting over here?"

Phobia raised an eyebrow at me. "If you had taken as long as I expected you would, I would have considered that slothful. There is a middle ground to everything. Take time to consider your actions, but don't drag your hooves. I have a rough guess of how long our three remaining guests should take. Can I get either of you something to drink, perhaps a snack?"

"Cake, please!" I shouted right away.

"Just some water, thank you," Sunflower replied.

Phobia chuckled. "As predicted. Rebecca, would you do me a favor in assisting me in bringing in the snacks? I have prepared a little something for everyone…and please don't eat everyone else's food."

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